[CTRL] New (un) Freeland

2001-03-23 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


Libertarians not welcome
in New Zealand
New Zealand
TNA News with Commentary
Saturday 23 March 2001

The following story was emailed to me recently under the heading, Is Libertarianism
a Crime? Knowing that there are many third world countries where advocating freedom
of the individual can be hazardous to your health, I was especially horrified to
read that this story in fact, happened in New Zealand.

To explain; Jim Peron, a Libertarian writer from the USA, now residing and working
out of South Africa, applied to immigrate to New Zealand to open up a bookstore, a
libertarian publishing house and to open a new branch of the International Society
for International Liberty (ISIL).

The Immigration Official declined the application ostensibly for two reasons:

1) Mr Peron is not a key employee of ISIL since he does not yet hold the position in
New Zealand that needs to be filled. However, to get entry into New Zealand he must
already be employed. But to be employed he must gain entry into New Zealand. Catch

2) The Official argues that ISIL cannot apply as a relocating business because it
has non profit status in the USA. Yet the bookstore in New Zealand would be profit
making, as would be the publishing venture. And she refuses to divulge any other
category under which ISIL could apply. If her ruling stands then it would appear
that all non profit groups in the world are banned from New Zealand.

The subsequent rejection of Mr Peron’s application was, of itself, not unusual. What
was, however, was the personal political summation behind the rejection.

The Official who declined the application stated in her report that because ISIL is
a libertarian organization, this “places a question mark over the desirability of
such an organization, and whether Mr Peron would be ineligible for residence because
of his association with such an organization.” Further, she has listed a number of
positions which she has used to support her views: Firstly, an ISIL conference had a
speaker talking about legalizing marijuana, secondly, ISIL produced a pamphlet

a) opposed censoring pornography, b) questioned the validity of gun control, and c)
supported a bill of rights. These are the positions listed by the official which
prove libertarians are “radicals” and not desirable for entry into New Zealand. The
Official continues: “It (ISIL) is a radical libertarian organization that fosters
individual action, using their freely chosen strategies...where the guest speaker
speaking on civil disobedience as a marketing strategy.”

While Mr Peron is appealing his case, we should think about the dangerous precedence
this would set if his appeal was overturned.

Firstly, in declaring libertarianism “undesirable” in potential immigrants, New
Zealand would have also forbidden entry to all the American Founding Fathers,
including Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Adams, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine
and George Washington. We would have tossed out John Locke, Adam Smith and Henry
David Thoreau, and most certainly shown the door to such known ‘radicals’ as
Frederick Bastiat, Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, Ludwig Von Mises and F.A. Hayek. And
no doubt, our officious bureaucrat in Immigration would be quick to point out how
this raffish group of individuals with their contumacious ideas have done nothing
but hinder the progress of a truly civilized society.

Secondly, and all joking aside, I would have thought that an individual wiling to be
wholly responsibility for his own actions, contributing in a purposeful way to
society through the creation of jobs and wealth, and opposed to the use of force
upon others, would have been the perfect immigrant for any country.

It would be interesting to know just what this official does understand the word
‘libertarian’ to mean. If, upon enquiry, it  was to be found that she does actually
have some understanding of the term, then the rejection of Mr Peron on the grounds
that “libertarianism is undesirable” is not only highly offensive to all thinking,
rational, freedom-loving men and women everywhere, but it should most certainly be
treated as a catalyst to stepping up pressure on a government that seems intent on
further reducing individuals’ freedom of movement, freedom of expression, freedom of
speech and their freedom of association.



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> e

[CTRL] Fwd: Pine Gap, Australia - Secret Base

2001-03-23 Thread Aleisha Saba

Pine Gap, Australia ~ Secret Base


PINE GAP ~ "The United States has three major bases in Australia. One is in
South Australia (Nurranger, near Woomera, T.N.), another in New South Wales,
and the third (and by far the largest) is located within about 230 km (143
miles) of the geographical center of the continent, not far to the west of
Alice Springs (Northern Territory), at the foothills of the southern slopes
of the MacDonnell Range. This base is completely underground, with barely
visible entrances to the surface. "This 'Top Secret' base is entirely
financed by the United States Government, and is officially known as the
Joint Defense Space Research Facility.

"When the JDSRF was first initiated, its aim was scientific research for the
supposed development of a space defense technology. It is now known that
since its inception, its primary purpose was research into electromagnetic
propulsion. "What exactly is Pine Gap? As strange as it may seem, even
Australian Federal Parliament members do not know. Among the Cabinet
members, only a small number of 'initiates' have a vague idea of what this
is all about. The only information source available to the public is the
cross-checking done by private researchers such as Jimmy Guieu, following
statements made by the United States or Australian magazines (always very
short and terse paragraphs), and anything the locals may notice. "It is said
that under Pine Gap is the deepest drilling hole in Australia - about 5
miles (more than 8,000 meters). Such a hole is likely used as an underground
antenna able to recharge the batteries of submarines in the Pacific and
Indian Ocean through ELF broadcasts. Such a gigantic antenna could be used
to generate(more than 8,000 meters). Such a hole is likely used for:

"Some say that Pine Gap has an enormous nuclear generator to supply energy
to a new type of transceiver. It seems too that there is a high-powered,
high-voltage plasma accelerator which may be put to use to transmit electric
current, or even to produce a 'death-ray', or quite simply to feed a plasma
gun. All this is not as incredible as it sounds: it is now known that the US
base of West Cape, near Exmouth Gulf in Western Australia (Harold E. Holt
USN Communication Station), has an older type of the transceiver used at
Pine Gap which is used to send electric current to submerged US submarines
who trail a wire antenna. It is known that electric currents transmitted in
this way are referred to as plasmo-dynamic cells.

"Several times, locals have seen WHITE DISKS about 30' in diameter in the
process of being unloaded from large US cargo planes at the airports serving
Pine Gap. Those disks had the USAF emblem on them. It seems likely that
disks are assembled and based at Pine Gap. The number of disks seen at night
leaves no doubt in anyone's mind. An amazing quantity of furniture has been
delivered by plane from the United States. The locals also say that an
enormous amount of food is stocked in warehouses of what could well be a
true multi-leveled underground city.

"On the other hand, Pine Gap is well known as one of the most important
control centers for spy satellites which circle the globe. An article
published in late 1973 claimed that the Pine centers for spy satellites
which circle the globe. An article published in late 1973 claimed that the
Pine Gap installation, along with its sister installation in Guam, "Pine Gap
has enormous computers which are connected to their American and Australian
central counterparts, which collect all the information secured in these
countries, not only about finance and technology, but on every aspect of the
life of the average citizen. Those computers at Pine Gap are also evidently
connected to similar mainframes in Guam, in Krugersdorp South Africa, and at
the Amundsen-Scott US base at the South Pole.

"Let us say, incidentally, that the employees (more than 1200) of the US
base in South Africa all claim to be members of the US consular mission in
that country. It may be worthy of note that the Amundsen-Scott base at the
South Pole is located on a sensitive magnetic spot of our planet, that it
holds exactly the same assets as Pine Gap, and that all the information
about most of the average citizens of Western Europe is stored there in
memory banks tens of meters under the icepack.

"A statement made by the Australian premier about 1987, assuring that
'France must disappear from the Pacific, from the Kerguelen Ridge, and from
Antarctica' sheds light on the importance of this polar base for the
Anglo-Saxon world.

"The most disquieting fact about Pine Gap may be that the employees working
on the base, and especially those earmarked for duty on electromagnetic
propulsion projects, have undergone brainwashing and even implantation of
intracranial devices. Those employees have turned into unconditional slaves
of their master, whoever he is. Rather scary, isn't it?

"The true point of the bra

[CTRL] Aspirin Anyone?

2001-03-23 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-



Al-Ahram Weekly On-line
22 - 28 March 2001
Issue No.526
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875
Current issue | Previous issue | Site map
US softening on Sudan?
Oil may lead to an about-face in US policy towards Sudan -- especially during a
Texas oilman's presidency, writes Gamal Nkrumah

The United States, the largest donor to relief operations in Sudan, is being urged
to use its clout to secure a political settlement to the Sudanese political crisis.
Since 1983, the US has spent over $1.5 billion in humanitarian aid to Sudan --
mostly in the war-torn southern third of the vast country, Africa's largest.
Humanitarian agencies, human rights groups and influential US politicians are all
calling on Washington to influence th
e course of events in Sudan.

The vociferous nature and timing of these calls have fuelled rumours that US President 
George W Bush, egged on by his Africa advisers and oil interests, is about to 
radically change Washington's Sudan policy. "There is no
 greater tragedy on the face of the earth today than the tragedy that is unfolding in 
Sudan," said US Secretary of State Colin Powell at a congressional international 
relations committee hearing last week. Powell pledged
to end the Sudanese conflict which, he said, "will be a top priority" of the Bush 
administration's foreign policy. A rapprochement between Washington and Khartoum may 
be in the offing. Sudanese Foreign Minister Mustafa Ot
hman Ismail recently held "secret talks" with a US fact-finding delegation, which also 
met with Sudanese opposition figures.

In this context, the recommendations of recently-released reports, arguing for a more 
assertive US role in Sudanese politics, caused ripple effects in Sudanese government 
and opposition circles. First, the Washington-base
d, independent Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) urged the US 
government in a report to organise a new peace initiative in Sudan with the help of 
other Western nations, most notably Britain and Norway.
 "Now is an opportune and appropriate moment for the US to join actively in a strong 
multilateral push, in collaboration with interested European powers, to end Sudan's 
internal war," stated the report.

Conspicuously absent from the report's proposals were potential contributions by 
countries geographically and culturally close to Sudan, such as Egypt, Libya, Ethiopia 
and other Inter-Governmental Authority on Development
 (IGAD) countries in East Africa.

The CSIS task force on US-Sudan policy was funded by the US Institute of Peace and 
co-chaired by Francis Deng, of City University of New York, and Stephen Morrison, 
director of the CSIS programme. Deng, a distinguished ac
ademic and influential southern Sudanese political figure, has long been a leading 
champion of the southern Sudanese cause in Western circles.

The CSIS report's recommendations, if taken up by Washington, could lead to a radical 
departure from the hitherto bellicose US attitude towards Sudan, a country put under 
US sanctions since 1997. Sudan is among a handful
of so-called "rogue" or "pariah" states that the US accuses of sponsoring 
international terrorism, an allegation which led former US President Bill Clinton to 
freeze Sudanese assets in the US and bar most American trade a
nd investments in Sudan.

While cautiously welcomed by the Sudanese government, opposition parties were alarmed 
by the CSIS recommendations. The Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA), the most 
powerful armed opposition group, voiced grave reservat
ions. "It is difficult to see how a US policy that offers carrots to the villains and 
sticks to the victims can achieve these objectives," SPLA leader Dr John Garang told 
Al-Ahram Weekly. "Normalisation of diplomatic and
economic relations with Khartoum would be a reward for its deception. They will have 
manoeuvred their acceptance in the international community and gained the freedom to 
misgovern Sudan," he said. "The Bush administration
 should not be advised to adopt policies of appeasement towards the regime," Garang 

The CSIS report hinted that increased oil production is tilting the balance of power 
in favour of the Sudanese government. In any case, the new-found oil wealth has 
intensified intra-southern Sudanese rivalries in and aro
und prospective oil fields. Fighting has flared between rival Nuer and Dinka people in 
Bentui, the main oil-producing region in southern Sudan. On 12 March, US-based Human 
Rights Watch (HRW) released a report urging that
all US military aid to anti-government southern Sudanese be severed. "The US has 
tremendous clout with southerners. Now is the time to use it," an HRW official 

Sudan began exporting oil in 1999 and oil revenues are expected to top the $400 
million mark by the end of the year. Most of these proceeds are used to fund the war 
effort. The British charity Christian 

Re: [CTRL] Oklahoma City blast linked to bin Laden (fwd)

2001-03-23 Thread Ted Saari
-Caveat Lector-

No primary evidence has been provided that McVeigh actually waived anything, wants to die, wants no autopsy, wants the whole world to view his execution etc, etc.  Only the not so cleverly concocted "Government" hearsay articles strategically disseminated and dribbled out on some kind of an apparently orchestrated public doping schedule leading up to the May 16, 2001 what apppears to be another "Government" sanctioned murder.
Which McVeigh is the apparent patsy, one of the McVeigh doubles, or the real McVeigh?
If one were actually to get an interview with the so-called McVeigh, there would undoubtedly be no evidence provided or testing allowed (compare fingerprints etc) to verify one was actually talking to the real McVeigh.  The opinions, if any,  elicited from the "McVeigh" tendered could not be verified as coming from the real McVeigh.
The current and forthcoming Nash (McVeigh's current "attorney") statements alledgedly relaying 32-year-old McVeigh's death wishes to the public stem from a crony of Stephen Jones ("represented" McVeigh in the kangeroo trial), who if one reads Jopnes' book account of the trial, one suspects a deliberately botched representation and the appearance of collusion with the "Government."  Same old incredibly "Government"-biased nasty judge too.
Where are the live video interviews with McVeigh now and where is any evidence that statements widely attributed to McVeigh are authentic. Why is McVeigh, whenever a rare picture is used, continually depicted in the old original orange jump suit stock photos?   Why are the media networks not on this getting fresh live statements from McVeigh (what, no Barbara Walters inteview, no Jane Pauly interview, no Dateline NBC appearance, no 20/20 cameo, not even a Charlie Rose treatment or a National  Enquirer story?  Where are the book deals?  Where is the real McVeigh and where is/are the McVeigh body double(s)?  Why are some obscure "journalists" from an obscure Buffalo media entity alledgedly granted an interview with McVeigh?  Where is their story?  Why is publication being held until supposedly some time in April/May to be released when there will be no time to question whatever parts of the story may ever be published before McVeigh is killed?  Why the deathly silence of the lamb...
Who is it that will be executed or appear to be executed to headline news on May 16, 2001?
Will there have been any word of truth uttered by "Government" spokespersons in the entire affair?
Who are the unbiasd medical professionals monitoring and reporting to the public McVeigh's mental and physical health and blood chemistry status (similar to Jim McDougal's kinder and gentler "keepers?")
Was nothing learned from the JFK/Oswald/Jack Ruby experience?
What will be lost when McVeigh is gone?
Why is the "Government" so anxious to vet McVeigh?
Who stands to lose if McVeigh were allowed to talk?
Who will benefit by offing a key witness in the OK Bomb affair before the public gets to hear his side of the story?
So goes the old quote attributed to George Santyana - something like  - "Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed ..." 

>From: John Cone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [CTRL] Oklahoma City blast linked to bin Laden (fwd)
>Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 20:05:13 -0800
>-Caveat Lector-
>--- Yardbird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> >
> > The muzzled tiptop experts agree that the
> > Murrah Building was NOT destroyed by a fertilizer
>bomb in a Ryder Truck, but by several contact
> > charges INSIDE that building and positioned on the
> > critical failed support
> > columns. And very soon after the bombing the Murrah
> > Building was hastily
> > demolished (terminated) and without an independent
> > forensic examination.
> >
> > We are now told that Mc Veigh wants to be
> > speedily executed (terminated) and buried without an
> independent forensic examination (autopsy). Do we
>really believe that? Isn't that convenient for the
> > federal power structure that Mc Veigh wishes to be
> > hastily terminated without an independent forensic
>examination entirely analogous to the building he
> > allegedly destroyed with his one "magic" bomb? (Kind
> > of like Oswald's one magic bullet?)
>Nakano Comments:
>Yes, it is very much like Oswald and also much
>like Sirhan Sirhan.
>Consider the following:
>"a Middle Eastern terrorist cell living and operating
> > in the heart of Oklahoma City just a few miles from
>the Alfred P. Murrah Building. We located
>several witnesses and they testified and told us that
>they identified an Iraqi national, a former member of
>Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard through his own
>admission later, as being in the company with Timothy
>McVeigh the day of the bombing, prior to the bombing
>in Oklahoma City."

