Re: [Assam] ULFA's killings of prominent global civilians

2007-11-05 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7

Dear Umesh Sharma,
Why don't you join World Bank- your next door  OR
Go back to Jaipur to teach some primary sdchool OR
Come to us-we will reeducate you to re-educate Indian

Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2007 13:28:44 -0800
Subject: Re: [Assam] ULFA#8217;s REJOINDER - Economic
Development is the Key

Hey Ruby,

Good to know that you are still to be converted. It
does raise a question that why after 22 years of
India's Independence (1947)  suddenly out of the blue
ULFA was formed in 1979 -as your email address
mentions -- if not against apathy of the central govt
towards Assam's development. 

Now that World Bank and others are talking and taking
actions about it and Assam's economic growth is 9% per
annum -- you and your so-called leader are singing a
different tune.  Ha!!


ulfa_ 1979April7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

umesh sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hey Ruby,

get a life.

Grow out of your ULFA days -- now lead a peaceful
life -- you are now SULFA -- Surrendered ULFA -- get a
job. Forget your delusions of the past .  Remember
that even BBC reported about your surrender
Why you are repeatedly propagating that central
publicity member, ulfa rubi bhuyan is sulfa? We don't
know who surrender on the name of rubi bhuyan. 
But this rejoinder is by our Chairman Arabinda
Rajkhowa. Why you did not comment on his rejoinder?


ulfa_ 1979April7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Bartta Bistar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Conflict in Assam works in nexus with weak economy:
World Bank report


The above article posted by one #8216;IE#8217; on on October 23 is obviously an attempt to
manipulate the study titled #8220;Who Benefits from
Civil Wars? Some Evidence from Assam#8221;, reported
to have been carried out for the World Bank, so as to
undermine the historic reasons for the national
struggle to regain the sovereign independence of Asom.
Quoting from the World Bank report, may be out of
context, about the #8220;direct nexus#8221; between
the Asom-India conflict and a #8216;weak
economy#8217; betrays the ulterior motif to divert
the core issue of our sovereignty and independence to
that of a #8216;weak economy#8217; implying thereby
that effective measures to strengthen the economy will
take the wind out of our struggle. Certainly, as had
happened in any colonial situation, the percentage of
unemployment in Asom is also very high under Indian
colonial occupation. But this does not necessarily
undermine the primary importance of the historic
reasons that propels our struggle forward, though the
colonial economy convince our people that the national
struggle is also their struggle for existence.
Therefore, the primary source of motivation for the
youth of Asom impelling them join the national
struggle is patriotism and the faith in our
sovereignty and independence. A weak economy and the
resultant unemployment and corruption are general
phenomenon in any colonial situation. As such, it is
the colonial situation that gave rise to the national
liberation struggle of Asom, not just the
#8220;direct nexus#8221; between the
#8220;conflict#8221; and the #8220;weak
Arabinda Rajkhowa


seems god article.
HS article on the same topic - not specific to Assam
that if enough groups in large enough numbers and
different ethicities exists - such problems are more
pronounced -- 97% Han Chinese China has no such
problem - (side note: -- I have a Chinese roommate
-says there are elephants in China)


Bartta Bistar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Conflict in Assam works in nexus with weak economy:
World Bank report

By IE 
Tuesday October 23, 01:45 AM 
The on-going conflict in Assam, that claimed over
4,400 lives between 1992 and 2001, has a direct
nexus with a weak economy, making it easier for
militant groups to find young recruits, a study
carried out under the aegis of World Bank has

The study titled Who benefits from Civil Wars? Some
evidence from Assam, pointed out that unemployment,
especially among the youth, showed disturbing trends
in the 1990s, which in turn had adverse implications
for the persistence of conflict. 

The number of unemployed youths in Assam registered
sharpest rise among 15 major states, between 1983 and
1993, the report said, pointing out that by 1993-94
(when Army operations against militants were in full
swing), the number of unemployed youths in Assam was
about three times higher than the rest of India. 

The argument of easy recruitment of potential rebels
is indirectly supported by this data, the study said.
The study was carried for the World Bank by Deepa
Narayan, Binayak Sen and Ashutosh Varshney. 

The study also pointed out that though there were
several historic reasons behind the 

Re: [Assam] ULFA#8217;s REJOINDER

2007-11-05 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7

Cear Hazarika,
You also like Umesh Sharma batter you join World Bank-
your next door  OR
Go back to Jaipur to teach some primary sdchool OR
Come to us-we will reeducate you to re-educate Indian

--- shantikam hazarika [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It is intriguing that Arabinda Rajkhowa has
 responded to a World Bank study, not to queries
 raised by his own kith and kin. If his contention
 would have been correct, there would have been
 widespread support to their movement. Patriotism and
 faith in sovereignty and independence driving youths
 to the struggle (actually killing of innocent
 lives and renegating Assam's growth and development)
 is too far fetched to carry any conviction.
 Parroting 'colonialism, colonialism' is now outdated
 and even the communists have discarded this word
 long ago.
 Shantikam Hazarika
 Assam Institute of Management
 PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India
 Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2007 09:55:23 +From:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [Assam] ULFA#8217;s
 Bartta Bistar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 TOP STORIESConflict in Assam works in nexus with
 weak economy:World Bank

 REJOINDERThe above article posted by one
#8216;IE#8217; on October 23 is obviously an attempt
 tomanipulate the study titled #8220;Who Benefits
 fromCivil Wars? Some Evidence from Assam#8221;,
 reportedto have been carried out for the World Bank,
 so as toundermine the historic reasons for the
 nationalstruggle to regain the sovereign
 independence of Asom.Quoting from the World Bank
 report, may be out ofcontext, about the
 nexus#8221; betweenthe Asom-India conflict and a
 #8216;weakeconomy#8217; betrays the ulterior motif
 divertthe core issue of our sovereignty and
 independence tothat of a #8216;weak economy#8217;
 therebythat effective measures to strengthen the
 economy willtake the wind out of our struggle.
 Certainly, as hadhappened in any colonial situation,
 the percentage ofunemployment in Asom is also very
 high under Indiancolonial occupation. But this does
 not necessarilyundermine the primary importance of
 the historicreasons that propels our struggle
 forward, though thecolonial economy convince our
 people that the nationalstruggle is also their
 struggle for existence.Therefore, the primary source
 of motivation for theyouth of Asom impelling them
 join the nationalstruggle is patriotism and the
 faith in oursovereignty and independence. A weak
 economy and theresultant unemployment and corruption
 are generalphenomenon in any colonial situation. As
 such, it isthe colonial situation that gave rise to
 the nationalliberation struggle of Asom, not just
 the#8220;direct nexus#8221; between
the#8220;conflict#8221; and the
 Arabinda Rajkhowa
 --seems god article.HS article
 on the same topic - not specific to Assamthat if
 enough groups in large enough numbers anddifferent
 ethicities exists - such problems are morepronounced
 -- 97% Han Chinese China has no suchproblem - (side
 note: -- I have a Chinese roommate-says there are
 elephants in China)umeshBartta Bistar
 STORIESConflict in Assam works in nexus with weak
 economy:World Bank

 IE Tuesday October 23, 01:45 AM The on-going
 conflict in Assam, that claimed over4,400 lives
 between 1992 and 2001, has a directnexus with a
 weak economy, making it easier formilitant groups to
 find young recruits, a studycarried out under the
 aegis of World Bank hasconfirmed. The study titled
 Who benefits from Civil Wars? Someevidence from
 Assam, pointed out that unemployment,especially
 among the youth, showed disturbing trendsin the
 1990s, which in turn had adverse implicationsfor the
 persistence of conflict. The number of unemployed
 youths in Assam registeredsharpest rise among 15
 major states, between 1983 and1993, the report
 said, pointing out that by 1993-94(when Army
 operations against militants were in fullswing),
 the number of unemployed youths in Assam wasabout
 three times higher than the rest of India. The
 argument of easy recruitment of potential rebelsis
 indirectly supported by this data, the study
 said.The study was carried for the World Bank by
 DeepaNarayan, Binayak Sen and Ashutosh Varshney. The
 study also pointed out that though there wereseveral
 historic reasons behind the on-going conflictin the
 state, the employment situation
 severelydeteriorated, particularly in the rural
 areas, duringthe course of the conflict. Though the
 level of ruralunemployment had been lower than that
 in urban areasduring the year of conflict, it is in
 the rural areasthat the sharpest increase in
 unemployment wasrecorded, the study revealed. The
 rural population was more affected during

[Assam] News News on Asam Natya Sanmilan at Dhemaji

2007-11-05 Thread Buljit Buragohain
   News News on Asam Natya Sanmilan at Dhemaji from Asomiya Pratidin 

 Chat on a cool, new interface. No download required. Click here.___
assam mailing list

[Assam] Mughalistan did not succeed in taking ov er Assam. Assam is now in the focus of Islamisa tion agenda as per Quranic verse 33.27. Will the ‘Muslims’ living in Assam remain Assamese first and

2007-11-05 Thread Bartta Bistar
Osama Bin Laden rocks Assam with new video

Luit Neil Don, 05 November 2007, Monday

Al-Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden, in his latest video, has mentioned Assam and
Kashmir and has called upon the Muslims to wake up and launch the fight for
an Islamic state.


