Lazytraders; 2 stocks up 100% and 200% today

2002-02-02 Thread Frank Vanderlugt


Today 2 stocks went up 100 and 200%.

ELANW went up 200% and NOGWF went up 100%.

Every day some stocks go up that much.

If you are a Lazy DayTrader you learn how to find these, ALL of them, in 1
second at any time between 7.45 AM and 8 PM EST.

You'll also learn the exact second you should buy them and the exact
second you should sell them.(When the buyers disappear.)

You're also able to buy them in one second and to sell them in one second.

You can do this at a cost of $1 per 100 shares.

After you become a Lazy DayTrader you can join Michael's Chatroom for a
low monthly fee.

Michael is a Lazy DayTrader who made $360,000 in 3 weeks starting with
only $10,000.

Michael's Chatroom has made over 1300% since July 9, 2001.

So even if you have only a few hours to spare between 7.45 AM and 8 PM EST
and have as little as $500 to work with it might pay you to become a Lazy

You can become one at:

You'll have unlimited support.

Have a nice day.

Frank vanderlugt



*1300% profit is the maximum you could have made since July 9 if
would have bought Michael's Stockpicks when he called them and you would
sold at the high for the day. To be able to sell at the high for the day 
consistently is not realistic.
The risk factor is high in stock trading and  only "Risk Capital" or
Funds" should be used in such trading. A person who does not have extra
Capital, or Risk Funds, that they can afford to lose, should not trade in
market. No "SAFE" trading system has ever been devised, and no one
including us 
can guarantee profits or freedom from loss. We are not brokers or stock 

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Re: Cypherpunk agenda succeeding

2002-02-02 Thread Dr. Evil

> > Encrypted disks are still rare, but that is because raids
> > that seize people's computers are rare.  Of course it is
> > regrettable that disk encryption is not part of the operating
> > system -- but if Microsoft put it in before we had a strong,
> > widely adopted system, they would doubtless muck it up.
>   Even if they do it after they will still muck it up.

Microsoft does support encrypted disks.  They do in Windows XP and I
think they may have had it earlier too.  Who doesn't support encrypted
disk?  The open source guys.  There is only _one_ open source OS that
currently supports encrypted disk in a non-kludge way (loopback FS
counts as a kludge).  That is Mandrake Linux in their 8.2 beta
version.  That's it.  OpenBSD with its "crypto everywhere"?  No, it
should be "crypto everywhere except on the disk."  The upcoming
versions of ResierFS for Linux will support plugable modules which
will allow easier encryption, so eventually it will be availbe for
Linux.  I just wish OpenBSD would get this in there so they could
actually live up to their reputation.

Re: Cypherpunk agenda succeeding

2002-02-02 Thread Petro

On Thursday, January 31, 2002, at 08:44 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Encrypted disks are still rare, but that is because raids
> that seize people's computers are rare.  Of course it is
> regrettable that disk encryption is not part of the operating
> system -- but if Microsoft put it in before we had a strong,
> widely adopted system, they would doubtless muck it up.

Even if they do it after they will still muck it up.

> Email, IM, and voice communication.  remains entirely in the
> clear and that is extremely bad.  It seems to me that it
> should be possible to sell a decent mail system to
> corporations provided that the mail system provides forward
> secrecy, thus guaranteeing that the only copies of possibly
> inconvenient email are those in the computers of the

First we need to get to the point where everything between firewalls 
in encrypted.
Crypto is about a helluva lot more than just PGP and's about
building the I-beams and sheetrock that will allow robust structures to be
built, it's about the railroad lines and power lines that will connect the
structures, and it's about creating Galt's Gulch in cyberspace, where it
belongs.--Tim May

Just set up my new webcam-Wow! (1427TlDx1-7@10)

2002-02-02 Thread werklwetkl781861


New webcam and homepage, see what you think

Hey, I got this really cool WebCam and my own FSU Homepage!
A friend helped me hook it up to my homepage and
I added a  few snapshots there too!  It is so much fun!
Please take a look and tell me what you think.
I am open to suggestions and I am very new at this.

Here is the link to my homepage so you can see

If I am online we can chat there too!
( I am online all the time now, lol )
See ya soon,

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To be removed from our mailing list and to be automatically removed
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UK Train Passengers Pass By Gay Man Having Sex With Goat

2002-02-02 Thread proffr11

 >>I guess that's what happens when you see too many American movies. <<

In England? maybe it was to much scandinavian garbage.Your closer,you fuckwit.

 >>- TV provides the accepted truth, the viewpoint, the norm, and a pattern 
of behaviour that some people can't help but adopt & repeat.<<

TV is not mentioned in the crap republished story you dumped here.Not that 
theres been a lot of goat porn on recently,are you one of lars Triers Idiots?

  >>Monkey see, monkey do. 

Monkee do describes your contributions,fuck off and die before we release 
trained killers to hunt you down.We got Olaf Palme you know.You would not 
be missed.(site for the day )

How to be a KGB spy,

2002-02-02 Thread proffr11

>>Anyone have a CIA howto/manual? Others?? :-) <<

Scandanavian Choate's might like
·   CDR:
Jei, put some money where your big mouth is. 
·   From:

·   Date:
Sat, 02 Feb 2002 15:40:46 +1100 
·   Cc:

·   Reply-To: · [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
·   Sender: ·   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I have raised $4 in pledges to be pooled and paid for the reasonable 
expenses of the person(s) unknown that most closely predicts the time of 
the permanent retirement from politics of Richard Armitage.Armitage is a 
gross white murdering shitpig fairly high up in the hierarchy of the 
corrupt,violent amerikkkan empire.Should you be willing to pledge more than 
4$,you can choose your own,"targeted action."
How about it dickwit?

Call NYCpork for release of prisoners.

2002-02-02 Thread proffr11

Much bullying,photoeing and videoing of people peacefully petitioning for 
redress and dissenting as is their MOFO Constit-fucking-utional RIGHT.
People arrested for wearing SCARVES!
Complain loudly and vociferously on the phone or e-mail addy off NYPD 
website.Porkers need to read their APster rights.

"You have the right to roll up your gun in your uniform and throw in the 
river,You also have the right to move interstate and change your name and 
appearance.Your past may still be used against you in the court of online 
APster justice.Do you understand the danger you and your family are in?"

Teargas,watercannon broken out for anti-WEF demo.

2002-02-02 Thread proffr11

ZURICH: Swiss police have used teargas and water cannons during a protest
in Zurich by more than 500 people against globalization and the
relocation to New York of the World Economic Forum (WEF). 
Riot police moved in when the mainly young demonstrators began throwing
paint and stones at buildings, burning rubbish bins and destroying a
Ferrari parked near the city opera building. Last year, Zurich was the
scene of clashes between police and anti-globalisation demonstrators in
which heavy damage was inflicted and 120 people were arrested when the
Forum took place in its usual Swiss venue of Davos. 
Earlier today, the mainly young demonstrators gave speeches, notably on
the issue of police violence, and distributed leaflets as world business,
political and religious leaders were coming together for the Forum in New
It was transferred to New York in a show of solidarity with the city in
the wake of the September 11 attacks, which destroyed the World Trade
Centre there.,5478,3701351%5E401,00.html

the american dream

2002-02-02 Thread Jei

A strange state of being this war on terror.
It is a global war until the end of all evil is in sight.
it is a war that will outlast forever - it is a license to
spend the public purse on an unlimited number of evil doers.
It is a war that will destroy the terror of multivitamins,
it is a war that elevate the multinationals to godhead, where
the supermen will be bred to end the terror of individuality.

this war will build information databases like no other, and
will arrest you if you refuse to take the poison that has been
allocated specifically to you.
it will end the terror of childhood and give to the new generations
the certainty that they can misuse their lives if they choose.
this war on terror will end the terror of liberty and replace it with
the sanity of rule. It will seek out evil everywhere, the evils of
defamation, the evils of being outspoken - it will silence the Internet
It is a war on the terror of the parents when they realise that their
children have been poisoned by toxic diet and society beyond the point where
they can be easily cured. It is a war on the terror of parents who realise
that they are going to outlast their children - whose young growing tissues
cannot mature on the poisons they are being fed.

