In a message dated 1/4/2008 5:02:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

It takes a hook. Clinton has access to ALL of
this, AND a hook, but her true underwear is showing. As Tracey said, Clinton
is mad right wing with hers. Nobody wants to go down that  road again.

Edwards is a very rich man
Obama is a rich man
To say that they respresent poor white men is a joke. Pba,as tried a liberal 
foreign policy in the debate and was criticized for it. Especially with his 
"Palestinian people are opprssed
speech.  He will have to become more right wing to fit into a realistic real 
war. The Democratic controlled Congress has not been able to cut off funding 
or stop the war. Do you think Obama or Edwards can do that? The Pentagon and 
the corporations that put them there will not allow that to happen.  Do no be 
quick to be the liberal that could. Liberal Democrrats  have not done 
anything for the war and have not done anything for this country. They still 
vote to 
send jobs pverseas/ They still fund the war. They still cant balence the 
budget. Obama will have to give in to conservative Republicans/ To say that he 
be some great liberal savior is a joke. Even Edwards knows this. 

**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

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