[CTRL] Vermont Police Crime

2001-01-24 Thread BR Wahl

-Caveat Lector-

IT"S UNBELIEVABLE but TRUE. Dirty cops' Vermont experts at
mutilatiion...while sick, elderly, disabled victim is asleep in bed! It's
hi=tech, that's for sure...wife's strange death from cancer only
wets Vermont dirty cops' appetite! Where will "America" END?
--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 24 Jan 2001 00:04:33 -0800 (PST)
From:   byron wahl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Vermont Police Crime

--- byron wahl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 00:00:40 -0800 (PST)
 From: byron wahl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Vermont Police Crime

 (HUD=federal) GROTON, VERMONT, 24 January 2001
 --- byron wahl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 23:17:01 -0800 (PST)
  From: byron wahl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Vermont Police Crime
  fed attacks intensifying 1am +++EST, 22dec1999,
  Montpelier, Vermont...
  Note: forwarded message attached.
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  ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
  Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 07:06:38 -0500 (EST)
  Subject: Vermont Police Crime
  At least four methods of pain infliction,
  torture, and mutilation are being used by police
  ciminals in Vermont -- upon this victim. Whether
  these methods are used on prisoners is not known
  Norway has refused to extradite a man to Vermont
  because the "conditions in Vermont prisons are
  than humane." This was broadcast on TV but nothing
  more has been heard about it. Apparently the
  in Vermont aren't concerned about government crime
  in Vermont.
  The four methods are 1. the hot "bed burner"
  painful awakening feeling fried alive..usually
  followed by a sudden rush of thug traffic and
  criminals' accomplices in front of the house in
  contrived exhaust system motor vehicles. A hi-tech
  sonic/EEG brain stabbing usually accompanies the
  traffic noise.
  2. HA "heart attack" a cardiac aggravator
  induces atrial fibrillation and pulmonary
  difficulties. This is probably GAS to which the
  victim has been sensitized. It is a particularly
  dangerous form of Vermont secret police torture
  which may result in permanent injuries since the
  victim is male, 75 years old, and disabled.
  3. SL "swelling and lumps" grotesque swelling
  and black lumps suddenly afflict the elderly
  -- already deformed due to earlier 1981 police
  in Manhattan involving GAS and backfiring cars on
  W.43rd St. It puzzled the doctors. Doctors will
  feign ignorance of these matters because they are
  4. Incessant "brain stabbings" day and night
  EEG/sonics which accompany the passage of criminal
  police and their criminal accomplices in motor
  vehicles, helicopters, aircraft, snow blowers and
  you name it in proximity to the victim's home.
   A very high-tech method of sensitization has
  been applied to the victim so that only he notices
  the distress. This facilitates "plants" going
  announcing loudly that "it's all in his head."
  The sensitization to GAS is probably easily
  accomplished. The means of sensitizing to ELF EMF
  EEG brain manipulation remains obscure. It may
  involve the artificial alteration of the victim's
  brain wave frequenciesperhaps by sneak
  thanks to more "plants."
  The Vermont polce torture gang is escalating
  pain, mutilation, and trauma inducing hi-tech
  torture applications on a daily basis since 14 Dec
  Coincidental consequences are completely
  the victim's control and appear to be running on
  something resembling an auto-pilot. The map
  scheme existed before the victim's birth...it
  confounds the government while the people pay for
  the government's secret criminal activity. It is
  executed with astounding force and intellectual
  skill.far above Louis Freeh's
  Montpelier, Vermont, 20 December 1999, 0700
  So much for democracy in America. Modern

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--- End of forwarded message ---

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Re: [CTRL] Israeli Gets Community Service in Palestinian Death

2001-01-24 Thread goolie smith

-Caveat Lector-

-Caveat Lector-

On 22 Jan 01, at 9:02, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

  Did anyone else see this story in the NY Times, and was the child in
  question ten as the NY Times says or eleven as my daily paper says?

Is it possible that some nations put their children out there in the
front lines, throwing stones, etc., and then when there are tragic
consequences, then the nation they're opposing gets the rotten
PR? Isn't that part of psychological warfare?


hold on a sec, the boy in question died four years ago, well before the
recent intifada.  So lets assume for the moment that the boy WAS trowing
stones at cars (which the killer even says was a suspicion)
that does not give him or ANYONE the right to beat him to death with a
pistol !

think about it sno0wl, if a punk kid in the states or UK threw a stone at
your car and you pistol whipped him to death, do you think you would get
away with it ?
Do you think any true demecracy would let you get away with it ?

lets turn this around and say that your child threw a stone at someones car,
would you be happy with allowing the killer of your child to go free ?

Also lets keep in mind here the boy was 10 years old (according to the BBC).

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[CTRL] Nazi-Vatican Collusion

2001-01-24 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:

From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Nazi-Vatican Collusion
Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 2:02 PM

Nazi-Era Victims Want UN to Investigate Vatican

Patrick Goodenough
29 Jun, 2000

(CNSNews.com) - The Vatican, with its permanent observer status at the
United Nations under fire, may now face a challenge from survivors of
Nazi-era war crimes in the Balkans.

Serb and Jewish survivors of atrocities committed by the Nazi-installed
puppet regime in wartime Croatia have asked U.N. secretary-general Kofi
Annan to investigate their claims that the Vatican and a Roman Catholic
monastic order collaborated with the perpetrators.

In an open letter issued through their lawyers, the victims - who are
bringing a class action lawsuit against the Vatican Bank and the Franciscan
order - urged Annan to persuade the Vatican to open its wartime archives, or
face "appropriate action" to encourage them to do so.

The Vatican enjoys permanent observer status at the U.N., while Franciscans
International is a recognized non-governmental organization at the U.N.

The Vatican's status is currently under fire from a coalition of
pro-abortion, feminist and other organizations, spearheaded by a Catholic
"pro-choice" group, campaigning to have it revoked, charging that the Holy
See's statehood is legally questionable.

The groups are incensed at the Vatican's consistent opposition in U.N.
forums to measures that would liberalize abortion and contraception,
particularly in developing countries.

The group of victims and relatives of victims who are bringing the lawsuit
in a San Francisco district court currently number 25. They come from the
United States, Yugoslavia and the Ukraine, said their attorney, Jonathan

Papers have been served on the Vatican Bank, the Franciscans, and were soon
to be served on the Croatian Liberation Movement, which Levy said was
understood to be the "direct successors to the Ustashe" - the wartime
fascist organization which ruled Croatia.

The suit alleges that gold and other assets worth about $170 million today,
not including interest, were looted by the Ustashe and safeguarded by the
Vatican after World War II.

In their letter to Annan, the victims charge that some members of the
Franciscan order collaborated with the Ustashe, were actively involved in
atrocities, and knowingly helped wanted Ustashe war criminals, including its
notorious leader Ante Pavelic, to escape justice after the war.

They say the Vatican organized and financed the "rat line" which enabled
leading Nazis and Ustashe members to escape to Latin America. The escape
route was allegedly partly funded by assets stolen from concentration camp
and other victims, looted by the Ustashe, and removed to the Vatican.

The Vatican and Franciscans have consistently denied involvement in these

Pope Pius XII's alleged silence in the face of Nazi genocide has long
sparked controversy. His defenders say he spoke out in Christmas Eve
homilies during 1941 and 1942 against the extermination of Jews.

Many European Christians, Catholics and Protestant, took a stance against
the Nazis during the war. Thousands of Catholics, including clergymen, were
murdered by the Nazis because of their opposition to Hitler.

The Nazis installed the Ustashe in power in Croatia after Yugoslavia fell to
the Nazis in April 1941. More than 600,000 people - Serbs, Jews and Roma
(gypsies) - were killed in the Balkans by the fascist regime.

Those bringing the lawsuit say family and community members were subject to
"mass rape, beheadings, torture, mutilations, burnings, establishment of
concentration and forced labor camps, destruction of Orthodox Churches and
Jewish Synagogues, and looting of assets valued in the hundreds of millions
by the Ustashe and Franciscans."

They wrote to Annan: "Unlike every other civilized nation the Vatican has
refused to acknowledge its complicity in genocide and has refused repeated
requests by the United States government, Jewish and Roma organizations to
open its World War II archives to public scrutiny."

Levy said the plaintiffs were seeking access to more than 250 U.S. Army
Intelligence documents on one Krunoslav Draganavich, believed to have been
the head of the Vatican operation which laundered Ustashe funds and smuggled
Nazis out of Europe.

Some "heavily sanitized" documents had been released to the attorneys, he
said, but Army Intelligence withheld over 250 documents on grounds of
"national security."

"We are appealing this decision through an administrative process and if
unsuccessful will go to Federal Court."

A 1998 State Department report entitled "The Fate of the Wartime Ustasha
Treasury" implicated 

Re: [CTRL] Murderer as peacemaker?

2001-01-24 Thread goolie smith

-Caveat Lector-

What are you on man ?
Ariel Sharon, was found directly responsible for massacres of palestinians
in UN shelters.  Mere civilans just trying to survive in UN encampments,
when along comes 'the buldozer'.  It wasnt even 2 or 20 people that he was
responsible for killing, the total tally reached the hundreds.

The next time you see Yasser Arafat/Ariel Sharon talking politely to Ted
Koppel on "Nightline," I want you to remember that behind
that phony smile is the conscience of a killer. He's the
premeditated murderer of U.S. diplomats/hundreds of humans.

The next time you hear about the need for a Palestinian
state/security, I want you to remember that the leader for life of
that nation will be Yasser Arafat/Ariel Sharon.

Does that really sound like the foundation for a permanent

See it works both ways

Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [CTRL] Murderer as peacemaker?
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 01:01:26 -0600

-Caveat Lector-

Murderer as peacemaker?

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

How would you like it if millions of your hard-earned tax
dollars were sent to a little foreign dictator who murdered
two American diplomats and got away with it?

I'm sure you would not be a happy camper. Well, as much as I
hate to upset you, dear readers, that is precisely what is
happening with the millions of dollars the U.S. is
transferring in foreign aid to Yasser Arafat and his
Palestine Authority.

Maybe you didn't know about Arafat's murderous record
before. For that you can be excused, because the
establishment press has not done much to expose this petty
tyrant -- this killer of unarmed, innocent Americans simply
doing their country's diplomatic duty.

But once I tell you the details of this heinous crime --
this unforgivable act of bloodlust -- you won't have any
excuses, anymore. If you don't act -- if you don't scream
about it to your elected officials in Washington -- then
you, too, will be tacitly guilty of rewarding a cowardly
killer for his evil deeds.

Here are the facts, as I revealed in a news story in
WorldNetDaily last week:

On Feb. 28, 1973, Yasser Arafat was overheard by Israeli and
U.S. intelligence operatives planning a Black September
terrorist operation in Khartoum, Sudan. His transmissions
were tape-recorded. They were transcribed, and warnings were
issued by National Security Agency personnel to the U.S.
Embassy in Sudan.

Unfortunately, the alert was delayed because of a
bureaucratic snafu. A day later, eight Black September
terrorists stormed the Saudi Arabian embassy in Khartoum and
grabbed U.S. Ambassador Cleo Noel, Charge d'Affaires George
Curtis Moore and others hostage. On March 2, 1973, after the
terrorists' demands for the release of Sirhan Sirhan, Robert
F. Kennedy's assassin, were rebuffed by President Nixon,
Arafat was heard and recorded, once again, providing the
code words for the execution of Noel, Moore and Belgian
diplomat Guy Eid. They were machine-gunned to death.

Until last week, no American involved in this tragedy had
spoken out on the details of that tragedy. But 28 years
later, James Welsh, the Palestinian analyst for the NSA who
issued the first alert on the incident, went public with
charges of a cover-up of Arafat's key role in the planning
and execution of the attack.

Think about it. Yasser Arafat just visited the White House a
few weeks ago. He has won the Nobel Peace Prize. He is
heralded as a moderating force for compromise in the Middle
East. Yet, the truth is, he is a cold-blooded murderer of
innocent Americans.

"No one wants to touch this thing," Welsh says. "It's a hot
potato. No one wants to be responsible for derailing the
Mideast peace process."

But Welsh thinks the American people, who are footing much
of the bill for Arafat's current activities, have a right to
know about his personal responsibility for the murder of two
Americans. And he is the first American involved directly in
the affair to charge publicly what has long been rumored --
that Arafat ordered the embassy takeover and the murders of
the American diplomats.

"I have decided that my oaths of secrecy must give way to my
sense of right and wrong," he told WorldNetDaily.

While there is no statute of limitations on murder, one
critical piece of evidence needed for an indictment is
missing -- the tape-recordings. They have never been
produced by the NSA, the Central Intelligence Agency or the
State Department.

"These tapes do exist," claims Welsh. "I participated in
their production. But no one has ever been willing to come
forward and acknowledge their existence."

Over the years, there have been reports that the Israelis
also had tapes of Arafat ordering the executions of the U.S.
diplomats and that Jerusalem provided copies to Nixon. Gen.
Ariel Sharon said in 1995 that Israeli intelligence gave
tapes proving Arafat's culpability in the murders to the
U.S. State Department and White House 

Re: [CTRL] FYI--The Real Story of Rosa Parks

2001-01-24 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/23/2001 4:57:05 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Oh, most asuredly NOT yours!  Prudy, 

I'm most relieved.  Prudy

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2001-01-24 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/24/2001 12:23:30 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 Moving quickly upon taking office, President George W. Bush on
 Saturday issued an order that blocked many of the last-minute
 executive orders and rules laid down by outgoing President Clinton.
 But one controversial Clinton action has caused a deep divide inside
 of Bush's inner circle: Whether to rehire Linda Tripp!

 Tripp, a 20-year government employee, was let go by Clinton late last
 week in a move her lawyers called a "vengeful" act of punishment for
 her role in the Lewinsky mess. 

He darned well should.  She was an appointee under his father, and no one has
done more for the Bush family than Linda Tripp.  If he really feels so
positive about loyalty to the Bush family, he owes her a job.  Her salary is
a bit higher than most of the Government workers I've known, but she
certainly deserves every consideration from the Bush family.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] AP: GAO: Clinton Team Broke Law on Jobs

2001-01-24 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/24/2001 1:11:48 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Clinton administration violated federal
 law when it went around Congress to save the jobs of workers at a
 soon-to-be-shuttered Ohio uranium plant, congressional auditors
 said Tuesday.

  The General Accounting Office said the plan to keep the
 Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in a standby mode, thus
 sparing some 1,000 layoffs, cannot legally be financed in the way
 devised by former Energy Secretary Bill Richardson. 

So fire them all.  People have to learn to be self-sufficient.  They can't be
depending on the Government to give them jobs.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] JWR: O'Reilly: I have been investigating Jackson's finances for th...

2001-01-24 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/24/2001 1:20:56 AM Eastern Standard Time,

  Now he has
   been disgraced and should be thoroughly investigated by the
   government. But whether Congress or the Bush administration has
   the courage to do this remains to be seen.

   Jackson fathered a child out of wedlock and this is the disgrace that calls
 for his thorough investigation by the government?  Stop with the sexual
 McCarthyism already - it's been totally overused. 

But don't you miss them--the eternal investigations?  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] The Spotlight vs. Libertarians

2001-01-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Subject: The Spotlight vs. Libertarians

 Energy Crisis Bares Libertarian Myth of Deregulation

 The Libertarian belief in the benefits of deregulation that borders on the
 religious has been exposed as a myth in California's first free market
 experiment in the energy industry.

 Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT

 Ha Ha. Looks like J2 is secretly writing for The Spotlight!

I AM the Spotlight.


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Re: [CTRL] Al Martin????: The Man Who Knows Too Much???

2001-01-24 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/24/2001 3:10:47 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 The above has a series of very disturbing essays attacking, among
 others, the Bush administration and family. 

Really, how tragic.  I'm sure it will all be stopped in time.  I mean,
they've stopped attacking the Clintons haven't they?  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] McVeigh's execution date

2001-01-24 Thread Mary K. Gemmato

-Caveat Lector-

Can you elaborate...

- Original Message -
From: PM Kansan1225 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 6:05 PM
Subject: [CTRL] McVeigh's execution date

 -Caveat Lector-

   The CLuM secret behind May 16, the date selected for Timothy
 phony execution, is revealed in the January 2001 issue of the newsletter
 "Contemporary Indications of a Conspiracy".

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] NM: Hubbell Angry Over Missing Clinton Pardon

2001-01-24 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

On 24 Jan 2001, at 0:49, MICHAEL SPITZER wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Newsmax-Inside Cover
 Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2001 11:38 p.m. EST

 Hubbell Angry Over Missing Clinton Pardon


  Ratner said the reason Clinton didn't pardon Hubbell may have
 something to do with the fact that he pleadad guilty to bilking
 the Rose Law Firm out of hundreds of thousands of dollars, which
 meant he stole from his law partners Vince Foster and Mrs.

It would be amusing if Bush pardoned Hubbell.

Perjury. Impeachment. Adultery. Harassment. Property
scams. Estrangement. Staff firings. Creative word
definitions. Who can doubt that Bill Clinton has been our
nation's greatest president? ... He was juvenile,
portly and Southern -- the best comic elements of
Kennedy, Taft and Carter, all rolled up into one
globular package. ... Now he's leaving us, and we'll
miss him. --Letterman comedy writer Chris Harris

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Ex-First Lady Hillary Keeps No-Eye-Contact Rule

2001-01-24 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-



Monday, Jan. 22, 2001 12:18 p.m. EST

Ex-First Lady Hillary Keeps No-Eye-Contact Rule

She may no longer be first lady. But even as a senator, Hillary
Clinton is apparently determined to keep her royal distance from us

A leading conservative columnist has now corroborated earlier
reports of Mrs. Clinton's reluctance to make eye contact with her
associates - and reveals that the behavior is ongoing. In October
NewsMax.com cited a report from WABC Talk Radio's Steve
Malzberg, who said a friend at another New York radio station
claimed that when Hillary dropped by for an interview, strict orders
were issued.

"No one is to make eye contact with the first lady," the source said
station employees were told.

In his book "Unlimited Access," former White House FBI agent
Gary Aldrich reported that a similar edict had been issued to White
House staff.

When one admiring aide who didn't get the word rushed up to meet
her Hillaryness, he was immediately rebuffed with an ice-cold stare
that let him know he was way out of line.

A friend, says Aldrich, explained the new rule to the crestfallen

"When 'Queen Hillary' walks down the hall, you're not supposed to
look at her. You're actually supposed to go into an office if there is
one nearby. She doesn't want staff 'seeing' her."

Now, renowned conservative columnist Robert Novak reports that
Queen Hillary's Senate colleagues are getting the same treatment.
"At the first session of the Senate Environment and Public Works
Committee attended by Sen. Hillary Clinton, a senior Republican
senator Wednesday tested the report that it is impossible to make
eye contact with her."

"He said the report turned out to be true," Novak wrote in his
Sunday column.

The real argument against aristocracy is that it
always means the rule of the ignorant. For the most
dangerous of all forms of ignorance is ignorance of
work. - G. K. Chesterton, NY Sun 11-3-18

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[CTRL] For Mary Gemmato

2001-01-24 Thread PM Kansan1225

-Caveat Lector-

  You asked me to elaborate on the CLuM significance of May 16, the date
set for Timothy McVeigh's phony execution.

  If you are not a subscriber to the monthly newsletter "Contemporary
Indications of a Conspiracy", you can ask the State Historical Society of
Wisconsin in Madison for a copy of the article.

  The January 2001 issue also discusses the ritual significance of the
Texas Seven case.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Sen. Charles Schumer, human scum

2001-01-24 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Schumer's Nazi like rants during the House WACO Hearings were
frightening to behold. The man is a Domestic War Criminal
and Police State apologist.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] TS: Nazi UFOs, The Antarctic Operation, Nazi Saucer Photos

2001-01-24 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

 some speculate that a large group with cutting edge technology
 escaped and relocated to a secret underground base in
 Antarctica. If this theory sounds crazy, then perhaps you have
 not heard of Operation High Jump in 1947.


 It seems incredible that so shortly after a war that had
 decimated most of Europe and crippled global economies, an
 expedition to Antarctica was undertaken with so much haste (it
 took advantage of the first available Antarctic summer after the

The first available Antarctic summer after the war would have been in December of 


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[CTRL] Get your own mob nickname!

2001-01-24 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-


The Merciless

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Re: [CTRL] Carla Binion etc.

2001-01-24 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Thanks for clearing that up, Samantha.


--- "Samantha L." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I reread those messages.  I said as far as I knew, she had no web
 page set

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Re: [CTRL] JWR: O'Reilly: I have been investigating Jackson's finances for

2001-01-24 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

   Jackson fathered a child out of wedlock and this is the disgrace that calls
 for his thorough investigation by the government?  Stop with the sexual
 McCarthyism already - it's been totally overused.


I agree. Who is Jesse Jackson and why does anyone care?

J.J. is nothing more then a Corporate Hustler. He is a total
creation of the Corporate Media. The man has never been elected
to any office, never has accomplished anything of note (except smear
Martin Luther King's blood on his shirt AFTER King was dead.)
Jesse is an obsessed self promoter who will do his jive ass racialist
tap dance for anyone with a video camera.

Why doesn't Jesse Jackson retire to the Home for Over the Hill Jesus Hustlers?
Jimmy Swaggert, Elmer Gantry, and Aimee Semple McPherson need some
"diversity" in their ranks.

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[CTRL] 2 media bias articles

2001-01-24 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Consolidating to save posts.


Tuesday Jan. 23, 2001, 1:39 a.m. EST

ABC Highlights Embarrassing Moment for Bush Daughter

For the last eight years the American press honored one iron clad if
unwritten rule: Hands off
Chelsea Clinton.

In fact, the self-censorship was so strict that in 1993, when Saturday
Night Live made fun of
the-then thirteen year-old's looks, the show followed up with an
immediate apology.

But it didn't take long for the media to make it clear that the Bush
daughters won't be afforded the
same consideration.

In fact, just hours after their father had taken the oath of office,
network television cameras
captured Jenna Bush in an embarrassing dance step with her dad where
she nearly spilled out of her
strapless gown.

As the president lifted his arm to twirl the 19-year-old, his cuff-link
accidentally caught the corner
of her top.

She quickly interrupted the move before anything untoward was revealed
-- but the moment was too
juicy for ABC's "This Week" to ignore.

The next day host Sam Donaldson led his inauguration report with the
awkward clip.

"The president says he's not a very good dancer," Donaldson intoned,
"and he went about proving it
last night."

Though Jenna looked none the worse for wear afterwards, ABC's focus on
the incident suggests that
a new media standard will be applied to the Bush girls.

Gone are the days of discretion when it comes to publishing
embarrassing pictures of first family
females (which not only protected Chelsea -- but covered a revealing
picture of Hillary snapped by an
Argentine photog during a 1996 South American sojourn).

Bush daughters beware -- the media's long lenses are trained on you
during your every public moment.


***Media Research Center CyberAlert***
   Tuesday January 23, 2001 (Vol. Six; No. 13)
  The 1,011th CyberAlert. Tracking Media Bias Since 1996

MRC on the Web: http://www.mediaresearch.org.

1) Monday night ABC, CBS and NBC characterized Bush's abortion
order as a "controversial" decision in which he "did something to
quickly please the right flank." But eight years ago to the day
Clinton's executive orders on abortion reflected how he had
"delivered on his campaign promise" by taking non-ideological
action which demonstrated how he "keeps his word."
2) A reporter lectured Ari Fleischer: "You're not really saying
that you believe that the way to build the spirt of bi-
partisanship is by wading into the issue of abortion on day one
are you?"
3) "Pretty well clued in" is how ABC's Charles Gibson assessed 3rd
and 4th graders who he wished to could vote after they urged Bush
to do liberal things, such as: "Get rid of guns," tell companies
to "stop cutting down the trees," give the homeless the "chance to
go to college" and "just be nice to the Democrats."
4) Even George Stephanopoulos was outraged by Clinton's pardon for
fugitive Marc Rich, prompting ABC to first highlight the story on
Sunday night. NBC caught up on Monday night.
5) The national media "ought to be ashamed" of how they portrayed
John Ashcroft "as some sort of right wing radical," Brit Hume
scolded on Fox News Sunday.
6) During the Golden Globe Awards ceremony broadcast on NBC Sunday
night, actor Martin Sheen praised Jesse Jackson: "You're still our
hero, and we need you now more than ever." Actor George Clooney
used his air time to take a shot John Ashcroft.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] 2 Klinton articles

2001-01-24 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Letter 'W' Missing From White House Keyboards

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush (news - web sites) has
lost his middle initial
from many computer keyboards at the Old Executive Office Building in
the White House complex.

In an apparent prank carried out by departing Clinton administration
staffers, Bush aides discovered
that dozens of computer keyboards were missing the ``W'' key.

Bush aides said on Tuesday that the W is marked out in some cases but
often the key has been
removed -- and sometimes taped on top of doorways -- or damaged with
the spring broken.

Bush made a big deal out of his middle initial during campaign rallies,
often holding up the middle
three fingers of his hand to form a W.

He would joke to crowds that if Vice President Al Gore (news - web
sites) was so smart, then why
does every Internet address start with a W. ''And not just one W. Three
Ws!'' he would exult.

Bush aides were working to repair or replace the keys.

Monday, Jan. 22, 2001 12:18 p.m. EST
Ex-First Lady Hillary Keeps No-Eye-Contact Rule

She may no longer be first lady. But even as a senator, Hillary
Clinton is apparently determined to keep her royal distance from us
A leading conservative columnist has now corroborated earlier
reports of Mrs. Clinton's reluctance to make eye contact with her
associates - and reveals that the behavior is ongoing.
In October NewsMax.com cited a report from WABC Talk Radio's Steve
Malzberg, who said a friend at another New York radio station
claimed that when Hillary dropped by for an interview, strict orders
were issued.
"No one is to make eye contact with the first lady," the source said
station employees were told.
In his book "Unlimited Access," former White House FBI agent Gary
Aldrich reported that a similar edict had been issued to White House
When one admiring aide who didn't get the word rushed up to meet her
Hillaryness, he was immediately rebuffed with an ice-cold stare that
let him know he was way out of line.
A friend, says Aldrich, explained the new rule to the crestfallen
"When 'Queen Hillary' walks down the hall, you're not supposed to
look at her. You're actually supposed to go into an office if there
is one nearby. She doesn't want staff 'seeing' her."
Now, renowned conservative columnist Robert Novak reports that Queen
Hillary's Senate colleagues are getting the same treatment.
"At the first session of the Senate Environment and Public Works
Committee attended by Sen. Hillary Clinton, a senior Republican
senator Wednesday tested the report that it is impossible to make
eye contact with her."
"He said the report turned out to be true," Novak wrote in his
Sunday column.

 All Rights Reserved © NewsMax.com

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Hate-Crime Myth

2001-01-24 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 Blank1/22/01 11:10 a.m.
 The Hate-Crime Myth
 People don’t save people. Guns save people.
 By Deroy Murdock, columnist with the Scripps Howard News Service

 If Matthew Shepard had a gun, he would be alive today.
 As a new and very sad MTV teledrama reminds us, the 21-year-old
 of Wyoming student was pistol-whipped, tied to a rural fence and left
 to die
 on October 7, 1998. Anatomy of a Hate Crime depicts Shepard as an
 scholar and his murderers as local delinquents who killed him in a
 aggravated by scorn for Shepard's homosexuality.
 A half-hour talk show that follows the TV movie presents numerous
 for hate-crimes legislation. But neither the film nor the discussion
 hints at the obvious: If Shepard were armed, he could have warded off
 assailants. Instead, he nearly froze in an open field and died five
 later of his injuries and exposure.
 Thankfully, there is no MTV telepic mourning a gay man named Tom. As
 National Journal's Jonathan Rauch reported, Tom (who withheld his
 and a male friend were walking through a dodgy part of San Jose,
 when a gang of 20 thugs began taunting them.
 "Hey, you f***ing faggots!" one of them yelled. "When we're done with
 they'll never find your bodies." Tom and his pal ran for their lives,
 the hoodlums in hot pursuit. Tom dug into his backpack and yanked out
 semi-automatic handgun. He stood beneath a streetlight brandishing
 weapon. His tormentors quickly retreated.
 "There's no question in my mind," Tom believes, "that my friend and I
 have been at least very seriously beaten, and maybe killed."
 Of course, gays are not the only Americans who would benefit from
 armed. James Byrd, the black man fatally dragged by three
 white supremacists, still might walk the streets of Jasper, Texas,
 had he
 carried a gun in June 1998. Had Yankel Rosenbaum packed a pistol in
 1991, the rabbinical student might have neutralized a mob of black
 that yelled "Kill the Jew" and "Heil Hitler" before Lemrick Nelson
 forward and fatally stabbed him in Brooklyn's Crown Heights district.
 Personal firearms likewise might have saved one or more of Hillside
 Strangler Angelo Buono's nine female victims or any of the 36 women
 serial killer Ted Bundy is suspected of having murdered.
 "The largest and fastest-growing group of purchasers of small
 cheap handguns, are single women, most of them minorities," National
 Association President Charlton Heston told me January 15, shortly
 after he
 received a lifetime achievement award from Manhattan's Congress of
 Equality. Heston spoke of women who return home to rough
 neighborhoods after
 working late hours. "Of course they want a gun in their purse when
 they get
 off the bus at 4:00 o'clock in the morning."
 John R. Lott Jr., Yale Law School researcher and author of More Guns,
 Crime, argues that if every state had a right-to-carry law, armed
 victims could have prevented 1,500 murders and 4,000 rapes between
 1992 and
 1998. Merely displaying guns deters some 1.96 million violent crimes
 annually, Lott estimates.
 Nonetheless, fashionable politicians and pundits prefer to fight
 bigotry with hate-crimes laws. Although attractive on their surface,
 measures create their own problems.
 First, "hate crime" is a truism. What exactly is a love crime?
 Second, suppose a racist spots a mixed couple and yells, "Die,
 before severely assaulting a black husband and his white wife.
 further that the accused is convicted and receives 20 years in jail
 for his
 attempted murder of a man of color while only getting 15 years for
 slaying his bride. Now pretend you're the trial judge. Try to tell
 woman's enraged relatives why she nearly was killed at a discount.
 Third, and most worrisome, hate-crimes laws are an unreliable
 against anyone so consumed with venom as to attack another for his
 sexuality, race, religion, or sex. If such statutes magically
 at-risk minorities from violence, they would be worthwhile. Alas,
 they are
 no defense at all.
 Far more promising is the adoption of state-level right-to-carry
 rules that
 would permit sane, law-abiding citizens to keep and bear handguns.
 Such a
 practical application of the Second Amendment would help racial,
 sexual and
 religious minorities — and even straight, white, Christian males — to
 protect themselves from those who would turn bias into bloodshed. In
 sense, Matthew Shepard, James Byrd, and Yankel Rosenbaum sadly
 something too often true. People don't save people. Guns save people.

