No, not by a longshot. Class warfare, IMO, is exactly what's going on. A couple 
of years ago, I had to go to Grady to get my scrips rewritten. (For the record, 
Grady is the biggest hospital here in Atlanta, and doing anything in there is 
an all-day proposition). As I'm waiting, sitting next to a man who's coughing 
up a lung, his wife at the point of shattering because they'd been there since 
five that morn (it was almost four in the afternoon at this time) and the docs 
*still* didn't know what was wrong with him, and hadn't even bothered to 
consider the need to admit him), a story popped up on Headline News, that 
then-Governor Pataki (NY) had been hospitalized for a ruptured appendix. 
According to the report, he felt ill at five that morn, his driver took him to 
the hospital at six, and he was in surgery at seven. It was a nice 
laugh-and-cry session.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:                               so you think Edwards 
went too far in his righteous anger?
 -------------- Original message -------------- 
 From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
 IMO, Edawrds could'v epulled in that younger ticket as easily as Obama did, 
had he not opted to take the hyper-reformist tack that he did. Many on both 
sides of the aisle are veiwing it as something akin to class warfare, and 
Republicans are uniting against him for that reason.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: agreed. It points out a few things. One, that every 
generation there's a man or woman who can reach those still young and 
idealistic enough to believe that a true change is a-comin: the Kennedy's, Bill 
Clinton, now Obama. Two, the only problem is that sometimes the young and 
idealistic don't stay all the way to the end, and the old cynical fogeys turn 
out in greater numbers. Not always, but often. 
 Three, Clinton has really been staying put, as you said, not really standing 
*for* anything, just saying "I have more experience and I'm tougher". Static 
message heard too many times. Finally, i believe that *any* frontrunner would 
have seen a decline in the numbers because this went on too freakin' long. had 
Obama started out as the clear frontrunner and gotten all the focus, all the 
attention, all the attacks, I believe that after a campaign this long, people 
would have started picking at him, too. I know enough folks right now who 
aren't enamored of him. If he'd been in front all along this might have been a 
three-way day, or Edwards might have pulled ahead simply by dint of seeming to 
be newer and fresher.
 -------------- Original message -------------- 
 From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
 I just had a look at some of the voter breakdowns, and it seems that Obama won 
through youth more than gender. He's energized the kids out there. Hillary 
standing pat hurt her in the voters' eyes, IMO.
 In a message dated 1/4/2008 2:48:10 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
 or a Black man. the only thing i'm sure of is you won't see them on the same 
 ticket! no way America'd elect a woman and a Brother in the same year!
 So they go with the man because they really dobn't want to see a woma?
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