Okay, you want to play it this way...

tetsuwanatom1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:          --- In 
scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Astromancer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So what you're saying is because she is white playing a woman who 
is racially mixed with black, it give the movie racial undertones? 

No. More accurately, it would be because she is a White woman 
playing a real life character who is multi-racial so an issue of 
race arises in regards to the portrayal. The movie itself doesn't 
have "racial undertones" (I'm a critic and I get to see some movies 
for free, to answer your bet below, you lose, not that it would 
matter re: this issue) 
>>Listen to you! The woman is multiracial...That being the case, couldn't it go 
>>either way? Jennifer Beals, who is multiracial, has been doing roles written 
>>for white women for years, yet I have not heard ANYONE protest in anger over 
>One that comes to mind is Mercury Rising...The Main Character in 
>the book was a black man, but in the movie, the character was 
>played by Bruce Willis...
Which is an entirely different issue, when a novel is changed as it 
is made into a film. White characters in novels end up being played 
by POC and vice versa. In those cases it would only become an issue 
if the change was made so as to side-step some question of race as a 
  >>But it is the SAME type of argument...no one protested
The matter with "Mighty Heart" is somewhat similar to Hopkins being 
cast in the adaptation of Amis' novel Human Stain. In that 
novel/film, the protagonist is a multi-racial man who was "passing." 
They were able to find Wentworth Miller , a multi-racial man (who 
could "pass"), to play the protagonist as a young man, however, they 
chose Hopkins for reasons of his skill, box office draw, and likely 
because they couldn't find some multiracial man of that age. Also, 
they wanted to play a little game so we would discover 
the "surprise" of the character's background. The movie got a pass 
for those reasons. 

With "Heart," Thandie Newton would have been spot on perfect for the 
part. And Hallie Berry, who would have probably been awful in the 
role, still fits. Why, in the 21st century, get a White actress when 
there are plenty of capable, known actresses out there available? 
Because of the ego trips of the people involved? Because 
we're "beyond" race?
  The capable actor got the role...other factor may have been involved, but no 
complaints on the level that you seem to think exist here...

>Did you not take into consideration that the Jolie does bare a 
>striking resemblance to
> the woman? 

Uh, no, I don't think she looks like her one bit. 
  >>That is your opinion...and I don't see any other black actress who could do 
better...and, as usual, you discount the approval of  the author, to my 
knowledge, has no objections...
  And if the 
filmmakers thought she does bear such a striking resemblance, then 
why the Cleopatra make-up? Shouldn't be necessary, right?
  >>No...I have not heard one complaint about the many white actors who have 
played Othello either...

It's getting easier and easier to by-pass the "does he/she look like 
me" bit of your response regarding Shatner. Is that really enough? 
Okay, then when it comes to all icons, it's all fair game then. When 
Hellen Mirren plays Coretta Scott King, I don't want to hear any 
  >>When it happens (I can't belive I am responding to this), MAYBE I'll take 
issue with it...Have taken into consideration just how rediculous you sound? We 
are talking about believeability...Okay, you don't feel that AJ fits the role, 
but the only objection you have is that she used makeup to resemble her 
character, a practice many acter, both black and white have been doing since 
theatre has existed...

>Do you know if the woman (Pearl) objects to being portrayed as a 
>white woman? If not, I don't understand what the problem is..

Of course, who doesn't? It's been part of the PR for the film for 
the last several months. For the record, she doesn't, and claims 
that she *wanted* AJ to play the role since she made friends with 
her. It's just a matter of adultry that AJ is playing the part since 
Brad Pitt originally thought of the role for Jennifer Aniston. The 
role was the gift that kept on giving.
  >>Oh brother...I rest my case...

Just because I think something is a good idea for me doesn't mean 
that it is. I might want Pitt to play me in my life story, and if I 
did suffer that madness I would hope someone would step in and 
say, "Dude, doesn't this reek of minstrelsy?"
  >>Uh, no??

For Mrs Pearl's part, she seems to confuse nationality and race "I'm 
Cuban and I'm Dutch. Can a Dutch person play me?" 
  (lol) Yes they could...with the proper makeup...


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