At 09:24 AM 10/4/02 +0100, you wrote:
>6. Cathcart's Selection - Music for the wire strung harp, didjuridu and
>    cathedral bells.

Nigel, you are too funny. But I just thought I should let you know, the 
cathedral bell part has not been written out, so sorry! It's not there! 
(Neither is the didj part. We couldn't agree on how to notate the growls 
and barks.)

Did you get a copy of the CD from Rita? What did you think? (Or does being 
included in your prestigious list before "Gatherer's Musical Gumption" 
provide my answer?)   :-D

On a less cheerful note, y'all need to go easy on Silver Spring, Maryland. 
We've had a rash of "random shootings" here (no kidding) and our schools 
are all locked down to keep the kids inside and this maniac outside. Trying 
not to repeat history...

--Cynthia Cathcart

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