--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Astromancer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, you want to play it this way...
??? Oh brother.

> >>Listen to you! The woman is multiracial...That being the case, 
couldn't it go either way? Jennifer Beals, who is multiracial, has 
been doing roles written for white women for years, yet I have not 
heard ANYONE protest in anger over that! 

This is not a role "written for" a White woman. Last I checked, Mrs 
Pearl is an actual person.


>   >>But it is the SAME type of argument...no one protested

Type of argument? Split hairs much?

>   The capable actor got the role...other factor may have been 
involved, but no complaints on the level that you seem to think 
exist here...

HA! The "capable actor" is married to the producer! lol

> >Did you not take into consideration that the Jolie does bare a 
> >striking resemblance to
> > the woman? 
> Uh, no, I don't think she looks like her one bit. 
>   >>That is your opinion...and I don't see any other black actress 
who could do better...and, as usual, you discount the approval of  
the author, to my knowledge, has no objections...

As usual? You don't know me well enough to make that statement. 
Also, I mentioned Thandie Newton who is a much better actress than 
AJ. I guess you missed the part where I spelled out Mrs. Pearl's 

>   >>No...I have not heard one complaint about the many white 
actors who have played Othello either...

You haven't really been listening. Or watching Othello. Generally, 
people give the bard a pass because they just weren't hiring Black 
actors PERIOD. Now though, I've seen the play a couple of times with 
a Black male in the role, and Fish in the movie, etc. People have 
complained, though. And, appropriate to the group, does anyone 
remember that Patrick Stewart played Othello in DC? Does anyone 
remember that he simply played the role as a White man instead 
of "the Moor?"

> Just because I think something is a good idea for me doesn't mean 
> that it is. I might want Pitt to play me in my life story, and if 
> did suffer that madness I would hope someone would step in and 
> say, "Dude, doesn't this reek of minstrelsy?"
>   >>Uh, no??
> For Mrs Pearl's part, she seems to confuse nationality and 
race "I'm 
> Cuban and I'm Dutch. Can a Dutch person play me?" 
>   (lol) Yes they could...with the proper makeup...

Huh? You do know that there are a great many people of color in the 
Netherlands, they aren't all White you know, like their great many 
soccer stars who have ancestry in Suriname? This was my point, that 
there are people of color who are "Dutch" but aren't White. Sorry I 
assumed that you would know this.

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