Gelli goes to College

2003-09-02 Thread P. Buickerood
Well doggy friends, 
I was very busy last week! I went to college with my Dad and
helped him teach three lectures and two seminars. He says I'm
his teaching assistant. In the lectures I take attendance by
going up and down the aisles checking out each person. If the
girls are wearing sandals I lick their toes and make them
giggle. And I check their bags for contraband - no food allowed
in the classroom unless I get some of it. After I check everyone
out I settle down by the lectern for a snooze while my Dad walks
around talking. Sometimes people come in late and I make sure
that they don't sneak in unnoticed.  
I also am an adjunct in the environmental health and safety
department - I'm teaching my students not to put stuff on the
floor in the classroom.  Coffee cup lids are great fun. I pick
them up and toss them in the air, catch them and then bring them
back to the person who dropped them. And I teach the No Cell
Phones rule. If a cell phone wakes me up I find the culprit and
sit in front of them until they turn the phone off.  My students
are pretty smart - they usually learn their lesson the first
time. And its amazing how much learning happens when you make an
example of someone.  
Going to college is not all work. When we walk outdoors between
classes I find chewing gum. Dad always says, Leave it! but some
of that gum smells just too good to resist. And walking across
campus is so much fun because the girls always say how cute I am
and stop to say hello. I think the automatic doors are
fascinating. I stand in front of the doors and they just open. I
don't have to sit and wait or anything! I ride elevators, too
but on those I have to be polite - I wait until everyone else
goes through the doors before me. 

>From Gelli's family: We are totally thrilled! All our work this
summer has paid off in a well-behaved, well socialized pup. And
for a 5 month old tyke Gelli did very, very well. He could use
some work on leash walking and leave it but on the whole he was
fantastic. This means that we do not have to leave him home in
the crate, and he and Jim get to spend time together. (I suppose
that this consitutes a brag - check goes out tonite.)   

Patricia Buickerood

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Indoor Games and Missouri heat

2003-08-21 Thread P. Buickerood
Hi All,
Its been miserably hot here in Missouri for the last few days.
105 in the shade today! With these kinds of temps its downright
dangerous to go outside for any energetic play. During daylight
its very quick trips outside for business and right back in. A
frosty paws treat follows. But our guy is 5 months old and he
NEEDS some release. We're playing indoor fetch, find it, leave
it, hide and seek, chase the ice cube, and the standard
obedience games. We walk in the early morning and late evening
to exercise those muscles. If anyone has suggestions about
indoor games to engage the mind and spend some of the pent up
energy we would really appreciate it. 

Patricia Buickerood

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Gelli Antics

2003-08-19 Thread P. Buickerood
Well folks, This is Gelli reporting from the world of puppy. I
have discovered several neat new things. First, let me tell you
about toilet paper. It comes on rolls and the best thing is that
when you fight with a roll of toilet paper it fights right back!
And if you run into the living room trailing a stream of toilet
paper mom and dad chase you! You can wrap it around chairs,
festoon the dining room and kitchen in nice white paper
streamers and tear it to shreds, and eat it. (This is especially
good if they are entertaining.) And, it is biodegradable and
does no damage to your digestive system. Unlike panty hose which
is my next subject. Mom has this habit every morning of putting
on hose. This is a good game and she obviously needs my help
because she balances on one leg while attempting to insert the
other leg in hose. I find that the best approach is to grab the
feet of the free hose leg and RUN! I am guessing that we could
add several new panty hose challenges to the agility events. And
finally, there is UNDERWEAR! Ladies bras and undies seem to
elicit the greatest response. The more lacy and delicate the
item the better. AND if I grab Mom's underwear and show off my
prize when they have company I get the very best reaction.
Doesn't really matter if it is black lace or cobbled together
with safety pins. She chases me all the same. Its especially
good if the people do not have doggies of their own. They are
amazed at my brilliance and absolutely astonished at the tricks
I get up to. They think I'm a genius! 
Note from Gelli's parents: Who teaches these puppies these
tricks?! Is there some kind of invisible manual or is it
genetic. Is this the instinctive behavior of genus BERNER? We
were so proud that we were not harboring a counter surfer who
stole pot roasts, cheese, underwear, shoes, etc.! Were we living
in a fool's paradise! Gelli seems to have read the Berner-l
about mischevious misbehavior and taken every lesson to heart.
He's nearly six months old and is clearly plotting insurrection
every second of every day! We love him and the challenge is in
not laughing when he gets up to his silly antics. Daisy, you
have a lot of questions to answer! We believe that you have been
channeling Berner Puppy Hints to the next generation!