[CTRL] #Beast#

2001-03-23 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


  by the Beast
  Jeff Snyder
  if we look with a fresh mind, a news report can reveal to us just
  how much we have already given up, how complacent and unquestioning
  we have become, and how comfortable we are wearing the chains forged
  for us.
  February 20 article from the London Telegraph reports that
  clerics and theologians of the Russian Orthodox Church met "to
  decide whether changes to Russia’s tax system heralded the coming
  of the Antichrist." The reason for this extraordinary meeting?
  The introduction of an individual number for each taxpayer.
  to the report, the conference sought to allay the fears of an imminent 
apocalypse. Thousands of believers are boycotting the tax codes
  and some dioceses are in a panic over the changes. The source of
  this remarkable resistance is a passage in the Book of Revelation
  prophesying that the Beast "causeth all, both small and great,
  rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand
  or in their foreheads." The believers denounce the tax numbers
  as the mark of Satan and "a humiliation of man’s dignity incompatible 
with the holy design of man in God’s image and form."
  story did not receive much play here in the Land of Mammon, where
  the Social Security Administration’s "numbered from birth"
  initiative proceeds apace, and an individual’s SSN increasingly
  becomes the key link to more and more commercial and government
  databases. No, no such qualms from this nation’s clerics
  and theologians; no need to question the nature of this government
  based on the revelations of the nature of evil in scripture. No
  silly superstitions here. We are a pragmatic people, and readily
  recognize the administrative necessity of accepting and using the
  "name" given to us by the State in lieu of the one given
  us by our parents. Come, let’s enjoy a chuckle at the fears of these
  simpleton Russians.
  is not the first occasion, however, that orthodox believers have
  resisted numbering by the State. The former Soviet Union labored
  mightily to free its people from the superstition of religion. The
  masses could have no legitimate need for opiates in the Worker’s
  Paradise. Stalin, especially, was so impatient to hasten the withering
  of the State foretold by Marxist-Leninist doctrine that he imprisoned
  hundreds of thousands of Christians in the labor and death camps
  – to help clear the way.
  was the practice in these camps to assign each prisoner a number
  and require him or her to sew it on in three places on his newly
  issued prison garb. In The Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitsyn documents a 
remarkable case
  of resistance to this practice:
again, they quite blatantly borrowed from the Nazis a practice
which had proved valuable to them – the substitution of a number
for the prisoner’s name, his "I," his individuality,
so that the difference between one man and another was a digit
more or less in an otherwise identical row of figures. . . . .

people for whom the numbers were indeed the most diabolical of
the camp’s devices were the devout women members of certain religious
sects. There were some of these in the Women’s Camp Division near
the Suslovo station (Kamyshlag) – about a third of the women there
were imprisoned for their religion. Now, it is plainly foretold
in the Book of Revelation (Chapter 13,Verse 16) that ‘it causes
all . . . to be marked on the right hand or the forehead.’
women refused, therefore, to wear numbers – the mark of Satan!
Nor would they give signed receipts (to Satan, of course) in return
for regulation dress. The camp authorities . . . showed laudable
firmness! They gave orders that the women should be stripped
to their shifts, and have their shoes taken from them . .
. , thus enlisting winter’s help in forcing these senseless fanatics
to accept regulation dress and sew on their numbers. But even
with the temperature below freezing, the women walked about the
camp in their shifts and barefoot, refusing to surrender their


2001-03-23 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The Arts and Sciences?Garbage is as garbage does

Can you actually NAME and give a short synopsis of ANY of the films up for Best 
Picture this year?

No, I thought not...


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Boy's death spotlights bias in coverage of gays.

2001-03-23 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

The Washington Times is a very conservative newspaper.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.---  J2


Boy's death spotlights bias in coverage of gays


March 23, 2001
By Robert Stacy McCain

There were no nationally televised candlelight vigils for Jesse
Dirkhising.  No Hollywood celebrities mourned the passing of the
13-year-old Arkansas boy.

The New York Times hasn't reported how Jesse died of asphyxiation
in 1999 after prosecutors say he was bound, gagged and sodomized
by a homosexual couple.  And the seventh-grader's death has not
caused powerful Washington activists to lobby for new federal
laws to punish such crimes.

While the 1998 death of Matthew Shepard in Wyoming provoked a
blizzard of media coverage about the death of the homosexual
college student, the Dirkhising case is just "a local crime
story," one TV network spokesman explains.

Joshua Macabe Brown, one of two men accused of killing Jesse, was
convicted yesterday of rape and first-degree murder in a trial
that began March 13.

Through yesterday afternoon, Brown's weeklong trial produced a
combined total of zero stories from the New York Times, the
Washington Post, USA Today, CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN.

Conservatives comparing coverage of the Shepard and Dirkhising
cases, which both involve homosexuality, have scolded the media
for ignoring Jesse's murder.  But the disparity in reporting on
the two murders is now provoking comment even from homosexual

"This discrepancy isn't just real.  It's staggering," Andrew
Sullivan wrote in a column in the April 2 issue of the liberal
New Republic magazine.

Mr.  Sullivan, who is homosexual, cited Nexis database statistics
showing 3,007 media stories about the Shepard killing in the
month after the Wyoming murder, but just 46 stories about
Dirkhising's murder in the month after the Arkansas boy's death.

Outside of Arkansas, the Tulsa World and the Memphis Commercial
Appeal were the only large newspapers to carry daily Associated
Press coverage of Brown's trial.  The Washington Times has
carried the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette's reports on the trial in
Bentonville, Ark.

The only TV network to report on the trial has been Fox News
Channel, where "O'Reilly Factor" host Bill O'Reilly featured a
segment on the Dirkhising case titled "Is There a Double Standard
in Coverage of Hate Crimes?" on his Monday broadcast.

By contrast, the Shepard murder made front-page news — and the
cover of Time magazine — in October 1998.

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy and Rep. Richard A. Gephardt were among
the politicians who appeared with Hollywood stars like Ellen
Degeneres at a candlelight vigil on Capitol Hill to mourn Mr.
Shepard's death and demand new hate crimes laws to protect

TV networks featured footage of a weeping Miss DeGeneres —whose
televised "coming out" as a lesbian made headlines in 1997
—telling the crowd at the Capitol Hill vigil, "I'm begging
heterosexuals to see this as a wake-up call to help us end the
hate.  Please raise your children with love and nonjudgment.  .
.  .  This is a war, we need your help."

Critics have charged that "political correctness" explains the
different media treatment of the Shepard and Dirkhising murders.
News organizations deny any such bias.

"Absolutely not," responded CBS News spokeswoman Sandy Genelius.

"Every day we have 22 minutes to fill on the 'CBS Evening News,'
and every day the producers and the senior production staff have
to determine what stories make the broadcast and which don't,"
said Ms. Genelius.

"Obviously, we can't cover every story that happens in this
country every day," the CBS spokeswoman said Wednesday, "so each
day we make an editorial judgment and, on the days when [the
Dirkhising murder] story was unfolding, the overall editorial
judgment was that it couldn't fit into the broadcast that day."

"We've been watching the trial and will continue to monitor it,"
ABC News spokesman Todd Polkes said Wednesday.  "Currently, we
have no plans to report it in our national newscasts.  It appears
to be a local crime story that does not raise the kind of issues
that would warrant our coverage."

After yesterday's guilty verdict for one of Jesse's accused
killers, Mr. Polkes said there were still "no plans to [report
the verdict] on 'World News Tonight.' "

"We've been monitoring the trial," CNN spokeswoman Megan Mahoney
said Wednesday.  "We have an affiliate [in Fort Smith, Ark.].
But it has not been on our air yet.  .  .  . Every day, we're
striving for fair, accurate and objective reporting."

After yesterday's verdict, Miss Mahoney said CNN was receiving
coverage from its Arkansas affiliate, although no decision had
been made whether the story would be reported on the cable news

Powerful lobbying organizations like the Gay and Lesbian A

[CTRL] Fwd: [FUTURE-CITIES] [PT-ANN] PlasmaNet 1-054 6th Int. Symposium Fusion Nuclear Technology (fwd)

2001-03-23 Thread Aleisha Saba

For your information anyone that is interested in this stuff

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 09:38:40 +0900
From: PlasmaNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "PlasmaNet: Announcements and News" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PT-ANN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [PT-ANN] PlasmaNet 1-054 6th Int. Symposium Fusion Nuclear

PlasmaNet 1-054 6th Int. Symposium Fusion Nuclear Technology


Dear Colleague:

Please find pasted below the Second Announcement and
Call for Papers for the 6th International Symposium on
Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-6) which will be held at
the Hyatt Islandia in San Diego, California on April 7-12, 2002.
We would greatly appreciate your efforts in further distributing
this announcement to your home institution colleagues.

This announcement and accompanying forms for preregistration
and abstract submission can also be downloaded from the
conference website at http://cer.ucsd.edu/isfnt.html.

Thank you for your assistance, and we look forward to seeing you
in San Diego in April of 2002.

Claudia Hennessy
Symposium Secretary, ISFNT-6

6th International Symposium on
Fusion Nuclear Technology

April 7-12, 2002
San Diego, California, USA

Second Announcement
and Call for Papers

Organized by the
University of California, San Diego
Virtual Laboratory for Technology
Center for Energy Research

C. Baker

M. Abdou C. Ferro K. Miya
C. Baker M. Gasparotto E. Salpietro
S. Berk I. Kirillov M. Seki
V. Chuyanov H. Kishimoto G. Shatalov
P. Fenici K. McCarthy J. Vetter

Symposium Secretary
C. Hennessy

Chairperson Co-Chairpersons
C. Baker M. Seki
Y. Strebkov
J. Vetter

Executive Secretary
R. Raffray

M. Akiba R. Haange N. Morley
W. Bahm V. Kapyshev O. Motojima
V. Belyakov I. Kirillov M. Nishikawa
V. Chuyanov A. Kohyama R. Raffray
I. Cook R. Mattas G. Shatalov
M. Gasparotto K. McCarthy S. Tanaka
L. Giancarli D. Meade S. Zinkle

Scope of Symposium
The Symposium is recognized as a major event for the international
exchange of technical information on all aspects related to fusion
nuclear technologies (FNT) and for the promotion of international
The Symposium focuses on all technical issues related to fusion
nuclear technology. The conference will provide an excellent
opportunity to report on recent technical progress, discuss key
issues and identify means to resolve these issues. The conference
will cover both near-term fusion devices and long-term reactor
technologies. Papers related to technology, experiments,
facilities, modeling, analysis, and design are welcome.
The working language is English.

List of Topics
1. First Wall Technology and High Heat Flux Components
2. Blanket Technology
3. Fuel Cycle and Tritium Processing
4. Material Engineering
5. Vacuum Vessel
6. Nuclear System Design
7. Safety Issues and Waste Management
8. Models and Experiments
9. Repair and Maintenance
10. Burning Plasma Control & Operation
11. Inertial Confinement Fusion Studies and Technologies
12. FNT Contributions to Other Fields of Science and Technology

Call for Papers
The conference will consist of invited and contributed papers and
industrial exhibitions. The International Program Committee will
select the contributed papers for oral or poster presentation and
will reject papers which do not reach a sufficiently high standard,
fall outside the scope of the Symposium, or describe results already
presented elsewhere. Contributions will be published in a special
volume of Fusion Engineering and Design after the usual review process.
However, paper presentation at the Symposium does not guarantee
publication in the proceedings.

One-Page Abstract Guidelines
The abstract must clearly describe the aim, the work and the results
reported in the future paper in order to allow for evaluation of its
scientific content. Please submit by no later than August 7, 2001,
a one-page (400-600 words) abstract, via email transmission to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] One Abstract Submission Form
(attached herewith) must accompany each abstract. Both forms
may be submitted as email attachments in PDF format, MS Word or
pasted in the body of an email message. Do not include graphs,
symbols or equations in the abstract. The Abstract Submission
Form and Abstract Template may also be downloaded from our
conference website at: http://cer.ucsd.edu/isfnt.html.
For detailed instructions on abstract format, please see
attached Abstract Template.

Key Dates
Abstracts Due August 7, 2001
Notification to Authors October 7, 2001
3rd Announcement/Registration October 7, 2001

[CTRL] [radtimes] # 187

2001-03-23 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 187

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
Send $$ to RadTimes!!  -->  (See ** at end.)

--Burn a Flag For Freedom
--Violence rising along border
--Anti-globalisation clashes in Italy
--Guerrillas in Their Midst
--Group intent on violence at summit
--Responding To Domestic Terrorism
--US Military Microwave Weapon Considered For Civilian Control


Burn a Flag For Freedom

by Rob Moody
March 17, 2001

It is seldom that any liberty is lost all at once. ~ David Hume

A constitutional amendment prohibiting physical desecration of the US flag
was introduced last Tuesday in both houses of Congress. Well, hallelujah!
All of our problems are solved. Seriously, though, is this a problem? When
was the last time you heard about a US flag being "desecrated" on American
soil? Probably in 1989, when Congress passed the Flag Protection Act, which
made "desecration" of the flag a federal offense. Of course, the Law of
Unintended Consequences kicked in when the act went into effect, and many
people burned flags in protest. The only US flags I ever see being
"desecrated" are in places like Gaza and Iraq, due to the fact that we can't
seem to mind our own business. Do you ever see any foreigners burning a
Swiss flag? I wonder why.

There is nothing that raises my blood pressure like a phony baloney, plastic
banana patriot who wants to show everyone how patriotic he is by taking away
our freedoms. Most of these people have never served their country in any
way or put their lives on the line for it. Politicians love this issue
because it allows them to cast a vote for patriotism while distracting us
from the issues that really matter.

In the Senate, the bill was introduced by Orrin Hatch (figures) and Max
Cleland (not only is he one of my senators, I went through the same ROTC
program and belonged to the same fraternity that he did at Stetson). The
amendment reads, "Congress shall have the power to prohibit the physical
desecration of the flag of the United States." My dictionary defines
desecrate as: "To violate the sacredness of : profane." Sacred is defined
as: "1. Dedicated to or reserved for the worship of a deity. 2. Worthy of
religious veneration. 3. Made or declared holy.6. Of or relating to
religious objects, rites or practices." Profane is defined as: "Showing
irreverence or contempt toward God or sacred things : blasphemous." So is
the flag now worthy of religious veneration, as the Nazi flag was at the
Nuremberg rallies?

Rep. Duke Cunningham (R, CA), the sponsor of the amendment in the House,
said: "This Congress is committed to doing everything we can to ensure our
symbol of national pride and freedom [except for the freedom to 'desecrate'
that symbol] is protected. Millions of American men and women have died in
defense of this nation [No, most of them died in unnecessary wars started by
socialist presidents] and the flag that represents the history of our nation
[unlike the Confederate flag, which simply represents hate]. The American
flag is a national treasure. It is the ultimate symbol of freedom, equal
opportunity and religious tolerance." Is it also a symbol of political
tolerance? Are we mature enough to allow peaceful people to "desecrate" the
flag, even though it may deeply offend us?

Rep. John Murtha (D, PA), the co-sponsor of the amendment in the House,
said: "The flag is a solemn and sacred [there's that word again] symbol of
the many sacrifices made by our founding fathers and our veterans throughout
several wars as they fought to establish and protect the founding principles
of our nation. [I would argue that about the only veterans who did this were
those in the Revolutionary War and Confederate veterans in the War Between
the States.] Veterans in particular and many other Americans as well feel
deeply insulted when they see our flag being desecrated." So does each
person now have a right to not be insulted? If so, the First Amendment is
dead. As the Supreme Court ruled in Texas V. Johnson 491 U.S. 397 (1989),
"If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that
the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because
society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable."

American Legion Commander Ray Smith said of the amendment: "Protecting Old
Glory is not about speech. [The government conceded in court that flag
burning constitutes expressive conduct.] It is about protecting our
Constitution [By attacking the First Amendment?] from wrong-headed judicial
activism [Striking down a bad law as unconstitutional is not judicial
activism; ta

[CTRL] [HardGreenHerald] # 12

2001-03-23 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[HardGreenHerald] # 12

"Unless someone like you cares a whole lot, nothing is going to get better.
It's not."
--Dr. Seuss, 'The Lorax'

--A RadTimes production--

--Militant environmental group targets FBI, others
--What Are They Hiding?
--British Foot-Mouth Virus Epidemic Mimics US Simulation
--The Hidden Threat Of Agro-Terror
--Reader commentary
--New Acid Rain Study Finds Northeast Is Not Recovering
--U.S. Sheep Seized in Mad Cow Scare
--Sea Shepherd Brazil Assembling Oiled Wildlife Rescue Team
--CJD deaths due to traditional butchers
--Butchers' Knives 'Caused CJD Cluster'
--Scientists look to 'traditional knowledge' to help understand climate change
--Mad Sheep Seized in Vermont
--Anti-nuclear protesters step up attacks in Germany
--Millions dying needlessly from dirty water


Militant environmental group targets FBI, others

Scripps-McClatchy Western Service / Sacramento Bee
March 13, 2001

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Two weeks after claiming responsibility
for its first arson attack in California, the Earth
Liberation Front has issued a nationwide call for "militant
direct action" against FBI offices and other federal

The militant environmental group, which the FBI has called
the nation's most dangerous domestic terror organization, on
Tuesday issued a statement asking its followers to engage in
actions against the federal government on April 5.

That date coincides with the scheduled pretrial hearing of
Frank Ambrose, who has been charged in Bloomington, Ind.,
with tree-spiking and is suspected to be an ELF member.