AL-QAEDA chief Osama Bin Laden, in his latest video, has mentioned about
Assam and Kashmir while calling upon the Muslims to wake up and launch the
fight for an Islamic state. Laden's 15-minute videotape was beamed on
Al-Jazeera, a sattelite channel.

For long there had been speculations and allegations by security forces
about the possibility of a linkages between the Al-Qaeda and the militant
groups of the North-East region. But for the first time, it has been proved
'officially'. Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden, in this sensational video,
categorically mentioned Assam and asked Muslims in the state to wake up and
fight spiritedly.

The video lambasted the United States and a section of the Western media for
distorting facts. He narrated the story of a lamb and a wolf to drive home
his point of atrocities committed on Muslims across the world.

Laden's passing reference of Assam assumes significance considering the fact
that most of the militant groups, including the United Liberation Front of
Asom (ULFA), were believed to have been trained in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
A few months ago, about 15 suspected Al Qaeda operatives were arrested in

According to media reports, Laden also urged Muslims in Sudan and adjoining
areas to fight the United Nations-African Union peacekeepers to force them
out of Sudan.

Speaking about the foreign troops in Sudan, Laden said: This is a brazen
occupation, and only an infidel apostate seeks it or agrees to it. So it is
the duty of the people of Islam in the Sudan and its environs, especially
the Arabian Peninsula, to perform Jihad against the crusader invaders and
wage armed rebellion to remove those who let them in.

Sudan is expected to announce a ceasefire at the start of peace talks with
rebels. The intention behind this is to end the conflict in the Darfur

The Darfur conflict has left around 200,000 people dead and two million
people homeless, according to the estimates.

Laden called upon the insurgents in Iraq to unite against occupation forces.
Some of you have been lax in one duty, which is to unite your ranks. Beware
of division... The Muslim world is waiting for you to gather under one
banner- He is quoted as saying on the tape.

This seems to be a response to some Sunni groups in Iraq that have joined US
troops in their fight against Al Qaida members, as well as other Sunni
insurgent groups that have formed coalitions opposed to the Al Qaida.
assam mailing list

[Assam] NE economic boom

2007-11-05 Thread Nava Thakuria

NE economic boom
India’s long-neglected North-East and its States have reason to be on cloud 
nine. They have been assured an economic boom in the next five years by the 
Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, Montek Singh Ahulwalia, and 
profitable trading with South-East Asia by the External Affairs Minister, 
Pranab Mukherjee. Both were speaking at a three-day conference at Guwahati last 
week on India’s Look East Policy and the challenges for sub-regional 
cooperation. The Eleventh Five Year Plan will allocate Rs 12,793 crore from the 
Central Government for development fo roads in the region. Besides Rs 9,500 
crore to Rs 10,000 crore will be invested for improving rail connectivity. 
There are also proposals to provide rail heads to Meghalaya and Sikkim and 
airports to Kohima, Itanagar and Sikkim. Ahluwalia even suggested a 
Guwahati-based airline for operating within the region.

Equally promising was the first-ever North-East India Investment Opportunities 
Week held earlier in Bangkok at the initiative of Mani Shankar Aiyar, Union 
Minister for Development of North-East Region (DONER). At least eight MoUs were 
signed in to road construction and agriculture, in a conference attended by 280 
entrepreneurs from India and 150 from Thailand.

The Assam Tribne editorial


Workshop on impact of globalisation in NE

GUWAHATI, Nov 4 – A two-day regional workshop for journalists titled, ‘Impact 
of Globalisation in Northeast – Emerging Issues’ was organised by Press 
Institute of India (PII), New Delhi in Shillong recently. Besides a team of 
Guwahati-based journalists, media people from Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, 
Arunachal Pradesh also participated in the workshop.

Various topics concerning the impact of globalisation in the north-eastern 
region were addressed by different speakers through question-and-answer 
sessions. The topics included, ‘Look East Policy’ in general, Ecological 
Impacts of Development, ‘Conflict Situation and Media Challenges’, ‘Head of 
Paradigm Shifts for the Development of the Region’, ‘Northeast in Globalisation 
and Role of Economics’, ‘Freedom and Gender Concerns in NE and ‘Media Reporting 
of Economic Issues’, a press release informed.

The speakers were Prof Manoj Pant (JWU), Dr B Panda (NEHU), Neeraj Vagholikar 
(NGO, Kalpavriksha), Prof BKTiwari (NEHU), Suresh Kr. Nath (Cotton College), 
Falguni Rajkumar (Secretary, NEC), Subir Raj (The Business Standard), JK Bhuyan 
(Ch, Delhi), Akoijam Sunita (The Impal Free Press), TCA Srinivasa Raghavan (The 
Business Standard) and Dr H Srikant (NEHU).

The workshop was inauguarated at NEHU Guest House on November 2 last by Prof P 
Tandon, Vice-Chancellor of NEHU. 

Earlier, OP Tandon of PII delivered the welcome address of the inaugural 
session, the release added.

assam mailing list

[Assam] Information on World's first and only online assamese dictionary XOBDO

2007-11-05 Thread Buljit Buragohain
Please  forward the   information on World's first and only online assamese 
dictionary XOBDO  to your friends/relatives
  World's First And The Only English-Assamese Online:
  Newsletter from XOBDO June 2007
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  XOBDO Newsletter - August 2006

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 Why delete messages? Unlimited storage is just a click away.___
assam mailing list

[Assam] Muivah , are you “NOT SEEKING INDEPE NDNCE”? You may be able to wrench out the old NagaHills territories for Nagas by giving India its own medicine. Delve into the stages of Indi a swallowin

2007-11-05 Thread Bartta Bistar
 Muivah seeks special federal relations with India


*Monday November 5, 03:51 PM*

By Sanjay Kumar

New Delhi,Nov 3 (ANI): The General Secretary of the National Socialist
Council of Nagaland (Isac-Muivah), Isak Muivah, has for the first time made
it clear that he is not seeking independence from India, but wants a special
type of relationship with the country.

In a free wheeling interview with ANI in Delhi, Muivah underlined the
limitation of the NSCN (IM)'s compromise on the issue of sovereignty. He
also appreciated the centre's concern on the issue of the country's security
in Nagaland.

It should be a type of federation-federation to be bound up in such a way
that neither side be detrimental to the interests of other. That means
almost being one, bound up, said the veteran insurgent leader, who was in
Delhi for talks with the Indian Government.

When asked what that federal relationship meant, Muivah underlined the bold
steps that his outfit is willing to take to guarantee India's security and
strategic concerns in the bordering states of Nagaland.

Bold steps when we say Nagaland must be defended by India in the event of
external threat, it must serve the interest of India. It amounts to
defending the security of India. When it comes to the content of External
Affairs, the primary responsibility must be taken by India. We will accept
the Indian currency. With regard to Naga identity, the Naga should never be
expected to abandon their being Naga, their identity involves the
citizenship of Nagaland and at the same time the citizenship of India. More
than that what do you expect from the Naga, emphasized NSCN (IM) leader.

Muivah was at pains to point out that despite so much of coming down from
our original position, the Indian Government is not showing the sincerity
required to solve the problem.

He blamed a hardcore group from the government side who are coming in the
way of progress in talks.

When asked to react on Muivah's formulation of an Indo- Naga relationship, a
senior Central Government official said that the government is approaching
the talks with an open mind.

The centre is concerned about the outfit's continued relationship with China
since the sixties. Muivah in the initial years of his insurgent career
walked down to China to get training.

When asked about his reported departure to Europe in near future, Muivah did
not deny it.

Yes, nothing positive happens, I need to go off for sometime and whenever
necessary I can come back.

The two sides recently concluded talks on the ninth of this month. A glimmer
of hope, however, seems to be there with both parties deciding to form
committees to discuss core issues. The discussion in the committees will
decide the contour of the next round of talks.

When the ceasefire was extended for the indefinite period on July 31, it was
hailed as a landmark development.In the previous round of talks held abroad
and in New Delhi, the NSCN-IM had submitted a charter of demands to the
Government that included the creation of a separate Constitution for
Nagaland, a new and unique relationship with New Delhi and unification of
Naga-inhabited areas of Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and Assam.

But these three states have rejected the demand.

In the Bangkok talks held last year, both sides had agreed on a broad
framework to define a relationship that could end Naga insurgency.

There was, however, confusion over the parameters of the broad framework.

Muivah arrived in India in December last year, while Swu came to the country
in the first week of January. Since then, they have been in Nagaland for
discussions with NSCN-IM cadres and civil society and political leaders on
the group's key demands. (ANI)
assam mailing list

[Assam] IE: Handwriting Fluency Key to your Learning Skills - US study

2007-11-05 Thread umesh sharma
Handwriting fluency key to your learning skills: Study Agencies Posted 
online: Monday   , November  05, 2007 at 12:00:00

New York, November 5:  Good handwriting is more than just a quaint skill -- it 
is a key part of learning, a new study finds. The study to be released this 
month by Vanderbilt University professor Steve Graham shows that when children 
are taught to write, they are being taught how to learn and how express 
It finds that a majority of primary-school teachers believe that students with 
fluent handwriting produced written assignments that were superior in quantity 
and quality and resulted in higher grades, aside from being easier to read, 
according to Newsweek. 
The College Board recognized this in 2005 when it added a handwritten essay to 
the SAT, the standardised test for US colleges admissions, an effort to reverse 
the de-emphasis on handwriting and composition that may be adversely affecting 
children's learning all the way through high school and beyond, Newsweek says. 
In the 1960s and 1970s, the Zaner-Bloser Co., which has been publishing 
penmanship curriculum since 1904, recommended 45 minutes a day. By the 1980s, 
it was suggesting just 15 minutes. Today the average is more like 10 minutes, 
Newsweek says quoting Handwriting Without Tears, whose penmanship curriculum is 
used by 5,000 school districts around United States. 
We haven't added more hours to the school day or the school year, yet we've 
added more content, and something had to give, says Dennis Williams, national 
product manager for handwriting.



Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005 (Edu info) (Management Info)  (where the above 2 are used )
 Yahoo! Answers - Get better answers from someone who knows. Tryit now.___
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] ULFA's killings of prominent global civilians

2007-11-05 Thread umesh sharma
He He Ruby,

I guess I rubbed you the wrong way and touched a raw nerve . Truth hurts. Own 
up to your mistakes and join mainstream.  You cannot achieve your goal 
(whatever it may be ) by unethical means.


ulfa_ 1979April7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Dear Umesh Sharma,
Why don't you join World Bank- your next door  OR
Go back to Jaipur to teach some primary sdchool OR
Come to us-we will reeducate you to re-educate Indian

Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2007 13:28:44 -0800
Subject: Re: [Assam] ULFA’s REJOINDER - Economic
Development is the Key

Hey Ruby,

Good to know that you are still to be converted. It
does raise a question that why after 22 years of
India's Independence (1947)  suddenly out of the blue
ULFA was formed in 1979 -as your email address
mentions -- if not against apathy of the central govt
towards Assam's development. 

Now that World Bank and others are talking and taking
actions about it and Assam's economic growth is 9% per
annum -- you and your so-called leader are singing a
different tune.  Ha!!


ulfa_ 1979April7  wrote: 

umesh sharma  wrote:
Hey Ruby,

get a life.

life -- you are now SULFA -- Surrendered ULFA -- get a
job. Forget your delusions of the past .  Remember
that even BBC reported about your surrender
Why you are repeatedly propagating that central
publicity member, ulfa rubi bhuyan is sulfa? We don't
know who surrender on the name of rubi bhuyan. 
But this rejoinder is by our Chairman Arabinda
Rajkhowa. Why you did not comment on his rejoinder?


ulfa_ 1979April7  wrote:
Bartta Bistar  wrote: 

Conflict in Assam works in nexus with weak economy:
World Bank report


The above article posted by one ‘IE’ on on October 23 is obviously an attempt to
manipulate the study titled “Who Benefits from
Civil Wars? Some Evidence from Assam”, reported
to have been carried out for the World Bank, so as to
undermine the historic reasons for the national
struggle to regain the sovereign independence of Asom.
Quoting from the World Bank report, may be out of
context, about the “direct nexus” between
the Asom-India conflict and a ‘weak
economy’ betrays the ulterior motif to divert
the core issue of our sovereignty and independence to
that of a ‘weak economy’ implying thereby
that effective measures to strengthen the economy will
take the wind out of our struggle. Certainly, as had
happened in any colonial situation, the percentage of
unemployment in Asom is also very high under Indian
colonial occupation. But this does not necessarily
undermine the primary importance of the historic
reasons that propels our struggle forward, though the
colonial economy convince our people that the national
struggle is also their struggle for existence.
Therefore, the primary source of motivation for the
youth of Asom impelling them join the national
struggle is patriotism and the faith in our
sovereignty and independence. A weak economy and the
resultant unemployment and corruption are general
phenomenon in any colonial situation. As such, it is
the colonial situation that gave rise to the national
liberation struggle of Asom, not just the
“direct nexus” between the
“conflict” and the “weak
Arabinda Rajkhowa


seems god article.
HS article on the same topic - not specific to Assam
that if enough groups in large enough numbers and
different ethicities exists - such problems are more
pronounced -- 97% Han Chinese China has no such
problem - (side note: -- I have a Chinese roommate
-says there are elephants in China)


Bartta Bistar  wrote: 

Conflict in Assam works in nexus with weak economy:
World Bank report

By IE 
Tuesday October 23, 01:45 AM 
The on-going conflict in Assam, that claimed over
4,400 lives between 1992 and 2001, has a direct
nexus with a weak economy, making it easier for
militant groups to find young recruits, a study
carried out under the aegis of World Bank has

The study titled Who benefits from Civil Wars? Some
evidence from Assam, pointed out that unemployment,
especially among the youth, showed disturbing trends
in the 1990s, which in turn had adverse implications
for the persistence of conflict. 

The number of unemployed youths in Assam registered
sharpest rise among 15 major states, between 1983 and
1993, the report said, pointing out that by 1993-94
(when Army operations against militants were in full
swing), the number of unemployed youths in Assam was
about three times higher than the rest of India. 

The argument of easy recruitment of potential rebels
is indirectly supported by this data, the study said.
The study was carried for the World Bank by Deepa
Narayan, Binayak Sen and Ashutosh Varshney. 

The study also pointed out that though there were

Re: [Assam] NE economic boom

2007-11-05 Thread ulfa_ 1979April7
Reply to Nava Thakuria and the Assam Tribune 
 CLOUD NINE:meaning that one was blissfully happy, started life in the United 
States and has been widely known there since the 1950s ...
Because the Sardarji declared spending 12000 Crores into Ultra-ModernTollways 
in and Through Assam?

Roads to where?  Same Roads since Ahom and British times. Roads for rapid 
movement of 1/2 million soldiers?  Against?
Roads from where?   India ? To Bring in India's trinkets to barter and scoop 
out all that Assam had ,has,will ever have? 
Roads which will cause all hills to be denuded of all rocks. India's brainless 
road -building technology needs 10 times what the world standards want.
Giant Roads blocking all water passage between Hills and River. With culverts 
leaving 1 square meter cross section  For clearing flood after using 100 cu.m. 
Roads causing destruction of  topsoil on 100meter wide belt at left and right. 
And of priceless old  and massive trees.
Do we need any of these ?
Cloud Nine for Delhi Contractors,Indian Cement Suppliers, foreign machine 
Not for the Assamese Nation.We are planned to be  eternally a client- consumer 
-copycat-colony!But we will not be that!
Cloud Nine --Really?

Nava Thakuria [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

NE economic boom
India’s long-neglected North-East and its States have reason to be on cloud 
nine. They have been assured an economic boom in the next five years by the 
Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, Montek Singh Ahulwalia, and 
profitable trading with South-East Asia by the External Affairs Minister, 
Pranab Mukherjee. Both were speaking at a three-day conference at Guwahati last 
week on India’s Look East Policy and the challenges for sub-regional 
cooperation. The Eleventh Five Year Plan will allocate Rs 12,793 crore from the 
Central Government for development fo roads in the region. Besides Rs 9,500 
crore to Rs 10,000 crore will be invested for improving rail connectivity. 
There are also proposals to provide rail heads to Meghalaya and Sikkim and 
airports to Kohima, Itanagar and Sikkim. Ahluwalia even suggested a 
Guwahati-based airline for operating within the region.

Equally promising was the first-ever North-East India Investment Opportunities 
Week held earlier in Bangkok at the initiative of Mani Shankar Aiyar, Union 
Minister for Development of North-East Region (DONER). At least eight MoUs were 
signed in to road construction and agriculture, in a conference attended by 280 
entrepreneurs from India and 150 from Thailand.

The Assam Tribne editorial


Workshop on impact of globalisation in NE

GUWAHATI, Nov 4 – A two-day regional workshop for journalists titled, ‘Impact 
of Globalisation in Northeast – Emerging Issues’ was organised by Press 
Institute of India (PII), New Delhi in Shillong recently. Besides a team of 
Guwahati-based journalists, media people from Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, 
Arunachal Pradesh also participated in the workshop.

Various topics concerning the impact of globalisation in the north-eastern 
region were addressed by different speakers through question-and-answer 
sessions. The topics included, ‘Look East Policy’ in general, Ecological 
Impacts of Development, ‘Conflict Situation and Media Challenges’, ‘Head of 
Paradigm Shifts for the Development of the Region’, ‘Northeast in Globalisation 
and Role of Economics’, ‘Freedom and Gender Concerns in NE and ‘Media Reporting 
of Economic Issues’, a press release informed.

The speakers were Prof Manoj Pant (JWU), Dr B Panda (NEHU), Neeraj Vagholikar 
(NGO, Kalpavriksha), Prof BKTiwari (NEHU), Suresh Kr. Nath (Cotton College), 
Falguni Rajkumar (Secretary, NEC), Subir Raj (The Business Standard), JK Bhuyan 
(Ch, Delhi), Akoijam Sunita (The Impal Free Press), TCA Srinivasa Raghavan (The 
Business Standard) and Dr H Srikant (NEHU).

The workshop was inauguarated at NEHU Guest House on November 2 last by Prof P 
Tandon, Vice-Chancellor of NEHU. 

Earlier, OP Tandon of PII delivered the welcome address of the inaugural 
session, the release added.