It is a war that hopes to disintegrate and divide - and rule.
Aside from the ongoing population cull though -
I foresee the breakup and regionalisation of the United States of America.
Its called Devolution.
Its a scam they foisted on us in the UK for by breaking up the UK into
impotent regions they could create more beaurocracy and more taxes and less
democracy. [consensus government]

The big global superstate and its components like the EU is made
up of small regional villages.
The same model applied to the USA would break the country up into Federated
Regions answering not to Washington but to the UN.
They may decide to carve up the USA by using racial profiling -
maybe creating a mexican superstate in the south. eg. Aztlan becomes the
mexican village - they may use religious profiling, maybe to identify and
isolate fundamentalist pockets -
You may get the creation of Mormonia - capital salt lake
the city states of LA or new york [enter kurt russell] the
babylonain/sumerian city state maybe ring fenced with the invincible
overlords as their black nobility.
If state borders were closed with the creation of new 'countries' within the
USA - people would not be able to move about - an ideal situation if
multinational companies want 'captive employees' anchored in their region.

to help with the reassimilation of the citizens in their new countries -
vast new biometric databases will profile the 'abnormal'
and facilitate the diagnosis of deviance and potential terror
suspects eg. vegetarians

Changes of linguistic and religious priorities would further strengthen the
case for the Devolution of the american dream and melting pot into its
Individual components.

Then by media enhanced differences causing at the same time the alienation
and the 'embrace' of global values - the state of the union is no longer one
state but many - ruled by an unrelenting axis of evil illuminazis.

I'm willing to bet that the company shell that was called Enron still exists
and has just acquired a new name - Noner.
If you see how the incestuous UK bilderburgers and enron executives promoted
themselves and funded their excesses to the heights of their paranoia - you
will see that the energy department in the uk govt.  is still being run by
Sick transatlantic and global sleaze, with bought prime ministers who have
not the courage to admit to the parents of this country that they are
frauds. Tony though, emperir of eurodisney in waiting - just like the walt
disney franchise - is an idea whose time has already gone.
Blond haired blue eyed superTony awaits in the wings, whilst the athletic
Dubya whose supertuned cardiovascular system has produced a heart so mean it
cant be bothered beating - has already got a hit out on the Pretzel Company

The day of our global village is come and though the armed and touchy
american public is getting circumspect treatment, maybe even resiliently
holding the fragmentation up with its pride and patriotism and 911 flags-
there appear to be many measures in place to indiscriminately lift any
physical being or object -

But ... How can you arrest a Dream - the american dream ??

andrew hennessey

Independant iRish mediA.

2002-02-02 Thread proffr11
Over 100 March on Derry Arms Facility
by Graham Caswell. Reported by Amanda Moloney, Sat, October 20 2001
Over 100 activists from around Ireland today marched on the Raytheon 
facility in Derry at which the guidence software for the US Tomahawk Cruise 
missliles currently being used against Afganistan is developed. The 
protest, co-ordinated by the Foyne Ethical Investment Campaign, was 
intended to draw attention to the work being carried out at this facility. 
later the protestors marched through Derry city centre to the office of 
Derry City Council and to the office of John Hume, Noble Peace Prize winner.

100 Arrested at Scottish Nuclear Submarine Base
by Graham Caswell. Reported by Amanda Moloney, Mon, October 22 2001
Over 100 peaceful protestors, including Irish Green MEP Patricia McKenna, 
have been arrested at the Trident Nuclear Submarine base in Faslane, 
Scotland. The protest was organised by Trident Ploughshares and Scottish 
CND and involved an estimated 2,000 people. 

UK Train Passengers Pass By Gay Man Having Sex With Goat

2002-02-02 Thread Jei

I guess that's what happens when you see too many American movies.

- TV provides the accepted truth, the viewpoint, the norm, and a
pattern of behaviour that some people can't help but adopt & repeat.

Monkey see, monkey do.

UK Train Passengers Pass By Gay Man Having Sex With Goat
By Alastair Taylor

A chef had sex with a goat - and was seen by a trainload of 
passengers, a court heard yesterday. 
Stephen Hall, 23, lassoed the animal with his belt at the Paradise 
allotments near his home. 
As the packed Hull to Bridlington train stopped at signals, dozens of 
passengers stared out in amazement. 
In seconds, police switchboards were jammed as horrified commuters 
used their mobiles to report what they had seen. 
The female goat was one of a number left to graze near the 
allotments, Hull Crown Court was told. 
A man out walking his dog also made a 999 call to Humberside Police 
Control Room. 
Two members of the public pinned down Hall while a stream of officers 
raced to the scene. Jobless Hall, from Hull, was initially arrested 
by the Humberside Police Dog Section. 
A vet who examined the goat said it was "subdued" by the assault but 
was not suffering long-term injury. 
British Transport Police Detective Inspector Dave Crinnion, who 
investigated, said: "I saw the goat the next day " it did not seem 
too upset but it is difficult to tell." 
Yesterday, Hall admitted a sex charge involving an animal. 
Judge Jacqueline Davies, who adjourned the case for reports, said: "I 
do not know what sentence the court will impose on you." 
He is due to be sentenced on March 13. 
Hall, who says he is gay, said after the hearing: "My friends have 
been giving me a lot of stick. They are all joking with me about it. 
"I have never done anything like this before." 
© 2002 News Group Newspapers

Repression round up.

2002-02-02 Thread proffr11

Anarchist Black cross of Grodno reported last monday, 30th of January
that 4 persons were arrested in Grodno after a political concert in club
"Kletka" in sunday 29th of January. Arrested were Dima
Gorshanov, singer of anarcho-punk group Antiglobalizator, his friend
Oksana, Misha Nerush and a fourth unknown person. Dima Gorshanov was
freed tuesday 31st, and confirmed report of Oksana who was freed more
early that all of them were tortured when arrested, with beatings and
most common soviet and post-soviet torture, which is forcing to wear a
gas mask and cutting the air supply. Dima was finally given a small fine
for "minor hooliganism", police claimed that he had been
drunken and breaking a window. Actually he is a straight edge
(teetotaler). Police claimed that "this is just the beginning".
Anarchist Black Cross of Grodno is certain that police just tries to
scare youngsters away from political activity. 

Crap Arrest For Canoeing without lights!! Last Friday, Faslane peace
protestor Jenny Gaiawyn was arrested and charged with 'breach of the
peace' for canoeing without any lights around the Gareloch where those
nice Trident submarines live. For that crime she spent 3 days in police
custody and is due in court on the April 2nd (should be April 1st!) 

International Day of Solidarity for Leonard Peltier, Saturday 9th February. Next Wednesday will mark the 27th year since the American Indian Movement activist was framed and arrested for killing two FBI agents at the Pine Ridge Reservation. 
Be nice if one of you gun lovin punks marked the day like the death of Mc veigh was in NYstate.

Anarchs in NYC;"no demands."

2002-02-02 Thread proffr11

Anti-Capitalist Convergence - New York City

Some might find it strange that the ACC is not making any demands of the
politicians, bankers and CEOs gathering for the World Economic Forum in
New York.

What, precisely, are we protesting, then?

In fact, we not 'protesting' at all. The Anti-Capitalist Convergence is
a gathering of collectives, affinity groups, and individuals inspired by
the principle of direct action. Direct action means that if there are
problems in the world, one does not go appealing to the authorities to
solve them for us, one does not go begging - or even demanding - that
those in power stop doing things that create those problems. Because
those who believe in direct action do not recognize that authority, and
wish to put an end to that power. Direct action means taking action for
ourselves, either to create our own solutions - acting as if that power
does not exist - or, if we must confront our rulers, by putting our
bodies on the line to stop them from doing what they're doing. It is, at
the same time, a form of action and a form of education, because we are
acting in the world, but by doing so, we are also showing people
everywhere that there is an alternative to passive acquiescence - that
it is possible for communities to take power over their own lives, to
intervene in history, and to do it in a form which itself provides a
vision of the kind of world in which we would really like to live.

Therefore we are not even saying "we demand the right to live in freedom
and dignity", because freedom and dignity is not something our rulers
can ever grant us. It is their very existence, as rulers, that makes
freedom and dignity impossible.

All this is only possible if we refuse to live in fear. As anarchists,
we recognize that the power of our rulers can only be maintained by
terror; both governments and terrorists are ultimately playing the same
game: the manipulation of ordinary people's sense of fear and insecurity
for political gain. We, on the other hand, stand in absolute rejection
of any politics of terror. That is why we are taking action now, in New
York City, despite the obvious risks. The WEF's choice to relocate to
Manhattan is a blatant example of just this sort of cynicical
exploitation of grief, fear, and terror - they know they are bringing
disruption and probably violence into the lives of an already frightened
and traumatized population, but they hope to exploit those emotions to
make it easier for them to crush us. By standing up and taking action
anyway, despite all the police and military force and manipulation of
the press and public opinion we know are being marshalled against us, we
are sending a message to the world that it is not necessary to be ruled
by fear: we refuse to bow down to terror, just as we refuse to terrorize
anyone else.

