VGA consolefont wanted (acm|sfm get reset)

2000-07-08 Thread Alexander N. Benner

I want to have a VGA text console. The closest I get is this setting:


however one of them, sfm or acm, at least get reset sometimes. 
I am not exactly shure when. however - I always end up with this silly iso01

Can someone help me to get true VGA, buildin font encodeing?

P.S.: is there a true unicode console? [utf8 would be fine as well]

Alexander N. Benner - irc: #Ixthys - secret service sig : Do u really scan?
MAT 10:26 for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid,
Uran Libia (I love Israel) North Korea RAF Sprengstoff Islam Plutonium Bomb 

why does gdomap scan the net?

1999-11-06 Thread Alexander N. Benner

The GNUstep prg. gdomap (from gstep-base) scans every 5 min the local net.

I found a reference in the GNUstep-HOWTO that it has something to do with
shared objects which seems to be semi important.

What I don't understand is what the scan is for and how to restrict it.
The HOWTO tells something about a configfile '/etc/gdomap_addresses' which
does not exist.

I'd rather prefere not to get 254 udp packages plus 253 'hostunreachable' icmp
packages every 5 min (plus the syslog telling me about them)

Alexander N. Benner -  reduce-mail-traffic .sig  - JOH 11:35  Jesus wept.
pgp : E7BCBEBD   53 5F 48 0A 0D 3E 4A 38  A8 11 B1 AF BE 08 C8 B0
GS/O d-- s+:- a-- C++$ U++ P+ L+++ E--- W++ N+ !o !K w--- O? M-(--)
V PS-(--) PE@ Y? PGP++ t+ 5? X? R+(--) !tv b- DI+ D? G e++ h!@ r- y-+++

spelling of potato

1999-05-23 Thread Alexander N. Benner


I think there is a problem with 2.2

If GH  can stand for P  as in  Hiccough
If OUGH stands forO  as in  Dough
If PHTH stands forT  as in  Phthisis
If EIGH stands forA  as in  Neighbour
If TTE  stands forT  as in  Gazette
If EAU  stands forO  as in  Plateau
Then the right way to spell POTATO should be: GHOUGHPHTHEIGHTTEEAU

Can we correct this b4 freeze ?

Alexander N. Benner * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

metamail, pgp and space

1999-04-09 Thread Alexander N. Benner

At least mutt turns spaces at the end of the line into =20

 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 3 space:  =20
 2 tab  :   =20
 :bat 2
:ecaps 3

so that there will be no problem with pgp

metamail now decodes them bach to spaces:

 3 space:   
 2 tab  :
:bat 2
:ecaps 3

now checking the signature will fail.
Is there a way to avoid this?

Alexander N. Benner  -  The Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper:  -6-

A Promise Keeper is committed to reaching beyond any racial and
denominational barriers to demonstrate the power of biblical unity.

libpam-pwdb: optional ???

1999-03-20 Thread Alexander N. Benner

I couldn't log in anymore today after an upgrade to the current potato

After triing for a while I found out that login tried to use pam_pwdb which
was not installed.

There seems to be no depends on it, it is also in section optional.

Is this intended for a package require to read /etc/passwd upon login?


Alexander N. Benner   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #Ixthys #Darmstadt #LinuxGer
The grit in your eye soon enters your heartAnne Clark
And all that was strength is just falling apart
We're jumping from one bed and into anotherSELF DESTRUCT
Searching for something that we'll never discover  Joined Up Writing

su: problem establishing environment

1999-03-20 Thread Alexander N. Benner

when I try to su (to root or a reg. user, even myself) I get the error:
su: problem establishing environment

the permission seems to be ok:
-rwsr-xr-x   1 root root16848 Mar 15 21:47 /bin/su

It works as root, however, dictd does not start on boottime due to this

Any ideas what could go wrong?

oh, btw. my su is the one from pam-apps:

ii  pam-apps0.58-5 Pluggable Authentication Module enabled appl
ii  shellutils  1.16-6.3   The GNU shell programming utilities.

Alexander N. Benner - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED] #Ixthys

Um Recursion zu verstehen muss man sie entweder schon verstehen
oder Jemanden kennen der sie versteht.

Re: Intent to Party like its 1999

1999-02-27 Thread Alexander N. Benner
Hi ho

Ship's Log, Lt. Johnie Ingram, Stardate 260299.1743:
 in Europe:  at 0:00 midnight UTC on Tuesday Mar 2
Argl .. that's a bit early ...
I meen for me to come home on Thu. ... let's see if I can make it thin Mon. on
Mon. ...