Ambrose has denied the charges and his case has become a
rallying point for environmental activists who believe he is
being unfairly targeted by FBI agents anxious to win a court
victory against an alleged ELF follower.

Sacramento FBI spokesman Nick Rossi said his agency had
little to say about the ELF announcement or FBI security

"We evaluate each threat on a case by case basis," Rossi

The announcement calls for protests at a time of year when
federal agencies typically are at a heightened state of
alert because of the April 19 anniversaries of the Oklahoma
City federal building bombing and the raid on the Branch
Davidian compound in Waco, Texas.

The call for action on April 5 came through e-mail messages
sent to individuals who have asked to be updated on ELF
activities. The messages are forwarded by a group of
activists based in Portland, Ore., who deny any membership
in the group.

One of the activists, Lesliejames Pickering, said Tuesday
that he believed the latest announcement indicated there
would be demonstrations of "support for radical action."

"Militant means more organized, more strategic," Pickering
said. "There are going to be protests nationwide."

He added that he expected protest sites to include either
Sacramento or San Francisco.

The shadowy organization, which has no official members,
says it is a worldwide group that includes anyone who
takes action to protect the environment without injuring or
killing anyone.

The group claims to have caused at least $37 million in
damages to various timber operations, ski resorts and other
entities ELF members believe have hurt the environment.

In one of its latest efforts, the ELF claims to have set a
Feb. 20 pre-dawn fire at a cotton gin near Visalia that
caused $700,000 in damage. The group claimed it targeted the
plant because it contained genetically engineered cotton

But officials said there were no such seeds at the gin, and
a fire investigator said Tuesday that officials have not
been able to corroborate the group's claims of setting the

The ELF claimed to have placed barrels containing a total of
20 gallons of gasoline and other fuel around the inside of
the plant.

Capt. Mike Davidson of the California Department of Forestry
and Fire Protection said a dog trained to detect
accelerants at arsons was sent inside the cotton gin and
found no scent of the fuel.

"I personally believe that if there were 20 gallons of
accelerant inside the dog would have smelled it and the
firefighters would have smelled it (when they arrived on the
scene)," Davidson said. "I can't eliminate the possibility
that the Earth Liberation Front set the fire; I can say that
they didn't do the fire the way they said they did."

However, FBI officials have said the group's previous claims
of responsibility for such actions generally have been
accurate. And officials are concerned that the fire in
Visalia and the recent announcements indicate ELF followers
are planning to increase the number and frequency of such


What Are They Hiding?


Are you the gambling type? What do you

[CTRL] SNET: Australians Reclaiming Their Right To Self Defense (fwd)

2001-03-23 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 06:13:05 -0800
Subject: SNET: Australians Reclaiming Their Right To Self Defense

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Self defense to a liberal means:

Dial 911, put your head between your legs, and kiss your *ss goodbye.


Firearm Owners Association of Australia

Box 346 Gympie
Queensland 4570
Phone 07 54825070
Fax 07 54824716

Message to all Firearm Owners in Australia
Operation Strike Back 100% Victorious

In 1986 Howard, Fisher, Cooper and Borbridge were all warned by the
FOAA that if they continued to ignore the individual rights of Firearm
Owners, traditionally their core supporters, that they, having 'sown
the wind would reap the whirlwind'. They were told in no uncertain
terms via, thousands of letters, faxes personal visits by former
members and in countless media interviews by our executive, that to
proceed with the dictatorial Gun Laws would be political suicide. That
they would end up taking all their MP's to parliament in a bongo van.

They did not want to listen, in fact Cooper and Borbridge invited the
FOAA executive to a conference, prior to the introduction of the Act
and then cancelled the meeting at the last minute, saying we were
considered 'INTRACTABLE' that means, unsubmissive, unyielding,
uncompromising, and it was true. We would not compromise the rights of
our members by 'treating' with the enemy.

The Road Back

It has taken nearly four years, countless days and many nights of
burning the midnight oil by thousands of Firearm Owners throughout
Australia but the Liberal, National betrayal has finally been driven
to its conclusion. Every state Government that agreed to the
Inter-National Gun Laws has been thrown out of office, the Nationals
and Liberals as a political force in this country are now a non event.
Cooper has Resigned, Fisher has resigned, Borbridge has resigned and
Prime Minister Howard is riding an (at the most six months) avalanche
of disenchantment into a chasm that the Liberal/National coalition
will never crawl out from.

'Bang Bang And You're Dead'

quote by Sir Richard Court referring to One Nation's effect on the
West Australian Liberal Party.

'One Nation' the machine that has produced this stunning result would
not have had substance if the shooters did not supply the legs. Both
the Firearm Owners and Pauline have both been quoted as saying that
'Pauline is the Train Driver and the Firearm Owners are the Engines
and Wheels'. We have split Liberal and National asunder, now One
Nation is the fastest growing political force in Australia's history.

Only One More Party To Beat

Of the three Major Parties whose 'bi-partisan', or as I would call it
'Tyrannical' behaviour introduced the Inter-National Gun Laws in 1996
there is only one left. Labour. It seems that the only vehicle that
has a chance of bringing Labour to its knees is, One Nation. One
Nation is the only Opposition.

Labour is the last one to go, it cannot hide now behind a shield of
Liberal Socialists, it's on its own, isolated ready to be knocked off
its perch.

Labour has not won an election on its merits, it offers no solutions,
no fairer attitude to the electorate, it has only sat on the sidelines
benefitting from the massive split in the coalition parties. As all
action causes re-action. Labours 10% swing, a backlash from Liberal
due to GST can soon swing to One Nation with the certainty of a
ticking clock.

Let's do it.

Ron Owen

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Newsletters, Tips and Discussions on Topics You Choose.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

[CTRL] Fraud at the Redstone Arsenal

2001-03-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Source: Al Martin Raw


Fraud For Lunch at Redstone Arsenal

by Al Martin

Last week there was another $40,000 lunch for foreign arms
dealers at the Redstone Arsenal paid for by US taxpayers.  In
other words, it was business as usual.

The menu featured giant prawns and stone crab. There was also a
bowl of green punch to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day.

Underneath the punch bowl, there was an arrangement of crisp
brand-new fifty and hundred dollar banknotes arranged in a floral
pattern.  They were wrapped up with little ribbons and given out
as party favors.

At the party there was an active lieutenant general, an active
three star general no less, who was talking about moving his
fraud money to Corsica.  This is the type of scam that's been
done for years.  He's just doing it a little more professionally.
It's called the Old Double Inventory Whammo Scam, and it's often
done against the Department of Defense.  The general is doing it
with his clique of ten confederates.  Some are in DoD
Procurement.  Some are in DoD Inventory Control.  Some are in DoD
Payment and Disbursement.  And some are in DoD Audit.  You have
to have someone in each of these offices to make the scam work.

He was bragging about it.  "We just committed this scam last
week.  It cost $40,000 and it netted $2.5 million." He said his
end was $250,000 and it just got wired to his offshore account
and he's going to bury the money by buying a piece of beachfront
property in Corsica because he doesn't have anything else to do
with it.

The scam is relatively simple.  They are reselling back to the
Department of Defense actual Department of Defense inventory
items that the Department of Defense already owns, but doesn't
realize it owns.  What they do is they go through the Department
of Defense inventory list which is massive.  They look for some
esoteric but generic part.  It doesn't have to be big.  Just
something that can be easily misplaced or mislaid.

What this guy does on the inside is he simply deletes it from the
computer.  That's all he does.  He deletes it.  He doesn't leave
a paper trail pretending it was sold to some other company.
It's just erased.  It's just deleted.

What happens when it's an inventory item is that whether they
need it or not (this is the way that DoD procurement works)
nobody ever figures out or bothers to check whether it's an item
that they actually need.  It could be a component left over from
the Second World War that's still in inventory.  What the
computer does when it sees an item deleted is that it
automatically generates an electronic bid for the item for the
same quantity of the item, no matter what the item is, even if
its not used, or rusted, or whatever.  It doesn't make any

So what they do is form an offshore armaments corporation.  Then
they submit a bid so cheap that they know they're going to get
it.  The Department of Defense pays them almost immediately.
It's nothing big, just two or three million at a time.  And
they're doing it every month. Two or three million.  Two or three

The guy on the inside then makes the item reappear in the
inventory list and just changes the seller's code from what it
was originally to this new offshore company.  Then after they've
gotten paid (which is almost immediately once the bid is
accepted) as soon as the money is in the offshore account, they
dissolve the offshore corporation the next day and disburse the
money to the individual accounts which are hidden all over the
world.  They reopen a corporation the following day using a
similar sounding name just in a different offshore jurisdiction.

So for instance Pan Global Armaments last week becomes Trans
Global this week.  But anyway this guy is complaining that he's
making so much money he's having a hard time hiding it all.
There were about 400 guys at this lunch - the biggest crowd they
ever had there.  What the generals and colonels are most worried
about is hiding their money because they're making so much
they're running out of places to hide it without making it look

They know the FBI is snooping around.  They know congressional
committees are looking around.  They know the media is getting
interested.  But they talk so openly about it.  They've been
doing it for so long and nobody has ever been prosecuted because
they give so much of the money away.  The general was talking
about this Defense Contracting Association that gives millions
and millions to the Republican Party.  Enormous amounts of money.

These meetings are composed of active military officers, mostly
the rank of major and above.  They are in association with
retired military officers, from majors to three star generals.
A lot of one star and two star generals are involved.

What they do is form offshore arms companies. Seatac Arms.
Teltac Arms.  Very generic sounding names. "We like to make the
names what we call military

[CTRL] WT: Boy's death spotlights bias in coverage of gays

2001-03-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Boy's death spotlights bias in coverage of gays


March 23, 2001
By Robert Stacy McCain

There were no nationally televised candlelight vigils for Jesse
Dirkhising.  No Hollywood celebrities mourned the passing of the
13-year-old Arkansas boy.

The New York Times hasn't reported how Jesse died of asphyxiation
in 1999 after prosecutors say he was bound, gagged and sodomized
by a homosexual couple.  And the seventh-grader's death has not
caused powerful Washington activists to lobby for new federal
laws to punish such crimes.

While the 1998 death of Matthew Shepard in Wyoming provoked a
blizzard of media coverage about the death of the homosexual
college student, the Dirkhising case is just "a local crime
story," one TV network spokesman explains.

Joshua Macabe Brown, one of two men accused of killing Jesse, was
convicted yesterday of rape and first-degree murder in a trial
that began March 13.

Through yesterday afternoon, Brown's weeklong trial produced a
combined total of zero stories from the New York Times, the
Washington Post, USA Today, CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN.

Conservatives comparing coverage of the Shepard and Dirkhising
cases, which both involve homosexuality, have scolded the media
for ignoring Jesse's murder.  But the disparity in reporting on
the two murders is now provoking comment even from homosexual

"This discrepancy isn't just real.  It's staggering," Andrew
Sullivan wrote in a column in the April 2 issue of the liberal
New Republic magazine.

Mr.  Sullivan, who is homosexual, cited Nexis database statistics
showing 3,007 media stories about the Shepard killing in the
month after the Wyoming murder, but just 46 stories about
Dirkhising's murder in the month after the Arkansas boy's death.

Outside of Arkansas, the Tulsa World and the Memphis Commercial
Appeal were the only large newspapers to carry daily Associated
Press coverage of Brown's trial.  The Washington Times has
carried the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette's reports on the trial in
Bentonville, Ark.

The only TV network to report on the trial has been Fox News
Channel, where "O'Reilly Factor" host Bill O'Reilly featured a
segment on the Dirkhising case titled "Is There a Double Standard
in Coverage of Hate Crimes?" on his Monday broadcast.

By contrast, the Shepard murder made front-page news — and the
cover of Time magazine — in October 1998.

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy and Rep. Richard A. Gephardt were among
the politicians who appeared with Hollywood stars like Ellen
Degeneres at a candlelight vigil on Capitol Hill to mourn Mr.
Shepard's death and demand new hate crimes laws to protect

TV networks featured footage of a weeping Miss DeGeneres —whose
televised "coming out" as a lesbian made headlines in 1997
—telling the crowd at the Capitol Hill vigil, "I'm begging
heterosexuals to see this as a wake-up call to help us end the
hate.  Please raise your children with love and nonjudgment.  .
.  .  This is a war, we need your help."

Critics have charged that "political correctness" explains the
different media treatment of the Shepard and Dirkhising murders.
News organizations deny any such bias.

"Absolutely not," responded CBS News spokeswoman Sandy Genelius.

"Every day we have 22 minutes to fill on the 'CBS Evening News,'
and every day the producers and the senior production staff have
to determine what stories make the broadcast and which don't,"
said Ms. Genelius.

"Obviously, we can't cover every story that happens in this
country every day," the CBS spokeswoman said Wednesday, "so each
day we make an editorial judgment and, on the days when [the
Dirkhising murder] story was unfolding, the overall editorial
judgment was that it couldn't fit into the broadcast that day."

"We've been watching the trial and will continue to monitor it,"
ABC News spokesman Todd Polkes said Wednesday.  "Currently, we
have no plans to report it in our national newscasts.  It appears
to be a local crime story that does not raise the kind of issues
that would warrant our coverage."

After yesterday's guilty verdict for one of Jesse's accused
killers, Mr. Polkes said there were still "no plans to [report
the verdict] on 'World News Tonight.' "

"We've been monitoring the trial," CNN spokeswoman Megan Mahoney
said Wednesday.  "We have an affiliate [in Fort Smith, Ark.].
But it has not been on our air yet.  .  .  . Every day, we're
striving for fair, accurate and objective reporting."

After yesterday's verdict, Miss Mahoney said CNN was receiving
coverage from its Arkansas affiliate, although no decision had
been made whether the story would be reported on the cable news

Powerful lobbying organizations like the Gay and Lesbian Alliance
Against Defamation (GLAAD), which has an annual budget of nearly
$4 million, work to shape media portrayals of homosexuality.

Within 48 hours of the attack on Mr.  Shepa

[CTRL] NM: Blame Monica for Russian Spy Purge

2001-03-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

For the story behind the story...

Friday March 23, 2001; 9:30 a.m.  EST

Blame Monica for Russian Spy Purge

The American media said Monicagate was "just about sex."

But a report Friday suggests that ex-President Clinton's oral sex
sessions with a then-23-year-old White House intern may have
ultimately led to the Bush administration's decision to boot 51
Russian spies out of the country -- and to what some are calling
a new Cold War.

The U.S.  intellience review that resulted in the Russian spy
purge began well before arrest of FBI turncoat Robert Hanssen,
reports the New York Post -- and was, in fact, prompted by other

U.S.  spycatchers were particularly worried about "indications
that the Russians were aware of Bill Clinton's affair with Monica
Lewinsky well before the scandal broke" the paper said.

Not only did Putin's predecessor Boris Yeltsin claim in his
memoirs that he knew before Ken Starr about Clinton's
relationship with Lewinsky, but U.S.  intelligence experts now
suspect "the Russian SVR spy agency, successor to the KGB, may
have intercepted Clinton's phone sex conversations with her."

Undoubtedly those intercepts, if they occurred, were recorded --
raising the ominous possibility that Russian leaders had potent
evidence to blackmail Clinton starting at the beginning of his
second term.