What, then, do we want?

We are anarchists because we believe it would be possible to have a
society without rulers; one based on principles of self-organization,
voluntary association, and mutual aid. We believe that capitalism cannot
be reformed, and no system built on marshalling the powers of greed and
fear to drive people to organize their lives around the endless
production and accumulation of commodities, no society which measures
its success by the total amount of merchandise it manages produce, could
ever lead to human happiness - in fact, could ever lead to anything
other than a world in which even the most successful are mired in
loneliness and alienation and the vast majority of our fellow humans,
destroyed by terror and despair. We believe it is possible, instead, for
communities and individuals to take control over their own lives, and
create a new world in which the desire for the endless maximization of
profit could be replaced by a desire for the full self-realization of
human beings: a world in which everyone can have the security of knowing
their basic needs will be met, and therefore will be free to contribute
to society as they see fit, in sustainable harmony with the earth and
natural world; a world which would involve pleasures, challenges, and
forms of joy and fulfilment that at present we could hardly imagine.

And if that it is possible - (and can anyone say with certainty that it
is not?) - could there be anything more important than working to bring
that world in to being?
Therefore we ask nothing more of the junketeers in the Waldorf than we
would of anyone else. As individuals, they are of course invited to join
us in the pursuit of a better world; if they are willing to abandoning
their power and privilege we will be happy to treat them as equals.
Or, if they are not willing to do that yet, we can, perhaps, provide one
other suggestion. If those who have gathered to celebrate their wealth
and power at the Waldorf would really like to make a "gesture of
solidarity" with New Yorkers, as they claim, we can suggest one thing
they might do. These are after all the very same people who, in their
roles as 


2002-02-02 Thread Jei

by Sherman H. Skolnick 1/28/02

Those who grow up in a big city and are political commentators, sort 
of know things by second nature. If they are outspoken, they may even 
describe their lifelong home-town, right to the point, with a few 

Some years ago, for a period of time, I opened my Chicago-based 
recorded phone commentary message [(773) 731-1100], with "This is 
Sherman Skolnick, from the mafia-CIA capital of the world". 

After a while, because of numerous examples, I and my associates came 
to understand the names of the large law firms and accounting houses 
that are part of the espionage/criminal cartel. One such has been 
Arthur Andersen & Company. 

In Chicago, in years past, two Federal District Judges, by the 
greatest non-coincidence and mysterious forces, had slipped onto 
their dockets most all of the cases in the nation involving the 
American CIA. [Assignment of cases, as we have pointed out, is one of 
the main steps of the BIG FIX.] 

One such judge was George Leighton. As shown by records uncovered by 
us in the National Archives, Leighton had been in 1963 the secret CIA 
attorney for Lee Harvey Oswald, the CIA created patsy and falsely 
blamed "lone assassin" of President John F. Kennedy. Judge Leighton, 
without jurisdiction over me, once tried to falsely jail me as an 
assassination researcher. But that is a story for another day.

Another one of CIA's Judges in Chicago was U.S. District Judge Hubert 
L. Will. In the 1950s, he had been CIA's Chief of Counter-
Intelligence in Europe, stationed in Berlin. It was thus natural that 
in 1970 my suit against the National Archives and Record Service was 
assigned to him. For the only time in U.S. history, somehow eleven 
secret documents had been purloined from the Archives. Falling into 
my possession, attached to my suit, they showed that the U.S. Secret 
Service had covered up a plot to assassinate President Kennedy in 
Chicago on the way to his appearance at a football game, two and a 
half weeks before being actually murdered in Dallas. Part of the 
cover-up was to falsely jail the first black Secret Service agent, 
Abraham Bolden, assigned to guarding the President at his residence. 
A person as a double for "Lee Harvey Oswald", was waiting along the 
proposed parade route to murder the President.

In Court, I confronted Judge Will, holding in my hand as an Exhibit, 
a copy of the book, published in Europe but banned from distribution 
in the U.S., "Who's Who in CIA". [I and my associates were about the 
only ones in the U.S. who somehow had copies. We gave them away at 
college speeches in return for small donations. Alas, no more copies 
are left.] 

"I'm not with them anymore", the Judge poo-pooed my demand that he 
step aside. "Come on now, Judge," I reasoned with him, "The CIA is a 
mail-box, once you are in, you are there even if later you claim to 
be on the bench". He denied my request to recuse himself. Naturally, 
the CIA and the U.S. Secret Service, involved in the suit, won. I was 
put out of Court without further legal formality. "THE ENRON BLACK 
MAGIC", Part Four continued, by Sherman H. Skolnick 1/28/02 

Not a coincidence, later in the 1970s, Judge Will had the case 
involving the embezzlement of Rockefeller's unit, First National Bank 
of Chicago. [To confuse matters since then, they have changed their 
name to Bank One.] Millions and millions of dollars disappeared from 
the bank's branch in Athens, Greece. Sources told us it was 
a "permitted" rip-off by the American CIA to secretly finance the 
Greek mafia to do dirty tricks against political dissidents. 

The bank's auditors and consultants were Arthur Andersen & Co., with 
a long previous history of being reportedly instrumental with the 
Mafia/CIA activities in Chicago. [For background, study the details, 
believed by savvy sorts to be accurate, in the book written by family 
members of CIA gangster/assassination arranger "Momo" Giancana---how 
the CIA uses mobsters like "Momo", then later murders them by way of 
throwing them away, "Double Cross The Explosive Inside Story of the 
Mobsters Who Controlled America, Vol. 1," by Sam Giancana and Chuck 
Giancana (contributor), Mass Market Paperback, Warner Books, Inc., 
1993. It deals with the great dangers of trusting the Kennedy Family 
and the American CIA. 

A kingpin in Arthur Andersen's law firm was R. Sargent Shriver who 
was married into the family of "Founding Father" Joseph P. Kennedy 
and his assassinated sons, John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy. 
About 1975, Shriver was the speaker at Rockefeller Chapel, on the 
campus of Rockefeller's University of Chicago. Shriver's speech was 
about "International Relations". After the speech, we interviewed 
Shriver as the attorney for Arthur Andersen & Co., on tape, in the 
doorway of the Chapel. 

We grilled Shriver about how his client, A

Anarcho-punk movie night in Ontario,cheap food.

2002-02-02 Thread proffr11

Anarcho-Punk Movie night a "smashing" success.
One of the most vital events in the city, the second free "punk movie night"
was a great example of anarchist counter-culture and politics strengthening
each other. Starting off was a great big meal of vegetable curry for a measly
$3. It was really great seeing the mix of people from young punk-rockers to
older politicos hanging out and enjoying themselves in the atmosphere of
comradely rebellion.
Soon, it was movie time and the night started off with "Train on the brain" a
documentary about train-hopping across the USA followed up by a cool super-
eight train-hopping short done by local adventurer Cam.
Next was "Global Dissent: Anarchist music and Action" which followed Scottish
anarcho-punk band Oi Polloi on one of their European tours. Highlights were a
stop at a squatted Glasgow community centre that was barricaded to keep the
cops out, a show in Eastern Europe that was attacked by fascists, and a
highway blockade.
Far and away the best film of the night was the recently released "Breaking
the spell" which documents the anti-WTO demonstrations in Seattle in 1999. A
lot of the demo footage can be seen on the "RIP WTO" video that was released
in '99 but there's also a good look into both the anarchist community of
Eugene Oregon and the intense media scrutiny they were under in the aftermath
of the WTO demo. What I really like about the film was the section that
talked about and showed the non-activist youth of Seattle fighting the police
in their neighborhood of capitol hill. Much derided by so-called "activists"
as "gang members who had nothing to do with the demonstrations" this video
shows the youth of Seattle representing for their neighborhood under police
attack or looting stores out of economic necessity. It was a well-executed
film that drew the connection between the activist demonstrations in the day
and the popular revolt of working-class youth at night.
The punk movie night is already so popular that it was hard to get a seat,
and if they keep up this dynamic mix of counter-cultural and political films
it will soon be standing room only. A truly outstanding event!

Buck the rodeo.

2002-02-02 Thread proffr11

BCUK YOU The Burma Campaign UK (BCUK) have managed to get lingerie giant 
Triumph International to close down its Burma-based manufacturing site. The 
company was targeted for its part in supporting the military regime. It was 
charged by the UN's International Labour Organisation with a 'crime against 
humanity' for the oppression and exploitation of Burma's people. A 
spokesperson from BCUK said, "This should serve as a warning to other 
companies operating in Burma - get out now or you could be next." Burma 
Campaign UK, 020-7281-7377,
And get of CHINA RSA,Trei,this means you dogmeat.