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[CTRL] Fwd: What Rapists Look For In Female Targets (Self-defense)

2001-01-24 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 from http://www.sightings.com

 Important - What Rapists Look For In Female Targets

 Notes from a self-defense class for women...

 The guy who taught the class has a female friend who was attacked
 last year
 in the parking garage at Westport Plaza in St.
 Louis one night after work and taken to an abandoned house and raped.
 started a women's group and began teaching these
 classes soon after.  This guy is a black belt in karate and trains
 twice a
 year with Steven Segall.  He and the others in this group
 interviewed a bunch of rapists and date rapists in prison on what
 they look
 for.  Here are some interesting facts:

 The #1 thing men look for in a potential victim is hairstyle.  They
 are most
 likely to go after a woman with a ponytail, bun, braid or
 other hairstyle that can easily be grabbed.  They are also likely to
 after a woman with long hair.  Women with short hair are
 not common targets.  The second thing men look for is clothing.  They
 look for women whose clothing is easy to remove
 quickly.  The #1 outfit they look for is overalls.  Many of them
 scissors to cut clothing and overall straps can be easily cut.

 They also look for women on their cell phone, searching through their
 handbag, or doing other activities while walking.  Because
 they are off guard, they can be easily overpowered.  The time of day
 men are
 most likely to attack and rape a woman is in the
 early morning, between 5 
 8:30 a.m.  The number one place women are abducted from/attacked is
 store parking lots.  Number two is office parking
 Number three is public rest rooms.

 The thing about these men is that they are looking to grab a woman
 quickly move her to a second location where they don't
 getting caught.
 Only 2% said they carried weapons because rape carries a 3-5 year
 but rape with a weapon is 15-20 years.  If you put
 up any kind of a fight at all, they get discouraged.  It only takes a
 or two for them to realize that going after you isn't worth
 it because it will be time-consuming.  These men said they will not
 pick on
 women who have umbrellas, or other similar objects
 that can be used from a distance, in their hands.  Keys are not a
 because you have to get really close to the attacker to
 use them as a weapon.

 So, the idea is to convince these guys you're not worth it.  Several
 mechanisms he taught us are:

 * If someone is following behind you on a street or in a garage or
 with you
 in an elevator or stairwell, look him in the face and ask
 him a question, like what time is it, or make general small talk.  "I
 believe it is so cold out here; we're in for a bad winter."
 Now that you've seen his face and could identify them in a lineup,
 you lose
 appeal as a target.

 * If someone is coming toward you, hold out your hands in front of
 you and
 yell "Stop!" or "Stay back!" Most of the rapists this
 man talked to said they'd leave a woman alone if she yelled or showed
 she would not be an EASY target.  If you carry pepper
 spray, tell them.  (This instructor was a huge advocate of it because
 will be a deterrent.)

 * If someone grabs you, you can't beat him with strength but you can
 outsmarting him.  If he grabs your wrist, pull your wrist
 back so your hand is in waving position (palm facing forward) and
 twist it
 toward yourself and pull your arm away.  It is hard to
 hold onto wrist bones that are moving in that way.  He stumbles
 toward you
 and you stumble back, so you can use that
 momentum to bring the same hand out and backhand him with your
 knuckles in
 the forehead, nose or teeth.

 * If you are grabbed around the waist from behind, pinch the attacker
 under the arm between the elbow and armpit or in the
 upper inner thigh...HARD.  One woman in a class this guy taught told
 him she
 used the underarm pinch on a guy who was trying
 to date rape her and was so upset she broke through the skin and tore
 muscle strands -- the guy needed stitches.  Try
 pinching yourself in those places as hard as you can stand it.  It

 * After the initial hit, always go for the groin.  I know from a
 particularly unfortunate experience that if you slap a guy's balls
 to be graphic), it is extremely painful.  You might think that you'll
 the guy off and make him want to hurt you more, but the
 thing these rapists told our instructor is that they want a woman who
 not cause a lot of trouble.

 Start causing trouble and he's out of there.

 * When the guy puts his hands up to you, grab his first two fingers
 and bend
 them back as far as possible with as much pressure
 pushing down on them as possible.  The instructor did it to me
 without using
 much pressure and I ended up on my knees and
 both knuckles cracked audibly.  Of course the things we always hear
 apply.  Always be aware of your 

[CTRL] Fwd: WW: Make A Wish is anti-2nd Amendment

2001-01-24 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

This from a list I subscribe to.


 As you may or may not know, the Make-a-Wish foundation has become
 politically correct on the issue of guns. They no longer honor
 requests by
 terminally ill children who wish to participate in an activity

 The good news is that another organization has sprung up (started by
 Nugent) to replace this void. Please consider supporting "Hunt of a
 Lifetime." [ http://www.huntofalifetime.org/ ]

 "Hunt of a Lifetime" is a nonprofit organization that grants hunting
 fishing adventures to children who have been diagnosed with terminal
 or life
 threatening illnesses.

 We are making a difference.

 We need your help.

 Hunt of a Lifetime
 6297 Buffalo Road
 Harborcreek, PA 16421


 e-mail contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 How to contribute:

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[CTRL] HR 4855 would have protected IBT--End Withholding Tax

2001-01-24 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 Congressman Ron Paul calls for end to Withholding Tax Scheme

 December 12, 2000
 Congressman Ron Paul, 14th District of Texas, Calls for an End to
 Withholding Taxes
 Indiana Church is the Latest Victim of Outrageous Rules
 Washington, D.C. - Congressman Ron Paul today urged his colleagues on

 Capitol Hill to abolish the IRS withholding
 rules, as a Baptist congregation in Indiana faces seizure of its
 building for allegedly failing to participate in the withholding
 regime. Paul introduced the "Cost of Government Awareness Act" (HR
 earlier this year, which would eliminate the
 withholding tax deception and put an end to forced collection of
 taxes by employers. Recent national news stories
 centering on the plight of the Indiana Baptist Temple have sparked
 interest in Paul's legislation.
 "Had Congress passed my bill, the Baptist Temple might have been
 spared," Paul stated. "Instead we are about to
 witness an extraordinary and unprecedented event in U.S. history: the

 seizure of a church by federal agents because of a tax
 debt. The Temple, like an increasing number of private employers,
 objects to being forced to act as an agent for the IRS
 by collecting withholding taxes. It's a crime that the congregation
 lose its home because of a principled refusal based on
 religious faith to do the job of the IRS."
 Under current rules, all employers (including churches and non-profit

 organizations) must withhold income taxes from
 employee paychecks, resulting in a presumptive interest-free loan by
 employees to the Treasury. Employers spend huge sums
 and countless hours complying with the withholding scheme. Worst of
 taxpayers are deceived by the direct removal of taxes
 from their paychecks. "The government knows that the easiest way to
 Americans is by taking payments directly from their
 paychecks," Paul added. "The premise is that the taxpayer won't miss
 portion of his paycheck that he never gets."
 "It's time to end the deception of withholding taxes and stop forcing

 employers to act as IRS collection agents," Paul
 concluded. "The Indiana Baptist Temple unfortunately is just the
 victim of this terrible IRS practice. I want all employers,
 not just churches, to be free from rules which force them to act as

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[CTRL] Fw: Escaped Texas convict Larry Harper

2001-01-24 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

Note the last paragraphs...most suicides don't shoot themselves in the chest...

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 1:16 AM

 JANUARY 22, 23:27 EST

 4 of 7 Texas Escapees Are Arrested

 WOODLAND PARK, Colo. (AP) - Acting on a tip, authorities on Monday
 captured four of the seven convicts who broke out of a Texas prison
 nearly six weeks ago and allegedly gunned down a policeman on
 Christmas Eve.

 A fifth inmate killed himself inside a motor home that had been
 surrounded by authorities in this foothills community about 50 miles
 southwest of Denver.

 The whereabouts of the two other inmates were unknown. Authorities
 said they may have been in Woodland Park as recently as Sunday and may
 have left to get more money...

 The heavily armed inmates - including murderers, rapists and armed
 robbers - had puzzled and alarmed authorities by remaining together
 after bluffing their way out of prison Dec. 13. The slaying of the
 Dallas-area officer 11 days later only increased fears that the
 inmates might want to go out in a blaze of gunfire...

 Authorities said a weekend tip prompted by the show ``America's Most
 Wanted'' led to the capture. The show had featured the convicts four
 times since the escape, including the last three Saturday nights...

 The Texas Department of Criminal Justice said Rivas was captured with
 inmates Michael Rodriguez and Joseph Garcia. Authorities said inmate
 Larry Harper killed himself inside the motor home sometime after
 another convict, Randy Halprin, walked outside.

 Harper had wanted to speak to his father and authorities arranged for
 him to do so by cellphone, Fehn said. He was dead from a gunshot wound
 to the chest by the time the arrangements were made...

 Full story:


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Re: [CTRL] Ex-First Lady Hillary Keeps No-Eye-Contact Rule

2001-01-24 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

This sounds exactly like a story I read years ago about Diana Ross of
the Supremes.


kl wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-



 Monday, Jan. 22, 2001 12:18 p.m. EST

 Ex-First Lady Hillary Keeps No-Eye-Contact Rule

 She may no longer be first lady. But even as a senator, Hillary
 Clinton is apparently determined to keep her royal distance from us

 A leading conservative columnist has now corroborated earlier
 reports of Mrs. Clinton's reluctance to make eye contact with her
 associates - and reveals that the behavior is ongoing. In October
 NewsMax.com cited a report from WABC Talk Radio's Steve
 Malzberg, who said a friend at another New York radio station
 claimed that when Hillary dropped by for an interview, strict orders
 were issued.

 "No one is to make eye contact with the first lady," the source said
 station employees were told.

 In his book "Unlimited Access," former White House FBI agent
 Gary Aldrich reported that a similar edict had been issued to White
 House staff.

 When one admiring aide who didn't get the word rushed up to meet
 her Hillaryness, he was immediately rebuffed with an ice-cold stare
 that let him know he was way out of line.

 A friend, says Aldrich, explained the new rule to the crestfallen

 "When 'Queen Hillary' walks down the hall, you're not supposed to
 look at her. You're actually supposed to go into an office if there is
 one nearby. She doesn't want staff 'seeing' her."

 Now, renowned conservative columnist Robert Novak reports that
 Queen Hillary's Senate colleagues are getting the same treatment.
 "At the first session of the Senate Environment and Public Works
 Committee attended by Sen. Hillary Clinton, a senior Republican
 senator Wednesday tested the report that it is impossible to make
 eye contact with her."

 "He said the report turned out to be true," Novak wrote in his
 Sunday column.

 The real argument against aristocracy is that it
 always means the rule of the ignorant. For the most
 dangerous of all forms of ignorance is ignorance of
 work. - G. K. Chesterton, NY Sun 11-3-18

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Re: [CTRL] Al Martin

2001-01-24 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  Al Martin has some interesting things to say about Tom Spencer, Chairman of
the Miami Dade County Canvassing Board.  The entire article was posted on
CTRL on 1/12/01.  Excerpts only below.

  Disclaimer:  I don't know if this guy is the genuine article or not.  He
could be a whistleblower whose life is in danger, or he could be on the
inside pretending to be on the outside (like Ted Gunderson, IMO).



Have you heard about Tom Spencer, Chairman of the Miami Dade County
Canvassing Board? He was also the chief Republican observer in the voting
recount. He's been testifying before the Florida Supreme Court, and he claims
that he does not favor Republicans and he is completely impartial.

  This is the infamous Thomas Spencer, an attorney in private practice in
Miami called Spencer and Klein. Before going into private practice in 1974,
Spencer was originally the general counsel for the Department of Defense
under Nixon and Ford. His first client in Miami was Southern Air Transport.
In fact he has represented them for twenty years. He is also the personal
attorney of Major General Richard Secord.

  Southern Air Transport is, of course, the successor to Air America, the
infamous CIA Dope Airline that the CIA used for smuggling narcotics during
the Vietnam War.

  Southern Air Transport was also the airline that was used to facilitate
Oliver North's infamous guns-for-drugs operation during Iran-Contra. It was
founded by the infamous Fred Bachelor, who was famous for making the remark
publicly -- when asked about his political disposition -- that he was
"somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun."

  So now Spencer is claiming to be unbiased and not pro-Republican --
despite the fact that, for years, he represented Jeb Bush, George's younger
brother. He represented Jeb Bush personally and his company Bush Realty. He
also represented the Dade County Latin American Chamber of Commerce of which
Bush was the head.

  In the past Spencer represented the then CIA-financed Nicaraguan
President in Exile Adolfo Calero and Calero's younger brother, the CIA doper
Mario Calero.

  But Gore's attorneys won't bring any of this out. Why?

  Spencer could immediately talk about some the Democrats he's
represented, like Bob Graham, the powerful senator. Graham's skeletons in the
closet include Swissco Management in the 1980s when Graham entered into an
illegal tax free exchange of property, pursuant to the Graham family holdings
in north Florida. The Graham family are big ranchers and they own an enormous
amount of property. To avoid capital gains taxes, Graham entered into a
tax-free land swap with Swissco Management in 1984. Later it was deemed to be
illegal, and Graham got hit with a multi-million dollar levy from the IRS. By
the way, Swissco Management was headed by none other than Carlos Cardoen, the
Chilean arms dealer.

  Congressman Bill Alexander, during his 1990-92 Iran-Contra hearings,
called Tom Spencer "a slippery right wing cabalist." Alexander further paid
Tom Spencer, Esq. some accolades by calling him "one of Washington's best
Iran-Contra nay-sayers in Miami."

  By the way, Spencer is also mentioned in my book "The Conspirators."

  Spencer is now saying that Bush was ahead by six votes. And the Gore
people are saying that Gore was ahead by 19,000 votes. But for this guy --
the infamous Tom Spencer -- to claim he's impartial, it's absolutely

  Spencer. Terwilliger. Gray. This is the pact of perjurers on the Bush
Cheney Team. Don't forget here's George Terwilliger, a former arch right wing
cabalist questioning another arch right wing cabalist, Tom Spencer.

  Remember Terwilliger halted prosecutions of Spencer's former clients.
And here are these two guys, under oath in a court of law, who are both
attorneys at law, both of whom have been charged with lying to Congressional
Committtees in the past.

  George W. Terwilliger is the former Deputy Attorney General under Ed
Meese, who acted as the Political Liability Suppression Officer for the
Department of Justice in the post-Iran-Contra environment.

  Terwilliger, in concert with his sinister hatchet man Lowell Jensen
(now Federal District Judge Lowell Jensen) acted to suppress or manipulate
Iran-Contra prosecutions in sensitive jurisdictions, particularly in Miami to
ensure that no government connectuon would be mentioned.

  Lowell Jensen was the senior attorney with the Department of Justice,
the Associate Attorney Gerneral at the time. His reward for keeping his mouth
shut? He was made a Federal District Judge.

  Then you see Bush-Cheney's attorney and George Bush Sr.'s personal
attorney as well as presidential attorney C. Boyden Gray. He's the famous
"Charles Smith" of October Surprise scandal. His prominent facial feature,
i.e., his big nose, was remembered by hotel clerks in Paris and Madrid, and
it led to the 

Re: [CTRL] FYI--The Real Story of Rosa Parks

2001-01-24 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Kindred Spirit" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 There is no reason for you to be so rude to me and ask
 if I am stupid.  See that "FYI" in the subject line?
 That means "Forwarded for Your Information" and is a

Point of fact, "FYI" just means "For Your Information"; "Forwarded for Your 
Information" would be "Fwd FYI"...