Another concern prompting the intelligence review: suspicions
that the SVR had planted an eavesdropping bug inside a seventh
floor conference room of the State Department.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

*Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Boy's death spotlights bias in coverage of gays

2001-03-23 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Boy's death spotlights bias in coverage of gays
By Robert Stacy McCain

 There were no nationally televised candlelight vigils for Jesse
Dirkhising. No Hollywood celebrities mourned the passing of the 13-year-old
Arkansas boy. Top Stories
• Frustration over campaign bill hobbles Senate
• ABA's role on judges ruled out
• China chided for detaining U.S. boy
• Moscow threatens retaliation over ousters
• Metro balks over station naming

 The New York Times hasn't reported how Jesse died of asphyxiation in
1999 after prosecutors say he was bound, gagged and sodomized by a homosexual
couple. And the seventh-grader's death has not caused powerful Washington
activists to lobby for new federal laws to punish such crimes.
 While the 1998 death of Matthew Shepard in Wyoming provoked a blizzard
of media coverage about the death of the homosexual college student, the
Dirkhising case is just "a local crime story," one TV network spokesman
 Joshua Macabe Brown, one of two men accused of killing Jesse, was
convicted yesterday of rape and first-degree murder in a trial that began
March 13.
 Through yesterday afternoon, Brown's weeklong trial produced a combined
total of zero stories from the New York Times, the Washington Post, USA
Today, CBS, ABC, NBC and CNN.
 Conservatives comparing coverage of the Shepard and Dirkhising cases,
which both involve homosexuality, have scolded the media for ignoring Jesse's
murder. But the disparity in reporting on the two murders is now provoking
comment even from homosexual critics.
 "This discrepancy isn't just real. It's staggering," Andrew Sullivan
wrote in a column in the April 2 issue of the liberal New Republic magazine.
 Mr. Sullivan, who is homosexual, cited Nexis database statistics showing
3,007 media stories about the Shepard killing in the month after the Wyoming
murder, but just 46 stories about Dirkhising's murder in the month after the
Arkansas boy's death.
 Outside of Arkansas, the Tulsa World and the Memphis Commercial Appeal
were the only large newspapers to carry daily Associated Press coverage of
Brown's trial. The Washington Times has carried the Arkansas
Democrat-Gazette's reports on the trial in Bentonville, Ark.
 The only TV network to report on the trial has been Fox News Channel,
where "O'Reilly Factor" host Bill O'Reilly featured a segment on the
Dirkhising case titled "Is There a Double Standard in Coverage of Hate
Crimes?" on his Monday broadcast.
 By contrast, the Shepard murder made front-page news — and the cover of
Time magazine — in October 1998. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy and Rep. Richard A.
Gephardt were among the politicians who appeared with Hollywood stars like
Ellen Degeneres at a candlelight vigil on Capitol Hill to mourn Mr. Shepard's
death and demand new hate crimes laws to protect homosexuals.
 TV networks featured footage of a weeping Miss DeGeneres —whose
televised "coming out" as a lesbian made headlines in 1997 —telling the crowd
at the Capitol Hill vigil, "I'm begging heterosexuals to see this as a
wake-up call to help us end the hate. Please raise your children with love
and nonjudgment. . . . This is a war, we need your help."
 Critics have charged that "political correctness" explains the different
media treatment of the Shepard and Dirkhising murders. News organizations
deny any such bias.
 "Absolutely not," responded CBS News spokeswoman Sandy Genelius.
 "Every day we have 22 minutes to fill on the 'CBS Evening News,' and
every day the producers and the senior production staff have to determine
what stories make the broadcast and which don't," said Ms. Genelius.
 "Obviously, we can't cover every story that happens in this country
every day," the CBS spokeswoman said Wednesday, "so each day we make an
editorial judgment and, on the days when [the Dirkhising murder] story was
unfolding, the overall editorial judgment was that it couldn't fit into the
broadcast that day."
 "We've been watching the trial and will continue to monitor it," ABC
News spokesman Todd Polkes said Wednesday. "Currently, we have no plans to
report it in our national newscasts. It appears to be a local crime story
that does not raise the kind of issues that would warrant our coverage."
 After yesterday's guilty verdict for one of Jesse's accused killers, Mr.
Polkes said there were still "no plans to [report the verdict] on 'World News
Tonight.' "
 "We've been monitoring the trial," CNN spokeswoman Megan Mahoney said
Wednesday. "We have an affiliate [in Fort Smith, Ark.]. But it has not been
on our air yet. . . . Every day, we're striving for fair, accurate and
objective reporting."
 After yesterday's verdict, Miss Mahoney said CNN was receiving coverage
from its Arkansas affiliate, although no decision had been made whether the
story would be r

[CTRL] Temple Mount dig continues

2001-03-23 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Temple Mount dig continues
Hundreds of Muslims volunteering to excavate sacred site called 'illegal'



© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Yisrael Caspi, of the Committee to Save the Temple Mount, told the Knesset
Education Committee the “desecration” of the Jewish holy site by Moslem Waqf
construction continues.

Caspi said hundreds of Islamic Movement volunteers arrived at the site
earlier this week to help in the excavations. So far, the new Israeli
government has announced no decision about curtailing and restricting the
operation, which, Caspi said, is being carried out based on illegal permits
granted by ex-Prime Minister Ehud Barak.

"We are willing to give the new government a chance, but a freeze must be
imposed immediately," Caspi said. "The Temple Mount gates must be closed,
preventing the entry of special rock-cutting equipment that was brought in
this week, and the works must be stopped."

Caspi said police reports denying the extent of the works are untrue: "The
police don't want to look, while we have clear evidence and aerial
photographs showing the extensive damage that has been done."

Education Minister Limor Livnat said, "The previous government enabled this
desecration to take place, and it is now up to the present government to find
the way to stop this -- but not with wild actions."

In May of last year, the first reports surfaced of widespread digging by the
Muslim Waqf, which controls the Temple Mount. Huge piles of debris removed by
heavy equipment are still in evidence to the east and in the Kidron dumps.
The Israel Archeological Association reports this rubble includes a large
stone fragment that was part of the gate jamb in the Triple Gate at the
southern wall dated to the Second Temple era.

By June, paving construction had begun on the northeastern section of the
Temple Mount, prompting the formation of the Committee for the Prevention of
the Destruction of Antiquities on the Temple Mount. The group petitioned
Barak to stop the destruction. Some 80 members of the Knesset signed the

The excavation continued, with trucks and tractors continuing to enter and
exit the site. An amateur video reveals a large Muslim construction project
is under way -- one employing huge masonry stones -- right on the remains of
the Jewish Temple.

The center of activity appears to be an area north of Solomon's Stables.
Ornamental skylights of metal and glass are installed in the floor over the
area where an underground mosque has been established in Solomon's Stables.

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[CTRL] N. Korea ‘No. 1 enemy’ in Asia

2001-03-23 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

N. Korea ‘No. 1 enemy’ in Asia
Pacific commander heats up war of words with Pyongyang



By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

The commander of the U.S. Pacific Command has called North Korea America's
"No. 1 enemy" in the Asia-Pacific theater, as the Bush administration's
stance towards Pyongyang continues to get tougher.

Adm. Dennis Blair, speaking to reporters in Seoul on Tuesday, also touted the
U.S.-South Korean alliance as the major bulwark against North Korean

"I would define North Korea as the No. 1 enemy state when I look across my
area of responsibility," Blair said.

"However," he added, "I think the chances of conflict with North Korea are
very low. And the reason they are low is that the U.S.-South Korea alliance
is strong.

"Our combined military capability and the strength of our countries would be
victorious in any conflict and I think the North Koreans know that," Blair

The Pacific theater commander also called for a reduction in the "very tense
situation" around the DMZ, or demilitarized zone, the most heavily defended
border in the world that separates the two Koreas, and the Cold War's last
remaining vestige.

The DMZ has been in place for nearly 50 years, established in the wake of the
1950-53 Korean War, when the warring nations signed an armistice.

A formal peace treaty has never been signed; both countries, technically, are
still at war.

The U.S. maintains 37,000 troops in South Korea.

"The forward deployment of the North Korean armed forces, their artillery
forces, simply pose too much of a short-term threat to South Korea," Blair
said, reinforcing the U.S. commitment to remain engaged on the Korean

Meanwhile, North Korean officials decried Blair's rhetoric and accused the
Bush administration of attempting to foment ill will against Pyongyang in the
south at a time when both Koreas are making attempts to reunify peacefully.

There have been daily attacks against the U.S. and the Bush administration in
various influential North Korean media outlets, most claiming that Washington
is attempting to draw Pyongyang into a conflict.

The Bush administration is currently reviewing U.S. policy with North Korea.
Backers of the national missile defense shield have often mentioned
Pyongyang's ballistic missile and nuclear weapons programs as one of the main
reasons why the system should be built, though critics have said North
Korea's missile programs are primitive and pose no threat to the United
States' mainland.

South Korea, Japan and the U.S. announced earlier this week that their
leaders will hold key meetings next Monday, in Seoul, to discuss coordination
of policy towards North Korea.



Jon E. Dougherty is a staff writer for WorldNetDaily.

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[CTRL] Defense Secretary Outlines Military Overhaul

2001-03-23 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Friday March 23 10:26 AM ET
Defense Secretary Outlines Military Overhaul

By Charles Aldinger

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has signaled to
President George W. Bush his intention to
press dramatic changes in U.S. military strategy with increased emphasis
toward Asia, senior defense and administration
officials said on Friday.

The officials, who asked not to be identified, confirmed a Washington Post
report that Rumsfeld outlined broad shifts away
from Cold War planning for a major war in Europe during a White House meeting
on Wednesday.

But the officials stressed in interviews with Reuters that Rumsfeld had made
no decisions yet on pending U.S. weapons
programs and had not made any arms recommendations to Bush at a meeting
attended by representatives of the Defense and
State Departments and the National Security Council.

The president, they said, agreed with the thrust of Rumsfeld's emphasis on
China's growing military and economic importance
and on all of Asia.

``He (Rumsfeld) did not make any recommendations or discuss weapons in
detail. But the secretary made clear that China and
Asia -- and the distances involved there -- are looming ever larger on our
radar. That will obviously make (arms) changes
necessary,'' one of the administration officials told Reuters.


The Post, quoting senior government officials, said a sweeping defense review
being conducted by Rumsfeld on orders from
Bush was likely to lead to a recommendation to build smaller Navy aircraft
carriers that might be less vulnerable to new missiles
and to put more emphasis on radar-avoiding, long-range bombers such as the
batwing B-2 for power projection in Asia.

``The secretary has not received any detailed briefings on specific weapons
programs yet,'' one senior defense official told
Reuters in response to questions. ``His reasoning is 'First-things-first --
and first comes strategy -- followed by the weapons to
carry it out,''' the official said.

The top-to-bottom review of strategy and arms is aimed at moving the
cumbersome Cold War U.S. military away from a
decades-long thrust toward all-out war with the former Soviet Union toward
threats posed by high-tech arms proliferation in
the 21st century.

The Post quoted officials close to the defense study as saying that it will
lead to a shift away from the current Pentagon strategy
of being prepared to fight two major wars -- perhaps in Korea and the Gulf --
virtually simultaneously.

The newspaper said the review also could lead to buying a smaller number of
planned F-22 fighter jets for the Air Force.

Dueling Fighter Programs

The service is currently planning to buy 340 of the F-22 air-superiority jets
from Lockheed Martin Corp. at a cost of more than
$60 billion. But critics say the short-range jet would not be effective in
Asia, where distances are great and the United States
has few bases.

Lockheed Martin Corp. and Boeing Co. are also vying for a contract to build
up to 3,000 or more planned Joint Strike
Fighters for the U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps and Britain's Royal

Britain has committed $2 billion to the JSF program, which is also under
review by the new administration, and Italy and other
allied countries are interested in the fighter.

Rumsfeld refused on Wednesday to predict whether or not the JSF might go
ahead despite a ringing endorsement of the fighter
from visiting British Defense Minister Geoffrey Hoon.

Bush has proposed a $310.5 billion military budget for 2002 but has said he
would decide whether to increase defense
spending after Rumsfeld's Pentagon review.

Sources cited by the Washington Post said the Pentagon review was likely to
push the Air Force toward spending more on
long-range bombers such as the B-2, built by Northrop Grumman Corp.

The Air Force currently has a fleet of 51 of the bombers, which flew round
trip nonstop from the United States to bomb Serbia
during NATO's air war against Belgrade two years ago.

Some members of Congress have been pressing the Pentagon to buy more of the
stealthy bombers.

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[CTRL] Senior Chinese Military Officer Defects to U.S.

2001-03-23 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Senior Chinese Military Officer Defects to U.S.
Colonel on Foreign Affairs Staff Was in Visiting Delegation

 By John Pomfret
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, March 23, 2001; Page A18

BEIJING, March 22 -- A senior colonel in the People's Liberation Army
defected to the United States while visiting as part of a delegation of
Chinese officers, sources reported this week. One Chinese source described it
as a "grave incident" between Beijing and Washington.

The delegation visited Canada and the United States at the end of last year,
one Chinese source said. Another said the group was in the United States in
January when the officer disappeared.

Chinese sources could not immediately provide the officer's name. But they
identified him as a member of the foreign affairs department of the army's
general staff who was involved in managing China's military relations with
the United States and disarmament issues.

The officer's defection was first reported in Wednesday's editions of
Taiwan's United Daily News. Sources told The Washington Post about the
defection earlier this week. It was confirmed today by knowledgeable U.S.

A spokesman at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing also confirmed the officer was in
the United States. "The Chinese government asked us in December for
assistance in locating a Chinese military officer who disappeared in New York
City," he said. "We located this individual, who is in good health, and
notified the Chinese government."

A Chinese source with close ties to the country's intelligence services said
U.S. officials arranged for the officer's defection before he visited the
United States and helped him "disappear" once the delegation arrived on the
East Coast.

That source added that China's intelligence community believes that U.S.
officials in Beijing arranged at the same time for the man's wife to attend a
party at the U.S. Embassy here. She was then given travel documents and moved
to the United States.

"The Americans put her on the guest list, she went in and she never came
out," the source said. "Our assumption is that she was taken to the United

The defection would constitute one of the most serious intelligence setbacks
for China in years. It follows the August 1999 execution of two senior
officers, Maj. Gen. Liu Liankun and Senior Col. Shao Zhengzhong, for
allegedly spying for Taiwan.

That case rocked the People's Liberation Army, but also did enormous damage
to Taiwan's ability to penetrate China's military. Liu and Zhao had worked
for years in the army's armaments departments and were familiar with China's
military capabilities regarding Taiwan, an economic powerhouse of 23 million
people that China claims to be part of its territory.

The defection also follows the sentencing late last year of the chief of
China's military intelligence bureau, Maj. Gen. Ji Shengde, to 15 years for
corruption and smuggling. Chinese sources said Ji's removal and subsequent
investigations of other military intelligence officials have significantly
hampered China's ability to collect military intelligence.

The source with close ties to China's state security bureau said that when
they discovered their colleague's disappearance, the military delegation
informed China's Defense Ministry and the Chinese Embassy in the United
States, which demanded the U.S. government find the officer and hand him
over. When the Americans failed, the Chinese delegation returned home
immediately, the source said.

Subsequently, the Central Military Commission, China's top military
organization, which is chaired by President Jiang Zemin, held a meeting on
the issue. The PLA has since undertaken investigations of hundreds of
officers who deal with foreigners to avoid a repeat incident, Chinese sources

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[CTRL] Primakov blasts U.S. over expulsions

2001-03-23 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Primakov blasts U.S. over expulsions
Friday, 23 March 2001 10:40 (ET)

Primakov blasts U.S. over expulsions

 MOSCOW, March 23 (UPI) -- Former Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov
added his voice of indignation Friday to a growing chorus of angry comments
over the Bush administration's decision to expel 50 Russian diplomats from
the United States.

 "They can't get along without Russia, and to think that they talk to us as
to some sort of Latin American country -- and not just any Latin American
country, but some banana republic!," spluttered an indignant Primakov, who
for many years held the post of foreign minister and was used to being
treated as an equal of former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright as a
representative of a great power at international gatherings.

 Sergei Ivanov, the secretary of Russia's Security Council and one of
President Vladimir Putin's closest aides, Friday added to his recent
comments that the expulsion case would have a very negative effect on
Russian-U.S. relations.

 "For the next few months, one can forget about cooperation between Russian
and U.S. special services" in the fields of joint fighting against
international terrorism, proliferation of nuclear and missile technologies
and drug trafficking.

 Ivanov was quoted by the official Itar-Tass news agency as saying that all
such cooperation programs will be put on ice for an indefinite period
because of the expulsions.

Russian-U.S. cooperation placed on ice
Friday, 23 March 2001 10:37 (ET)

Russian-U.S. cooperation placed on ice

 MOSCOW, March 23 (UPI) -- Sergei Ivanov, the secretary of Russia's
Security Council and one of President Vladimir Putin's closest aides, added
to the recent comments Friday that the expulsion of 50 Russian diplomats
from the United States would have a very negative effect on Russian-U.S.
relations. "For the next few months, one can forget about cooperation
between Russian and U.S. special services" in the fields of joint fighting
against international terrorism, proliferation of nuclear and missile
technologies and drug trafficking, he said.

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2001-03-23 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


U.S News & World Report will report in Monday's edition that U.S.
counterintelligence officials have concluded that at least one other spy for
Russia remains inside the U.S. government. Agents poring over evidence from
the recent spy scandal believe that not all the damage can be attributed to
Robert Hanssen and earlier spies.

"There's a massive mole hunt going on," a former CIA official still closely
tied to the agency tells the newsweekly. Agencies under heavy scrutiny
include the CIA, National Security Agency, and State Department.

The FBI has assembled a team of 400 agents to work on Hanssen and follow-up
investigations. Security is so tight that each agent has undergone a
polygraph exam, but the investigation is still in its early stages. "Don't
expect to see anyone carted off in handcuffs soon," says a senior
intelligence official.

