(hugging Tracey)

tdemorsella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:          --- In 
scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Daryle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


You said to Gymfig, "It is straight up insulting to assume the things
you are about Black people, but particularly, it is insulting to come
off the way you are to this group. You¹re talking to us like we¹re
children who haven¹t done anything with our lives. Many of us HAVE
children. You give NO scientific references for your observations, and
you make these grand sweeping judgments based on something you read,
for all we know, on someone¹s blog. We¹re scientists, business
owners, mathematicians, elected officials, engineers, husbands,
fathers, mothers, sisters...this ain¹t rehab, this is one of the most
together groups of people you will (apparently) ever come across
online. Please respect that. We don¹t deserve to be shouted at like
we¹re this rebel band of liberal hippies. We¹re not. And this isn¹t
the first time you¹ve done it.We¹re all adults. Why can¹t you just
disagree with someone and keep it moving? "

Your mistake is that you are expecting civil, intellectual discourse
that involves a sharing ideas and opinions and backing them up with
cold hard facts. That is not what you will get in a continued
discourse here. This is not about difference of opinion, but about
distorting the facts, name calling, hating of men - specifically Black
men, Saying the all of us have a particular behavior lumping some
behaviors distorting what you say, misunderstanding what you say,
intentionally not addressing salient points, or simply cutting them
out of the reply message to further confuse the issue. The point is
to anger and wound you with these distortions, not share differing
opinions. The style of communicating reminds me of a style of a
pundit called Bill Kristol, a famous neocon who works for the Weekly
Standard. He says things like 

~"90 percent of the people on the Nobel Committee are into child
pornography and molestation." 
~"Of all of the dictators in the past, you know the one Al Gore
strikes me as [being] closest [to] is Mussolini., 
~"Notice what this double-talking slut just did, this mind-slut
Barbara Walters. And I stick by those words. She's an empty mind-slut.". 
~" Madeline Albright is "a traitor. In my opinion, she should be tried
for treason, and when she's found guilty, she should be hung." ;
~"Liberalism is, in essence, the HIV virus, and it weakens the defense
cells of a nation."

Its not that he is right wing. Like Gymfig, its that his method of
discourse is to incite, insult, distort and enrage. Pat Robertson and
Joe Scarborough are right wingers who I can watch (even if I might
not like them) They back up their statements with facts and don't
seek to insult people in their discussions and debates and can concede
when their facts are incorrect. That won't happen here in this or any
other conversation as far as I can see. 

This style of non -communication goes back years and seems to have
been developed into a full-blown art-form. I've noticed that Gymfig
does this with all her discussions. We do not usually pay as much
attention to it because she usually just puts down and distorts the
facts about entertainers. I'm responding now, because she is doing so
about us and our people. I will probably posting this, but I do not
know when I've encountered someone say so many ugly sweeping
generalizations about me and my people without backing it up with one
fact that was not distorted or who worked so hard to distort what I
have posted. 

So here it is. This is Black on Black crime and I abhor it. I guess
I have drawn the line in the sand. I did not want to, but the Savage
syndrome is likely to continue, so I guess I thought I would let
people know what type of non-conversation they are becoming involved
with and let them decide if they want to waste their time. Besides
I'm sick of the ridiculing insults.

Darryl, I applaud you for shutting the sick abusive game down. With
so many of our liberties being taken away from us, I loath to stop
someone from posting their opinion. I think different opinions have
been one of the best things about the list. As a daughter of a former
Black Union leader who ran two union newsletter I place a high value
on freedom of speech (thats right a Black Union Leader-wow!) So
preventing someone from posting is something I have extremely
reluctant to do. 

Taking a deep depressed exhausted sigh.. 


> It is straight up insulting to assume the things you are about Black
people, but particularly, it is insulting to come off the way you are
to this group. You¹re talking to us like we¹re children who haven¹t
done anything with our lives. Many of us HAVE children. You give NO
scientific references for your observations, and you make these grand
sweeping judgments based on something you read, for all we know, on
someone¹s blog. We¹re scientists, business owners, mathematicians,
elected officials, engineers, husbands, fathers, mothers,
sisters...this ain¹t rehab, this is one of the most together groups
> of people you will (apparently) ever come across online. Please
respect that. We don¹t deserve to be shouted at like we¹re this rebel
band of liberal hippies. We¹re not. And this isn¹t the first time
you¹ve done it.We¹re all adults. Why can¹t you just disagree with
someone and keep it moving? 
> On 1/5/08 9:13 AM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I get that there is racism. However this is an excuse. This is not
> > Black men were hanged and denied jobs. They could not get into
union. Blacks
> > women 
> > could not work. this is 2008 Blacks are more concerned about hip
hop than
> > homnework. They are concerned about guns than family. Some of this
is OUR
> > repsonsibility. I don't buy that I am a black man in racist
AmeriKKKa any
> > more. 
> > Some day that black man needs to stand on his on two feet with or
with out the
> > ehlp of the white woman or white man.
> > 
> > These same coorporations are the ones that fund our schools and
fund programs
> > because people dnn't want to pay taxes. People don't want to have
> > social programs cut. People could care less about unions buecause
they see
> > them as 
> > the anti work. You can not blame that on moderate democrats or
> > Alot of liberal democrats have let this happen. Theyu will
continue to let it
> > happen. 
> > 
> > 
> > Americans in general are spending more on crap than saving their
money. I see
> > more people buying stuff for Christmas than they save for an
education or
> > home. 
> > 
> > Everybody is huring, but alot of it is our own fault. You can't
wave a magic
> > war and for it to all be over. You just can pull out of Iraq and
burry your
> > head in the sand. We are there, the question is what are we going
to do about
> > it. We lose, China and the rest of the world wins. It was the liberal
> > Democrats 
> > that keep on funding the war. It is the CBC that wants more meony
for their
> > own pork projets. It is the Democrats that don't have the guts to
stop george
> > Bush. You can't blame the moderates or the Republicans for this.
> > 
> > 
> > **************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.
> > http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489
> > 
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > 
> > 
> > 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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