2001-12-13 Thread mart


- Original Message - 
From: The Infamous Vinnie 
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 7:15 PM




THE ARTICLE :JDL Chairman Accused of Bomb 
(AP) - 
The chairman and another member of the militant JewishDefense 
League have been arrested on suspicion of plotting 
to blow up a Los Angeles mosque and the office of an 

Arab-American congressman, federalauthorities said 
Wednesday. JDL chairman Irv Rubin, 56, and Earl Krugel, 59, 
were arrested 
Tuesday night after the last component of the bomb - 
powder was delivered to Krugel's home, U.S. Attorney John 
said. Other bomb components andweapons were seized at the 
home. Authorities said the two planned to bomb the King Fahd 
in Culver City and the office of freshman Rep. Darrell 
R-Calif.Investigators were tipped off by a 
government source about a 
series of meetings where the plot was worked out, Gordon 
said.It was not immediately clear when the alleged plot 
began or what 
prompted it. In court papers, authorities quoted Krugel as 

saying during a meetingthat Arabs ``need a wake-up 
call.'' Rubin and Krugel were booked on charges of 
conspiracy to destroy 
a building by means of an explosive, which carries up to 
years in prison, and possession of a destructive device 
to a crime of violence, which carries a 30-year mandatory 

sentence.  They were expected to appear in court 
later Wednesday. Issa, 46, the grandson of Lebanese 
immigrants, serves on the 
House Committee on International Relations and supports 

Israeli-Palestinian peacenegotiations. His spokesman did not 

immediately return calls. Mosque director Tajuddin 
Shuaib said no threats had been 
received by the mosque. He noted that the alleged plot 

came during the holy month of Ramadan, when as many as 
1,000 people attend the mosque to pray."I can't 
understand why people would do such a thing," he 
said. "We arenot against Jews. We are not against 
We are like any church or synagogue or 
temple." Gordon said the original target was to be the 
Muslim Public 
Affairs Council in Los Angeles,but the target was changed 

during a meeting last weekend. Rubin's attorney, 
Peter Morris, said his client had nothing 
to do with theexplosives. "It seems to us that, given 
timing ... the government's action is part of an 
to the Sept. 11 events,'' he said. Rubin's wife, 
Shelley, said her husband and Earl ``are completely innocent of 
anything. They are law-abiding, good people.'' Originally 
formed by Meir Kahane to mount armed response to 
anti-Semitic acts in New York, the JDL gained notoriety 
its members were linked to bombings in the United States, 
of them aimed at Soviet targets in retaliation for the way 
country treated its Jews. Kahane left the JDL in 
the 1980s. A power struggle ensued, with 
Rubin among the contenders for its 
leadership. Kahane was assassinated in New York in 1990. El 
Sayyid Nosair, 
36, an Egyptian-born Muslim, was convicted in connection 
the shooting. The JDL claims to have 13,000 
members, but experts say it may 
have only fewdozen active 
members. Rubin has made a career out of confrontation, 
challenging whitesupremaciststo fistfights, or burning a Confederate 
flag outside 
a courthouse. By hisown count he has been arrested more than 40 

times. In 1980, he was triedandacquitted of soliciting the 
of Nazis in the United States. A lawsuit filed by 
Rubin resulted in a court decision last year 
banningprayer during Burbank City Council 
meetings. Maher Hathout, a senior adviser for the Los 
Angeles chapter of 
the MuslimPublic Affairs Council, said the arrests sent an 

encouraging message to theMuslim 
community."We can easily develop an attitude that (federal 
are out to get us,'' he said. `"But it seems they are out 
get anyone who breaks thelaw."
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Re: Billical phrase A plague on both your houses! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread Rolf Martens


At 02:53 2001-12-12 +, Bill Howard

 I was trying to
 show some erudition, you know, and besides,
 I've long found this to be a pretty good phrase,
 considering some elements in the political
 situation in our time.

 Any other good examples?



I meant above all the houses of traditional capitalism
and imperialism, on the one hand, and revisionism, as
represented not least by the social-imperialist Soviet
Union and its adherents from the 60s on.

There are many onther examples too of how the people
has been put between two fires, or caught in a kind of
pncer attack, but I shall leave it at that for now.

This phenomenon, of two reactionary rivals', or semi-rivals'
and also partners', saying they are each others' only
enemies, so that if you don't want the pest, then you
must choose the cholera - indeed, you're a cholera
advocate - at any rate is one which people should
look out for, in many respects today.

Rolf M.

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Re: US delays release of bin Laden 'evidence' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 12/12/2001 2:42:04 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

WASHINGTON -- Translators are going over a videotape of Osama bin Laden
talking about the Sept. 11 terror attacks to ensure accuracy "before
anything is released to the world," President Bush's spokesman said

Haven't they had this tape for weeks? LOL!! I can't wait for it to roll.
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Fw: Chavez Proposes a 'Bolivarian Alternative' to FTAA [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread mart


Forward from mart.
Please distribute widely.
- Original Message - 
From: NY Transfer News 
To: NY Transfer News 
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 6:43 AM
Subject: [Chavez Proposes a 'Bolivarian Alternative' to 
Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't 
Fitsource - Granma International Digital - December 12, 2001http://www.granma.cuChávez proposes a 
Bolivarian Alternative for the AmericasIN contraposition to the U.S. 
annexationist project known as the FreeTrade Area of the Americas (FTAA), 
Venezuelan President Hugo Chávezhas proposed the adoption of a Bolivarian 
Alternative for theAmericas (ALBA).On the first day of the 3rd 
Summit of the Association of CaribbeanStates (AEC), Chávez insisted, "those 
of us from Latin America andthe Caribbean should think of an alternative," 
because the FTAA -which he termed a "disintegrating government" - "is not 
what is goingto unite us."Cuban President Fidel Castro, speaking at 
the plenary sessionattended by 18 heads of state and government from the 
CaribbeanBasin, referred to the need to achieve preferential 
treatmentquickly, to protect the small economies in the region.He 
cited the example of the European Union's interregionaldevelopment and its 
projects for balancing the small and largeeconomies within its 
membership.President Castro warned about the dangers of the FTAA, which 
is nowbecoming more concrete and could destroy all of Latin 
America'sunifying efforts.The first session of the summit, held in 
Isla de Margarita,Venezuela, witnessed a broad debate on economic themes, 
including thepossibility of creating an oil company of the Americas, 
reportedPrensa Latina.Chávez suggested that a gas pipeline be 
constructed which wouldbenefit all the AEC member states, noting that 
several of thosecountries have large petroleum deposits.Another 
problem examined by the dignitaries was the propagation ofAIDS in the 
region, which comes in second worldwide, in terms of thenumber of cases, 
surpassed only by sub-Saharan Africa.Other issues discussed were 
regional food production and the need toovercome the shortage of these 
products among the Caribbeanpopulation.Copyright (c) 2001 Granma 
International Digital. All rights 
NY Transfer News Collective * A Service of Blythe 
Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us 
339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012 http://www.blythe.org 
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2001-12-13 Thread mart


CBC radio news in Canada is reporting that the Israeli's 
have cut off all ties 
and contacts with Yasser Arafat, claiming he is now 
"irrelevant". They have 
attacked with missiles and destroyed his personal offices, home and helicopter 
pad and have forbidden him to 
leave the occupied Palestinian territory. Further,
Israel is launching a full 
scale military invasion of Palestinian territory to in 
words "take out the 
terrorists themselves" and "bring them to justice"!
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Fw: More AP goofiness on the FTAA Carribbean summit [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread mart


