Re: semicolon usage in views

2007-04-25 Thread Jeremy Pointer

This has nothing to do with cake and everything to do with php
for e.g. in any php file the following will work:

but this won't

The parser automatically assumes that if you close the   tag 
you meant to put a semicolon there.

Dustin Weber wrote:
> Tried searching for this, but it's a tough search to refine.
> Basically, I am simply trying to understand when/if we need semicolons
> in a view when using a helper.  In fact, I've noticed that I don't
> even need the semicolon when just 'echoing' a var in a view, so it
> isn't just related to helpers.
> It's something I had never much paid attention to (probably b/c it
> didn't throw any errors, so simply didn't notice).
> So, in simple terms:
> ...seems to work the exact same as:
> (notice the missing semicolon)
> And:
> input('Widget/searchBox', array('size' => '30')); ?>
> ...seems to work the exact same as:
> input('Widget/searchBox', array('size' => '30')) ?>
> So, I assume Cake is doing some error checking for us?  However, is
> this a feature (ie: should I assume I never have to type the
> semicolons again in the views), or should I still add them so that I
> am following the rules?
> The manual isn't clear on this in it's examples.  For instance, I
> pulled this code directly out of the helper section of the manual:
> -
> ...
>  $html->textarea('Note/body', array('cols'=>'60', 'rows'=>'10'));
> ?>
> tagErrorMsg('Note/body',
> 'Please enter in a body for this note.') ?>
> ...
> -
> (notice the semicolon inconsistency)
> Thanks for any help in advance!
> Dustin Weber
> >   

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Re: Cakephp 1.2 paginate

2007-04-18 Thread Jeremy Pointer

Thanks Tarique, your response is appreciated.

*/Jeremy Pointer/*

Dr. Tarique Sani wrote:
> On 4/17/07, Jeremy Pointer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I don't know what it is guys but every one of my questions I've asked so
>> far seems to take a fair while to get answered (Maybe I'm asking them
>> wrong, or maybe my problems are too complicated (or too stupid) and yes
> You are playing with Cake 1.2 which very few other than the core
> developers know inside out so even though your problems are simple,
> may be no one has encountered them before
> Tarique

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Re: Cakephp 1.2 paginate

2007-04-18 Thread Jeremy Pointer

For anyone interested I solved/got around this problem myself see

*/Jeremy Pointer/*

Jeremy Pointer wrote:
> I don't know what it is guys but every one of my questions I've asked so 
> far seems to take a fair while to get answered (Maybe I'm asking them 
> wrong, or maybe my problems are too complicated (or too stupid) and yes 
> I know we are all volunteers here so I'm not complaining just wondering 
> if there is something I can do to make my questions clearer), anyway as 
> it is I did spot a few bits of fog in last nights question when I reread 
> it, so I'm replying to myself to clarify a little. Comments in between 
> original question.
> */Jeremy Pointer/*
> Jeremy Pointer wrote:
>> In my orders controller I have the following (The idea is to use the 
>> orders index view to show a list of orders for a contact, the contact 
>> could be a patient or an Audiologist (If it's an audiologist they might 
>> be the dispensing or delivery audiologist (don't ask I also thought it 
>> was madness but anyway thats what the client needs)) I call this with a 
>> requestAction in the view. Mainly because I can't quite figure how to do 
>> this properly in the model for contacts I have the Orders model set up 
>> with BelongsTo for each contact type but my brain ain't working to work 
>> the other way around.
>> belongsTo of order.php model
>>   var $belongsTo = array(
>> 'DispensingPractice'=>array('className'=>'Practice','foreignKey'=>'disp_practice_id',),
>> 'foreignKey'=>'disp_contact_id',
>> 'conditions'=>"`DispensingAudiologist`.`type`='Audiologist'"),
>> 'DeliveryPractice'=>array('className'=>'Practice','foreignKey'=>'deliv_practice_id'),
>> 'DeliveryAudiologist'=>array('className'=>'Contact','foreignKey'=>'deliv_contact_id',
>> 'conditions'=>"`DeliveryAudiologist`.`type`='Audiologist'"),
>> 'Patient'=>array('className'=>'Contact','foreignKey'=>'patient_id',
>> 'conditions'=>"`Patient`.`type`='Patient'"),   
>> );
> In my orders_controller I have :
>>function OrdersByContact($id) {
>> $this->Order->recursive = 0;
>> $conditions=array('OR'=>array("Order.patient_id"=>$id,"Order.disp_contact_id"=>$id,"Order.deliv_contact_id"=>$id));
>> $orders=$this->paginate('Order',array('conditions'=>$conditions));
>> if (!isset($type) || $type=='') $type='%';
>> $this->set(compact('orders','type'));
>> $this->render('index');
>> }
>> This generates the count query as below and a similar full query, 
>> unfortunately mysql is choking on this query I have to kill the process:
>> SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM `orders` AS `Order` LEFT JOIN `practices` 
>> AS `DispensingPractice` ON (`Order`.`disp_practice_id` = 
>> `DispensingPractice`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `contacts` AS 
>> `DispensingAudiologist` ON (`DispensingAudiologist`.`type`='Audiologist' 
>> AND `Order`.`disp_contact_id` = `DispensingAudiologist`.`id`) LEFT JOIN 
>> `practices` AS `DeliveryPractice` ON (`Order`.`deliv_practice_id` = 
>> `DeliveryPractice`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `contacts` AS `DeliveryAudiologist` 
>> ON (`DeliveryAudiologist`.`type`='Audiologist' AND 
>> `Order`.`deliv_contact_id` = `DeliveryAudiologist`.`id`) LEFT JOIN 
>> `contacts` AS `Patient` ON (`Patient`.`type`='Patient' AND 
>> `Order`.`patie