Feds mulling new airline surveillance system

2002-02-02 Thread Jei

Feds mulling new airline surveillance system

(February 01, 2002)

WASHINGTON -- Federal transportation security officials plan to begin
testing a new network that would enable security officials to collect and
analyze a vast array of personal data on airline passengers in an attempt to
weed out terrorists before they can get aboard aircraft.

The system would link every reservation system in the country with a number
of private and government databases. Through the use of data mining and
predictive software analysis, it would analyze personal travel histories,
unusual relationships between passengers aboard particular flights and a
wealth of other data for clues to potential threats.

A final decision on whether to move ahead with the test or deploy an
operational system has not yet been made. That decision will be made by the
Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which is currently evaluating
two prototype technologies. The TSA could not be reached for comment today.

HNC Software, a San Diego-based firm that develops risk-detection software,
is leading a team of companies to build one of the two main prototypes. HNC
is working with Houston-based PROS Revenue Management Inc., which already
supplies customer analytic software to 17 of the top 25 U.S. airlines, and
Acxiom Corp., a data marketing firm in Little Rock, Ark., that collects
information on land records, car ownership, magazine subscriptions and
telephone numbers.

Joseph Firosh, executive director for research and development at HNC, said
his company's technology is currently used to detect credit card fraud in
the private sector. It is based on neural network technology that can pick
out vague relationships between data that may indicate the potential for
terrorist activity, he said.

HNC is currently talking to both the TSA and Delta Air Lines Inc. about the
feasibility of deploying the technology throughout airports, said Firosh.

"The data will have to come from the airlines, he said. "It will have to be
pooled and we will have to have a way to get the analysis to the various
checkpoints around the airports," Firosh said, indicating that if and when a
deployment decision is made, the system may require airlines to invest in
additional IT infrastructure.

Reports of the system have already raised concerns among some privacy
experts, who view the analysis of such data on all air travelers as a
potential threat to civil liberties.

Steve Kobrin, a professor at The Wharton School at the University of
Pennsylvania in Philadelphia who specializes in privacy issues, said he's
concerned that such a system may "tip the balance" between security and
privacy in the wrong direction.

"Is it really necessary to track every move of every air traveler to secure
our skies?" asked Kobrin. "There is a long history of data being used for
purposes other than for which it was collected, and the potential for abuse
here is enormous."

However, Firosh said the system currently being studied will have built-in
privacy protections. "To the system, the information is just data. No human
beings will actually be looking at personal data or making ad hoc judgments
of any kind," he said. Rather, individuals will be rated on a threat scale,
and warnings will be sent electronically to authorities at screening
locations to inspect those individuals with higher threat ratings more
closely, Firosh said.

"It will all depend on how high on the scale of risk an individual is," he

Cali,Col schnews and briefs.(new ireland indymedia!)

2002-02-02 Thread proffr11


On Tuesday, workers from the Colombian City of Cali, who have been
occupying the communications tower of Emcali since Christmas Day won an
historic victory (See last weeks SchNEWS). An agreement was signed by the
Colombian government, the Mayor of Cali, and the union guaranteeing that
the company will not be privatised, that there will be no price increases
this year, and that a high level anti-corruption inquiry will investigate
and bring to justice all of those people who have siphoned off public
resources from the company in recent years. If you want to hear more, Mario
Novelli whose been sending daily reports from the occupation, will be
speaking this Saturday (2nd) at the CORAS Centre, 161 Lambeth Walk, SE11.
(nearest tubes Vauxhall) 4pm. Tel 07950-923448


SchNEWS in brief

* A detention centre for Migrants 'Sans Papiers' was occupied and
  wrecked last Saturday in Bologna, Italy.
Jeff Halper, of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions and
  Salim Shawamreh, twice the victim of house demolitions, will speak on
  the subject: Palestine and Israel: A Just and Viable Peace? 12th Feb,
  7.30 p.m Brighthelm Centre, Brighton
* 'Stop the War on Dissent: - the threat to civil liberties posed by the
  Terrorism Acts'. 7pm, 12th Feb, Grand Committee Room, House of
  Commons, Westminster (er, that is the place where the terrorism acts
  were passed).020-7586-5892, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* Worthing Eco-Action meeting next Tuesday (5) about the planned direct
  action campaign to stop the destruction of the countryside around
  Titnore Lane in Durrington. 7.45pm, upstairs at the Downview pub, West
  Worthing Station
* Two new indymedia sites to check out - Indymedia Ireland and Bristol Indymedia www.bristol/
* 'Last Orders for the Local' is an ace little pamphlet looking at how
  your local boozer is being corporate themed out of existence. Send
  some stamps and an SAE to ACATAC c/o BM Combustion, London, WC1N 3XX
* Campaign meeting on 'Planning a green paper' 9th Feb 10am-5pm
  International student house,229 Great Portland St. London 0161 9590999
* Jill Phipps Memorial Day, An animal rights activist who was killed on
  a demo against live animal exports. 2nd Feb 12 noon Darley Oaks Farm.

How to be a KGB spy

2002-02-02 Thread Jei

Anyone have a CIA howto/manual? Others?? :-)

How to be a KGB spy

Vasiliy Mitrokhin on the secret handbook of Russia's undercover agents

Saturday February 2, 2002
The Guardian

The KGB compiled and issued intelligence and counter-intelligence
dictionaries in the 1970s. Only officers in certain operational sub-units of
the KGB were allowed access to them.
The dictionaries, designed to provide a standard, accepted definition of
intelligence terms peculiar to the solitary and self-contained professional
world of the agencies of repression, had the legal status of regulatory
acts, binding on all units of the Soviet KGB.

Behind the quasi-scientific expressions it is possible to discern the
doctrine of permissiveness, providing a criminal legal basis for any
criminal act or constituting a recommendation to carry out such acts. The
dictionaries are the intelligence officer's book of amoral rules for
activities which jeopardise stability, the law and the social order,
providing guidance on how negative ways and means can be used to achieve
positive results. They authorise for him to do things which are forbidden by
law and to flout customary usage.

Agent-boyevik - a combat agent
An agent carrying out special tasks, including those requiring the use of
arms, explosives, special preparations and substances.

Agent vneshney razvedki KGB iz sovetskykh grazhdan - a Soviet agent of KGB
foreign Intellience
A Soviet citizen systematically carrying out secret instructions from
external intelligence on the basis of patriotic conviction, in foreign
countries or on the territory of the Soviet Union, and undertaking to keep
secret the fact of his cooperation and its nature.

Agent-dezinformator - disinformation agent
An agent who consciously communicates to the intelligence officer with whom
he is in contact patently false information on matters of interest to
intelligence, passing it off as genuine.

Agent-razrabotchik - a cultivation agent
An agent who assesses individuals under cultivation, observes their
behaviour at home and at work, identifies contacts and the nature of their
mutual relations, and carries out other intelligence tasks against targets
of cultivation.

Brosovyy signal - disposable signal
A signal used in some forms of impersonal contact in intelligence work and
intended for a particular contact without attracting attention, namely a
used or throw-away object of no value, or a part of it (such as a lump of
stone, glass, an empty cigarette packet, orange peel, the cork from a bottle
and so forth).

Verbovka v forme pryamogo predlozheniya - recruitment by means of a direct
A method of drawing a specially selected individual, who has been thoroughly
studied covertly, into secret cooperation with intelligence as an agent
(under true or false flag) by facing him directly with the question of
carrying out intelligence assignments systematically and clandestinely on
specified terms.

Verbovka na ideyno-politicheskoy osnove - recruitment on ideological and
political grounds
Inducing a specially selected and studied individual to cooperate secretly
as an agent by exploiting his political views, his national liberation
aspirations, his nationalist inclinations, his patriotic feelings, his
anti-war and anti- imperialist convictions and other political factors.

Verbovka na komprometiruyushchikh materialakh - recruitment on the basis of
compromising materials
Inducing or forcing a specially selected and studied individual to cooperate
secretly with intelligence as an agent by threatening to expose his
professional and moral failings.

Verbovka na moralno-psikhologicheskoy osnove - recruitment on a moral and
psychological basis
Inducing a specially selected and studied individual to cooperate secretly
as an agent by exerting psychological pressure on him, by exploiting his
foibles, vanity, envy, jealousy, vengefulness, his personal sympathies and
also his moral, professional or other failings.

Vremennyy post naruzhnogo nablyudeniya - temporary surveillance post
A place used by intelligence officers or their agents while conducting
surveillance on a target of cultivation in order to camouflage their
clandestine surveillance of the target as long as necessary. Depending on
circumstances, such posts may be selected in doorways, shops, coffee houses,
tram, trolley-bus or bus stops.

