On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Jussi Hakala <jussi.hak...@movial.com>wrote:

> On 09/05/2011 07:23 PM, Athanasios Silis wrote:
>> considering this processor:
>> -should i go for the latest scratchbox packages? (1.0.26)
>> -should I go for Hathor or Apophis, there doesn't seem to be any
>> pros/cons information out there.
> Go for the latest scratchbox packages.
> The architecture you're going for will determine the toolchain for you.
>  additionally I tried several toolchains
>> I understand that
>> scratchbox-toolchain-cs2009q3-**eglibc2.10-armv7-soft-1.0.19-**
>> 6-i386.tar.gz
>> is probably targeteds for ARMv7 instruction set i.e. not for me, but
>> what is
>> scratchbox-toolchain-arm-**linux-cs2010q1-202-1.0.17-2-**i386.tar.gz??
> The first one is recompiled from Codesourcery's sources with -march=armv7-a
> -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=neon. The latter one is Codesourcery's compiled
> toolchain packaged for Scratchbox.

Then I guess its the
scratchbox-toolchain-arm-linux-cs2010q1-202-1.0.17-2-i386.tar.gz the
toolchain I will need..? where can I read info about the specific toolchain?

>  what is the soft/hard distinction ??
> The soft/hard disctinction is for softfp/hardfp. If there's nothing
> mentioned on the (arm) toolchain, you can assume it's softfp.
> See the mfloat-abi option in man gcc.
>  I tried setting up several targets for these toolchains but when i tried
>> installing files I would get 'failed to install c-library for target...'
> Can you show me the target configuration? Which command did you use to
> install the c-library?

I used sb-menu to create test targets. Navigating through 'new target'
creation, I chose a toolchain (f.e.
scratchbox-toolchain-arm-linux-cs2010q1-202-1.0.17-2-i386.tar.g), then i
chose devkits (f.e. qemu, perl and debian-* ) and then it would ask me
whether to install a rootstrap -to which i answered no- and whether to
install files - to which i answered yes. Next screen would take me to choose
among options : C-library, C-runtime. gdb, xtrace and few other options. I
chose all of them and next thing that appeared was a msg stating that
installation of C-library failed on target <target_name>.

>  Finally, i am fuzzy about the qemu-arm and qemu-armeb cpu-transparency
>> methods...
> The latter is for big endian architectures.
> Regards,
>  Jussi
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