Patricia Buickerood

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Pet Store Info Packets

2003-07-30 Thread P. Buickerood
It helps greatly to hear from veterans who have been in the
trenches in these pet store battles. There are so many fronts:
educating consumers, promoting responsible ownership, shutting
down the supply, helping the victims (Berner and human), ... It
sounds a pet store packet on Berners might help. Problem is that
the material I've seen (BMDCA info series, posters, etc.) is
just perfect for people interested in responsible ownership but
way too forthright for pet stores. IMHO a chain that sells mill
puppies is not going to hand out realistic information to
educate sales prospects about temperament, health challenges,
longevity, etc. They want that cute little puppy sold way before
it starts growing adult teeth and they sure don't want to
promote any mature consideration. I'm pulling together some nice
neutral information about the breed with references to BMDCA and
similar links for more information and a contact phone number or
email address for help with the inevitable problems.  
Now that Gelli is sleeping through the night and is house
trained I'm finally getting around to designing his web site. It
sounds like a link to a downloadable pet store packet might be
just the thing to help out.  Suggestions are welcome. 

Patricia Buickerood

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Pass Pet "Burnie"

2003-07-30 Thread P. Buickerood
I've been reading the recent discussion of pet shop Berners with
great interest. The 3 month old BMD girl reported a week ago is
still in the window of a Pass Pets in the St. Louis area. Her
asking price is now $1900. - Down from $3300. At least they now
know that they have BERNESE Mountain Dog - not a BURNIE. They
have taped a color copy of information about the breed in the
window. (Thank the angel who helped out with that bit of
information.) My heart just breaks for the poor pup but I can't
condone rescuing her at any price that will put a penny of
profit into the hands of the store. I fear that we are going to
see a huge upsurge in these sightings over the next year or so. 

Patricia Buickerood

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Gelli Brags

2003-07-19 Thread P. Buickerood
Thanks, everyone, for your very good advice about how to cope
with Gelli forgetting all his commands. This week Gelli and I
cut way back on training and socialization - we just had fun
with the basics and short walks in the neighborhood. 
Today, we had puppy kindergarten graduation and there were
contests. Based on his performance all week I expected Gelli to
come in dead last in everything. Last night he barely remembered
sit. And I really did not care. The fun and socialization are
more important. 
WELL! This little guy amazed me. Today, Gelli won the best
down-stay, the best walking on leash and Champion retrieve! His
retrieve was perfect! (Not my words, the instructor said it.) I
was shocked coz I'd put retrieve on the back burner - we hadn't
done any all week. I fully expected Gelli to just stand there
and look at me.  Gelli also made the second best group in the
sit-stand-down games! The two best doggies were agile little
tykes and worked just a little bit faster.  
We are so proud of Gelli -- AND he had lotsa fun.  When all the
people cheered and clapped for him he almost wagged his tail
right off his little body. For Gelli, the best part about the
classes has been the puppy free-play and socialization. The best
lesson I learned is to keep it fun and set realistic, achievable
So, how many brags does this count as, how much do I owe and
where do I send my check?

Patricia Buickerood

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Gelli Reverse Brag

2003-07-17 Thread P. Buickerood
Well friends, Gelli's 17th week of life has not been an
outstanding success from his family's point of view.  After four
puppy kindergarten classes he seems to have completely forgotten
SIT, Stand, Stay, come. When given his commands he looks at me
as if I were from the moon (and NOT made of cheese). Even with
treat in hand it takes some firm encouragement to get a
response. He just looks at me with a blank stare. Training
sessions have to be very short because his attention span seems
to have suddenly halved. Yesterday, Gelli successfully leaped
onto the bed and has determined that atop the bed is the best
place to be. Not good because getting off the bed also requires
a leap and we do not want to subject his shoulders to that kind
of stress. (Not to mention the challenges of sleeping with a BMD
puppy in the bed.) We are running out of puppy gates.
Today, Gelli decided to sample the other edge of the antique
killim he'd successfully remodelled a few weeks ago. This
afternoon he chewed off 6 inches of fringe in a scant 15
minutes. And he has chewed the squeakers out of two toys in two
days. Those new teeth are very effective - He's teething - lost
three teeth in the past six days. Maybe thats it. Or maybe now
that he has grown in size he is once again testing the
boundaries. Whatever the reasons we seem to be going through
some terrible two's. 

