RE: Web page thumbnails

2006-09-15 Thread Tim Blair
> Can anyone tell me of a way to generate thumbnails of web pages
> from ColdFusion?  A co-worker is asking for a personal project
> he is working on (so I'm guessing that he is looking for a no/low
> cost solution).

If you're on Windows this is a nitfy command line util that could be run
from : 


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RE: WOT: Gmail's interesting approach to usernames

2006-01-18 Thread Tim Blair
> but why, i wonder do they do that?
> i mean, you'd think that google has a guru of the regex
> kind there in-house that could handle it so that those
> are really TWO different addresses.

You can also stick arbitrary stuff on the end of your email address too:

So you could send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and it would show
up in the inbox of [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This can be useful for filtering etc -- you can apply a label to mails
that come in from that address, or direct them straight to trash.  Or
use the address as a "throwaway" when signing up to sites that you think
might sell your email address -- if you start getting spam then just
apply a filter to send those mails straight to the spam/trash folders.

You have to wonder if this and the "." issue were actually implemented
on purpose, or if it was a mistake that someone decided would be a good
idea to make into a "feature" :)


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RE: Coldfusion Looking Glass CFC

2005-12-22 Thread Tim Blair
> in the case of nominet, you have to do it via their website

Not true:

$ whois -h

Domain name:

Google Inc 

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RE: CF7 and 64-bit CPUs

2005-11-07 Thread Tim Blair

> will it work on a linux 64-bit OS?, exactly RHEL4

No, CF will not work on a 64-bit linux OS.  I found out this helpful bit
of information only after building the server and installing CF...

If you install RHEL4 in 32-bit mode then it will work. 


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RE: CF7 and 64-bit CPUs

2005-11-03 Thread Tim Blair
> Will CF7 work on a 64-bit processor running with a 32-bit OS?

The answer is yes: you just have to run a copy of the installer where
the download hadn't aborted in the middle...  Doh! 


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RE: "Limit" or "Top" and mySQL Question

2005-11-03 Thread Tim Blair

> 1. What's the equal of "TOP" in mySQL?

LIMIT is the correct syntax, but you just had it in the place:


> 2. At what point in the query is that actually evaluated?

Right at the end, after any WHERE/ORDER statements etc. 


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CF7 and 64-bit CPUs

2005-11-02 Thread Tim Blair
Quick question:

Will CF7 work on a 64-bit processor running with a 32-bit OS?

I have an AMD Opteron (64-bit) processor and am running Red Hat
Enterprise Linux ES 3 *in 32 bit mode*.

Yesterday, after fighting against it, I discovered that CF will not work
on a 64-bit OS: I was having the problem as described on this technote: (nice that this wasn't highlighted
earlier)  So the OS was rekicked into 32-bit mode, but now I'm getting
the following error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ./coldfusion-701-lin.bin
Preparing to install...
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
The included VM could not be extracted. Please try to download
the installer again and make sure that you download using 'binary'
mode.  Please do not attempt to install this currently downloaded copy.

Yesterday, at least this installed, but wouldn't run.  Now, it's not
even installing.

So, do I need to replace the hardware?


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RE: Question: How Much of an Interest is there in AJAX?

2005-10-24 Thread Tim Blair
> If IE requires ActiveX for XMLHttp, then you are kind of
> screwed security wise (should you choose to use IE for Ajax
> sites instead of an alternative).

But like I pointed out earlier: without ActiveX enabled you can't use
Flash on IE either... 


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RE: Question: How Much of an Interest is there in AJAX?

2005-10-24 Thread Tim Blair

> But 98% of all computers already have Flash and it behaves
> the same on every machine. The HTML code needed to embed
> Flash is simple, well-understood and supported everywhere.

Sure, I was just trying to balance out Joe's argument that you need "a
clumsy workaround" for getting AJAX functions to work.  I think, like
Jacob's post highlights, if you're using an abtraction layer then you
don't even have to worry about the "workaround".

> You try visiting some of the current "AJaX"-style sites in
> a variety of browsers and see what happens!

Surely that's more to do with the actual site development and testing,
and less to do with the browsers themselves?  There seems to be a big
push at the moment (which I disagree with) to get new apps out as fast
as possible and fix them once they're live ("beta" anyone?).  If you're
going to develop something, do it well!

> So you advocate building *two* versions of your website?
> And how many sites out there actually do that?

To be honest: not many (see my point about "beta" sites above).  But if
you have your application built on a decent base (using
pick-your-own-framework) then all the functionality you need to perform
the non-AJAX requests (hopefully) already exists and can be easily
reused.  I know they have slightly bigger resources than the rest of us,
but Google have a static (non-AJAX) HTML version of Gmail available.

> I just don't see it as an "either Flash or 'AJaX'-style stuff"
> issue, I think we'll increasingly see a blend of both. I'm just
> tackling some of the "anti-Flash" sentiments in Tim's email...

I totally agree!  I wasn't bashing Flash at all, just trying to show the
other side of the coin like yourself!  :)  As for seeing an increase in
a blend: we're about to embark on just such a project -- AJAX and Flash
used where appropriate and for what they're good at.

> Flex brings that for Flash content: no binary files, just MXML
> and AS3.
> ...
> But Flex is extremely natural for CF developers - a tag-based
> layout language and a JavaScript-style (ECMA standard compliant)
> scripting language.
> ...
> That may be true of Flash authoring but isn't true of Flex
> (since it likely would be your development team doing it, not
> some other developer).

My points were for our development team and at this time.  The cost of
Flex has been prohibitive for the apps we've been developing using AJAX,
but that was not the primary reason to develop AJAX solutions instead of
Flex -- in our case an HTML interface was more preferable!  Again, 

> > Of course, these sort of restrictions will be removed once
> > Flex 2 comes out, but at the moment an AJAX solution is
> > preferable to a full Flex licence!
> That depends on how you define "preferable"

In the case of our AJAX development so far it really hasn't been worth
forking out for a Flex licence, but that's not to say we've not done any
Flex dev: I spent a few months working on a completely Flex based app
and think that it's a fantastic platform.  Can't wait for Flex 2!  :)


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RE: Question: How Much of an Interest is there in AJAX?

2005-10-24 Thread Tim Blair
> Why the heck should I care of ActiveX is enabled?  IE needs ActiveX
for JavaScript to work?

No, but because the current version of IE doesn't support XMLHttpRequest
you have to use something like the following:

  xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");

So, without ActiveX you don't have AJAX support on IE.  Microsoft has
stated that IE7 will remove this dependancy, but you're stuck with
ActiveX until then.

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RE: Question: How Much of an Interest is there in AJAX?

2005-10-24 Thread Tim Blair

> use a clumsy workaround for testing which browser people are on

To make sure that all browsers can see Flash you have to use
non-standard HTML.  Either that or if you really really want your HTML
to validate, you can use messy JavaScript to inject the HTML.

> hoping ActiveX is enabled on IE

That's a moot point: you've got to hope the same thing for Flash, or you
won't get that either.

> that any new browsing stuff people use supports it

True, but the majority of modern browsers correctly implement the
appropriate standards.  And those that don't *cough*IE*cough* have
proven workarounds.  And if you build your AJAX application on a
suitable abstraction layer (such as Prototype) then you can bet that
support will be available sharpish, or you can make the changes

> that they're not on a mobile (hi, Flash Lite!).

Now you've got me on that one, but all AJAX implementations should have
a fall-back mode for those clients that don't support JavaScript anyway
(unless you know that the clients accessing it are controlled, such as
on an intranet), and a new stylesheet will see you good.

For our team at least, using an AJAX solution to a problem over Flash
has a number of advantages (at least for our team):

 - all code can be source controlled, diff'd and quickly deployed
   without any need for building [I like the pretty colours on the
   Trac diff tool ;) ]

 - CF developers can understand JS and get up to speed with it to
   allow quick development.  Flash authoring is another kettle of
   fish entirely;

 - it's much easier for our development team to to make a quick
   change to a JS file than to get a Flash developer to make the
   change and make the new build, test and deploy;

 - We have more CF developers than Flash/ActionScript developers,
   so any development/maintenance etc is easier/quicker with an
   AJAX solution.