Re: Only showing debug on main layout?

2007-04-17 Thread Jeremy Pointer

It's not exactly what you're asking but maybe it will help, I needed 
something similar for 'autocomplete' actions in the controller I ended 
up with some help from othersnputting the following in app_controller 
and calling it from the action for which I don't want debugging.

function debugoff() {
$db =& ConnectionManager::getInstance();
$connected =& $db->getDataSource('default');
$connected->debug = false;
    $connected->fullDebug = false;

*/Jeremy Pointer/*

Tane Piper wrote:
> Hey folks,
> Quick question.  I'm using jQuery, rather than the Ajax helper to do
> all my Ajax stuff on my site.  I'm wondering if during debug mode
> there is a way to switch off the queries table at the bottom of each
> view that loads, and maybe even do an ajax update on that area for
> each view that's loaded?
> It just looks messy and causes problems with my layout.  If not I
> suppose my only alternative it to test with JS disabled so it handles
> normall, switch off debug once I'm happy then test Ajax?
> Thanks if anyone can give me some advice on this.
> Tane
> >   

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Re: Cakephp 1.2 paginate

2007-04-17 Thread Jeremy Pointer

I don't know what it is guys but every one of my questions I've asked so 
far seems to take a fair while to get answered (Maybe I'm asking them 
wrong, or maybe my problems are too complicated (or too stupid) and yes 
I know we are all volunteers here so I'm not complaining just wondering 
if there is something I can do to make my questions clearer), anyway as 
it is I did spot a few bits of fog in last nights question when I reread 
it, so I'm replying to myself to clarify a little. Comments in between 
original question.