Add to his purchase price, the vet bills, training classes,
crate, two beds, leashes, bowls, toys, dry cleaning bills,
x-pen(that did not work at all), ruined carpet, three antique
rugs, ... This dog's debt is mounting up. Gelli says, "MA! You
are embarrassing me again! Think of all the good things I do!
After all, I go into that blasted crate w/o a fuss, and I
enthusiastically greet all sorts of strangers, I play with
strange puppies and dogs, and any new adventure you decide I
should have is okay by me. I put up with ear cleaning, toe nail
clipping, tooth brushing and any other indignity you might wish
to subject me to. I shower you with kisses and when I see you I
wag my tail so hard I fall down. And everybody thinks I'm so
cute. What's a few rugs here and there?!"  ARRRGH! (He's right
-- he is cute.)

Patricia Buickerood

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Puppy Advice from Gelli

2003-06-06 Thread P. Buickerood
Hi All,
I'm learning to type so that I could clue in my puppy pals on
the Berner-l about my humans and their house.  
This house has these things called stairs. They are at doorways
and they have gates. Stairs go up and down but I'm not allowed
to go down and for up I only get to try two steps. Then, my
humans carry me. That's okay with me because getting carried is
an especially good opportunity to taste ears and beards and
nibble noses and give them a chance to smell my puppy breath.
(Have you noticed how humans make a big deal about cuddling?)
Mom wears these dangly things from her ears and they are always
good for a nice yank. She squeaks even better than my toy hippo.

Now listen up. This is really important. Have you heard of this
place called the KITCHEN? WOW! Its the next best thing to a 
dead fish! When you move to your new house figure out where the
kitchen is right away. In kitchens great stuff falls right out
of the air! Mom and Dad stand and make these chop, chop noises.
When they do that carrots, bread, cheese, nuts, apples and all
kinds of good things drop onto the floor. Last week I got a
piece of really stinky Parmesan cheese. (Not as good as Swiss
but it will do.) The best place to position yourself is right on
Mom's foot. It took me a few days to figure this out but now I
know what to do. When stuff hits the floor I catch it and run
really, really fast to my special place where I can take my time
tasting, smelling and poking it to see if it will escape. If it
tastes good, I eat it. But be careful because not everything is
yummy. Yesterday, I got some lettuce. BLECH! If you ever catch
lettuce spit it out fast!

One other bit of important information: its critical to
understand the sound "NO!". Its the most frequent noise humans
make and they seem to think it is important. If they make the NO
sound it might be because of something you are doing. -- Test
several times to be sure. The louder the sound the more likely
it is that you are doing something to make it happen. In my
experiments, NO has consistently proven to mean that I am doing
something that the humans notice. 
Well, gotta run. I have to pee and Mom and Dad make such a big
deal about this that its a special event. Its so funny - if I
wait until we are outside they run and jump around squealing
"Good Boy!" I hold it just to watch them act goofy. AND I get
treats for peeing outside -- are these humans weird or what?

- Best regards from your pal,
Gelli the Bernese Mountain Dog.