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 Yahoo! Answers - Get better answers from someone who knows. Tryit now.___
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2007-11-05 Thread umesh sharma

Come and join your ULFA fellow members in Indan jail and there get an education 
which will cure you. Healing will take more time. It seems thats the only way 
you will improve -- in a correctional facility or penitentiary - the other 
names for jails.


ulfa_ 1979April7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Cear Hazarika,
You also like Umesh Sharma batter you join World Bank-
your next door  OR
Go back to Jaipur to teach some primary sdchool OR
Come to us-we will reeducate you to re-educate Indian

--- shantikam hazarika 

 It is intriguing that Arabinda Rajkhowa has
 responded to a World Bank study, not to queries
 raised by his own kith and kin. If his contention
 would have been correct, there would have been
 widespread support to their movement. Patriotism and
 faith in sovereignty and independence driving youths
 to the struggle (actually killing of innocent
 lives and renegating Assam's growth and development)
 is too far fetched to carry any conviction.
 Parroting 'colonialism, colonialism' is now outdated
 and even the communists have discarded this word
 long ago.
 Shantikam Hazarika
 Assam Institute of Management
 PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India
 Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2007 09:55:23 +From:
 Bartta Bistar  wrote:
 TOP STORIESConflict in Assam works in nexus with
 weak economy:World Bank

 REJOINDERThe above article posted by one
‘IE’ on October 23 is obviously an attempt
 tomanipulate the study titled “Who Benefits
 fromCivil Wars? Some Evidence from Assam”,
 reportedto have been carried out for the World Bank,
 so as toundermine the historic reasons for the
 nationalstruggle to regain the sovereign
 independence of Asom.Quoting from the World Bank
 report, may be out ofcontext, about the
 nexus” betweenthe Asom-India conflict and a
 ‘weakeconomy’ betrays the ulterior motif
 divertthe core issue of our sovereignty and
 independence tothat of a ‘weak economy’
 therebythat effective measures to strengthen the
 economy willtake the wind out of our struggle.
 Certainly, as hadhappened in any colonial situation,
 the percentage ofunemployment in Asom is also very
 high under Indiancolonial occupation. But this does
 not necessarilyundermine the primary importance of
 the historicreasons that propels our struggle
 forward, though thecolonial economy convince our
 people that the nationalstruggle is also their
 struggle for existence.Therefore, the primary source
 of motivation for theyouth of Asom impelling them
 join the nationalstruggle is patriotism and the
 faith in oursovereignty and independence. A weak
 economy and theresultant unemployment and corruption
 are generalphenomenon in any colonial situation. As
 such, it isthe colonial situation that gave rise to
 the nationalliberation struggle of Asom, not just
 the“direct nexus” between
the“conflict” and the
 Arabinda Rajkhowa
 --seems god article.HS article
 on the same topic - not specific to Assamthat if
 enough groups in large enough numbers anddifferent
 ethicities exists - such problems are morepronounced
 -- 97% Han Chinese China has no suchproblem - (side
 note: -- I have a Chinese roommate-says there are
 elephants in China)umeshBartta Bistar
  wrote: TOP
 STORIESConflict in Assam works in nexus with weak
 economy:World Bank

 IE Tuesday October 23, 01:45 AM The on-going
 conflict in Assam, that claimed over4,400 lives
 between 1992 and 2001, has a directnexus with a
 weak economy, making it easier formilitant groups to
 find young recruits, a studycarried out under the
 aegis of World Bank hasconfirmed. The study titled
 Who benefits from Civil Wars? Someevidence from
 Assam, pointed out that unemployment,especially
 among the youth, showed disturbing trendsin the
 1990s, which in turn had adverse implicationsfor the
 persistence of conflict. The number of unemployed
 youths in Assam registeredsharpest rise among 15
 major states, between 1983 and1993, the report
 said, pointing out that by 1993-94(when Army
 operations against militants were in fullswing),
 the number of unemployed youths in Assam wasabout
 three times higher than the rest of India. The
 argument of easy recruitment of potential rebelsis
 indirectly supported by this data, the study
 said.The study was carried for the World Bank by
 DeepaNarayan, Binayak Sen and Ashutosh Varshney. The
 study also pointed out that though there wereseveral
 historic reasons behind the on-going conflictin the
 state, the employment situation
 severelydeteriorated, particularly in the rural
 areas, duringthe course of the conflict. Though the
 level of ruralunemployment had been lower than that
 in urban areasduring the year of 

Re: [Assam] NE economic boom

2007-11-05 Thread umesh sharma
There is a big difference between planning something on paper and getting it 
done but CM Tarun Gogoi gave a presentation in Assam DC meet that state's 
economic growth is about 9% this year.


Nava Thakuria [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
 NE economic boom
 India’s long-neglected North-East and its States have reason to be on cloud 
nine. They have been assured an economic boom in the next five years by the 
Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, Montek Singh Ahulwalia, and 
profitable trading with South-East Asia by the External Affairs Minister, 
Pranab Mukherjee. Both were speaking at a three-day conference at Guwahati last 
week on India’s Look East Policy and the challenges for sub-regional 
cooperation. The Eleventh Five Year Plan will allocate Rs 12,793 crore from the 
Central Government for development fo roads in the region. Besides Rs 9,500 
crore to Rs 10,000 crore will be invested for improving rail connectivity. 
There are also proposals to provide rail heads to Meghalaya and Sikkim and 
airports to Kohima, Itanagar and Sikkim. Ahluwalia even suggested a 
Guwahati-based airline for operating within the region.
 Equally promising was the first-ever North-East India Investment Opportunities 
Week held earlier in Bangkok at the initiative of Mani Shankar Aiyar, Union 
Minister for Development of North-East Region (DONER). At least eight MoUs were 
signed in to road construction and agriculture, in a conference attended by 280 
entrepreneurs from India and 150 from Thailand.
 The Assam Tribne editorial
 Workshop on impact of globalisation in NE
 GUWAHATI, Nov 4 – A two-day regional workshop for journalists titled, ‘Impact 
of Globalisation in Northeast – Emerging Issues’ was organised by Press 
Institute of India (PII), New Delhi in Shillong recently. Besides a team of 
Guwahati-based journalists, media people from Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, 
Arunachal Pradesh also participated in the workshop.
 Various topics concerning the impact of globalisation in the north-eastern 
region were addressed by different speakers through question-and-answer 
sessions. The topics included, ‘Look East Policy’ in general, Ecological 
Impacts of Development, ‘Conflict Situation and Media Challenges’, ‘Head of 
Paradigm Shifts for the Development of the Region’, ‘Northeast in Globalisation 
and Role of Economics’, ‘Freedom and Gender Concerns in NE and ‘Media Reporting 
of Economic Issues’, a press release informed.
 The speakers were Prof Manoj Pant (JWU), Dr B Panda (NEHU), Neeraj Vagholikar 
(NGO, Kalpavriksha), Prof BKTiwari (NEHU), Suresh Kr. Nath (Cotton College), 
Falguni Rajkumar (Secretary, NEC), Subir Raj (The Business Standard), JK Bhuyan 
(Ch, Delhi), Akoijam Sunita (The Impal Free Press), TCA Srinivasa Raghavan (The 
Business Standard) and Dr H Srikant (NEHU).
 The workshop was inauguarated at NEHU Guest House on November 2 last by Prof P 
Tandon, Vice-Chancellor of NEHU. 
 Earlier, OP Tandon of PII delivered the welcome address of the inaugural 
session, the release added.

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Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005 (Edu info) (Management Info)  (where the above 2 are used )
 For ideas on reducing your carbon footprint visit Yahoo! For Good this month.___
assam mailing list

[Assam] HARVARD MBA Newsletter: The Changing Face of American Innovation

2007-11-05 Thread umesh sharma
It seems Indians  are going more for IT than for pure research.


HBS Working Knowledge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 10:39:35 -0500 (EST)
From: HBS Working Knowledge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Newsletter: The Changing Face of American Innovation

   HBS Working Knowledge Newsletter  
   Highlights this Week   
   The Changing Face of American Innovation 
   What Do You Think: Why Is Succession So Badly Managed? 
   HBS Cases: Climate Change Puts Heat on GMs 
   First Look: New faculty research
 ==  New on the Site  The Changing Face of American 
 Chinese and Indian scientists and engineers have made an unexpectedly large 
contribution to U.S. technology formation over the last 30 years, according to 
new research by HBS professor William R. Kerr. But that trend may be ebbing, 
with potentially harmful effects on future growth in American innovation.
  What Do You Think: Why Is Succession So Badly Managed?
 Online forum OPEN until Thursday, November 22. CEO and other leadership talent 
may be best developed within a firm rather than imported, says Jim Heskett. If 
such people—insiders with an outsider's perspective—provide answers to the need 
for such things as continuity, intimate knowledge of the organization, and a 
fresh look at the business, why don't we see more of them?
  HBS Cases: Climate Change Puts Heat on GMs
 Ready or not, companies are being swept up in the increasing public debate 
over global climate change. How should firms respond? A case study exploring 
how financial service giant UBS thinks through the issues has students coming 
down on different sides.
  First Look: New Research by HBS Faculty
 This week: The power of analogy in decision-making ... Reclaiming America's 
can-do inventiveness ... Developing an elevator pitch for yourself.
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  Businesses Beware: The World Is Not Flat
  Why Global Brands Work
  Best of Faculty QAs Homers: Secrets on the Factory Floor
 Homers are things you make for personal use while on company time. Professor 
Michel Anteby says that although the practice might be illegal, some companies 
secretly endorse it. Here's why.
  Elsewhere at Harvard Business School  Cyberposium 13: Innovation Without 
 Harvard Business School TechMedia Club
 November 10, 2007

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 HBS Executive Education Program
 December 2–5, 2007

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[Assam] Moving to St Louis

2007-11-05 Thread NayanJyoti Sarma
   Hi all
I am joining the Washington University School of Medicine as a postdoc from 
January, 2008. Currrently I am in Hattiesburg, Mississippi and I have completed 
my PhD from University of Southern Mississippi. I am planning to move to St 
Louis by January 2008. 