 #debian,  Everyone is invited for the Great Event,

I have not been able to connect to for at least a month by now
It apears that our DNS has no idea about it

At least .eu. works fine here

 bitchx -c#debian

as does not work here this also doesn't .. :-(
oh ... btw.
I found it out for ircII and I think epic.
How to change the default server for bx and the other irc-clients?

- if you have problems that seem to be due to kernel bugs, [...] then the
  second best thing is to mail them to me ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
- Bill Gates: Windos contains no bugs that the majority of users want fixed.

Re: xterm-debian?

1999-02-25 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Branden Robinson, Stardate 180299.0053:
 Users of slink and potato systems will need to see

That's were I found it ... :-)
ok .. why not add a link called xterm-color for compatibility?

I added it on my machine: /usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-color
However xterm still doesn't use it (I had it in my .Xresources).
Do I have to put it in /etc/terminfo ?

Why are there two dir. btw. anyway?


Alexander N. Benner  -  1st year grad. physicsstudent and creationist - 
|   The great unification theory reduces matter to two particles T  V   |
|   That stands for the Hebrew words Tohu and Vohu - formless and void.  |
GEN 1:2  And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the
face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.  

support? Firewire,DVD,USB

1999-02-25 Thread Alexander N. Benner
I just wanted to ask whether Linux supports the following:

- Firewire (IEEE1396)  
- DVD playing/burning

As I am  frequently asked by a new convert to Linux who is still much using
Mac I'd like to give him soon a positive answer :-)

Alexander N. Benner

This Email is Charityware. Check for details.
You may use and copy this Email as much as you like. If you distribute modfied
versions you must send the author a copy, who preserves the right to include
any changes in further releases. (see also ':help uganda' in vim)

Re: hdparm

1999-02-02 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Brandon Mitchell, Stardate 310199.2331:

I thought /etc/rc.boot is obsolete ...

Alexander N. Benner - Christen im Internet -
pgp : E7BCBEBD   53 5F 48 0A 0D 3E 4A 38  A8 11 B1 AF BE 08 C8 B0

MegaHAL: In John, Jesus is said to be Zerg.

Re: converting numbers

1999-01-29 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. David Stern, Stardate 280199.1148:

 OK, hex numbers are radix 16, octal radix 8, decimal radix 1.

As mentioned in an other mail, it's 10. There are no base 1 #s @all as 1^r for
all r is still 1 (besids you have always base# of digits starting with 0)

 Good.  Now I can convert between hex, octal and decimal.  

To extend yer knowledge ;-)
you can always do a # mod base ; # - # div base
Which will give you digit fer digit starting with the lowest one.

(Thell me if I abreviate 2 much :)

 I guess I'll have to determine when to use each based on context.

That is easy. Hex have capital letters, octals are 3 digits and start with a \
deciaml numbers are stored in i or o, binaries are just logical. Besids these
noone in there right mind uses any and whoever starts base 7 will be shot

 Thanks!  Now, where is that coffee? :-)

Ah, can I have tea instead? A hot, black tea without any milk or sugar. :-)

Alexander N. Benner; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] (#Hosanna  #IXThYS) 
PROVERBS 30:4   
   Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended?  
Who hath gathered the wind in His fists? Who hath bound the waters in a garment?
   Who hath established all the ends of the earth?  
 What is His name,   and what is His son's name,   if thou canst tell ? 

Re: Would like to drop Pine for Mutt

1999-01-29 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Mark Brown, Stardate 270199.0052:
 Just include the the address or addresses in the BCC field - it achieves
 much the same effect.  

Right, I did not know that you can just have a Bcc:
The problem is that you have 2 insert something in To: 1st and then delete it

Ship's Log, Lt. [EMAIL PROTECTED], Stardate 270199.1216:
 If you get a message from that group you may reply to all of them by
 pressing g(group-reply)

AFAIK that still lists all names in the To: field and I don't want to define
an alias all the time.
That is also not the problem as you can always tag a list of addresses in the
alias list.

Alexander N. Benner; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] #IXThYS  #Hosanna

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Messiah: for it is the power of God
unto salvation to every one that beliveth; _to the Jew first_ and also to the
Gentiles. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to
faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.   ROMANS 1:16-17

Re: Would like to drop Pine for Mutt

1999-01-27 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Johann Spies, Stardate 260199.2231:
 It was about 6 months ago, and I cannot recall the detail.  But what I can
 remember wat that as soon as the list of receivers becomes a little bit
 long, Mutt refused to accept them.  I think I also could not figure out
 the Mutt equivalent of Pine's Lcc - field that I use when sending email to
 a lot of people.