And a "FYI" is not a disclaimer; it means just what it says, that it is something that 
is being forwarded from
elsewhere, and does not give any indication as to the opinion of the person who is 
forwarding the post.  That
person may indeed endorse the contents of the post, or disagree entirely with it; if 
the person doing the
forwarding does not indicate that they disagree with the contents, the usual thing is 
to presume that the
forwarder endorses the contents.

I suggest you find yourself a thicker skin if Nessie's post got under yours so easily; 
you should be able to
pick one up cheap on Ebay...


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Re: [CTRL] Carla Binion etc.

2001-01-24 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Tenorlove" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 In those 4 messages in the archives, a conversation took place between
 Samantha and Nessie. Nessie asked what Ms. Binion's URL was, and
 Samantha said Ms. Binion was not online. I thought you had to be online
 to enter AOL chat rooms. The messages in the archives, and the one that
 prompted my response, don't jibe. Go read them, maybe I missed

The answer regarding 'not being online' was in response to the question for Binion's 
URL; the answer implies
Ms. Binion does not have a website.

I also do not have a website, while I clearly have an email ID that would enable me to 
participate in online

So I would say that the answer that Ms. Binion is 'not online' was imprecise, as she 
clearly has an online
presence via an email ID, but not via a website...


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2001-01-24 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:

From: "Fiona West" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, January 21, 2001 4:27 AM

Rare Book Searches - Ruling Class/Conspiracy Experts: 
http://a-albionic.com/search.html * Conspiracy Shopping Cart: 
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Subj:Fw: you must respond
Date:   1/15/01 5:19:29 PM US Eastern Standard Time
Will all those who feel powerless to change things please signify by
maintaining their usual silence.
A bill is being drawn up which will be appended to a complicated  HMO bill
which will not be controversial.  Both sides of the aisle want to reign in
some of the abuses of the HMOs.  So far, so good.  If this bill slips
through the F.D.A. will be empowered to regulate natural (herbal) products.
 Yep, you will need a prescription to get your echinacea, etc.  It would
devastate the health food industry while lining the pockets of physicians.
We have the email addresses of all of the Senators and Congressmen.
We wrote some unique software which can send an email to each legislator.
The email appears to have come from you.  It is tempting to just do it but,
without your permission, that would be deceptive and downright unethical.
With our large subscriber base we can probably stop this outrage in its
tracks.  Imagine a legislator receiving 30+ thousand emails demanding that
this nefarious appendage be removed from what is otherwise a good bill.
If you share our conviction that herbs remain unregulated then all you must
do is :
1.   Send and E-Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2.   Type "Herbs - A prescription item? in the Subject Box
3.   Type OK in the text box
   (The OK will give Jon your permission for him to send an e-mail to
all senators and congressmen asking them to remove the clause in the new
bill that will require us to have a prescription to buy herbs.)
If you will take a few minutes and forward this to your friends, or post on
a news/discussion group we will gain thousands of new voices.
If you choose not to respond, then perhaps you have no problem with paying
your physician $50 or more for a prescription for your favourite herbal
Thank You.
Jill Jaynes

A-albionic's Books Can Be Browsed and Purchased  Conveniently in the Shopping 
Cart at http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html Misc On-Line Shopping 
http://a-albionic.com/ads/srch.html *

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.html

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Escaped Texas convict Larry Harper

2001-01-24 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/24/01 9:06:23 AM Central Standard Time,

 Note the last paragraphs...most suicides don't shoot themselves in the

  Interestingly, women who commit suicide are most likely to shoot themselves
in the chest (according to several police posting to an 'ACSR Test Your
Knowledge' site).

  Caution:  there is a graphic photo when the page is opened.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-01-24 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  I have two problems with this.  First, there are no specifics about the
bill, i.e., sponsors, bill number, etc.  Second, who would be dumb enough to
send permission to forward a letter in their name before reading the letter?


In a message dated 1/24/01 10:15:11 AM Central Standard Time,

  Will all those who feel powerless to change things please signify by
  maintaining their usual silence.
  A bill is being drawn up which will be appended to a complicated  HMO bill
  which will not be controversial.  Both sides of the aisle want to reign in
  some of the abuses of the HMOs.  So far, so good.  If this bill slips
  through the F.D.A. will be empowered to regulate natural (herbal) products.
   Yep, you will need a prescription to get your echinacea, etc.  It would
  devastate the health food industry while lining the pockets of physicians.
  We have the email addresses of all of the Senators and Congressmen.
  We wrote some unique software which can send an email to each legislator.
  The email appears to have come from you.  It is tempting to just do it but,
  without your permission, that would be deceptive and downright unethical.
  With our large subscriber base we can probably stop this outrage in its
  tracks.  Imagine a legislator receiving 30+ thousand emails demanding that
  this nefarious appendage be removed from what is otherwise a good bill.
  If you share our conviction that herbs remain unregulated then all you must
  do is :
  1.   Send and E-Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  2.   Type "Herbs - A prescription item? in the Subject Box
  3.   Type OK in the text box
 (The OK will give Jon your permission for him to send an e-mail to
  all senators and congressmen asking them to remove the clause in the new
  bill that will require us to have a prescription to buy herbs.)

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 2 media bias articles

2001-01-24 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/24/2001 9:43:00 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 In fact, the self-censorship was so strict that in 1993, when Saturday
 Night Live made fun of
 the-then thirteen year-old's looks, the show followed up with an
 immediate apology. 

Their stuff couldn't have been a patch on the conversation I heard between
Rush Limbaugh and one of his associates that took place back in the days even
before Clinton was elected as president.  I was in the car going somewhere.
I think Chelsea was still twelve.  I said, "No man who tells a twelve year
old girl she is ugly deserves an audience.  I will never listen to him
again."  I turned him off, and I have carefully kept my word.  I can't say I
didn't miss listening, since I have always thought that Limbaugh's bungee
condom commercials were the funniest thing I've heard on radio for many
years, but I'll just have to go without.  Prudy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] JWR: O'Reilly: I have been investigating Jackson's finances for

2001-01-24 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/24/01 8:15:29 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The man has never been elected
  to any office, never has accomplished anything of note (except smear
  Martin Luther King's blood on his shirt AFTER King was dead.)


In 1984, for example, Reverend Jackson secured the release of captured Navy
Lieutenant Robert Goodman from Syria, as well as the release of 48 Cuban and
Cuban-American prisoners in 1984. He was the first American to bring hostages
out of Kuwait and Iraq in 1990.

In 1990, in an impressive victory, Reverend Jackson was elected to the post
of U.S. Senator from Washington, D.C., a position also known as "Statehood
Senator." The office was created to advocate for statehood for the District
of Columbia, which has a population higher than five states yet has no voting
representation in Congress.


In 1989 Jackson took residency in Washington, D.C., and in 1990, when the
Washington City Council created two unpaid offices of "statehood
senator"--popularly called "shadow senator"--to lobby the U.S. Congress for
statehood for the District of Columbia, Jackson won election to one of the
posts, his first elective office.

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Re: [CTRL] A DANGEROUS SITUATION by Whitley Strieber

2001-01-24 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

(Whitley does not give permission to send his articles in their entirety.
Please see the web page for the full story).

01/23/01: A DANGEROUS SITUATION by Whitley Strieber



"I am sitting here stunned. I have just found out that the climate is
changing much faster than scientists used to think. The extraordinary process
of sudden climate change is not somewhere down the road. It is staring us
right in the face. What is worse, we are absolutely unprepared."

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] =?x-unknown?q?MH=3A_Staff_opposed_=5Biso-8859-1=5D_Eli=E1n_seiz?==?x-unknown?q?ure_?=

2001-01-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Published Wednesday, January 24, 2001, in the Miami Herald

Staff opposed Elián seizure

Backlash feared, INS e-mails reveal


In the weeks leading up to the seizure of Elián González, some
local employees of the Immigration and Naturalization Service
expressed grave concerns about a raid on the boy's Miami home,
saying it would be a ``black day for the nation,'' according to
INS memos cited in a lawsuit against the federal government.

In one of the memos, an INS special agent implies that Miami
Police were involved in the operation at least 11 days before the
April 22 raid to reunite the 6-year-old Cuban boy with his
father.  The city's role was to provide ``outer security'' during
the seizure, according to the e-mail.

Former Miami Police Chief William O'Brien said at the time that
he was not aware of the exact timing of the raid on the Little
Havana home of the boy's relatives until the afternoon before it
was executed.

This new information came to light Tuesday as U.S.  District
Judge Federico Moreno issued an order requiring a labor attorney
for some INS employees to reveal their names as part of the civil
suit by Elián's Miami relatives against the government.

The attorney, Donald Appignani, works for the union representing
the workers.

He had turned over two internal INS e-mails to lawyers
representing Elián's Miami relatives.

Appignani said Tuesday night that he had not made up his mind
whether to comply with the judge's order or appeal it.

He has cooperated with the González family's lawyers by providing
the initial deposition that accused the INS of destroying
sensitive Elián-related documents, e-mails and other information.

He also brought to light a post-raid INS souvenir, a coffee-cup
holder, that was seen as derogatory toward the exile community.

The two April 12 e-mails -- all between INS employees who are
members of the American Federation of Government Employees, Local
1458 -- reveal that some Miami INS employees thought the raid
might put district employees ``at risk of serious public
reprisals,'' such as the public criticism following a 1998 INS
raid on a West Dade flower warehouse.

In the e-mail to the union's national office, Jose M.  Touron
Jr., the Miami local's vice president, said the INS employees
thought the boy should get an asylum hearing, contrary to the
INS's official stand to reunite him with his Cuban father.

``If INS intentions against the child Elián González is carried
out, it will be a black day for the nation,'' Touron wrote to the
union's national officers, including President William King,
based in Orlando.

He also copied then-INS Commissioner Doris Meissner, INS District
Director Robert Wallis and other agency officials.

Touron, speaking on behalf of INS Special Agent David Wallace,
the Miami local's shop steward, urged the union's national
officers ``to speak up'' against any plan to take the boy by


``You cannot remain silent on this issue,'' wrote Touron, an
immigration inspector at Miami International Airport.  ``If INS
is still stubborn and still insist[s] on going down the path of
political destruction, we should care for our employees and their
security and security of their families.''

In another e-mail, Wallace told Touron that as of April 11, the
plan to reunite Elián with his father would involve Miami Police,
U.S.  marshals and INS agents.  He said the information was
provided by his first-line supervisor, Phil Warfield, and
confirmed with an agent from the U.S. Border Patrol office in
Pembroke Pines.

``So far all of this plan has been verbal, no written plan has
been provided,'' wrote Wallace, who Appignani said was demoted
over the e-mail.  ``All agents are expected to be at work on
Thursday, April 13, 2000.  No leave will be authorized for that

The night before, Attorney General Janet Reno had met with the
González family at the Miami Beach home of Sister Jeanne
O'Laughlin to discuss turning over Elián peacefully.  But Lázaro
González, the boy's great-uncle, refused to budge on her request.


On April 13, the government gave official notice ordering
González to surrender the boy at 10 a.m.  at Opa-locka Airport.
He defied that order as hundreds of Cuban exiles gathered outside
his Little Havana home, including celebrities Gloria Estefan and
Andy Garcia.

González family attorney Frank Quintero said the two INS e-mails
show there was ``dissension'' among immigration employees about
the government's planned raid and that the Miami Police were
involved in its strategic planning earlier than first thought.

He also said the e-mails show the negotiations between the boy's
Miami lawyers and the Department of Justice were a ``hoax.''

``They were buying time to finish getting ready for the raid,''
Quintero said.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: What Rapists Look For In Female Targets (Self-defense)

2001-01-24 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/24/2001 9:48:20 AM Eastern Standard Time,

  The #1 thing men look for in a potential victim is hairstyle.  They
  are most
  likely to go after a woman with a ponytail, bun, braid or
  other hairstyle that can easily be grabbed.  They are also likely to
  after a woman with long hair. 

I used to work in a place where we also employed two deaf mute women.  One of
them was really pretty, but she didn't live where she was accessible.  The
other wasn't much to look at, but every few months she would come in with
huge bruises, usually on her upper arms.  She lived in a rather dark and poor
neighborhood.  She took the bus back and forth to work.  The attacks
invariably took place when she got off the bus (she worked second shift)
about ll:00 p.m. or probably ll:30, because it took a while for her bus to
arrive at her stop.  The bus would leave and she would start the block or so
to get to her house.  To my knowledge she was never successfully raped,
because she could make sound.  When she was grabbed, her screams were
amazingly loud, discordant and spine chilling.  The scum would drop her and
run.  My distinct impression from knowing this woman is that what rapists are
looking for in female targets is what wolves look for when they're hunting
food.  They want an easy mark and the more vulnerable the better.  Rapists
aren't looking for beauty or a sexually exciting worman.  They want somebody
they can hurt and they don't want to get caught.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] NM: Hubbell Angry Over Missing Clinton Pardon

2001-01-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I find it hard to believe that Clinton was southernsome say his
father or was it mother was black - some say he has a black son running
around like Jesse Jackson's little bastard child (legal term)..

Some wonder what his real name really is - for it was not Clinton, and
it was proven Thomas Jefferson fathered no illegitimate child by the
slave, what was her name - DNA tests ruled this out, after chaos was
created and divorces were filed by the white side not wanting to be
related to a black Jefferson.

Some say Clinton was a Manchurian Candidate and this, I believe.one
has but to look at the people appointed during his term in office - like
Reno and Albright, to further understand what this man was.

Blacks loved Clinton, but then Clinton if he is not a black man, acts
like one - Jesse move over, now you both belong to the ages...


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Re: [CTRL] McVeigh's execution date

2001-01-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Kansan:  Could you send that stuff on McVeigh; before Oklahoma, I had
received some information that figures into this stuff and even links to
Halle Bopp Heaven's Gate.

For McVeigh somehow I believe, thought he was working for official
intelligence source; now, how did ADL and Morris Dees know this Murrah
Building was to be blown up?

Why did they just notify BATF and FBI and ONE judge - and this one judge
would be the one that Dees spoke to shortly before and after the crime

Now the idea was to blame this on the Arabs - right?  Only McVeigh, who
was not too bright face it, with a chin like Jay Leno was easy target to
find maybe?   Or maybe to draw picture for a wanted ad?

Loot to World Trade Center and then question why nobody has ever tried
to blow up UN building .see little Buford leaving neo nazi
literature to find.and the Littleton kids called neo nazis until it
was released Klebon was jewish and his great grandfather - well need I
say more?

So big question is this - why did they leave the little babies in the
cribs to be blown up and why wasn't everybody told that this was a very
bad date.

Remember the USS Liberty?   Think about that one, and remember - the
idea is to hate the arab domestic leaders..so they said Terrorists
blew up the Murrah Building- well I think a Samsom was inside standing
between two pillars of the major foundation who planted the big boom in
this building and it ws an inside job.

Maybe look for maintenance workers with big drum like waste baskets?
But then, that is an old trick or is it?

Maybe look at the maintenance workers at Littleton for those propane
tanks had to be brought in after house.but then that building did
not blow as it was intended.