- Original Message - From: Jose G. 
Perez Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 8:22 AMSubject: [CubaNews] More 
AP goofiness on the FTAA Caribbean summit[There they go again! The 
AP keeps on pretending that what the Caribbeansummit supported is the US 
proposals for what a free trade area of theamericas, and thus finds a 
contradiction between the statements of Fidel andChávez, on the one hand, 
and the summit statement, on the other. In fact,there is no contradiction. 
Moreover, the report lapses from mere confusionto total fiction when it 
starts talking about "the proposed treaty." Thereis in fact no such treaty, 
proposed or otherwise. One would have to benegotiated. What the summit did 
is present in a positive way some of theCaribbean's goals in such a 
negotiation. And what Chávez and Fidel are doingis educating people about 
what this means vis-a-vis what imperialism wants,which is the opposite of 
what the countries of the Thrd World want, althoughit would be impolitic to 
say so in an official summit declaration.]* * 
*Castro Warns on Americas Trade PlanBy FABIOLA SANCHEZ, 
Associated Press WriterPORLAMAR, Venezuela (AP) - After signing a summit 
declaration that supportsa U.S.-sponsored Free Trade Area of the Americas, 
Cuban President FidelCastro (news - web sites) warned that the proposed 
treaty could lead to U.S.domination of Latin America.``There is a 
plot to impose by economic force ... not only an economic, buta global 
political order,'' Castro said after Wednesday's conclusion of 
theAssociation of Caribbean States summit.``One day, all of our 
countries - excepting Cuba because (Washington),luckily, doesn't want it - 
could be involved in a large deal in whicheveryone is compromised'' by 
developed nations' might, Castro said.Cuba, which has faced four decades 
of U.S. economic sanctions imposedbecause of its communist rule, is excluded 
from negotiations to establishthe free trade zone from Alaska to Argentina 
in 2005.An ACS declaration signed by Castro expresses support for the 
FTAA - as longas developed nations' barriers to products such as 
agricultural and textileimports from developing nations are eliminated. That 
would provideimpoverished Latin nations a better chance to 
compete.But Castro later said millions of Latin Americans are heading 
for ``adestination they know nothing about.'' Accusing leaders of keeping 
detailson treaty negotiations secret, he urged the region's governments to 
educatetheir citizens about the deal.U.S. workers know more about 
FTAA than their Latin counterparts becausethousands of them lost jobs to 
cheaper Mexican labor when the North AmericanFree Trade Agreement was 
enacted, Castro said.Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez supported Castro's 
criticism. He suggestedthat the region consider an alternative. And he 
pledged to put any FTAA to apopular vote in Venezuela.Another 
dissenting voice was Guyanese President Bharrat Jagdeo, who said 
hisgovernment wouldn't sign a deal without ``preferential and 
distinguishingtreatment'' for Latin and Caribbean economies.``If 
these conditions don't meet with our satisfaction ... we simply will 
beignored,'' Jagdeo said.During the two-day summit on Margarita 
Island, Caribbean leaders called forFTAA negotiations to end by January 2005 
and the free trade zone be openedby December 2005.They denounced the 
U.S. economic sanctions against Cuba, but pledged theircontinuing support 
for the fight against terrorism. They also vowed tojointly promote Caribbean 
tourism, a vital industry that has suffered sincethe Sept. 11 terrorist 
attacks in the United States.
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EU summit rally begins [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread Barry Stoller


BBC. 13 December 2001. Thousands march ahead of summit.

The first demonstrations ahead of this weekend's European Union summit
in Belgium have got under way, with tens of thousands of trade unionists
marching through Brussels.

Thursday's march was to demand greater involvement of Europe's trade
unions in the development of social and employment legislation.

This is an appeal for a more social Europe, said Waltraud Etz, a
spokeswoman for the European Trade Union Confederation, which organised
the march.

We want more jobs and better quality jobs, she said.

There is anger among the Belgian workforce at rising unemployment and
the collapse of the national airline, Sabena.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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2001-12-13 Thread Sandeep Vaidya


Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 20, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Deirdre Griswold

The planned and deliberate brutality of the Pentagon war in
Afghanistan is a closely guarded secret.

People in the United States are being told practically
nothing about the war's effects on the Afghan people. What
images are we allowed to see on television? Explosions that
produce nothing but clouds of dust. Fuzzy objects in the
crosshairs of bombers that are always identified as
military targets. Grateful refugees receiving generous
handouts from the West. And the smooth-talking boys of the
Pentagon who make it all sound like a heroic game that will
end when the evil enemy has been taken.

But the truth is there have been massive civilian

The military no longer produce a body count at the end of
each day as they did during the Vietnam War. However, as of
Dec. 10, more than 3,500 civilians had died in the U.S.
bombing, according to Prof. Marc W. Herold of the University
of New Hampshire.

Herold has been keeping tabs on casualty reports since the
bombs began falling on Oct. 7. He has done a meticulous job
of tabulating, day by day and place by place, all the
reports of civilian casualties to be found in the world

Herold released the results of his study on Dec. 10 in a
discussion with Amy Goodman, producer of Democracy Now! An
Excel spreadsheet containing the information can be found at

I was concerned that there would be significant civilian
casualties caused by the bombing, and I was able to find
some mention of casualties in the foreign press but almost
nothing in the U.S. press, he said.

These were poor people to begin with, he added. And, on
top of that, they had absolutely nothing to do with the
events of September 11.

Herold lists the date, number of casualties, location, type
of weapon used and sources of information for each incident.
Here is one such listing for Oct. 11: Two U.S. jets bombed
the mountain village of Karam, comprised of 60 mud houses,
during dinner and evening prayer time, killing 100-160
people. Sources: DAWN (English-language Pakistani daily
newspaper), the Guardian of London, the Independent,
International Herald Tribune, the Scotsman, the Observer and
the BBC News.

That was at the beginning of the bombing campaign, when the
Taliban were still believed to be strong. But what happened
after they began to flee south and eventually abandoned


The bombing continued unabated. In an article entitled U.S.
Planes Rain Death on the Innocent, Rory McCarthy wrote in
the Guardian of Dec. 1 that the village of Bibi Mahru near
Kabul had been hit several times by U.S. bombers, even
though they destroyed the only military target in the area,
a radar and anti-aircraft position on a hill above the town,
on the first night.

McCarthy saw the damage caused by bombs dropped 10 days
after the radar position had been destroyed. The deep
craters and pieces of shrapnel indicate that America's
weapon of choice in Kabul was the Mark 82 500-lb. bomb,
which is designed to be guided to its target by the pilot, a
nearby observation plane or a spotter on the ground. But
there was nothing accurate about the 500-lb. bomb which fell
on Bibi Mahru. It killed Gul Ahmad, 40, a Hazara carpet
weaver, his second wife Sima, 35, their five daughters and
his son by his first wife. Two children living next door
were also killed. ... 'My husband was thinking before this
incident that the Americans would bring peace in our
country,' said Arafa, who lost eight members of her family.
'Now I am left with my five daughters and two sons and no
one to look after them.'