*/Jeremy Pointer/*

Jeremy Pointer wrote:
> In my orders controller I have the following (The idea is to use the 
> orders index view to show a list of orders for a contact, the contact 
> could be a patient or an Audiologist (If it's an audiologist they might 
> be the dispensing or delivery audiologist (don't ask I also thought it 
> was madness but anyway thats what the client needs)) I call this with a 
> requestAction in the view. Mainly because I can't quite figure how to do 
> this properly in the model for contacts I have the Orders model set up 
> with BelongsTo for each contact type but my brain ain't working to work 
> the other way around.
> belongsTo of order.php model
>   var $belongsTo = array(
> 'DispensingPractice'=>array('className'=>'Practice','foreignKey'=>'disp_practice_id',),
> 'foreignKey'=>'disp_contact_id',
> 'conditions'=>"`DispensingAudiologist`.`type`='Audiologist'"),
> 'DeliveryPractice'=>array('className'=>'Practice','foreignKey'=>'deliv_practice_id'),
> 'DeliveryAudiologist'=>array('className'=>'Contact','foreignKey'=>'deliv_contact_id',
> 'conditions'=>"`DeliveryAudiologist`.`type`='Audiologist'"),
> 'Patient'=>array('className'=>'Contact','foreignKey'=>'patient_id',
> 'conditions'=>"`Patient`.`type`='Patient'"),   
> );
In my orders_controller I have :
>function OrdersByContact($id) {
> $this->Order->recursive = 0;
> $conditions=array('OR'=>array("Order.patient_id"=>$id,"Order.disp_contact_id"=>$id,"Order.deliv_contact_id"=>$id));
> $orders=$this->paginate('Order',array('conditions'=>$conditions));
> if (!isset($type) || $type=='') $type='%';
> $this->set(compact('orders','type'));
> $this->render('index');
> }
> This generates the count query as below and a similar full query, 
> unfortunately mysql is choking on this query I have to kill the process:
> SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM `orders` AS `Order` LEFT JOIN `practices` 
> AS `DispensingPractice` ON (`Order`.`disp_practice_id` = 
> `DispensingPractice`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `contacts` AS 
> `DispensingAudiologist` ON (`DispensingAudiologist`.`type`='Audiologist' 
> AND `Order`.`disp_contact_id` = `DispensingAudiologist`.`id`) LEFT JOIN 
> `practices` AS `DeliveryPractice` ON (`Order`.`deliv_practice_id` = 
> `DeliveryPractice`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `contacts` AS `DeliveryAudiologist` 
> ON (`DeliveryAudiologist`.`type`='Audiologist' AND 
> `Order`.`deliv_contact_id` = `DeliveryAudiologist`.`id`) LEFT JOIN 
> `contacts` AS `Patient` ON (`Patient`.`type`='Patient' AND 
> `Order`.`patient_id` = `Patient`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `repairorders` AS 
> `Repairorder` ON (`Repairorder`.`order_id` = `Order`.`id` AND ( 
> `Order`.`patient_id` = 594) OR ( `Order`.`disp_contact_id` = 594) OR ( 
> `Order`.`deliv_contact_id` = 594)) LEFT JOIN `hearingaidorders` AS 
> `Hearingaidorder` ON (`Hearingaidorder`.`order_id` = `Order`.`id` AND ( 
> `Order`.`patient_id` = 594) OR ( `Order`.`disp_contact_id` = 594) OR ( 
> `Order`.`deliv_contact_id` = 594)) WHERE (`Order`.`patient_id` = 594) OR 
> (`Order`.`d

Cakephp 1.2 paginate

2007-04-16 Thread Jeremy Pointer

In my orders controller I have the following (The idea is to use the 
orders index view to show a list of orders for a contact, the contact 
could be a patient or an Audiologist (If it's an audiologist they might 
be the dispensing or delivery audiologist (don't ask I also thought it 
was madness but anyway thats what the client needs)) I call this with a 
requestAction in the view. Mainly because I can't quite figure how to do 
this properly in the model for contacts I have the Orders model set up 
with BelongsTo for each contact type but my brain ain't working to work 
the other way around.
belongsTo of order.php model
  var $belongsTo = array(

function OrdersByContact($id) {
$this->Order->recursive = 0;


if (!isset($type) || $type=='') $type='%';

This generates the count query as below and a similar full query, 
unfortunately mysql is choking on this query I have to kill the process:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM `orders` AS `Order` LEFT JOIN `practices` 
AS `DispensingPractice` ON (`Order`.`disp_practice_id` = 
`DispensingPractice`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `contacts` AS 
`DispensingAudiologist` ON (`DispensingAudiologist`.`type`='Audiologist' 
AND `Order`.`disp_contact_id` = `DispensingAudiologist`.`id`) LEFT JOIN 
`practices` AS `DeliveryPractice` ON (`Order`.`deliv_practice_id` = 
`DeliveryPractice`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `contacts` AS `DeliveryAudiologist` 
ON (`DeliveryAudiologist`.`type`='Audiologist' AND 
`Order`.`deliv_contact_id` = `DeliveryAudiologist`.`id`) LEFT JOIN 
`contacts` AS `Patient` ON (`Patient`.`type`='Patient' AND 
`Order`.`patient_id` = `Patient`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `repairorders` AS 
`Repairorder` ON (`Repairorder`.`order_id` = `Order`.`id` AND ( 
`Order`.`patient_id` = 594) OR ( `Order`.`disp_contact_id` = 594) OR ( 
`Order`.`deliv_contact_id` = 594)) LEFT JOIN `hearingaidorders` AS 
`Hearingaidorder` ON (`Hearingaidorder`.`order_id` = `Order`.`id` AND ( 
`Order`.`patient_id` = 594) OR ( `Order`.`disp_contact_id` = 594) OR ( 
`Order`.`deliv_contact_id` = 594)) WHERE (`Order`.`patient_id` = 594) OR 
(`Order`.`disp_contact_id` = 594) OR (`Order`.`deliv_contact_id` = 594)