 - debugging an AJAX application is a (relatively) simple task if
   you've just one developer.  When you throw in a Flash developer
   it becomes much more complicated.  Yes, you should have unit
   testing, but it still happens...

Of course, these sort of restrictions will be removed once Flex 2 comes
out, but at the moment an AJAX solution is preferable to a full Flex
licence!  And if you can control exactly who's using the site and with
what, then even better!


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RE: Question: How Much of an Interest is there in AJAX?

2005-10-24 Thread Tim Blair
> But I'm still not sure of the size of the AJAX community, and how
> large an audience we'd be talking for something like an AJAX book... 

The AJAX community is growing daily, although I feel that term is rather
a misnomer.  Maybe something like "AJAX factions within the CF
community" would be more appropriate?  Anyway...

As for books: there is already at least one book [1] available, two more
[2][3] on pre-order, plus another [4] available as a beta download.
There's also some heavy coverage of AJAX in DHTML Utopia [5].

With sites like Gmail, Google Maps and Flickr giving the user a clean,
simple interface through the use of AJAX and Web2.0 technology, it's
also pushing development of smaller projects.  Although I've been using
similar methods for a couple of years now, we've just finished deployed
the initial version of a JavaScript/ColdFusion combination instant
messaging application for a client, which relies heavily on its AJAX

Why go for the AJAX solution?  Well, in the past we've usually gone for
Flash/FlashCom based IM clients, but as a developer I'd much rather have
the whole codebase under my control rather than spreading everything
between CF, Flash and ActionScript developers.  Sure, I had to bump up
my JavaScript a bit, but for anyone with a basic handle of scripting
languages it's not *that* challenging.  Additionally, we now no longer
need a separate FlashCom server and the user doesn't require the Flash
plugin.  They get a clean, simple interface to use and we get everything
nicely in source control :)

Until recently, the design and usability of some web-based systems has
taken a back seat to the amount of functionality that the developer can
pack in.  That focus is now swinging, thanks to the Web2.0 movement and
companies like 37signals (who developed the increasingly popular Ruby on
Rails framework) who have changed this direction and instead give the
user the minimum of options, but the ability to perform those actions
simply and quickly.  You may as well spend time making a regularly used
function perfect, instead of concentrating on one function which is
"really really important" but in the end never gets used.

Anyway, I've realised I'm waffling randomly now, so I'll move on...


[1] "Foundations of AJAX" by Ryan Asleson and Nate T. Schutta:
[2] "AJAX in Action" by David Crane:
[3] "Professional AJAX" by Nicholas C. Zakas, Jeremy PcPeak and Joe
[4] "Pragmatic AJAX" by Justin Gehtland, Ben Galbraith and Dian Almaer:
[5] "DHTML Utopia: Modern Web Design Using javaScript" by Stuart

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RE: Recursive Functions in CFC

2005-09-27 Thread Tim Blair
> Right now using these functions I am getting unwanted
> duplicate nested structs and arrays.

Make sure you var all variables you use in functions, *especially* when
you're using recursive calls, otherwise each time you change or
reinitialise one of the variables it will be a *global* change, not
local to the function.

For example, the following:






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RE: Purpose of HTML tags at beginning of cfoutput in classic.cfm debug page

2005-07-19 Thread Tim Blair
> Subject: Purpose of HTML tags at beginning of cfoutput in 
> classic.cfm debug page
> What is the purpose of all the HTML tags? 

I believe it's to catch the possibility that an error may have left
unclosed tags laying around that might interfere with the display of the
debug information, and close those tags.


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Creating password-protected ZIP files with CFEXECUTE

2005-07-12 Thread Tim Blair
Afternoon all,

Has anyone had any success creating password-proteced ZIP files through
ColdFusion?  I have a nice little java routine to create non-protected
ZIP files, but java doesn't support encrypting them.

I've tried using a number of external programs and had issues with them

WinZIP + command line extension
Simply doesn't run -- works fine directly from the command line but just
creates a temp file and then times out when run from CF.


Only seems creates a RAR file, despite the docs saying that if you
specify an output file of .zip it should create a ZIP file.


Zip 2.31 from Info-ZIP []
The closest I've got -- the ZIP file is created and protected correctly,
but I can't see any option to remove the extra path information.


The problem I have is that I need to recurse into the directory and
store everything in the relative paths, but I don't want the original
base path added too.

For example, using the code above I'd get something like the following:

When what I want is:


Anyone got any suggestions with this quandry?



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RE: Rails like Framework

2005-06-16 Thread Tim Blair
> Wait two weeks :)
> (that's all I'll say for now)

Argh!  You evil evil man!  That's like holding out a sweet to a kid then
pulling it back just as they reach for it...  :(

Two weeks huh?  I'll hold you to that...  ;)

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RE: Short URL / URL redirection

2005-05-20 Thread Tim Blair

Or there's a version I wrote a little while ago:

There's a download for source there and it includes both a PHP and a CF


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RE: MySQL question

2005-03-24 Thread Tim Blair
> The following query is not allowed using my hosts version of MySQL:

You could do that with some nasty left join statements (untested):

SELECT cus.Customer_ID
FROM order_no AS ord
INNER JOIN customers AS cus ON (ord.Customer_ID = cus.Customer_ID)
LEFT JOIN users AS us ON (us.Customer_ID = cus.Customer_ID)
LEFT JOIN order_no AS ord2 ON (ord2.Customer_ID = cus.Customer_ID)
LEFT JOIN account AS acc ON (acc.Customer_ID = cus.Customer_ID)
WHERE ord.Order_No = #Order_No#
  AND ord2.Order_No <> ord.Order_No
  AND cus.User_ID = 0
  AND us.Customer_ID IS NULL
  AND ord2.Customer_ID IS NULL
  AND acc.Customer_ID IS NULL


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RE: How to Browse and Choose Directory...

2005-03-10 Thread Tim Blair

> I understand that *currently* CFDirectory only has access to 
> my local system...what I'm talking about is developing a tag 
> that allows a user to specify a directory for upload the same 
> way we use CFFile now...

There will never be a time when  or  will have
access to a user's file system.  This is not due to a lack of foresight
on MM's part, but because of security restrictions put in place via the
user's operating system and the HTTP protocol.

To enable CF to have access to an arbitrary user's file system would
also mean that it was open to anyone else who cared to have a look,
hackers included.  You also have the issue of how to actually get to the
user's machine: what would happen to users who are behind a proxy server
or firewall?

In case there is still confusion between client and server funcionality,
I have detailed, step by step, the process of uploading a file via HTTP:

1.  An HTML form is displayed to the user in their web browser
including a file upload field.
2.  The user fills out the form and selects a file to upload
3.  The user clicks the "submit" button
4.  The web browser software (IE/Firefox/Opera etc) grabs the
required file from the user's file system
5.  The file data is encoded in the header of the HTTP request
and sent to the web server

All the above happens on the client side -- there is no interaction from
the web server or ColdFusion.

6.  The web server recieves the request
7.  The uploaded file is decoded and placed in a temporary
location by the webserver software (IIS/Apache etc)
8.  The uploaded file information is set in the environment
variables by the webserver

We still haven't got to ColdFusion yet.  The above process is the same
whether you are using Firefox on a PC and uploading to a webserver
running IIS, or if you're using Lynx on a linux terminal uploading to

At this point, the uploaded file is a temporary file sitting somewhere
on the webserver (NOT on the client machine).

9.  The webserver passes the request off to ColdFusion
10. A  call is made from within a CF
11. CF moves the file from where it was put in point 7 above
(remember -- it's already on the server) to the CF temp
directory.  At the same time it reads information such as
the uploaded file name, MIME type and file size and places
the data in the CFFILE scope for you to play with.
As you can see, ColdFusion has no access at all to the client machine.
It purely acts on data on the server.

