>But what's happened to some of the old fowk? Gary Blair left the list
>because there wasn't enough traffic on it, which seems an odd reason
>indeed. But what happened to the likes of Philip Whittaker and are you
>still there, Chic? Does Erica still listen in? Jan Tappan? Haven't heard
>from Timothy for a while.
>Maybe it's time for me to goad you into a "whitye bin uptae?" -type thread.

Hello Nigel, all,

Yes, I'm still here. I've been too ill and weak to play much music or 
do much typing, but I read the list daily. It makes a cheery start to 
my day as I sit here in bed trying to decipher broad Scots on the 
screen of the trusty PowerBook which sits on my lap.


Erica Mackenzie
Posted to Scots-L - The Traditional Scottish Music & Culture List - To 
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