Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Games sentrell. A new dropbox folder!

2014-05-07 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: Games sentrell. A new dropbox folder! is my address.L ts hope this works out and is not abused.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: The Eventual Famine

Hi.I must agree with all points here aprone.3 days ago my xp system died a death of well simply not working right.I did a reformat but because I was simply to tired to really recover it I left it in a bootable manufacturer crapware filled state with nvda the only thing loaded.After looking at all my programs even those like nero 6 which stated it may not work at all I found it all did for what I needed and much faster.In fact the only programs I have issue rrunning are the 3dfx in the gma games like tank commander and shades of doom as well as missippi which has had a html issue when loading and exiting but it can be played otherwise.There is no reason to go back and with uac off and still running 32 bit I can run my dos games if I want.I don't need more than 4gb ram though and as long as I don't need more I can do with just a 32 bit os.This however is only the beginning.I am not sure if its the beginning of the end o
 r a new beginning.To fully get the use of all my games and things I probably will need to use xp again.I am used to a few things and sertainly bar some older games 7 works for everything I am used to doing.I am used to the 7 menus and ribbons and the keyboard.I still am not sure about 8 and how its locked down though.Its why I went to 7 being that its on all my other boxes.Now if I had hardware vertualisation I'd probably continue using xp somehow but I don't have the vertualisation to run xp or even Linux.I have enough cores that I could still use 2 of them for the xp and Linux boxes and 1-2gb of the 4 I still have in here and still have enough to run win7 32 bit on here.For what I do now I have no complaints over 7 as a primary os now.however I am sure if I hadn't just come back from vacation and was to tired to bother I would have just reloaded xp again.What I do miss even though I have search and can navi
 gate menus ok is the keyboard first letter navigation I could do in the start menu.Its not that big a deal but even still.On the other side, this 7 system takes a bit of sight to get recovered.if it ever failed and I had to get some stuff done my xp system is still easier to recover and would be what I would use.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-17 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: The Eventual Famine

Hi fully agree.Hadn't my xp box actually died yesterday after a security java update and a disk scan with msse, I may have not even conciddered moving fully to 7.Its true I do still have a few older games on it 3d fx and all that aside though most of  my programs are now compatible now, so  I have no idea what I will do.I do eventually plan on going back to my xp box or getting Linux for that or something but right now I have just to much going on to take the time to really put into a reinstall of the os right now so am using 7.The sad thing is that since my new 7 system is quite fast and since vb6 does still work for what is needed 3d fx being an issue I may be able to fix with 3d sound back in the gma games at least and a couple recorder issues, my issues for now seem solved.I agree with windows 8 and its updates though.There are loads of tablets out there to and ms is find it hard to keep its base.If it doesn't get i
 t right analists expect it will probably die.With all its security issues it does show ms exactly how much xp is still a good basus of an os.The core and interface is stable.While a win7 start menu is quite good I miss the 1 letter navigation in xp the rest I have got used to but still even though I have resigned myself to 7 8 well who knows.As for installing the visual basic libs, as long as you have the files, some devs have auto installers of all components you should be ok.Ofcause what may happen is unless files are modified that are used we will have to install more files and if those are packedged to a inosetup installer it won't be a problem I am sure.I struggle with anything 8 and up though.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Ripping Sounds from Games?

2014-01-29 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: Ripping Sounds from Games?