Dezinformatsionnyye materialy - disinformation materials
Material specially collected or fabricated by the intelligence service to
mislead particular circles, agencies, institutions and individuals in
foreign countries (documents, reports, articles published in periodicals or
broadcast by radio and television, declarations by state agencies, public
figures and scholars, private anonymous letters, leaflets etc).

Zhurnalistskoye prikrytiye - journalistic cover
The official activity of an intelligence officer acting

ADV: Free Mortgage Rate Quote uxint

2002-02-02 Thread importantinfo

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Re: Payment Due

2002-02-02 Thread Processing Department


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Re: WalMart's War on NyQuil

2002-02-02 Thread Tim May

On Saturday, February 2, 2002, at 12:52  PM, Neil Johnson wrote:

> Still believe that the government doesn't snoop in your private life ? 
> Read
> on:
> Everyone in my Family has a bad cold this week.
> So my wife is in Wal-Mart and she has in her cart (among the usually
> household items): 1 Box of Advil Cold & Sinus (for my Wife), 1 Bottle of
> Children's Tyenol Cold with Cough (for our youngnest), 1 Bottle of 
> NyQuil
> (for me), and 1 Bottle of Children's NyQuil (for our oldest).
> She's checking out  when when the words "Limit 3" appears on the cash
> register display. The check-out person informs her that this is because
> Wal-Mart (in co-operation with law enforcement) is limiting the amount 
> of
> over the counter cold remedies one can buy to prevent their use in the
> manufacturing of meth.
> A Friend of my wife's is behind in line and offers to purchase one of 
> the
> cold medicines with her stuff so  my wife can check out.  The clerk 
> says to
> my wife "I trust you" and let's her pay for 1 bottle as a separate
> transaction.
> Needless to say my wife was pretty embarrassed.

Why would she possibly be embarrassed over something like this?

And this has been going on for a while. I used to be able to buy 50- and 
100-count bottles of generic pseudoephedrine (IIRC this was it...don't 
quote me on it), the same ingredient in Actifed, a cold/sinus pill. 
These generic bottles have vanished, to be replaced by blister packs of 
vastly more expensive pills containing the same ingredient.

Pseudoephedrine is related to speed, and I presume can be used to make 
purer forms of speed.

But all of the pills I saw were in blister packs, in big boxes, with a 
limited count.

(My guess is that there is some packaging rule and "bulk" rule, to 
blister pack and "fluff up" the package. I recall the blister packs I 
bought had 3 sheets of 6 or so pills, for a total of about 18 pills. All 
for much more than the 50-count bottles used to sell for at Long's or 
Sav-On stores.)

Perhaps the manufacturers are happy: no longer are the generic bottles 
competing with them.

What would happen if a manufacturer sold the 18-count packages at the 
same per--pill price as they used to sell for? I wonder if there are 
price controls in effect, or other limits besides just the obvious 
packaging and total count limits.

> I've got to wonder how effective this really is, and if now my family 
> is some
> sort of  "potential drug manufacturers" database with the government.

Unlikely, but this should be a reminder to you and others not to pay 
with credit cards and not to use a store's "Frequent Shopper" 
surveillance card. (I wonder what happens if one "seeks to evade 
tracking" by using someone else's card, or a card with a phony name, or 
one swapped with others? Nothing now, as there is no legal requirement 
nor verification system in place to stop people from using "Random J. 
Cipher" on their Frequent Shopper cards...that happens to be what's now 
on my Safeway card, courtesy of a "mix" we did a few years ago at a 
Cypherpunks meeting.)

We are hurtling toward a full surveillance state.

--Tim May
"To those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, 
my message is this: Your tactics only aid terrorists."  --John Ashcroft, 
U.S. Attorney General

RE: $2 - $5,000 from home per month - FREE SERVICE 41201310865

2002-02-02 Thread jamesapowers412013

This email is not SPAM and is compliant with all 
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this message has reached you in error. Save 
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Again, there's no charge, we are paid by the 
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If so, reply with your phone number and someone
from our office will give you a call to update
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Then, depending on your situation, we can refer you 
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We'll ask you 3 or 4 quick questions. It'll only
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Talk to you soon!

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To be removed

The Rise of Complex Terrorism, By Thomas Homer-Dixon, Foreign Policy Magazine, January | February 2002

2002-02-02 Thread Jim Choate


James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: WalMart's War on NyQuil

2002-02-02 Thread Steve Schear

At 02:52 PM 2/2/2002 -0600, Neil Johnson wrote:
>Still believe that the government doesn't snoop in your private life ? Read
>Everyone in my Family has a bad cold this week.
>So my wife is in Wal-Mart and she has in her cart (among the usually
>household items): 1 Box of Advil Cold & Sinus (for my Wife), 1 Bottle of
>Children's Tyenol Cold with Cough (for our youngnest), 1 Bottle of NyQuil
>(for me), and 1 Bottle of Children's NyQuil (for our oldest).

Suggest you bypass these symptomatic cold remedies and choose the only 
current one which really has the promise of treating the illness: Zicam gel 
zinc nasal spray. Carried by almost all druggist and many supermarkets 
(cheapest at Costco, 2 for about $12.50).  My understanding is that the 
zinc coats and blocks the surface of the membranes targeted by the 
viruses.  My wife tried it last month and it reduced her cold to only a few 
days with few symptoms (besides sneezing brought on by the spray).  Your 
mileage may vary.


Re: CDR: A small token of our displeasure

2002-02-02 Thread measl

On Sat, 2 Feb 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Since politicians and blind patriots are busy wrapping themselves in the
> flag and placing it everwhere like spor, I've started flying mine upside
> down (a distress signal for the nation).  In particular, I'm sending all
> my mail using flag stamps flying inverted.

Cute, but I would expect a visit from the local Gestapo any day...

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

A small token of our displeasure

2002-02-02 Thread keyser-soze

Since politicians and blind patriots are busy wrapping themselves in the flag and 
placing it everwhere like spor, I've started flying mine upside down (a distress 
signal for the nation).  In particular, I'm sending all my mail using flag stamps 
flying inverted.

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2002-02-02 Thread Black Unicorn

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Steve Schear
> Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 12:48 PM
> The Vice President Can Win Only If We Have Another Bush v. Gore
> -like Ruling


> Vice President Dick Cheney has thrown down the gauntlet. He has
> refused to give the General Accounting Office the very limited
> information they have requested about the work of his energy task
> force. (GAO, created in 1921 during the Harding Administration,
> has from its inception been an independent and nonpartisan agency
> of the Congress, charged with studying the programs and expenditures
> of the federal government.)

Independent and nonpartisan... oh that's rich.  I haven't laughed so hard
since Triumph the insult comic dog covered the Westminster Dog Show.

check your domain (2892kcwo6-428GA@14)

2002-02-02 Thread gtld-admin281048


The three new Internet domain extension formats - .NAME .BIZ .INFO . have now been 
introduced to the Internet.  However, many users are still unfamiliar with how these 
names work.  The following are some tips on what these names are and where you can 

.NAME Extension
- Currently in pre-registration stage.
- Designed for personal use.
- 2-level registration format (eg.
- Used for web URL ( or email ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
- Registry accepts submissions once a week, first come first serve basis.
- Where to pre-register:

.BIZ Extension
- Currently operational.
- Designed for business use.
- No registration restrictions.
- Works just like a .COM name
- Where to register:

.INFO Extension
- Currently operational.
- Designed for information on products / organizations
- No registration restrictions
- Works just like a .COM name
- Where to register:

Over a million names of these new extensions have already been registered. Therefore, 
if your name is still available, please secure it immediately to avoid possible 

Yours truly,

Domain Administrator

We strongly oppose the continued sending of unsolicited email and do 
not want tosend email to anyone who does not wish to receive our special 
mailings. As a result, we have retained the services of an independent 
3rd party to administer our list management and removal services at 
This is not unsolicited email. If you do not wish to receive further 
mailings, please click this link. The removal administrator can then 
preclude your email address from future mailings. Auto Email Removal 
Company. Ref# 011130

WalMart's War on NyQuil

2002-02-02 Thread Neil Johnson

Still believe that the government doesn't snoop in your private life ? Read 

Everyone in my Family has a bad cold this week.

So my wife is in Wal-Mart and she has in her cart (among the usually 
household items): 1 Box of Advil Cold & Sinus (for my Wife), 1 Bottle of 
Children's Tyenol Cold with Cough (for our youngnest), 1 Bottle of NyQuil 
(for me), and 1 Bottle of Children's NyQuil (for our oldest).