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] How Military "Pain Beams" Will Work

2001-03-23 Thread William Shannon

[CTRL] [Fwd: Million Moms March Witness Videotaped Reportedly BribingGang-Members]

2001-03-23 Thread BB

[Video link follows]
Media Contact for Alex Jones: 512-597-1352
via email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Committee Witnesses Bribed inside Texas State Capitol
by Ed Hohmann -- Infowars.com Exclusive

Shortly after testifying before the Texas House Criminal
Jurisprudence Committee, one of the witnesses was seen paying off
three other witnesses, apparently in return for their testimony in
favor of a massive stack of anti-American legislation designed to
disarm the people of Texas. When confronted in the hallway just
outside of the hearing room, the gang members, who had each been paid
$400, laughed and joked, a la Bill Clinton, that the payoffs were
"campaign contributions". Video of the payoff taken by Alex Jones is
available on the InfoWars.com website.

The hearing itself was a sham and a show orchestrated for the
controlled media. From 2:00 in the afternoon until 7:30 in the
evening, the same, small handful of witnesses took turns testifying
at length in favor of House bills that were direct attacks on the
Constitution of the United States. The Second Amendment was
specifically targeted, with bill after bill listing restrictions to
be placed upon Constitutionally protected firearms. One bizarre bill
would even outlaw Constitutional militias while protecting agent

Hour after hour, witnesses testified as to the "need" to ban guns.
The black gang members from Houston who were paid off, testified in
their gang regalia before the committee, making statements such as,
"White people are all racists" and, "If you don't give us your guns,
you're gonna get killed!" Meanwhile, dozens of judges, police
officers, and military veterans, who were there to testify on behalf
of the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, were kept waiting.

It was not until after 7:30 at night, when the controlled media
reporters took their cameras back to their stations to do their
evening "news" broadcasts, that any pro-Constitutional testimony was

One of the pro-Constitution witnesses was a state judge from Fort
Worth who testified, "The Second Amendment is there to protect us
from tyranny."

Even the State Police that patrol the capitol were shocked by the
sentiments expressed by the gun-grabbers, which included a handful of
the "Million Moms" who revealed what kind of Moms they are. When
informed by Alex Jones that Hitler was for gun control, they sweetly
replied, "Yea, Hitler! Go Hitler!" and began cussing at Alex while
nearby State Police listened with their mouths open. Several of the
police later told Alex, "You're right about all this!"

Several of the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee members who are
against the bills told Alex that they listen to his show and watch
him on television. These are good Texans who, unfortunately, are a
minority on the Committee. However, they need our support to get
these bills amended or thrown out.

Exclusive Infowars.com Video Shot by Alex Jones at the Texas State
Capitol Committee for Jurisprudence's Public Hearing on Various Gun
Grab Bills. Gun Grab Organization Handler Caught in the Act of Paying
off Young Thugs for the Anti-Second Amendment Testimony They Gave.



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[CTRL] Civil Wars

2001-03-23 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


Macedonia: oh no, not NATO
by Josie Appleton
The conflict between the Macedonian authorities and the ethnic Albanian guerrillas
of the National Liberation Army (NLA) has Newsweek worrying about NATO being
'dragged' into another ethnic 'bloodbath' in the former Yugoslavia (1).
NATO may not feel in control of current events, but it is not the victim in the
Balkans. The crisis in Macedonia is the result of more than a decade of interference
by the NATO allies in the affairs of the former Yugoslavia.
At every stage, the conflict in the former Yugoslavia has been fuelled by the
intervention of NATO members, escalating from diplomatic manoeuvres through
political and economic sanctions to direct military action.
Back in 1989, US foreign policy was already giving encouragement to ethnic Albanian 
secessionists in Kosovo. In 1991, Germany gave Croatia and Slovenia the green light to 
secede from the Yugoslav federation; civil war soo
n followed. In 1992, the US recognition of Bosnia sparked the next phase of that 
bloody conflict, which ended with NATO bombing the Bosnian Serbs (the first ever 
military action in its 50-year existence). By the end of th
e 1990s, NATO was at war with the Serbs over Kosovo. It was only a matter of time 
before Macedonia was dragged into the mire.
As Simon Jenkins points out in The Times (London), 10 years of international 
intervention has left 'a patchwork of insecure statelets as mafia fiefdoms or UN 
colonies (or both)' (2). Indeed the history of the Balkans over
 the past decade (indeed, through the past two centuries) is a story of outside 
intervention igniting, intensifying and perpetuating local conflicts.
By internationalising a regional issue, intervention moves it on to a bigger stage, 
raises the stakes, and increases the complexity of the forces at play. The prospect of 
attracting the patronage of foreign powers prompts
 groups and minorities to launch struggles that they could not hope to win on their 
own, in an attempt to win international support.
The ethnic Albanian guerrillas in Macedonia are making a last-ditch attempt to gain 
recognition from NATO, as the ethnic Albanians in neighbouring Kosovo did so 
successfully not long ago. Familiar with the language that w
ill press interventionist buttons in the Balkans, ethnic Albanians in Macedonia's 
Tevoto are depicting themselves as victims of a fascist Slav regime. This, despite the 
fact that there is an ethnic Albanian party in Maced
onia's coalition government, and that they have never experienced repression of the 
kind suffered by minorities elsewhere in the former Yugoslavia.
Unfortunately for the guerrillas, NATO's priorities have changed. NATO secretary 
general Lord Robertson (who, as UK foreign secretary during the Kosovo war, feted the 
ethnic Albanian forces there) has now branded the NLA
a bunch of 'localised extremists'. Since the downfall of president Slobodan Milosevic, 
the NATO allies have been encouraging the Serbs to do their dirty work for them and 
help to keep the ethnic Albanians in check. Yet if
 it leads to more international intervention, the NLA's gamble may yet pay off, at 
least in terms of further undermining the unity of Macedonia.

Yesterday's freedom fighters can quickly become today's extremist gangsters when 
strategic interests change
During the war against Serbia the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was transformed from
a small proscribed terrorist group into an unofficial member of the NATO alliance,
supplied with weapons and aid. Intervention effectively separated the province of
Kosovo from Serbia. But as the latest events show, NATO's love affair with the
ethnic Albanians was only ever skin-deep. Yesterday's freedom fighters can quickly
become today's extremist gangsters when strategic interests change, and with NATO
keen to do business with post-Milosevic Serbia.
But then, all of the peoples of the former Yugoslavia were only ever pawns in the
great power games in the Balkans. Look at the Albanian refugees today, enjoying the
fruits of their victory in Kosovo by living in penury in uninhabitable council flats
around the UK.
As NATO troops are sent to guard the Kosovan border, US state department officials
meet the Macedonian government and ethnic Albanian leaders, and the US media
discusses funding the Macedonian military, another round of intervention begins.
Meanwhile the Germans move to send tanks into the Balkans for the first time since
the Second World War.
Only a few days ago UK prime minister Tony Blair boasted once more of the success of
his personal crusade in Kosovo; now the stability of the whole of the Balkans region
is on a knife-edge, with fresh conflicts threatened in Macedonia, Kosovo and Bosnia.
This is the pay-off for more than a d

[CTRL] Prime Time TV Stuff

2001-03-23 Thread Aleisha Saba

So here they go again; the kid
TOP STORIES•5 Hurt in Gunfire at High School Near San Diego; Student
Is Held •This Time, It's Personal for a Senate Captivated by
Reform •Santana High Wounds Reopen MORESTORIES BY DATE FOR THIS
SECTION3/23 | 3/22 | 3/21 | 3/20 | 3/19 | 3/18 | 3/17  
"A"  Section
CalendarSo. Cal. Living
Letters, Op/Ed
Tech Times

Friday, March 23, 2001 |  Print this story
5 Hurt in Gunfire at High School Near San Diego; Student Is Held
 Violence: A police officer who was on campus ends the assault by
shooting the gunman. No motive is known, but suspect 'did love his
guns,' former neighbor says.

(another police officer happens to be on scene and one on
payrollformer Swat Team on school payroll and this police stuff is
orogoanizedthey want to engage the kids now in mortal combat
not enough Rambo yet?)

EL CAJON, Calif.--For the second time in three weeks, a
teenage gunman opened fire at a suburban San Diego high school, wounding
five people Thursday before a policeman on duty at the campus brought a
quick end to the attack, shooting the gunman.
Police identified the suspect as Jason Hoffman, 18, a
Granite Hills High School senior variously described as a good student
and a loner with emotional problems. He was shot in the face and
buttocks. None of the injuries to him or others was critical.
Shortly before 1 p.m., Hoffman drove a pickup truck on East
Madison Avenue and stopped outside the school administration office,
authorities said. Then, they said, he knelt in a shooting position and
opened fire from the street with a military-style, Mossberg pump-action
12-gauge shotgun, spraying the building, breaking windows and creating
chaos in fifth-period classes throughout the 60-acre campus.
Four people were injured by flying glass or in the resulting
rush to get out of the building.
"A bullet whizzed within inches of my head," said Chris
Weston, a Granite Hills sophomore. Students screamed, teachers yelled
orders and everyone dived under desks, waiting for police.
They didn't have to wait long. The gunman was stopped in
mid-spree even before he could use his second weapon, a .22-caliber
El Cajon Police Agent Rich Agundez Jr., a former SWAT
officer recently assigned full time to the school, engaged in "an
old-fashioned shootout" with Hoffman, said Liz Pursell, spokeswoman for
the San Diego County district attorney's office.
"The kid opened fire. The [officer] heard him. He was right
around the corner. So he fired back," Pursell said.
Witnesses said Hoffman fired at least eight rounds from the
shotgun, reloading at least once. Agundez was uninjured.
Hoffman has not been arrested but is in police custody at
Sharp Memorial Hospital, where he underwent a five-hour surgery.
Investigators said they will probably seek charges of attempted murder
and assault with a deadly weapon. Prosecutors said determination of
charges will depend on motive--and may have to wait until investigators
interview the suspect. Sedated after his surgery, Hoffman was unable to
The guns, police said, came from Hoffman's home.
The injured include students Shanda Hughes, a junior; Toby
Haltstead, 15; William Dietzler; Carina Scribellito, 17; Andrew "Sonny"
Yafuso, 15; and teachers Priscilla Murphy, 53; and Fran Zumwalt, 47.
The shooting occurred about six miles from Santee, where two
students were killed and 13 people were injured March 5. A 15-year-old
freshman is accused of firing indiscriminately into a crowded Santana
High School courtyard.
"It is unbelievable that another school shooting could
happen in such close proximity to Santana High School and in such a
short amount of time," said San Diego County Supervisor Dianne Jacob.
"It's unbelievable. And it makes me sick to my stomach."
Just weeks after surveying the tragedy at Santana, Jacob was
again on a high school campus struggling to comprehend such mayhem. "If
there was a simple answer we would have had the answer by now," said
Jacob, a former teacher. "The fact is, there is not a simple answer."
There is no known motive for either shooting, or any
immediately available information to indicate that the second attack was
influenced by the first.
"Whenever there is an episode of violence, particularly an
episode that receives a lot of publicity and attention, there is clearly
a risk of copycat threats and actual copycat incidents," said David
Fassler, a child and adolescent psychiatrist in Burlington, Vt. "There
are always kids who are literally on the edge."
 Other students did not describe Hoffman as on edge.
Robert Stevens, 18, a senior, described him as just a "hothead" who
"kept to himself" and occasionally got into trouble for mouthing off.
 Some recalled what seemed to have been an odd
overreaction to a bad test 


2001-03-23 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://newsmakingnews.com/">NewsMakingNews Secret
Connections Covert Operat…

1924 - 2001
By Virginia McCullough
Today, in Southern California, two newspapers, The Press-Enterprise and The
Desert Sun (Click.) carried announcements about the death of the former head
of the Cabazon Band of Mission Indians, "Dr." John Philip Nichols.  Nichols
suffered a heart attack on Saturday, March 17, 2001 and died at the John F.
Kennedy Memorial Hospital in Indio, California.  The two newspapers carried
the traditional background information respectfully skirting the more
sensational details of Nichols' life as a lifelong CIA operative who
admittedly wrought death and destruction around the globe.

It is appropriate that when good men die, the deeds that they accomplished
during their lifetime should live on after them.  It is also just that when
bad men die, their history should live on after them.  It is, after all, only
by learning from history that those who survive can hope to never repeat the
evil deeds that marked much of Nichols' life.

When this writer remembers the 76-year-old man whose iron hand ruled the
Cabazon nation until his death, I will remember his contribution to political
assassinations, his alleged involvement in the 1981 torture and execution
murder of Cabazon Indian Fred Alvarez and his two friends in the backyard of
their home, the 1985 murder-for-hire trial of Nichols that was curtailed in
the interests of "National Security", the unaccounted for gaming money  used
to buy powerful politicians, and the legacy of CIA control of the Cabazons
that still exists today under the iron fist of his son, Mark Nichols.

The arrogance of John Philip Nichols was best demonstrated in the book Inside
Job by Stephen Pizzo, Mary Fricker and Paul Muolo.  The book described the
tip of the iceberg involving the Savings and Loan scandal.  Page 304 contains
the following paragraph:

"At San Marino Savings in Southern California, we heard about a major
borrower, G. Wayne Reeder (who also attempted a couple of failed ventures
with Herman Beebe), meeting in late 1981 at an arms demonstration with Raul
Arana and Eden Pastora, Contra leaders who were considering buying military
equipment from Reeder's Indian bingo-parlor partner, Dr. John Nichols.  Among
the equipment were night-vision goggles manufactures by Litton Industries and
a light machine gun.  Nichols, according to former Reeder employees and
published accounts, had a plan in the early 1980's to build a munitions plant
on the Cabazon Indian reservation near Palm Springs in partnership with
Wackenhut, a Florida security firm.  The plan fell through.  Nichols was a
self-described CIA veteran of assassination attempts against Castro in Cuba
and Allende in Chile.  He was later convicted in an abortive murder-for-hire
scheme and sentenced to prison."

Of course, the official company line about Nichols'  involvement in South
America is contained in the  March 21, 2001 Press-Enterprise article by Mark
Henry and Mike Kataoka: "Born in 1924, Mr. Nichols was active at an early age
as a student and labor organizer in Wisconsin.  He went to South America in
1959 and for the next decade helped Indians in Bolivia and Peru become

It is common practice in the "legitimate" press to praise the dead and allow
them to be buried surrounded in myth.  In the case of "Dr." John Philip
Nichols it is the evil life that the man lived that should be remembered.

by Virginia McCullough © 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Boils and Sores

2001-03-23 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-

Beginnings from sites (URLs) indicated


> Fire in the Mountains
> Former warlords in the Balkans are building an international criminal empire. Will
> they drag Macedonia and the West into another bloodbath? By Rod Nordland NEWSWEEK
> INTERNATIONAL March 26  issue —  Sulejman Ramadani, 41, was opening his garage
> door one day last week when a sniper’s bullet pierced his forehead. Now the
> engineer’s two sons, 4 and 2, have no father. The Ramadanis are ethnic Albanians,
> like most of their neighbors in Macedonia’s second largest city, Tetovo. The same is
> true of the guerrillas who control the heights above the city.




> he Gangsters’ Paradise
> The motherland is a nest of drug traffickers, weapons dealers and people smugglers.
> No wonder nobody talks any more about a Greater Albania By Joshua Hammer NEWSWEEK
> INTERNATIONAL March 26 issue — Nestled on Albania’s southern coast just 45 miles
> across the Adriatic from Italy, the crumbling port of Vlore is a smuggler’s paradise.
> Countless sandy coves hidden along the rugged shoreline provide ideal loading bases
> for high-powered speedboats laden with heroin, hashish, guns or human cargo. An
> underequipped, underpaid police force is nearly powerless to catch them. “We seized
> three boats last month,” boasts Police Chief Gjovalin Lohja, guiding his van along a
> decrepit road cut into the cliffs. Minutes later he pulls up to the police
> department’s only patrol boat, which cruises at 25 miles an hour—about half the speed
> of the smugglers’ craft. The crew tries to start the waterlogged engine. After half
> an hour Lohja finally shrugs, “Maybe we’ll try again tomorrow.”

T' A<>E<>R
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
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expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
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Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Fwd: [A-M] Economy

2001-03-23 Thread Kris Millegan

A weekly newsletter dedicated to the peaceful
reform of the United States government.

 American presidents are not known for their intellect, but most of
them have realized that their tenure in office was tightly linked to the
health of the economy.  In fact, rulers throughout history have been very
much aware of this connection.  At times and in places where the
characteristics of money were not well understood,  the solution to the
problem of economic turndown was to print more money, a scheme which
created no wealth but merely drove up prices.  Some  nations tied their
monetary systems to gold,  hoping to prevent the politicians from debasing
the currency.  With the creation of the Federal Reserve system in the
United States in the early part of the 1900s,  Congress attempted to make
the monetary system independent of political manipulation so that
presidents could not pump up the economy only to have it fall on their
successors.  Bill Clinton, intelligent, unscrupulous, and  keenly aware
that his own survival was tied to the health of the economy, found a number
of ways of stimulating it and creating the appearance of economic well being.

