On Godliness

2008-02-27 Thread jon louis mann
   So how would you define your atheism?

You phrase it like it's a belief. It's not. I spent a long time 
exploring my Christianity, and in the end found it empty. So I stopped 

I do not believe in gods, ghosts, telepathy, bigfoot, bunyips or the 
loch ness monster. I think it likely on balance of evidence that all 
gods are human constructs (why else do they all act so much like 

Maybe there's a creator or supreme being, but if there is it's truly 
beyond the petty super-humans of our myths. It makes no difference to 
me, anyway.

  Personally, it is my belief that there is no such being in the universe that 
is omnipotent, infinite, eternal and "who" created man in "his" image.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

Re: On Godliness

2008-02-26 Thread Doug Pensinger
William wrote:

>  Dan M wrote:
> > So, given this state of the mundane, I hope you can see why I do not
> > believe
> > in a God rooted in the mundane.
> Neither do I. And I also don't believe in a god rooted in the
> transcendent :-)
> Or potting compost Maru.

Oh, I _so_ believe in potting compost...


Re: On Godliness

2008-02-26 Thread William T Goodall

On 26 Feb 2008, at 01:10, Dan M wrote:
> So, given this state of the mundane, I hope you can see why I do not  
> believe
> in a God rooted in the mundane.

Neither do I. And I also don't believe in a god rooted in the  
transcendent :-)

Or potting compost Maru.

William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit  
atrocities." ~Voltaire.


Re: On Godliness

2008-02-25 Thread Charlie Bell

On 26/02/2008, at 2:54 PM, Doug Pensinger wrote:
> So how would you define your atheism?

You phrase it like it's a belief. It's not. I spent a long time  
exploring my Christianity, and in the end found it empty. So I stopped  

I do not believe in gods, ghosts, telepathy, bigfoot, bunyips or the  
loch ness monster. I think it likely on balance of evidence that all  
gods are human constructs (why else do they all act so much like  

Maybe there's a creator or supreme being, but if there is it's truly  
beyond the petty super-humans of our myths. It makes no difference to  
me, anyway.
>> Just 'cause one can imagine something, it doesn't mean it's actually
>> true, or indeed mean it isn't. There's a little thing called data. If
>> we get some that shows that there may actually be transcendental  
>> races
>> of "Old Ones" or whatever, then fantastic. Until then, it's fantasy,
>> sci-fi, or wishful thinking.
> But then where would we be if we had _no_ imagination?

Sitting in caves. Or possibly trees.



Re: On Godliness

2008-02-25 Thread Charlie Bell

On 26/02/2008, at 2:32 PM, Doug Pensinger wrote:

> Charlie wrote:
>> Well, we are going to be unique in the universe. Evolution isn't  
>> going
>> to follow the same path twice (if snowflakes are all unique, then
>> intelligent life, which is much rarer, will be unique to a greater
>> degree...) However, most atheists I know who have any sort of science
>> education reckon it's probable that there are many inhabited worlds  
>> in
>> the universe.
> I meant unique as in the only instance of intelligent life.

I know that's what you meant. And I know of no non-religious person  
who expounds that view. I was explaining both why you were both right  
and very wrong at the same time.

The only people I've ever heard express the view that we must be  
unique were creationists (who also happened to be geocentrists, ie  
totally deluded...).



Re: On Godliness

2008-02-25 Thread Doug Pensinger
Warren wrote:

> Thus, under LDS doctrine, if you remain righteous and are
> "sealed" (married in a temple) to a spouse, when you and your spouse
> ascend to the highest plane of heaven, you will be given your own
> world to populate with your own spirit children born into mortal bodies.


> Presumably, therefore, god and his wife came into this planet via a
> similar means. The reason, BTW, that you and I and the rest of us
> don't remember being spirit children and living in heaven before
> coming to Earth is we pass through a "veil of forgetfulness", which
> prevents our having absolute knowledge -- which would interfere with
> our free agency. Life on Earth is a kind of test, and you have the
> possibility to screw up (sin), though under LDS doctrine it's pretty
> hard, at least, to get yourself thrown into hell. God is cast as
> considerably more forgiving and tolerant than you typically find in
> ultra-right-wing systems. (Though he's still quite anti-gay. You can't
> be a "practicing" homosexual* in the LDS faith.)

Or African American up until a few decades ago, eh?

* Expert homosexuals, on the other hand, are welcome.

Those that don't need any practice, I take it.


Re: On Godliness

2008-02-25 Thread Doug Pensinger
Dan  wrote:
> Well, I think that type of god would be a very poor excuse for God. It
> reduces God to the mundane, and removes the transcendental nature of God.