She's checking out  when when the words "Limit 3" appears on the cash 
register display. The check-out person informs her that this is because 
Wal-Mart (in co-operation with law enforcement) is limiting the amount of 
over the counter cold remedies one can buy to prevent their use in the 
manufacturing of meth. 

A Friend of my wife's is behind in line and offers to purchase one of the 
cold medicines with her stuff so  my wife can check out.  The clerk says to 
my wife "I trust you" and let's her pay for 1 bottle as a separate 

Needless to say my wife was pretty embarrassed.

I've got to wonder how effective this really is, and if now my family is some 
sort of  "potential drug manufacturers" database with the government.

Re: Sende mi?

2002-02-02 Thread Hülya Þimþek
Title: Yalnýz Kalma...


Yalnýzlýktan sýkýldýnýz 
zaman zaman bir dosta, bir sevgiliye ya da bir dert ortaðýna ihtiyaç duymuþuzdur
deðil mi ? Peki ya o dostun sizlere bir click ötede olduðunu söylersem ne dersiniz?
Þimdi sizlere bahsedeceðim sitede, yüzbinlerce erkek ve kýz derdinizi paylaþmak için
hazýr bekliyor. Bu siteye üye olursanýz yalnýzlýðýnýza bir son verecek belki de
yeni bir sevgili bulacaksýnýz.
Sitenin yaklaþýk 50.000 Türk üyesi bulunuyor ve herbiri Türkiye'nin deðiþik
yerlerinden erkek ya da bayanlar.
Bu site ücretsiz olarak faaliyet gösteriyor yani ne kredi kartý ne de önemli
bilgiler vermeniz gerekir. Yalnýzca kendinizi tanýtýp, ömür boyu sürecek dostluklar
Siteye üye olmak hakkýnda ayrýntýlý bilgi için sitelerimiz :

çalýþmassa diðerini deneyebilirsiniz.
   SÝTE 1  

  SÝTE 4  



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2002-02-02 Thread --LIST CENTRAL

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To be removed from future mailings: 
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Re: Attn: SF CP's

2002-02-02 Thread Bill Scannell

No, 'cause you're a Fed.

On 02.2.02 11:54,  Xenu allowed "D B" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to write:

> Any SF,CA CP's care to show a Pittsburgh guy around
> this weekend?
> Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions!

··· --- ···  ··· --- ···
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin

Re: Sende mi?

2002-02-02 Thread Hülya Þimþek
Title: Yalnýz Kalma...


Yalnýzlýktan sýkýldýnýz 
zaman zaman bir dosta, bir sevgiliye ya da bir dert ortaðýna ihtiyaç duymuþuzdur
deðil mi ? Peki ya o dostun sizlere bir click ötede olduðunu söylersem ne dersiniz?
Þimdi sizlere bahsedeceðim sitede, yüzbinlerce erkek ve kýz derdinizi paylaþmak için
hazýr bekliyor. Bu siteye üye olursanýz yalnýzlýðýnýza bir son verecek belki de
yeni bir sevgili bulacaksýnýz.
Sitenin yaklaþýk 50.000 Türk üyesi bulunuyor ve herbiri Türkiye'nin deðiþik
yerlerinden erkek ya da bayanlar.
Bu site ücretsiz olarak faaliyet gösteriyor yani ne kredi kartý ne de önemli
bilgiler vermeniz gerekir. Yalnýzca kendinizi tanýtýp, ömür boyu sürecek dostluklar
Siteye üye olmak hakkýnda ayrýntýlý bilgi için sitelerimiz :

çalýþmassa diðerini deneyebilirsiniz.
   SÝTE 1  

  SÝTE 4  




2002-02-02 Thread viapro2002

To be removed from future mailings 



2002-02-02 Thread Steve Schear

The Vice President Can Win Only If We Have Another Bush v. Gore -like Ruling
 Friday, Feb. 01, 2002

This is Part Two of a two-part series by Mr. Dean on Enron. Part One is 
archived on this site(). - Ed.

Vice President Dick Cheney has thrown down the gauntlet. He has refused to 
give the General Accounting Office the very limited information they have 
requested about the work of his energy task force. (GAO, created in 1921 
during the Harding Administration, has from its inception been an 
independent and nonpartisan agency of the Congress, charged with studying 
the programs and expenditures of the federal government.)

Cheney says he is refusing to provide information to the Congress as a 
matter of principle. He told the Today Show that he wants to "protect the 
ability of the president and the vice president to get unvarnished advice 
from any source we want." That sounds all too familiar to me. I worked for 
Richard Nixon.

In fact, not since Richard Nixon stiffed the Congress during Watergate has 
a White House so openly, and arrogantly, defied Congress's investigative 
authority. Nor has any activity by the Bush Administration more strongly 
suggested they are hiding the incriminating information about their 
relationship with the now-moribund Enron, or other heavy-hitting campaign 
contributors from the energy business.

Attn: SF CP's

2002-02-02 Thread D B

Any SF,CA CP's care to show a Pittsburgh guy around
this weekend?

Do You Yahoo!?
Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions!

Perdue Done (Watermarked) It (was Re: Edupage, February 1, 2002) (fwd)

2002-02-02 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 09:49:08 -0500
From: "R. A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Perdue Done (Watermarked) It (was Re: Edupage, February 1, 2002)

At 5:54 PM -0700 on 2/1/02, EDUCAUSE wrote:

> Purdue University researchers have found a way to ensure
> Internet-delivered video maintains its watermark and keeps
> channel disturbance to a minimum, protecting the content from
> copyright infringement and hackers. Purdue professor of computer
> engineering Edward Delp said the technique allows for
> resynchronization at the receiving end that can decipher and
> piece together Internet video streams that are often chopped
> and mixed up while traveling over noisy networks. The result,
> said Delp, is the integrity of the watermark and image, while
> the stream is still delivered in real time. Traditional methods
> of piecing together Internet-delivered content largely do not
> work for audio and video, he added. The technique also helps
> guard against hackers because of the way it controls channel
> disturbance, and could also be used to decipher terrorist
> messages embedded in Internet-delivered video.
> (NewsFactor Network, 31 January 2002)

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'
R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

The Cryptography Mailing List
Unsubscribe by sending "unsubscribe cryptography" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi !

2002-02-02 Thread latest668030


"Making over half a million dollars every 4 to 5 months
from your home for an investment of only $25 U.S. Dollars
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Before you say "bull", please read the following. This is
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Due to the popularity of this letter on the Internet, a
national weekly news program recently devoted an entire
show to the investigation of this program described below,
to see if it really can make people money.

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are "absolutely NO laws prohibiting the participation in
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only $25 out of pocket cost".


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in return for the minimal effort and money required. To
my astonishment, I received total $610,470.00 in 21 weeks,
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Pam Hedland, Fort Lee, New Jersey.

Here is another testimonial:

"This program has been around for a long time but I never
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the mail I decided to gamble my $25 on it. I followed the
simple instructions and walaa   3 weeks later the money
started to come in. First month I only made $240.00 but
the next 2 months after that I made a total of $290,000.00.
So far, in the past 8 months by re-entering the program, I
have made over $710,000.00 and I am playing it again. The
key to success in this program is to follow the simple
steps and NOT change anything."

More testimonials later but first,


If you would like to make at least $500,000 every 4 to 5
months easily and comfortably, please read the following..



Order all 5 reports shown on the list below.

For each report send $5 CASH, THE NAME & NUMBER OF THE
person whose name appears ON THAT LIST next to the report.

CORNER in case of any mail problems.

When you place your order, make sure you order each of the
5 reports. You will need all 5 reports so that you can save
them on your computer and resell them.
YOUR TOTAL COST $5 X 5 = $25.00.

Within a few days you will receive, via e-mail, each of the 5
reports from these 5 different individuals.  Save them on your
computer so they will be accessible for you to send to the
1,000's of people who will order them from you.  Also make a
floppy of these reports and keep it on your desk.

IMPORTANT - DO NOT alter the names of the people who are
listed next to each report or their sequence on the list in
any way other than what is instructed below in step 1 through
6  or you will lose out on the majority of your profits. Once
you understand the way this works you will also see how it does
not work if you change it.

Remember, this method has been tested, and if you alter it, it
will NOT work!!! People have tried to put their friends/relatives
names on all five thinking they could get all the money. But it
does not work this way.  Believe us, we all have tried to be
greedy and then nothing happened.   So Do Not try to change
anything other than what is instructed.  Because if you do, it
will NOT work for you.  Remember, honesty reaps the rewards!!!

1. After you have ordered all 5 reports, take this advertisement
and REMOVE the name & address of the person in REPORT #5. This
person has made it through the cycle and is no doubt counting
their fortune.