So Kansan anyway you can reproduce that item and mail it?   There is one
man with whom many acts of violence seem to be connected - he uses the
JFK assassination to get in the limelight but he also leads people to
wrong side of horsehe is a man that we know who he is not not what
he really is.CIA lawyer, always one who gets away.

Thanks in advance if this is possible Kansansomehow I think the CIA
is way ahead of these rascals now and when you are out, you are
out..hate to kick a man when he is down, but Clinton - would still
like to give him a double boot off this planet/

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Re: [CTRL] Tom Bearden: Scalar Electromagnetics and Weather Control

2001-01-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Thank you Michael, for this is the man who knows.imagine he has made
powerful enemies but he survives.

When I first heard of him it was 1986 - an individual sent me some of
his stuff because of a letter I had written to the Editor - and I was
surrounded by all this greenhouse stuff - but the Editor of the
newspaper was I am sure, aware of the truth, for WBNS TV weatherman sure
was as he he the one (now retired but alive) who told me that nobody in
that program wanted to hurt anybody, and it had been classified since

Then I read the material this individual sent to me and a man associated
with Battelle told me if I was going to get into this stuff, I should
use proper term - not weather control, was then called weather

Bearden is the expert and the only one with the intestinal fortitute to
speak the truth with great knowledge and experience to back up anything
he says.

Assume he may have been with Red Stone at one time where I had relative
who worked with von Braun years ago as we raced to the moon.

Bet the Colonel knows who sabotaged the Apollo but then, nobody is


Bearden knew of the Russian trawlers who took off after Challenger blew
up...kind of like the Mafia blowing up an automobile by remotoe
control after inside plants the C4 is it?

Anyway one of my heros is Colonel Bearden and another hero always, will
be John Glenn, American and Boy Scout - for both are made of the right

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Re: [CTRL] NM: Hubbell Angry Over Missing Clinton Pardon

2001-01-24 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

On 24 Jan 2001, at 13:38, Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I find it hard to believe that Clinton was southernsome say
 his father or was it mother was black - some say he has a black son
 running around like Jesse Jackson's little bastard child (legal

IIR, DNA tests didn't support the relationship to the supposed son.

 Some wonder what his real name really is - for it was not Clinton,

He was born William Jefferson Blair.  A step father named Clinton
adopted him.


If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of
servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom,
go home from us in peace.  We seek not your counsel, nor your arms.
Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you.  May your
chains set lightly upon you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
- Samuel Adams, speech at the Philadelphia State House, August 1, 1776.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States

2001-01-24 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "New Paradigms Posts" at:

Subject: Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States

Hash: SHA1

America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization

September 7, 2000

Alert:  New Group Targets Police State Policies in America

Totally new and ready to go - the organization dedicated to
stopping and reversing America's steady drift toward a police
state. It's Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States - we
call it CCOPS.

What is a police state? Basically, you have a police state when
you have a large central government power structure that tells
the people what to do. In a police state, you are required to
do certain things - and you are prohibited from doing most
anything else. You live in fear of failing to do what's
required, and of being caught for doing something that's not

Aren't all governments like that? No. The Founders' vision was
a government that protected the rights of individual citizens
to life, liberty and property. They built a nation of laws that
established the rules of the game in which free people function
and interact voluntarily. That means freedom in the home,
freedom in the marketplace, freedom in your backyard. A society
with a limited government, whose job is to keep the peace among
free people, is not a police state.

What does CCOPS do? CCOPS has one broad purpose: to oppose the
formation of police states anywhere in the world. It especially
focuses on the United States and North America, because that is
where CCOPS is based.  Opposing police states and preventing
them from arising are powerful ways to protect every
individual's rights to life, liberty, property and the pursuit
of happiness.

Why was CCOPS formed? CCOPS is not limited to charitable or
educational functions, so CCOPS can advocate or criticize
legislation and political candidates. While JPFO remains
dedicated by law to its vital educational purpose, CCOPS can
charge onto the battlefield on many issues without legal
concerns forced upon us by the government.

CCOPS bought its freedom from government control by giving up
the tax exempt charitable/educational status. People have
clamored for JPFO to take positions on political issues and
candidates, but JPFO must not do that. CCOPS can - CCOPS will.

Does America need CCOPS? Absolutely yes. At this moment CCOPS
is gathering together the data showing how America's society
and government are taking on the qualities of a police state.

Speech codes. Political correctness. Persecution of disfavored
minorities. Central government dictating the details of the
lives and conduct of private citizens. Agencies developing
technology and arming agents to track, snoop, restrict, license,
tax, regulate, register and harass the citizens. Campaigns of
coordinated disinformation. Destruction of core values that
support individual liberty by engines of the state.

CCOPS changes the way people see the problem. Most Americans
don't know anything about the Bill of Rights. Showing that
government edict or program violates the Bill of Rights doesn't
seem to excite too many Americans. But whether they consider
themselves leftist or rightist, nearly all Americans will
understand when CCOPS unmasks a "police state policy." And
that's exactly how CCOPS can generate public outrage - and

Does CCOPS attack police officers? No. CCOPS applauds the
police officers who carry out their vital duties to keep
the peace in our society. CCOPS welcomes and actively seeks
members from the ranks of the police and military services.
When necessary, CCOPS will not hesitate to expose individuals
who trample our Bill of Rights.

Most of the men and women who serve as peace officers and in
the armed forces understand their key role in our society, and
they respect the limits of their duties. The more these people
understand how a free society operates and the dangers of a
police state, the safer we all become with their help.

Why should people join CCOPS? To take a stand against police
state policies. To stop Big Brother before he moves in
permanently. To combat the fascist and socialist ideas that
underlie the seemingly endless expansion of big government.
To protect ourselves, our children and our nation from the
horrors that befall a land that allows itself to become a
police state.

If you are against Sarah Brady, Charlie Schumer and other
freedom-haters, then you are for CCOPS. You must choose:
Will it be a police state? Or will it be an America run
for and by the Bill of Rights?

Join us. Sign up today. Click on http://www.ccops.org/

Thank you,

Aaron Zelman

P.S.: Be sure to sign up for the CCOPS internet e-mail alerts.
Many CCOPS messages will be too political for JPFO to send.
The only source of all CCOPS 


2001-01-24 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

- Original Message - 
From: Mike Clark 

Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 8:45 PM
Subject: DavidIcke2000 RE: SATANIC RITUALS AT THE 40 FOOT 
 I got this 
information from the last 2 nights shortwave 
interviews with former FBI AGENT TED 
PAUL BONACCI now 32 years old was A MEMBER OF THE 
be purchased by going to 
 Bonacci that this ritual which occurred 
approximately 20 years ago was held at the 
feet of the 40 FOOT GREAT OWL OF MOLECH. 
TO http://www.raven1.net/ra1.htm 
Gunderson says there are approximately 3,000,000 practicing 
 Satanists in the United States who 
interface with a large number in the 
reported in 1995 that 100,000  American 
children disappear every year to NEVER BE 
Mike from dallas

Choose 3 DVDs for $0.49 each!

[CTRL] Colombian Woes to Overshadow Bush Focus on Americas

2001-01-24 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Rueters - January 23, 2001

Colombian Woes to Overshadow Bush Focus on Americas

By Anthony Boadle

A looming war between ''narco-guerrillas'' and U.S.-trained troops in
Colombia will complicate President George W. Bush (news - web sites)'s
desire for better ties with Latin America, military experts said on Tuesday.

They said Bush inherited a questionable strategy of U.S. military aid for a
Colombian offensive against drug plantations protected by Marxist rebels
that is expected to flare up into protracted fighting.

The military emphasis of the U.S.-backed Plan Colombia has distanced
European allies and annoyed Latin American countries who fear the conflict
will spill over Colombia's borders.

Bush signaled a new focus on Latin America by announcing that his first trip
abroad will be to Mexico to meet President Vicente Fox at his ranch in
February. He intends to push ahead with the negotiation of a hemispheric
free trade pact at a summit of leaders of the Americas in Quebec in April.

But the Colombian crisis will likely submerge all other issues, said
military strategy professor Max Manwaring of the U.S. Army War College at
Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

``The Bush administration is going to find Colombia is its most immediate
and greatest challenge,'' Manwaring said.

``As the problem deteriorates in Colombia and then overflows into the
neighboring countries, regional stability and the prospect of free trade
will be affected,'' he said.

Last year Congress approved a Clinton Administration request for $1.3
billion to back Plan Colombia, hoping it would crush the main source of
cocaine sold on U.S. streets.

The spraying of defoliant herbicide on coca plantations in southern Putumayo
province has begun and will intensify later this year with delivery by the
United States of 14 Blackhawk helicopters to deploy three Colombian army

The troops are being trained to take on the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia (FARC), which has been fighting the government since the 1960s and
is now flush with cash from the narcotics trade.

Intractable Conflict

Involvement of U.S. ground troops in Colombia is out of the question, the
experts said, but throwing money and military hardware there is no way to
solve an intractable conflict that has roots in half a century of rural

The Bush Administration is expect to continue the policy.

``They will, not because it solves anything, but because pulling the plug at
this point will only make the situation worse than ever,'' said Professor
Richard Mallet, of the Marine Corps University, at Quantico, Virginia.

Mallet said the bloody conflict, involving leftist rebels, right-wing
paramilitaries and government forces, is a political struggle with a
military dimension that can only be resolved politically, with emphasis on
social and economic development.

U.S. helicopters will give the Colombian army more mobility but will not
defeat the guerrillas or force them to negotiate peace, he said.

U.S. military officials are convinced that the FARC are buying
shoulder-fired rockets that will make the Blackhawk helicopters vulnerable.

``The Somalis fired them at our Blackhawks and brought down a couple. If
they could do that in an urban environment, it will be even easier in the
Colombian jungle,'' said Mallet.

Manwaring said the Clinton Administration did a bad job explaining Plan
Colombia to the American public and its allies in Europe and Japan, who have
been reluctant to donate funds.

The Clinton Administration also failed to get other Latin American nations
involved in solving the Colombian crisis.

``We are finding growing dissatisfaction and disenchantment with Plan
Colombia, because it looks like a military operation, and so far that is
what it is,'' Manwaring said.

Best Man For Job

The Bush Administration have at least started off on the right foot by
choosing the best man to advise the White House on Colombia, the experts

Career diplomat and former ambassador to Venezuela, John Maisto, was chosen
to be National Security Council advisor for inter-American affairs.

Maisto was charge d'affaires in Panama during the 1989 U.S. invasion to
topple dictator Manuel Noriega. He also dealt with the Sandinistas as
ambassador to Nicaragua and more recently with Venezuelan populist president
Hugo Chavez, an opponent of U.S. military aid to Plan Colombia.

Since last year Maisto has been advising the U.S. Southern Command, which is
responsible for training the Colombian army battalions for the anti-drug

``For starters, they have the best man for the job,'' said Mallet. ``Maisto
knows there are no quick and easy fixes.''

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[CTRL] Fwd: UN DOD Host Climate, Ozone Protection Conference

2001-01-24 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001
Subject:  U.N., U.S. Host Climate, Ozone Protection Conference

NEWS RELEASE from the United States Department of Defense

No. 036-01
January 23, 2001


  The Department of Defense announced today that it will co-host,
 along with the United Nations Environment Programme and the United States
 Environmental Protection Agency, a conference on Feb. 6-8, 2001, in
 Brussels, Belgium, that will focus on "The Importance of Military
 Organizations in Stratospheric Ozone and Climate Protection."  More than
 100 senior military and environmental officials, industry experts, and
 representatives of environmental organizations from more than 35
 countries will participate.
  Conference participants plan to increase their understanding of the
 importance of phasing out ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and protection
 of the climate, including the implications of environmental risk on
 national security.  They also will exchange experiences of military
 environmental protection programs and promote commitment by military
 officials to implement internal ODS management and climate protection programs.
  On Thursday, Feb. 8, a special breakout session will discuss
 methodologies and good inventory practices for separately reporting
 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from multilateral operations pursuant to
 the United Nations Charter, as required by Decision 2 of the Third
 Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on
 Climate Change.
  The Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal
 Protocol is financially supporting the ozone component of the
 workshop.  The conference is also supported by the Australian Department
 of Defence, the Center for International Environmental Law, the Climate
 Institute, Department of National Defence Canada, Environment Australia,
 Environment Canada, the Institute for Defense Analyses, the International
 Cooperative for Environmental Leadership, the United Kingdom Ministry of
 Defence, and the United Kingdom Department of Environment, Transport and
 the Regions.

  For more information, see the conference Web site at
  Media queries may be directed to Navy Lt. David Gai at (703) 697-3189.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Study Calls for Greater Use of Micropower

2001-01-24 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-



Study Calls for Greater Use of Micropower

Today's giant coal and nuclear power plants are failing to provide the
high-quality, reliable electricity needed to power the new digital economy,
according to a new report from the Worldwatch Institute, a Washington,
DC-based research organization.
Power interruptions due to the vulnerability of central power plants and
transmission lines cost the United States as much as $80 billion annually.
"We're beginning the 21st century with a power system that cannot take our
economy where it needs to go," said Seth Dunn, author of Micropower: The
Next Electrical Era. "The kind of highly reliable power needed for today's
economy can only be based on a new generation of micropower devices now
coming on the market. These allow homes and businesses to produce their own
electricity, with far less pollution."
The new micropower technologies, which include fuel cells, microturbines,
and solar roofing, are as small as one-millionth the scale of today's coal
or nuclear plants, and produce little if any of the air pollution of their
larger cousins. Already, the multi-billion-dollar potential of the market
for micropower has sent investors scrambling to buy into some of the new
companies, sending their share prices soaring earlier this year.
One group of micropower technologies generates electricity by combustion.
Reciprocating engines, traditionally fueled by diesel oil and once used
largely for backup power, are increasingly fueled by natural gas and run
throughout much of the day. Microturbines, advanced gas turbines derived
from aerospace jet engines, are just starting to be mass-produced, shipped
by the hundreds, and installed in drugstores, restaurants, and other U.S.
commercial buildings. Stirling engines, which can run on wood chips and
even solar heat, are becoming popular in European homes.
Other micropower systems rely on processes that do not involve combustion.
Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that combine hydrogen and oxygen to
produce electricity and water. Several hundred fuel cells are already
operating worldwide, and will become commercially available for homes in
the next one to two years.
Solar cells, or photovoltaics (PV), which use sunlight falling on
semiconductor chips to produce electric current, have already entered the
residential and commercial building market in nations such as Japan and
Germany, and for off-grid use in developing nations. Wind power, the most
cost-competitive renewable energy technology, is poised for rapid expansion
in rural plains and offshore regions. Small geothermal, microhydro, and
biomass systems also hold important roles in the emerging decentralized
electricity system.
These small-scale generators have numerous advantages over large-scale
power plants. Located close to where they are used, small-scale units can
save electricity consumers millions of dollars by avoiding costly new
investments in central power plants and distribution systems.
Micropower can also save homeowners and businesses millions of dollars by
lowering the threat of power outages and subsequent lost productivity. An
electricity grid with many small generators is inherently more stable than
a grid served by only a few large plants. Banks, hospitals, restaurants,
and post offices have been among the early adopters of micropower systems
as a way to reduce their vulnerability to power interruptions. The First
National Bank of Omaha, in Omaha, Nebraska, for example, responded to a
costly computer system crash in 1997 by hooking its processing center up to
two fuel cells that provide 99.% reliability.
Use of more efficient combustion-based micropower systems, relying
primarily on natural gas, will substantially lower emissions of
particulates, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and heavy metals. These
reductions would range from 50 to 100 percent, depending on the technology
and pollutant.
The use of wind, solar power, and fuel cells fueled by hydrogen can also
help reduce global carbon dioxide emissions, one third of which come from
electricity generation. In the United States, widespread adoption of
micropower could cut U.S. power plant carbon dioxide emissions in half. In
developing nations, small-scale power could lower carbon emissions by 42
percent relative to large-scale systems.
Micropower will allow developing countries to leapfrog to power sources
that are cheaper and cleaner than building more coal or nuclear plants and
extending existing transmission lines. Many of these countries lose the
equivalent of 20 to 50 percent of their total power generated through leaks
in their transmission and distribution systems. In rural regions, where 1.8
billion people still lack access to electrical services, small-scale
systems are already economically superior to the extension of transmission
lines, and environmentally preferable to 

[CTRL] The Ex-Cons: Right-Wing Thinkers Go Left!