McCarthy also visited a neighborhood in Kabul of workers'
apartment buildings built by the Soviet Union during the
period of the Afghan Revolution, which was overthrown in a
war financed by the U.S. CIA. On Nov. 12, wrote McCarthy,
the last day the Taliban spent in Kabul, American planes
targeted a military garrison close to the densely populated
Soviet-built Microrayon housing district. Four 50-lb. bombs
hit the area. Only one hit the garrison.

One landed at the corner of apartment block 33, where a
crowd of children were playing. Nazila, six, was crushed to
death by a concrete block. 'She couldn't run away in time,'
said her father, Abdul Basir. 'We believed because this was
a residential block they wouldn't hit it. We thought they
were hitting their targets accurately.' A second landed in
the road, a third landed on two houses, killing five people,
including a 15-year-old girl.

The Pentagon keeps denying civilian casualties in its press
briefings. The corporate media here--the newspaper and
television bosses who control what gets aired--accept
whatever the military says. They kill 

Sorting Through the Lies of the Racak Massacre [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Sorting Through the Lies of the Racak Massacre 
and other Myths of Kosovo 


Posted: February 15, 


by Stephen Gowans 
Remember why NATO spent 78-days bombing 
Yugoslavia in the spring of 1999?
There was the ethnic cleansing. The atrocities. 
The refugees chased out of Kosovo by the Serb army. The mass graves. The heaps 
of bodies tossed into vats of sulphuric acid at the Trepca mines.
NATO spokesman Jamie Shea said there were 100,000 
Kosovars unaccounted for.
If you're like most people, you have at least a 
vague recollection of something that seemed to approach a modern-day 
Problem is, none of it happened.
NATO's original estimate of 100,000 ethnic 
Albanians slaughtered, later revised downward to 10,000, turns out to be 
considerably exaggerated.
Dr. Peter Markesteyn, a Winnipeg forensic 
pathologist, was among the first war crimes investigators to arrive in Kosovo 
after NATO ended its bombing campaign.
"We were told there were 100,000 bodies 
everywhere," said Dr. Markesteyn. "We performed 1,800 autopsies -- that's 
Fewer than 2,000 corpses. None found in the 
Trepca mines. No remains in the vats of sulphuric acid. Most found in isolated 
graves -- not in the mass graves NATO warned about. And no clue as to whether 
the bodies were those of KLA fighters, civilians, even whether they were Serbs 
or ethnic Albanians.
No wonder then that of all the incidents on which 
Slobodan Milosevic has been indicted for war crimes, the total body count is not 
100,000, not 10,000, not even 1,800 -- but 391!
That's 109 lives fewer than the 500 Yugoslav 
civilians Human Rights Watch estimates were killed by NATO bombs -- and far 
fewer than what the death toll will eventually be once those who have yet to die 
from cancers induced by the terrible environmental devastation of the war are 
finally carried off as late -- and unaccounted for -- casualties.
And it's equal to the number of Palestinians who 
have been killed so far by the IDF -- the Israeli army -- in the latest 
Palestinian uprising. The difference is that the IDF, under the direction of 
Ehud Barak and now Ariel Sharon, is an occupying army, while the Yugoslav 
security forces, under Slobodan Milosevic, were conducting an counterinsurgency 
operation within their own borders.
But Barak, mistakenly portrayed as a peace-nik, 
and Sharon, the architect of a long string of atrocities, including the infamous 
Sabra and Shatila massacres, aren't under indictment for war crimes. Nor are 
they ever likely to be -- not as long as the United States wields a veto at the 
What's more, there's some question as to whether 
at least one of the war crimes Milosevic is accused of ever happened. And then 
there's the revealing issue of when they happened.
It seems that all of Milosevic's war crimes, but 
one, happened after the bombing -- highly curious, since the bombing was said to 
be necessary to stop a genocide, that, it seems now, NATO had no evidence of. 
(If they did, why haven't they brought it forward?)
Moreover, the one pre-bombing incident, the Racak 
massacre -- which the United States cited as a major reason for the bombing 
campaign -- is more likely to have been faked by the Kosovo Liberation Army 
(KLA), the guerilla army the Serbs were ensnared in a bloody civil war with, 
than to have represented the cold-blooded killing of ethnic Albanian 
non-combatants, as the KLA, and Washington's man in Kosovo at the time, William 
Walker, alleged.
It was Walker, at the time head of the Kosovo 
Verification Mission (KVM) who, on the morning of January 16, 1999, led the 
press to the Kosovar village of Racak, a KLA stronghold. There some 20 bodies 
were found in a shallow trench, and 20 more were found scattered throughout the 
village. The KLA, and Walker, alleged that masked Serb policemen had entered the 
village the previous day, and killed men, women and children at close range, 
after torturing and mutilating them. Chillingly, the Serb police were said to 
have whistled merrily as they went about their work of slaughtering the 
It was a horrible tableau, sure to whip up the 
indignation of the world -- and it did.
Clinton's Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, 
as eager to scratch her ever itchy trigger finger as her boss was to scratch his 
illimitable sexual itches, demanded that Yugoslavia be bombed immediately. 
Albright, like a kid agonizingly counting down the hours to Christmas, would 
have to wait until after Milosevic's rejection of NATO's ultimata at Rambouillet 
to get her wish.
Bill Clinton, not to be surpassed in expressing 
indignation, said, "We should remember what happened in the village of 
Racak...Innocent men, women, and children were taken from their homes to a 
gully, forced to kneel in the dirt, sprayed with gunfire -- not because of 
anything they had done, but because of who they were."

Business this week [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Business this weekDecember 13th 2001From The Economist print edition 