To enable uploading of whole directories the HTTP protocol, the
implementation of that protocol in the user's webbrowser, and possibly
the underlying operating system would have to be changed.  I find it
very very unlikely that this is ever going to happen, mainly for the
security reasons that have already been mentioned, but also that it's a
hell of a big job!  If in the unlikely event it *did* come about, it'd
take a long time (years) for the protocol changes to be ratified and
updated, and then longer still for the browsers to support the new

As has been mentioned, one frequently used method of uploading multiple
files is for the user to place all the required files in one zip file
and upload that.  The process would then occur as above, but at the end
you would run a  command to unzip the file, and then process
all the files uploaded individually.



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RE: CFMX 7 Price

2005-02-07 Thread Tim Blair

> VAT?   (value added tax (sales tax) for those outside the UK)

My guess is that those prices are exclusive of VAT, which makes things
even more expensive for non-VAT registered individuals/companies.


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RE: Web Analytics

2005-02-07 Thread Tim Blair
> my company is looking at Urchin ( 

We use Urchin for all our stats needs.  Highly recommended.


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RE: CFMX + UTF8 vs Javascript

2005-01-21 Thread Tim Blair
> Why do I need BOTH ?

This tells the browser what format to expect the content it receives in:

And this tells CF how to process the current file (and hence is required
in *every file* where you need to specifiy a page encoding):


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RE: Importing a csv file

2005-01-19 Thread Tim Blair
> > I have a question regarding importing a csv file
> This topic was covered only a week ago, so check out this thread for
> some good info:
> 522/forumi
> d=4

For anyone suffering from "word-wrap-itis":

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RE: Importing a csv file

2005-01-19 Thread Tim Blair

> I have a question regarding importing a csv file

This topic was covered only a week ago, so check out this thread for
some good info:


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RE: two websites, one Cfusion, sharing sessions

2005-01-18 Thread Tim Blair
> Is it possible to run 2 websites on a single CF server, and 
> for a user to have the same Jsession on both sites?

The easiest way would be to have the same application name in your
 tag on each site.  Of course, both sites would also
share the same application scope etc too.


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RE: consuming webservices

2005-01-14 Thread Tim Blair

>   I've built a webservice in .Net that I intend to 
> consume from CF. As I'm building it, I've noticed that the 
> .NET Web service's arguments are cached by CF - that is, if I 
> make a change to the .NET WS, then CF doesn't
> "realize" it.   

CF does indeed cache the webservice stub -- to clear this you can (as
you've noticed) restart CF, but the much more user-friendly way is to
use the CF Admin.

Under the "Data & Services" section there's a Web Services" section.  Go
into here, find the appropriate service and click the "delete" icon (red
cross) next to it.  When you next call the web service it'll be
refreshed.  A PITA, but not as bad as restarting CF every time!


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RE: Revised Thread - Uploading CSV and Validation

2005-01-11 Thread Tim Blair
> 2) Use the awesome Ostermiller utilities at
> to actually parse the
> CSV file

Hmm, excellent resource.  One to bookmark I think!  Cheers Dave.


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RE: Revised Thread - Uploading CSV and Validation

2005-01-11 Thread Tim Blair
> Treat it as two lists. The first using Chr(13) or Chr(10) as 
> a delimiter, the second using ",":

The only problem you'll get with that is if the CSV contains a record
like the following (which is perfectly valid):

1,Banana,"Long and yellow, with a slight bend"

As CF list functions would see it, there are 4 list items; in CSV terms,
there are actually only three.


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RE: HTM vs CFM Pages

2004-12-02 Thread Tim Blair
> Is there any advantage or disadvantage to naming these pages 
> with a HTM extension rather than a CFM extension? Is there a 
> speed penalty?

A .cfm file will *always* be passed to the CF engine, so even if there's
nothing for the engine to do, it's still got to break the page down etc,
so there will be a speed increase in serving up the pages (although
it'll only be measured in a matter of milliseconds).

A more important benefit (as I see it) is that it keeps the CF server
free for "real" requests, i.e. those that actually require some CF


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RE: Delimeter problem

2004-11-09 Thread Tim Blair

> listtoarray(replace(list, '||', '| |', 'All'), '|')

This wouldn't work because there is actually an empty element *before*
the "153564587" item -- your code only replaces empty elements in the
middle of the series and would ignore those at the beginning or end.  Of
course you could simply add a space at both the beginning and end of the
string before it is parsed, which would get around the problem.

You still have the slight inconvenience of "empty" elements actually
containing a single space; what happens if one of the elements did
actually contain a single space?  You'd have no way of knowing the
difference between the real element and those that have been "padded".


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RE: Delimeter problem

2004-11-09 Thread Tim Blair

>  #listToArray("|153564587|0|SAT|FREEDMAN|||1|||10/17/2004|1
> 0/18/2004",
> "|")#>
> then use
> #variableArray[1]#
> #variableArray[2]#
> #variableArray[3]#
> #variableArray[4]#
> and so on...

This is exactly what Asim tried to do without success -- the CF list
functions ignore empty list elements, but my understanding is that he
needs to retain those "empty" elements, hence my previous pointer to an
identical thread.


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RE: Delimeter problem

2004-11-09 Thread Tim Blair

> I need to move all the valus in a into individual 
> Structure/Array Keys. so I can display them individually.

If you're using MX, check this thread:


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2004-10-05 Thread Tim Blair
> I am testing a site I switch from ACCESS to MySql and I ma 
> getting the following error.
> ByteArray objects cannot be converted to strings.

For some reason the result of some MySQL queries (especially those using
MySQL date functions like DATE_ADD() and DATE_FORMAT()) is treated as a
binary field by CF: try dumping out the query and you'll see a nice
yellow box filled with a long hex string embedded in your query results
where you'd expect a date to be.

It's easy enough to combat: just run the date field through a tostring()
call to convert it back to the required string representation:


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RE: datetime problems - 01/01/1900

2004-09-24 Thread Tim Blair
> I'm still working a lot on CF5 and #NOT len(myvar)# doesn't work
> then!  You need to wrap it in a function.

OK, you win on that one...  ;)

I'll qualify: *In CFMX* you don't actually need the yesnoformat()
function call in there...


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RE: datetime problems - 01/01/1900

2004-09-24 Thread Tim Blair
Just a point to note:

You don't actually need the yesnoformat() function call in there -- the
null="" field takes a boolean value; a numeric value can be treated as a
boolean (any non-zero value is TRUE), and len() returns a numeric value,
so you can just use:

Maybe it's just me being picky...  :)


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RE: Content Management System (CMS) Wishlist

2004-09-17 Thread Tim Blair
> Ideally I'd want to work with a 
> language aware system such that I can change languages in
> the cms to see the alternative version of the content in a 
> different language.

ShadoMX has multilanguage support at object level, so you only have one
site tree etc and can define multiple translations for a single content


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RE: Secure FTP with GUI

2004-09-17 Thread Tim Blair
> So does anybody know of an FTP app with a GUI that will use a 
> key based auth scheme?

Yup, try WinSCP (SSH based):


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RE: Development Team Advice

2004-09-16 Thread Tim Blair
> 1) Can anyone recommend an application that will manage a CF 
> Web Dev team and keep internal/external customer/clients 
> informed as to deadline extensions and reshuffling of project 
> priorities?

We've been using Basecamp for the last couple of months - it's a hosted
service but is very easy to use and cheap too.  I can recommend it:


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RE: Currently running page requests

2004-09-14 Thread Tim Blair
> Is there any way to get a list of currently running 
> page requests on the server so I can keep track or them?

You can perform a dump of the current stack trace, which will list
(amongst a big pile of other stuff) what's requests are currently being
processed by CF.  See the MM technote about it:


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RE: gobbledegook returned from MySQL TEXT fields

2004-09-13 Thread Tim Blair
> Do you suppose this is a MyODBC issue or something deeper?

No, we develop/host on Linux and have the same issue.