Only to those that  reach  God's level of knowledge, eh?

> I think the question and the comments made within this thread of whatever
> there is needing to part of the universe assume a connection between
> understanding the universe and understanding what things are really like
> apart from us that the evidence is tending against.

Huh? Needing to part of the universe?

> One reference that I find useful in considering this is:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interpretation_of_quantum_mechanics
> which includes a partial table of QM interpretations.  Reading through
> these
> various interpretations of QM and you get a wide variety of descriptions
> of
> reality.  I can add a few more descriptions that would also be consistent
> with QM.
> This is not to say there have been no advancements in the understanding in
> the foundation of QM.  There have been, including the work on decoherence
> that offers some hope of a QM theory of QM measurement (works OK as a toy
> model, but hasn't gone much furtherbut that's still not a bad thing).
> However, with all of these advances, the QM "weirdness" has not been
> eliminated, it's just been pushed to another corner.  In the sciam website
> there was a discussion of a potential experimental test at the Plank limit
> that might be able to turn at least some interpretations into theories.
> But, further reading on this subject indicates that the same sorta thing
> that happens with decoherence will also happen here.the fundamental
> interpretation problem is not solved by turning the interpretation into
> theoriesrather the interpretation problem is merely stated in a new
> way.
> So, given this state of the mundane, I hope you can see why I do not
> believe
> in a God rooted in the mundane.

So what are you saying Dan?  We're at the end of knowledge?  There must be a
god because we're not smart enough?

Imagine if you will, human beings with bio-computational implants that not
only give them the memory and computational power of todays supercomputers,
but the ability to network with others that have the same implants.

Then try to imagine that that's just the very beginning.


Re: On Godliness

2008-02-25 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 25, 2008, at 9:03 PM, Doug Pensinger wrote:

> Warren  wrote:
>> There's one god for Earth. Other planets each have their own gods.
>> (That's not facetious; it's LDS doctrine.)
> Inhabited planets?  Do they the gods get the planets when they're
> undeveloped and tend them like gardens?  How are they dolled out?

Well, see, it's like this.

God has a wife, and he and she engage in a kind of spiritual  
reproductive process which causes the birth of spirit children. These  
spirit children are born into mortal bodies and live out their lives  
on their god-parents' world. When they die, assuming they've kept in  
alignment with the deific rules, they will be reunited with their  
terrestrial spouses, whereupon they will be given their own planets.  
They'll then engage in the same cycle.

Thus, under LDS doctrine, if you remain righteous and are  
"sealed" (married in a temple) to a spouse, when you and your spouse  
ascend to the highest plane of heaven, you will be given your own  
world to populate with your own spirit children born into mortal bodies.

Presumably, therefore, god and his wife came into this planet via a  
similar means. The reason, BTW, that you and I and the rest of us  
don't remember being spirit children and living in heaven before  
coming to Earth is we pass through a "veil of forgetfulness", which  
prevents our having absolute knowledge -- which would interfere with  
our free agency. Life on Earth is a kind of test, and you have the  
possibility to screw up (sin), though under LDS doctrine it's pretty  
hard, at least, to get yourself thrown into hell. God is cast as  
considerably more forgiving and tolerant than you typically find in  
ultra-right-wing systems. (Though he's still quite anti-gay. You can't  
be a "practicing" homosexual* in the LDS faith.)

* Expert homosexuals, on the other hand, are welcome.

Warren Ockrassa
Blog  | http://indigestible.nightwares.com/
Books | http://books.nightwares.com/
Web   | http://www.nightwares.com/


Re: On Godliness

2008-02-25 Thread Dave Land
On Feb 25, 2008, at 8:03 PM, Doug Pensinger wrote:

> Warren  wrote:
>> There's one god for Earth. Other planets each have their own gods.
>> (That's not facetious; it's LDS doctrine.)
> Inhabited planets?  Do they the gods get the planets when they're
> undeveloped and tend them like gardens?  How are they dolled out?

When I was being evangelized (is the that the word I want?) by my
Mormon then-girlfriend and her LDS Brothers, I wondered about things
like this. As I recall, mentioning the "As man is, God was, as God
is, man may become" doctrine was considered bad form: I think some
Christians used it as a bit of a cudgel to berate Mormons for their

Do any of the LDS folks on the list know if this is still the case:
Is this something that was supposed to be kept within the Church, or
is it general knowledge that Mormons have this doctrine?

It does beg the question of whether there are GODs above all these
men-become-Gods who make the assignments. Then again, perhaps by
the time you've become a God, you have the power to do what our local
God is reported to have done and you simply will your personal planet
into existence.

