To use LABEL=,

e2label /dev/sdb1 backup

Then in /etc/fstab 
instead of having /dev/sdb1, put in LABEL=backup

or you can say something like:
mount LABLE=backup /backup

Looks cleaner then ugly UUID numbers to me, especially if you put a different 
disk in there each time.

It has the advantage of being able to use the same entry for different disks if 
you commonly rotate media and want to name them all backup.  That is a assuming 
that only one backup system is in in place at a time...  otherwise you will 
have to give each disk a different label.

> On 12/09/2013 03:22 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:
> > How would you mount this thing by label?  What is its label any
> > way?  Plus, the backup drives rotate (several drive).  I presume
> > I can not add the same label to each backup drive?

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