If however I remove the additional conditions from the JOIN ON's and 
only keep them in the WHERE and run the query manually mysql does not 
choke.So I wonder :
a) why does paginate generate the conditions in every JOIN clause
b) Is there a way for me to remove them.
c) Should I set up the model better ( I haven't got a contact->orders 
relationship set up in my contact model if I wanted to what would it 
need to look like.)
d) should that belongsTo be a hasOne? would it make any difference

*/Jeremy Pointer/*

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Re: XML output from cake controller/view

2007-04-02 Thread Jeremy Pointer

digital spaghetti wrote:
> Instead of your method, check out this tutorial:
> Its an old article, but still works perfectly in Cake 1.2
I had already tried that method i.e. created an xml layout with just 
header() and print("?xml but I was still getting the space all that 
example does is move the output from the view to layout+view.
As it happens a new day brought an answer I simply removed the 
 part from the output and problem solved, I'd still like to 
know where the space is coming from though.
> Tane
> On 4/2/07, Jeremy Pointer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm trying to output an xml document but I seem to be getting a space
>> character just before > receiving the data (not mine) to cough and splutter and die.
>> In my controller I am setting $this->layout=false; and my view is:
>> > header("Content-type:text/xml");
>> print ("");
>> print("");
>> foreach ($rows as $row) print("".$row['table']['field']."");
>> print("");
>> ?>
>> DEBUG is 0 I also tried removing all beforeFilter and beforeRender
>> settings in app_controller and the controller that calls this with no luck.
>> Any ideas why I am getting a space, is there a different/better way to
>> output XML.
>> --
>> */Jeremy Pointer/*
> >   

*/Jeremy Pointer/*

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XML output from cake controller/view

2007-04-02 Thread Jeremy Pointer

I'm trying to output an xml document but I seem to be getting a space 
character just before layout=false; and my view is:
foreach ($rows as $row) print("".$row['table']['field']."");

DEBUG is 0 I also tried removing all beforeFilter and beforeRender 
settings in app_controller and the controller that calls this with no luck.

Any ideas why I am getting a space, is there a different/better way to 
output XML.

*/Jeremy Pointer/*

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Re: A prototype question

2007-03-29 Thread Jeremy Pointer
You Can't use  and include js betweeen the script 
i.e. you need this

<script type="text/javascript" src="app/webroot/js/prototype.js">
 function execute() {
var item = $('sample');
Element.update(item, "Hello!");


skyblueink wrote:
> I know this is not a CakePHP problem, but related to it. The simple
> example below does not work in IE and FireFox. I don't why, but the
> PHPEd debugger gives a messge "OBJECT is required". I have some
> experiences in using prototype in CakePHP, but I'm trying to go more
> deep into prototype by learning itself.
> Test
> http://localhost/test/</a>
> prototype.js">
>  function execute() {
>     var item = $('sample');
> Element.update(item, "Hello!");
>  }
> element
> element2
> Click
> >   

*/Jeremy Pointer/*
My status 
Get Skype <> and call me for free.

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tel;work:+27 11 665-2445
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Re: Autocompletion Options

2007-03-29 Thread Jeremy Pointer
It seems like you helped yourself a fair deal once you got started :-),

I hadn't answered the other questions because I didn't have an immediate 
answer and have been too busy working on other things to spend any time 
on it.

Anyway glad to give you the *jerm* that *pointer* you in the right 
direction to *worm* your way to an answer.