 One of the first things that he did was to promote  trade with
other nations.  In the guise of "Free Trade", he drained wealth from this
country through the uncontrolled trade deficit.  It did temporarily
stimulate business.  He was tapping our consumer market, a reserve of
wealth which, given the flight of factory jobs,  was bound to be dissipated
sooner or later.  His opening of the border with Mexico not only
facilitated trade, but it also facilitated the entry of illegal immigrants
- another temporary stimulant to the economy.   The other edge to his
strategy was to keep the stock market from crashing and control statistics
so that public confidence in prosperity could be maintained.  He propped up
the stock market more than once.  (Wall Street carefully hid the source of
the large purchases which turned the market around at critical
times.)  Real information as to the extent of inflation was not given
out.  The unemployment statistics, frequently cited as evidence of our
strong economy, were compiled using suspect methods.  (They did not count
those who were underemployed.. They did not count those who were unemployed
for more than six months, and they had a complex secret formula by which
they arrived at the percentages, a system which is probably still in
use.)  Illegal drugs began to come across the Mexican border by the
truckload.  To hide the effects Clinton transferred control of the crime
statistics from police to the FBI because publicly available real
statistics would have shown alarming increases.  But, with a firm hold on
the numbers, and with the cooperation of the news media and the big
corporations, all of this was fairly well hidden from the public.  Business
exploited labor,  organized crime exploited the public, and capital left
the continental U.S. as factories moved to Mexico and overseas.

 The United States has been in recession for quite some time.  With
the flight of factories   well-paying factory jobs disappeared, enlarging
ghettos in the big cities.  In order to survive, many of the unemployed
turned to pushing drugs and committing other crimes, and our justice system
was inundated.  Children of drug-using parents were, and continue to be,
abused, neglected, and abandoned, while we have not been able to build
prisons for their parents fast enough.  The number of homeless people has
grown alarmingly.  Food lockers dispensing food to those in need have found
their shelves bare.  The influx of immigrants has  put additional strains
on our infrastructure and our energy supplies.  These and other factors,
coupled with the rising cost of foreign oil, are at the base of the stock
market slide.  It has taken some years for the market to reflect
our  "consumption without production" economy, but it looks as if it has
finally happened.  Few would risk predicting how far the markets will fall
and how long the negative conditions will last.  Rather than a loss of
consumer confidence as the spin doctors would have us believe,  it is a
loss of consumer BUYING POWER.   The myth of the panacea of Alan
Greenspan's interest rate manipulation is about to be shattered.  Bush
Junior doesn't know it, but he is in imminent danger of being
Hooverized*  because at this very critical time he pushes a simplistic
solution, a proposal he would have put forth regardless of the health of
the economy!   Teetering on the edge of a sea of turbulent economic waters
which are well over his head,  Junior is throwing a life ring to the rest
of us:   "Tax cut!  Tax cut! Tax cut!"

* Herbert Hoover, President of the U.S. at the time of the 1929 stock
market crash, given "credit" by much of the public for the great depression
of the 1930's.
No copyright on the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Marc Rich & Henry Kissinger

2001-03-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Henry Kissinger & Marc Rich Bought Oil
from Iran During the Hostage Crisis

Excerpt from Metal Men, by A. Craig Copetas (Perennial, 1988), p. 211:

 Fox [Pictures] director Henry Kissinger was sleeping fitfully. An
article in the Spanish journal Five Days alleged that Rich and Kissinger had
jointly purchased $200 million worth of the Ayatollah¹s crude during the
hostage crisis, falsified certificates of ownership, and had the funds to
purchase the oil transferred to Tehran¹s control from the Zurich offices of
the Swiss Banking Corporation and the Chase Manhattan Bank. Kissinger was
awakened by a reporter from Fortune magazine who saw him napping in the
business-class section on a flight from Paaris to London and asked the
former secretary of state if he had ever met Rich. The fugitive trader¹s
friend ³K² said that he had met Rich only once ‹ at a movie premiere. [Note:
In fact, they were close friends and business partners at Fox and in the
movement of crude oil in the Middle East.]
 A few months after than encounter, the State Department¹s Bureau of
European Affairs began investigating the actions of America¹s Vatican
ambassador, [Knight of Malta] William A Wilson, because of his personal
intervention into the Rich case; State also launched a separate
investigation into his contacts with the Most Reverend Paul C. Marcinkus,
the Chicago-born prelate in charge of the Vatican¹s finances, known as
³God¹s Banker.²...

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Text of invitation to GATA African Gold Summit

2001-03-23 Thread Kris Millegan

10:55p ET Thursday, March 22, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Here's the text of the invitation to the GATA African
Gold Summit that is being mailed to gold mining
company executives and government mining ministry
officials. While attendance at the summit will be by
invitation only, we'll have plenty to tell about what
happens there.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

The Gold-Anti Trust Action Committee cordially invites
you to attend the GATA African Gold Summit in Durban,
South Africa, on Thursday, May 10, 2001.

There will be a reception dinner on the eve of the
summit, Wednesday, May 9, at the Durban Hilton Hotel.

An array of speakers will present evidence that the
price of gold has been manipulated since 1994 by a
cartel of bullion banks and a faction of the United
States government. Gold has been held hundreds of
dollars below its natural equilibrium price. As a
result of this collusion, the economies of the
gold-producing countries of Africa have suffered
severely and unnecessarily.

At the conclusion of the summit, GATA will suggest
an action plan so that the delegates can see for
themselves that our assertions are correct. The
gold cartel will not be able to withstand this
scrutiny politically, as their manipulation will
be exposed to the world. Then the price of gold
will soar, resulting in much stronger economic
growth for Africa.

The program will be finalized in the weeks to
come, but it will include presentations by
Reginald H. Howe, Frank Veneroso, James Turk, and
Peter Hambro.

Howe will elaborate on the lawsuit he filed in U.S.
District Court in Boston on December 7, 2000,
against the Bank for International Settlements, U.S.
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, New York
Federal Reserve Bank President William J. McDonough,
J.P. Morgan & Co. Inc., Chase Manhattan Corp.,
Citigroup Inc., Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Deutsche
Bank AG, and the U.S. treasury secretary.

Veneroso will present evidence from the public domain
that clearly identifies a reckless and dangerous
central bank gold loan structure that far exceeds what
is generally understood in the gold industry.

The biographies of those who have committed to speak
at the summit are attached for your review.

A workshop environment will be encouraged so that
delegates' questions may be fully addressed.

We hope that you will be able to attend, as the outcome
of the summit may be historic.

Acceptances of attendance should be acknowledged to
Rhoda Fowler, GATA African Gold Summit coordinator in
Durban, South Africa, on telephone +27 +31 202 1831,
fax +27 +31 201 64 98 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED] Her
mobile number is 083 301 0064.


William J. Murphy III, Chairman
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


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[CTRL] Fwd: Energy INC

2001-03-23 Thread Kris Millegan

  Electricity and democracy
  Richard L. Grossman

  Opinion, SF Bay Guardian, March 21, 2001

 The people of California chartered Pacific Gas and Electric
Corporation, Edison International Corporation, and their
subsidiaries to provide for the state's energy needs. Not to
define energy policy. Not to write the law. Not to buy public
officials, publishers, editors, and civic leaders. Not to pipe
billions of ratepayer and taxpayer dollars out of state. Not to
roam the world, buying up other corporations, poisoning other
people's communities, and vacuuming up other people's money. Not
to prevent efficient, renewable, and public energy systems from
replacing wasteful, complex, and deadly corporate systems.
 And not to run the state into the ground.
 The U.S. Constitution does not mention corporations.
California's Constitution says: "All political power is inherent
in the people" (article 2, section 1). Yet corporations dominate
politics by controlling ideas, values, laws, and people's money.
How does this happen?
 Among other things, the U.S. Supreme Court insulated these
corporate managers from public authority. For example, in 1886
the court gave corporations the 14th Amendment's "equal
protection" (Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad
Corporation). There was no public discussion, no legislative
discussion. Chief Justice Waite simply said: "The court does not
wish to hear argument on the question whether the ... 14th
Amendment to the Constitution ... applies to these corporations.
We are all of opinion that it does."
 Over the next century corporations won most of the Bill of
Rights. In 1986 they won the last chunk of our First Amendment,
revoking our right to defend ourselves against corporate lies
wrapped around utility bills (Pacific Gas and Electric Company v.
Public Utilities Commission). Despite public discussion and
California's legislative decisions to the contrary, Justice
Powell simply said: "For corporations as for individuals, the
choice to speak includes within it the choice of what not to say.
And we have held that speech does not lose its protection because
of the corporate identity of the speaker."
 Armed with these and other judicial gifts, energy
corporations have crushed people's initiatives and referenda
instructing public officials to map out solar and public energy
 Banking corporations, seed corporations, computer
corporations, automobile corporations, oil corporations: they all
do what California's utility corporations have legally been
doing. Agribusiness corporations write food-policy law. Insurance
corporations write health care law. Automobile corporations write
transportation policy law. Together they write global corporate
rights law and call it free trade.
 A few hundred giant corporations govern. They define the
nation's needs, values, choices, and spending by superintending
the people's debates, elections, lawmaking, jurisprudence, and
 The short-term deal to keep the lights on is about
legislators and the governor enabling PG&E and Edison
International corporations to dig deeper into people's pockets.
If longer-term deals are left to these corporations --and to
financial giants like Goldman-Sachs Corporation and Citigroup
Corporation-- they will take our socks while melting down the
 So for starters, Californians must amend the state's
corporation laws to ban corporations from:
 *exercising rights reserved for human beings, including
freedom of speech and assembly, due process, equal protection
under the law;
 *buying allegiance and silence by giving money to schools,
museums, Little League teams, scouting organizations, and other
community groups;
 *investing money in political candidates, political parties,
political action committees, initiative or referendum campaigns,
or influencing any public discussions or legislation;
 *advertising anywhere about ideas, values, and public
 *denying freedom of speech and assembly to employees;
 *owning other corporations.
 Of course, corporate operatives will claim that the U.S.
Constitution renders such lawmaking beyond the authority of the
people. Their lawyers will tell federal judges to deny the
people's will. Experts everywhere will proclaim that people have
no right to touch corporate law.
 But we will not solve the electricity or any other crisis
without addressing our lack-of-democracy crisis.

[Richard Grossman is codirector of the Program on Corporations,
Law and Democracy (POCLAD), http://www.poclad.org. A former
California resident, he now lives in New Hampshire.]

[CTRL] Fwd: Thank the CIA for Germany's Neo-Nazis

2001-03-23 Thread Kris Millegan

  Far right violence soars in Germany
  Government seeks ban on neo-Nazi party

  by Martin A. Lee

  March 13, 2001 | Reality Bites:
  San Francisco Bay Guardian

 Adolf Hitler's national socialist government wasn't all bad.
That's what a lot of young Germans believe today.
 A recent survey of 14- to 25-year-olds conducted by the
Forsa Institute found that one in two youth in ex-Communist
eastern Germany believe that the Nazi dictatorship had its good
side, and 15 percent of those polled think the Nazi Party in
itself "was a good idea" and wouldn't mind seeing it back in
 Many young people in western Germany are also smitten by the
perverse allure of Hitler's murderous regime. Thirty-five percent
of those polled agree with the notion that Nazism had positive
aspects, while 40 percent maintain there are too many foreigners
in Germany. Forty-six percent of youth in eastern Germany feel a
similar antipathy toward foreigners.
 Shortly after the results of this survey were made public,
German officials released another set of grim statistics,
indicating that the number of right-wing extremist offenses in
Germany had reached the highest level since the Second World War.
 German authorities registered nearly 16,000 such crimes
(including giving the Hitler salute and spraying Nazi graffiti)
in 2000 as compared to 10,000 incidents in 1999 -- a 60 percent
increase. Cases involving antiforeigner violence rose by 57%
while anti-Semitic attacks increased by 69 percent. Most of the
suspects implicated in neo-Nazi crimes were under 21 years old.
 Neo-Nazi attacks were concentrated in economically depressed
eastern Germany, which has yet to rebound from the whiplash
transition from Communism to capitalism. Ten years after German
reunification prospects are bleak for those living in the five
eastern states. In January Wolfgang Thierse, president of the
German parliament, painted an apocalyptic picture of former East
Germany, describing it as a region on the verge of collapse
without hope for the future. It will likely remain "a second
class country," according to Thierse, inferior to the West
because of chronic underinvestment, a demoralized population, and
structural economic weaknesses.
 In response to the upsurge of neo-Nazi violence, Chancellor
Gerhard Schroeder's Social Democratic government has vowed to
crack down on the extreme right. Local courts and police forces,
which for years have been outrageously lenient toward neo-Nazi
thugs, are being urged to get tough with the perpetrators of
felonious cruelty. Public officials have called upon ordinary
Germans to stand up and show their support for the victims of
hate crimes.
 Seeking to stop the spread of fascism, the German government
has initiated legal moves to ban the National Democratic Party
(known by its initials NPD), the most radical of several German
far-right political parties.  Describing the NPD as the
ideological seedbed for neo-Nazi aggression, German officials
accuse this party of fomenting racist attacks throughout the
country. Holocaust-denial and anti-Semitism are the NPD's stock
and trade. Its publications claim there is no evidence that
poison gas was used to kill people at Nazi concentration camps.
 "The NPD damages the image of Germany," said Interior
Minister Otto Schilly.
 Founded in 1964 during an economic recession, the NPD gained
enough votes to win representation in a majority of state
assemblies in West Germany. But the party's fortunes declined as
the New Left gained momentum in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
The NPD soon ran out of steam and sputtered along at the
political margins. It wasn't until after the Cold War ended that
the NPD began to mount a comeback.
 The party has been on the upswing since 1996 when Udo Voigt,
a young university graduate, took over as NPD fuehrer after its
previous leader was jailed for denying the Holocaust and inciting
racial hatred. Voigt dreams of establishing a new Reich that will
"reunite" Germany with its former territories in
Poland. "Nazi is now a bad word," he explains. "It used
to be a good word, short for National Socialist, Hitler's party.
I hope in ten years Nazi will be a good word again."
 Because it is a registered political party (as opposed to a
club or another type of organization), the NPD has been able to
stage numerous public rallies that might otherwise be prohibited.
Last year, several hundred neo-Nazis paraded through a Turkish
neighborhood in Berlin, shouting anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic
slogans on the anniversary of Nazi Germany's annexation of
Austria. They also sang the banned ultra-nationalist verses of
the German national anthem at a rally organized by the NPD, while
police stood by and watched. The NPD called the demonstration to
show its support for Jorg Haider, leader of the Austrian Freedom
Party, which had recently entered that country's national
governing coalition.

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] President Mbeki informed of Treasury's immunity claim

2001-03-23 Thread Kris Millegan

By Bill Murphy, Chairman
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
March 22, 2001

Weeks ago I let you know that the office of South African President
Thabo Mbeki called GATA's office in Durban, South Africa, and asked
to be kept abreast of GATA developments. The following email was sent
to me this morning and forwarded to the president through proper
channels. It was sent to him because it also expresses my sentiments
and represents an aspect of what my presentation will entail at the
GATA Africa Gold Summit.

I would like to make it very clear that what was sent to the
president is not coming from Reg Howe but from me. Reg will not
discuss his thoughts or how he intends to proceed over the phone or
by email, as we all realize that we are monitored by the gold cartel.
As Reg is going to respond to U.S. District Court in Boston regarding
all defendant responses by April 30, he will be able to explain his
position at the summit, as his legal response will be public
information at that time.

>From MB, a very savvy member of www.LeMetropoleCafe.com:

"As I read Adam's scanned filing of Reg's court papers on Page 17,
the Treasury Department seems to say that whatever it was that they
DID with respect to horizontal price fixing in the gold market ...
they're immune from the Sherman Act anyhow.

"If this IS their defense, President Mbeki isn't going to be too
happy when he hears about it. He will naturally react the way anyone
would, demand from Secretary O'Neill a specific answer to the
following question: 'Are you or are you not manipulating the price of
our principal export product, thus directly causing the loss of
170,000 jobs in our mining industry? We are NOT interested in whether
you and your lawyers claim that the United States has the right to do

"I think that this defense may draw President Mbeki much closer to
GATA, something the cartel should fear.

"Imagine General Powell's reaction should the South African
ambassador to the United States pose those questions.

"It seems possible that Treasury's lawyers have overlooked the
foreign policy aspects of what Reg has eloquently called New
York/British gold imperialism.

"Second, their quick reference to the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 is a
plus for us, since the whole act is a minefield for Treasury with its
creation of new powers over Congress via the ESF.