Ah .. nope, I don't think that there's something like this in mutt.
I can remember that someone mentioned it once (maybe a year ago) in the mutt

You can always use Bcc: that the adresses are not shown, but for that a
variable (asl_bcc) has to be set 

Maybe a feature still missing in mutt.

  Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me 
   from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions; and 
   my sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only, 
   have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight...
Psalms 51:2-4 

Nice :)

Alexander N. Benner - Christen im Internet -
pgp : E7BCBEBD   53 5F 48 0A 0D 3E 4A 38  A8 11 B1 AF BE 08 C8 B0

You can't be american if you don't have children. I need a wife soon.

Re: unsibscribe

1999-01-27 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Dmitry Shishkin, Stardate 260199.1029:
 Hello ,
 Best regards,
  Dmitry  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Don't take it too personal, but have you read at least one EMail from the 3
lists you were subscribed to?


Alexander N. Benner  -  The Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper:  -1-

A Promise Keeper is committed to honoring Jesus Christ through worship,
prayer, and obedience to God's Word in the power of the Holy Spirit.

solved: sudo doesn't ask for passwd

1999-01-27 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Sometime ago I filed a bugreport and l8r I also posted here a msg. That sudo
shows some strange behaviour.
I was NEVER asked for a passwd, but thrown right into a rootshell.

My /etc/sudoers just looks like this:

# User privilege specification
%sudo   ALL=(ALL) ALL

(pretty normal, eh?)

I just couldn't give up on this, so I had a look in the sourcepackage where I
saw that (in check.c):

int user_is_exempt()
struct group *grp;
char **gr_mem;

if ((grp = getgrnam(EXEMPTGROUP)) == NULL)

aha ... so no passwd is asked for a group called EXEMPTGROUP.
I then did a grep and found this:

17:50:50/tmp/sudo-1.5.4 %grep EXEMPTGROUP *.{c,h}
check.c:#ifdef EXEMPTGROUP
check.c:if ((grp = getgrnam(EXEMPTGROUP)) == NULL)
options.h:#define EXEMPTGROUP sudo/* no passwd needed for users in this
group */

ARGL ... it was just the groupname. (however sudo is installed by the sudo

Setting up a group wheel:x:28: aand .

17:53:35~ %id   [EMAIL 
uid=500(alex) gid=500(alex) 
17:53:37~ %sudo -s  [EMAIL 

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these two things:

#1) Respect the privacy of others.
#2) Think before you type.



Shall I file again a bugreport or is this intented? I think it should then be
documented that sudo is never asked for a passwd.

Alexander N. Benner -*- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -*- Ephesians 6:12 , John 1:5 

She relaxed just a little, [..] I'm hardly presentable... [..] Hardly
presentable! Wasn't it strange, the way humans looked at themselves with eyes
of flesh [..] But to the angels, she appeared as God Himself saw her, just as
any other redeemed saint of the living God: pure, shining, clean, dressed in
garments as white as snow.  PIERCING THE DARKNESS by Frank E. Peretti

Re: mutt trashes mail

1999-01-27 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Alan Eugene Davis, Stardate 270199.0833:
 I am afraid to try mutt again.  After a long hiattus, I tried mutt again
 after some version changes.  
 I lost a large slug of mail.  Just gone.  I have just been leaving mail in
 the mail spoon.  Mutt has a habit of trashing that file.  

I am useing mutt since 0.48 I never experienced that behaviour.

One thing I am trying to track down is that there seems to be a prob. with
collapsed threads, but besids this ...
nope, cannot confirm that.

Alexander N. Benner - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - EXODUS 20:13 Thou shalt not kill.
 The Nazis gased 6.000.000 Jews; a fact everyone is aware of and disconcerted.
 But do you know that the Federal Republic of Germany aborted about 10.000.000
babies since 1945, currently 1000 babies are killed in German clinics each day.
   World wide at least 30.000.000 babies are killed annually - 1 per SECOND !