America's Federal Reserve 
responded to continuing signs of economic weakness with its eleventh 
interest-rate cut of the year. A reduction of a quarter-point brings 
rates down to 1.75%, the lowest for 40 years.
article: Don't bet on a swift recovery
The value of global 
merger and acquisition activity in 2001 was $1.6 trillion, half what it was 
worth the previous year, according to data from Dealogic. In 2000, the inflated 
value of high-tech shares fuelled many a deal that now looks unwise.
CSFB is to hand 
over some of the cash it had made from the dotcom boom. The investment bank has 
reportedly agreed to pay $100m to settle an investigation by America's 
regulators into claims that it had rigged initial public offerings of high-tech 
shares by allocating big tranches to favoured customers in return for a slice of 
the profits in the form of inflated commissions.
Zurich Financial 
Services reshuffled its top management yet again. Dinos Iordanou, who had 
been promoted to head of group operations last year and was tipped to take over 
the top job, left to run an insurance start-up. Perhaps as a result, Converium, 
a reinsurance business Zurich has spun off, made a quiet stockmarket 
The weak economy claimed 
more victims at American Express. It announced that up to 6,500 more jobs 
would go, on top of the 7,700 announced in the past 12 months, a total of 15% of 
its workforce.
Compaq's merger 
with Hewlett-Packard seemed doomed after the Packard foundation rejected 
the deal. Hewlett family members had already dismissed the merger; together they 
own 18% of the company. Compaq shares sank, but both it and HP optimistically insisted that the deal would succeed with the 
aid of institutional shareholders.
article: Carly Fiorina of Hewlett-Packard
The global telecoms 
slump hit Eastern Europe. Telekomunikacja Polska announced that it would 
get rid of 12,000 employees next year, some 20% of its workforce. France 
Telecom, which acquired 35% of the former state monopoly from the Polish 
government last year, had said that job cuts would come but had agreed with 
powerful unions that it would wait four years.
Struggling British 
Telecom appointed Ben Verwaayen, a Dutchman from struggling Lucent 
Technologies, as its new chief executive, to replace Sir Peter Bonfield, who 
recently said he would depart from BT a year ahead of 
Nokia provided 
some relief from the gloom surrounding high-tech companies. The Finnish 
mobile-phone behemoth announced that fourth-quarter profits were likely to be 
better than previously forecast after handsets sold in greater quantities than 
expected. But fourth-quarter profits will not match last year's; and its 
infrastructure business still languishes.
Consignia, once 
known as Britain's Post Office, may have to lay off some 30,000 workers over the 
next year and a half, twice previous estimates for redundancies needed to save 
costs as postal growth slips. Unions reacted to the state-owned company's 
announcement with outrage and threatened to strike.
Yahoo!, the 
world's biggest Internet portal, made an unsolicited offer of $436m for 
HotJobs, a careers website that was planning to merge with its rival, 
TMP Worldwide.
Corporate Japan suffered 
its biggest foreign intrusion with the purchase by Roche of a controlling 
interest in Chugai, a large drug company, for up to ¥198 billion ($1.59 
billion). The Swiss drug firm assuaged Japanese sensitivities by dressing the 
deal up as an alliance with Roche as an invited partner.
Pfizer threatened 
to stop supplying France with new medicines in protest at the country's 
drug-pricing policies. It hopes competitors will join the struggle to squeeze 
extra cash from France's government; it would go to research and developing 
better cures, says Pfizer.
Merck shocked 
investors and sent its shares reeling with the news that profits would not grow 
in 2002. The American drug firm blamed the expiry of patents and slowing 
Fixing the car 
Fiat unveiled 
plans for a restructuring that would see the loss of 6,000 jobs, the sale of 
non-core assets and the possible demise of up to 18 of its factories. The head 
of its car-making division, Roberto Testore, resigned.
article: Fiat's problems 
Five German banks 
felt the wrath of the European Commission. In its latest round of 
cartel-busting, the commission levied fines of euro101m ($90.4m) for 
fixing commissions on the exchange of the 12 euro-area currencies since 1997. 
Three banks said they would appeal.
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Arab world calls video a fraud [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread Barry Stoller


AP; Reuters. 13 December 2001.  Poor Sound Quality Fuels Suspicions in
the Arab World of a U.S. Scheme;  Many in Arab World Call Bin Laden
Video a Fake.

CAIRO -- Poor sound quality and reliance on U.S. government translations
significantly lessened the impact of the latest Osama bin Laden
videotape in the Arab world and fueled suspicion of a U.S. scheme to
blame Muslims for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Is that possible! I can't believe bin Laden did it. The translation is
wrong and we hardly heard his voice. America just wants to implicate
Muslims, said Nadia Saqr, an Egyptian mother of two.

In the tape released Thursday by the Pentagon, there was no
finger-waving or grandiose threats and bin Laden referred to the Sept.
11 attacks in a casual tone.

Over dinner with his aides in the tape released Thursday, bin Laden
recited a poem about freedom and struggle and teased his spokesman,
Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, because he had known nothing about the Sept. 11
attacks. Not everyone knew, bin Laden said in the tape.

It was a striking contrast to previous tapes. Coupled with poor sound
quality and U.S. government translations, the tape released by the
Pentagon instead of the Al-Jazeera station, left many Arab skeptics.

In Jordan, political analyst Labib Kamhawi said, at most, the video
shows bin Laden praising the attacks, but does not prove that bin Laden
was responsible for them.

In a recruiting video released after the October 2000 suicide attack on
the destroyer USS Cole in the Yemeni port of Aden, bin Laden praised the
deadly bombing but did not claim responsibility.

I think this recording is forged ... I don't believe this tape is
authentic, said Sheikh Mohammad Saleh, a Saudi cleric.

Ali, a Saudi civil servant, concurred. The picture is real but the
voice is not. It could be a voice over, he said. He had to watch the
videotape on a regional satellite station as Saudi state television
failed to broadcast it.

Do the Americans really think the world is that stupid to think that
they would believe that this tape is evidence? asked Abdul Latif
Arabiat, head of Jordan's mainstream Islamist party the Islamic Action

In my view this tape has been fabricated by Washington to condemn bin
Laden and conceal America's ugly crimes in Afghanistan, said Yousef
Abdul Hamid, an Amman taxi driver.

A less skeptical Bahraini man said: If the recording was real, it only
adds that bin Laden was aware of the incident but not necessarily that
he had planned it.''

It is possible that another group was behind it but had informed bin
Laden about their plan, he concluded from the muffled tape, which was
accompanied by an official U.S. translation which some Arabs described
as inaccurate.

U.S. forces are bombing an area in Afghanistan where bin Laden and
followers are believed holed up.

If the tape says anything it says the Americans are still looking for
evidence, but evidence should come before and not after, a Gulf
academic said. The whole thing seems far-fetched.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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Fw: [CubaNews] Miami 5: Herald Recounts Bizarre Scene in Courtroom [WWW.STOPNATO

2001-12-13 Thread mart


Forward from mart.
Please distribute widely.