2. Move the name & address in REPORT #4 down TO REPORT #5.

3. Move the name & address in REPORT # 3 down TO REPORT #4.

4. Move the name & address in REPORT #2 down TO REPORT #3.

5. Move the name & address in REPORT # 1 down TO REPORT #2

6. Insert YOUR name & address in the REPORT # 1 Position.

PLEASE MAKE SURE you copy every name & address ACCURATELY!

Take this entire letter, with the modified list of names, and
save it on your computer. DO NOT MAKE ANY OTHER CHANGES.  Save
this on a disk as well just in case if you loose any data.

To assist you with marketing your business on the internet, the
5 reports you purchase will provide you with invaluable
marketing information which includes how to send bulk e-mails
legally, where to find thousands of free classified ads and
much more.

There are 2 Primary methods to get this venture going:


Re: CDR: Has the Pentagram Replaced the Swastika?

2002-02-02 Thread measl

That's it - no more...


On Sat, 2 Feb 2002, Jei wrote:

> Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 16:08:53 +0200 (EET)
> Subject: CDR: Has the Pentagram Replaced the Swastika?
> -- Forwarded message --
> Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2002 15:05:48 -
> From: fallout1963 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Armageddon-or-NewAge] Re: Has the pentagram replaced the swastika?
> We have observed a light show on several occassions in New 
> York City since September 2000. Small circles of light race 
> across the sky and then stop to form such shapes as a 
> pentagram. 
> The lights seem to originate on the West Side of Manhattan but 
> have been seen over the New Jersey skyline as well. 
> These light shows do not seem to be connected with any 
> advertising effort . There is no mention of them in the press. 
> If anyone has any information on these lights please e to us or 
> share with the readers of this forum. Is this happening anywhere 
> else?
> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "biochimp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > Is it just me or has anyone else noticed
> > that these days it seems everywhere you look 
> > there is a pentagram incorporated into their
> > logo. Maybe it just because I live in the lone"star"
> > state of texas, where all major sports teams have it
> > dallas cowboys, stars, mavericks, rangers...
> > almost every tv channel has it in their logo,
> > you'll find 5 pointed stars almost anywhere you look,
> > imbedded in the designs of office building ,shopping
> > centers, small buisnesses, even resturants. 
> > there are hundreds of companys that begin with star..
> > star..this  star..that and of course the pentagram is 
> > in their logo and on their buisness cards.
> > I'm so sick of seeing stars

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

We're In This Together!

2002-02-02 Thread normie_walcott

Hi, My name is Normie

I am an ordinary individual living in the USA who has learned how to make 
a living on the 
Internet working from home.  I am willing to teach you to do the same, in 
simple easy to 
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information at first.

It is an International Business and is available in over 190 countries 
worldwide.  It doesn't 
who you are or where you from, any one can work this very profitable 
online business with a 
little help from me.

You don't have to be a computer whiz or genius to learn to earn on the 
Internet, an income 
will depend solely on you and whether or not you are willing to learn.  If you 
are willing to learn 
and want to get to know and work with a real person, then contact me.  I 
am a real person and 
promise to help you all that I can.

So my goal will be to teach you so well that you are making money and I 
am making money.   I 
like it when the big boys pay me, and not the little guys like you and me.

If you are interested in learning more please send a blank E-mail with "Tell 
Me More" in the 
subject line and mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I look forward to hearing back from you soon and hopefully working closely 
with you in the near 


This is a onetime mailing, you will not receive any further E-mail's from me, 
to remove yourself 
from this list remove me at

Reply to me: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  You received this email because 
you or someone 
your email address visited a site message board, or signed a guest book 
on a site that has to 
with home business, and I visited that site and got your address there.

George W. In The Garden Of Gethsemane

2002-02-02 Thread Jei

George W. In The Garden Of Gethsemane 
An Open Letter to George W. Bush
>From Michael Moore

Dear George, 
When it's all over in a couple months, and you're packing up your 
pretzels and Spot and heading back to Texas, what will be your 
biggest regret? Not getting out more often and seeing the sights 
around Rock Creek Park? Never once visiting the newly-renovated IKEA 
in Woodbridge, Virginia? Or buying your way to the White House with 
money from a company that committed the biggest corporate swindle in 
American history? I got a feeling you didn't miss much by not 
spending an entire Saturday afternoon assembling a Swedish bookcase --
 but you should have known that there was no way you would ever 
finish your term by hopping into bed with Kenneth Lay. 
It's kind of sad when you think about it. Here you were -- the most 
popular president ever! -- the recipient of so much good will from 
your fellow Americans after September 11, and then you had to go and 
blow it. You just couldn't stay away from your old cowpoke friend 
from Texas, Kenneth Lay. 
Kenny has always been there for you. You needed a way to fly around 
to all the primaries and campaign stops in the 2000 election -- so 
Kenny gave you his corporate jet. Did you tell the voters when you 
arrived in each city that the bird you flew in on was from a 
billionaire who was secretly conspiring to give the bird to all his 
employees and investors? He flew you around America on the Enron 
company jet, and for that favor you touched down on tarmac after 
tarmac to tell your fellow citizens that you were "going to restore 
dignity to the White House, the people's house." You said this 
standing in front of an Enron jet! 
Man, you loved Lay so much, you not only affectionately referred to 
him as "Kenny Boy," you interrupted an important campaign trip in 
April, 2000, to fly back to Houston for the Astro's opening day at 
the new Enron Field -- just so you could watch Kenny Boy Lay throw 
out the first pitch. How sentimental! 
I mean, you loved this man so intensely that, when you were awarded a 
set of keys the Supreme Court had made for you so you could live in 
the White House, you invited Kenny Boy to set up shop -- at 1600 
Pennsylvania Avenue! He interviewed those who would hold high-level 
Energy Department positions in your administration. 
You not only let Kenny Boy decide who would head the regulatory 
agency that oversaw Enron, you let him hand-pick the new chairman of 
the Securities and Exchange Commission, Harvey Pitt -- a former 
lawyer for his accountant, Arthur Andersen! Kenny and the boys at 
Andersen also worked to make sure that accounting firms would be 
exempt from numerous regulations and would not be held liable for 
any "funny bookkeeping" (don't you wish you were this forward-
The rest of Kenny Boy's time was spent next door with his old buddy, 
Dick Cheney (Enron and Halliburton, as you'll recall, got the big 
contracts from your dad to "rebuild" Kuwait after the Gulf War). Lay 
and Dick formed an "energy task force" (Operation Enduring Graft) 
which put together the county's new "energy policy." This policy then 
went on to shut down every light bulb and juicer in the state of 
California. And guess who made out like bandits while "trading" the 
energy California was in desperate need of? Kenny Boy and Enron! No 
wonder Big Dick doesn't want to turn over the files about those 
special meetings with Lay! 
The only thing that surprises me more than all the Enron henchmen who 
ended up in your cabinet and administration is how our lazy media 
just rolled over and didn't report it. The list of Enron people on 
your payroll is impressive. Lawrence Lindsey, your chief economic 
advisor? A former advisor at Enron! Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill? 
Former CEO of Alcoa, whose lobbying firm, Vinson and Elkins, was the 
#3 contributor to the your campaign! Who is Vinson and Elkins? The 
law firm representing Enron! Who is Alcoa? The top polluter in Texas. 
Timothy White, the Secretary of the Army? A former vice-chair of 
Enron Energy! Robert Zoellick, your Federal Trade Representative? A 
former advisor at Enron! Karl Rove, your main man at the White House? 
He owned a quarter-million dollars of Enron stock. 
Then there's the Enron lawyer you have nominated to be a federal 
judge in Texas, the Enron lobbyist who is your chair of the 
Republican Party, the two Enron officials who now work for House 
Majority Leader Tom DeLay, and the wife of Texas Senator Phil Gramm 
who sits on Enron's board. And there's the aforementioned Mr. Pitt, 
the former Arthur Andersen attorney whose job it is now as SEC head 
to oversee the stock markets. George, it never stops! 
My fingers are getting tired typing all this up -- and there's lots 
Don't get me wrong, George -- I do not think you're an evil man. You 
don't need any crap from people like me -- heck, you got mother-in-
law problems! Now

Has the Pentagram Replaced the Swastika?

2002-02-02 Thread Jei

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2002 15:05:48 -
From: fallout1963 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Armageddon-or-NewAge] Re: Has the pentagram replaced the swastika?

We have observed a light show on several occassions in New 
York City since September 2000. Small circles of light race 
across the sky and then stop to form such shapes as a 

The lights seem to originate on the West Side of Manhattan but 
have been seen over the New Jersey skyline as well. 