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Please Welcome Wyemede's Gallant Gelbackler

2003-05-30 Thread P. Buickerood
Hello all, 
We are pleased to announce our adoption by Wyemede's Gallant
Gelbackler. Gelli was 10 weeks old this past Monday and we have
survived 21 days of living with this little devil who answers to
the sobriquet "Gelli, the Gila monster". So far, he has visited
9 states (on his drive home) and met 73 new people. One
neighbor, who is into computer photography, has made a special
study of Gelli and is producing incredible digital photos which
I will load onto a web site as soon as I can get some spare
Gelli is a brave little trooper who is adapting very well to his
new home in Missouri. He is making good progress on house
training (two days w/o an accident!) and wakes me to take him
out during the night and yips by the door during the day. (Ma!
don't embarrass me!) Gelli has also tamed the wild and dangerous
downspout drain pipes and all the flowers and trees in the yard
know that Gelli is boss. The birds and rabbits are still
learning but the dust mop, broom, and vacuum cleaner are sworn
enemies and have been vanquished. It should be noted that Gelli
and the dishwasher have negotiated a mutual non-aggression pact.
The refrigerator is still an open question. Yes, it hums and
periodically make threatening noises but when barked at
aggressively it sometime produces interesting treats like
carrots and ice cubes. We'll have to work on training that white
box to routinely disgorge interesting stuff. 
Gelli is also exhibiting typical BMD behaviors - he regularly
bumps us with his nose (he barely has a nose for cryin' out
loud!) and does the foot sits and leg wraps pretty frequently.
Someone, (not me) taught him about belly rubs and he is
routinely demanding those. There must be some kind of BMD
correspondance course these babies attend before they are
adopted coz this little guy sure knows all the moves. 
Weeks ago, in life BG (Before Gelli), I asked for advice on what
to do to prepare for the pup. Many of you suggested that I catch
up on my sleep. The message was fairly easy to grasp. New puppy
= no sleep. The reality is something very different. Now, having
lived 21 days with this little tornado I am driven to ask: What
is sleep? I've had virtually no REM sleep in 21 days. I've taken
to lying down on the floor with Gelli when he takes his nap.
("Ma! That's MY bed!.") The house is a shambles with doggie
toys, gates, leashes, and assorted puppy paraphenalia
Professional appearance at work? - forget it! I got a quick dry
haircut just for the pup. My team members laugh at me as I
stumble through the day mumbling, "good boy". I've forced all of
my colleagues to look at photos of my dog. On the other hand, I
am pleased that I have to go to work. Its the only place I get
any peace! 
To the person who recommended a gallon of Nature's Miracle --
are you sure this is enough? While Gelli is perfectly happy to
reap the "Good Boys!" when he does his business outside this
does not seem to deter him from doing a quick piddle indoors as
need arises. Need arises after play, after sleep, after eating,
after stretching, after 45 minutes, after drinking,  after ...,
pretty basically, after anything. 
To the person who recommended presentable pjs for midnite
excursions. Thanks for the great advice! I would add that its
inportant to practice donning these clothes and shoes in the
dark in a sleep befuddled state while holding a squirming pup
who needs to go NOW and it is pouring rain! Let's see, slip on
shoes - whoops! Left foot into LEFT shoe! Pull on pants  - no,
you can't fit two human legs into one pants leg! Shirt is 
inside out and backwards? Who cares!? Ma! I gotta go NOW, NOW,
NOW! Oh yeah, its raining and cold - where is the rain gear?
Ooops! Need the towel for the pup when he comes inside AND
finally, I've got to figure out where the damn door is and
unlock it. All at 3:00am on a seriously sleep deprived schedule.
After one night of this I learned to plan ahead: place clothes
and shoes and raincoat where they can easily be found and put on
in the dark. And, its not so bad to appear in the backyard in
only a shirt and undies at 3:00 am. After all, who would be out
at that hour except another puppy parent and they would
understand. Finally, remember, failures in training are my
failures -- not the pup's!

After all this whining I have to count our blessings. There is
nothing better than being adopted by a Berner and I would not
trade this for anything!

Patricia Buickerood

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Premier Pet Insurance

2003-03-07 Thread P. Buickerood
We are anticipating the adoption of a Berner puppy in our
household w/in the next few months and we will be getting Pet
Health Insurance. Unlike the other company frequently mentioned
on the list Premier Pet Insurance plans do not exclude
hereditary diseases or breed specific conditions although they
do have an exclusion for "congenital anomaly". I'm guessing that
an umbilical hernia might fall into that category. Their least
expensive plan is $12.65 a month and covers basic preventive
care, spaying and neutering and illness up to $8000 a year. Has
anyone in the US had experience with the Premier Pet Insurance

Patricia Buickerood

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