I think she lost me when she did the black face jokes thing with Ted Danson,

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 3:50 AM, Martin Baxter <martinbaxt...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I'm with you on this, Mr Worf. Whoopi lost me as a fan back when, on the
> view, she and Sherri Shepard both defended the use of the N-word as
> acceptable, bringing Elisabeth Hasselbeck to tears as she decried its use.
> Never agreed with Hasselbeck on a single point of hers before that.
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Mr. Worf <hellomahog...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think Mel gets his racism from his father who is a well documented
>> anti-semite and conspiracy theorist.
>> I think Whoopi has bought into the Hollywood hype. She has been in the
>> Hollywood system so long that she has lost her bearings on reality. This
>> happens to a lot of people of color that gain "acceptance" through tokenism
>> and may have genuine white friends, but that does not mean that all is right
>> with the world.
>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Keith Johnson <keithbjohn...@comcast.net
>> > wrote:
>>> Brent,
>>> I owe you an apology for high-mindedly saying I don't like being privy to
>>> people's private thoughts and utterances, odious though they may be. I still
>>> feel that way. I hate knowing that Gibson is such a racist on this level. I
>>> don't get why his girlfriend chose to release this crap to Radar Online
>>> instead of just the cops. I think, like the other topics we've discussed
>>> recently of media coverage, we are becoming way too much of a nation where
>>> everyone wants to get their stuff out in the media for a variety of
>>> reasons.  But, for all that I wish and think this stuff should never have
>>> been released this way, I must admit I've listened to it, and it sickens
>>> me.  The only question I have is, why is *anyone* still surprised at
>>> Gibson's racism? The drunken rants when he was arrested were enough
>>> evidence, the disturbing anti-Semitic tones of "The Passion of the Christ"
>>> were troublesome as well.
>>> As for Whoopi Goldberg saying he's not a racist, I have no idea what the
>>> hell her definition is, but I'm not surprised. She's dealt with self-hatred
>>> and hatred of black people for a long time. I've noticed over the years how
>>> she attacks people who use the term "African-American", saying she's "just
>>> an American", as if the term were insulting. I note how refused to wear a
>>> ribbon against racism for the Oscars one year, and even did a riff on it,
>>> but curiously, she wore things supporting everything from gay rights to
>>> women's rights. And I note that, the same lady who gives people like Gibson
>>> a pass is very quick to attack other blacks. years ago she was given an
>>> Essence award I believe. (Might have been NAACP...) When she got the award,
>>> Goldberg proceeded to thank the audience, then tell them "Y'all have made it
>>> hard on me--very hard". She berated the audience for all the years that
>>> blacks had laughed at her looks, not supported her, and made her feel ugly.
>>> Odd that she was so quick to attack blacks publicly, takes offense at
>>> "black" labels,  yet can be so forgiving and understanding of racism like
>>> this.
>>> Oh yeah: I bet Danny Glover is saying, "What the fu**, Mel?!"
>>> ************************************************
>>> http://www.examiner.com/x-15166-Comedy-Examiner~y2010m7d13-Whoopi-Goldberg-defends-Mel-Gibson-Mel-Gibson-is-not-a-racist<http://www.examiner.com/x-15166-Comedy-Examiner%7Ey2010m7d13-Whoopi-Goldberg-defends-Mel-Gibson-Mel-Gibson-is-not-a-racist>
>>> *We've been following the goings-on over at the "Mel Gibson
>>> Meltdownapalooza" for the past few weeks.  By now, you've probably heard one
>>> or more of the audio tapes that Gibson's ex has leaked to the press, so we
>>> don't need to reiterate the blatant hate-speech, misogyny, and-- let's face
>>> it-- flat-out threats that Gibson spits out during these tapes.  This is the
>>> sorta situation that any reasonable, intelligent, rational thinking-person
>>> could look at and say, "You know, I think that Mel Gibson's a bit of a
>>> racist, and probably a few other things".  With that said, Whoopi Goldberg
>>> has sprung into action to defend Mel Gibson as decidedly un-racist.  Read
>>> all about it below, my gentle Examiner readers...*
>>> This Mel Gibson thing's really getting out of hand.  The current news on
>>> the situation is that authorities are now looking into the Gibson/Oksana
>>> (that'd be his ex-wife) debacle for a multitude of reasons.  On one side of
