Toby Rider wrote:

on my desert isle list :-) For instance, every album Alasdair Fraser has
released except for one, is basically "fusion" and I think they've all

Which one? I'd like to make sure to get that one.

Jumping into the fire here, I'd say Legacy of the Scottish Fiddle, Vol. 1, and probably Vol. 2 when it's released, and possibly also Portrait of a Scottish Fiddler are the most "traditional" and least fusion-like, though some folks might also argue for Driven Bow being fairly traditional as well. Just my opinion...

This seems like a good time to mention that I have sold Fiddlers Crossing to Debby Hand at Mountain Music in Tehachapi, CA. Contact information is at, and they hope to have the catalog online at that URL in a month or two. I'm still serving as advisor to them and to customers, but the day to day operations have all moved north. I should be getting a teaching credential in June and with any luck will be gainfully employed teaching elementary school students in the fall.

Jan Tappan
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