John Chambers wrote:

> ...I'd  expect  most instrumentalists would find abc somewhat more
> readable, since  sol-fa  requires  the  extra  step  of mapping  from
>  scale-relative notes to absolute notes...

There is another system which can use a fixed doh (or is it "do"? Have
I been making a fool of myself all this time calling it doh? Doh!), but
then you need to use accidentals (e.g. fa becomes fe, a semitone
sharper), and it wouldn't make it any easier. I think you're right that
ABC is more friendly to instrumentalists.

> ...TSF  is  clearly aimed primarily at singers...

That's possibly the key. It's perfect for singers, choirs, etc, because
all you need is a starting reference note [1]. You don't need any
further knowledge of keys, etc, because you'll song the song in
whichever key suits you, or whichever key everyone else is singing in.
Another dimension to TSF (as it will now forever be known thanks to
John Chambers) is that there are a series of hand signals representing
the notes, so it wasn't unusual for choir leaders to conduct using
these symbols, and everyone should know which note they're singing.

TSF has its merits, but since the vast majority of ABC notation is
dance music in particular keys, I don't think there's a need for a
wholesale migration. It won't happen. What's ABC like for aligning song
lyrics to notes, by the way?

[1] At a recent children's music festival end-of-week performance, my
group played "Skye Boat Song" on whistle, then fellow tutor Karine
Polwart ran across, borrowed my whistle to give her group of singers a
note to start. Simon Thoumire had been running a "studio" workshop,
resulting in the participants recording a track onto CD. When it cam to
their performance, they put on the CD and all stood in a line, on one
leg and saluting. They stayed like that for the whole track, then
limped off to applause.

Nigel Gatherer, Crieff, Scotland

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