Toby Rider wrote:

> ...Have you heard those old wax recordings of Skinner? That's what makes
> me think of him as trying to be a "classical" sort of player...

That's interesting. I've always thought that the reason Skinner played
like that was stylistic and a product of its time. Listening to James
Dickie's recordings yields a similar impression, but I don't associate it
with a classical leaning. I'm not the greatest fan of Skinner's style, but
I go along with Alexander in being puzzled at criticism towards his
compositions. He was, in my opinion, a brilliant composer of tunes, and I
don't think he could have written so many that have been accepted into the
repertoire without having had a great understanding and respect for the

> ...Buddy MacMaster for certain plays the Spey in the Spate differently
> then Skinner would have...

Absolutely, and let's celebrate that. So does Dick Gaughan. And Aly Bain,
Des Donnelly, Craobh Rua, Jimmy Shand, Dave Swarbrick, Boys of the Lough,
Sean Maguire, Bill Lamey, Jerry Holland, Donna Hinds, Graham Townsend,
and, if I may blow my own trumpet, so does Nigel Gatherer on a mandolin
showcase CD produced in the USA.

Nigel Gatherer, Crieff, Scotland

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