Hi.I have done this for quite a while. so I know a few things.Note, this doesn't cover anything recent.If a game uses a crf file like systemshock2 or pk3, then its a zip file and can be files can be extracted to.pak files and pk4 files if you have pack explorer and rt-pk4 I foget the links can be extracted.In some older windows games 1995-1998 if its all the music you want tracks 2 up will be soundtracks only.In the ps1 I think its like that.In a lot of the early 1995-1997 games, the sounds were just left on the disk in folders called audio, sound, sounds, wav, waves, wave, or something simular.Moving up from there, dragonunpacker from is your friend or mostly is.v4 and v5 are both needed but no development has been done for a while and it can't get everything.Incripted files and weird formats.A lot of games have either their own file format or incripted sounds in he
 x language so even if you extract their files you can't get them.Now there is aparently a way to get into steam files and extract them but I have never tried it.A lot of games are sadly steam or their own format so hacking them is just impossible.A lot do come with the music if you pay enough, example, a special adition of bioshock2 came with the music on both disk and vinal.You probably can buy stuff on itunes.If you really want something and happen to go to japan then bring as much cash as you can and spend up.You should be able to buy most soundtracks in japan aparently a friend of mine recons that they have stores full of soundtracks for every game under the sun including their own.Origional and remixed probably can find ripps of stuff online if you look.Any of your chiptune sites will have those potentually or other game soundtrack sites.Failing this there is youtube.Its where I have gotten a lot 
 of my songs now the big companies are watching the big file share networks now.I have used dvd videosoft which does have adds, but no spyware right now it does have open candy but as far as I can see its just a page of stuff after install and it should be good.\The torrent app is not accessable nore is the studio manager  and maybe some of the 3d encoder stuff.but all the converters and upload/ download apps should be usable.Just make sure when getting vids you get the lowest quality you can because hd vids are big, and the program will download the entire file and then convert it.Make sure you set conversion to anything bar origional because most of the video audio is in ipod form.I usually have mp3 128 or ogg but you may want to have a lower codec rate for speed.The best games to wrip are from 1995 through 2003-2006.Anything after  2000 started going pairshaped on us wrippers.and sertainly after 2004 it was quite hard
  to get anything.after 2006 at elast in nz most supplies of that stuff dried out.However if a game is popular enough you may be able to find the soundtrack online either as free or low cost remember a lot of this stuff is japanese and the prices for some of these are quite small.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Catchfish, a new game in development!

2013-12-12 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: Catchfish, a new game in development!

Hi harimia.Ok you have the music.You don't need to tell me what you use, I just didn't want you putting loads of unneded stuff in the dropbox folder for danny because the files are just really big.I have submitted the files at the folder so I will also check comments but after that I will probably kill them.As for traveling and such, yeah christmas is coming up again, within the next 2 weeks it will also be christmas for me to, in the new year there will be my own set of issues for me to work through.Some are good, and some not so.but anyway if I don't see you have a happy christmas and all that stuff.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Catchfish, a new game in development!

2013-12-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: Catchfish, a new game in development!

ok harimia the files are up and online.There should be enough to keep you going and there more where that came from, there are other places I can get instrumentals to.crashmasterURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Catchfish, a new game in development!

2013-12-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: Catchfish, a new game in development!

Hi harimia.Ok, i missed your post yesterday.Been busy prepairing for christmas and didn't have the time to do anything.Firstly the link files are uploading 23mb of classical guitar zip called tac which I found ages ago on the linux speakup ftp.I have also included at least .5gb worth of remixes from note.Can you please when you submit to danny only do the tracks you are going to use.All the sounds and I mean all the 20mb of sounds I submitted to you are now in the folder.That was not the idea of the sounds.I was hoping you would sort them to what you wanted and left the rest.I usually don't like to shoot in the dark with sfx and if I even see the 600mb or so of music on the folder I will have to kill what is not used in the game and after that siveerly restrict
  what I submit because the idea is to hopefully get things sorted to something which is not totally unsorted and to large.I hope you are not offended by this but I really would prefur that sounds and music were not submitted as is, unsorted.Saying that, until you notify me you have the files, which should be up within the day, and once you have them and can confirm there is stuff you want, etc, I will keep the files up.the link is on the catchfish folder so that users can view the files.As of this writing the tac.7z file of 23mb is uploaded and shared on the folder, the other file is not.It also occurs to me we should have a direct line of communication since now this thread has moved to general there is a chance it will get email link on my profile here should be valid.I have aim, msn and skype, with msn going away well at least it going to skype only aim is best probably but I have miranda and it all works for now.I will cont
 inue on here where I can.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Moderation, new releases room please read