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RE: gobbledegook returned from MySQL TEXT fields

2004-09-13 Thread Tim Blair
> This was where it started going wrong and needed casting to a 
> char type instead of a date.  So long as you don't group on 
> the date field you should be ok.

This seems to be an issue with MySQL - it also appears sometimes when
you use the MySQL date functions.  For some reason the query returns
binary info instead of the usual text.  You can just use
toString(myQuery.binField) to get the proper value.


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RE: Count Online Users Conundrum

2004-08-19 Thread Tim Blair
> Thanks.  I ran your script and sure enough, right now, it 
> says there are 99 users when it probably should be something 
> like 20.  I'm not sure if I'm understanding you completely -- 
> I'm thinking that I need to add to the following snippet that 
> already exists:

What are you actually trying to do?  I'm assuming you're attempting to
see who's currently using the system, and basically discounting anyone
who's not been active in the last 15 minutes?

If this is the case let me know and I'll knock a little code out for
you!  Can't do it today, stupid firewall issues...  Eugh.


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RE: Count Online Users Conundrum

2004-08-18 Thread Tim Blair
One thing:

> What you'll need to do is add *two* timestamps to each user -- one for
> when they first accessed the system, and one when they last requested
> page.  Your "15 minute check" should then use the difference between
> these values to determine whether the user has been inactive for 15
> minutes.

My apologies -- this will give you their total session time.  To work
out if they've been inactive for more than 15 minutes you'll have to do
a time check comparing the "last active" timestamp and the current time
using now().


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RE: Count Online Users Conundrum

2004-08-18 Thread Tim Blair

> What happens is that at the end of the day (I run an intranet where
> are about 200 peak users), around midnight, it still shows 80 or so
> online!  What do you think could be causing this?

Does the code you run to "report" on the user sessions run the code you
posted first?  By this I mean does it run through and clear any old
sessions out before reporting how many are still there?

What the code you posted does (badly) is record a timestamp of when a
new session is started, for each user session (although the CFID is by
no means guaranteed to be unique), and then deleting any over 15
minutes.  So every session will remain there for 15 minutes (or until
the first page call that runs the skimmer code after the 15 minute limit
has expired) and then be deleted.  If the user is still using the
system, they will simply be added back in the next time they access a
page, with a new 15 minute "count".

Therefore, at the end of the day, if there are no page calls made
between 5:30 and midnight, all sessions will still be held in memory,
because the skimmer hasn't been run.  I would say that's why you're
still leeing lots of users on line at midnight.

I'd like to ask what you're actually attempting to do with this code.
If it's to see how many people are using the system within the last 15
minutes and how long they've been using the application for, then this
code certainly doesn't do that, or at most does a very bad job of it.
What you'll need to do is add *two* timestamps to each user -- one for
when they first accessed the system, and one when they last requested a
page.  Your "15 minute check" should then use the difference between
these values to determine whether the user has been inactive for 15

As for Ray's comment of "but that is some pretty awful code" I
completely agree.  I've attempted to go through it somewhat below
code-block by code-block -- not changing any of the existing
functionality, but just cleaning it up -- with explanations of what I've
done and why.


Since CFMX (I'm assuming you're using MX?), you don't have to worry
about locking shared scopes for reading only, so there's no need to lock
everything as you have done.  Put another  around so you only lock
when absolutely necessary.  Keeping the original  in there just
makes sure that should two requests happen fairly closely, that only one
initialises the new structure.




This is a totally pointless lock.  You're not writing to (or even
reading from) any shared scope.  Additionally, you're using a randomly
generated lock ID so even if you were writing to a shared scope there's
nothing to stop two requests happening simultaneously, because they are
guaranteed to have different lock IDs!

Secondly, I'm not sure why you're using an evaluate() call where you
are, it doesn't do anything except add another function call.  The
user's CFID is available anywhere and won't change so there's no need to
reference that as anything different.  The user_time variable is only
actually used once, so why not just replace it with the now() call?  In
effect, you don't need this section at all.


Again, as in the first section, there's no need to lock for a read, so
add another  statement around the outside of this section.
Replace the user_cfid with CFID and the user_time with now() as
described above.  Finally, you don't have to assign the result of the
structinsert() call -- it just means another variable clogging up memory
during the page request:



>    Evaluate(DateDiff("n", StructFind(Application.UsersInfo, itmUser),
Now())) GT 15
>   >

Now this is the sort of block where everyone's opinions will diverge
somewhat.  Some will say lock outside the loop, other will say only lock
when deleting.  Only locking when deleting will make the code "cleaner",
but *may* leave you open to race conditions where two instances of the
script are running at the same time and try to read and delete from the
same item in the structure at the same time.

By locking the whole loop, if you have a large number of users and page
requests, you might be asking every script to wait while 200 "users" are
looped through.  Obviously it's a fairly trivial number in this case,
but the theory is that you wouldn't do that on something with possibly
1000s of sessions, so why in this case?

Personally, I'd change things a bit and use a named lock inside the
loop, with a  call inside that to make sure that we're not trying
to read or delete something that isn't there any more.  Note I've also
removed the unrequired evaluate() call: 


], Now())
GT 15>


I hope that's some help!  Now I'll get back to doing something I'm being
paid to do...  ;)



RE: List/Clean Application variables/objects

2004-08-11 Thread Tim Blair

> I was wondering if there is a way to list everything that is 
> stored into the Application scope

> Also, is there another way to clear the application scope ?


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RE: How to make CF session variables available to PHP

2004-07-26 Thread Tim Blair
> Has anyone had much luck in accessing CF's session scope
> directly from php?

You'll be struggling to share session data because it's all stored in
memory internally inside CF.  A better option would be to use client
variables stored in a database, which can then be queried from PHP like
any other DB.


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RE: A script to Prevent SQL Injection: feedback/suggestions?

2004-07-23 Thread Tim Blair
> AFAIK, it actually does more than validation and escaping

Yup, that's right -- I was just simplifying things a bit...  :)


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RE: A script to Prevent SQL Injection: feedback/suggestions?

2004-07-22 Thread Tim Blair
> CFQUERYPARAM will validate the data. this script rips out ALL 
> harmful SQL statements that someone might try to include into 
> a URL or FORM field entry.

It doesn't just validate -- it will also escape any potentially
"harmful" characters, therefore nullifying any possible attack.


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RE: CFMX 6.1 and MySQL insert question

2004-07-22 Thread Tim Blair
> If a user is using the form and enter the value "bla bla \n 
> bla bla \bla.."
> because he wants the \n or the \ it won't work.. I don't want 
> to used the \n as a break like with #Chr(13)##Chr(10)#

Use  - it'll correctly escape everything for you so you
don't have to worry about the "\n" being changed to a newline char when


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RE: Retrieve a random record from a database

2004-07-21 Thread Tim Blair
> Is there a MySQL equivalent to this newID() functionality?

With MySQL you can pull out one random row by using a combination of
ORDER BY RAND() and LIMIT, e.g.:



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RE: Nested Set Category

2004-07-19 Thread Tim Blair
> Before I go any further I thought I would make sure I am not 
> reinventing the wheel; has anyone done something like this 
> where it is generic enough to use as a template?

What database?  I have just such a thing for MySQL that I can clean up
(i.e. remove project specific functionality) and post out...


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RE: The infamous LIST again!

2004-06-30 Thread Tim Blair
> How did you determine that you could use Java methods within 
> CF syntax?

There are numerous examples of doing that in MX.  Another favourite of
mine is when looping through a query, you can use myQuery.last() to
check if the item you're on is the last record rather than setting an
external counter etc.

For example, if I want to output a query as a list (yes, before anyone
says, I know I can use valuelist() - it's just an example!):



> Can you do a join to get the array back to a list?

You can just use the normal CF arraytolist() function to do that - note
that doing this will *include* empty array cells, so you can end up with
a list (string) that looks like: 1,2,3,,4,,,5,6


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RE: The infamous LIST again!

2004-06-30 Thread Tim Blair
> What's your way to circumvent this problem?