*/Jeremy Pointer/*

robert.fulcher wrote:
> I think I have everything working.  To change the look of the
> autocomplete I had to get the CSS and place it into the page that it
> is being used in.  I was unaware that I could look at the
>  web site for details on things such as this.
> thanks for the help JermWorm
> >   

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Re: IIS reloaded with 1.2

2007-03-28 Thread Jeremy Pointer
Chambrln wrote:
> Do you have Javascript as one of your helpers?  That kind of sounds
> like the problem, but not sure since I don't know the whole error.
Yes I do, as I said the application is working fine on my two apache 
based servers (one on linux and one on windows), it's only on the server 
where I'll be deploying to that there seems to be a problem. Seeing as 
deployment is only scheduled in another 2-4 weeks I'll only tackle the 
problem in detail later. I'm was just asking the question now to be 
prepared, if the worst comes to the worst I'll have them running from my 
server in the interim.
> On Mar 27, 2:41 pm, Jeremy Pointer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I already had that line uncommented, right now it seems to sort of run
>> I'm getting php errors about $javascript not being an object which I
>> imagine is due to the includes not finding the right paths, seeing as
>> the IIS server is the server I am going to have to deploy on I do need
>> to solve this problem, but in the meantime my apache based development
>> and demo servers are working fine having deleted all the .htaccess
>> files. It's something I'll dig into in a bit more detail in another week
>> or so, in the meantime any other pointers would be appreciated.
>> Chambrln wrote:
>>> I am currently using 1.2 with IIS as well.  I do not have ISAPI
>>> Rewrite configured for use at the moment and was having similar
>>> problems.
>>> There is a Constant defined in  /app/config/core.php that you need to
>>> uncomment on line 40 - define ('BASE_URL', env('SCRIPT_NAME'));
>>> This basically tells cake to use the full paths for any mode/action
>>> you specify on forms or links.  You don't get pretty URLs, but you do
>>> get a working site.
>>> On Mar 26, 10:21 am, Jeremy Pointer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Can anyone point me in the right direction to get 1.2 working on an IIS
>>>> server without url rewriting and over which I have no control other than
>>>> uploading pages, I've tried searching but either the links point to the
>>>> discontinued wiki, or to someones blog from early last year on which I
>>>> can't find the info.
>>>> I know that somewhere along the line (probably with 1.1) I just had to
>>>> set an IIS define in core/bootstrap. Is that still valid, if so where.
>>>> BTW whatever I do I still need the app to work on my own apache server
>>>> (preferably without having to be careful not to overwrite a file).
>>>> --
>>>> */Jeremy Pointer/*
>>>>  jerm.vcf
>>>> 1KDownload
>> --
>> */Jeremy Pointer/*
>>  jerm.vcf
>> 1KDownload
> >   

*/Jeremy Pointer/*
My status 
Get Skype <> and call me for free.

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Re: Autocompletion Options

2007-03-27 Thread Jeremy Pointer
Below is an almost exactly similar question and my previous answer. HTH

robert.fulcher wrote:
> I want to use the autocomplete componenet and was wondering how to use
> the options.  I want to use it with a lookup field.  I have a contact
> that I want to assign a company to.  I have it where I can lookup the
> company by name in the autocomplete field.  I need to assign a value
> of the id from the company to a field to be submitted to the
> controller.  Anyone know how to do that.
> Thanks
> >   

This is from something I did, No change in the controller but I've 
modified the below views, the key is to set the user id as the id of the 
 tag in autocomplet, and then have
a 'user_id' input and a touch of  javascritpt in the send view to update 
the id field, then set the 'afterUpdateElement' option in 



input('Message/user_id'); ?>

function getSelectionId(text, li) {

array('size' => 40, 'afterUpdateElement'=>'getSelectionId'
); ?>

textarea('Message/message', array('cols' => '60',
'rows' => '10')); ?>



Mike Griffin wrote:
> On 3/16/07, fredBH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> can you post the code ?
> Sure, here is the sutocomplete.thtml file.  It returns the username
> and then the full name in brackets
>  '.$user['User']['lname'].')'; ?>
> The form is in send.thtml
> autocomplete('Message/user',
> '/Messages/autocomplete', array('size' => 40)); ?>
> textarea('Message/message', array('cols' => '60',
> 'rows' => '10')); ?>
> submit('Send');?>
> And the autocomplete function from the messages controller:
> function autocomplete() {
> $this->set('users', $this->User->findAll(array('User.username' =>
> 'LIKE '.$this->data['Message']['user'].'%'), array('User.username',
> 'User.fname', 'User.lname', ''), 'username DESC',null, null,
> 0));
> $this->layout = "ajax";
> }
> So the function returns the but I cant see how to pass that to
> the view and back again.
> Mike.
> --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> Groups "Cake PHP" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
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> -~--~~~~--~~--~--~---