I need some information regarding an affordable one bedroom apartment close to 
my work place. I will be glad if somebody is willing to help me and also 
provide me some information about the place and our community.

Thank you very much and look forward to hear back from you. 


Nayan Jyoti Sarma, PhD
118 College drive 7653
University of Southern Mississippi 
MS 39406, USA
Phone: 601-2662727
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around ___
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Moving to St Louis

2007-11-05 Thread Ram Sarangapani
Congratulations Nayan!

And wish you all the best for your post doctoral studies.

On 11/5/07, NayanJyoti Sarma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all
 I am joining the Washington University School of Medicine as a postdoc
 from January, 2008. Currrently I am in Hattiesburg, Mississippi and I have
 completed my PhD from University of Southern Mississippi. I am planning to
 move to St Louis by January 2008.

 I need some information regarding an affordable one bedroom apartment
 close to my work place. I will be glad if somebody is willing to help me and
 also provide me some information about the place and our community.

 Thank you very much and look forward to hear back from you.


 Nayan Jyoti Sarma, PhD
 118 College drive 7653
 University of Southern Mississippi
 MS 39406, USA
 Phone: 601-2662727

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 Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

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[Assam] YT: Attitude may not everything but still...

2007-11-05 Thread umesh sharma

from orkut profile of a student of mine  now at IIT seeking architecture 
internship at world's top places. Can they change the world again (ofcourse 
world is changing every moment anyways :-)


Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005 (Edu info) (Management Info)  (where the above 2 are used )
 Yahoo! Answers - Get better answers from someone who knows. Tryit now.___
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Re: [Assam] Moving to St Louis

2007-11-05 Thread Dilip/Dil Deka
Good choice, Nayan.
  I graduated from Wash. U, St. Louis and lived in St. Louis for eighteen 
years. I still call St. Louis my hometwon, 18 years being the longest of my 
stay in one place.
  Forest Park separates the med campus from the main university campus. There 
are many apartments at both ends of the park, just for students and post docs. 
The university also has graduate student apartments on the main campus. Your 
best bet is to contact the International Students Office on campus. They helped 
me a lot in finding affordable accommodation, including shared accommodation.
  Chandan Mahanta lives in St. Louis suburbs and I am sure he will be more than 
happy to help you. Contact Chandan.

NayanJyoti Sarma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all
I am joining the Washington University School of Medicine as a postdoc from 
January, 2008. Currrently I am in Hattiesburg, Mississippi and I have completed 
my PhD from University of Southern Mississippi. I am planning to move to St 
Louis by January 2008. 

I need some information regarding an affordable one bedroom apartment close to 
my work place. I will be glad if somebody is willing to help me and also 
provide me some information about the place and our community.

Thank you very much and look forward to hear back from you. 


Nayan Jyoti Sarma, PhD
118 College drive 7653
University of Southern Mississippi 
MS 39406, USA
Phone: 601-2662727  __
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Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around ___
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[Assam] Religious workers -- degree must is good -- HPI, November 3, 2007

2007-11-05 Thread umesh sharma

I wonder why some people want that the Hindu priests should remain in the Dark 
Ages. Shouldn't they know English and have a degree in Hinduism -- there are 
750 million Hindus running thousands of univs --and they cannot run a good 
college on Hinduism studies  -then its shame shame only. ofcourse jains, 
budhists (Dalai Lama incl) don't offer degree program either  :-)


Hindu Press International [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hindu Press International 
November 3, 2007 November 3, 2007 
   Malaysia Hindu Sangam Protests Handling of Temple Demolition 
   Malaysia Indian Leader Calls for Halt to Temple Demolition 
   Congressman Warns Against Making Religious Worker Visa Discriminatory  

1. Malaysia Hindu Sangam Protests Handling of Temple Demolition Malaysia 
Hindu Sangam
 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, November 3, 2007: (HPI note: The Malaysia Hindu Sangam 
president, Dato Vaithilingam, issued this press release.)

The Malaysia Hindu Sangam is shocked to understand that the developer of the 
land in Taman Karuppiah had never taken court action to evacuate the homes and 
buildings in the area. We understand that it was the former Mayor of Shah Alam 
who had taken the court order to clear the land. Having obtained the order, the 
Mayor, both former and present, had not followed procedures of having given 
reasonable time before the demolition of the Sri Maha Mariamman Temple Taman 
Karuppiah, Shah Alam on October 29, 2007. The temple which was demolished is no 
ordinary roadside shrine but it is a reasonably large temple with facilities 
for pujas, weddings, religious courses and kindergarten classes.
When the present Mayor went to the temple at about 9.00 AM the same day and 
said that the temple will be demolished withi  n two hours it is most 
unbelievable that such a senior responsible official could have no knowledge of 
the existing facilities of the temple. It is our view that he has not advised 
the Menteri Besar with the full details. It is also hard to believe that he was 
ignorant of the understanding by the officials of the MBSA, State Government, 
and MIC Officials with the temple officials the previous night on October 28, 
2007 assuring that temple can remain a few more days until the Deepavali 
It is our view that any court order which was obtained more than two years ago 
should have been treated with compassion to the devotees of the places of the 
worship of both the temple and the surau. We agree that the indiscriminate 
order to remove the Hindu temple and the surau was an unjust act of not 
considering the feelings of the respective religious followers in that area.
It is also our opinion that Mayor had no control over his enforcement officers 
who retaliated with heavy throwing of stones into the temple while a special 
pua was being conducted. It must be stated that the police force on duty at 
that time was restrained. The confrontational retaliatory action by the MBSA 
enforcement officers was in our opinion the cause for the violence in the 
Many officials of the temples, Malaysia Hindu Sangam and others were injured 
due to this aggressive attitude of the MBSA officers. Mr. T.  Ganesan, the 
Chairman of Malaysia Hindu Sangam, Selangor Branch, is one of those injured. 
Among the 14 people arrested and remanded at least half of them were innocent 
devotees of the temple who were merely playing a role of protecting the 
Deities. Attempting to destroy these Deities is very sensitive and is 
considered as an insult to the Hindu community. What else can the innocent 
devotees do when given only two hours notice? Such an act of detention by the 
police is condemned.
It is reliably learnt that the developer has allocated a land to the temple. 
However, we appeal to the developer to see that the land is suitable and 
appropriate in such a way that the structure of the temple will be facing the 
correct direction under the agamas.
In the mean time Malaysia Hindu Sangam appeals to the MIC leaders to have a 
dialogue with the leaders of the HINDRAF to find ways of solving the problems 
of temples in a peaceful manner. The Malaysia Hindu Sangam is w  illing to 
cooperate in this matter.

  2. Malaysia Indian Leader Calls for Halt to Temple Demolition
 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, November 3, 2007: MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy 
Vellu has called upon all state governments and local authorities that wanted 
to demolish Hindu temples in their areas, to cease immediately, as their 
actions could be construed as being disrespectful to Hinduism. The demolition 
of a temple in Kg Karuppiah, Padang Jawa, on Tuesday night hurt the feelings of 
the Hindu community in the area. Temples are still being destroyed even though 
I have repeatedly brought the issue up during meetings with menteris besar and 
chief ministers, he said in a statement 

[Assam] Video from Yahoo! - Egypt blog claims police abuse

2007-11-05 Thread jaipurschool
got this info from my roommate Santanu who interned at International Committee 
of Journalists in DC  which has awarded the Egyptian blogger
Egypt blog claims police abuse

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] NE economic boom

2007-11-05 Thread shantikam hazarika

Reading the rejoinder to Thakuria and Assam Tribune by [EMAIL PROTECTED], was 
it really very difficult to guess who the author was?

