On Monday 30 July 2007 14:48:44 Jürgen Urner wrote:
> Usually
> takes me lots of scrolling to get back to where I started ...no idea why
> the
> last occurence replaced is of any special interest.

Good point, it is really annoying. 

My normal use story is: 
 1) Ah, _there_ is a token i want to replace in the whole document. 
 2) Marking it. 
 3) Open the replace dialog. 
 4) Hitting tab. 
 5) Hack in the replacement text. 
 6) Hit the "Replace All" button. 
 7) Eh, _where_ i am now.
 8) Searching and scrolling.

Problem: At Point 7 i loose the mental focus that i had at Point 1.
I think Bookmarks are no real solution, because they make an easy task 
more complicated.

Btw. one other little improvement could be: To eliminate the need for
Step 4, which means: Set the focus to replacement-text-input-field
if the user has selected text in the editor.

kind of regards, holger

> And when I am at it, a decent hint on the number of occurences replaced
> would be quite helpful.
> Scite 1.71
> Thanks, Jürgen
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