- Original Message - 
From: NY Transfer News Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 4:33 
PMSubject: [CubaNews] Miami 5: Herald Recounts Bizarre Scene in 
CourtroomVia NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't 
Fit[The Brothers to the rescue thugs present a "plea" but 
GerardoHernandez offers a "diatribe." The words "patriot" and 
"extremist"are in quotation marks when Cuban say them, etc., etc... 
And ofcourse, no one on whom Uncle $am smiles can ever be a 
terrorist.Without further comment, we present the weird article produced 
by theMiami Herald, which promulgates the myth that Gerardo Hernandez 
wassentenced to life in prison for killing gusanos in Brothers tothe 
Rescue Planes in February, 1996. Apparently the judge was underthe 
same delusion, if the coverage of her statements is accurate.She also seems 
to think that the Cuban military could have simplyordered the planes to land 
and taken the gusanos into cuwstody! Whatplanet is this woman living on? 
Guess that's what the US should havedone on September 11th, also, and saved 
everyone a lot of grief.Unlike Isabel Garcia-Sarza's Reuter's report 
just posted, the Heraldavoids emphasizing the word 'conspiracy' which of 
course was theactual charge. The obviously hysterical atmosphere in 
the Miamicourtroom, during the trial and during sentencing arguments, 
shouldbe sufficient evidence alone for the convictions to the thrown out 
onappeal. The arrests themselves were patently political, but 
evengranting the legitimacy of the arrests and charges -- a big leap 
--there was absolutely no excuse for denying a change of venue andtrying 
these people in the 3-ring circus that is Miami. ]source - 
JosePertierra@aol. comThe Miami Herald - December 13, 
2001Cuban spy gets life for 1996 shoot-down [sic]Maximum 
penalty for "patriot"by Gail Epstein NievesIn front of his 
mother and his Cuban compatriots, spymaster GerardoHernandez a convicted 
murderer in the United States but a patriot-- in his homeland -- was 
sentenced Wednesday to two life terms, themaximum possible punishment and 
the outcome sought by tearful relatives of four men killed in the 1996 Brothers 
to the Rescue shoot-down. U. S. District Judge Joan Lenard meted out the 
sentence after hearinggruelingly emotional pleas from the Brothers relatives 
and a40-minute diatribe from Hernandez, 36, a career Cuban 
intelligenceagent who supervised other South Florida-based 
spies.Hernandez's speech defiantly condemned his prosecutors, 
jurors,Brothers' founder Jose Basulto, U. S. foreign policy and -- 
most ofall -- the Cuban exile community, but acknowledged no guilt 
forhimself.Lenard disagreed, finding that despite several "wrongful 
andprovocative" violations of Cuban airspace by Brothers, 
asearch-and-rescue group, Cuba's act of blasting two Cessnas from thesky 
was not a reasonable response and deserved to be fully punished.Hernandez 
conspired with his bosses in Havana to murder the fliers,the jury 
found.JUDGE'S COMMENT"What more could they have done?" Lenard 
said, repeating a questionthat Hernandez's lawyer, Paul McKenna, posed about 
the Cubanresponse. "They could have brought the planes down and taken 
thosepersons into custody. "The actions of the planes in February 
1996were much less extreme than the actions taken by this defendant 
andothers in executing a conspiracy to commit murder," she 
said.Fliers Carlos Costa, Armando Alejandre, Mario de la Pena and 
PabloMorales perished in the shoot-down over international waters. 
Theirbodies were never recovered -- "pulverized up in the air," 
Morales'frail mother, Eva Barba, cried to the judge, prompting 
snifflesaround the courtroom.NOT A MARTYRMichael Mendez, 
Costa's nephew, told the judge that while some peoplecall his uncle a 
martyr, he disagrees. The dictionary, he said,defines the word as 
someone who chooses to die. "He never chose todie. Mr. 
Hernandez made that choice for him," Mendez said.Outside the courtroom, 
relatives of the dead men said they were happywith the sentence and the 
trial but they hope the government willcontinue to pursue Cuban President 
Fidel Castro and others who gaveorders or fired missiles in the attack. "We 
have a life sentence ofour own," said Maggie Khuly, Alejandre's 
sister. "We will never stopour fight for justice until every person 
responsible for the murders"is held accountable. U. S. Attorney Guy 
Lewis, as is his policy,wouldn't say whether an indictment against Castro is 
contemplated.But he said Hernandez's life sentences send a message to 
other spiesthat they will be punished if they're caught. The case 
wasprosecuted by Caroline Heck Miller, John Kastrenakes and 
DavidBuckner."FAIR TRIAL"Two jurors who watched the 
sentencing also applauded the sentence. Eugene Yagle and David G. 
Buker said that 

80,000 at EU summit demo [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread Barry Stoller


AP. 13 December 2001. 80,000 Hold Peaceful Demonstration Ahead of EU
Leaders Summit.

BRUSSELS, Belgium -- Some 80,000 people marched through the Belgian
capital Thursday, demanding the European Union give labor unions a
larger role in shaping social policy and do more to cut unemployment.

The march came on the eve of a two-day summit of EU leaders that is
expected to draw anti-globalization activists from across Europe for
three other planned demonstrations. Police have stepped up security,
fearing a repeat of the violent protests that have accompanied
gatherings in recent years.

However, Thursday's march was peaceful.

This is an appeal for a more social Europe, we are not against Europe,
said Waltraud Etz, spokeswoman at the European Trade Union
Confederation, which organized Thursday's march.

We want more jobs and better quality jobs as the economic situation
isn't great, she said.

The group, which represents 60 million European workers from 25
countries, demands quality public services, more workers rights,
improved safety conditions at the workplace and an EU commitment to tone
down today's unbridled globalization.

Unions and other groups presented Belgian Prime Minister Guy
Verhofstadt, who is hosting the summit, with a declaration setting out
their demands.

A separate declaration was handed over by a group of 45 activist
organizations calling on EU leaders to send a strong signal that the
EU is firmly committed to the eradication of poverty.

Meanwhile Belgian police detained 43 anti-globalization protesters near
the city center, after they chained themselves to an abandoned building,
protesting the lack of housing in Brussels for visiting demonstrators.

City police Commissioner Christian De Coninck said the protesters were
apprehended as a precaution. This was an action by people that are well
organized. We are ready for them, he said.

Thirty of the detained activists came from France, five from Greece, two
from Ireland, and two from Australia, police said, adding that all
non-Belgian nationals detained were told to leave the country after
being released. The other activists detained were Belgian.

Wary of a repeat of violent summit protests in recent years, Brussels
police are taking tough security measures and deploying 3,000 police
officers for the summit.

Police helicopters and water cannons were deployed alongside riot police
and horse patrols on the streets, officials said.

Belgian air force F-16 fighters were also to be placed on alert as the
threat of a possible terrorist attack looms large after the events of
Sept. 11.

Large areas around the wooded grounds of the royal palace of Laeken -
the summit venue - were off-limits to demonstrators as well as the
downtown houses of parliament and the Grand' Place, Brussels' historic
central square.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller
with photo attachments of the demo

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Fw: [FreeTitoKayak] Situación de Tito Kayak [WWW.STOPNATO

2001-12-13 Thread mart


NOW!!- Original 
Message - From: freetitokayak To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 4:40 PMSubject: [FreeTitoKayak] 
Situación de Tito Kayak(English summary below)Tito Kayak 
continua recluido en solitaria desde el 30 de noviembre. Nadie ha podido 
visitarlo desde entonces ya que se le retiraron las visitas como parte del 
castigo adicional que le han impuesto. Es importante que le *escriban* al 
alcaide de la prisión, Gregory Park, pidiendo información las razones por 
las cuales Tito se encuentra en solitaria. Además, pregúntenle sobre el 
traslado de Tito a Puerto Rico. El número de fax que habíamos enviado 
anteriormente no está funcionando así que es necesario enviar las cartas por 
correo. Puedes escribir o llamar a:Gregory 
ParkWardenMetropolitan Correctional Center- Manhattan150 Park 
RowNew York, NY 10007(212)240-9656--Tito Kayak 
continues to be in solitary confinement. It is important that we write to 
the warden asking for Tito's removal from that area, besides inquiring about 
the status of Tito's return to Puerto Rico.You may send your letters 
to:Gregory ParkWardenMetropolitan Correctional Center- 
Manhattan150 Park RowNew York, NY 
unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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Re: BBC: Osama Bin Laden transcript excerpt [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread Lee Mager


Interesting. They even got Bin Laden to make his estimate on tape, with 
his vast experience, that the fire would melt the iron structure.

I seem to remember the BBC saying soon after 9/11 that the fire would have 
reached 800 degrees celsius. The fact that the melting point of iron is 1538 
degrees celsius is neither here nor there. Bin Laden, the mastermind, has 
surely swotted for his Evil Science exams and knows his stuff.

From: Barry Stoller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: BBC: Osama Bin Laden transcript excerpt [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 18:10:38 -0500


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Bin Laden 'surrounded' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread Barry Stoller


CNN (with additional material by Reuters). 13 December 2001. Official:
Bin Laden surrounded in caves.

WASHINGTON -- The United States believes opposition fighters and U.S.
troops have surrounded Osama bin Laden in a cave complex near Tora Bora,
a senior military official told CNN Thursday.

The official would not be specific about the size of the area bin Laden
was believed to be in.

While acknowledging bin Laden could still slip out of the Tora Bora
area, the official said, Wouldn't it be a great Christmas gift if we
can get him before Christmas?

We think he's in Afghanistan, we are chasing him, he is hiding, he does
not want us to know where he is, we are asking everyone we can to help,
said Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld earlier on Thursday.

