Nigel wrote:
> It was the precursor of ABC notation in the days long before personal
> computers and the internet. Simple, could be written using a
> typewriter, able to handle accidentals, upper and lower octaves,
> rhythm. I believe Gavin Greig used it in his collecting folk song in
> the North East of Scotland. Sam Henry did the same in Northern Ireland.
> Paddy Moloney of The Chieftains still uses it, I believe.

I've googled "Tonic Sol Fa" and looked at a number of the sites  that
aren't  about  the shlocky group by that name.  I'd say that it isn't
ready for prime time on the Web.  True, a lot of people  seem  to  be
familiar  with  it.  But of the songs that I found (and there weren't
many), there was very little consistency in  the  notation,  and  one
would  have  to  put  out a huge effort to write code that could make
sense of it.  We have problems with inconsistent abc, but  abc  is  a
paragon of standardization in comparison with tonic sol fa.

If people were interested in making it a useful  Web  notation,  we'd
want  to  try  to  foist  a  standard  syntax on its users to make it
tractable to software.  This might be easy or difficult, depending on
how  the established user community reacts.

Probably the best way to do it would be to  form  a  small  cabal  to
develop some useful software in stealth mode, together with a few web
sites with a lot of the music that the users will want  to  download.
If  the  online  tunes  and software are useful to the users, they'll
probably jump on the bandwagon.

Given that much of the existing user community  consists  of  schools
and  community  choral groups, the best idea might be to develop some
java (or javascript) tools to download, play,  and  edit  TSF  files.
This would make it useful no matter what sort of computer they're on.
Provide songs from common songbooks  for  downloading,  and  it  just
might take off.

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