Bosco, aside from taking in a few eps on Siffy when they over-aired it some
time back, I didn't go near this one. And it *wasn't* because of the
creator. Just never caught me.

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 12:12 PM, Bosco Bosco <> wrote:

> Did anyone watch? Did anyone care? I'm still gathering my thoughts. I'm
> holding off on discussion of specifics for fear of spoilage.
> I'm torn, really torn. There are somethings I liked and somethings I didnt.
> I think they may be the same as the things I've liked and disliked about the
> show the whole time.
> I rewatched the pilot episode and while I am not thoroghly convinced that
> they had the whole thing planned out, I think there was some definitive
> planning from the beginning. I think Locke teaching Walt to play backgammon
> was indicative of such.
> I'm walking away from six seasons not feeling Galactica'd but not
> necessarily satisfied either.
> Anyone else?
> Bosco

"If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant

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