Shantikam Hazarika
Assam Institute of Management
PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India

Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 17:07:28 +From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [Assam] NE economic boom
Reply to Nava Thakuria and the Assam Tribune   CLOUD NINE:meaning that one was 
blissfully happy, started life in the United States and has been widely known 
there since the 1950s ...Because the Sardarji declared spending 12000 Crores 
into Ultra-ModernTollways in and Through Assam?Roads to where?  Same Roads 
since Ahom and British times. Roads for rapid movement of 1/2 million soldiers? 
 Against?Roads from where?   India ? To Bring in India's trinkets to barter and 
scoop out all that Assam had ,has,will ever have? Roads which will cause all 
hills to be denuded of all rocks. India's brainless road -building technology 
needs 10 times what the world standards want.Giant Roads blocking all water 
passage between Hills and River. With culverts leaving 1 square meter cross 
section  For clearing flood after using 100 cu.m. RCC?Roads causing destruction 
of  topsoil on 100meter wide belt at left and right. And of priceless old  and 
massive trees.Do we need any of these ?Cloud Nine for Delhi Contractors,Indian 
Cement Suppliers, foreign machine suppliers?Not for the Assamese Nation.We are 
planned to be  eternally a client- consumer -copycat-colony!But we will not be 
that! Cloud Nine --Really? RUBI  BHUYAN
 Nava Thakuria [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

NE economic boom— India’s long-neglected North-East and its States have reason 
to be on cloud nine. They have been assured an economic boom in the next five 
years by the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, Montek Singh 
Ahulwalia, and profitable trading with South-East Asia by the External Affairs 
Minister, Pranab Mukherjee. Both were speaking at a three-day conference at 
Guwahati last week on India’s Look East Policy and the challenges for 
sub-regional cooperation. The Eleventh Five Year Plan will allocate Rs 12,793 
crore from the Central Government for development fo roads in the region. 
Besides Rs 9,500 crore to Rs 10,000 crore will be invested for improving rail 
connectivity. There are also proposals to provide rail heads to Meghalaya and 
Sikkim and airports to Kohima, Itanagar and Sikkim. Ahluwalia even suggested a 
Guwahati-based airline for operating within the region.Equally promising was 
the first-ever North-East India Investment Opportunities Week held earlier in 
Bangkok at the initiative of Mani Shankar Aiyar, Union Minister for Development 
of North-East Region (DONER). At least eight MoUs were signed in to road 
construction and agriculture, in a conference attended by 280 entrepreneurs 
from India and 150 from Thailand.The Assam Tribne editorial* 
Workshop on impact of globalisation in NEGUWAHATI, Nov 4 – A two-day regional 
workshop for journalists titled, ‘Impact of Globalisation in Northeast – 
Emerging Issues’ was organised by Press Institute of India (PII), New Delhi in 
Shillong recently. Besides a team of Guwahati-based journalists, media people 
from Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh also participated in the 
workshop.Various topics concerning the impact of globalisation in the 
north-eastern region were addressed by different speakers through 
question-and-answer sessions. The topics included, ‘Look East Policy’ in 
general, Ecological Impacts of Development, ‘Conflict Situation and Media 
Challenges’, ‘Head of Paradigm Shifts for the Development of the Region’, 
‘Northeast in Globalisation and Role of Economics’, ‘Freedom and Gender 
Concerns in NE and ‘Media Reporting of Economic Issues’, a press release 
informed.The speakers were Prof Manoj Pant (JWU), Dr B Panda (NEHU), Neeraj 
Vagholikar (NGO, Kalpavriksha), Prof BKTiwari (NEHU), Suresh Kr. Nath (Cotton 
College), Falguni Rajkumar (Secretary, NEC), Subir Raj (The Business Standard), 
JK Bhuyan (Ch, Delhi), Akoijam Sunita (The Impal Free Press), TCA Srinivasa 
Raghavan (The Business Standard) and Dr H Srikant (NEHU).The workshop was 
inauguarated at NEHU Guest House on November 2 last by Prof P Tandon, 
Vice-Chancellor of NEHU. Earlier, OP Tandon of PII delivered the welcome 
address of the inaugural session, the release added.

___assam mailing [EMAIL 

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Re: [Assam] ULFA#8217;s REJOINDER

2007-11-05 Thread shantikam hazarika

If I need any advise, I know whom to approach. 
I may need re-education (not by you, at any stretch of imagination), but you 
seem to need pity.

Shantikam Hazarika
Assam Institute of Management
PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India
HOME PAGE:  Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 09:30:39 + From: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject: Re: [Assam] ULFA#8217;s 
REJOINDERCear Hazarika, You also like Umesh Sharma batter you join 
World Bank- your next door OR Go back to Jaipur to teach some primary sdchool 
OR Come to us-we will reeducate you to re-educate Indian Politicians. Rubi 
   --- shantikam hazarika [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It is 
intriguing that Arabinda Rajkhowa has  responded to a World Bank study, not 
to queries  raised by his own kith and kin. If his contention  would have 
been correct, there would have been  widespread support to their movement. 
Patriotism and  faith in sovereignty and independence driving youths  to 
the struggle (actually killing of innocent  lives and renegating Assam's 
growth and development)  is too far fetched to carry any conviction.  
Parroting 'colonialism, colonialism' is now outdated  and even the communists 
have discarded this word  long ago.Shantikam Hazarika  Director,  
 Assam Institute of Management  PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India  HOME 
PAGE:   Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2007 09:55:23 
REJOINDER  Bartta Bistar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  TOP STORIESConflict in 
Assam works in nexus with  weak economy:World Bank  
report;s  REJOINDERThe 
above article posted by one #8216;IE#8217; on October 23 
is obviously an attempt  tomanipulate the study titled #8220;Who Benefits  
fromCivil Wars? Some Evidence from Assam#8221;,  reportedto have been 
carried out for the World Bank,  so as toundermine the historic reasons for 
the  nationalstruggle to regain the sovereign  independence of Asom.Quoting 
from the World Bank  report, may be out ofcontext, about the #8220;direct 
 nexus#8221; betweenthe Asom-India conflict and a  
#8216;weakeconomy#8217; betrays the ulterior motif to  divertthe core 
issue of our sovereignty and  independence tothat of a #8216;weak 
economy#8217; implying  therebythat effective measures to strengthen the  
economy willtake the wind out of our struggle.  Certainly, as hadhappened in 
any colonial situation,  the percentage ofunemployment in Asom is also very 
 high under Indiancolonial occupation. But this does  not 
necessarilyundermine the primary importance of  the historicreasons that 
propels our struggle  forward, though thecolonial economy convince our  
people that the nationalstruggle is also their  struggle for 
existence.Therefore, the primary source  of motivation for theyouth of Asom 
impelling them  join the nationalstruggle is patriotism and the  faith in 
oursovereignty and independence. A weak  economy and theresultant 
unemployment and corruption  are generalphenomenon in any colonial situation. 
As  such, it isthe colonial situation that gave rise to  the 
nationalliberation struggle of Asom, not just  the#8220;direct nexus#8221; 
between the#8220;conflict#8221; and the  #8220;weakeconomy#8221;.
Arabinda Rajkhowa  Chairman  ULFA  03/11/07
--seems god article.HS article  on the same topic - not 
specific to Assamthat if  enough groups in large enough numbers anddifferent 
 ethicities exists - such problems are morepronounced  -- 97% Han Chinese 
China has no suchproblem - (side  note: -- I have a Chinese roommate-says 
there are  elephants in China)umeshBartta Bistar  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote: TOP  STORIESConflict in Assam works in nexus with weak  
economy:World Bank  report  
IE Tuesday October 23, 01:45 AM The on-going  conflict in Assam, that claimed 
over4,400 lives  between 1992 and 2001, has a directnexus with a  weak 
economy, making it easier formilitant groups to  find young recruits, a 
studycarried out under the  aegis of World Bank hasconfirmed. The study 
titled  Who benefits from Civil Wars? Someevidence from  Assam, pointed 
out that unemployment,especially  among the youth, showed disturbing trendsin 
the  1990s, which in turn had adverse implicationsfor the  persistence of 
conflict. The number of unemployed  youths in Assam registeredsharpest rise 
among 15  major states, between 1983 and1993, the report  said, pointing 
out that by 1993-94(when Army  operations against militants were in 
fullswing),  the number of unemployed youths in Assam wasabout  three 
times higher than the rest of India. The  argument of easy recruitment of 
potential rebelsis  indirectly supported by this data, the study  said.The 
study was carried for the World Bank by  DeepaNarayan, Binayak Sen and 
Ashutosh Varshney. The  study also pointed out that 

[Assam] Tune in to the North East please!

