Cynthia Cathcart wrote:

> At 09:24 AM 10/4/02 +0100, you wrote:
> >6. Cathcart's Selection - Music for the wire strung harp, didjuridu
> >    and cathedral bells.

> ...I just thought I should let you know, the cathedral bell part has
> [been] written out, so sorry! It's not there! (Neither is the didj
> part.)

So it's not just me, then? I've been straining my ears to hear bells
and antipodean growls on the CD - thought it may have been too subtle
for my cauliflower ears.

> Did you get a copy of the CD from Rita? What did you think? 

I had intended posting a brief review here later today, but the
paperwork on my desk is reaching a dangerous height, and unless I start
dealing with it a terrible accident may occur. However, I'll find time

> On a less cheerful note, y'all need to go easy on Silver Spring,
> Maryland. We've had a rash of "random shootings" here...

I just heard the news - sorry to hear it. The constitution, as I
understand it, allows individual states to introduce any gun-control
laws they wish (except against individuals who are members of "a
well-regulated militia") but the will does not seem to be there. With
such well-known Scotsmen as Charlton Heston speaking out on pro-NRA
stance, it seems to me that there is much confusion in the US. I don't
suppose it's my place to comment. I hope they get this person soon.

Nigel Gatherer, Crieff, Scotland

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