If you're using MX, you can be a bit sneaky: because the list is an
instance of java.lang.String, you can use the methods of that class on
it, one of which is the split() method.  This method will split a string
into an array on a given delimiter (which can be multi-character) and
also includes empty values:



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RE: CFFUN 04 - He3

2004-06-28 Thread Tim Blair
> Didnt attend CFFUN... what is "He3"?

A ColdFusion IDE based around Eclipse[1], developed by RichPalette[2], a
joint venture between R337 Consulting and Gestaltech Inc.[3].  There
have been numerous articles and threads on CF-Talk about it [4][5].



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RE: Finding the current directory of a script

2004-06-11 Thread Tim Blair
> My actual question was is there a quick (like the previous 
> function) way to get the actual directory

How about:



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RE: Coldfusion and Class file

2004-06-09 Thread Tim Blair
> is it possible to run the application with the class file 
> alone ,i mean i will delete all the .cfm file ,there should 
> be only class files No, currently you must have the CFM files
available.  The release of CFMX (Blackstone) will (?) provide the
ability to do "sourceless" installations of CF applications.


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Preorder tree traversal algorithm

2004-05-19 Thread Tim Blair

Has anyone written an example of modified preorder tree traversal
[] for MySQL in
CF?  I've done inserts and deletes (plus various selects) but I haven't
sat down to work out updates (moving a node from one parent to another)
yet, so I thought I'd check if anyone's got an example before I go




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RE: How does Amazon do that?

2004-05-19 Thread Tim Blair
> When you look around, and show an interest in 
> something, there's always a part of the page that says 
> "people who bought this also bought that
> .."   

The solution I came up with uses two tables - the product table (guess
what that is?) and a product_link table.  The product_link allows me to
store, well, links between products in an arbitrary way.

The link table has a 3-way PK of product ID, associated product ID and
product link "type" - the type is just a numeric field which represents
the type of link between the products which in my case includes "similar
too", "related too", "cross sell with" and "also bought".  The first
three are set via the admin.

The final field in the link table is a generic "data" field, which in
the case of the "also bought" type is a count.  In this way I can grab
the most popular "also bought" products with a nice simple query by
ordering by the data field.

The "also bought" data is not generated on-the-fly - it could take
wy too long to increment the appropriate counters for each
product link when someone checks out, so instead it's done nightly (or
whenever) on a schedule.

That's just one solution though...



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RE: Writing UTF-8 files with CF

2004-05-13 Thread Tim Blair
> i imagine because for utf-8 the BOM isn't strictly required 

That's correct, it's not (there's no big- or little-endian
alternatives), but apparently for java to correctly read the file in as
double-byte the BOM must be there...  Seems a little strange to me, but
there you go.

> good catch.

Ta.  :)



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2004-05-13 Thread Tim Blair

Is there any way that I can get hold of the data currently in the
CFHTMLHEAD buffer that will be output as the page is rendered/delivered?



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RE: CFMX connector issues

2004-04-24 Thread Tim Blair
> I've seen two cases resolved where this problem occurred, security was ok, &
> the user could telnet to the port and connect.  Those two were resolved by
> finding misconfigurations in one of the two host config files (/etc/hosts/,
> /etc/sysconfig/network).

OK, you win.  ;)  There was a misconfiguration in the /etc/hosts file.  I've no idea how this was changed (as everything used to work fine!) but at least the connector now, um, connects.

But now I'm back to where I started yesterday - I'm getting JRun 404 errors, not apache or even nicely formatted CF "missing template" notices, just plain JRun 404s.  Looking at the app log:

"Error","jrpp-65","04/23/04","15:22:58",,"File not found: /index.cfm The specific sequence of files included or processed is: /var/www/html/siteroot/index.cfm "
"Error","jrpp-65","04/23/04","15:22:58",,"Exception thrown by error-handling template:"
"Error","jrpp-65","04/23/04","15:22:58",," The specific sequence of files included or processed is: /opt/coldfusionmx/wwwroot/WEB-INF/exception/coldfusion/runtime/TemplateNotFoundException.cfm "

It seems like JRun can't find the appropriate file and then when it tries to invoke the CF missing template handler, it can't find that either?!  Anyone seen this before?  


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RE: CFMX connector issues

2004-04-23 Thread Tim Blair
Nope, all network settings are OK.

Nothing else is listening on the JNDI port - I've even tried changing it
in the runtime/servers/default/SERVER-INF/ and I still
get the same result.

Going through the "possible causes" listed when I try running the

> o Server not running

Everything works via the in-built webserver, so no trouble there.

> -JNDI listen port in blocked by TCP/IP filtering
> or firewall on server

Nope - I can even telnet to the appropriate port from an external box.

> -host restriction in blocking communication 
> with server

I've tried removing all security and still no joy.

This is the second time this problem has got in my way (two different
boxes - one RH9, this one RH ES 2.1) - I've now wasted two days trying
to get CF working on those boxes and I've yet to find anything that can
help matters.



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CFMX connector issues

2004-04-23 Thread Tim Blair
Afternoon all...

This morning I had need to restart CF on one of our boxes.  Since the
restart I've been having a most un-fun morning.  CF started refusing to
server up and CFM pages.  In fact it seems that JRun was the culprit.

Basically, requests were being passed OK from the webserver to the CF
server, but JRun was failing to find both the requested file AND the
default error template that shows the nice "Template Not Found" error -
I was just getting a raw JRun 404 error.  This was happening both for
calls through the external web server via the connector AND using the
built-in server.

I tried everything I could think of but in the end have gone for a
reinstall.  OK so far, I can get CFMs served up using the interal
webserver, but the connector is proving more than a little troublesome.
When running the connector in debug mode I get the error show at the
bottom of this mail, saying that it can't connect to the JNDI server.

I've now hit a brick wall - I don't know where to go from here.  Any
advice most definitely appreciated!



# /opt/coldfusionmx/runtime/jre/bin/java \
  -jar /opt/coldfusionmx/runtime/lib/wsconfig.jar -ws \
  apache -dir /etc/httpd/conf -a -bin /usr/sbin/httpd \
  -script /etc/init.d/httpd -v

Macromedia JRun 4 (Build 63961) Linux
os.version: 2.4.9-e.30.1RS
os.arch: i386
platform: intel-linux
Found port 2901 on host localhost
could not connect to port 2901 on host
javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException: The connection to the remote
JNDI server on host at port 2901 has failed (as have all
backup hosts listed, if any) - please verify that the server is running
and the NamingService is available [Root exception is Connection refused]
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
at jrunx.connectorinstaller.CIJndi.findServers(
at jrunx.connectorinstaller.CIJndi.(
at jrunx.connectorinstaller.CIJndi.(
Caused by: Connection refused
at Method)
... 11 more
Could not connect to any JRun/ColdFusion servers on host localhost.
Possible causes:
o Server not running
  -Start Macromedia JRun4 or ColdFusion MX server
o Server running
  -JNDI listen port in blocked by TCP/IP filtering or
   on server
  -host restriction in blocking communication with

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RE: Sending lots of mail

2004-04-21 Thread Tim Blair
> Is there some kind of software 
> (preferrably cheap or free) that can actually handle the 
> "mailing" part in the background without slowing down CF? 

We've written a mailing-list-manager type app here which allows the user
to send combined plain text/HTML emails to an opt-in mailing list.  All
creation of mails etc is handled by ColdFusion but the actual sending is
done using a perl script run as a cron job.

Doing it this way takes lots of load off the server and speeds up the
process (the user doesn't have to wait for 10s of thousands of mails to
be sent - can you imagine the requesttimeout setting on that?!), and
even means we can generate the mail from one server (the CF/web server)
and send it from another (a dedicated "mailing" server).



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RE: Printing Labels from a Web Application?

2004-04-19 Thread Tim Blair
> Any thoughts would be appreciated.

