The whole Whoppi Goldberg thing is bizarre.  I can't imagine hearing these
words from anyone I know and then trying to defend that person.

Does anyone else feel as though this recording is getting so much play just
because news outlets want to play slurs, even when they're bleeped?

On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Mr. Worf <> wrote:

> I think Mel gets his racism from his father who is a well documented
> anti-semite and conspiracy theorist.
> I think Whoopi has bought into the Hollywood hype. She has been in the
> Hollywood system so long that she has lost her bearings on reality. This
> happens to a lot of people of color that gain "acceptance" through tokenism
> and may have genuine white friends, but that does not mean that all is right
> with the world.
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Keith Johnson 
> <>wrote:
>> Brent,
>> I owe you an apology for high-mindedly saying I don't like being privy to
>> people's private thoughts and utterances, odious though they may be. I still
>> feel that way. I hate knowing that Gibson is such a racist on this level. I
>> don't get why his girlfriend chose to release this crap to Radar Online
>> instead of just the cops. I think, like the other topics we've discussed
>> recently of media coverage, we are becoming way too much of a nation where
>> everyone wants to get their stuff out in the media for a variety of
>> reasons.  But, for all that I wish and think this stuff should never have
>> been released this way, I must admit I've listened to it, and it sickens
>> me.  The only question I have is, why is *anyone* still surprised at
>> Gibson's racism? The drunken rants when he was arrested were enough
>> evidence, the disturbing anti-Semitic tones of "The Passion of the Christ"
>> were troublesome as well.
>> As for Whoopi Goldberg saying he's not a racist, I have no idea what the
>> hell her definition is, but I'm not surprised. She's dealt with self-hatred
>> and hatred of black people for a long time. I've noticed over the years how
>> she attacks people who use the term "African-American", saying she's "just
>> an American", as if the term were insulting. I note how refused to wear a
>> ribbon against racism for the Oscars one year, and even did a riff on it,
>> but curiously, she wore things supporting everything from gay rights to
>> women's rights. And I note that, the same lady who gives people like Gibson
>> a pass is very quick to attack other blacks. years ago she was given an
>> Essence award I believe. (Might have been NAACP...) When she got the award,
>> Goldberg proceeded to thank the audience, then tell them "Y'all have made it
>> hard on me--very hard". She berated the audience for all the years that
>> blacks had laughed at her looks, not supported her, and made her feel ugly.
>> Odd that she was so quick to attack blacks publicly, takes offense at
>> "black" labels,  yet can be so forgiving and understanding of racism like
>> this.
>> Oh yeah: I bet Danny Glover is saying, "What the fu**, Mel?!"
>> ************************************************
>> *We've been following the goings-on over at the "Mel Gibson
>> Meltdownapalooza" for the past few weeks.  By now, you've probably heard one
>> or more of the audio tapes that Gibson's ex has leaked to the press, so we
>> don't need to reiterate the blatant hate-speech, misogyny, and-- let's face
>> it-- flat-out threats that Gibson spits out during these tapes.  This is the
>> sorta situation that any reasonable, intelligent, rational thinking-person
>> could look at and say, "You know, I think that Mel Gibson's a bit of a
>> racist, and probably a few other things".  With that said, Whoopi Goldberg
>> has sprung into action to defend Mel Gibson as decidedly un-racist.  Read
>> all about it below, my gentle Examiner readers...*
>> This Mel Gibson thing's really getting out of hand.  The current news on
>> the situation is that authorities are now looking into the Gibson/Oksana
>> (that'd be his ex-wife) debacle for a multitude of reasons.  On one side of
>> the fence, you've got Gibson's camp accusing Oksana of trying to extor
>> Gibson by releasing the tapes to the media.  This side claims that Gibson
>> was set-up and provoked into making the several audio tapes that have now
>> leaked to the press.  On the other side of the debate, you've got Gibson's
>> ex's people, who claim that Gibson beat her up, threatened to "plant her in
>> (his) rose garden", and that Gibson's a flaming racist.  Now, just because
>> there aren't enough cooks in this particular kitchen, Whoopi Goldberg's
>> got a few things to 
>> say:<>
>> *I have had a long friendship with Mel. You can say he's being a
>> bonehead, but I can't sit and say that he's a racist having spent time with
>> him in my house with my kids," added Goldberg, 54."I don't like what he's
>> done, make no mistake," she went on. "I'm not defending Mel. I'm simply
>> saying I don't see him as [a racist] because that's not been my experience
>> with him."*
>> That's Whoopi Goldberg speaking to  She's apparently taken the
>> stance that, while Gibson's behavior is certainly "boneheaded", it's not
>> necessarily racist.  Goldberg's careful to add that she doesn't support
>> Gibson's behavior or the things that he's said that might be construed as
>> threatening to Gibson's ex or children, but that whole "pack of n---gers"
>> thing definitely wasn't racist.  With that in mind, let's take a trip down
>> memory lane for the other non-racist and tolerant things that Gibson's been
>> caught saying on camera, on tape, or by police officers with glorious
>> breasts:
>> *You look like a f-cking pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of
>> n---ers, it will be your fault."*
>> *F-cking Jews... The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world…
>> Are you a Jew?"*
>> *With this look, who's going to think I'm gay? I don't lend myself to
>> that type of confusion. Do I look like a homosexual? Do I talk like them? Do
>> I move like them?"*
>> *(Ed. Note: More gay-talk) They take it up the @ss. [laughs, stands up,
>> bends over, points to anus] This is only for taking a sh-t."*
>> Those last two comments came from an interview that Gibson gave back in
>> 1991 to El Pais, a Spanish publication.  We can only assume that he wasn't
>> speaking in Spanish during the interview, as that would just make this whole
>> thing even weirder.   Goldberg's really digging herself a hole by getting
>> involved in this Gibson situation.  Of course, getting her name out there in
>> conjunction with this brouhaha will only bring more viewers to her daily
>> talk show, *The View*, long known as an esteemed braintrust offering
>> informed opinions on politics, world culture, and entertainment.   What do
>> you folks think?  Should Whoopie give it a rest, or does she speak the
>> truth?  Sound off in the comments section below, my precious snowflakes.
>> *UPDATE:*  Right after posting this, we were tipped off that Mel Gibson's
>> been revealed as having used yet another, brand-new (for Gibson) racial slur
>> on tape.  Radar Online's got the new tape up, and it would appear that this
>> time, Gibson's taking his crusade to the Mexican community.  Here's what
>> the tape 
>> says:<>
>> *I will fire (name omitted) if she’s at your house. I will make it known
>> and fire her. I’ll report her to the f *cking people that take f *cking
>> money from the wetbacks, ok?”*
>> Mel's speaking, of course, about the Hispanic caretaker the couple hired
>> to take care of their daughter.  You know, if Mel Gibson doesn't stop making
>> these non-racist comments, someone's going to get the idea that he might be
>> kinda racist.  Stay tuned for what we're sure will be a well-reasoned,
>> informed opinion from the star of *Sister Act 2 *in the near future.  By
>> the way, what minority group do we have left on the Mel Gibson checklist?
>> Has he taken on the Asians yet?  Let's hope that Mel Gibson doesn't have any
>> in his employ.
> --
> Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
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