The Afghan Islamic Press said U.S. special forces landed overnight in
Tora Bora and that U.S. helicopters had increased their flights between
Tora Bora and an airport in Jalalabad.

Meanwhile, anti-Taliban and U.S. forces continued to hunt for Taliban
ruler Mullah Mohammed Omar and his supporters. The best U.S.
intelligence indicated Omar was in Helmond province, to the west of
Kandahar, a senior military official said.

Eastern Alliance commanders had given al Qaeda fighters until noon local
time to surrender bin Laden and his inner circle. After the deadline
passed, al Qaeda fighters told CNN in a radio conversation they would
not end their holy war until the United States is destroyed.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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2001-12-13 Thread Miroslav Antic



Chief Prosecutor of the Hague Court sees her strategy fail as judge
rejects plan to join three charges into one case. Milosevic calls
accusations absurd, claiming he should be given credit for his part in

Carla del Ponte, the Chief prosecutor of the International Court of
Justice, at The Hague, one which the United States of America does not
recognise, tried to tie three accusations against Slobodan Milosevic
together into one case. She claimed that the case was the same, namely
the attempt to create a Greater Serbia at the expense of ethnic
cleansing in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo. 

The ex-President of Yugoslavia called this accusation monstrous and
stated that Serbia was a multi-ethnic state in which there has never
been discrimination founded on an ethnic or religious criterion.
Furthermore, he accused Carla del Ponte of trying to cover up the
connections between the Clinton administration and the Albanian
terrorists, connected to Al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden's terrorist movement.

Slobodan Milosevic called the attempt to blame him for genocide in the
Balkans supremely absurd because being one of the signatories of the
Dayton agreement, he had been instrumental in signing an end to the
conflict. He claimed he should be given credit for the peace in Bosnia
and not for the war. 

The British judge presiding over the case, Brian May, refused to allow
Carla del Ponte's strategy to be adopted and declared that two charges
would be brought in two separate cases. The first will be tried on
January 12th, on Slobodan Milosevic's role during the Kosovo conflict,
1999. The second, regarding the conflicts in Croatia and Bosnia between
1991 and 1995, will be judged later, due to the need for more time to
collect the data. 


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Russia would regret US withdrawal [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


would regret US withdrawal
BRASILIA - Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov said on Wednesday his 
country would "very much regret" if the United States withdrew from the 1972 
Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty. The White House told congressional leaders 
the United States plans to withdraw from the pact viewed by Russia, European 
allies and Democrats as a cornerstone of international arms control, Senate 
Majority Leader Tom Daschle said. Daschle, a South Dakota Democrat, said 
congressional leaders were informed of the decision at a meeting with President 
George W. Bush and other White House officials. A formal announcement could come 
as early as Thursday, a U.S. official said. Kasyanov, who was visiting Brazil, 
said his government's position on a possible U.S. withdrawal from the treaty is 
well known. "We would very much regret if they left the treaty," Kasyanov told 
journalists in Brasilia. "What worries us is strategic stability." The Bush 
administration has said the time is near to move beyond the ABM treaty, which 
bars the kind of multibillion-dollar national missile defense system it wants to 
develop to protect the country and its allies from states such as North Korea 
and Iraq. In Moscow on Wednesday the Interfax news agency quoted a senior 
Russian Foreign Ministry official as saying Moscow was aware of the U.S. 
intention and that it was "not dramatizing this situation and will keep an 
attentive eye on the development of events." A formal U.S. move to withdraw 
requires six months' notice, so any announcement would signal the start of this 
period. U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said Russia and the United States 
"still have disagreements" on ABM after talks in Moscow this week. -Reuters
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Two Jewish Defense League Leaders Arrested In LA Terror Bomb Plot [WWW.STOPNATO.

2001-12-13 Thread Miroslav Antic


Two Jewish Defense League Leaders Arrested In LA Terror Bomb Plot


LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) - Two leaders of the Jewish Defense League
were arrested by federal authorities Wednesday in an aborted plot to
blow up an unidentified Los Angeles institution, according to a
spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's office in Los Angeles.

Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel were taking into federal custody Wednesday
following early morning raids by members of an anti-terrorism task
force, said spokesman Thom Mrozek.

We are working on a complaint charging Rubin and Krugel to blow some
type of target based on an inside informant, said Mrozek. The plot was
not carried out.

Rubin is identified as the group's chairman on the Web site.

The Jewish Defense League is a militant Los Angeles-based group that
advocates use of all necessary means -- even strength, force and
violence to defend the interests of Jews, as well as the return of all
Jews to Israel, according to its Web site. Its logo contains a
silhouette of a clenched fist over the Star of David.

The organization was originally formed by Meir Kahane to mount armed
response to anti-Semitic acts in New York City. It gained notoriety when
its members were linked to bombings, most of them aimed at Soviet
targets in retaliation for the way that country treated its Jewish

Kahane left the JDL and moved to Israel. A power struggle ensued, with
Rubin among the contenders for its leadership.

Kahane was assassinated in New York in 1990. El Sayyid Nosair, 36, an
Egyptian-born Muslim, was convicted in connection with the shooting.


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Re: Billical phrase A plague on both your houses! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread Bill Howard


- Original Message - 
From: Rolf Martens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 7:09 AM
Subject: Re: Billical phrase A plague on both your houses! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


I meant above all the houses of traditional capitalism
and imperialism, on the one hand, and revisionism, as
represented not least by the social-imperialist Soviet
Union and its adherents from the 60s on.

And the two are as bad as each other, then?



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Iran Slams Western Double Standard on Palestine Issue [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread Bill Howard


[Via Communist Internet... http://www.egroups.com/group/Communist-Internet ]

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.Iran Slams Western Double Standard on Palestine Issue.

Iran on Wednesday slammed the West for its double standard on Palestinian
crisis, saying that double standard and discrimination against the
Palestinians will further exacerbate the situation in the Middle East.

Iran on Wednesday slammed the West for its double standard on Palestinian
crisis, saying that double standard and discrimination against the
Palestinians will further exacerbate the situation in the Middle East.

The big mistake the Westerners have made is that they do not differentiate
between the occupier and those under occupation, and the oppressors and the
oppressed, Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Kharazi said during a meeting
with German Deputy Foreign Minister Jurgen Chrobog.

He expressed concern about the Zionist (Israel ) regime's aggressions and
crimes against Palestinians, saying that putting pressure on the
Palestinian resistance groups and labeling them as terrorist organizations
are unacceptable and unjustified.

On Monday, European Union (EU) foreign ministers issued a communique
labeling the Palestinian resistance groups as terrorist networks and
called on Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to dismantle them.

If certain states see themselves indebted to the Zionist regime, why should
the Palestinians pay the price? Kharazi questioned.

They should not urge the Palestinians to give up the legitimate rights on
their behalf, he stressed.

Iran, which does not recognize Israel, firmly supports Palestinians'
struggles to restore their legitimate national rights.

