(standing ovation)
  Keith, I've got a true story that you reminded me of when you commented about 
being followed by a security guard in a store.
  Back when I worked for Soulless Evil Inc (aka Federated DEepartment Stores, 
owners of M*cy's), I decided to splurge one Chrsitmas for the young lady I was 
seeing, so I went shopping at the old Downtown M*cy's. Thye minute I walked in, 
I had my own private security guard on my a$$, despite my habit of looking as 
untreatening as possible (never putting my hands in my pockets, always looking 
up and making eye contact, not carrying bags, et cetera). As I went, I noticed 
a White guy shoplifting, and had to point it out to the guard who was so 
ficused on me that he didn't catch the theft. When filling out the report for 
the police, "Occupation" came up on the form. I made myself say aloud the words 
as I wrote them, "Supervisor, Federated Department Stores, Store #13", and 
smiled at the guard and the assistant manager before leaving and never gracing 
the place with my presence again.
  BTB- I got a commendation from the Chairman of the board, and a write-up in 
the company newsletter.

          i really have to disagree with your saying America's not racist. As a 
Black man I still fight this stuff every day, whether it's inferiour white guys 
on my job giving me grief, the white cop or security guard who follows m ein 
the store, or the more generic white attitude that has whites speaking what 
they think is black slang to me, or making assumptions about my values and 
interests. I worked in HR for a while, and i can tell you that black people get 
discriminated against in hiring all the time, even now in 2008. 

And to say that black people don't want to end our problems? I'm surprised at 
that. I know a lot of blacks, rich and poor, educated and illiterate, who might 
blame some of their problems on racism, but they don't *embrace* that as an 
excuse. But they do see a system that still redlines black neighborhoods, that 
has businesses skittish to build in black neighborhoods, real estate agents 
leery of showing homes to blacks in a majority white neighborhood, and 
companies where white people support other whites at our expense. It's changed, 
it's gotten better, but it's not at all some fantasy we cook up to blame others 
for our problems. I'm fairly well educated (BS in Electrical Engineering, 
several hundred hours in Microsoft NT/Windows 2000 etc. training) speak "good" 
English, etc., and I still encounter racism and prejudice. i don't go looking 
for it, but i acknowledge it. 

And even if Obama's elected that doesn't mean racism will end in America. A 
president can attain the White House with basically half the vote, meaning half 
th electorate can still be just as backwards and unenlightened as they want.

Finally, i have to comment on the thing about black man having all the 
advantages. I agree with Tracey's statement: while black men may apparently 
have an "in" in a male dominated corporate structure, the truth is that many 
whites only have room for one or the other, black men or black women. And the 
truth is that often white men see competent black men as threats. I have been 
in many a situation where white guys view me with veiled hostility even though 
i've done nothing to them, yet will joke and kid around with black women. some 
of that, frankly, is a sexist attitude: they see the women as less of a threat 
and someone they can joke and kid and flirt with. My wife has commented to me 
more than once on how white guys in corporate America are getting bolder than 
ever in flirting with black women. They're *women*, and that makes the guys 
feel good. but as a black man, what can I do for a straight white guy in that 
area? He can't flirt with me, can't feel somehow more
 physically powe
rful over me the way he might with a woman. he might assume that i'm in 
incoming Alpha male who might mess with his little fiefdom. So out goes the 
threat (me) in favor of a black lady that threatens the guys less. 

I feel that you're kind of putting a divide here, drawing a line between 
Brothers and Sisters and lumping us with white men. as if you're saying black 
men take advantage of Sisters too and use the system against them. That's not 
true of all of us by any means. My wife is my partner, and i'm just as 
angry--angrier--at the combination sexist/racist treatment she takes as the 
racist treatment i get. i see a victory for her and all Sisters as a victory 
for us as a people and would never subscribe to the philosophy that i'm in the 
old boys club like the white guys.

-------------- Original message -------------- 

In a message dated 1/4/2008 1:12:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Most biracial people with African blood are seen as Black -
particularly those who look Black, say they are Black and are
Considered prominent members of the Black community. Obama and his
family are seen as Black. 


Poll after poll; discussion after discussion sees Obama as a biracial man. 
Halle may be the first "black " actress but she is also seen as biracial. Tiger 
woods may be seen blacks by some people but he is still seen as multiethnic 

Conservatives like him because of his biracial background. Not his black 

Black men get paid less than White men. a Black man with a
traditional name is less likely to even get a job interview than a
white female

Obama did not start from humble beginnings either. He is not the "my father 
was a sharecropper" black as many blacks who have achieved many things like 
to suggest. 

When people actually start asking what does Obama stand for. they cannot 
answer. I don't know who I will vote for, but I do not that this "woe is the 
man" stuff will have to end with the election of a black man. That why I 
don't understand why people still think that America is still a racist society. 
don't think that black america can really stomach and end to their problems. 
I am sure that white America cannot wait for the end of the Jena 6 soul 

Black men are still men. They are still part of the network. 

**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape. 

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