[ bebas promosi ] Who Wants To Be A Stock Market Millionaire?

2007-10-28 Terurut Topik hen trepo
I know many people who want to be stock market
millionaires. They ask how all the time on 'The Wallet
Doctor' Ezine. It is actually not that complex if you
know what you are doing. Becoming a millionaire does
require discipline and the more the better.


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[ bebas promosi ] Stock and Options Millionaire Principles

2007-10-28 Terurut Topik hen trepo
Having been trading stocks and options in the capital
markets professionally over the years, I have seen
many ups and downs. I have seen paupers become
millionaires overnight... And I have seen millionaires
become paupers overnight...

One story told to me by my mentor is still etched in
my mind:


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[ bebas promosi ] Stock Trading Secrets?

2007-10-25 Terurut Topik hen trepo
How often have you come across an advertisement or
e-mail proclaiming to teach you the stock trading
secrets that Wall Street Insiders don't want you to
know? Usually included in the descriptions of these
trading products are claims such as Make 10K monthly
in minutes per day, or Learn the secrets of
Professional Stock Brokers, etc. etc. So what are
these secrets that they are SELLING?

And if the Wall Street Insiders and the Professional
Stock Brokers didn't want to reveal these trading
secrets with you, then how come the companies or
individuals selling you these products are so quick to
give up these Never before revealed techniques?


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[ bebas promosi ] How To Become A Millionaire In 8 Years Or Less

2007-10-24 Terurut Topik hen trepo
Contrary to most people's experiences, the FOREX
market is not a voracious black hole that seeks to
swallow up your hard earned money. The FOREX market is
simply a market like any other market, whether you are
selling bushels of wheat, fresh fish, or currencies.
It has no agenda to deprive you of your cash. It's
just a harmless ol' teddy bear that needs to be
cuddled and loved. And, if you learn to love it, it
will love you back, and in very generous and tangible
ways. On the other hand, if you are determined to
think of it as your enemy, then you have no choice but
to defeat it; and, of course, it will fight back. As
any professor of quantum physics or spiritual leader
will tell you, how you perceive a thing will determine
how that thing will respond, it's a principle of
cosmic proportion.


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[ bebas promosi ] Why the Rich Keep Getting Richer

2007-10-21 Terurut Topik hen trepo
Rich people: fortunate, lucky, selfish, and arrogant?
Or highly educated, caring, brilliant individuals?
Becoming rich isnt hard, but it does require a bit of
time and knowledge. Having time to get rich, educating
oneself, and buying assets are the three key factors
in attaining untold wealth.

Rich people usually either have or make time to get
rich. Most people that now own huge mansions, have
wonderful riches, and drive the nicest cars usually
begin taking the road to riches in their spare time.
One plan, the most common, is to work at a low-risk,
steady job until one has enough money to invest in
something that will feed one for the rest of their
life. But before one can invest in anything, one first
has to educate oneself.


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[ bebas promosi ] Home Based Businesses - Getting Out Of The Rat-Race Forever

2007-10-21 Terurut Topik hen trepo
In early 2006 my wife Kath was looking for free
finance ebooks on the web. We were both disgruntled
about the pay and long dangerous hours in my
contracting job, so she decided to do something about
it. She came across an ebook from Jamie McIntyre at
21st Century Academy called What I Didn't Learn at
School But Wish I Had. After reading the ebook Kath
was so impressed that she ordered the free DVD with
the same title.

When we both watched the DVD we were convinced that
this was the right system for us, so we ordered the
21st Century Homestudy Program. This was tough going,
because we were down to our last $500 after a
renovation on the trashed former drug baron's house
across the road. We thought that the renovation road
was the route to wealth and thats why we were doing
it. Previously, we had been in Network Marketing for
many years, but could not seem to breakthrough to the
levels we needed to have a decent lifestyle. When we
ordered the program, our one thought was, if this
doesnt work, its getting returned!


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[ bebas promosi ] Investing Secrets of the Wealthy

2007-10-20 Terurut Topik hen trepo
My favourite subject. Investment. Investing in your
own ecommerce business is the best, most time
efficient way to make money. But to grow real wealth
you need to diversify into other investments as well.
Your ecommerce business (or other business / high
paying job) provides the cash for investing. It is the
interest earned of those investments however that pays
for your luxury lifestyle.


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[ bebas promosi ] Magic Bullet To Retirement

2007-10-19 Terurut Topik hen trepo
Everyone is looking for that magic bullet that will
allow them to retire rich or at least comfortable.
They want to be able to do what the TV ads show -
vacationing in Fiji, fly fishing in Vermont, etc, etc.
It seems so easy on TV.

A pretty financial analyst from some big company shows
the prospect how it is done. The next part of the
trick is getting it done and that aint easy. It
usually means a change because the potential retiree
must take part of the cash now being spent on present
life style and put it away not to be spent until
retirement becomes a reality. If the couple shown in
the ad do it they will be glad they did. Sacrificing
some current pleasantries will have been worth it. The
$2,000, $3,000, $5,000 trip today could be worth twice
that amount or more at age 65 if the worker now is
lucky enough to have a good broker or planner one who
will not allow loss of principal during subsequent
bear markets.


