> There could be good and bad results of SDRE signing with Virgin.  The good?
> Their albums would become more popular, their music would get played more in
> the mainstream market, and they could have thousands of screaming teenage
> fans at their shows.
> The bad?  Their music could be manipulated by the suits to become more pop
> oriented, their music could become available to more people who would not
> appreciate it and would rather bash it, and they could have thousands of
> screaming teenage fans at their shows.

        Ha! Thats exactly my point, too. I rarely go to shows anymore.
Even bands that I really like, or bands I havent seen, if they're playing
a semi-large venue where it's going to be crowded or filled with thousands
of people, a place so big I can't see the band...I won't go. I guess
that's the fear of having a band like sdre (who are so fucking good live)
sign a major label. I mean, if I cant see William Goldsmith at his set, a
large piece of the show would be missing.

        I would think that the members of sunny day are taking that and a
lot of other things into consideration. 


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