On 09/08/2012 09:22 PM, zxq9 wrote:
That fstab looked pretty normal, I think the next bit you pasted is more

On 09/09/2012 08:00 AM, Dirk Brandherm wrote:
Filesystem      1k-blocks       Used            Available       Use%
                51606140        51604044                0       100%

Wow! That's pretty full and looks like your problem has been found.

The disk free (df) command told you that, and the disk used (du) command
can tell you where all that space is being used. An easy way to get a
full summary is:

du -shx /*

Excellent suggestion.  My bet is you'll find a large file name something like 
/dev/nul (missing letter) or a mis-named backup device file.

Since root seems to be about 50 gb, you could also restrict your search for 
"large" files.  E.g., larger than 1 GB files:

find / -xdev -size +1G -ls

The disturbing thing is that deleting files seems to have not solved the issue, 
so perhaps the backup software is starting up on boot and filling the 
filesystem each time.  You could search for files modified in the last day via:

find / -xdev -mtime -1 -ls

Or, touch a file, such as 'touch /stamp', and look for files modified after the 

find / -xdev -newer /stamp -ls

Good luck!

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