Re: 1 swap vs. 2 swap partitions

1999-01-24 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Steve Lamb, Stardate 230199.1723:
 Doesn't this ignore the fact that having two heads working back and
 forth is faster than just one?  Part of the reason people do raid arrays,
 even at the lower levels, because they get all the heads working at the same
 time and it lowers access time.  I'd think the same would apply to swap.

for this you'd need raid support for swap. I am not sure if swap could be on a
raid ... however, I am pretty sure that swap has no build in raid support.

Alexander N. Benner - Christen im Internet -
pgp : E7BCBEBD   53 5F 48 0A 0D 3E 4A 38  A8 11 B1 AF BE 08 C8 B0

MegaHAL: In John, Jesus is said to be Zerg.

Re: ess1688 sound card

1999-01-23 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira, Stardate 230199.0551:
 Hi Debian users,
 a friend of mine has a ess1688 sound card and cant configure it in
 Linux. Anyone has a light?
 Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

I have such a card running (well with some problems...)

*OOPS* I just realized that I have a 1868 (according to the isapnp output ...
But then again :
cat /dev/sndstat  [EMAIL PROTECTED](p1)[776|0]Sat-23-01-1999
Load type: Driver loaded as a module
Kernel: Linux Aleph 2.1.125 #1 Thu Dec 3 14:08:52 CET 1998 i586
Config options: 0

Installed drivers:

Card config:

Audio devices:
0: ESS ES1688 AudioDrive (rev 11) (3.1)

well .. check if that's for you :)

ok ... here is my config:

- sound is compiled as a soundblaster kernel module
- /etc/modutils/options (or an other fle there) :
options sb io=0x220 irq=9 dma=1 dma16=-1
options mpu401 io=0x330
options opl3 io=0x388

- /etc/isapnp.conf as atached

If someone finds what's wrong ( I get DMA/IRQ conflikts sometimes ) please

Alexander N. Benner - irc: #Hosanna - secret service sig : Do u really scan?
MAT 10:26 for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid,
Uran Libia (I love Israel) North Korea RAF Sprengstoff Islam Plutonium Bomb 
# $Id: pnpdump.c,v 1998/01/07 05:17:47 fred Exp $
# This is free software, see the sources for details.
# This software has NO WARRANTY, use at your OWN RISK
# For details of this file format, see isapnp.conf(5)
# For latest information on isapnp and pnpdump see:
# Trying port address 0203
# Board 1 has serial identifier 42 41 48 7d c8 01 22 8b 11
# Board 2 has serial identifier 27 ff ff ff ff 68 18 73 16

(READPORT 0x0203)

# Card 1: (serial identifier 42 41 48 7d c8 01 22 8b 11)
# Vendor Id DLK2201, Serial Number 1095269832, checksum 0x42.
# Version 1.0, Vendor version 0.0
# ANSI string --D-Link DE-220P PnP ISA Card--
# Logical device id DLK2201
# Device support I/O range check register
# Edit the entries below to uncomment out the configuration required.
# Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be changed if 
# Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy

(CONFIGURE DLK2201/1095269832 (LD 0
# Compatible device id PNP80d6
# Logical device decodes 10 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0240
# Maximum IO base address 0x0380
# IO base alignment 32 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 32
(IO 0 (BASE 0x0240))
# IRQ 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12 or 15.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt
(INT 0 (IRQ 9 (MODE +E)))
#(ACT Y)
# End tag... Checksum 0x00 (OK)

# Card 2: (serial identifier 27 ff ff ff ff 68 18 73 16)
# Vendor Id ESS1868, No Serial Number (-1), checksum 0x27.
# Version 1.0, Vendor version 1.0
# ANSI string --ESS ES1868 Plug and Play AudioDrive--
# Logical device id ESS
# Edit the entries below to uncomment out the configuration required.
# Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be changed if 
# Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy

# Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0800
# Maximum IO base address 0x0ff8
# IO base alignment 8 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 8
(IO 0 (BASE 0x0800))
# Logical device id ESS1868
# Edit the entries below to uncomment out the configuration required.
# Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be changed if 
# Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy


# Multiple choice time, choose one only !

# Start dependent functions: priority preferred
#   First DMA channel 1.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed in compatible mode
# (DMA 0 (CHANNEL 1))
#   Next DMA channel 0 or 3.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed in compatible mode
#(DMA 1 (CHANNEL 0))
#   IRQ 5.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
#(INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
#   Fixed IO base address 0x0220
# Number of IO addresses required: 16
#(IO 0 (BASE 0x0220))
#   Fixed IO base address 0x0388
# Number of IO addresses required: 4
# (IO 1 (BASE 0x0388))
#   Fixed IO base address

Re: unix98 pty system

1999-01-22 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Jonathan P Tomer, Stardate 210199.1948:
 ok, so if i grab glibc2.1 i can use unix98 ptys? or will everything break on

I have it swiched on for quit a while (2.1.*) without a prob.
I use libc 2.0.7v right now.