>>> the fence, you've got Gibson's camp accusing Oksana of trying to extor
>>> Gibson by releasing the tapes to the media.  This side claims that Gibson
>>> was set-up and provoked into making the several audio tapes that have now
>>> leaked to the press.  On the other side of the debate, you've got Gibson's
>>> ex's people, who claim that Gibson beat her up, threatened to "plant her in
>>> (his) rose garden", and that Gibson's a flaming racist.  Now, just because
>>> there aren't enough cooks in this particular kitchen, Whoopi Goldberg's
>>> got a few things to 
>>> say:<http://wonderwall.msn.com/tv/whoopi-goldberg-mel-gibson-is-not-a-racist-1560886.story?GT1=28135>
>>> *I have had a long friendship with Mel. You can say he's being a
>>> bonehead, but I can't sit and say that he's a racist having spent time with
>>> him in my house with my kids," added Goldberg, 54."I don't like what he's
>>> done, make no mistake," she went on. "I'm not defending Mel. I'm simply
>>> saying I don't see him as [a racist] because that's not been my experience
>>> with him."*
>>> That's Whoopi Goldberg speaking to MSN.com.  She's apparently taken the
>>> stance that, while Gibson's behavior is certainly "boneheaded", it's not
>>> necessarily racist.  Goldberg's careful to add that she doesn't support
>>> Gibson's behavior or the things that he's said that might be construed as
>>> threatening to Gibson's ex or children, but that whole "pack of n---gers"
>>> thing definitely wasn't racist.  With that in mind, let's take a trip down
>>> memory lane for the other non-racist and tolerant things that Gibson's been
>>> caught saying on camera, on tape, or by police officers with glorious
>>> breasts:
>>> *You look like a f-cking pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of
>>> n---ers, it will be your fault."*
>>> *F-cking Jews... The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world…
>>> Are you a Jew?"*
>>> *With this look, who's going to think I'm gay? I don't lend myself to
>>> that type of confusion. Do I look like a homosexual? Do I talk like them? Do
>>> I move like them?"*
>>> *(Ed. Note: More gay-talk) They take it up the @ss. [laughs, stands up,
>>> bends over, points to anus] This is only for taking a sh-t."*
>>> Those last two comments came from an interview that Gibson gave back in
>>> 1991 to El Pais, a Spanish publication.  We can only assume that he wasn't
>>> speaking in Spanish during the interview, as that would just make this whole
>>> thing even weirder.   Goldberg's really digging herself a hole by getting
>>> involved in this Gibson situation.  Of course, getting her name out there in
>>> conjunction with this brouhaha will only bring more viewers to her daily
>>> talk show, *The View*, long known as an esteemed braintrust offering
>>> informed opinions on politics, world culture, and entertainment.   What do
>>> you folks think?  Should Whoopie give it a rest, or does she speak the
>>> truth?  Sound off in the comments section below, my precious snowflakes.
>>> *UPDATE:*  Right after posting this, we were tipped off that Mel
>>> Gibson's been revealed as having used yet another, brand-new (for Gibson)
>>> racial slur on tape.  Radar Online's got the new tape up, and it would
>>> appear that this time, Gibson's taking his crusade to the Mexican
>>> community.  Here's what the tape 
>>> says:<http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2010/07/exclusive-audio-another-mel-gibson-slur-caught-tape-crazed-rage-listen-it-here>
>>> *I will fire (name omitted) if she’s at your house. I will make it known
>>> and fire her. I’ll report her to the f *cking people that take f *cking
>>> money from the wetbacks, ok?”*
>>> Mel's speaking, of course, about the Hispanic caretaker the couple hired
>>> to take care of their daughter.  You know, if Mel Gibson doesn't stop making
>>> these non-racist comments, someone's going to get the idea that he might be
>>> kinda racist.  Stay tuned for what we're sure will be a well-reasoned,
>>> informed opinion from the star of *Sister Act 2 *in the near future.  By
>>> the way, what minority group do we have left on the Mel Gibson checklist?
>>> Has he taken on the Asians yet?  Let's hope that Mel Gibson doesn't have any
>>> in his employ.
>> --
>> Celebrating 10 years of bringing diversity to perversity!
>> Mahogany at:
>> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/
> --
> "If all the world's a stage and we are merely players, who the bloody hell
> wrote the script?" -- Charles E Grant
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQUxw9aUVik

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