On 09/11/2012 02:06 PM, D Brandherm wrote:
Perhaps, dd can help us out here.

Does 'dd if=tmpeC4B3G of=some_file bs=1M count=1' produce a file you can
open and examine?  This should take the first megabyte of your file and
dump it over in 'some_file'.  To get more you can always increment the
'count=' parameter if the first mb isn't useful.
Ah, that indeed produces a readable file:

Installing Retrospect Client...

Adding RETROSPECT_HOME to system profile and login scripts...Done!

  Before attempting to use any of the GUI components of the Retrospect
Client, you must have both the RETROSPECT_HOME and DISPLAY variables set.
The RETROSPECT_HOME variable should point to /usr/local/dantz/client. We
have modified your /etc/profile and /etc/.login files to set this value for
future logins. The retrospect client launched as part of this installation
process will also have this variable set. However, if you kill that client
and restart it without logging out, you will need to set these variables


Enter first access password:
The final line is repeated many times over. Then you get:

Enter first access password:That password is invalid, password length must
be atleast 4 That password is invalid, password length must be atleast 4
That password is invalid, password length must be atleast 4
That password is invalid, password length must be atleast 4
That password is invalid, password length must be atleast 4
That last line then again is repeated an awful lot of times, before switching
back to:

That password is
Enter first access password:
Enter first access password:
Enter first access password:
Eventually it switches back to:

Enter first access password:rd length must be atleast 4
That password is invalid, password length must be atleast 4
That password is invalid, password length must be atleast 4
That password is invalid, password length must be atleast 4
That password is invalid, password length must be atleast 4
It goes on switching back and fro between "Enter first access password:"
and "That password is invalid, password length must be atleast 4" every few
dozen lines, probably for the remainder of the whole 44G.

Thing is, during the instal I was never prompted for any password.


Looks like we've found the source of the problem, I'd take these logs to the retrospect folks.


Pat Riehecky
Scientific Linux Developer

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