2001-01-24 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

The Ex-Cons


Right-Wing Thinkers Go Left!

by Corey Robin
February 2001

ACCORDING TO POPULAR MYTH it was Winston Churchill who said, "any man under
thirty who is not a liberal has no heart, and any man over thirty who is
not a conservative has no brains." He didn't say it, but his imprimatur
turned a clever quip of uncertain provenance into an axiom of political
biography: Radicalism is a privilege of youth, conservatism a
responsibility of age, and every thinking person eventually surrenders the
first for the second. From Max Eastman to Eugene Genovese, Whittaker
Chambers to Ronald Radosh, intellectuals migrate from left to right almost
as if obeying a law of nature.

Or do they? After all, John Stuart Mill published his feminist classic The
Subjection of Women when he was sixty-three. In the last ten years of his
life, Diderot blasted France as the reincarnation of imperial Rome and
hailed the American Revolution as a repudiation of European tyranny. And
when George Bernard Shaw addressed the question of politics and aging, he
suggested just the opposite of what Churchill is supposed to have said.
"The most distinguished persons," Shaw wrote in 1903, "become more
revolutionary as they grow older."

SINCE THE end of the Cold War, several prominent conservatives have
followed Shaw's prescription and turned left.  Michael Lind, once a top
editor at Irving Kristol's The National Interest, has denounced his
previous allies for prosecuting a "class war against wage-earning
Americans"; their market-driven theories, he writes, are "unconvincing,"
their economic policies "appalling." Arianna Huffington, erstwhile
confederate of Newt Gingrich, now inveighs against a United States where
the great majority is "left choking on the dust of Wall Street's galloping
bulls." Glenn Loury, an economist and former neoconservative darling,
sports the signature emblem of left membership: He has become one of Norman
Podhoretz's ex-friends. But today's most flamboyant expatriates are an
Englishman, John Gray, and a Jewish migr from Transylvania, Edward Luttwak.

In the 1970s, John Gray was a rising star of the British New Right.  An
Oxford-trained political philosopher, he penned prose poems to the free
market, crisscrossed the Atlantic to fuel up on the high-octane
libertarianism of American right-wing think tanks, and, says a longtime
friend, enthralled his comrades late into the night with visions of the
coming "anarcho-capitalist" utopia. But after the Berlin Wall collapsed,
Gray defected. First he criticized the Cold War triumphalism of Francis
Fukuyama's "end of history" thesis and counseled against scrapping
Britain's National Health Service. And then in 1998, from his newly
established position as professor of European thought at the London School
of Economics (LSE), he handed down False Dawn, a ferocious denunciation of
economic globalization. Assailing the "shock troops of the free market,"
Gray warned that global capitalism could "come to rival" the former Soviet
Union "in the suffering that it inflicts." Now he is a regular contributor
to The Guardian and New Statesman, Britain's principal left venues. So
profound is his conversion that no less a figure than Margaret Thatcher has
reportedly wondered, "Whatever became of John Gray? He used to be one of us."

And what of Edward Luttwak? He was one of Ronald Reagan's premier court
intellectuals, a brilliant military hawk who mercilessly criticized liberal
defense policies and provided the philosophical rationale for the American
military buildup of the 1980s. Liberal critics called him Crazy Eddie, but
cutting a figure that was part Dr.  Strangelove and part Dr. Zhivago,
Luttwak effortlessly parried their arguments, pressing the Cold War toward
its conclusion. Today, he is disillusioned by victory. He finds the United
States a capitalist nightmare, "a grim warning" to leaders seeking to
unleash free-market forces in their own countries. Deploying the same
acerbic wit he once lofted against liberal peaceniks, he mocks the
"Napoleonic pretensions" of American business leaders, challenges the
conventional wisdom that capitalism and democracy are inevitable bedfellows
("free markets and less free societies go hand in hand"), and decries the
savage inequalities produced by "turbo-capitalism." He excoriates European
center-leftists like British prime minister Tony Blair for abandoning their
socialist roots and for their unwillingness "to risk any innovative action"
on behalf of "ordinary workers." With their "disdain for the poor and other
losers" and "contempt for the broad masses of working people," Luttwak
writes, Clintonesque New Democrats and European Third Wayers "can yield
only right-wing policies."

In their original incarnations, Gray and Luttwak thrilled to two of
conservatism's galvanizing passions, anticommunism and the free market. But
since the fall of the Soviet Union, they have been 

[CTRL] My Untold Story by Ralph Nader

2001-01-24 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

February 2001
My Untold Story


What if we threw a presidential campaign and nobody came? The Green Party's
candidate explains how he tried to engage the press, and why it didn't work.

By Ralph Nader

On the afternoon of February 21, 2000, I declared my candidacy for the
Green Party presidential nomination at The Madison Hotel in Washington,
D.C., before an impressive assemblage of media. All the major television
networks, including CNN and PBS, were on hand, as were radio and print
reporters. My announcement speech focused on the "democracy gap" in our
country, which helps explain the gap between many systemic injustices and
lost opportunities, on the one hand, and the solutions that are ignored
because of an excessive concentration of power and wealth.
That evening, none of the broadcast networks reported that I had entered
the race. The next morning The New York Times ran a short article, and the
day after that The Washington Post carried a squib.
Challenging the entrenched two-party system under a winner-take-all rule is
akin to climbing a sheer cliff with a slippery rope. Without instant runoff
voting or proportional representation voting mechanisms that can allow
smaller political parties to share in governmentit is a task far more
difficult than in any other Western democracy. The Republican and
Democratic parties command the money and wield the power to exclude other
candidates from the presidential debates, and to erect formidable statutory
barriers against competitors trying to get on the ballot in many states.
But perhaps the most insurmountable obstacle of all is the virtual lock
enjoyed by the two major parties on coverage in the national media.
The national press's insistence on focusing its attention on the horse race
between the two major-party candidates creates a catch-22 for any
third-party candidate who wants to inject previously ignored issues into
the campaign dialogue: Without coverage, you can't make headway in the
polls. And a poor showing in the polls in turn distances the media from the
campaign.  Meanwhile, the issues your campaign seeks to address remain
below the radar of the major candidates and the campaign press. Having
worked with the print and broadcast media throughout my career as a
consumer advocate, I had no illusions when I launched my campaign about the
difficulties I would face in convincing reporters, editors, and producers
for the major news outlets that my candidacy deserved their coverage.
As it turns out, the major media organizations did cover our campaign. But
they consistently viewed it as an occasional feature story, a colorful,
narrative dispatch from the trail with a marginal candidate, rather than a
news story about my proposals or campaign events designed to focus
attention on our agenda. During the months when I was traveling through the
50 states, the local press usually reported on the visits, but the national
print and electronic media didn't. Instead, they'd parachute in a reporter
to travel with us for a few days and file a profile of our campaign that
focused on personality and the so-called spoiler issue rather than on
substance. We were never a news beat, even when the margins narrowed
between Al Gore and George W. Bush during the last month and made our
voters more consequential.
Back in the spring, however, hope sprung eternal. In April, a Zogby America
poll put us at 5 percent nationwide. Our audiences were growing, and we had
an exhaustive agenda that was of compelling concern to millions of
Americans. We supported a living wage; stronger trade-union organization
laws; universal health insurance; strong environmental measures;
redirection of public budgets from corporate welfare to neighborhood and
community needs; a crackdown on corporate crime against consumers,
especially those in ghettos; public funding of election campaigns;
protection of the small-farm economy from giant agribusiness abuses;
abolition of the death penalty; an alternative to the failed war on drugs;
and a military and foreign policy that wages peace, justice, and democracy
instead of preparing for war against no known major enemies.
These were issues that, over the years, many news outlets had reported on,
investigated, and editorialized about. Bush and Gore were either ignoring
the subjects altogether or taking positions opposite mine, and their
respective records of failing to address them, well known to the media for
years, gave further credibility to our agenda. We had a long track record,
and we weren't offering easy rhetoric. Finally, as the weeks unfolded, the
Nader/LaDuke ticket was qualifying on 44 state ballots, far exceeding any
potential Electoral College majority.
Equipped with these arguments, I paid a visit in May to Jim Roberts, the
political editor of The New York Times. Unlike some reporters and editors
at the Times, Roberts appeared genuinely open to our requests for more

Re: [CTRL] UN DOD Host Climate, Ozone Protection Conference

2001-01-24 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

Given the possible complicity of the US Department Of Defense  in
environmental war and weather modification, this collaboration with UNEP is
chilling.  Please see voluminous literature on US-DOD projects, including
HAARP,  and weather modification.

Thanks, Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC
Exopolitics News: http://www.exopolitics.com


 EARTH CHANGES: A Spiritual Approach
 By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
  UniverseBooks.com - copyright 2000-2001

" Using the disciplines of catastrophic geology,
 seismology, vulcanology, parapsychology, and
 public  interest policy analysis, author Alfred
 Webre develops  a new field theory explaining
 how millennial  prophecies of cataclysm might be
 fulfilled – not by  earth system mechanics, but by
 the deployment of a  new generation of electronic
See: http://www.exopolitics.com

 -Caveat Lector-

 Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001
 Subject:  U.N., U.S. Host Climate, Ozone Protection Conference
 NEWS RELEASE from the United States Department of Defense
 No. 036-01
 January 23, 2001


   The Department of Defense announced today that it will co-host,
  along with the United Nations Environment Programme and the United States
  Environmental Protection Agency, a conference on Feb. 6-8, 2001, in
  Brussels, Belgium, that will focus on "The Importance of Military
  Organizations in Stratospheric Ozone and Climate Protection."  More than
  100 senior military and environmental officials, industry experts, and
  representatives of environmental organizations from more than 35
  countries will participate.
   Conference participants plan to increase their understanding of the
  importance of phasing out ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and protection
  of the climate, including the implications of environmental risk on
  national security.  They also will exchange experiences of military
  environmental protection programs and promote commitment by military
  officials to implement internal ODS management and climate protection
   On Thursday, Feb. 8, a special breakout session will discuss
  methodologies and good inventory practices for separately reporting
  greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from multilateral operations pursuant to
  the United Nations Charter, as required by Decision 2 of the Third
  Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on
  Climate Change.
   The Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal
  Protocol is financially supporting the ozone component of the
  workshop.  The conference is also supported by the Australian Department
  of Defence, the Center for International Environmental Law, the Climate
  Institute, Department of National Defence Canada, Environment Australia,
  Environment Canada, the Institute for Defense Analyses, the International
  Cooperative for Environmental Leadership, the United Kingdom Ministry of
  Defence, and the United Kingdom Department of Environment, Transport and
  the Regions.
   For more information, see the conference Web site at
   Media queries may be directed to Navy Lt. David Gai at (703) 697-3189.
EcoNews Service - Always online for Ecology, Consciousness  Universe
EcoNews http://www.ecologynews.com/
Prague  http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Vancouver, BC V6M 1V8

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States

2001-01-24 Thread tribalzidane

-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 15:15:04 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted article
[EMAIL PROTECTED], which said:

 The Founders' vision was a government that protected the rights of
 individual citizens to life, liberty and property.  They built a
 nation of laws that established the rules of the game in which free
 people function and interact voluntarily.  That means freedom in the
 home, freedom in the marketplace, freedom in your backyard.  A
 society with a limited government, whose job is to keep the peace
 among free people, is not a police state.

It's no wonder that the government has failed in its mission AND become more
fascistic in the process.  It tries to keep the peace.  If two men (or two
women for that matter, hehe) want to duke it out in the street, shouldn't they
be allowed to?  Maybe so.  If the police catch it, however, they will try to
put a stop to it.  If guns are involved, innocent bystanders may be injured,
and that ain't cool.  Oops?  Where did that come from?  Must be this CD I'm
listening too.  Anyway, if the government was created to keep peace between
the people, it only stands to reason that acceptions would be made to give the
government more and more power to keep the peace as different situations arise
that create grey areas that seem to fall outside the canvas of the
Constitution.  In short, we were doomed from the start.

 What does CCOPS do?  CCOPS has one broad purpose: to oppose the
 formation of police states anywhere in the world.  It especially
 focuses on the United States and North America, because that is
 where CCOPS is based.  Opposing police states and preventing them
 from arising are powerful ways to protect every individual's rights
 to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness.

Aren't we only delaying the inevitable by doing this?  I think until America
experiences a police state, perhaps they will be unable to imagine such a
thing ever happening.  How long will citizens themselves demand new laws to
control the behavior of "other people", not realizing that at the very same
moment, someone else is pushing for a law to control "their" behavior?  I
often doubt the ability of the people to have any perception beyond what
they're fed on the tube every night.  "The world is what it is, and the world
is what's shown on the evening news and that has to stop, so make more laws to
control these things."  America is really not in that bad a shape, criminally
speaking, yet the push for more laws seems as high as ever because the
illusion of America being a war zone is so strong.  The illusion is brought on
by the digest format of the evening news -- a daily collection of the
highlights of "newsworthy events" in America and the rest of the world.

 Why was CCOPS formed?  CCOPS is not limited to charitable or
 educational functions, so CCOPS can advocate or criticize
 legislation and political candidates.  While JPFO remains dedicated
 by law to its vital educational purpose, CCOPS can charge onto the
 battlefield on many issues without legal concerns forced upon us by
 the government.

I think it's a good mission, if they can get airtime.  Remember that the
mainstream media is controlled by six major companies and they're all in bed
with organized crime; and yes, I consider the US Government to be a major
player in organized crime.  But the very outlet needed by CCOPS is the very
one they're least likely to get.  Their audience will most likely be their own
cheerleading squad, such as the members of CTRL, Illusions and SearchNet News.
Hopefully they will create affiliations with other factions which have similar
missions to make their collective voice louder.

 CCOPS changes the way people see the problem.  Most Americans don't
 know anything about the Bill of Rights.

And the government uses this to their advantage.  When I was in school,
knowing the Bill of Rights and the Constitution was part of American History.
But that was one thing that wasn't reviewed from one year to the next.  I only
remember learning once.  I wonder how it's taught these days.  Anybody in
their teens or early 20's want to relay their experience?

 Showing that government edict or program violates the Bill of Rights
 doesn't seem to excite too many Americans.

They probably don't realize what their rights afford them.  They probably
can't imagine what their lives would be like without those rights.  And do you
know what I see?  I see a world mesmerized by watching television shows
depicting people who live their lives with far more rights than any American
has.  Yes, it is makebelieve, but movie characters have far more courage than
the average American because it's all scripted for sensationalism.