2013-12-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: Moderation, new releases room please read

Dark what about making a game development room for stuff like this.It would make sence and the general topic is so biig.I have gone on there and stuff can get so lost there its just crazy.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] the arcade - A new radio show, covering various softwar e

2013-10-19 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: the arcade - A new radio show, covering various softwar e

I can assure you that over the stream it does not go away except when you don't talk.I have had the same issue.The problem is that hum really needs to go.Right now, I am on another station granted almost everyone has a mixer they being musicians and pro djs and audio type people but still.Fact is your show is good  your content and music are top notch.You are good, however because of that hum the show is a total pile of crap.You should indevour to get rid of that hum asap.I had the same issue with my hum in the old days.Laptops at least some of the older ones are not latest unit is meant for its no real issue.Your set could also be the issue.I would suggest you 1.see if you have microphone boost active and turn it if your audio card has a lot of features to enahnce audio turn them off.all effects, etc.Next, I'd at least try to save up
  for maybe a mixer or even external soundcard.or both if you can manage it.Your speech can probably stay on your internal card but if you can get away from vertual audio cable that may work.I know for 15 bucks from at guys you can parently get a card not sure how good it is.Internal soundcards are not broadcast models, and it may be time to use them as they were designed.I have not seriously broadcasted as such, and I sertainly don't have the cash for all the expensive stuff.But hope is not lost.logitech external usb mics or external mics in general should be good for what you want they pick up background noise but all you want to do is talk.I'd recomend plantronics, and also andriea brother uses draggon and he has one of their mics.I thought headsets would be good.Don't make that mistake.They are good for skype but are unsuitable for audio broadcasting.When I first got online
  I was laughed at by  djs on the station I was on for 1.  having cheap hardware and 2.  using a headset.While buying a expensive mic may not be in your budget you may be able to get a logitech for cheap.They are plastic and crappy but they are omni directional and as long as input volume is 50% and not higher they do not clip or do bad things.if you can afford something like a yeti or something equally as crazy go ahead.If really cheap is all you can afford, I have managed to pick up a few crappy but non noisy units for 7 bucks.but they are really cheap and gay still they can be used if you want.If you are able to afford a 50 to 100 buck external mic it may be an idea.if you can afford maybe an external card to later on it would be best.However I have had some djs use vertual audio cable with little buzz however there are limitations with vertual audio cable because of emulation.Sadly your show is somewhere past mi
 dnight  I think in my zone or is it mid day one of the 2.I always forget.I think it is some weird time.especially now we are on daylight saving.I have never been able to catch it so archives are good.I enjoyed the product reviews and the dragon pong online gameplay.out of interest what is your setup for audio.I am betting on that like me its just a laptop.I actually do have an analog eq and old 1930s amp here but no way to connect them to the computer so it can be streamed.I guess I could connect it to mic though who knows.I don't have the room to have a perminant setup sadly.However I eventually want to get some sort of external card and maybe a mixer if I ever got serious and a keyboard to play music on.Sadly since I could only fit a half board and it was taking up my room and I had no cash really for the extras I still don't, I decided I'd just use the standard piano which is full sized a
 nd sell the board.Eventually who knows.Probably will not happen for ages if ever.Especially since various members of the family are getting close to the leaving work age.and cash from the government is really nothing much at all to live on.Still eventually if nothing dies in the next 10 years I may have the cash for upgrades like that though that would be a slim chance.Every year things need to be upgraded or die.still you never know.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] the arcade - A new radio show, covering various softwar e

2013-10-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: the arcade - A new radio show, covering various softwar e