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[ bebas promosi ] How to Make $100-$200 a Day Trading

2007-10-18 Terurut Topik hen trepo
Does making $100-200 a day within a two hour time
window sound appealing to you? Of course it does, who

The real question is are you willing to put in the
time, effort and money to learn to do this? We might
lose a few people with that question.


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[ bebas promosi ] The Secret Of Making Money In The Stock Market

2007-10-17 Terurut Topik hen trepo
You may have wondered if there are people out there
who consistently make money from the stock market. And
yes, there are people out there who are consistently
making money from the stock market because if they
were not making money from market they would not be
there and the markets would not be there too. These
people are no smarter than you. They do not work any
harder and neither are they lucky than you.

But, unlike you, they never seem to worry about having
money because they know one or two secrets of making
money in the stock market. You see most people miss
the big idea here. They think it takes a lot of money
to make a lot of money. But that is not how it is
done. The idea is to make pennies consistently and to
use them to build vast personal fortunes. The stock
market is a proven wealth builder and can and should
benefit all participants. It is only fair that each
one of us should be entitled to a piece of the action.


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[ bebas promosi ] FOREX 101: Make Money with Currency Trading

2007-10-14 Terurut Topik hen trepo
For those unfamiliar with the term, FOREX (FOReign
EXchange market), refers to an international exchange
market where currencies are bought and sold. The
Foreign Exchange Market that we see today began in the
1970's, when free exchange rates and floating
currencies were introduced. In such an environment
only participants in the market determine the price of
one currency against another, based upon supply and
demand for that currency.

FOREX is a somewhat unique market for a number of
reasons. Firstly, it is one of the few markets in
which it can be said with very few qualifications that
it is free of external controls and that it cannot be
manipulated. It is also the largest liquid financial
market, with trade reaching between 1 and 1.5 trillion
US dollars a day. With this much money moving this
fast, it is clear why a single investor would find it
near impossible to significantly affect the price of a
major currency. Furthermore, the liquidity of the
market means that unlike some rarely traded stock,
traders are able to open and close positions within a
few seconds as there are always willing buyers and



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[ bebas promosi ] FOREX Trading Systems - Learn the Secrets That Made $50 Million Dollars

2007-10-05 Terurut Topik hen trepo
W D Gann amassed a fortune of $50 million dollars in
the first half of the last century, although he died
in 1955, his trading techniques are still used today.

If you have a FOREX trading system then Ganns trading
methods are an ideal vehicle to seek big profits with
low risk.



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[ bebas promosi ] The 4 Wheels That Take A Forex Trader To Success

2007-10-05 Terurut Topik hen trepo
People hear about forex and they run and buy courses
and eBooks for heavy money.They sign up for all kind
of services and charts, they pay a lot of money for
trainers and classes, learning about MACD and
Fibbonaci and all kind of indicators, but they are not
taught the basics, they don't know what you need in
the first place in order to become a succesfull



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[ bebas promosi ] Ten Simple Investment Tips

2007-10-01 Terurut Topik hen trepo
When I first started trading the stock market, there
was not the wealth of information available online
like there is today. I read a lot of books and learned
the terms and thought I knew everything necessary to
make my fortune trading the market. I found a discount
broker and started plugging away, and immediately lost
my shirt.

Even though I had read these same tips in numerous
places, I really didnt understand the importance of
them until I had learned them the hard way. As they
say, experience is the best teacher, if you survive
the lesson. These are things that I wish I had really
used when I first started trading.



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[ bebas promosi ] Mastering The Millionaire Mindset - Two Easy Ways To Become A Millionaire

2007-09-30 Terurut Topik hen trepo
Do you want to guarantee that you will be a
millionaire in 25 years or less? Here are two simple
ways to achieve this goal and have a comfortable

First Strategy: Investing to Wealth. The basic concept
of the easy wealth method is to achieve your long-term
target of $1,000,000 without much effort or work! The
first method, Investing to Wealth, is probably the
easiest and within this method there are two basic
methods you could try.



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[ bebas promosi ] Why the Rich Keep Getting Richer

2007-09-28 Terurut Topik hen trepo
Rich people: fortunate, lucky, selfish, and arrogant?
Or highly educated, caring, brilliant individuals?
Becoming rich isnt hard, but it does require a bit of
time and knowledge. Having time to get rich, educating
oneself, and buying assets are the three key factors
in attaining untold wealth.

Rich people usually either have or make time to get
rich. Most people that now own huge mansions, have
wonderful riches, and drive the nicest cars usually
begin taking the road to riches in their spare time.
One plan, the most common, is to work at a low-risk,
steady job until one has enough money to invest in
something that will feed one for the rest of their
life. But before one can invest in anything, one first
has to educate oneself.



