On 09/11/2012 01:31 PM, D Brandherm wrote:
Hi Pat

You should be able to find remaining transactions in /var/lib/yum/
Ok, thanks. The "transaction-all" file tells me "install
0:retroclient-7.6.100-1.i386". So the transaction in question is what I
though it would be. I am still not sure what to do with it, though.

I'd be curious what 'file' says about your weird temp file
No problem. The file command produces the following output "tmpeC4B3G: ASCII
English text".

Not surprisingly, whenever I try to open a 44G plain text file it crashes,
regardless of which editor I choose.

I still have no clue what exactly went wrong here, but I think it is fair to
assume that no way in hell the Retrospect install is meant to produce
anything nearly as large.


Indeed!  That is surely outside of the expected behavior!

Perhaps, dd can help us out here.

Does 'dd if=tmpeC4B3G of=some_file bs=1M count=1' produce a file you can open and examine? This should take the first megabyte of your file and dump it over in 'some_file'. To get more you can always increment the 'count=' parameter if the first mb isn't useful.


Pat Riehecky
Scientific Linux Developer

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