> The bad?  Their music could be manipulated by the suits to become more pop
> oriented, their music could become available to more people who would not
> appreciate it and would rather bash it, and they could have thousands of
> screaming teenage fans at their shows.

I don't know if anything has been signed yet.  I haven't asked and I
haven't much thought about it until this thread came up.  I remember when
they were visiting other majors a while back.  Here's something nice I'd
been told that I think everybody will be happy to hear:

Whenever the executive being seen would mention "having some associates
visit the studio" (ie. make suggestions during the recording) SDRE would
immediately scoff and the talks would end.  SDRE will not be bent by any
studio suits.  While talking to Virgin this measure was never mentioned.
Somebody in the band asked "what about studio time?  Any visits?" to which
the executive laughed!  "Hell no!  You're Sunny Day Real Estate for
chrissakes!  You're great as it is, otherwise I wouldn't be talking to
you."  That was a very good mark for Virgin, and probably one of the
reasons they are/were continued to be looked into.

Have no fear if SDRE signs to Virgin.  They seem to be good.  brian

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 `:. ``;:.:;  ..:::''''''::..   :'   .| Ansigod
   `:.   `` .;''           ``;. :.::``| [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     `:    ::                 :: `   .| http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~bpmccal/
 ..::`    ::          :;  :;   ::  .;'| .../~bpmccal/sdre.html
;''       ::   .:'    ::  ::`:.:: :'  | .../~bpmccal/moam.html
...       ::     `:         ;' :: `::.| .../~bpmccal/hum/
 ``:::...  ::      `::....::  ::     `| .../~bpmccal/hollow.html
      ```:  `;...     ```` ..;'  ::'''|
SDRE    :`    ```::,,,,,,::''     `:  |

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