Alexander N. Benner[EMAIL PROTECTED]#Ixthys,#Baptist

What is the chance of us living   Some of our simplest dreams
Are all the structures we build here Really as frail as they seem
Anne Clark   NOTHING AT ALL   Joined Up Writeings

Re: Debian/Caldera/RedHat

1999-01-19 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Jernej Zajc, Stardate 180199.2024:
 how does Debian compare to the Caldera and RedHat distributions?
 Any comment from ppl that use/used COL and RH are most welcome:
 pros, cons, irritations, wishes.

I just used RH no COL but here my experiences:

Redhat was a bit easyer to install @1st, well maybe realy easyer, but now it's
harder to maintain. (I am the Admin of 2 RH boxes on campus)

- Redhat has only one big RPMS dir were everyone is (on there ftp-server) so
  you always have to read al several page long ls output
- the only other dir is then contrib/... were you have to go back several
  levels and search there again a list in equal length

- redhat has no admintool like dselect, not to mention apt which is already
  now pretty cool. You have a funky looking control-panel, which helps a lot
  in configurating the printer (that is a big point for RH) but what you cannot
  do is  saying please update my system

- Debian is in open devellopment, you can always look in the next (two)
  distributions and check for packages were you realy want to have the l8est
  stuff. So in debian you often get realy up2date packges which is sometimes
  realy handy (on campus vim and mutt is most of the time a selfcompiled

Alexander N. Benner  -  The Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper:  -2-

A Promise Keeper is committed to pursuing vital relationships with a
few other men, understanding that he needs brothers to help him keep
his promises.

cc-header [Re: Dselect ...Finnish keyboard]

1999-01-18 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Peter Eades, Stardate 170199.0005:
 X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.06 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.35 i586)
 CC: debian-user list

Is that a bug in mozilla or rfc-ok? I just saw this because my ^TO debian
didn't catch this Email.

Alexander N. Benner - Benutzerberater des RUS  +49-711-685-4828 
pgp : 0xE7BCBEBD   53 5F 48 0A 0D 3E 4A 38  A8 11 B1 AF BE 08 C8 B0

Spezialgebiet: Vi, Perl, html, pgp, Linux

 Hi!  I'm Signature Virus 99!  Copy me into your signature and join the fun!

no pam in login??

1999-01-18 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Someone here told me that debian wouldn't be 100% pam?
2b exactly it was login he were refering to.

Is that possible that login doesn't care about pam?

Alexander N. Benner - Benutzerberater des RUS  +49-711-685-4828 
pgp : 0xE7BCBEBD   53 5F 48 0A 0D 3E 4A 38  A8 11 B1 AF BE 08 C8 B0

Spezialgebiet: Vi, Perl, html, pgp, Linux

 Hi!  I'm Signature Virus 99!  Copy me into your signature and join the fun!

login: is md5_crypt anabled?

1999-01-16 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Going through my /etc/login.defs I found this passage:

# Only works if compiled with MD5_CRYPT defined:
# If set to yes, new passwords will be encrypted using the MD5-based
# algorithm compatible with the one used by recent releases of FreeBSD.
# It supports passwords of unlimited length and longer salt strings.
# Set to no if you need to copy encrypted passwords to other systems
# which don't understand the new algorithm.  Default is no.

So I wondered if MD5_CRYPT is defined.

How to check comp. options in general?

Alexander N. Benner; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] #IXThYS  #Hosanna

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Messiah: for it is the power of God
unto salvation to every one that beliveth; _to the Jew first_ and also to the
Gentiles. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to
faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.   ROMANS 1:16-17

Re: D-Link DE 220 Ethernet Card

1999-01-15 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Kent West, Stardate 080199.2151:
 Some time ago I got a DE-220 working; had to turn off the PnP feature of
 the card (using D-Link's DOS-based SETUP22P utility).

Following the same advice of you when I asked, the card worken imediately.

When doing so, don't 4get to set um conf.modules (or /etc/modutils) correct
and maybe reconfigure Windows in case you already set up the card there.