2007-11-05 Thread Pradip Kumar Datta
Tune in to the North East please! 
  Ashok K. Jha, 04 November 2007, Sunday
  Recently the world famous musician Eric Martin, reluctantly staged a show in 
Shillong but the response was incredible! More than 20,000 people thronged the 
venue, cheering him. He was amazed by their knowledge of western music.
THE NORTH EASTERN region of our country is as diverse as it is 
breathtakingly beautiful. Yet, most Indians never ever try to explore the 
region for various reasons. Safety and security is one of them, but the most 
striking fact is low awareness about the region. Obsessed with Pakistan and the 
Kashmir valley, our national media only wakes up to the concerns of this region 
only when there is some major terrorist strike or a natural catastrophe. 
  Recently the North East region was in news for musical reasons, which started 
with the two finalists of Indian Idol, one belonging to Shillong and the other 
hailing from Darjeeling. The interest of the entire nation in the two 
outstanding singers literally galvanised the entire region. This is not the 
first time though. Last year too, a contestant from Silchar, Assam had reached 
the finals of the prestigious musical show on Zee TV, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa.The 
Silchar boy achieved the impossible by uniting the Bengali’s and Assamese, the 
way they have never ever been heard and seen before. It seemed that every one 
went sms - crazy to retain the contestant’s position in the show. The result 
was predictable and he emerged victorious.
  This time too, both the contestants were from the same region and both had 
generated an unprecedented frenzy in their respective states. Thousands of 
supporters canvassed from house to house to urge people to sms the given 
numbers. Prashant from Darjeeling became the Indian Idol this time and the 
whole region was soaked with melodies of Bollywood films for many weeks. 
  Recently the world famous musician Eric Martin, reluctantly staged a show in 
Shillong but the response to say the least was incredible! More than 20,000 
people thronged the venue and cheered the artist, who was amazed by their 
knowledge and fondness for western music.
  Almost every youth in the region loves to play some instrument or the other 
but guitar takes pride in being the number one among them. In order to create a 
world record, hundreds of Guitarists of the region assembled at a place and the 
spectacle they created could only be seen to be believed.
  Our media is so much obsessed with Kashmir that Pakistanis must be grateful 
for all the attention they keep getting. If anybody even sneezes there, 
numerous Outside Broadcasting (OB) Vans encircle the region for live coverage 
of the incident. However there is none for the North East.
  The government too is so Delhi Centric that it wakes up to other regions at 
the election time only. The Chinese have built a world class road along the 
border and as per our tradition, we are forced into catching up with the game. 
The East-West Corridor has been aligned with our borders now, but when this 
road will be completed is not known. The Chinese have declared that the Olympic 
torch would touch the Everest base camp in Nepal, so a road up there, a breach 
of all environmental and ecological concerns would be built. As per the 
ramblings of the Nepal Maoists, if they secure some more power then they would 
try to undo the Indian influence in Nepal by bringing and facilitating all 
works of Chinese in their country. Government of India seems to be aware of 
this design, so it has not approved yet of the kingship being scrapped 
  North Eastern region is the most westernised region too. Most of the people 
can speak English and western movies and music are a rage here. A lifestyle 
magazine called ‘Sun’, though published from Delhi, sells most copies in this 
region. The publisher ultimately named the magazine ‘North East Sun’ and 
focused its distribution inside the region.
  There are some grave problem that needs to be addressed promptly but the 
government has kept them lingering for years. A retired home secretary is 
negotiating with one group for years. The Prime Minister himself is elected 
from the region and it is expected that he would find some solution by 
unshackling the bureaucratic style. We have been enjoying people to people 
contacts with Pakistan. When will the government encourage our own people to 
interact, integrate and assimilate?
  North Eastern Region must not face any more discrimination because it sends 
very few parliamentarians. A second capital for our country is not a bad idea 
in that region. Perhaps that will force our policymakers to sit up and do 
  ( ) 

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Re: [Assam] [asom] A Fake Encounter in Hailakandi

2007-11-05 Thread mc mahant
Guess what India deserves--
People deserve the Govt. they elect.

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Sun, 4 Nov 2007 11:58:48 
+Subject: [asom] A Fake Encounter in Hailakandi

A Fake Encounter in Barak Valley of Assam It was reported in the news papers on 
23 October, 2007 that on 22 October at about 10am five Central Reserve Police 
Force personnel belonging to Gharmura Camp of E-147 Company shot dead one Jamir 
Uddin Laskar of about 35 years of village Boinchera (also known as Bhaichera) 
under the Katlichera Police Station in the district of Hailakandi in Barak 
Valley of Assam. Members of the Barak Human Rights Protection Committee talked 
with family members, relatives and nieghbours of the deceased, local 
journalists, CRPF personnel of the said camp and police personnel of Katlichera 
Police Station. According to the sources, other than the two mentioned last, 
the victim Jamir Uddin Laskar was a poor daily wage labourer. He is an innocent 
peace loving and law abiding citizen. There were no complaints whatsoever 
against him in police records. His nieghbour Moijun Nesa states that in the 
morning of the day of incident the victim was collecting grass to graze his 
cattle from a paddy field adjacent to her house. At about 10am she saw five 
CRPF men accompanied by one Rezwan Uddin, who is known to be a CRPF informer, 
going towards the paddy field where the deceased was working. She smelt 
something wrong and informed Sajna Begum and Anwara Begum, sister and wife of 
the victim respectively. When three of them went to the place of occurrence 
they saw Rezwan Uddin identifying the victim was asking the men in uniform to 
shot by pointing his fingers towards Jamir Uddin who was dumbfounded at the 
sight. At that moment Sajna and Anwara started to cry and beseech the men with 
arms to spare the life of Jamir Uddin at which they were beaten, kicked, abused 
and humiliated. As per the accounts of the eye-witnesses named above, at the 
instance of Rezwan Uddin a bullet was shot targeting Jamir Uddin which was 
missed, the second shot also missed but the third bullet hit on the back of the 
target, who had already started to run away, and piercing his chest exited. The 
critically injured victim was sent to the Silchar Medical College Hospital, 
Silchar where he was declared dead at 6.30pm that day.The relatives of the 
victims believe that the CRPF men was induced and bribed by Rezwan Uddin who 
wanted to teach Jamir Uddin a lesson for his denial of marrying his brother 
Jakir Uddin Laskar with the daughter of Sams Uddin who is a relative of Rezwan 
Uddin. But some villagers believe that there is something deeper. Requesting 
anonymity they claim that many CRPF personnel of the Gharmura camp extorting 
people in collusion with an extremist outfit dominated by Riyang (a tribal 
community) named United Liberation Front of Barak Valley. They cited the act of 
fixing sign boards containing the words Beware, you are under the watch of 
CRPF in electric posts and other conspicuous public places in the entire 
Gharmura area as an example of tactics adopted by the force to create panic in 
the minds of the people. However, the sign boards were withdrawn at the 
intervention of the Deputy Commissioner. The villagers of Boinchera are 
convinced that Jamir Uddin might have come to know of some concrete evidence of 
such extortionist and terrorist activities of CRPF there, for which it was 
necessary for the force to shut his mouth for ever. On the other hand, CRPF and 
police claim that Jamir Uddin was a terrorist and died in an encounter but they 
are unable to say to which outfit he belonged. When B Rajput, the commandant of 
the camp was contacted he asked us to contact Rabindra Sinha, in-charge of 
Katlichera Police Station for more information who just told us that an FIR 
against the deceased was registered lodged by CRPF commandant. The people of 
the valley demand unanimously and unequivocally an impartial investigation of 
the incident__._,_.___ 
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[Assam] Can Lakhimpur veterinary college regain its lost glory?(The Assam Tribune, 06.11.2007)

2007-11-05 Thread Buljit Buragohain
Can Lakhimpur veterinary college regain its lost glory?
From A Correspondent
 NORTH LAKHIMPUR, Nov 5 – The only second veterinary college of the State and 
only higher institute of applied science on the entire north bank of the 
Brahmaputra, Lakhimpur College of Veterinary Science, Azad has been under 
severe crisis as the institute has already been derecognised by the Veterinary 
Council of India in 2005. 

Founded on Apirl 1, 1987 after State government’s proposal to Indian Council of 
Agricultural Research in the meeting at Guwahati on July 5-6, 1986, the college 
was slotted to Lakhimpur district for its zero-industrial base and 
backwardness, has produced 1,400 veterinary doctors to cater the various needs 
in this sector of the State and implement various development schemes under the 
Seventh Five-Year Plan.

The college was initially set up temporarily at the huge and unused compound of 
the Bovine Contagious Pleura Pneumonia (BCPP) located in Azad, about 10 km away 
from district headquarters of North Lakhimpur. The objective of the veterinary 
college was to create veterinary doctors in the Assam-Arunachal border areas, 
motivate local people to develop animal husbandry, livestock and become 
self-reliant by animal farming such as diary, poultry and allied sectors with 
scientific aides and assistance from the college.

Assam government allotted 984 bigha land for the permanent campus of the 
college at Zoihing, some 12 km away from North Lakhimpur. The then Chief 
Minister, Prafulla Mahanta laid the foundation stone of the veterinary college 
at Zoihing on October 29, 1987 and works progressed satisfactorily till the 80 
per cent of the total construction. However construction of the college at 
Zoihing stopped abruptly with non-availability of funds.

According to Dr Amarendra Gogoi, ex-veterinary director, Govt of Arunachal 
Pradesh and a senior citizen of North Lakhimpur, who has been highlighting the 
issue of the veterinary college of Lakhimpur from various media platforms, 
trouble began when the Veterinary Council of India’s report by the special 
committee suggested the shifting of the college to Veterinary College, 
Khanapara, Guwahati in 1994-95. The specialists’ committee of the VCI cited the 
lack of proper infrastructure such as housing, laboratory, electric supply and 
communication facilities as required by the syllabus of the council.

According to Dr Gogoi that was the beginning of the irregularities concerning 
the existence of the college of veterinary science in Lakhimpur after five 
years of its successful running since 1988. Special committee’s report of the 
VCI suspended admissions to the veterinary college in Lakhimpur and remaining 
students of the BVSc  AH were shifted to the college at Khanapara from 1996. 
Till 1994, Lakhimpur College of Veterinary Science-Azad produced 86 graduates.

Students selected for admission to the college in 1996-97 and 1997-98 academic 
session were made to enroll in the college at Khanapara from second year of the 
bachelor’s course after completing the first year at Lakhimpur. The college was 
running somehow or other under that system till 2005 when it lost recognitions 
of the VCI. 

Dr Amarendra Gogoi points out that the VCI, after inspecting the Lakhimpur 
College of Veterinary Science-Azad in March, 2006, in its confidential report 
to Assam Agricultural University vide Ref No. 1.5/VCI/2004, Dated 15.03.2003 
gave two suggestions. The first was that the AAU should introduce two more 
semesters after the completion of first year of the BVSc  AH course in the 
veterinary college of Lakhimpur each year to transform it into a full-fledged 
college by transferring concerned teachers from Khanapara to North Lakhimpur.