> Pluto!  WTF am I supposed to do with that frozen PoS! Maru

God1: For my sake, this isn't even a planet! What kind of God to you
take me for?

God2: If that's the best planet you can speak into being, not much of
one. Behold my lovely Saturn: with RINGs, even!

Re: On Godliness

2008-02-25 Thread Doug Pensinger
Warren  wrote:
> There's one god for Earth. Other planets each have their own gods.
> (That's not facetious; it's LDS doctrine.)

Inhabited planets?  Do they the gods get the planets when they're
undeveloped and tend them like gardens?  How are they dolled out?

Pluto!  WTF am I supposed to do with that frozen PoS! Maru

Re: On Godliness

2008-02-25 Thread Doug Pensinger
Charlie  wrote:

> Of course I consider the possibility. In fact, given the size of the
> universe, I'd be surprised if there weren't some sort of
> transcendental or sublimed beings of mind or something.
> But that's a fair cry from saying that there's a being above and
> outside the universe that created the universe and meddles with our
> existence in a personal yet undetectable way, or indeed that any of
> Terra's religions are in anyway connected to such a being (whether
> supernatural or just really old).

So how would you define your atheism?

> Just 'cause one can imagine something, it doesn't mean it's actually
> true, or indeed mean it isn't. There's a little thing called data. If
> we get some that shows that there may actually be transcendental races
> of "Old Ones" or whatever, then fantastic. Until then, it's fantasy,
> sci-fi, or wishful thinking.

But then where would we be if we had _no_ imagination?


Re: On Godliness

2008-02-25 Thread Doug Pensinger
 Max wrote:

> I wrote:
> > Sheesh,  we can't even remember lessons learned from a  war a few
> decades
> > ago and we're going to perfect godhood? 8^)
> Certainly we don't seem quite up to the challenge at the moment, but if
> Kurzweil's tracking for the upcoming singularity is correct we may have
> to sink or swim sooner than we think...

Well let's hope they don't put Republicans in charge of passing out life

> (At GDC Kurzweil apparently
> said that those that can live to 2015 may probably live "forever", I
> only wish I had been there to see his charts...)

Have you read any of his books?  They look to be very interesting.


Re: On Godliness

2008-02-25 Thread Doug Pensinger
Charlie wrote:

> Well, we are going to be unique in the universe. Evolution isn't going
> to follow the same path twice (if snowflakes are all unique, then
> intelligent life, which is much rarer, will be unique to a greater
> degree...) However, most atheists I know who have any sort of science
> education reckon it's probable that there are many inhabited worlds in
> the universe.

I meant unique as in the only instance of intelligent life.


Re: On Godliness

2008-02-25 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 24, 2008, at 4:14 PM, Doug Pensinger wrote:

> So that set me to wondering; would those of you among us that are  
> religious
> consider the possibility that their supreme being(s) was at one time
> something similar to what we are today?

When I was religious, that was the only possibility that eventually  
ended up making sense to me. And, of course, the LDS view isn't the  
only one -- Hinduism has had it for millennia. (Depending on the  
meritorious karma you've accumulated you can easily be reincarnated as  
a god in a future life.)

> And to those of you that are atheist; would you consider the  
> possibility
> that there may be entities in the universe, evolved from lower life  
> forms
> that could for all intents and purposes be considered gods?

Yes, but those wouldn't be "god" as defined by the world's major  
deistic systems -- i.e., they would not have created the universe and  
everything in it.

I'd be quite surprised if we lived in an otherwise sterile universe,  
actually; and given the age of the cosmos positing an ultra-advanced  
godlike civilization is no more mad than positing a civilization that  
hasn't yet got out of its equivalent of the bronze age. But those  
advanced civilizations still don't qualify as the gods of the old  
testament, the Koran or the Vedas.

Warren Ockrassa
Blog  | http://indigestible.nightwares.com/
Books | http://books.nightwares.com/
Web   | http://www.nightwares.com/


Re: On Godliness

2008-02-25 Thread Warren Ockrassa
On Feb 24, 2008, at 9:09 PM, Doug Pensinger wrote:

> Ronn!
>> You are well over a century late with that conjecture ;):
> I made no claim concerning originality.
> from the website:
> "As man now is, God once was: As God now is, man may be
> So why would there only be one?  Or is there just one that's in  
> charge?

There's one god for Earth. Other planets each have their own gods.

(That's not facetious; it's LDS doctrine.)