Alexander N. Benner  -  The Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper:  -6-

A Promise Keeper is committed to reaching beyond any racial and
denominational barriers to demonstrate the power of biblical unity.

recite: sprache zu shcnell

1999-01-09 Thread Alexander N. Benner
When I play something with recite I only get a muffeld fast sound but no text.
Can this be a mistake in the sound mod. ?

What parameters could I tune.


Alexander N. Benner - Christen im Internet -
pgp : E7BCBEBD   53 5F 48 0A 0D 3E 4A 38  A8 11 B1 AF BE 08 C8 B0

You can't be american if you don't have children. I need a wife soon.

apt-get from multiple sites

1999-01-08 Thread Alexander N. Benner
I just realized that apt-get simultaniusly receives files from different
Is this just possible for different components or can you add different uri
and apt-get splits the download.

ok .. maybe I'll give an example:

deb unstable non-US
deb slink main contrib non-free

will receive simultaniusly files from and
now does

deb potato main contrib non-free
deb potato main contrib non-free
deb potato main contrib non-free

split the download between these 3 sites too?

Alexander N. Benner -  reduce-mail-traffic .sig  - JOH 11:35  Jesus wept.
pgp : E7BCBEBD   53 5F 48 0A 0D 3E 4A 38  A8 11 B1 AF BE 08 C8 B0
GS/O d-- s+:- a-- C++$ U++ P+ L+++ E--- W++ N+ !o !K w--- O? M-(--)
V PS-(--) PE@ Y? PGP++ t+ 5? X? R+(--) !tv b- DI+ D? G e++ h!@ r- y-+++

arla: need xfs

1999-01-08 Thread Alexander N. Benner
What is the xfs arla (free afs) needs to run?
I cannot find it in the kernel config.
(I use 2.1.125)

Alexander N. Benner  -  The Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper:  -5-

A Promise Keeper is committed to supporting the mission of his church by
honoring and praying for his pastor, and by actively giving his time and

Re: Thanks/Switching X managers

1998-12-31 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. ktb, Stardate 301298.1945:
 I then used locate .xsession and found three files in /home/kent
*~ are backupfiles 
that is the right one
that's the errors which occure starting X
 I placed exec fvwm2 in both the .xsession and .xsession~ files and
.xsession is enough

 used chmod again.  I did all steps as a regular user while in the /home
$HOME, that is /home/kent, not /home
btw. one chmod +x should be enough, you can check with ls -l .xsession if it
still has the x-bit set
 I rebooted and nothing changed in X.  The directions at the Debian site
 said the files should be in the home directory so I moved the three
 files to /home.  Rebooted and no change.
 What am I doing wrong?

rebooting, this is Linux not Windblows :-)

have you checked /etc/X11/(Xsession.)options ? there has to be an
'allow-user-xsession' in it otherwise your .xsession is ignored.

you should also start your .xsession with the following line
right at the beginning, marking it as a shell-skript.

x-/--\-xFor unto us a child is born, a son is given,
 XX and the government will be on his shoulders.
x-\--/-xAnd he will be called Wonderful Counsellor,
   \/   Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. - Isaiah 9:6

Re: linux window manager

1998-12-30 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Darko Martic, Stardate 301298.2214:
 Hi !
 Which window manager is the best? I meen, which one has graphical
 configurations, which one users prefer (za one koji znaju hrvatski: koji je
 najzastupljeniji) and software is specialy created for, like KPPP, and such
 Thanx !

wmaker ! (ok, only my preference :)

wmaker has theames for the graphic ( , 2 Prefprgs. ( WPrefs,
wmakerconf ;-) and many aplications ([wW]* ) writen just for it (and it also
integrates thouse for afterstep as well)

Alexander N. Benner  -  The Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper:  -4-

A Promise Keeper is committed to building strong marriages and families
through love, protection, and biblical values.

Re: ISDN: using Home Highway

1998-12-27 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Andrew Wilson, Stardate 271298.0247:
 The board I'm using is one marketed by British Telecom, they call it BT
 Speedway ISDN PCI Card it appears to be have been produced by a German
 company and the included software for windows was written by AVM-GmbH.
 The Board uses the Siemans 2168 chip and may be supported by
 the Hisax driver.

Ok, I have a AVM Fritzkard, donnow if that's what you have.