These light shows do not seem to be connected with any 
advertising effort . There is no mention of them in the press. 

If anyone has any information on these lights please e to us or 
share with the readers of this forum. Is this happening anywhere 

> Is it just me or has anyone else noticed
> that these days it seems everywhere you look 
> there is a pentagram incorporated into their
> logo. Maybe it just because I live in the lone"star"
> state of texas, where all major sports teams have it
> dallas cowboys, stars, mavericks, rangers...
> almost every tv channel has it in their logo,
> you'll find 5 pointed stars almost anywhere you look,
> imbedded in the designs of office building ,shopping
> centers, small buisnesses, even resturants. 
> there are hundreds of companys that begin with star..
> star..this  star..that and of course the pentagram is 
> in their logo and on their buisness cards.
> I'm so sick of seeing stars

16th Amendment Never Ratified

2002-02-02 Thread Jei

- Original Message - 
From: Ken Smith 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 11:19 PM
Subject: 16th Amendment Never Ratified

  The Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was
never ratified by a majority of the sovereign States.

  This is the Amendment that allegedly entitled the Federal Agent
(government) in the federal territory of Washington, D.C. and their
private collection company, the IRS, to collect "income tax" as falsely
declared to be ratified in February 1913.

   After an exhaustive year long search of legislative records in 48
sovereign states (Alaska & Hawaii were not admitted into the Union until
after 1913), Bill Benson wrote his fact findings in The Law That Never
Was, Vols. 1 & 2. He was able to unequivocally prove that the 16th
Amendment was never Constitutionally, properly, or legally ratified. The
only record of the 16th Amendment having been confirmed was a proclamation
made by the Secretary of State Philander Knox on February 25, 1913,
wherein he simply declared it to be "in effect", but never stating it was
lawfully ratified.

  Even if the 16th Amendment were properly ratified, according to
Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution, it has always been
unconstitutional for the U.S. Federal Government to directly tax We the
People in their property, wages, salaries, or earnings. The judges of the
U.S. Supreme Court rejected any claims that the 16th Amendment changed the
constitutional limits on direct taxes in Brushaber v. Union Pacific R.R.
Co., 240 U.S. 1, when they ruled that it "created no new power of
taxation" and that it "did not change the constitutional limitations which
forbid any direct taxation of individuals".

  Alleged defects in the ratification of the Income Tax Amendment

  According to the investigations of Bill Benson and others, the
following defects were found in the ratification of the Income Tax
Amendment by the 48 states then existing, three-fourths or 36 of which
were needed to ratify it:

01 - Not ratified by state legislature, and so reported
02 - Not ratified by state legislature, but reported as ratified
03 - Missing or incomplete evidence of ratification, but reported as 
04 - Failure of Governor or other official to sign, although required by 
State Constitution
05 - Other violation of State Constitution in ratification process 
06 - Other procedural irregularity making ratification doubtful 
07 - Approval, but with change in wording, accepted as ratification of 
original version 
08 - Approval, but with change in spelling, accepted as ratification of 
original version 
09 - Approval, but with change in capitalization, accepted as ratification 
of original version 
10 - Approval, but with change in punctuation, accepted as ratification of 
original version 


































































Slashdot | Anatomy of Cactus Data Shield

2002-02-02 Thread Jim Choate


James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

got septic tank problems?... V

2002-02-02 Thread farlina

If your home is served by a septic system, you will be able to 
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system properly and cure problems such as backups, wet spots, odor, etc.

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In addition, you will have the opportunity to participate in a free
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Please check us out.

Thank you.



P.S. Remember, you must click on this link to receive this helpful information!

to be excluded from future contacts click

[Reformatted] FBI's bimonthly internet warning, yawn

2002-02-02 Thread Anonymous


> FBI Says Terrorists May Have Sough Vulnerability Details on Internet
> By Ted BridisAssociated Press Writer
> Published: Jan 31, 2002
> WASHINGTON (AP) - The FBI said al-Qaida terrorists may have been
> studying American dams and water-supply systems in preparation for new
> attacks and sought information on the Internet about insecticides and
> pest-control
> The bureau's National Infrastructure Protection Center said Wednesday
> that a computer belonging to a person with "indirect ties" to Osama
> bin Laden contained architectural and engineering software as it
> related to dams and other water-retaining structures.
> The FBI did not say where the computer was found or who owned it.

Make This Valentine's Day Unforgettable. T

2002-02-02 Thread Viagra9520
Title: Orders Today will be Shipped Tomorrow
  Orders Today will be Shipped TomorrowNo Prescription NecessaryU.S. Doctors and Pharmacy available for consultationAll orders shipped Fed Ex OvernightClick Here and Order Online Today!!! To be removed from future mailings, please reply with "Remove" as subject.   

intimate screening = big bro

2002-02-02 Thread Anonymous

"Rolling back privacy protections for airport security", eh?   
What's that, Mr. Franklin?

[Note 1: you *can* racially profile using neural nets because the nets
learn categories --like culture-- from apparently benign inputs.
This is why HNC has successes doing predictionsfor industries
prohibited by law from using culture, race, etc.]

[Note 2: HNC has a DoD background; look up Hecht-Neilson]

[Note 3: Blacknet Partners Inc, a subsidiary of Reverse Panopticon
Corp, hereby requests infoon "PROS Revenue Management, which has
access to seating records of virtually every U.S. passenger", and
"Acxiom Corp., one of the world's largest data-marketing companies"]

By Robert O'Harrow Jr.Washington Post Staff
WriterFriday, February 1, 2002; Page A01 

Federal aviation authorities and technology companies will soon begin
testing a vast air security screening system designed to instantly
pull together every passenger's travel history and living
arrangements, plus a wealth of other personal and demographic
information.  The government's plan is to establish a computer network
linking every reservation system in the United States to private and
government databases. The network would use data-mining and predictive
software to profile passenger activity and intuit obscure clues about
potential threats, even before the scheduled day of flight.

"This is not fantasy stuff," said Joseph Del Balzo, a former acting
administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration and a security
consultant working on one of the profiling projects. "This technology,
based on transaction analysis, behavior analysis, gives us a pretty
good idea of what's going on in a person's mind."  

Government officials and companies also face questions about
privacy. In interviews, more than a dozen people working on two
parallel projects said they were taking pains to protect individual
privacy. They intend to limit the personal information shared with
airlines and security officials.  But developers face restrictions on
how much information they can use. Industry officials have already
discussed with lawmakers the possible need to roll back some privacy
protections in the Fair Credit Reporting Act and Driver's Privacy
Protection Act to enable them to use more of the credit and
driver's-license data.  Civil liberties activists said they fear the
system could be the beginnings of a surveillance infrastructure that
will erode existing privacy protections. When told about the system,
Barry Steinhardt, associate director of the American Civil Liberties
Union, said it would be "a massive complex system of surveillance."
"It really is a profound step for the government to be conducting
background checks on a large percentage of Americans. We've never done
that before," he said. "It's frightening."  Some critics also worry
that law enforcement authorities will be tempted to use it for broader
aims, such as snaring deadbeat parents or profiling for drug couriers.
"If you can profile for terrorists, you can profile for other things,"
said Richard M. Smith, an independent computer security and privacy
specialist. "The computer technology is so cheap and getting so much
cheaper, you just have to be careful: Turn up the volume a little bit,
and we just use the air transportation system to catch everybody."...
The systems under development would include a thousand or more minute
details and computer-derived conclusions about a person's travel,
daily activity over time and whether he or she has coordinated
activity with other passengers, possibly on other flights, according
to the groups developing the systems.  Two leading prototypes are
being developed. One group is led by HNC Software, a risk-detection
specialist that works for credit card issuers, telephone companies,
insurers and others. HNC is working with several companies, including
PROS Revenue Management, which has access to seating records of
virtually every U.S. passenger, and Acxiom Corp., one of the world's
largest data-marketing companies, which collects such information as
land records, car ownership, projected income, magazine subscriptions
and telephone numbers.  Officials at both HNC and Accenture said they
take care with the personal information their systems collect and
parse. The HNC prototype, for instance, does not link a passenger's
personal information to a passenger's threat index. Officials also
pledged that there will be no racial profiling, in part because
ethnicity often has no bearing on potential risk.  The HNC prototype
uses software known as neural networks, which can "learn" subtle
patterns and relationships by processing millions of records, to
predict when a particular transaction is likely to be fraudulent. The
company already uses neural networks software to accurately profile
the activity of millions of credit card owners, telephone callers and
people receiving insurance benefits to cr