Hi powergamer.Just listened to your show the 5 eps you had up.The show absolutely rocked.However if there is any way to fix your hummy mic or whatever that would be good.its the only crappy part about your show.your headset or something hums when you talk.It makes it really hard to listen.I have a logitech usb standing mic and no issues I myself do some small cohosting on tbrn so I know.Tried all sorts of mics.any mics plugged into a system via the sound card jacks generally are bad because they pick up grounding noise and are therefore no good.You may have some better success with one or more mics but the trick is to use usb.if you can that is.My work doesn't involve switching over much more than a teamtalk server to talk to the main djs so I am not sure it would work.I have some profesional senheiser sets and not a headset though I had a plantronics one and it was okish.You may want to turn 
 off your mic boost if you have that active to.I also do not see your show listed in the show scheduals or archives.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Hi doctor.when this happened I was able to fix it.the game is missing several critical sound the either system or speech folder.anyway the zip for these is at … 20xtra.zipthe game is supposed to be rewritten but  I don't hold much out about that being released any time soon since its not been mentioned lately in  the usagames project lists so it must be the bottem thing on the pile of stuff tom has to do.also in that version the romulan wav is named wrongly I forget which wav is named wrongly but you can easily fix that.well when this is rewritten we will probably be using sapi instead of the recorded sounds so we probably won't see the issues though I have always liked live recordings I can see why you would use sapi.its smaller for starts anywayURL:
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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-06 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

hi all.Just thought I'd let you know about a potentual goldmine for us gamers.I was listening to some sfx for apple yesterday at about 1 am or so.a website called mac tracker was mentioned as the main source for all mac systems.www.mactracker.cais the address and has everything to do with the program.there is a windows version but its also needs quicktime to run right.the latest versions are for the mac.for those that have a mac maybe you will be able to run that I am not sure but if you can let me know.according to the site its supposed to run for every windows since xp to 7, and has all macs in it, including but not limited to i devices mice and other hardware components.I have left a message with the author about the appears from what I was able to scrounge from docs that the program has 3 arieas.1. 
  a search box to type in a model.2.  a list  of catogries and a list of models.there is a menu where you can create catogries and other things and there is a timeline to track a model through its life has potential.I will let you know if I have any more info.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-04 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP! again.looked and downloaded the echo collection and am working on disk images from ifarchive.I am not sure how usefull  any of it is.just as well I did not kill the eamon archive I downloaded.however, I have no idea what or the time to find out what is good on the first apple a2 site, there is a load of disks and unless there is an archive out there I really wouldn't know what is good or not.though to be honest I'd only use that apple emulator for if I could have a menu disk to list all eamons like it does with the deluxe frontend that would be insteresting.My plan is to probably end up just playing the pc port of eamon but I am having another stab at the emulatorURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-04 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

HiI am is the thing people have not yet got at is the large ammount of images on the ifarchive and the eamon guild site.the images for prodos and dos 3 as well as the eamon guild site are zipped into 2 small zip file and a 120mb archive in a hunking big rar file.However before I really start grabbing images again after all the shite I had ages ago, we really need to figure some other frontend  than the apple menu we have.Don't get me wrong, for a start it did the trick.But to be honest unless it can be structured its quite crap.Navigating all those images is just a pain to find what you want if you have say 400 images which was what happened to me.ok it works but I had a heck of a time navigating them.also is there any way rather than listing the file but to list what the disk actually is.I mean its ok to get a disk labeled dsu5580-85-0eypoiporetretu.dsk but if I
  don't know what the damn thing is I won't know what I am there anyway to improve the frontend.on that note since this thing is opensource I wander if there is any way to improve it for blind users in the fact that you can run in console mode obviously but have a gui where you can load a disk and load other disks into that without going nuts on things.also I'd like an easier way to shut down the emulator,  and a few other things.I am looking at the extra stuff for the emulators, but really I want to see what stuff works and what does not.going slightly ot, has any of the games transelvania, etc been converted into inform or something as I'd like to play some of the if type games that were done on apple as standard frotz files.I have other questions but will probably shove them in another topic unless someone can tell me how to handle writing of inform7 stuff in an email or something, an ide for it and a compiler
 , I couldn't desifre what I needed to do in the ifarchive and since I can get sapi access in glulx or inform I figure that is what I will try to write things in.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sapi