First compile your Kernel with ISDN:

M ISDN support 
[*] Support synchronous PPP  
[*] Use VJ-compression with synchronous PPP  
[ ] Support generic MP (RFC 1717)
[*] Support audio via ISDN   
M ICN 2B and 4B support
M isdnloop support 
M PCBIT-D support  
M HiSax SiemensChipSet driver support  
[*] HiSax Support for EURO/DSS1  
[*] Support for german tarifinfo 
[*] HiSax Support for german 1TR6
[*] HiSax Support for AVM A1 (Fritz) 
? AVM-B1 with CAPI2.0 support  
The first depend also on whatever your ISP suports. (I think :)

 I have been able to get the board working with Windows 95, It gave the
 following information
   I/O address 6100
   IRQ 11
 Can anyone offer any ideas as to how I can get this board to work with

The next is to write a file in /etc/modutils with this line in it:

options hisax type=5 protocol=2 io=0x6100 irq=11

See also /usr/src/linux/Documentation/isdn/README.HiSax

Then change /etc/isdn/* to fit your needs. (It'll be handy to have some
informations from your ISP about protocolls and stuff)

Hope that'll work :)

You should also consider installing isdnutils :-)
Alexander N. Benner - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - address and more in the header 

   A heart full of love is better then a body full of people.
   If a tomato is growing out of your forehead, it makes you thinking.
 There are many things we don't know - I myself don't know much - but one
   thing I know  well, that what I just said.   THE TICK

Re: Mystery Dialing

1998-12-25 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. [EMAIL PROTECTED], Stardate 241298.2052:
 Does anyone know what the following ports are for?  My system is
 dialing out, and I'm not sure why.  The following is from my diald
 control program.
 did not catch protocol 257-257

 udp 4000-1047
 tcp 17027-61075

That could be rvplayr, altough I am not too sure.
these ports just aperared  two days ago on my iptraf while listening to some

Alexander N. Benner; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] (#Hosanna  #IXThYS) 
PROVERBS 30:4   
   Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended?  
Who hath gathered the wind in His fists? Who hath bound the waters in a garment?
   Who hath established all the ends of the earth?  
 What is His name,   and what is His son's name,   if thou canst tell ? 

Re: lyx_1.0.0pre6-0.1_i386.deb available

1998-12-24 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Paul Seelig, Stardate 241298.2050:;
Is there a reason why lyx is unofficial? (guess that was already asked many
versions b4)

Greetings and a blessed Christmas
Alexander N. Benner - Christen im Internet -
pgp : E7BCBEBD   53 5F 48 0A 0D 3E 4A 38  A8 11 B1 AF BE 08 C8 B0

You can't be american if you don't have children. I need a wife soon.

Re: question about ip-up

1998-12-23 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Peter Kovacs, Stardate 231298.0930:
 I've got a quick question...
 Do the scripts in ip-up.d run whenever the network goes up (say on boot 
 with ethernet, or when I dial in) or only when I dial in.  I'm trying to 
 make the transition from campus ethernet to dial in over break.

AFAIK they are run by pppd (modem) and ipppd (isdn) whenever the link is set

x-/--\-xFor unto us a child is born, a son is given,
 XX and the government will be on his shoulders.
x-\--/-xAnd he will be called Wonderful Counsellor,
   \/   Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. - Isaiah 9:6

Re: BitchX: Scripts

1998-12-23 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Stef Hoesli Wiederwald, Stardate 231298.1613:
 I try to load and use the autoop script in BitchX. Si within BitchX I say:
 /load autoop
 Then I say:
 /addchan #channel
 But BitchX tellx me: Unknown command. What do I do wrong?

IIRC autoop is just an ircii script. I don't know that there is also a
bx-script of that name.

Anyway. bx doesn't tell you when it failed to load a script. 
Look in your ~/.BitchX directory if you have there an script called ausoop

Alexander N. Benner  +  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +  25/m/s/Germany  +  #Hosanna

No alternative could grow  Where love cannot take root No shadows will replace 
The warmth of your contact Love is dead in metropolis  All contact
through glove or partition What a waste The City - A wasting disease.
_Anne Clark_   SLEEPER   IN   METROPOLIS   Changing Places

Re: Getting mail

1998-12-22 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. [EMAIL PROTECTED], Stardate 221298.0927:
 Actually, to get mail from my ISP (POP3 server), I do 
 popclient -v -u frleg
 I would like my system to get automatically my mails :
every hours if I am not connected (so it will have to connect en 
 disconnect by itself)
every half an hour (for example) if I am connected (without disconnecting 
 I read several HOWTOs and didn't find good explanation. What is the solution :
 Using scripts ? (Have you some ?)
 Using things like diald ?

