i rember a time long ago, the old man said to his son. when sunny day 
real estate were on sub pop their albums were amazing, and their shows 
were only $10-15 dollars. that was before they hitched a ride to major 
label land. now all thier albums ,yet still very good, are as jeremy 
puts it "overseen by the suits, while eating elvis candy bars."
dont get me wrong son sunny day are  still the beatles of the our time, 
and i respected the decision to jump to cg records [corporate giant 
records] all the bs that came along w/that move was just unfair.
last night on mtv [marketing tv not music] a sunny day concert was on 
mtv, [hop-hop had finally died out a couple of years ago and now emo is 
all the rage, sunny day and the promise ring now have their own gap 
commercials.......eeeekkk!]and son you wont believe this but the after 
show party....the c.g.r. president was holding a gun to jeremy's head 
and forcing him to autograph a 15 year-old girls boob! he did the same 
to dan and joe and will. daddy , the little boy said, yes son? the old 
man replied. we should've gone to that show, i wanted to go the father 
said but we couldnt afford the $253.96 tickets, and that was the 
cheapest show so far this tour. the band of course is not getting any 
where near their fair share of course, jeremy and his wife audra, have 
had their house re-possessed, because album sales are under the 5 
million mark they now live on dan's farm along w/will and joe. you see 
son sunny day has been made slaves of the man. when they signed to 
c.g.r. they gave up their houses, cars, and their lives and every thing 
else they hold dear to their lives. that is very sick, the little boy 
said, yes son i know, the father said, with a tear rolling down his 
cheek, the old man went up-stairs to his room to listen to how it feels 
.......and think of when days were golden, when he got to meet his 
favourite band when they were allowed to talk to their fans, ah yes the 
good ole days...............come mamma now momma tell me the story only 
laughing about our guilded waste land....said the voice comming out of 
the stereo. the old man looked at a picture on his night stand ,taken 
when he was only 20, of himself w/ 4 other human beings who make 
beautiful music.......sunny day real estate.

ok, ok, i have nothing aginst sdre going off to major lable land, i wish 
them the best of luck! just as long as they dont forget about [and they 
probably wont] the fans the peolpe who love them most, of which us 
sdre-l people are, and they dont compromise the music!

>To: "'dane '" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "'sdre-l '" 
>Subject: RE: [sdre-l]: SDRE unofficial signing
>Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 12:55:49 -0600
>There could be good and bad results of SDRE signing with Virgin.  The 
>Their albums would become more popular, their music would get played 
more in
>the mainstream market, and they could have thousands of screaming 
>fans at their shows.
>The bad?  Their music could be manipulated by the suits to become more 
>oriented, their music could become available to more people who would 
>appreciate it and would rather bash it, and they could have thousands 
>screaming teenage fans at their shows.
>> hey everyone
>> i heard from a fairly reliable source that SDRE is most likely going
>to sign
>> with Virgin Records once the paper work is done and they are off
>Sub-Pop. Like
>> i said, the source is fairly reliable, and this information 
>> from Joe Skyward/Bass. However, nothing has been confirmed yet, so
>dont hold
>> me to this. Just thought you might like to know
>> Brad
> noooooooooooooo!!!
>"Try to smile as they devour our youth."
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  http://www.rit.edu/~dmc1750

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