At 11:19 PM 1/14/2001 -0600, Kate Dunlay or David Greenberg wrote:
>I would guess it's because they prefer to have a downbow happening on the
>beat (think how in "Brenda Stubbert's Reel" the cuts strongly start out so
>many measures), which makes for stronger dance music.  Then after that it
>becomes a habit.  BTW cuts do happen on offbeats in reels such as "Molly
>Rankin's," so it would be interesting to take a survey of how fiddlers bow
>that one.
>- Kate D.

        Well, in general where offbeat cuts turn up.. I usually single-bow 
the pair of eighth notes before the cut down-up, and bow the cut down-up-
down. If the cut is followed by a pair of eighth notes, I either connect 
the first eighth note into the last note of the cut as a downbowed loop 
(which I prefer), or simply loop the two following eighth notes together 
on an upbow, so that the next downbeat falls on a downbow. 


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