Astromancer said:
<<Saying that there are other things that one could better spend their time
worrying about isn't really an answer. We can have more than one issue on
our plate.>>
True we can have more than one issue on our plate, but I would hope that
we'd pick our battles more intelligently. In this instance, whining and
acting like spoiled victims isn't going to change anything; the movie's
already been made. If those complaining had wanted to have an impact, they
would have spoken up BEFORE the movie was made - it's not like the movie was
shot in secrecy, was it? 

<<Moreover, if AJ's playing Mrs Pearl is okay, what's to stop someone from
deciding it's okay to slap make-up on Hopkins and let him play MLK? Think
they wont?>>
So what if they do? Would that invalidate who MLK was? 
I am...
The Village Idiot 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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