*/Jeremy Pointer/*

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fn:Jeremy Pointer
adr:;;Box 499;Krugersdorp;Gauteng;1740;South Africa
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tel;work:+27 11 665-2445
tel;fax:+27 86 5013109
tel;cell:+27 82 3724769

Re: IIS reloaded with 1.2

2007-03-27 Thread Jeremy Pointer
I already had that line uncommented, right now it seems to sort of run  
I'm getting php errors about $javascript not being an object which I 
imagine is due to the includes not finding the right paths, seeing as 
the IIS server is the server I am going to have to deploy on I do need 
to solve this problem, but in the meantime my apache based development 
and demo servers are working fine having deleted all the .htaccess 
files. It's something I'll dig into in a bit more detail in another week 
or so, in the meantime any other pointers would be appreciated.

Chambrln wrote:
> I am currently using 1.2 with IIS as well.  I do not have ISAPI
> Rewrite configured for use at the moment and was having similar
> problems.
> There is a Constant defined in  /app/config/core.php that you need to
> uncomment on line 40 - define ('BASE_URL', env('SCRIPT_NAME'));
> This basically tells cake to use the full paths for any mode/action
> you specify on forms or links.  You don't get pretty URLs, but you do
> get a working site.
> On Mar 26, 10:21 am, Jeremy Pointer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Can anyone point me in the right direction to get 1.2 working on an IIS
>> server without url rewriting and over which I have no control other than
>> uploading pages, I've tried searching but either the links point to the
>> discontinued wiki, or to someones blog from early last year on which I
>> can't find the info.
>> I know that somewhere along the line (probably with 1.1) I just had to
>> set an IIS define in core/bootstrap. Is that still valid, if so where.
>> BTW whatever I do I still need the app to work on my own apache server
>> (preferably without having to be careful not to overwrite a file).
>> --
>> */Jeremy Pointer/*
>>  jerm.vcf
>> 1KDownload
> >   

*/Jeremy Pointer/*

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fn:Jeremy Pointer
adr:;;Box 499;Krugersdorp;Gauteng;1740;South Africa
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HABTM update with extra fields cake php 1.2

2007-03-27 Thread Jeremy Pointer
I searched high and low but couldn't really find a proper answer for 
doing this so with a bit of fiddling I managed to get something going.

What I wanted was a way to have the equivalent of 
$form->input('Modelb/Modelb',.) but also with the extra column data 
in a table.

I didn't get much clue from what to do in the view from the info I could 
find (I did notice Nate mentioning the 'with' option for habtm in the model)

So after some fiddling I ended up setting an extra $modelb variable 
holding all the records from modelb and looping through that to show my 
In the controller:
$modelb = $this->Modela->Modelb->findAll();
And in the view: (yes I know it's messy but it's late and I'm tired, 
suggestions for better way are more than welcome)
  data['Modelb'] as $cModelb) {
if ($cModelb['id']==$modelb['Modelb']['id']) {
// We have the right module

value="1" /> 

value="1" /> 

So far so good except that on saving I was getting errors from trying to 
convert arrays to text, and then insert errors (came from model.php : 
So I copied the function __saveMulti($joined, $id) into my model and 
modified the bit inside if (!empty($update)) {...}  it so it now looks 
like this:

if (!empty($update)) {
$values[]  = $db->value($id, 
if (is_array($update)) {
$values[]  = $db->value($key);
foreach ($update as $fld => $val) {
$aFields[$assoc][] = $fields[$assoc]. 
','.join(',', $keys);
} else {
$values[]  = $db->value($update);
$values= join(',', $values);
$newValues[] = "({$values})";
unset ($values);
And then  the $db->query for inserting is like so:
 $db->query("INSERT INTO {$table} 
({$aFields[$loopAssoc][$x]}) VALUES {$newValue[$loopAssoc][$x]}");

I haven't tested my __saveMulti anywhere else but I can't see why it 
wouldn't work as normal everywhere else.
Okay so having found a solution, two/three questions,
1. Is there a better way I can do the view bit.
2. Is there a better way instead of messing with __saveMulti,
2.5if not could I ask that someone more knowledgable than me get 
this submitted into model.php sometime in the future.

