On Thu, 15 Sep 2011, Stephen Isard wrote:

Can anyone suggest a way to read Microsoft's XML Paper Specification (.xps) files on SL5? I've found web postings saying that okular can read them, but I can't find a version of that for SL5. I tried installing kdegraphics, but it wasn't included. It's apparently on the way for evince, but not here yet.

mupdf http://mupdf.com/ works on SL6
but I haven't tried building it on SL5.

Before I found that, I found that the .xps documents I was interested
in were in fact .zip files containing PNG and JPG files with
the images that I wanted - the XML was just adding titles etc.

Dr. Andrew C. Aitchison         Computer Officer, DPMMS, Cambridge
a.c.aitchi...@dpmms.cam.ac.uk   http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~werdna

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