 Most of the men and women who serve as peace officers and in the
 armed forces understand their key role in our society, and they
 respect the limits of their duties.  The more these people
 understand how a free society operates and the dangers of a police
 state, the safer 

[CTRL] The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage

2001-01-24 Thread William Shannon

The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage

Tuesday, 23 January 2001 13:21 (ET)

The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet EspionageBy GENE POTEAT and ELISA POTEAT

WASHINGTON, Jan. 23 (UPI) -- Soviet Cold War espionage has piqued theinterest
of many for decades.Yet, the unearthing of the Soviets' spy efforts had a
simple beginning. In1945, a Soviet code clerk in Canada, Igor Gouzenko,
defected and toldCanadian and U.S. authorities of Soviet espionage in
stealing the atomicbomb during World War II. Before Gouzenko was able to meet
U.S. authorities,two Americans, Whittaker Chambers, a former editor of Time
magazine, andElizabeth Bentley, later dubbed the "blond spy queen," defected
from theCommunist Party USA and told the authorities they had acted as spies
for theSoviet Union.Following their defection, both Chambers and Bentley
testified beforeCongress, giving evidence of widespread Soviet espionage in
the UnitedStates during World War II. They named their contacts, including
Alger Hiss,a senior State Department official who had helped to draft the
U.N. Charter;Harry Dexter White, assistant secretary of the Treasury; and
RobertOppenheimer, the head scientist on the team that built the atomic
bomb.A computer-created name, Venona, was given to the encrypted cable
trafficfrom the Soviet Union to its spymasters in the United States from 1939
to1957. Interpreters of the cables have asserted that Hiss, White,
andOppenheimer are referred to in code throughout, whereas David
Greenglass,Julius Rosenberg's brother-in-law, is referred to by name.The
cables were decrypted many years ago, beginning during World War II.Though
the text of the documents was not made public immediately, there wasmuch
debate and discourse on the subject of the guilt or innocence of Hissand the
others. Many felt that he and the Rosenbergs were wrongfullyconvicted.With no
confirmation from the Soviets that the U.S. interpretation of thenames in the
cables was correct, many wondered whether we ever really knewthe truth about
Hiss and the others.Then in 1995, at the urging of many U.S. officials,
including Sen. DanielPatrick Moynihan, D-NY, the Venona Papers, the decrypted
text of the Venonacables, were finally made public. In its wake came a series
of books onHiss, Hopkins, the Rosenbergs, Oppenheimer and others, and their
roles asSoviet agents in the United States during and immediately after the
war.With so much published on Venona, it is difficult to anticipate
thatanything new could be delivered on the subject.However, Herbert
Romerstein and Eric Breindel have managed to write afresh and detailed
account of Venona's history and the people whoseactivities were revealed by
Bentley and Chambers more than 50 years ago.They have surpassed earlier
authors by gaining access to new facts andincorporating them into a
well-documented book titled "The Venona Secrets:Exposing Soviet Espionage and
America's Traitors," (Regnery, 608 pp,$29.95).Romerstein provides
corroboration in two ways. First, he has conductedunprecedented interviews
with former Soviets. Second, he obtained memorandathat few others have ever
seen. Romerstein, with the help of his wife, Pat,went to Moscow and reviewed
a large quantity of documents prepared bymembers of the Communist
International Party (Comintern) that had been madepublic.The documents
provide Soviet corroboration for the U.S. criminal cases andinvestigations
that resulted in the convictions of the Rosenbergs and Hiss,and they strongly
support the case against Hiss and others who were spyingfrom the most
important power centers in U.S. government.Although he was not given access
to the internal archives of the NKVD, theagency that later became the KGB,
Romerstein was permitted to takemicrofiche copies of the documents he located
in the Comintern archives. Hecarefully and thoughtfully includes these new
documents in "Venona" therebymaking it a more persuasive authority than
earlier books.Romerstein also interviewed KGB defector Oleg Gordievski, who
was astudent of a former KGB spy-handler who bragged of his U.S. spy
connectionsin some detail to his class. The book contains a full appendix,
includingcopies of many of the documents that Romerstein used to support
hisconclusions about the U.S. spy network that was then funded and directed
bythe Soviet Union, and carefully sets forth the information he received
fromhis interviewees.In the years since Romerstein was given access to these
archives, theSoviets have closed them to the public once again. As he is one
of the fewauthors to have been afforded such access, Romerstein's book will
likelyremain a text of significant historical value to students of the Soviet
spynetworks for a long time to come.It will not, however, change the mind of
die-hard defenders of Hiss whobelieve to this day that he was wrongfully
convicted.To those who are open to Rommerstein's premise, he convincingly
assertsthat the network of Soviet 

Re: [CTRL] A Question.....

2001-01-24 Thread Arthur Hickman

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: M.A. Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 11:28 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] A Question.

-Caveat Lector-

To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the
  propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is
  sinful and tyrannical. --Thomas Jefferson

Hence,  my opposition of any funding for abortion and to those groups
that advocate the liberal agenda!!

   I agree hence my opposition to funding religious schools
   through any "voucher" program.
What about the CURRENT religious Government Schools?


Every child in America entering school at the age of five
is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain
allegiances to our founding fathers, toward our elected
officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a
supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this
nation as a separate entity.  It's up to you as teachers
to make all these sick children well -- by creating the
international child of the future.
 -- Chester M. Pierce, Harvard 'expert' in public education

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[CTRL] Interesting job

2001-01-24 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

look at this site:


then read this job description:


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Columbia - drug war my ass. Here's the real reason.

2001-01-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

*Venezuela has become one of our major oil suppliers. Its president,
Hugo Chavez, has assumed nearly total power and has forged and/or
strengthened ties with Cuba, Libya, Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. As he's
done this, by some strange coincidence the Clinton Administration has
decided to send massive "drug-fighting" military aid to neighboring
Colombia, giving us a military presence on Venezuela's border. In the last
week, Colombia recalled its Venezuelan envoy because a spokeswoman for a
left-wing guerrilla group was invited to speak to the Venezuelan Congress.
Venezuela then recalled its envoy from Colombia, as President Chavez called
the Colombian government "a rancid oligarchy that does not understand
peace." Recently, Venezuela protested an American warship's intrusion into
its waters, allegedly chasing drug smugglers. All the ingredients of
conflict are in place. And W. is naming all the Gulf War's architects to his
cabinet; one of that war's chief strategists, Dick Cheney, would be W.'s
vice-president. Good morning, Vietnam.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] A Question.....

2001-01-24 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 1/24/01 5:15:12 PM Central Standard Time,

Every child in America entering school at the age of five
is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain
allegiances to our founding fathers, toward our elected
officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a
supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this
nation as a separate entity. It's up to you as teachers
to make all these sick children well -- by creating the
international child of the future.
 -- Chester M. Pierce, Harvard 'expert' in public education

Far better than FURTHER SUBSIDIZING the church.


[CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-24 Thread William Shannon
A-The Catholic church, as well as other Xian denominations.


[CTRL] Clinton Phrase Now a GOP Favorite

2001-01-24 Thread William Shannon
Wednesday January 24 2:46 AM ET
Clinton Phrase Now a GOP Favorite
 By RON KAMPEAS, Associated Press Writer

 WASHINGTON (AP) - It's a Clintonian legacy that Republicans - even those who
most revile the man from Chappaqua - have embraced with great enthusiasm: the
Politics of Personal Destruction.Not the practice, the phrase. In recent
months, Republicans have outnumbered Democrats by about seven to one in using
a phrase that lends moral chagrin to what once was known simply as ``smear
campaigning.''The funny thing is - well, let the users speak for
themselves.``I KNOW Bill Clinton coined the phrase,'' says Linda Chavez,
President Bush (news - web sites)'s would-be labor secretary.``I KNOW it's
Bill Clinton's phrase,'' says Larry Klayman, best known in Washington for his
dogged pursuit of the Clintons through the courts.So, probably, does freshly
anointed George W. Bush (news - web sites) aide Mary Matalin, who used it
twice in five minutes this weekend on NBC's ``Meet the Press'' - once to
chastise those who call John Ashcroft (news - web sites) an extremist, and
then to describe the post-recount recounts in Florida.``It's become a
cliche,'' lamented Kathleen Hall Jamieson, dean of the Annenberg School for
Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. She said what was once a
useful phrase is ``crossing into the realm of meaninglessness.''An archival
search of the 2000 campaign and its aftermath found that Republicans led the
Democrats seven to one in using the phrase: from a fracas over an old
firearms arrest in an otherwise unwatched Oklahoma congressional race to Bush
himself, swatting away criticism of his efforts to duck South Carolina's
Confederate flag free-for-all. After the election, it became a favorite of
Katherine Harris defenders in Florida.One of the few recent instances of
Democratic use was in July, when Hillary Rodham Clinton (news - web sites)
complained about reports that she used an anti-Semitic slur decades ago.Her
husband coined the phrase in 1994, when allegations of fraudulent land
dealing in Arkansas started to dominate headlines.``I do not believe that the
politics of personal destruction is what the American people are interested
in,'' he said at a news conference on March 8 of that year. Evidently, he
liked it: Within days, he was using the phrase at Democratic
fund-raisers.Jamieson, who analyzes American political rhetoric, said the
phrase was one of the more notable presidential legacies to the American
language - although it fell far short of Ronald Reagan's ``evil empire''
quote. Clinton had tapped into frustration with tabloid politics.``People
were saying, we should not be engaging in politics to destroy other persons
or ideas,'' she said. ``We should be forcefully designating areas of
disagreement.''She traces Republican appropriation of the phrase to late
1998, around the time a slew of extramarital revelations surfaced about
members of Congress prosecuting Clinton during the impeachment hearings.It
was a rare occurrence. ``We'd just coined a political phrase both sides are
comfortable with,''' she said.Not for long. Now, she says, the phrase is used
by the party in power to inhibit legitimate discourse - for instance,
Matalin's dismissal of the continued Florida vote count. Matalin was
unavailable for comment.Republicans say their increased use is natural and
stems from looser Democratic standards.``The Clinton administration gathered
information through illegal means,'' said Klayman, whose organization,
Judicial Watch, filed a suit on behalf of hundreds of Republicans whose FBI (
news - web sites) background files were collected by the Clinton White
House.Klayman used it in an interview this week with The Washington Post to
describe attacks on conservatives Paul Weyrich and John Ashcroft.Chavez, who
repeatedly used the phrase when her candidacy for the labor post was
torpedoed by revelations that she housed an illegal immigrant, says it goes
both ways.``I defended Clinton in my column during the whole Paula Jones
thing,'' she said. ``That was ridiculous.'' And the man himself? Does he
deserve creator's credit?``It was a good phrase,'' conceded Chavez.Klayman
was less charitable. ``Takes one to know one.''

[CTRL] Researchers analyze seismic waves, find explosions destroyed Kursk

2001-01-24 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Researchers analyze seismic waves, find explosions destroyed Kursk

American Geophysical Union's news release about study

By RICHARD BENKE, Associated Press

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (January 24, 2001 12:50 p.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - Analysis of seismic waves supports
conclusions that two onboard explosions - not a collision - destroyed the
Russian submarine Kursk in August, killing all 118 crew members.

The first explosion was relatively small, consistent with a misfiring torpedo
aboard the Kursk, according to a report by Arizona and New Mexico
researchers published Tuesday in the geophysical journal Eos. That blast
was followed about two minutes later by an explosion 250 times larger than
the first, the researchers said.

Most investigators have said they believed an explosion sank the sub in the
Barents Sea on Aug. 12, but Russian researchers have left open the
possibility of a collision - possibly with a ship shadowing the sub.

The Eos authors, led by Keith Koper and Terry Wallace of the University of
Arizona, say their data were collected by a network of seismic stations
used in part to monitor a Russian nuclear test site 500 miles from the
location of the Kursk sinking. Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists
Steve Taylor and Hans Hartse participated in the study.

"The main shock is consistent with the explosion of approximately five tons
equivalent TNT detonated near, or on, the sea floor," they wrote.

That second blast was likely caused by fire from the first blast setting off
other torpedo warheads or propellant fuel, Wallace said Tuesday by e-mail
from Chile, where he and Koper are doing other research.

Divers who entered the sub found two notes written by sailors trapped in a
rear compartment after the explosions. One note described 23 crew
members as suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning from a fire and the
other described how its author was writing by feel in the dark.

Taylor, reached in Los Alamos, said the research team is not suggesting
either blast was a nuclear explosion. The report refers only to conventional

In December, an American diver who worked on the Kursk recovery team
said damage he saw convinced him the sub blew up.

"From what I saw, it was obvious it exploded," Don Degener, 48, said from
his home near Kansas City.


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Re: [CTRL] 2 Klinton articles

2001-01-24 Thread tnohava

-Caveat Lector-

 "No one is to make eye contact with the first lady," the source said
 station employees were told.

It's been reported she's having problems with her Shapeshifting Abilities.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] 2 Klinton articles

2001-01-24 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 1/24/01 6:02:49 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's been reported she's having problems with her Shapeshifting Abilities.

It's also been reported that tnohava is a real wussy lil' fella' who is to
'fraid to reply to emails without resorting to sending "hit and run" type
missives from cutesy vanity email servers and then disallowing replies.

I don't wanna' get off on a rant here but...there's nothing worse than a
big-talking momma's boy throwing the STONES he's so clearly lacking.


Re: [CTRL] A DANGEROUS SITUATION by Whitley Strieber

2001-01-24 Thread tribalzidane

-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 12:12:55 EST, "Samantha L." [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted
article [EMAIL PROTECTED], which said:

 (Whitley does not give permission to send his articles in their entirety.
 Please see the web page for the full story).

 01/23/01: A DANGEROUS SITUATION by Whitley Strieber


A few quotes from the article, with my comments:

 This administration is going to not only refuse to participate in the
 environmental debate, it is going to seek to proactively derail it at
 every level, from attempting to close down international efforts to do
 something, to curtailing research into climate change whenever possible.

 Just when we most urgently need to see, our leaders intend to blind us.

I don't think they can derail private investigations unless they actually make
it illegal to even research the problem or conduct harmless studies.

 How many lives are at stake?  Vast numbers, but the issue is even larger
 than the possible loss of millions.  It is a question of countries, even
 whole continents, being at jeopardy as viable places to live for the
 foreseeable future.  We could see the brightest light of human
 culture--Europe--fatally dimmed or even extinguished.  The United States,
 now one of the world's great breadbaskets, could, in a single season,
 become a net food importer.  But where will that food come from?

Some have theorized that the globe isn't ultimately warming, but stabilizing;
that the equatorial temperatures will cool and the pole temperatures will
warm.  This may result in less available land mass, but a higher percentage of
land that we do have will be suitable for farming.  Countries like Ethiopia
will no longer be desert-ridden and farming will become much easier so that
people will not starve to death.  Such global changes are necessary, given the
increasing population.  Imagine that.  Less desert at the equator and less ice
at the poles means a greener planet overall.  It also means that seasons would
be less extreme.  We may have a growing season that never ends.

This article discusses it in part:

 Master of the Key - The climate will begin to change in 2000, and this
 Master of the Key - process will accelerate over the next decades.
 Master of the Key - There is a great cycle of climate that began 2.8
 Master of the Key - million years ago and has resulted in the
 Master of the Key - fundamental destabilization of your world’s
 Master of the Key - weather system.  You evolved intelligence in order
 Master of the Key - to survive the sudden shifts back and forth from
 Master of the Key - ice ages to temperate periods.  In fact, this
 Master of the Key - planetary instability has been the engine of your
 Master of the Key - evolution.  The cycle is about to change, and to
 Master of the Key - challenge you again.