We've done this before as part of mail merges using CF_AveryRTF which
has been fairly successful.  You can get the tag from the devex here:




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RE: Checking for a number

2004-04-02 Thread Tim Blair
If you're using isNumeric(), make sute that there isn't any whitespace
at the beginning/end of the "number":



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> -Original Message-
> From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 01 April 2004 20:35
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Checking for a number
> isNumeric() 
> -Original Message-
> From: Tangorre, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 2:35 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Checking for a number
> What is the best way to check that a value is an integer?
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RE: Flex is out

2004-03-30 Thread Tim Blair
> I'm still waiting for Flex to show up in the Education store, 
> but I have little hope of the discount percentage being high 
> enough to make it affordable in the near future.

The educational discount in N. America is going to be 34%, so just under
$8k.  Government institutions will get a 20% discount.



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RE: Currency Conversion web service

2004-03-29 Thread Tim Blair
> Has anyone  managed to consume a Currency Conversion web 
> service under CFMX yet?

Don't know if it'll help, but...

We don't need totally up to date currency information so I have a
scheduled task to run twice a day and, using an xMethods web service,
update our local copy of the rates we use.  Then when a conversion is
required (all are "from" GBP) we do the calculation locally.

Basic code below to call the webservice:


    #key# (#countrykeys[key]#) = #exrate#



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RE: Really dumb on my part

2004-03-26 Thread Tim Blair
> nah there is an xml file in there somewhere neo-cron.xml maybe?

The one you'll want is "neo-security.xml" - in there set the value of
the bit to "false", restart CF and you'll be able
to get into the admin without using a password.  Change the password,
then change the value of back to "true" and
restart CF again.



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RE: Securing CF Apps.

2004-03-23 Thread Tim Blair
> No, don't do that. The CF server SHOULD NOT be in the DMZ. No 
> server should be in the DMZ unless it is a bastion host, 
> which an application server by definition is not.

Oh OK, I was just trying to be pedantic.  :)



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RE: Securing CF Apps.

2004-03-23 Thread Tim Blair
> > As for using the security of your DB instead of application-
> > based security - in my opinion this is possibly *less* secure -
> > it means that anyone with a login for your webapp automatically
> > has a direct login for your database server!
> Which is of course set up to only allow connections from the 
> web server, regardless of the credentials offered. Layer 
> after layer after layer :-)

And has no external network access except through the DMZ that the CF
server is sitting in, behind the firewall that...  Oh, no, I'll stop
there I think.  ;)



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RE: Securing CF Apps.

2004-03-23 Thread Tim Blair
> anotha new level of confidence...and power

Pantera - Vulgar Display Of Power  :)

> If you want a secure app, don't let users see your
> fuseaction names.

If you want a secure app, don't let anyone use it...  ;)

As for using the security of your DB instead of application-based
security - in my opinion this is possibly *less* secure - it means that
anyone with a login for your webapp automatically has a direct login for
your database server!

A few pointers I use when thinking about the security of CF web apps:

1. Make sure CF server is suitably locked down - e.g.:
   - all services that aren't needed off (eg POP3 on a webserver)
   - file ownership set correctly
   - CF service running as a non-privileged user;

2. All incoming (URL/FORM/COOKIE/CLIENT stored in cookie) variables
   filtered and checked for validity;

3. Use different datasources for different query types - have one
   DS for SELECT-type queries (where the DB user only has SELECT
   privs) and one for INSERTs etc (DB user has fuller privs);

4. ALWAYS use  - in my experience the lack of
   cachedwithin="" can either be overcome by using shared scopes
   or is not fully used - for example if you're on a shared server
   with tens or hundreds of separate web apps all using
   cachedwithin then it's unlikely that your results will stayed
   cached for long!

5. Sure, if your DBMS has the facility, use stored procedures, but
   don't go over the top - the more complex your app, the more
   difficult future maintenance will be and the more likely someone
   will make a mistake that will lead to a possible exploitation

6. Store passwords using a one-way hash value unless absolutely
   necessary - there's no real problem generating a new password if
   the user's forgotten their old one rather.

That's just a few things off the top of my head - I'm sure people can
come up with a whole lot more!



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> -Original Message-
> From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 23 March 2004 16:15
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Securing CF Apps.
> I didn't used to use it...but now am changing all queries to 
> use it, as I find them in my code...
> very cool, just anotha new level of confidence...and power
> (if ya catch the lyric there, you're good) 
> -Original Message-
> From: Ian Vaughan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 10:54 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Securing CF Apps.
> Does anybody use the CFQUERYPARAM tag for securing sql which 
> is highlighted at
> Securing Database Access Using the cfqueryparam Tag 
> yparam.htm
> l
> 	-Original Message-
> 	From: Tangorre, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> 	Sent: 23 March 2004 15:27
> 	To: CF-Talk
> 	Subject: RE: Securing CF Apps.
> 	I do not encrypt all values in my forms (I do for URLs though).
> The reason I
> 	encrypt some form field values and not others is that 
> they are not all
> 	important if altered by a malicious user...
> 	For instance. If I have a text box, I do not need to 
> encrypt a date... My
> 	checks to ensure that the text supplied in that field 
> is a date will take
> 	care of that. I encrypt important values that are used within
> queries:
> 	SELECT * 
> 	FROM table 
> 	WHERE someId = Decrypt(form.idfield,"key")
> 	This hides the type of values I am using to build the 
> query with and it also
> 	limits the data that is exposed to the end user.
> 	Mike
> 	> > Yes. All URL and FORM variables should be encypted. 
> 	> Especially if you 
> 	> > are using a fusebox methodology.
> 	> 
> 	> I've tried this, but my users were really upset with prompts 
> 	> such as this:
> 	> 
> 	> "Please Enter the Hash value of the date you would like" 
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Problems with CFMX install on RH9

2004-03-22 Thread Tim Blair
Evening all...

I'm having real "issues" installing CFMX on a RedHat 9 box.  I've
installed MX on linux plenty of times before, but this time things just
aren't happening.

For some reason, JRun seems to be taking an absolute age to start up -
in the cfserver.log the "Starting Macromedia Jrun 4..." message comes up
straight off, but it takes about three minutes for the "Unable to open
properties" line, and another three mins after that until the CF
application is actually deployed:

Starting Macromedia JRun 4 (Build 63824), default server
03/22 10:54:28 warning Unable to open
03/22 10:57:39 info JRun Naming Service listening on *:2901
Running on JRun4...
Starting ColdFusion services...
- Starting logging...
0 [main] INFO coldfusion.server  - Starting logging...
03/22 10:57:40 info No JDBC data sources have been configured for this
server (see jrun-resources.xml)
03/22 10:57:44 info JRun Web Server listening on *:8500
03/22 10:57:45 info Deploying enterprise application "Macromedia
ColdFusion MX" from: file:/opt/coldfusionmx/
03/22 10:57:45 info Deploying web application "ColdFusion Web
Application" from: file:/opt/coldfusionmx/
Server default ready (startup time: 390 seconds)
03/22 10:57:46 info Web Services in coldfusionmx#wwwroot:
03/22 10:57:46 info (No web services found.)
03/22 10:57:46 user JSPServlet: init
03/22 10:57:47 user FlashGateway: init
03/22 10:57:47 user CFCServlet: init

Of course, when I try and start CF I just get a nice row of 12 attempts
to run the apache connecter because JRun hasn't started in time.  If I
wait until after the server has apparently started up and then run the
connector manually (or using then it just sits there
apparently doing nothing for ages again and then comes up with a message
saying it can't connect to the JRun server:

/opt/coldfusionmx/runtime/jre/bin/java -jar \
/opt/coldfusionmx/runtime/lib/wsconfig.jar -ws apache \
-dir /etc/httpd/conf -a -bin /usr/sbin/httpd \
-script /etc/init.d/httpd -v

Could not connect to any JRun/ColdFusion servers on host localhost.
Possible causes:
o Server not running
  -Start Macromedia JRun4 or ColdFusion MX server
o Server running
  -JNDI listen port in blocked by TCP/IP filtering or
   on server
  -host restriction in blocking communication with

Now I have made changes to the as advised in the
middle of
all_faq.htm because I was getting "attempt to connect to JRun server
from [IP address] host" errors in cfserver.log.  My
file currently has the following entries:

jrun.trusted.hosts=[my machine's IP]

But even if I state both the above as having a value of * (i.e. no
restrictions) then I still get the same issues.  If I enable the
internal webserver and connect to :8500 then it sits there for a while
then cuts the connection - I'm guessing it's the same problem.

