
Thanks for the explanation and the wonderful complement.  I was just
kidding.  I like playing Veep-stakes and even though you asked Keith, I
decided to give my view.  If you like Clinton, I'm not sure I understand why
you voted for Obama.

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Bosco Bosco
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 7:00 AM
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream

I always appreciate your point of view Tracey. You're one of the most fair
and open-minded people I have come across on the interwebamajig.

I really have no idea about potential candidates. I know next to nothing.
I'm really interested in the POV of anyone else on the list as well.

As for Gymfig's anti-Obama issues, you're in the same boat I was in for both
Clinton runs. I ended up voting for him because he was the best of the two
options. He turned out to be surprisingly better than I thought he would
though there were enough things that bothered me that I never could fully
get on the train. I like Hillary. I think she gets a damned if she does/
damned is she doesn't choice more often than any of the men she's run
against. She's hungry for the office and to my mind, that's a good thing.
That said, I went with Obama in my primary. I think it's pretty clear that
what ever his flaws, between him and McCain he's the best option.


--- On Mon, 5/19/08, Tracey de Morsella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Tracey de Morsella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT:Top reasons Clinton should not get on dream
Date: Monday, May 19, 2008, 6:22 PM

            Bosco I know you asked Keith who his VP pick was, but here is my
list.  I love this puzzle

Webb- Former Secretary of the Navy; former republican, could help deliver
VA, has a good relationship with Obama - they co-sponsored a Vet bill
together, produced Vet documentaries for PBS, would appeal to Reagan
democrats and white men to help turn some southern states purple; Con:  I
hear during his Reagan years he said some things about affirmative action
than anger blacks; some say he is too direct and gets foot in the mouth

Bloomberg - Independents and Moderate republicans like him.  Democrats like
him.  He's been a dem and a republican, he's a good manager. Would change
the dem/ Republican dynamic.   Cons:  No international Experience.  From a
blue state

The four Hilary consolation picks would be: Wesley Clark, Evan Baye,
Strickland and Rendell.  I think Baye might be the strongest.  He is a
former governor, has international experience, would appeal to Reagan
democrats and white men to help turn some southern states purple - including
deliver Indiana.  

The appease the women VP pick would be: Sibelius, McCaskil, or the governor
of AZ.  I do not think the Hillary supporters who are angry will accept a
substitute angry and I wonder about two change candidates on the ticket.
Also I do not think any of them have international experience I think
Sibelius would be best.  I think the AZ governor  has young children and
many Americans have issues with the idea of a woman  with young children as
president.  They think she would neglect the kids.  However I like McCaskil,
but that would be two new Senators on the ticket.

I like Edwards, but he did not deliver NC in 2004 and he does not want it.
He wants Attorney General and I think he would be great for it

I like Richardson, but he is clumsy of the campaign trail for himself and
two change brown candidates at one time might be too much for this racist
country to handle.  I say give him Secretary of state



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