*/Jeremy Pointer/*

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IIS reloaded with 1.2

2007-03-26 Thread Jeremy Pointer
Can anyone point me in the right direction to get 1.2 working on an IIS 
server without url rewriting and over which I have no control other than 
uploading pages, I've tried searching but either the links point to the 
discontinued wiki, or to someones blog from early last year on which I 
can't find the info.

I know that somewhere along the line (probably with 1.1) I just had to 
set an IIS define in core/bootstrap. Is that still valid, if so where.

BTW whatever I do I still need the app to work on my own apache server 
(preferably without having to be careful not to overwrite a file).
*/Jeremy Pointer/*

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Re: findAllThreaded - The thread order output is different then expected

2007-03-24 Thread Jeremy Pointer
Message with id 6481 has the parent_id as 6263 it needs to have 
parent_id of 6469

Humble wrote:
> Hi,
>I archived yahoo group messages and trying to display the messages
> in thread format as yahoo group does.
>For eg.
>Original order
>Message 1
>  Message 409
>  Message 6263
>Message 6266
>  Message 6469
>Message 6481
>  Message 13728
> I have table data as
> id  parent_id   thread_id   sent_on
> ==
> 1   0   1   2002-03-20 20:19:35
> 409 1   1   2003-01-10 18:47:15
> 62631   1   2005-04-02 09:15:45
> 626662631   2005-04-03 13:18:09
> 64691   1   2005-04-28 12:36:23
> 648162631   2005-05-02 05:21:15
> 13728   1   1   2006-09-15 04:18:44
>  But the findAllThreaded returns
> Message 1
>  Message 409
>  Message 6263
>Message 6266
>Message 6481 <-- This should come below 6469.
>  Message 6469
>  Message 13728
>  I tried order by the message date, still it shows up this way. Is
> there any way I can fix this issue?
> >   

*/Jeremy Pointer/*
My status 
Get Skype <> and call me for free.

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Re: webroot

2007-03-23 Thread Jeremy Pointer
Fix the data ?

SQL> update table set 

korcs wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a little problem with my webroot.
> I have my whole cake dir structure in a dir called 'cholocate_cake'.
> I am using a database, where the html code of the pages stored.
> This code contains some links and images as well.
> All of these links and images are working with relative adresses (f.e.
> for images: 'src="img/picture.jpg"', where the picture.jpg is in the
> './img/' directory).
> Now I found, that when I copy the content of the old img directory
> into the app/webroot/img directory, then the pictures are not
> displayed. Only if I change the links to 'src="chocolate_cake/img/
> picture.jpg"'.
> Do you know which is an elegant solution for this?
> Best,
> korcs
> >   

*/Jeremy Pointer/*

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Re: Autocomplete on 1.1.13

2007-03-17 Thread Jeremy Pointer
Isn't it a small world

This is from something I did, No change in the controller but I've 
modified the below views, the key is to set the user id as the id of the 
 tag in autocomplet, and then have
a 'user_id' input and a touch of  javascritpt in the send view to update 
the id field, then set the 'afterUpdateElement' option in 



input('Message/user_id'); ?>

function getSelectionId(text, li) {

array('size' => 40, 

textarea('Message/message', array('cols' => '60',
'rows' => '10')); ?>



Mike Griffin wrote:
> On 3/16/07, fredBH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> can you post the code ?
> Sure, here is the sutocomplete.thtml file.  It returns the username
> and then the full name in brackets
>  '.$user['User']['lname'].')'; ?>
> The form is in send.thtml
> autocomplete('Message/user',
> '/Messages/autocomplete', array('size' => 40)); ?>
> textarea('Message/message', array('cols' => '60',
> 'rows' => '10')); ?>
>   submit('Send');?>
> And the autocomplete function from the messages controller:
> function autocomplete() {
> $this->set('users', $this->User->findAll(array('User.username' =>
> 'LIKE '.$this->data['Message']['user'].'%'), array('User.username',
> 'User.fname', 'User.lname', ''), 'username DESC',null, null,
> 0));
> $this->layout = "ajax";
> }
> So the function returns the but I cant see how to pass that to
> the view and back again.
> Mike.
> >   

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