Perhaps people will no longer eschew bioengineered foods if it's all they can

 In the latest issue of the journal Science, there is a report on a study
 by British scientists that illustrates what happened two million years ago
 when the climate changed suddenly.  The sparse population of early humans
 living then were deprived of their accustomed food sources, and forced to
 learn new ways of finding enough to eat.  This must have been extremely
 hard for them, and--of course--completely incomprehensible.

Not to worry.  I'm sure that with money and secured income in the form of
patents as an incentive, some corporation will surely come up with a way to
feed us all...for a price.  I wonder what those toothpick-like supermodels
will do.  Dom DeLuise will be around for a long time after food supplies come
up short.  And if food runs short, I guess I should be happy that I put a
little extra weight around the middle. :-D


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: What Rapists Look For In Female Targets (Self-defense)

2001-01-24 Thread tribalzidane

-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 06:48:10 -0800, Tenorlove [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted
article [EMAIL PROTECTED], which said:

 They also look for women on their cell phone, searching through their
 handbag, or doing other activities while walking.  Because they are off
 guard, they can be easily overpowered.  The time of day men are most
 likely to attack and rape a woman is in the early morning, between 5 
 8:30 a.m.

You know, that's interesting because, even though I'm a male, those are the
hours I've always felt safest outside. :-/  I've always felt like I was
roaming through the boogeys between midnight and 5am.  But I guess rapists go
to work every day, too, so they just get up an hour early and walk around
finding somebody to take advantage of.

 The number one place women are abducted from/attacked is grocery store
 parking lots.  Number two is office parking lots/garages.  Number three is
 public rest rooms.

Heh... and those are the three places I always watch myself.

 These men said they will not pick on women who have umbrellas, or other
 similar objects that can be used from a distance, in their hands.

Maybe I'll start using a cane. :-D  Maybe it would be a trendy, stylish thing,
too. :-)

 * If someone is following behind you on a street or in a garage or with
 you in an elevator or stairwell, look him in the face and ask him a
 question, like what time is it, or make general small talk.  "I can't
 believe it is so cold out here; we're in for a bad winter."  Now that
 you've seen his face and could identify them in a lineup, you lose appeal
 as a target.

Hmmm.  Kill all the witnesses.

 * If someone is coming toward you, hold out your hands in front of you and
 yell "Stop!"  or "Stay back!"  Most of the rapists this man talked to said
 they'd leave a woman alone if she yelled or showed that she would not be
 an EASY target.  If you carry pepper spray, tell them.  (This instructor
 was a huge advocate of it because it will be a deterrent.)

I think I saw some woman on Jerry Springer trying to use those tactics on her
ex-boyfriend and it didn't work.

 * After the initial hit, always go for the groin.  I know from a
 particularly unfortunate experience that if you slap a guy's balls (sorry
 to be graphic), it is extremely painful.

Yes, as a male, I can personally testify that it does hurt and it not take
much force behind the slap to send a male into agony.  If I was a rapist and
knew that a woman had the strength to rip my muscle fibers through the skin, I
would in no way, shape, form or fashion, want her anywhere near my magic

One thing I recommend, however, is after you kick him in the nuts, he'll
probably lean forward and start bouncing around.  That makes his face a
perfect target.  Drop your ladyhood and kick him in the face.  Then when he
flies back, kick him in the nuts a few times more just to drive the point
home.  Then send me your description so I'll know to remain at least eight
feet away from you should we meet in a parking lot.

 * When the guy puts his hands up to you, grab his first two fingers and
 bend them back as far as possible with as much pressure pushing down on
 them as possible.  The instructor did it to me without using much pressure
 and I ended up on my knees and both knuckles cracked audibly.

It's extremely painful to the forearm as the tendons are stretched, too.  I
just did it to myself without much pressure and oddly it resembles a mild
"kicked in the nuts" pain.  Combine that with an intense feeling of diarrhea
cramps crawling from your gnads to your guts and that would be what being
kicked down below feels like.  Well, I've never actually been kicked down
there.  I jumped to catch a football I thought was coming with a high pass,
but it was a low pass.  With my whole body flying through the air like a giant
X, (and I might say that what normally would have been hanging in front was
pointed up) the football caught me square in the crotch.  I instantly morphed
from an X to a @.  I was in constant pain for a good two minutes, but it was
another three minutes before I was willing to stand up.  My only happy thought
was, "I'm glad that was a Nerf football."

  Better to be safe than sorry!!  Never get in the car with him, if he
  to rob you, throw the money or keys so he has to go get it,
  then run and yell "Fire." It's more effective than "Help." Never help
  person with a van trying to load it himself and having
  trouble (with possibly a fake broken arm or leg),

Yeah, and think of it like this: A lot of disabled people are actually
offended if you try to help them accomplish something they've learned to do
just fine with their handicap, temporary or whatnot.  I remember giving a guy
a total at a retail store I worked at.  The guy had a problem with one of his
hands -- like it was still an infant's hand even though he was around 20 years
old.  Anyway, I took the cap off the pen before giving it to him and he
grumbled, "Nah, I 

[CTRL] Fwd: National Violence Index - report released

2001-01-24 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Neil Wollman, Peace Studies Institute, Psychology Department, Manchester
College, N. Manchester, IN 46962; 219-982-5346; fax  982-5043

  Uninsured, hungry, and homeless populations grow

NORTH MANCHESTER, Ind.  Dec. 14, 2000  America's streets are
safer, but the government isn't doing all it can to improve the
welfare of its citizens, according to researchers at Manchester

Researchers Dr. James Brumbaugh-Smith, Dr. Neil Wollman, Dr. Brad
Yoder, and students Heidi Gross, Ben Long, and Dustin Brown, have
devoted two years to comparing data from 1996, 1997, and 1998
the most recent years of available data  to 1995 to construct the
National Violence Index.

Utilizing 19 different variables composed of 34 indicators, the
researchers developed two indices:  societal violence, commonly
referred to as institutional/structural violence, and personal
violence.  (Refer to the summary table for a description of the
Index structure and results.) Despite decreases in personal violence
that are widely reported, societal violence indicators reveal two
patterns:  most corporate, family, and structural indicators have
decreased; most government indicators have increased.

In fact, the researchers found increases in seven of the eight
indicators for government-related societal violence.  In addition,
a significant statistical trend was observed during the period
studied.* Using 1995 as their baseline and indexing that year at
100 percent, the research team discovered civil rights complaints
in 1998 up considerably at 133.7, or an increase of nearly 34
percent.  The complaints included those directed at local, state,
and federal agencies that were reported to the Department of Justice.
This indicator was 120.6 in 1997 and 131 in 1996.

The government, according to the index, is increasingly neglecting
its people as the 1998 social negligence figure was 112.4, an
increase of 12 percent from 1995.  The 1997 figure was 104.4.

The researchers describe social negligence in terms of people
without health insurance,  people who request emergency food and
shelter, and high school dropouts.** Meanwhile, rates for capital
punishment, criminals incarcerated for nonviolent offenses, and
people killed by police intervention, the indicators composing
the criminal justice variable, also have increased since 1995.

The 1998 figure was 111.8, up nearly 12 percent since 1995 but
nearly constant compared to the 1997 index of 111.

Despite the increases in government-related indicators, the societal
violence index remained constant as a whole because of decreases
in 14 of the 17 corporate-, family-, and structural-related

The research team reported declines, for example, in the rates of
occupational injuries, illnesses, and deaths, as well as declines
in domestic violence and child abuse.  Some of the poverty disparity
indicators have decreased, as well..

The research echoes other studies that indicate decreases in
homicides, rapes, batteries, robberies, and reckless behaviors,
all interpersonal violence variables.  The  researchers found those
indicators to be down, on average, 16.4 percent ? a significant
statistical trend during the period studied.

"Even given the definite trends that we found, we need to remember
that we are not making absolute judgments," Dr. Wollman, the lead
researcher, said.  "For example, even though homicides have dropped
dramatically, some would argue they are still very high."

The index, which the researchers plan to release annually, is a
project of the college's Peace Studies Institute and Program in
Conflict Resolution, the nation's oldest such program.

for complete details.

Notes to editors:

Dr. Brumbaugh-Smith is an assistant professor of mathematics, Dr. Wollman
is the senior fellow of the college's Peace Studies Institute and a
psychology professor, and Dr. Yoder is a sociology and social work

A graphic (in GIF and PDF formats) depicting changes in the personal and
societal violence indexes can be downloaded from the Violence Index web

*The eight measures are:

1.  Civil rights complaints

2.  Social negligence
  2a.  lack of health insurance
  2b.  hunger
  2c.  drop-out rate
  2d.  homelessness

3.  Criminal justice
  3a.  capital punishment
  3b.  nonviolent incarceration
  3c.  deaths by police intervention

**All of the social negligence factors, except high school dropouts, have

All items associated with the Index are copyrighted by the Manchester
College Peace Studies Institute.  We encourage 

[CTRL] Fwd: Re: {slick-d} Fwd: [CTRL] Tom Bearden: Scalar Electromagnetics and Weather Control

2001-01-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

Dr. Bob Beck who was working on the Strategic Defense Initiative Program
under Reagan some years ago informed me that when their super
electromagnetic researchw as discontinued at China Lake, President Bush
had the equipment transferred to the largest Air Force Base in Alaska.
From there they have been testing this theory using variations of the
same SDI equipment in the H.A.A.R.P. program.  Unusual weather?  Not to

Barton A. Buhtz

Listen to www.truthradio.com

On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 14:24:48 -0500 (EST) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Am forwarding this to you because some of you have not
 Tom Bearden has virtuallly stood alone in revealing what this
 program is
 all about.

 Foraded from CTRL List:

 Mail message

 Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Conspiracy Theory Research List)
 12:50am (EST-2) To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [CTRL] Tom
 Scalar Electromagnetics and Weather Control Reply to:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Conspiracy Theory Research List)
 -Caveat Lector-
 Anomalous Weather Worldwide
 Scalar Electromagnetics and Weather Control
 Source: http://www.tricountyi.net/~randerse/weather.htm
 The following is one example of correspondence between Tom Bearden
 persons interested in some of the applications of his Scalar
 Electromagnetics theories [note that Bearden is now calling his
 Energetics and refers to it as a subset of Superpotential Theory, if
 understand him right.]. Bearden sent me several such correspondences
 a general "update" on where he's at nowadays (Spring/Summer 1998).
 usual, he cannot discuss exact methods or circuitry for devices to
 accomplish these feats of magic-- only the general principles. Can
 glean enough from his writings to perhaps reach a "critical mass"
 enabling us to perform a leap of logic or two, and figure out how to
 build some of these devices?
 Subj: Re: Anomalous weather worldwide
 Date: 98-05-26 13:39:18 EDT
 Dear (correspondent):
 The anomalous weather worldwide is not accidental. In superpotential
 theory, which was initiated by a paper by E.T. Whittaker in 1904, it
 possible to produce EM force fields and force field energy at a
 distance. Whittaker 1904 showed that all EM fields and waves can be
 decomposed into two scalar potential functions. It follows that, by
 assembling two such scalar potential functions in beams, one can
 a "scalar potential interferometer" where the potential beams
 at a distance. In that interference zone, ordinary transverse EM
 and energy appear.
 A scalar potential is also just a harmonic assembly of bidirectional
 longitudinal EM wavepairs, as shown in a paper by E.T. Whittaker the
 year before, 1903. So one can produce the necessary longitudinal
 in arrays, to "assemble" a scalar potential with any desired
 interior LW
 Thus by using longitudinal EM waves (LWs), one can produce
 fields, and waves to order.
 It turns out that a longitudinal EM wave, since it cannot vary
 transversely a priori, cannot vary its 3-spatial energy density.
 Instead, it must vary in the time domain. What results is that one
 created an oscillation of the curvature of spacetime, when one makes
 longitutinal EM wave.
 Now one can engineer clusters of ST curvatures, by proper assembly
 LWs. This is a very powerful general relativity, because the strong
 force is being used as the agent of ST curvature. This particular EM
 does not appear in the textbooks, but has been utilized by the
 KGB in clandestine weapon development since the 1950s.
 Here's how the weather engineering is usually accomplished:
 First, take two scalar potential beam transmitters, separated on the
 necessary baseline to form a beam interferometer. Let them interfere
 a distance. Now in that distant interference zone (IZ), there is an
 ambient vacuum potential (spacetime potential, or spacetime stress).
 the electrical circuit grounds of the interferometer transmitters
 biased ABOVE the ambient potential in the IZ, then scattering EM
 (heating) emerges in the IZ. This is the exothermic mode of
 If the electrical circuit grounds of the interferometer are biased
 negatively below the ambient potential in the IZ, then convergent EM
 energy (cooling) emerges in the IZ. This is the endothermic mode of
 So by merely biasing the electrical grounds of a scalar potential
 interferometer, one can produce heating or cooling in the distant
 IZ. If
 one just "radiates," one produces distant steady heating or steady
 cooling. If one sharply pulses the interferometer, one produces a
 distant hot explosion or a distant cold explosion.
 One can also, of course, form various forms of energy at a distance,
 including particularly hemispheric 

Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-24 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

The education reform we need is something that will benefit ME: a total
elimination of public primary and secondary education. Then people like me...
childless people... would not be paying taxes to support schools that our
nonexistent children are not attending.

This would settle church-state issues, and brainwashing by the state issues,
and probably Ritalin issues, and sex-ed in public schools issues, and...

I doubt this solution is forthcoming from our politicians.

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A-The Catholic church, as well as other Xian denominations.


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[CTRL] For Saba22

2001-01-24 Thread PM Kansan1225

-Caveat Lector-

  My theory on the Oklahoma City bombing is that McVeigh, Nichols, and
many others unknown committed this act on the orders of the U.S. Government.

  The motive was to discredit the militia movement that was gaining
strength back then, and to perform a Luciferian human sacrifice in the
heartland of America.

  McVeigh's quick arrest after the bombing was orchestrated by the
Government to bring "closure" to the case and make almost everyone accept the
official theory.

  The initial blame on the Arabs was a smokescreen to enable the other
military perpetrators of the bombing retreat from Oklahoma City unimpeded.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CTRL] 2 Klinton articles

2001-01-24 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 1/24/01 6:02:49 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's been reported she's having problems with her Shapeshifting Abilities.

It's also been reported that tnohava is a real wussy lil' fella' who is to
'fraid to reply to emails without resorting to sending "hit and run" type
missives from cutesy vanity email servers and then disallowing replies.

I don't wanna' get off on a rant here but...there's nothing worse than a
big-talking momma's boy throwing the STONES he's so clearly lacking.


Re: [CTRL] The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage

2001-01-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Do not have the information readily available at this time, Mr. Shannon
- but this Venona Secrets Soviet Espionage - a bible code was involved.

Believe when former CIA Director uses reference to Darius being killed
in the night he alluded to this codeCIA drops a lot of clues that
only insiders seemingly would understand.

So I wonder - what a wonderful communication system the bible is - comes
in nearly every languagebut then one can make a code out of a
dictionary, a book for instance In the Footsteps Of Orpheus would be a
good choice.

But Chapter and Verse, one cannot beat the bible communication code -
even someone as stupid as Oswald, knew how to use it.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] My Untold Story by Ralph Nader

2001-01-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

My goodness he certainly capusuled his life didn't he.

Does anyone want to hear my life story?


Cost you $99.99 and I will clean it up a bit.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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