Ups many replies. Didn't ment to start a flame or cause any confusion.

Neil Hodgson wrote:
Jürgen Urner:

That is what "the noise" is usually taken for. Maybe most people have a
few lines of code
they'd like to replace something in. But as as soon as there are a few
hundred ringing a
bell is a much easier on your eyes than getting jumped to an arbitrary

   Ringing a bell is much harder on your ears and concentration.

Don't get you - why useless? 9 replaced out of 9 expected. Well done typo.

   I don't count the number of replacements I'm expecting to be made
so a report of 9 replacements is unlikely to give me useful
information: how do I know that 9 is the correct number rather than 8
or 10?

..yes, I do know te number of occurences expected most of the time.
Code very repetitive. And reading 7 instead of 8 rings my bells reliably.
And yes, I find it very helpful to have an indicator. Replacing is the main
purpose of the dialog so why not let everybody know what happend?

   Because it is detail that is uninteresting in the vast majority of
cases. You do know that something was replaced because there is no
message saying that the operation failed.

Just to make my point clear - as I see it placing a little note in the dialog "Replaced: 3" (a.k.a ring a bell in the users head) should be much easier on
the user compared to sending him down an unknown number of lines just
to give proof something happend. Bit of an overkill as I see it.



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