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Korean Central News Agency Dec 12 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread Bill Howard


[Via Communist Internet... http://www.egroups.com/group/Communist-Internet ]

[Subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 10:02 AM
Subject: Korean Central News Agency Dec 12

TODAY'S NEWS (December.12.2001 Juche 90)



U.S. denounced for suppressing Jeju uprising

Chongryon's struggle supported

Japanese authorities urged to halt their crackdown upon Chongryon

End to Japan's political suppression of Chongryon demanded

Lifting of emergency alert measure urged in S. Korea

Japanese reactionaries hit for suspected kidnapping racket

Anguk temple, one of architectural heritage

DPRK ambassador to Bulgaria appointed

For Spanish-speaking people


rodong sinmun condena a autoridades japonesas por represion sobre

declaracion de vocero de cc de union juvenil de corea

U.S. denounced for suppressing Jeju uprising
  Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- The solidarity for the implementation
of the south-north joint declaration released a statement on December 8
denouncing the U.S. for commanding the operation to suppress the uprising of
Jeju islanders in 1948, according to a news report. The South Korean
newspaper Hangyore carried the testimonies made by the then U.S. military
advisors who were active on the island to prove that the U.S. was chiefly
responsible for putting down the popular uprising on Jeju Island.
The recent disclosure is just part of the many testimonies that the U.S.
military government commanded the massacre of civilians on the island, the
statement said, and continued:
GIs have killed so many innocent Koreans since the time they landed in
South Korea. 
All the Koreans in the south, the north and overseas will pool their
strength to force the U.S. to pay for its bestial atrocities and drive GIs
out of Korea without fail.

Chongryon's struggle supported
  Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- The council of the National Movement
Organization of Koreans in the U.S. and the Association of Koreans in the
Eastern U.S. sent letters of solidarity to the General Association of Korean
Residents in Japan (Chongryon) and compatriots in Japan. They expressed
belief that Chongryon would emerge victorious in its struggle to shatter the
Japanese reactionaries' moves to crack down upon Chongryon and defend its
The council in a letter sent to Chongryon on Dec. 6 said that the
council and Koreans from all walks of life in the U.S. extended with warm
compatriotic feelings firm solidarity to the Chongryon officials and
compatriots in Japan in their just struggle to foil the Japanese
authorities' repressive campaign.
The letter expressed the conviction that the Koreans in Japan would
unite close under the banner of patriotism lifted high by Chongryon and
surely check the Japanese government authorities' repressive moves and
overcome the present ordeals.
The Association of Koreans in the Eastern U.S. in a letter sent to
Chongryon on Dec. 5 said: The Japanese authorities are cracking down upon
Chongryon, a legitimate organization of the DPRK, far from apologizing for
Japan's crime-woven past. This is an unpardonable criminal act and a vicious
challenge to the dignified DPRK which regards its sovereignty as its life
and soul. 
The letter urged the Japanese authorities to halt the political
suppression of Chongryon at once, apologize for it and unconditionally and
immediately release those unreasonably arrested.

Japanese authorities urged to halt their crackdown upon Chongryon
  Pyongyang, December 12 (KCNA) -- The Asian Regional Committee for
Supporting Korea's Reunification, the All-India Indo-Korean Friendship
Association and the Indian Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification
issued a statement on Dec. 4 condemning the Japanese authorities'
suppression of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan
(Chongryon). The statement said:
The Japanese authorities searched the central and local headquarters of
Chongryon, a dignified overseas citizens' organization of the DPRK, after
pulling up Chongryon without any clear legal ground, and arrested the former
director of the financial department of its central standing committee. This
was a high-handed political suppression of Chongryon and the Koreans in
Japan and a wanton violation of the dignity and sovereignty of the DPRK.
The Japanese authorities should immediately stop their anachronistic
anti-DPRK moves to mislead the world public opinion by craftily taking
advantage of the recent complicated international situation and fish in the
troubled waters 

China Concerned over US Planned Withdrawal from ABM [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread Bill Howard


[Via Communist Internet... http://www.egroups.com/group/Communist-Internet ]

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FM Spokeswoman: China Concerned over US Planned Withdrawal from ABM.

China is opposed to the buildup of a national missile defense system by the
United States,and is concerned over its plan to withdraw from the
Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty.

China is opposed to the buildup of a national missile defense system by the
United States ,and is concerned over its plan to withdraw from the
Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty.

Chinese Foreign Ministry  spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue made the remarks at a
press conference here Thursday. She said it is a matter of great importance
to maintain the international system of arms control and disarmament and the
world's strategic balance and stability.

China hoped that the U.S. will listen to the advice from the international
community, and take careful steps on the issue of the ABM treaty, she said.
Zhang said that the United Nations General Assembly has adopteda resolution
calling for joint efforts to strengthen and preserve the Anti-Ballistic
Missile (ABM) Treaty for consecutive three years.

On November 29, the United Nations General Assembly once again passed the
resolution, which fully demonstrated that the world hoped to keep the
resolution and its function of maintaining worldpeace and stability, said

She pointed out that China and the United States are important countries in
the world, sharing same responsibilities and interests in maintaining the
global peace. She added, China is always ready to join hands with the
international community for the issue concerned, and hopes that the
countries concerned could find solutions through constructive dialogue.

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Report: Hunger, Homelessness Rise in U.S. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread Bill Howard


[Via Communist Internet... http://www.egroups.com/group/Communist-Internet ]

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.Report: Hunger, Homelessness Rise in U.S.

Requests for emergency food and shelter assistance are on the rise in
American cities this year as the nation slipped into recession, according to
a survey released on Wednesday by the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

Requests for emergency food and shelter assistance are on the rise in
American cities this year as the nation slipped into recession, according to
a survey released on Wednesday by the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

Twenty-five out of 27 large cities surveyed reported an increase in request
for emergency food assistance. Those requests climbed an average 23 percent
in the last year, the survey found.

The survey also found that 19 cities reported increases in requests for
emergency shelter compared to last year. Those requests rose an average of
13 percent in the last year.

This survey underscores the real impact of the economic slowdown on real
people, New Orleans Mayor Marc Morial, the conference's president said at a
news conference in Washington.

Two thirds of the cities said they were unable to provide an adequate amount
of food for those in need and 85 percent said they had cut either the size
of the meals they provided or the number of times people could come to get

In Santa Monica, California, food requests are up 50 percent, the mayors
said. Other cities reporting large increases in hunger include Phoenix,
Arizona, 44 percent; Charlotte, North Carolina, 42 percent, Salt Lake city,
Utah, 35 percent, and Portland, Oregon, 34 percent.

The report cited the economic effects of the September 11 attacks and the
recession as reasons for the surge in hunger and homelessness. All cities
surveyed said they expected the trend to continue into next year.

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Peace walk to Washington, DC, starting in Berkeley 1-21-02 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread Steve Wagner


Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace walks around Lake Merritt in
Oakland each Sunday at 3.  These folks seem a little more ambitious
than that!  The following message arrived today.  Please forward hither
 yon.  - Steve

Peace-by-Peace journey 
begins in Berkeley on 
MLK Day, 1-21-02

December 4, 2001

Dear Friends,

  I hope this letter finds you well, healthy and strong in body, mind,
and spirit.  In about 7 weeks, the Peace-by-Peace journey will begin.

  We have a lot of preparation ahead of us, and hope you can help in
any way you feel moved to do so.  The following letter has our updated
route, web site, and PO Box, as well as general information.  Please
feel free to circulate! May peace grow in all our hearts.

  We are writing to invite you to participate with us in a peace

  On Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 21, 2002, a small group
of people from the Bay Area, will begin a walk starting in Berkeley,
California, and ending in Washington D.C., on September 11, 2002.  We
call this walk, peace-by-peace.  Inspired by Peace Pilgrim and
precipitated by recent global events, this walk is a prayer of and for
peace. It is a moving meditation centered in each of our own quests for
inner peace, as well as our collective desire to actively participate
in creating a world where we can live together equitably and
harmoniously. We invite you to join us on our walk, for a mile, an
hour, a day, or all the way to Washington DC!

