On Fri, 17 Jan 2003, Rita Hamilton wrote:

> When I purchase my next 'puter, which will not be an Apple, I  wish to be able
> to take a CD, isolate a tune/track, and convert it to a midi file. What software
> do I need to do that? 

I would suggest the first thing would be to have software which takes
the CD and makes a WAV file of the track. They are usually called
CD Rippers.

There is mention of a program called Akoff:

The question has been brought up before at the Mudcat Cafe's Forum.
I could not find a more recent thread, but asked about a more recent
thread at this older thread:

Wave to MIDI    

There is  a consensus that they may be "finicky" at best.

So, stop by at the Mudcat for a visit.

        Bidh mi 'gad fhaicinn!!!

        IWK Children's Hospital Telethon - June 1st and 2nd, 2002 
                $4.1 Million for 2002 - Thanks!!!

 <<<<<   An ni\ a thig leis a' ghaoith, falbhaidh e leis an uisge. >>>>>
 George / Seo\ras Seto

 e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 GeoCities address  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 url:   http://www.geocities.com/george_seto.geo      | My stuff
 url:   http://www.corvuscorax.org:8080/~gseto/creighton   | Helen Creighton

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