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[ bebas promosi ] 7 Profit Multiplying Trading Strategies of Successful Traders

2007-09-27 Terurut Topik hen trepo
Would you like to see your trading profits multiply?
Are you struggling to squeeze out small profits and
reduce losing trades? Here are some tips to help you
make better decisions each and every time you trade.

One of the first and foremost strategies of the
successful trader is actually having a strategy in the
first place! Many new investors mistakenly make
decisions based on one day of trading or the release
of just one economic indicator report. The more
successful traders develop a long-term strategy for
their investments and trade only when certain criteria
are met. Traders who go back and forth from one
strategy to another are sabotaging their chances for
success. These erratic changes make it much more
difficult to analyze which strategy works and when.



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[ bebas promosi ] Singapore's Self-Made Millionaire Teaches The 5 Steps To Financial Wisdom

2007-09-26 Terurut Topik hen trepo
Singapore's Self-Made Millionaire Adam Khoo teaches
you the 5 steps to financial wisdom... If he can do it
as a broke guy who barely passed high school, you can

1. When hiring a person to work for you, hire one who
is more knowledgeable in the position you intend to
hire him/her for. Make sure your employees are SMARTER
THAN YOU ARE! This way, you will have less worry if
they are able to perform the job. You get to learn
from them, and youll have more time to attend to other
ventures. As long as you compensate them well,
EVERYTHING should be fine, so don't worry about being
taken over or anything silly like that.



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[ bebas promosi ] Fundamental Guide To Safe And Profitable Trading

2007-09-23 Terurut Topik hen trepo
The Attraction of Trading. Many seek to succeed in
stock and option trading. But the majority loses in
their endeavor to reach the success. The game doesnt
seem as easy as it might look like. If you ever
started trading and got confused of when to place
order, when to take profit, how to protect your equity
and you toiled with anxiety and hesitation in making
decision, then you have come to the right site. Even
if you are considering to start joining the trading
world as a newbie and learn how to trade well and
safe, this book will definitely serve as your
fundamental guide in your attempt to develop your
trading skills.

Stock and option trading has become a great attraction
for decades, but why most traders lose and washed out
of market? Emotional and careless trading is one of
the most likely answer. Do you feel confident or
anxious while place an order? Do you feel delightful
or doubtful while close out a trade? Are you strongly
elated while gaining profit from a trade and tensely
sorrowed while losing from one?



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[ bebas promosi ] Newton's Laws of Stock Market Trading

2007-09-22 Terurut Topik hen trepo
This revelation had me surprised too. I was idly
flipping through my old physics textbooks yesterday
when it suddenly struck me. I was amazed to realize
that Sir Issac Newtons laws of physics points to so
many profound and important rules in the stock markets

So, here we are the physics of the stock markets.



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[ bebas promosi ] Newton's Laws of Stock Market Trading

2007-09-21 Terurut Topik hen trepo
This revelation had me surprised too. I was idly
flipping through my old physics textbooks yesterday
when it suddenly struck me. I was amazed to realize
that Sir Issac Newtons laws of physics points to so
many profound and important rules in the stock markets

So, here we are the physics of the stock markets.



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[ bebas promosi ] Currency Trading: How To Get Rich And Powerful From Currency Trading Program

2007-09-18 Terurut Topik hen trepo
What is currency trading? How can you get rich and powerful from
currency trading? Who can do currency trading? Can you do currency
trading from any country of the world?

Until six years ago, when the United States Congress passed a law and
made it possible for the small investors and average citizen to
participate in this currency day trading, only large banks, financial
institutions, millionaires and billionaires were doing currency


[ bebas promosi ] What Are Your Wealth-Building Goals?

2007-09-13 Terurut Topik hen trepo
The money is out there. No matter how many people tell
you that we are in the midst of a starvation economy,
that the market is doing this or that, and that it's
too risky to play the game, so to speak, people are
getting rich every day. That is the reality. The
trick, of course, is to become one of those people.

Yeah, you might say. That guy was just lucky. What are
the chances of that happening to me? Well, absolutely
zero if you don't do anything about your dreams to
build wealth. If you walk around thinking that you
have only a snowball's chance of hitting the big one
in the financial game, then you are right. That's
because you are depending on chance.



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[ bebas promosi ] Trading and The Lure Of Easy Money

2007-09-11 Terurut Topik hen trepo
  Trading and The Lure Of Easy Money   Damm, I can't get this song out of my 
  Do you ever find yourself all of a sudden singing or humming in your head 
some song for no apparent reason? It gets stuck and keeps going round and round 
in an endless loop. Please say this happens to you too so I don't feel so 
crazy. :-)
  Anyway, out of the blue I had this line pop into my head. The lure of easy 
money is so hard to refuse. It is from a song called Smugglers Blues by Glen 
Fry. As some of you know, he was from the 70's super group, The Eagles.
  Anyway, his song was featured in one of the episodes of Miami Vice way back 
in the 80's. (seems like a second ago)
  What's this got to do with trading? Trust me I am getting there!
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