  Our route will begin in Berkeley California on January 21, 2002 and
take us through the California Central Valley. We will then travel
through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee,
Carolina and Virginia arriving in Washington DC on September 11,2002.
(Please see the end of this letter for a list of major cities on our

  We are seeking opportunities to meet in fellowship with: peace
organizations, churches, spiritual/intentional communities, student
peace groups, schools, labor union groups and any other interested
organizations and individuals along the way.

  We welcome all spiritual/practical/logistical/financial support,
especially by way of fellowship, food, lodging, on our journey. We
thank you, and whole-heartedly appreciate your participation and

  We who work for peace must not falter. We must continue to pray for
peace and to act for peace in whatever way we can, we must continue
to speak for peace and to live the way of peace; to inspire others, we
must continue to think of peace and to know that peace is possible. 
Ultimate peace begins within. When we find peace within there will be
no more conflict, no more occasion for war.  - Peace Pilgrim

*Our website is under construction and should be up in a few weeks:

*If you are local to the Bay Area and would like to be contacted for
our upcoming benefit/send-off party, please send your name address and
phone number to [EMAIL PROTECTED].  We have a great evening
planned at the Black Box Theater at 1932 Telegraph Ave. in Downtown
Oakland.  Save the date: Saturday January 5th, 2002 (from 5pm to

*If you are unable to participate in the walk, but would like to
help:  prayers, meditations and thoughts of well wishing are deeply

*If you would like to send a donation to help with expenses, no amount
is too small. All money will go directly to food, camping costs,
support vehicle, and some will be given back to the communities which
have hosted us along the way.  (See the end of this letter for where to
send donations).

Major cities on our route:
Walkers will be needing shelter in all these locations, other than
the National Monuments/Parks. (Updates and estimated arrival dates will
be on our website once it is up and running).

California:  Berkeley, Oakland, Hayward, San Jose, Coyote, Morgan
Hill, Gilroy, Hollister, Tres Pinos, Paicines, Pinnacles Nat'l
Priest Valley, Parkfield, Cholame, Blackwell's Corner, Lost Hills,
Wasco, Shafter, Rosedale, Green-Acres, Edison, Keene, Tehachapi; 
Willow Springs, Lancaster, El Mirage, Adelanto (alternate route:
Mojave, North Edwards, Kramer Junction, Barstow); Victorville, Apple
Valley, Lucern Valley, Joshua Tree, Joshua Tree Nat'l Monument, Salton
Sea Nat'l Wildlife Refuge, Niland; Calipatria Alamorio, El Centro,
Holtville (alternate route: Glamis); Winterhaven; Yuma, Arizona:
Phoenix, Blythe, Globe New Mexico: Lordsburg, Alamagordo, Roswell
Texas: Amarillo Oklahoma: Oklahoma City, Tulsa  Arkansas: Springdale,
Harrison, Mountain Home, Janesboro Tennessee: Memphis, Fayetteville,
Jackson, Nashville, Chatanooga North Carolina:  Silva, Asheville


[EMAIL PROTECTED], or call  510-644-9260

2124 Kittredge St. PMB #250
Berkeley, Ca. 94704

In Gratitude,

(Angela, Lisa, Roya, Kasha, Amanda, 

US Army Confirms Making Anthrax in Recent Years [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-12-13 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Published on Thursday, December 13, 2001 in the Baltimore Sun 

  US Army Confirms Making Anthrax 
  in Recent Years 

  by Scott Shane

The U.S. Army's Dugway Proving Ground 
  confirmed last night that it has produced dry anthrax powder in recent 
  years but said the anthrax has been "well-protected" and is all accounted 
  The Dugway statement was issued in response to an article in The Sun 
  yesterday revealing that the Army facility in the Utah desert has produced 
  weapons-grade anthrax identical in important respects to the anthrax used 
  in the postal attacks. 
  The statement is the first admission that any U.S. government program 
  has produced the lethal dry powder since the offensive biological weapons 
  program was closed in 1969. 
  "This is very significant," said Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, a molecular 
  biologist who heads a working group on biological weapons at the 
  Federation of American Scientists. "There's never been an acknowledgment 
  that any U.S. facility had weaponized anthrax." 
  Rosenberg, who has theorized that the anthrax in the letters might have 
  come from a U.S. government program or contractor, said Dugway's 
  assurances about security do not necessarily rule out leakage of the tiny 
  amounts used in the bioterrorist attacks. 
  "The question is, could someone have gotten hold of a very small amount 
  and used it in the letters?" said Rosenberg, of the State University of 
  New York. 
  5 deaths since October 
  The term "weapons-grade" means that the anthrax particles are tiny 
  enough - 1 to 5 microns - to be readily inhaled and deposited in the 
  A sufficient dose produces inhalation anthrax, which is blamed for 
  killing five people since October. 
  Some of the anthrax produced by Dugway has matched the fine particle 
  size and extraordinary concentration of the powder mailed to Senate 
  Majority Leader Tom Daschle, estimated at close to 1 trillion spores per 
  gram, according to a government scientist. 
  In addition, the mailed anthrax is genetically indistinguishable from 
  the Ames strain used by the Army, the most sophisticated test methods 
  Neither the physical nor the genetic match proves that the terrorist 
  used anthrax from Dugway. 
  Ames-strain anthrax has been used in numerous laboratories, and a 
  person with microbiology training and access to the right equipment might 
  have been able to concoct the deadly powder. 
  But many experts think it more likely that the attacks are linked to a 
  government program, either in the United States or another country. 
  Staff questioned by FBI 
  The FBI appears to be taking seriously the possibility of a link to 
  Dugway. Personnel working with anthrax, all of whom have been vaccinated 
  against the bacteria, have been questioned at length by investigators. 
  A government official familiar with the Dugway program said about a 
  half-dozen scientists there have the expertise to make dry anthrax. No one 
  with such expertise has left the program in recent years, the official 
  The unsigned, two-page Dugway statement e-mailed to reporters last 
  night says scientists there "routinely" make anthrax to test 
  decontamination methods and equipment designed to detect biological 
  agents. It confirms The Sun's report that most experiments use simulants 
  or anthrax spores inactivated by radiation, but certain tests "must be 
  performed with live agents." 
  It gives no details about the strain, production methods or physical 
  qualities of the anthrax made at Dugway for aerosol testing. 
  'Rigorous tracking' 
  The statement confirms that anthrax in the form of a paste has been 
  shipped for irradiation to the Army's biodefense center at Fort Detrick in 
  Frederick. It says the shipments followed "stringent federal regulations" 
  and never involved dry anthrax powder. 
  "All anthrax used at Dugway has been accounted for," the statement 
  says. "There is a rigorous tracking and inventory program to follow the 
  production, receipt and destruction of all select agents. The facility is 
  well-protected with robust physical and personnel security systems." 
  The statement says the Army is cooperating with the FBI and "will not 
  comment further on any aspect of its bio testing program" until the 
  investigation concludes. 
  The Environmental Impact Statement prepared in 1992 for the Life 
  Sciences Test Facility at Dugway, where much of the work is done, lists 
  some of the biological agents to be used there. They include