Hi All,

I've just had this query.  Anyone able to help?
Please include Patty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on replies.



-----Original Message-----
From: Patty K [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 15 April 2002 0:00
Subject: Hi from Greece...

Hi!I'm Patty and I'm Greek.There is something I would like to ask and you 
might be able to help me...
Do you remember a quite old Grant's whisky advertisement where there is a 
guy walking in a garden reading a poem starting like that:"Oh,my love is 
like a red red rose" or something like that?I was a kid when the ad was 
played in Greece and I don't remember it very well.Do you know the song that

was in that advertisment?Is it Scottish?I really love it but I can't find it

although I'm looking for it for years...
If you have any idea about the name of the song or the composer or 
both,please mail me!I would appreciate that!
I'm looking forward to receiving your e-mail!
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