Well I dont think that I would ever need it either. But vs.net wouldnt have had that feature for nothing. Ask any vc.net studio coders whether they use Alt-W-w.

This has the relationship to an important limitation of then ability of a person when dealing with increasingly big software: limited number of "state" that can be remembered at a time.

When facing with coding features that encompass large amount of files, and each files has hundreds of lines, and deeply stacked, I unconsciously remember mental pictures of those codes, and what filenames the codes are in, and imagine them as big continously bonded stacks of codes. When I mentally "scroll" the code upward or downward, I need to "implement" the "event" as switching to proper buffer (that's why I got really mad when z-order buffer switching was taken out as it hampers my "mental implementation"). This switching most likely do not correlate with normal buffer order (using Ctrl+Pg Up/Dn) as the order was decided by logical relation of the routine, not by the order of file opening.

Tab bar also put mental burden to me since it means I have to exert tasking effort to scan each tab's title one by one visually and have to "mentally compare" to the "string" in my head (which kinda like database query million rows without using index). Z-order switching helps alot when having to "mental scroll" back and forth on a piece of "mentally close" code which unfortunately placed in separate files. But frequently, I have to "mental jump" to other piece of code that have not been stacked in z-order and which filename I remember.

I could do Ctrl-O (open) then type the letters and hoping the windows XP's filename autocomplete suggest the filename (and it takes a while), and press Enter. But it doesnt help on keeping the cursor position at the last place I had left previosly, and also doesn't work very easy on files located on different directory, thus requires me to retrack the position either by Ctrl-F (find) and Ctrl+Alt+i (inlinefind) (which only works if the query is unique enough), or visually inspecting each line until I found the portion that matches my "mental picture".

By keeping the file open, I could switch to it and it keeps its position, or I can Ctrl-F2 (bookmark) it before i move to another line, then press F2 to find my position again. Of course by the time you close the file, cursor position and bookmarks had already gone.

When using buffer list, I could switch to specific buffer by telling the filename, without having to totaly depended on visual inspection, without leaving my keyboard (shortcut), and would impose less intrusion to my "single processing" not-so-logical-and-easy-to-distract brain.

Piotr Fusik wrote:

how about implementing dialog window, filled with list of filename (no full path) of the buffers, just like in Visual Studio .NET\'s Alt-W-W (Window-Windows). It\'s pretty handy when you had this 50+ buffers opened at a time,

I don't think anyone needs 50+ files open at the same time.
I have buffers=30 and never open more than ca. 15 files.
Most of time there are 3-6 files open, so it's easy to switch
between them using Tab Bar or Ctrl+Pg Up/Dn
(I don't think I've ever used the Buffers menu).

So, my advice is to open only files that you actually edit,
close them when you're done and use Ctrl+O or an external file
manager (where you can sort by date or file extension
and not only by filename).

I used Ctrl+W in Code-Genie (another good text editor,
unfortunately no longer supported I think) to select file windows
to be tiled (Code-Genie had a multi-document interface).

Of course, if there is a buffer list window in SciTE, I won't protest.


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