The second suggestion was that the AAU should acknowledge its inability to run 
the college at Lakhimpur established sixteen years ago then. VCI waited for 
reply from the AAU which was never given in this regard.

Repeated requests and pleas made by Dean of the College Dr Bhupendra Nath 
Goswami and Lakhimpur MP, Dr Arun Sharma to Dean of the Khanapara College over 
the issue also yielded no results.

Lack of interest by a section of teachers of AAU-Khanapara campus to come and 
join the veterinary college in Lakhimpur also made matters worse. Teachers 
association of the AAU wrote to Vice Chancellor of the AAU vide letter No. 
AAUTA (VF)/LD/2002-03 suggesting the amalgamation of Lakhimpur College of 
Veterinary Science-Azad with that of Khanapara till the completion of the 
construction of buildings. It also wrote to the VC that, “...when the 
university is reeling under acute financial crisis, the continuation of 
Lakhimpur College of Veterinary Science-Azad is only a futile exercise in 
imparting education to the students..”

AAU authorities proposed North East Council with a scheme of almost Rs 15 crore 
to meet its financial crisis. The NEC, however, turned down the proposal for 
the non-submission of utilisation 

[Assam] Diwali: Festival of Lights

2007-11-05 Thread Pradip Kumar Datta
Diwali: Festival of Lights
  Light Up Your Life! Deepawali or Diwali is certainly the biggest of all 
Hindu festivals. It's the festival of lights (deep = light and avali = a row 
i.e., a row of lights) that's marked by four days of celebration, which 
literally illumines the country with its brilliance and dazzles all with its 
joy. Each of the four days in the festival of Diwali is separated by a 
different tradition, but what remains true and constant is the celebration of 
life, its enjoyment and goodness.
The Origin of DiwaliHistorically, the origin of Diwali can be traced back 
to ancient India, when it was probably an important harvest . However, there 
are various legends pointing to the origin of Diwali.
  Some believe it to be the celebration of the marriage of Lakshmi with Lord 
Vishnu. Whereas in Bengal the festival is dedicated to the worship of Mother 
Kali, the goddess of strength. Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed God, the 
symbol of auspiciousness and wisdom, is also worshipped in most Hindu homes on 
this day. In Jainism, Deepawali has an added significance to the great event of 
Lord Mahavira attaining the eternal bliss of nirvana. Diwali also commemorates 
the return of Lord Rama along with Sita and Lakshman from his fourteen year 
long exile and vanquishing the demon-king Ravana. In joyous celebration of the 
return of their king, the people of Ayodhya, the Capital of Rama, illuminated 
the kingdom with earthen diyas (oil lamps) and burst crackers.   
These Four DaysEach day of Diwali has it's own tale, legend and myth to 
tell. The first day of the festival Naraka Chaturdasi marks the vanquishing of 
the demon Naraka by Lord Krishna and his wife Satyabhama. Amavasya, the second 
day of Deepawali, marks the worship of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth in her 
most benevolent mood, fulfilling the wishes of her devotees. Amavasya also 
tells the story of Lord Vishnu, who in his dwarf incarnation vanquished the 
tyrant Bali, and banished him to hell. Bali was allowed to return to earth once 
a year, to light millions of lamps to dispel the darkness and ignorance, and 
spread the radiance of love and wisdom. It is on the third day of Deepawali — 
Kartika Shudda Padyami that Bali steps out of hell and rules the earth 
according to the boon given by Lord Vishnu. The fourth day is referred to as 
Yama Dvitiya (also called Bhai Dooj) and on this day sisters invite their 
brothers to their homes.   
The Significance of Lights  FirecrackersAll the simple rituals of Diwali 
have a significance and a story to tell. The illumination of homes with lights 
and the skies with firecrackers is an expression of obeisance to the heavens 
for the attainment of health, wealth, knowledge, peace and prosperity. 
According to one belief, the sound of fire-crackers are an indication of the 
joy of the people living on earth, making the gods aware of their plentiful 
state. Still another possible reason has a more scientific basis: the fumes 
produced by the crackers kill a lot of insects and mosquitoes, found in plenty 
after the rains.   
The Tradition of GamblingThe tradition of gambling on Deepawali also has a 
legend behind it. It is believed that on this day, Goddess Parvati played dice 
with her husband Lord Shiva, and she decreed that whosoever gambled on Diwali 
night would prosper throughout the ensuing year.   From Darkness Unto 
Light...In each legend, myth and story of Deepawali lies the significance of 
the victory of good over evil; and it is with each Deepawali and the lights 
that illuminate our homes and hearts, that this simple truth finds new reason 
and hope. From darkness unto light — the light that empowers us to commit 
ourselves to good deeds, that which brings us closer to divinity. During 
Diwali, lights illuminate every corner of India and the scent of incense sticks 
hangs in the air, mingled with the sounds of fire-crackers, joy, togetherness 
and hope. Outside India, Diwali is more than a Hindu festival, it's a 
celebration of South-Asian identities. If you are away from the sights and
 sounds of Diwali, light a diya, sit quietly, shut your eyes, withdraw the 
senses, concentrate on this supreme light and illuminate the soul.

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Re: [Assam] [asom] A Fake Encounter in Hailakandi

2007-11-05 Thread mc mahant
FIR against the deceased was registered lodged by CRPF commandant. FIR against 
the deceased was registered lodged by CRPF commandant. Guess what India 
deserves--People deserve the Govt. they

11:57:53 +0530Subject: Re: [Assam] [asom] A Fake Encounter in Hailakandi

Guess what India deserves--People deserve the Govt. they

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Sun, 4 Nov 2007 11:58:48 
+Subject: [asom] A Fake Encounter in Hailakandi

A Fake Encounter in Barak Valley of Assam It was reported in the news papers on 
23 October, 2007 that on 22 October at about 10am five Central Reserve Police 
Force personnel belonging to Gharmura Camp of E-147 Company shot dead one Jamir 
Uddin Laskar of about 35 years of village Boinchera (also known as Bhaichera) 
under the Katlichera Police Station in the district of Hailakandi in Barak 
Valley of Assam. Members of the Barak Human Rights Protection Committee talked 
with family members, relatives and nieghbours of the deceased, local 
journalists, CRPF personnel of the said camp and police personnel of Katlichera 
Police Station. According to the sources, other than the two mentioned last, 
the victim Jamir Uddin Laskar was a poor daily wage labourer. He is an innocent 
peace loving and law abiding citizen. There were no complaints whatsoever 
against him in police records. His nieghbour Moijun Nesa states that in the 
morning of the day of incident the victim was collecting grass to graze his 
cattle from a paddy field adjacent to her house. At about 10am she saw five 
CRPF men accompanied by one Rezwan Uddin, who is known to be a CRPF informer, 
going towards the paddy field where the deceased was working. She smelt 
something wrong and informed Sajna Begum and Anwara Begum, sister and wife of 
the victim respectively. When three of them went to the place of occurrence 
they saw Rezwan Uddin identifying the victim was asking the men in uniform to 
shot by pointing his fingers towards Jamir Uddin who was dumbfounded at the 
sight. At that moment Sajna and Anwara started to cry and beseech the men with 
arms to spare the life of Jamir Uddin at which they were beaten, kicked, abused 
and humiliated. As per the accounts of the eye-witnesses named above, at the 
instance of Rezwan Uddin a bullet was shot targeting Jamir Uddin which was 
missed, the second shot also missed but the third bullet hit on the back of the 
target, who had already started to run away, and piercing his chest exited. The 
critically injured victim was sent to the Silchar Medical College Hospital, 
Silchar where he was declared dead at 6.30pm that day.The relatives of the 
victims believe that the CRPF men was induced and bribed by Rezwan Uddin who 
wanted to teach Jamir Uddin a lesson for his denial of marrying his brother 
Jakir Uddin Laskar with the daughter of Sams Uddin who is a relative of Rezwan 
Uddin. But some villagers believe that there is something deeper. Requesting 
anonymity they claim that many CRPF personnel of the Gharmura camp extorting 
people in collusion with an extremist outfit dominated by Riyang (a tribal 
community) named United Liberation Front of Barak Valley. They cited the act of 
fixing sign boards containing the words Beware, you are under the watch of 
CRPF in electric posts and other conspicuous public places in the entire 
Gharmura area as an example of tactics adopted by the force to create panic in 
the minds of the people. However, the sign boards were withdrawn at the 
intervention of the Deputy Commissioner. The villagers of Boinchera are 
convinced that Jamir Uddin might have come to know of some concrete evidence of 
such extortionist and terrorist activities of CRPF there, for which it was 
necessary for the force to shut his mouth for ever. On the other hand, CRPF and 
police claim that Jamir Uddin was a terrorist and died in an encounter but they 
are unable to say to which outfit he belonged. When B Rajput, the commandant of 
the camp was contacted he asked us to contact Rabindra Sinha, in-charge of 
Katlichera Police Station for more information who just told us that an FIR 
against the deceased was registered lodged by CRPF commandant. The people of 
the valley demand unanimously and unequivocally an impartial investigation of 
the incident__._,_.___ 
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