"I'm taking all this as a plus since Treasury has not explicitly
denied the charges of horizontal price fixing and thus has left
itself open to more questions. Combined with the calls from Larry
Kudlow, Wayne Angell, and Steve Forbes for a higher gold price, the
secretary of the treasury must be about fed up with the 'gold thing.'

"One way for him to make all this go away is to let gold loose and
lay the blame where it belongs: at the feet of the architect of

Not to go unnoticed in the future by the Justice Department during
its coming investigation of the gold market scandal. Note the
startling increase in the short interest in the following gold stocks
since March 15, 2001, according to today's Wall Street Journal:

Barrick, up 27.51%
Newmont, up 45.95%
Homestake, up 83.48%
Placer Dome, up 90.9%

Wonder who the shorts are?

Overly hedged Australian gold producers and a few South Africans have
to be more than a bit nervous about the deterioration of the Aussie
and South African currencies. They are headed for oblivion, as the
Aussie dollar is close to 49 and the Rand was last seen around 8.05
to the U.S. dollar. Unless these currencies soar when gold rallies
sharply, which is coming, the hedge books of any heavily hedged gold
producers are going to go deep under water. Crashing stock markets
and under-water gold hedge books do not let bullion bankers sleep
well at night.

Commodity prices have been really hit hard lately. The CRB has tanked
from the low 230s to finish today all the way down to 213.08. If gold
had been allowed to trade freely the past seven years, that could
have been a very big negative for the gold price. As is, it is

Technically, the top in the Dow Jones Industrial Average is one of
the largest I have ever seen. It forebodes a protacted, ugly bear
market. The Dow, down another 98 points, and most stocks in the
United States were battered once again today. The main stock indices
have registered bear market signals. What is it going to take to turn
the elves on Wall Street Week bearish? When will Wall Street suggest
to investors that we are in a bear stock market?

The strength in the Nasdaq is coming from the semi-conductors, yet
their business stinks and is worsening. Micron's margins have gone
from 50 percent to 19 percent, and they could even be losing money
now. Projections are not constructive.

The hedge funds have made big money by shorting the semi's. Are the
big mutual funds trying to run them in to stem the general high-tech
bearish investor sentiment and selling of the tech shares by the
public? Anyone have any knowledge of such goin

[CTRL] Fwd: SF Gate: Soaring Electric Use More Fiction Than Fact/Chronicle investigation finds power companies manipulate data to excuse their towering rates

2001-03-23 Thread Kris Millegan

 Toldja so
This article was sent to you by someone who found it on SF Gate.
The original article can be found on SFGate.com here:
Sunday, March 11, 2001 (SF Chronicle)
Soaring Electric Use More Fiction Than Fact/Chronicle investigation finds power 
companies manipulate data to excuse their towering rates
Christian Berthelsen, Scott Winokur, Chronicle Staff Writers

   Power companies say it so often, and with such certainty, that it has
become a virtual mantra: "Skyrocketing" energy use by Californians is a
root cause of the state's power crisis, and justification for surging
electricity prices.
   But a computer analysis of electricity usage data by The Chronicle reveals
that the mantra is a myth -- that overall growth in electricity demand
hasn't been nearly as great as the industry portrays it.
   The industry has painted the summer of 2000 as the equivalent of a
100-year storm in meteorology -- an event so powerful and unexpected that
the existing infrastructure was devastated by its force.
   The statistics show that 2000, taken in total, was nothing of the sort.
Moreover, two independent state agencies' assessments of California's
power plant capacity appear to show that the growth should have been
easily accommodated.
   The companies have defended their practice of increasingly taking power-
generation plants out of service by arguing that heavy demand and
consequent plant usage necessitated major, time-consuming repairs.
   "The claims that demand growth is rampant and that it was totally
unexpected and due to the Internet economy, to Silicon Valley, or server
   or people recharging cell phones -- that's bogus," said Tom Kelly,
assistant executive director of the California Energy Commission. "About
as bogus as you can get."
   The Chronicle's findings are based on data collected by the California
Independent System Operator, a manager of the state's electricity grid.
They show:
   -- Total electricity consumption in California increased only 4.75 percent
in 2000 from 1999, a sharp contrast to claims of industry representatives,
who have repeatedly relied on isolated, loose or selective comparisons
that make growth appear as high as 20 percent. In fact, the single
greatest hour of electricity usage in 2000 was actually lower than any
peak demand period in 1999 or 1998.
   -- Average peak demand -- the average of the highest hour of electricity
usage for each day -- increased only 4.79 percent from 1999 to 2000. Even
during the months of May to September in 2000, when the greatest spikes in
electricity usage occur, demand growth was only 8.31 percent higher than
the same period the year before.
   -- More than 30 days of critical power shortage warnings, so-called Stage
3 emergencies, and two days of blackouts this year occurred at times of
moderate energy use -- levels often below those at which neither warnings
nor blackouts have occurred in the past.
   The findings appear to buttress suspicions that the "skyrocketing demand"
explanation for rising energy prices is a cover for what is really
happening --
   that power companies have simply started charging more for an essential
commodity, regardless of whether it is in short supply.
   Presented with The Chronicle's findings, Gary Ackerman, a representative
for the Western Power Trading Forum, a trade group representing power
companies, said the calculations support the industry position that
electricity demand is growing strong.
   "That's pretty healthy growth for California as opposed to the long-term
historical average, which is close to 2 percent," he said. "To me, that's
really strong growth."
   Energy demand is certainly on the rise in California -- growth of more
than 4 percent is still double what was projected -- and the state has
obviously fallen behind in building power plants.
   Even though a recent study found California ranked 47th out of the 50
states in per-capita energy consumption, the surging demand explanation
has become so accepted that leading officials accept it as gospel. Gov.
Gray Davis has made energy conservation -- 10 percent, at that -- a
centerpiece of his efforts to solve the crisis.
   "Energy use is growing," said state Sen. John Burton, D-San Francisco,
citing the growth of Silicon Valley and high-tech operations statewide.
"There's been tremendous growth, whether manufacturing or high tech --
cell phones, faxes, whatever. The stuff is growing."
   Yet the energy industry has been steadfast in its insistence that the
consumer is largely to blame. In testimony and submissions to government
bodies considering prescriptions for the crisis, energy demand growth has
consistently been overstated.
   Joe Bob Perkins, the chief operating officer of Houston-based Reliant

[CTRL] Fwd: After Bay of Pigs, JFK Dogged by Intelligence Snafus

2001-03-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Missile Crisis Intelligence Ripped

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - A secretive group of advisers to President Kennedy saw the
months leading to the Cuban missile crisis as riddled with failures in
intelligence gathering, contradicting the popular view that the incident was
a definitive success for the United States.

At a meeting on Nov. 9, 1962, less than two weeks after the Soviet Union
agreed to withdraw its ballistic missiles from Cuba, members of the
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board groused about the lack of
U.S. spy plane activity over the island nation for most of September despite
suspicions by the head of the CIA that Soviet missiles were there.

The insights into the pressurized period are revealed in more than 400 pages
of newly declassified documents now available among the Kennedy assassination
records at National Archives in College Park, Md. The records provide a
glimpse inside a group of civilian experts enlisted to provide the president
independent advice on intelligence matters.

The group also questioned an intelligence-gathering ``paralysis'' that set in
regarding Cuba in the months after the U.S.-backed Bay of Pigs invasion
debacle in April 1961.

``The feeling in responsible parts of government seems to be that things
turned out all right, so why bother the president,'' board member Clark
Clifford is described as saying at another meeting. ``If the president thinks
a good intelligence operation took place, this could have dangerous

First formed in 1956, the advisory group's impact has varied among
administrations, but it was particularly influential during the Kennedy

On Oct. 4, 1962, the group discussed the ongoing work of Operation Mongoose,
a once-secret plan to cause disruptions in Cuba, including blowing up power
stations and planting U.S. intelligence infiltrators. Attorney General Robert
Kennedy, tapped by his brother to oversee Mongoose, attended.

``The attorney general informed the group that higher authority was concerned
about the progress on the Mongoose program and felt that more priority should
be given to trying to mount sabotage operations,'' minutes from the meeting

>From other reports, it is understood that ``higher authority'' refers to
President Kennedy, said Anna Nelson, a historian at American University and a
member of the JFK Assassination Records Review Board, which requested release
of the documents.

The records say that there was some discussion of mining Cuban waters with
devices ``appearing to be homemade and laid by small aircraft operated by

Nelson said that plan didn't become reality.

``Either they never did it or we never knew about it,'' she said.

Kennedy formed his version of the advisory group in May 1961 with an
executive order directing it to review intelligence work, including ``highly
sensitive covert operations relating to political action, propaganda,
economic warfare, sabotage, escape and evasion, subversion against hostile

The document adds that ``these covert operations are to be conducted in such
manner that, if uncovered, the U.S. government can plausibly disclaim
responsibility for them.''

Among those on the board were Clifford, chairman of the group for most of the
Kennedy years and later Lyndon Johnson's defense secretary for a time;
retired Gen. James ``Jimmy'' Doolittle, who led the first bombing raid on
Tokyo during World War II; and William Baker, head of research at Bell

Steven Tilley, who runs the National Archives collection of Kennedy
assassination records, said the documents don't specifically deal with the
assassination but fall under a broad definition of related issues, such as
conspiracy allegations and assertions that Cuba was involved.

The records mention the Kennedy assassination only on Nov. 22, 1963, the day
the president was killed. The advisers expressed their sorrow and decided to
hold off on their latest recommendations until after Lyndon Johnson began his
tenure as president.

In a summary of the advisory board's work presented to Johnson, the group
said Kennedy approved 125 of its 170 recommendations, mostly concerning
overhaul of the CIA and the Defense Department's intelligence programs. The
recommendations ranged from launching more satellites to spy on Soviet
missiles to finding a new name for the CIA.

President Bush will have his own version of the advisory board but as yet has
not appointed members, White House spokesman Mary Ellen Countryman said

On the Net: National Archives JFK Collection:

President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board:

[CTRL] Fwd: The Energy Conspiracy Being Looked At

2001-03-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Calif. Overcharged $6.2B for Power

.c The Associated Press

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - Electricity wholesalers have overcharged California
$6.2 billion since May by manipulating the energy market, power grid managers
said Thursday.

The Independent System Operator will file the findings with federal
regulators and ask for a refund, ISO spokesman Patrick Dorinson said.

The state auditor also said the state's 1996 deregulation law encouraged both
buyers and sellers of electricity to ``manipulate wholesale prices to their
advantage'' by underestimating supply and demand.

The auditor's report lays out what it calls ``a complex combination'' of
deficiencies and misjudgments it says led to the state's power problems.

According to the ISO report, five in-state power suppliers and 16 importers
frequently offered electricity at prices higher than it cost them to produce
- effectively withholding supplies - or didn't bid at all when they were able
to generate power.

ISO Director of Market Analysis Anjali Sheffrin presented the findings at a
conference in Berkeley last week.

The companies have denied overcharging California and have said they expect
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will determine their prices were

The commission has recently stepped up scrutiny of power companies' behavior
during California's power crisis, asking suppliers to justify $124 million in
sales during the first two months of the year or refund the money. Critics
claim thousands of additional questionable sales are not being challenged.

California has been spending about $45 million a day - $4.2 billion since
January - to purchase power for Pacific Gas and Electric Co. and Southern
California Edison. Both utilities, the state's largest, have been cut off by
electricity wholesalers because their credit is almost worthless.

Edison and PG&E say they are nearly $14 billion in debt due to soaring
wholesale power costs. The state's deregulation law blocks them from
recovering the costs from customers.

State Controller Kathleen Connell said Wednesday that the state's
power-buying is gutting its budget surplus.

Since the state started making emergency power buys, the surplus has fallen
from $8.5 billion to about $3.2 billion, she said.

Connell ordered an audit of the power buys, saying Gov. Gray Davis is
withholding key financial information from her office and the Legislature.
She said she would refuse to transfer $5.6 billion into a ``rainy day fund''
she said was set up to impress Wall Street as the state prepares to issue $10
billion in revenue bonds to cover its power buys.

Transferring the money would leave the state general fund $2.4 billion in
debt, Connell said.

Sandy Harrison, spokesman for the state Department of Finance, and Keely
Bosler, of the Legislative Analyst's Office, said such transfers are routine
and required by law.

``The law says she has to do it. The law does not give her the power to
demand that kind of audit information,'' Harrison said.

Davis spokesman Steve Maviglio said the administration has released the
financial information it can without jeopardizing negotiations for long-term
power contracts with wholesalers.

Also Wednesday, a federal judge ordered a major wholesaler, Reliant Energy
Services, to continue selling power to California despite its fear that it
will not be paid.

The ISO buys power from companies like Reliant on behalf of utilities in
attempts to fend off rolling blackouts like those that hit the state this
week and during two days in January.

[CTRL] Fwd: Hey, George - Ask Your Daddy About the Bay of Pigs

2001-03-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Cold War Adversaries Gather in Cuba

.c The Associated Press

HAVANA (AP) - President Fidel Castro sat alongside ex-CIA operatives,
advisers to President Kennedy and members of the exile team that attacked his
country four decades ago as former Cold War adversaries examined the
disastrous Bay of Pigs landing Thursday.

Dressed in his traditional olive green uniform, Castro arrived in the morning
as the protagonists sat down to discuss the 1961 invasion of Cuba by
CIA-trained exiles that shaped four decades of U.S.-Cuba politics.

The Cuban president personally greeted former Kennedy aide and American
historian Arthur Schlesinger, but made no public statement. Participants at
the meeting - which was closed the media - said Castro was still with the
group at mid-afternoon.

Thomas Blanton of the National Security Archive at George Washington
University called the three-day conference that began Thursday ``a victory
over a bitter history.'' Participants went behind closed doors to discuss
their roles and examine newly declassified documents about the April 17-19,
1961, event.

In one document released Thursday in connection with the conference, Soviet
leader Nikita Khrushchev warned Kennedy in a letter sent the day after the
invasion began that the ``little war'' in Cuba ``could touch off a chain
reaction in all parts of the globe.''

Khrushchev issued an ``urgent call'' to Kennedy to end ``the aggression''
against Cuba and said his country was prepared to provide Cuba with ``all
necessary help'' to repel the attack.

Trained by the CIA in Guatemala, the 2506 Brigade was comprised of about
1,500 exiles determined to overthrow Castro's government, which had seized
power 28 months before.

The three-day invasion failed. Without U.S. air support and running short of
ammunition, more than 1,000 invaders were captured. Another 100 invaders and
151 defenders died.

Other key American figures attending were Robert Reynolds, the CIA station
chief in Miami during the invasion; Wayne Smith, then a U.S. diplomat
stationed in Havana; and Richard Goodwin, another Kennedy assistant, who with
Schlesinger considered the invasion ill-advised.

On the Cuban government's side were Vice President Jose Ramon Fernandez, a
retired general who led defending troops on the beach known here as Playa
Giron, and a host of other retired military men.

The group will visit the Bay of Pigs on the island's south-central coast on

[CTRL] FC: Rep. Ron Paul on medical privacy regs (he doesn't like 'em) (fwd)

2001-03-23 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


From: "Singleton, Norman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Medical Privacy
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 09:20:59 -0500

Friends, some privacy advocates are claiming the privacy regulations
represent a victory for personal privacy. I thought you might like to see a
letter Congressman Paul sent to his colleagues regarding this claims:

March 22, 2001

The Dog Ate My Homework

The Check's in the Mail

The Government will Protect Your Medical Privacy. . .

Dear Colleague:

Proponents of the Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) so-called
"medical privacy" regulation have launched a campaign to convince the
American people that these regulations protect their medical privacy.
However, these supposed "privacy advocates"  are neglecting to mention that
buried within this 367-pages of small print which comprise the medical
privacy regulation are provisions that :

  Give state-favored special interests the right to access
private medical information -- including genetic information -- without
patients' consent (Sections 164.502 and 164.506).

Force physicians to turn confidential medical records over
to HHS and other government agencies and law enforcement officials without
either individual consent or a warrant in complete disregard of the Fourth
and Fifth Amendments (Section 160.310).

I have introduced the Medical Privacy Protection Resolution (H.J.Res. 38),
which uses the Congressional Review Act process to overturn this misnamed
and misguided regulation.
Please don't allow medical privacy be eroded by a regulation which allows
government and the politically-connected to access personal medical records
without a patient's consent. Call Norm at 5-2831 and cosponsor the Medical
Privacy Protection Resolution today!


Ron Paul, M.D.