-- \/\/


RE: On Godliness

2008-02-25 Thread Dan M

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Doug Pensinger
> Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2008 5:15 PM
> To: Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion
> Subject: On Godliness
> Not that speculative fiction really influences my personal philosophy, but
> in reading Bank's Matter I am reminded why I doubt rather than I am
> assured
> that there are no gods.  If you believe in some sort of technological
> singularity, its easy to imagine how an intelligent entity such as a human
> being can raise themselves to an existence that is well beyond what we now
> experience; sublimation or transcendence.  And if one can raise themselves
> one level, what's to say that there are not many levels above our own?

> So that set me to wondering; would those of you among us that are
> religious consider the possibility that their supreme being(s) was at 
> one time something similar to what we are today?

Well, I think that type of god would be a very poor excuse for God. It
reduces God to the mundane, and removes the transcendental nature of God.  

I think the question and the comments made within this thread of whatever
there is needing to part of the universe assume a connection between
understanding the universe and understanding what things are really like
apart from us that the evidence is tending against.

One reference that I find useful in considering this is:


which includes a partial table of QM interpretations.  Reading through these
various interpretations of QM and you get a wide variety of descriptions of
reality.  I can add a few more descriptions that would also be consistent
with QM.

This is not to say there have been no advancements in the understanding in
the foundation of QM.  There have been, including the work on decoherence
that offers some hope of a QM theory of QM measurement (works OK as a toy
model, but hasn't gone much furtherbut that's still not a bad thing). 

However, with all of these advances, the QM "weirdness" has not been
eliminated, it's just been pushed to another corner.  In the sciam website
there was a discussion of a potential experimental test at the Plank limit
that might be able to turn at least some interpretations into theories.
But, further reading on this subject indicates that the same sorta thing
that happens with decoherence will also happen here.the fundamental
interpretation problem is not solved by turning the interpretation into
theoriesrather the interpretation problem is merely stated in a new way.

So, given this state of the mundane, I hope you can see why I do not believe
in a God rooted in the mundane.

Dan M. 


Re: On Godliness

2008-02-24 Thread Charlie Bell

On 25/02/2008, at 5:15 PM, Doug Pensinger wrote:
> And my point is that any conclusion that we are unique in the  
> unimaginable
> vastness that is the universe for lack of evidence overestimates the  
> utility
> of our perspective.

Well, we are going to be unique in the universe. Evolution isn't going  
to follow the same path twice (if snowflakes are all unique, then  
intelligent life, which is much rarer, will be unique to a greater  
degree...) However, most atheists I know who have any sort of science  
education reckon it's probable that there are many inhabited worlds in  
the universe.


Re: On Godliness

2008-02-24 Thread Charlie Bell

On 25/02/2008, at 10:14 AM, Doug Pensinger wrote:
> And to those of you that are atheist; would you consider the  
> possibility
> that there may be entities in the universe, evolved from lower life  
> forms
> that could for all intents and purposes be considered gods?

Of course I consider the possibility. In fact, given the size of the  
universe, I'd be surprised if there weren't some sort of  
transcendental or sublimed beings of mind or something.

But that's a fair cry from saying that there's a being above and  
outside the universe that created the universe and meddles with our  
existence in a personal yet undetectable way, or indeed that any of  
Terra's religions are in anyway connected to such a being (whether  
supernatural or just really old).

Just 'cause one can imagine something, it doesn't mean it's actually  
true, or indeed mean it isn't. There's a little thing called data. If  
we get some that shows that there may actually be transcendental races  
of "Old Ones" or whatever, then fantastic. Until then, it's fantasy,  
sci-fi, or wishful thinking.


Re: On Godliness

2008-02-24 Thread Max Battcher
Doug Pensinger wrote:
> Hi Max, welcome to the list.

I'm not that new, I just post extremely infrequently, leaving me most 
months as nothing but a lurker.

> If you were to shrink the a solar system  with one planet full of
> (ostensibly) intelligent beings to the size of an atom and place it in some
> isolated spot on the earth.  What conclusions do we think that that species
> could draw from their perspective?
> I realize that the analogy isn't perfect, but I believe that the point is
> salient;  they wouldn't know sh** about the earth and we don't know sh**
> about the universe.
>  And my point is that any conclusion that we are unique in the unimaginable
> vastness that is the universe for lack of evidence overestimates the utility
> of our perspective.

Certainly.  It's always important to consider how much you might not 
know.  That doesn't mean you need to pre-assume anything about what you 
don't know, however.  (The whole "don't count your alien chickens before 
they are zygotes in a thick shell" thing, you know?)  I'm all for 
exploring the unknown--  projects like SETI and the Hubble telescope and 
whatnot.  I just think we all have to admit that thus far results have 
been pretty scarce to come by and if we *seem* right now to be alone in 
the universe.