2013-09-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: Sapi

Hi.I aggree with tom.the cheapest sapi synths out there are the dectalk 5 sapi which is basically the old dectalk/ eloquence system and the orpheus 3 system which is argued to be quite bad.I am not sure about other voices but I know for a fact that somewhere on is a link to get ivona.true its 30 or so  for a voice, and about 100 for a language pack but you do donate a percentage to nvda and they are supposed to be good.It all depends what you want sapi for.for reading and games maybe some high quality voices.I was fortunate to aquire the jaws8 sapi disk from a friend who sent me the disk image and there is a 64 installer patch tom made for the realspeak system.otherwise I wouldn't have bought any sapi voices really.I think its something like 50 bucks to get vocaliser for nvda if thats all you want.You can buy voices for jaws well I think some of those are locked to jaws and are free to download.hal sertainly uses vocaliser 5 and all you need to do is download all demos you want extract them and copy the right folders over however they are locked to the readers.Eventually I will probably buy some, however the only time I use any high quality voices for anything, is when I game.I have grown up on the robotic keynote gold then eloquence then orpheus1.So for me espeak is not much of a jump from eloquence really or maybe I get used to it who knows.Its better than it used to be and for a free voice bar its roboticness its quite clear.Actually not that I have tried it but if you install sapi4 in win7 you can run the sapi4 voices but thats really old.the old ms voice engines were the only really good ones that and the lh3000 uk english the us one sucks.if you can get an old version of home page reader it is possible to run the viavoice installers.and these are full, however thats sapi4 and the routeens to uninstall and sometimes in
 stall are not always functioning right.Finally there is a way to get eloquence for sapi4 legally well semi need a cd of window eyes or an image of one.there are eloquence folders and once you load the coman module, and any language modules you want then in theory you should get speech but thats strictly sapi4.window eyes is the only reader I know which is not serial or activation locked which is why you can actively just either get or download a disk image presuming you know where to get it.every other person has locked their software.Its a pitty that you can't  get just voices though dolphin who make supernova have on their price lists extra voices 2 for 85 bucks a disk but then who knows if they are actually locked or not.Since I have a friends disk backed up all over my offline storage thats all I have really needed.If you are wanting to buy I'd try ivona and accapella first, accapella is linked to booksha
 re so its possible you could get donations to them that way who knows.ivona is nvda and klango supported, and I plan to either get ivona or accapella at some point pluss ivona is supposed to be 64 bit but then everyone else should be able to.Finally there are low quality lh voices that come with office xp and higher I assume.however they are quite small about themselves.However, moving slightly away from sapi maybe its time games should support the speech platform system.I am not sure about others but win8 has it 7 and xp have ports though some voices do stutter.speech platform is the sapi replacement and ms have good quality voices for that.these are free and may be the way foreward for someone that wants a free voice.the only other freeish sapi voice is the modeltalker  app though outside of the app the sapi voice is slightly machined, its your own voice you need to make it yourself upload it and get it converted and sent back t
 o you but I have not tried to even do least not for ages and I mean ages.If its readers you are wanting like nvda, you may want to just avoid sapi all together and get speech platform, or speechhub.speechhub is an opensource engine using many speech engines at once, so I guess you could concider it a speech engine frontend interface.its supposed to be good but I have not bothered with addons for a couple years mainly because my admin work means I need to run the base stable builds of nvda all the time without the extra aids and there are other things to.The issue I have with espeak is that most of the voices in particularly the female voices sound like someone is talking down a nose cold through a lead pipe but the male voices the default one especially are not to bad.neither is male3 which is almost eloquence.One thing with espeak is that its mainly designed for headphones and or big speakers.if you have small speakers then fo
 rget it.if you are a user that reads plays a lot etc then this is not worth your wile.its crappy robotic and quite stupid.If you are an admin like myself the voice especially in the nvda system is small lightweight and needs no external files bar its own data and library.I can even r

