well, thanks for the analysis matt.  that is much better.

it seems to me you have more of a problem with sdre's current style than
anything else.   but i personally do not see the comparison with u2 at all.
they lyrics are not alike.  the vocals are not alike.  the drumming is no
where near alike.  and the guitars are way different.  even the song
structures are very different from anything u2.

i was the one posting about the "cookie cutter" song structures.  this did
bug me, but when i thought about it...the album does not call for intricate
and clever song structures.  this is a much more straight forward album.
comparing what the guys wrote with 80's arena rock is not fair.  i am sure
they had no intent of conjuring spinal tap images when they wrote it.  they
wrote what they felt at the time.  and you cant fault them for that.

lyrics.  i dont think there are any especially terrible lyrics on TRT, but
they are also definitely not always too brilliant either.  that line in one
can be kinda annoying if your not feeling that whole "togetherness" vibe at
the time.  But some of the lines in Faces in Disguise are excellent.  "this
fear comes rushing in when i enter here".  i know EXACTLY how this feels
when you know a relationhip you are in is about to end.

this is a very deep and personal album.  besides snibe, it is not too angry.
more introspective.  plus, there are many many lyrics on diary and
especially lp2 which are MUCH worse.  diary bugs me becuase they can have
such a killer line "the mirror lies, those aren't my eyes" followed up with
such bone head lines, "destroy them, raise my hands"  it can just be so
close to perfection yet so far away.

ofcourse we are all going to have our own opinions on the matter.  i will
concede that TRT has the worst SDRE song ever on it "television".  but other
than that, it was one of my fav albums of 2000 and still is.


-----Original Message-----
Date: Thursday, February 15, 2001 10:18 AM
Subject: [sdre-l]: Fools in the SDRE Mailing List

>Granted, there are a million bands copying "Diary" out there, and that's
>sad. Emo music, to me, is terrible. You claim "The Rising Tide" is Sunny
>maturing, then you may be right. If Sunny Day going from being influenced
>Fugazi to listening to and nearly directly copying bands like U2 and
>Radiohead, then, yes, they are very mature. Maturity doesn't mean because
>Sunny Day is more mellow now, so they must be mature. The Rising Tide is
>terrible. It sounds just like Queensryche to me. I'm not kidding either. If
>you listen to the lyrics, they are just silly, they are like fantasy rock.
>music paints pictures, the Rising Tide paints pictures with dragons and
>wizards. As someone else said, the song structures are very predictable.
>Listen to the second song, "One." From the time they strum the first chord,
>until the time the strum the second, I picture Dan and Jeremy with their
>hands in the air doing the devil "rawk" sign. During that time, I imagine
>skulls being lowered down behind Will while smoke pours out of their mouth.
>Its not maturity, its bigness. Its like they wish they were U2. They wish
>they had those pyrotechnics. Its really sad. Explain to me how The Rising
>Tide is any more mature than How It Feels. And the lyrics are terrible. He
>actually says "Everything and everyone, in the end we all are one." I never
>heard that growing closer to Christ took you further away from being able
>write good lyrics, but apparently it has. The less mature Sunny Day never
>wrote lyrics like a 5th grade girl whose parents are getting divorced. The
>song "Snibe" has a chorus which sounds like Men With Hats song "Safety
>Dance", you know the one, "We can dance if want to." Its really sorry. The
>entire CD, with a few exceptions in a few songs, its terrible. TO the
>who will write back to disagree with me, tell me how they matured, tell me
>how the lyrics are better, tell me you don't hear everything Im saying.
>actually have robotic vocals, and I hear Rush, I hear Stix. If this is
>maturity, what's the next step? And also, whoever disagrees with me, tell
>what the hell you listen to aside from Sunny Day. Thanks.
>NP- Silver Scooter

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