>> I do find interesting the idea of "gods in futurity"...  of working to
>> become, in some way, gods ourselves and so I think there is a lot of
>> good things to learn from the mistakes of the various deities that are
>> worshipped today.  Hopefully we aren't doomed to repeat those mistakes.
>>  (That's the plot of Zelazny's Lord of Light, among others.)
> Sheesh,  we can't even remember lessons learned from a  war a few decades
> ago and we're going to perfect godhood? 8^)

Certainly we don't seem quite up to the challenge at the moment, but if 
Kurzweil's tracking for the upcoming singularity is correct we may have 
to sink or swim sooner than we think...  (At GDC Kurzweil apparently 
said that those that can live to 2015 may probably live "forever", I 
only wish I had been there to see his charts...)

--Max Battcher--

No Lifeguard on Duty in the Godhood Pool Maru

Re: On Godliness

2008-02-24 Thread Doug Pensinger
Max wrote:

Hi Max, welcome to the list.

> Well, anything can be a "possibility".  So yes, I consider it a
> possibility.  But on the other hand, have we any evidence of higher life
> forms?  No.  So I still don't believe in them either, be they
> man-become-god or your average spaghetti-dinner-become-FSM.

There was a quiz at an atheist website that someone here (I think) posted a
link to and one of the questions had something to do with believing in the
Loch Ness monster, the assumption being something to the effect that if you
were smart enough to realize that there was not a monster in the loch, you
should be smart enough to realize that there wasn't a god.  Hold on, thinks
me, we've had the loch surrounded for centuries, is that really a valid

If you were to shrink the a solar system  with one planet full of
(ostensibly) intelligent beings to the size of an atom and place it in some
isolated spot on the earth.  What conclusions do we think that that species
could draw from their perspective?

I realize that the analogy isn't perfect, but I believe that the point is
salient;  they wouldn't know sh** about the earth and we don't know sh**
about the universe.

 And my point is that any conclusion that we are unique in the unimaginable
vastness that is the universe for lack of evidence overestimates the utility
of our perspective.

> I do find interesting the idea of "gods in futurity"...  of working to
> become, in some way, gods ourselves and so I think there is a lot of
> good things to learn from the mistakes of the various deities that are
> worshipped today.  Hopefully we aren't doomed to repeat those mistakes.
>  (That's the plot of Zelazny's Lord of Light, among others.)

Sheesh,  we can't even remember lessons learned from a  war a few decades
ago and we're going to perfect godhood? 8^)


Re: On Godliness

2008-02-24 Thread Doug Pensinger
> You are well over a century late with that conjecture ;):
I made no claim concerning originality.

from the website:

"As man now is, God once was: As God now is, man may be

So why would there only be one?  Or is there just one that's in charge?


Re: On Godliness

2008-02-24 Thread Ronn! Blankenship
At 05:14 PM Sunday 2/24/2008, Doug Pensinger wrote:

>So that set me to wondering; would those of you among us that are religious
>consider the possibility that their supreme being(s) was at one time
>something similar to what we are today?

You are well over a century late with that conjecture ;):

-- Ronn!  :)


Re: On Godliness

2008-02-24 Thread Max Battcher
Doug Pensinger wrote:
> And to those of you that are atheist; would you consider the possibility
> that there may be entities in the universe, evolved from lower life forms
> that could for all intents and purposes be considered gods?

Well, anything can be a "possibility".  So yes, I consider it a 
possibility.  But on the other hand, have we any evidence of higher life 
forms?  No.  So I still don't believe in them either, be they 
man-become-god or your average spaghetti-dinner-become-FSM.

I do find interesting the idea of "gods in futurity"...  of working to 
become, in some way, gods ourselves and so I think there is a lot of 
good things to learn from the mistakes of the various deities that are 
worshipped today.  Hopefully we aren't doomed to repeat those mistakes. 
  (That's the plot of Zelazny's Lord of Light, among others.)

--Max Battcher--

On Godliness

2008-02-24 Thread Doug Pensinger
Not that speculative fiction really influences my personal philosophy, but
in reading Bank's Matter I am reminded why I doubt rather than I am assured
that there are no gods.  If you believe in some sort of technological
singularity, its easy to imagine how an intelligent entity such as a human
being can raise themselves to an existence that is well beyond what we now
experience; sublimation or transcendence.  And if one can raise themselves
one level, what's to say that there are not many levels above our own?

So that set me to wondering; would those of you among us that are religious
consider the possibility that their supreme being(s) was at one time
something similar to what we are today?

And to those of you that are atheist; would you consider the possibility
that there may be entities in the universe, evolved from lower life forms
that could for all intents and purposes be considered gods?

GSV Heavy