I've now run out of things to try...  Has anyone else got any



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RE: CFC Web services wont work with PHP sites

2004-03-16 Thread Tim Blair
> Anyway,   so here's an example in that article:

That looks overly complex for what you're doing.  The PHP PEAR libraries
provide a nice and simple way of using a web service when you've got the
WSDL for it, so you don't need to worry about all the SOAP stuff (name
spaces etc) directly.

I've just knocked this together (modified from the example at - I don't have a PHP server with PEAR
installed so I can't actually test it, but there's no reason I can see
that it shouldn't work.  It doesn't do anything with the returned data
other than dump it all out, but it's a better start than nothing!

Of course it won't work until your server starts serving up the WSDL
instead of the actual CFC, and you need a PHP server with the SOAP
libraries installed...  ;)

// include the appropriate SOAP client functions etc
require_once 'SOAP/Client.php';

// grab the WSDL from the appropriate URL
$wsdl = new

// get the proxy object for the WSDL so we can call methods from it
$proxy = $wsdl->getProxy();

// get stuff going on this week
$thisweek = $proxy->getthisweek();

//just dump the object returned for now
print_r ($thisweek);

Hope that's a start...

> How do I tell these PHP folks who wont learn and don't have a 
> clue, how to use method getthisweeksevents

Personally, I'd tell them to get off their a*ses and trying doing
something for themselves instead of relying on other people...  *shrug*



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RE: code...

2004-03-15 Thread Tim Blair
> 1. Does anyone know what that code is?


> 2. Does it work for all browsers/email clients?

No idea.  :)



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RE: Loops in Loops (let's go loopy)

2004-03-11 Thread Tim Blair
Engage brain, then type...


Of course, if you use page=1, you'll start at result 11 which is
wrong... Try:

Sorry about that.



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RE: Loops in Loops (let's go loopy)

2004-03-11 Thread Tim Blair
Quick clarification:

> pagesize -> the number of items on a page

Of course, if you do it this way then to get the records you actually
need you'll have to do a quick multiplication and add one (so you get
e.g. the 11th result first, not the 10th).  So a quick hack into your
code would give:



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> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Blair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 11 March 2004 11:49
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Loops in Loops (let's go loopy)
> > is there an easier way?
> I usually do that by having a couple of variables:
> page -> the current page you're on (from URL) pagesize -> the 
> number of items on a page (hardcode/from URL) recordcount -> 
> the total number of results (from your query)
> You can then work out things like the total number of pages 
> (the ceiling function is to round the number of pages up to 
> the closest integer) :
> And then loop from 1 to pagecount and print out a number and link each
> time:
> HTH,
> Tim.
> ---
>  Maze 
> Solver -
> ---
> RAWNET LTD - Internet, New Media and ebusiness Gurus.
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RE: Loops in Loops (let's go loopy)

2004-03-11 Thread Tim Blair
> is there an easier way?

I usually do that by having a couple of variables:

page -> the current page you're on (from URL)
pagesize -> the number of items on a page (hardcode/from URL)
recordcount -> the total number of results (from your query)

You can then work out things like the total number of pages (the ceiling
function is to round the number of pages up to the closest integer) :

And then loop from 1 to pagecount and print out a number and link each





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RE: easy question

2004-03-10 Thread Tim Blair

Use listfind() and you can shorten that to one line:


listfind() will return the position of the string ("6") in the list if
it exists, or 0 (zero) if it doesn't.  Because any non-zero number is
treated as a TRUE value you can assign it directly to your
spiderIsPresent variable.



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> -Original Message-
> From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 09 March 2004 20:40
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: easy question
> would this be it?
> or some other version of this?
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RE: How to know when you have the last record?

2004-02-27 Thread Tim Blair
> Worked perfectly. 

Just out of interest, you could use one of the methods of the underlying
coldfusion.sql.QueryTable java object of the query: isLast()

For example, to output a list of names from a query with a comma between
each, you don't want a comma added afte rthe last one, so:

And before anyone says, yes I know you can use valuelist() - it's just a
simple example...  :)


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RE: Fancy a ColdFusion Challenge?

2004-02-13 Thread Tim Blair
Morning all...

If anyone's still intested in taking part in the CF_CodingContest then
you're running out of time!  Entries are due by this afternoon, 4pm GMT.  So
far I've had (quick count) 23 entries...

Full details here: + the original mail is
copied below.


Try the ColdFusion Coding Contest!  Current contest:
Maze Solver -
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> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Blair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 15 January 2004 15:56
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Fancy a ColdFusion Challenge?
> Right you 'orrible lot...
> For any of you that read my blog at 
> (so that'll be, oh, no-one...) you will have seen yesterday 
> that I've been putting together a ColdFusion Coding Contest, 
> and the first challenge has been posted at 
> Your task - given a text-based 2D maze, find the shortest 
> path out of it!
> "What's the point?" I hear you ask?  Well, there isn't one really.
> Mainly it's to give people a challenge and maybe to get 
> people doing the sort of coding that they wouldn't normally 
> get the chance to do during the usual mass-website-producing 
> day in the office...  Also, I'm trying to convince the 
> boss-man here to provide a prize...
> All information you should need is on the site including 
> submission details and sample mazes to test your solver on.  
> The submission date has been set for Friday 13th Feb by 4pm 
> GMT so make sure I have your entries by then!
> Just in case you missed it, the URL again:
> Happy coding!
> Tim.
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RE: QoQ bug? Help rqd...

2004-01-30 Thread Tim Blair
> I had the same problem. It appears that even though CF 
> variables are untyped, the underlying java expects properly 
> formatted dates (java is a strongly typed language).

Yes, all java vars need to be typed, but it seems strange that CF seems
to think that the string is a date, tries converting it and fails.

> You can use the ParseDateTime() function to convert your date 
> into a timestamp.

Unfortunately the problem was that I *didn't* want it to be a date, just
a string that happened to be formatted to look like a date...

Ho hum, I got around the problem, but it just seems strange that the
problem should occur on one installation and not others...  :o\


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QoQ bug? Help rqd...

2004-01-29 Thread Tim Blair
Can someone else try running this little bit of code please:

    SELECT * FROM newQ

If I run it on my window dev box, it works fine.  If I run it on a linux
dev box (RedHat 8), it works fine.  If I run it on a live box (RedHat
7.3) it fails on the QoQ saying :

Query Of Queries runtime error.
Can't convert the string Thu 29 Jan to java type DATE 

All three boxes are running 6.1.

Any ideas?


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RE: Java Files

2004-01-29 Thread Tim Blair
> does CFMX create java files

The original MX did, but 6.1 doesn't - the compiler does a direct CF
code -> java byte code (.class file) compilation to save (lots and lots
of) time during the compilation and initial run phase.  Doesn't make a
huge difference in production but sure makes development quicker, not
having to wait a couple of seconds for each file to recompile after
making changes!


Try the ColdFusion Coding Contest!  Current contest:
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RE: CFIF inside of CFLOOP

2004-01-28 Thread Tim Blair
> If so, you cal use an evaluate within the loop:

Or you can do it without using evaluate() by using summat like:

Replace this:

With this:

That assumes that the vars are in the variables scope - if they're
coming from a form then it'll be form['...'] etc.