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

Hi it worth me downloading extra disks if they don't talk.yesterday in a fit of crazyness I aquired most of the images from including transelvania and the eamon guild cd image disks and I have about a gb of disks.however unless there is a way to happily use extra disks and have them talk I have just wasted about a gb of data downloaded unless I can load things somehow.for a synth of its time echo was quite good slightly more primitive than espeak but almost the same sounding as a synth it was quite first memmories of a computer for myself was dos 5.0 for toshiba on a t1850.later I hacked it to 6.22 with extras ofcause.I played at school with an apple 2gs playing transelvania and hangman.I also had an experience with a c64 and a bbc micro once or twice.I have actually an entire c64 archive so the music is still round though I prefur as far as music goes the amiga modding system which sounds clos
 er to todays chip music but anyway.I am not sure what is going on with people getting errors.I tried to do some work yesterday with the emulator, but didn't get past the dos image.However I did use it on a win7 system with an i5 cpu and it didn't take time at all not to much to startup.I'd like however to have the sound of the apple starting up I can remember the chime I probably have the sounds from the net for apples starting up not all of them ofcause but most of the main models.this was done in 2004 someone hacked the bios of apples and pulled the far as I know with a few small extras they use most of the same generic sfx.with the gs when you switched it on the 5.25 inch made a sound like a machine gun starting up in fact if we got the right gun and slowed it down properly it would probably exactly what it sounded like.But yeah the disk sound gives me memmories.I used to have a now broken t1850 and I u
 sed to remember the dreaded whine  and or the tripple ber noise a drive would do when it was bad about itself.I also remember the system startups.the ticks of the drive would always know when something was loading.Especially if you were playing and you would get a message to insert the next disk.for about 8 years after I got the net till just over 2004 I had still a dos system which is now dead.My plan is to eventually get a server and have either vms or a way to boot different osses from windows, but have them appear  as seperate users though not sure.idealy I'd have  linux win 7 8 and xp.dos well I could but really xp dos is fine for games and I have no external synth.ofcause having output and input go to another terminal you login to from your system would be interesting.I have played with the emulator the apple.exe program is good.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] we're searching for programers for alien invaders

2013-08-10 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: we're searching for programers for alien invaders

hi mike.ok I am able to previde sfx, I have some  comercial libs but also some free libs.I don't have all the gear needed for some bits and bobs but I can make straight char voices at least I think so.I am fortunate enough to be in a house where most of the day I am by myself so I can shout swear and make weird noises  without if you need sounds and beta testing I should be able to handle this.Usually I am able to work all monday from 10 am to 5 pmand then the rest of the week from 9 am to about 12 pm but it all depends.if you want testing or me to fiddle fx in I can work all day designing actual fx takes some time to handle and I only have the basic stuff, though I do have audacity and some other things, a couple mics and a couple recorders to look at.I have plenty of sfx and stuff some from muds and others from various places.Best way to contact me though is via my profile email link  or th
 e pm system.don't always check pms but is my email and that may be the best way to handle that.I have msn and skype but I am not always active.shaun_everiss is skype and will get me for msn and aol.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I had bit terraformer

2013-08-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: I had bit terraformer

my issue with tf was at least with my hd card that in one of the rooms in the water level, you couldn't hear the end of the room you just kept going and it happens with some enemies and other really was nonly meant for old analog soundcards.I think if someone did it again using the same sfx in bgt or something where it was updated for hd cards etc it may work but I never liked the idea of loosing energy all the time and having to back track to a power node all the time.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] AAC Won't Work On Windows 8

2013-08-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: AAC Won't Work On Windows 8

Sounds like the signature authorisation  thing.go to properties of the main exe file.then click the unblock button then ok.this should clear the security tick though you need to be sure you trus the program you are far as I know that tick will stay off untill the program is remodified with another coppy.its what I tend to do anyway.URL:

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