Toby Rider wrote:
|       Yes. I'm in the process of transitioning over to a new version of the
| list server, which will stop that problem. I just haven't gotten to it
| yet.. Something keeps coming up. Like for instance one of my other
| servers just took a total dump yesterday.

That wouldn't be lochaber, would it? ;-)

Did you see the messages I sent about it?  One of the funny things  I
just saw again from here on this MIT machine:

: host has address
: host
Host not found.

Those two commands were only one or two seconds apart. This isn't the
first  time I've seen this behavior, but I haven't found any good way
to ask the DNS system why it's doing this. Anyone know?

(I tried responding directly to Toby, but I got a bounce that said it
couldn't create "/usr/spool/mail/tarider".  So I guess he is fiddling
with his email system.  Now will this get delivered?)

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