Try the ColdFusion Coding Contest!  Current contest:
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> -Original Message-
> From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 28 January 2004 14:04
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re:CFIF inside of CFLOOP
> Let me see if I get this straight. You've got 
> dropship1_value, dropship2_value, etc. If so, you cal use an 
> evaluate within the loop:
> evaluate('dropship'&indexvalue&'_value')
> The evaluate function will take the two pieces of text and 
> the variable, combine them into a single variable name and 
> then get the value of that variable name. 
> 1. 'dropship'&indexvalue&'_value'
> 2. 'dropship1_value'
> 3. value of dropship1_value
> > I am faced with a puzzle that should be fairly easy to solve.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 			#Qty1_Value#
> > 
> > 
> > #Desc1_Value#
> > 
> > Yes 
> >  
> > Yes 
> > 		  
> > ''>#ItemDateShipped1_Value#
> > 		   
> > Yes 
> > 		  
> > ''>#ItemDateOrdered1_Value#
> > 		   
> > Yes 
> >  
> > Yes 
> > 
> > #DollarFormat(Price1_Value)#
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I want to repeat that same code a total of 15 times. I tried to use
> > CFLOOP from=1 to=15 going through my query, but I don't know how to 
> > properly call the index within those CFIF tags.
> > 
> > For example, where it has Price1_Value, I want it to be 
> something like
> > Price#indexvalue#_Value so that it'll work 1 through 15.
> > 
> > So right now, I have that same code copied 15 times... talk about
> > bloat!
> > 
> > I'd love the help. Thanks.
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RE: How do you clear cache in CFMX?

2004-01-23 Thread Tim Blair
> I must be missing something, then. As far as I can tell, the 
> feature is already present. You can currently disable trusted 
> cache in the CF Administrator. If you want to do that 
> programmatically, I'm sure it's possible with a little work.

Something like this?

  variables.factory = createobject("java",
  variables.runtime = factory.getRuntimeService();


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RE: cfstat - generate log?

2004-01-22 Thread Tim Blair
> In fact, you could simply do (ReqsRunning = ReqsRunning -1) 
> before logging the data to accommodate for the known thread.

Yup, that's right.  I was just pointing it out...  :)


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RE: cfstat - generate log?

2004-01-22 Thread Tim Blair
> Try using getMetricData() from your code.  This provides the 
> same data that cfstat does.

Except doing it like that will mean the "requests running" will always
be one out because it counts the script that you're running
getMetricData() in.


Try the ColdFusion Coding Contest!  Current contest:
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RE: Fancy a ColdFusion Challenge?

2004-01-16 Thread Tim Blair
Morning all...

After some feedback (and a submission!) I've made a couple of updates
and clarifications regarding the maze contest that people should be
aware of:


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RE: Fancy a ColdFusion Challenge?

2004-01-15 Thread Tim Blair
> Knowing Tim it'll be chaos theory and not necessarily any
> kind of algorithm... ;o)


PS.  How's that for a come back?  :o\

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RE: Fancy a ColdFusion Challenge?

2004-01-15 Thread Tim Blair
> > Your task - given a text-based 2D maze, find the shortest 
> > path out of it!
> How is the maze generated? The best algorithm for finding the 
> shortest path could depend on the algorithm that was used to 
> generate the maze :-)

In the case of the sample mazes, they have been created by using the
generator here:

For the actual judging I'll probabably use a combination of
autogenerated mazes (using different algorithms) and maybe one created
by hand.  I won't be releasing the judging mazes until after the
competition is over so you'll have to create your solver to work under
any conditions!


RAWNET LTD - Internet, New Media and ebusiness Gurus.

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Fancy a ColdFusion Challenge?

2004-01-15 Thread Tim Blair
Right you 'orrible lot...

For any of you that read my blog at (so that'll
be, oh, no-one...) you will have seen yesterday that I've been putting
together a ColdFusion Coding Contest, and the first challenge has been
posted at

Your task - given a text-based 2D maze, find the shortest path out of

"What's the point?" I hear you ask?  Well, there isn't one really.
Mainly it's to give people a challenge and maybe to get people doing the
sort of coding that they wouldn't normally get the chance to do during
the usual mass-website-producing day in the office...  Also, I'm trying
to convince the boss-man here to provide a prize...

All information you should need is on the site including submission
details and sample mazes to test your solver on.  The submission date
has been set for Friday 13th Feb by 4pm GMT so make sure I have your
entries by then!

Just in case you missed it, the URL again:

Happy coding!


RAWNET LTD - Internet, New Media and ebusiness Gurus.

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website at or call us any time
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Direct Phone : +44 (0) 1753 626 654
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RE: What template is running?

2004-01-14 Thread Tim Blair
> is there a way to tell which templates are currently running?

The best way I've found is to dump out the current stack trace:



RAWNET LTD - Internet, New Media and ebusiness Gurus.

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RE: X separated values.

2004-01-12 Thread Tim Blair
> No, there isn't. However, you could easily write your own 
> code to loop as long as "customwhatever" is found in the 
> string.

Or (in MX) you could use the underlying Java base of CF and use the
split() function which returns an array:


RAWNET LTD - Internet, New Media and ebusiness Gurus.

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Urchin ELF2 log format tag/CFC

2003-12-22 Thread Tim Blair
Lo all...

Does anyone have a tag, CFC or anything along those lines for the
generation and reading of Urchin ELF format log files (preferably ELF2):


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RE: OT- Macromedia Website Right Now

2003-12-11 Thread Tim Blair
> Have you seen it?  Is it just me?

And it was...?

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RE: OT: Payment Merchants & Merchant Accounts (UK)

2003-12-10 Thread Tim Blair
> They have a list of banks they work with

Secpay are good - they've got a Java interface into their system that
can be used from CF.  We're currently using for a project
which is doing the job just fine.

Support-wise I think that secpay do a better job - when we were having
issues with something I got the direct line to one of the developers.
Protx don't really do telephone support and their email support is a
"reply within 24 hours" type thing.


RAWNET LTD - Internet, New Media and ebusiness Gurus.
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anytime on 0800 294 24 24.
Tim Blair
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Direct Phone : +44 (0) 1344 393 441
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RE: Application variables between two applications

2003-12-10 Thread Tim Blair
> Now, how could I call this same object from the differenct 
> application? You would think since it is in memory, there has 
> to be way that I can retreive it.

You can use the underlying java of CF to get a hold of the application
scope for any currently active application:

  // application tracker object
  appObj = createObject("java",
  // get "external" app scope
  appScope = appObj.getApplicationScope("myappname");

Note that this is "undocumented" and so could well change in a future
release of CF.  Also if the app name you give it doesn't exist it won't
error - you'll just get a java null value back, which CF isn't too hot
on handling...

For more info on using the ApplicationScopeTracker and similar
SessionTracker have a look at



RAWNET LTD - Internet, New Media and ebusiness Gurus.
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anytime on 0800 294 24 24.
Tim Blair
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RE: ImageMagick from CF on Linux??

2003-12-04 Thread Tim Blair
> Here's the Linux code:
> arguments="/home/serve/truth/testImage.jpg -geometry 
> ""140x140+0+0"" -quality 80 +profile * 
> /home/serve/truth/thumbnail.jpg">

Try adding the -size argument as well as geometry (the values should be
the same for both -size and -geometry).  I seem to remember that I
needed both...


RAWNET LTD - Internet, New Media and ebusiness Gurus.
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RE: Another CFML app server...

2003-12-04 Thread Tim Blair
> I think its been removed :)

Hmm, I just get a "directory listing denied" message now...  We got
informed of it's existence by someone sending us a message through the
contact form on our company site:

My name is Roger Samuel representing Coral Web Application Builder. It's
a new product that allows you to run Cold Fusion, (CFML) and portions of
(ASP), in a stand-alone application without Cold Fusion or ASP or a
pre-installed Web Server, and without paying ANY run-time or server
license fees.

It's an exciting new product that's finally going to allow web
developers to have what Windows developers have always had. The ability
to deliver stand-alone applications royalty free to consumers or small
business workgroups!

Very strange that it just be removed after they've started telling
people about it...


RAWNET LTD - Internet, New Media and ebusiness Gurus.
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anytime on 0800 294 24 24.
Tim Blair
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Direct Phone : +44 (0) 1344 393 441
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