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[CTRL] The Other Cheek

2001-03-23 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


Divide et impera
by John
Arabs used to have a saying about the British, the grim truth
of which Albanians would now do well to heed in their dealings
with the West in general: "It is better to be an enemy of
the British than their friend. If you are their enemy, they might
try to buy you; but if you are their friend, they will most
sell you." After only a few weeks of television pictures showing 
Macedonian soldiers lobbing mortars into a hill, Western
policy has swung gracefully though 180 degrees. Two years ago,
the Albanians were the West’s greatest friends in the Balkans;
now they have been dumped.
the Albanian insurgency in Western Macedonia and Southern Serbia
is an exact carbon copy of that waged in Kosovo from January 1998
onwards, the West’s reaction is the very mirror image of what
it was before. Whereas in 1998 and 1999, the Albanian rebels were
depicted as innocent victims, fighters from the same army are
now "extremists" who must be isolated and crushed. Although
the Albanians in Macedonia and Serbia presumably have the same right 
to autonomy from their Slav Christian overlords as their
neighbours in Kosovo, the thousands of Albanians who have fled
the fighting in Tetovo recently are ignored and dropped down the
memory hole: unlike the refugees in 1998, they no longer fit Nato’s
script. There has not been a swifter renversement des alliances since 
1984, when Oceania suddenly announced that that it
was not after all at war with Eurasia but with Eastasia instead.

in gestation for some months, the change in policy was formally 
announced by the Secretary-General of Nato in Washington on 8th March. Lord Robertson 
said, "These ethnic Albanian armed
groups – and others – know that their time is coming to an end."
He meant that any aspirations Albanians entertained for Kosovar
independence were to be crushed. Nato has announced the opening
of its "Yugoslavia office" in the Kosovo capital Pristina,
not Belgrade, in order to underline its commitment to keeping Kosovo 
within Yugoslavia, while the International Criminal Tribunal
for the former Yugoslavia – ever Nato’s faithful poodle – has
announced investigations into crimes committed by the Kosovo Liberation
Army against Serbs. CNN has even changed its maps of the region
to show Kosovo as an integral part of Serbia. On Tuesday, the
EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Javier
Solana, used language worthy of Milosevic when he called the insurgents
"terrorists" who had to be isolated and with whom it would be "a big 
mistake" to negotiate. This is precisely
the opposite of what he and the rest of the international community
was telling Serbia to do in 1998 and early 1999.
a truly hallucinatory statement, George Robertson added that the
Yugoslav army, whose re-entry into the Albanian-populated buffer
zone around Kosovo Nato had just authorised, would show "moderation
and sensitivity". I must have blinked in the nanosecond during
which the Yugoslav army switched from being a band of genocidal
Nazis to a group of sensitive and moderate peacekeepers. This
transformation is all the more impressive since its Chief of Staff,
General Nebojsa Pavkovic, is the same man who commanded the army 
during the so-called "ethnic cleansing" in Kosovo in
1999. The language of the new government in Belgrade towards Albanian
insurgents is also the same as that of its predecessor: the new
Serbian prime minister, Zoran Djindjic, has categorically ruled
out any peace negotiations with "Albanian terrorists,"
while one of his defence ministers, General Momcilo Perisic –
a veteran from the Bosnian war who attacks Milosevic for conceding
too much to the West – has threatened to deal with the Albanian
insurgency in Southern Serbia "in a matter of hours."

pretence that its opposite approach to Macedonia is justified
because that country is a democracy, whereas Serbia under Milosevic
was not, is little more

[CTRL] Defense Department Assessing Possible Vaccine Production Facility

2001-03-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Source: Inside The Pentagon
March 22, 2001
Pg. 2

Defense Department Assessing Possible Vaccine Production Facility

Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz is reviewing a recently
completed life-cycle cost estimate report for a government-owned,
contractor-operated biological defense vaccine production
facility, according to a Pentagon spokesman.

According to a program official, the Joint Vaccine Acquisition
Program office at Ft. Detrick, MD, contracted with industry to
put together the report, which includes an assessment of facility
and operational requirements as well as life-cycle costs over 26
years. The estimate used a generic site model meeting basic
criteria because the site selection process has not begun, this
source said.

The report is intended as a starting point to prepare a GOCO
facility budget estimate and includes "estimates for the design,
construction and qualification in accordance with U.S. Food and
Drug Administration standards, and operation of a GOCO vaccine
production facility for Department of Defense biological defense
vaccines," the spokesman said.

The report will not be released due to "procurement-sensitive"
information, but some of its details will be addressed in a
forthcoming report to Congress on DOD's overall biological
warfare defense vaccine research and development programs,
required by the fiscal year 2001 Defense Authorization Act, the
spokesman said. The report will be submitted with budget
justification materials after President Bush submits his complete
budget request for FY-02.

Assuming the facility is approved and funding provided, DOD will
begin a "fair and open" site-selection process.

In a Jan. 26 letter to Rumsfeld, Senate Armed Services personnel
subcommittee Chairman Tim Hutchison (R-AR) expressed concern that
the site-selection process is already favoring a site in
Maryland. Hutchison referred to a DOD study conducted in the
early 1990s that found a site in Pine Bluff, AR, most suitable
for a GOCO facility.

"Despite a body of evidence from the early [1990s] indicating
that the Pine Bluff Arsenal in my home state of Arkansas would be
the most cost-effective location to build such a facility, I have
always supported what I believed was the department's intention
to conduct a new, fair and open site-selection process,"
Hutchison wrote. "However, I am now concerned that there are
those within the department who have sought to take advantage of
the confusion surrounding the transition between administrations,
by attempting to steer site-selection process towards facilities
in Maryland."

He asks that Rumsfeld review the site-selection process to ensure
fairness and promises to get the committee involved if the
secretary fails to do so.

The Pentagon began considering the move last summer in light of
concerns about anthrax vaccine shortages and the fact that
Lansing, MI-based BioPort, the sole manufacturer of the vaccine,
is still awaiting approval from the FDA to resume production
following the renovation of its facility (Inside the Pentagon,
July 13, p2). Last fall, Vicky Armbruster, joint program manager
for biological defense, said funding had been added to the FY-02
to FY-07 future years defense plan to examine the feasibility of
building a GOCO vaccine production facility (ITP, Nov. 2, 2000,

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

*Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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2001-03-23 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

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Date sent:  Fri, 23 Mar 2001 00:07:25 -0600
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Chris W. Stark - Director
  P.O. Box 1924
Crosby, Texas 77532-1924
 Ph. 1-713-202-9548  Fax 1-810-283-7459

  23 March 2001


   Copyright © 2001 by Gun Owners Alliance (GOA-Texas).
Republication permitted ONLY if this e-mail alert
   is left intact in its original state.


March 22 Neal Knox Update -- There may have been bribery of anti-gun
witnesses in the halls of the Texas State Capitol Tuesday after a
committee hearing on a string of gun bills.  A witness for the Million
March was reportedly videotaped by conservative talk show host Alex
giving money to gang members who had testified for the gun laws --
demanding that they be given guns to protect themselves against white

Some pro-gun legislators are investigating.  Ed Hohmann has described
the event (I don't know how accurately), and has streaming tape of
video at http://www.infowars.com/payoff.html

I've read his story but haven't been able to view the tape.

#  #  #  #  #




The House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence heard testimony today
on H.B.
367 by Chairman Juan Hinojosa and H.B. 404 by Representative
Danburg. Many
people showed up to testify against the bill and many people showed up
testify for the bill.

Among the people testifying for the bills were several youths who
to be from Houston and claimed to have illegally purchased firearms from
gun shows. After their testimony they were seen in the hallway
money from someone rumored to be a representative of the Million Mom
According to bystanders, the youths were not from Houston but were
Austin. It is believed at this point that their testimony was false and was
fabricated in exchange for money.

Numerous people witnessed this transaction and radio personality Alex
managed to get most of it on videotape. There is no information at this
point whether the committee will take any action against these people
or if
an investigation will be conducted.


The witness list should be posted soon, with the names of the young
that were paid for their false testimony. It will eventually be located:


(please cut-n-paste the above URL since it is broken)

#  #  #  #  #  #



We need to ask Speaker of the House, Rep. Pete Laney, if he will
this committee hearing legitimate, due to the above mentioned BRIBERY
SCANDAL!! Ask him if he wants this on his reputation, and the Criminal
Jurisprudence Committee's reputation. TELL HIM TO PRESSURE THE
express your outrage
at this purchasing of testimony!! Ask him what he intends to do to rectify
the outrageous act of bribery!

Representative James "Pete" Laney
Room CAP 2W.13
Austin, TX 78701
(512) 463-1000

Website e-mail form:



2001-03-23 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Now Johannas I am not going either but would you believe a lot of people
do watch that garbage on TV and why I do not know or care; the idea
would be not to watch this stuff, and the ADVERTISERS WHO NOW WANT TO
PROFIT by getting more garbage into schoolsl, will not profit for if you
boycott this and the products the peddle on this time slot - rating will

I will not for instance knowingly use anything Rosie O'Donnell promotes
- Fuzzy Zoeller was fired by K Mart for making an inside joke re Tiger
Woods who still plays golf believing someone is going to kill ihm - hey
it was PAYNE STEWART who was in danger - who won the Ryder Cup so Tiger
didn't get the big grand slam.Remember Payne Stewart?
Tiger sat in the back at his funeral.

The point is eveytime you buy a box of Wheaties or tennis shoes endorsed
by one of these pigs, they take big chop and price goes up?

So boycott the show and its productsbut then some people let their
kids feed on garbage and noiw wonder why they are being targeted in more
ways than one, in schools.

Do know this Rosie did not last long at K Mart when she got involved
with the guns - her 2 year old gets her teeth knocked out, bloodied
damaged noise - this kid needed protection from Rosie I think, the
Lesbian who adopted her, rather than from anything that could happen at
the schools.

Equal protection of laws?   This garbage is beginning to make its way
big time now into schools.

I love to boycott products but when a lot of people do - well maybe it
is too late now.yesterday two Disney movies had little black girls
in beds waiting for little white boys?  How charming?   No wonder they
give Disney away today on TV and it is no longer pay TV for who would
pay for it?

TV Advertisers - well face it, Fox taught CNN a lesson - they fired how
many people?   People do not like Jane Fonda or Ted Turnerdid it
hurt him?   Hey that guy got drunk enough to marry that old bat, sobered
up long enough to ralize what happened and dumped her, and now works
with UN.for if you want to get along in the world, globally - one
must sell out to this order..and this crap all starts in

The Arts and Sciences?Garbage is as garbage doesas far
as I am concerned Wheaties has become garbage for the pigs get too big a
portion of the package 

BOYCOTT all products sold by those advertising products for
Oscarand remember the 5 people who nearly died yesterday putting
up scaffolding for this garbagehow much did they get paid an


Protected by Arts and Sciences?   You got to be kidding - Larry Flynt
fits in well with this Hollywood bunch but have feeling under Bush, well
"things change"..

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: 21-gun Salute and Bible Astrology connotations?

2001-03-23 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>No wonder that guy gave up West Point to the English during the American

West Point was never given up to the English.  Benedict Arnold supposedly conspired 
with John Andre to do so,
but Andre (or his double) was captured with incriminating documents before the 
supposed plan could be carried

History has presented us with the story that Arnold was nothing but a money-grubbing 
'traitor', and that Andre
was nothing but an effete opportunist...but when one delves into the FACTS regarding 
both men, one finds both
were much more complex than the caricatures we've been taught in school...and that 
there are hints that there
was much more going on to Arnold's supposed 'treachery' than the public -- then as now 
-- has been led to


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] MC: Spooks, Cyber-goons declare open season on whistleblowers/Fwd

2001-03-23 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Uh, both of Ms. Hartwell's sites are working just fine, including all
links. And the "Don't tread on me" is there. Is this MISinfo (an honest
mistake) or DISinfo (propaganda)?


> From John Quinn at Newshawk:
>  Barbara Hartwell
>  Legal Defense and Research Fund
>  PO Box 832
>  Woodstock NY 12498
>  websites: http://www.ulster.net/~babs7/
>  http://www.homestead.com/barbarahartwellsurvivor/

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Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Three Injured in California High School Shooting

2001-03-23 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Bill Richer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A suspect was in custody and was being taken to a hospital, police
> said.

This line should raise the antennae of the people following the mind
control/Manchurian Candidate aspects of the conspiracy.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] How it's done: When you write the laws... youcanlegalizetheft.

2001-03-23 Thread pmeares

-Caveat Lector-

Nurev Ind Research wrote:
> Even Libertarians are sometimes capable of truth. The problem is that
> they are incapable of the WHOLE truth. The government is half the
> problem. The Rich and their economic system is the REAL core of
> the problem.

"What we call the 'government' is nothing but a front for
the corporations Marxism is nothing but state monopoly
capitalism. The USSR was nothing but a big company town."
- Nessie

> C'mon. Let me hear you shout it out Libertarians. Capitalism SUCKS!!
> "__"
> H. I thought so.
> Joshua2

That's because a libertarian couldn't *honestly* say it.
If one did, they wouldn't actually be a libertarian, they
would be a political anarchist (i.e, libertarianism without
capitalism; or a 'left-libertarian'/'libertarian socialist',
as they've styled themselves these past 150 or so years).

At the core of modern American libertarianism is Ayn Rand -
a self-professed "radical for capitali$m", (with books like
"Capitali$m: The Unknown Ideal"). Thus, for these
brainwashed, Randian feebs, even considering the notion that
capitalism and it's Corpus Grunch "SUCKS", would be like a
Christian denying that Jesus ever existed (was a plagiarized
ancient myth based on astro-theology and entheomycology).

"The thing I keep running into with libertarians is that
they are purposely blind to the following: if you start with
a weak state and a laissez-faire economy, eventually
megacorporations will coalesce and become a defacto state,
usually fascist and obviously not held accountable by the
democratic process. And the megacorps will mold and embolden
the state so that it has the authority and agenda to serve
them. I don't have to wonder about the viability of this
theory, since I have discovered that the US is more or less
living proof." -Daniel Pouzzner

"Each system in its own way is a system of plunder, an
organizational device to get everyone living (or attempting
to live) at the expense of everyone else, while the elitist
leaders, the rulers and the politicians, scalp the cream off
the top." - Antony C. Sutton

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-03-23 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

>WHY NOT BOYCOTT THIS PIECE of GARBAGE called Oscar Night where these
>pepole heap upon themselves Oscars and wonderful words while some of

Right on! I won't be going and I encourage all other listmembers to do likewise. Now I 
must email Mila Jovavich with the bad news.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] NYDN: Pardon Probe Still Waiting on Clinton Kin

2001-03-23 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Pardon Probe Still Waiting on Bill Kin

Daily News Washington Bureau

(WASHINGTON) Three Clinton siblings enmeshed in former President
Bill Clinton's parting pardon controversy still haven't fully
responded to a House panel investigating their roles, lawyers and
other sources said yesterday.

The House Government Reform Committee is still seeking answers
from Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's brothers, Hugh and Tony, and
the former president's half-brother, Roger.

The committee has quietly continued its probe even though it
hasn't held hearings since a series of sessions that delved into
Clinton's pardon of Marc Rich. The clemency came after Rich's
ex-wife, award-winning songwriter Denise Rich, contributed
hundreds of thousands of dollars to Clinton causes.

"We are trying to be reasonable, but if there is no response, we
will weigh our options," said Mark Corallo, spokesman for House
Government Reform and Oversight Committee Chairman Dan Burton.
"We just want to know what they did regarding these pardons."

Burton (R-Ind.) could seek to issue contempt of Congress
citations against the Clinton and Rodham brothers, or haul them
before the committee and force them to consider invoking the
Fifth Amendment to avoid testifying.

But most observers think such steps are unlikely. Putting the
siblings of a sitting senator and an ex-President in the center
ring of such a circus ‹ especially after signals that the Bush
White House and House Speaker Dennis Hastert want the Clinton
pardon scandal to go away ‹ could come off as a political
bullying exercise.

Burton wants Roger Clinton to explain whether he was involved in
reported schemes to use his name to grift felons in
cash-for-pardon scams.

The senator also wants more details from Hugh Rodham, who
accepted some $400,000 to help a convicted swindler and a drug
trafficker win pardons, and Tony Rodham, who helped an old friend
and employer win a pardon ‹ but accepted no money.

Sen. Clinton ripped Hugh Rodham for selling access to the White
House but refused to criticize her other brother.

Asked last night whether New York's new senator thinks the
Clinton and Rodham brothers should cooperate with Burton, an aide
said she "is unfamiliar with the specifics of these requests but
stands by her previous statements."

She said last month that Hugh Rodham "should fully cooperate with
any and all inquiries by anyone about this matter."

Tony Rodham's attorney, Glenn Lewis, said last night that he
"made contact with [Burton's office] and addressed the letter
that was written within the time that they provided. ... I can't
comment at this time with respect to what the next step is,
except to say we'll be in touch with them in the coming days."

Lawyers for Hugh Rodham and Roger Clinton could not be reached
for comment.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

*Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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