I wrote 2 zsh scripts for myself which do something like this. 

they may not be a pretty good style, so if someone want to send me
enhancements feel free to do so ;-)

Alexander N. Benner  -  The Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper:  -3-

A Promise Keeper is committed to practicing spiritual, moral, ethical,
and sexual purity.

#keeps pattern as filename if no match
setopt nonomatch


if ! test -f ~/.online/*
until (route|grep rusmax1 /dev/null)  # I wait for the def. route
ipon   # a bin of mine which is sim. to pon just isdn
sleep 5
if (route|grep 129.69 /dev/null) # sometimes something goes wrong
ping -c 1
#sleep 3
#route add default ippp0 
#sleep 3

#that is the importent part ...
#I count the times the script was called 
#offline will go only offline if noone want to be online anymore

touch ~/.online/`expr 0\`ls ~/.online|tail -1 \` + 1`

setopt nonomatch


if test -f ~/.online/*
sendmail -q
#send all remaining EMails


#Wait until mailq is empty, up to a max of 5 min.
until ((mailq|grep 'Mail queue is empty' /dev/null)||test $count -eq 0)
#while (mailq|egrep -v '^$'/dev/null)
  sleep 10
  count=`expr $count - 1`

#one person wat's to go offline
rm ~/.online/`ls ~/.online|tail -1`

#in case that was the last one remaining
if ! test -f ~/.online/*
#go offline (yupp, again my bin for isdn)


Re: Why?!

1998-12-21 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Charles Collicutt, Stardate 201298.2155:
 But for the home user, why bother? Linux is so much harder to set up
 (it may not be incredibly difficult but it is still much much harder than
 stick the cd in the cd-rom drive and click on next until it's
 installed, possibly changing a few values on the way which is all you
 have to do for windows). It's a complete bugger to install new things -

Oh yes?
Sticking the CD in and installing Windows took me about 6 to 8 hours until I
had my first working Version of Windows, and I do not talk about setting up
any software, just to get the system run at all.
On the same computer I installed Linux in about 30 min. including X.

just another 5 lines to extend the threat (oops thread ;)
- if you have problems that seem to be due to kernel bugs, [...] then the
  second best thing is to mail them to me ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
- Bill Gates: Windos contains no bugs that the majority of users want fixed.

Re: SANE install catch-22

1998-12-11 Thread Alexander N. Benner


Ship's Log, Lt. Ted Llewellyn, Stardate 010196.2012:

 Date: Mon, 01 Jan 1996 20:12:48 +

WOW .. a 2 Year old Email ... :-)

did this mail get lost or is your date set a bit wrong ?

Alexander N. Benner  -  The Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper:  -7-

A Promise Keeper is committed to influencing his world, being obedient to
the Great Commandment (Mark 12:30f) and the Great Commission (Matt 28:19f).


1998-12-08 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Michael Beattie, Stardate 071298.1206:

 A `chmod +s /usr/games/squake.real` will fix it.

you should also consider running suidregister from the package suidmanager as
squacke is worth being updated frequently and you want to keep the +s 

Alexander N. Benner  -  The Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper:  -4-

A Promise Keeper is committed to building strong marriages and families
through love, protection, and biblical values.

Re: multiple X servers?

1998-12-06 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Shaleh, Stardate 051298.1716:
 simply xinit -- :1 --bpp 16

I would also add a vtXX to the server args.
It then opens the Xserver on a destinkt vt terminal (replace XX with the term.
of choice ;) otherwise you may end up creating more and more vt's as one after
an other gets filled with some pieces of text.

Alexander N. Benner  -  The Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper:  -1-

A Promise Keeper is committed to honoring Jesus Christ through worship,
prayer, and obedience to God's Word in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Re: sudo doesn't ask for passwd

1998-12-06 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. D'jinnie, Stardate 051298.1329:
 Ok, I suspect this comment is going to brand me as permanently clueless,
 but...debian has some thing where you can authorize your users to su
 without supplying a password.

that's for example secure-su which I used to have installed
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ NameVersionDescription
rc  secure-su   980403-0.3 su with more security options

however /etc/suauth looks still ok:

# /etc/suauth - secure-su control file.  See suauth(5) for full documentation.

# Uncommenting this line will only allow members of group root to su to root.

it schould still ask me for my own passwd 

 Since sudo -s seems to be rather analogous
 to that, i.e. it runs a root shell for you, could this configuration
 somehow work for both su and sudo? What happens when you try to su?

As I skipet back to normal su (suspeckting secure-su) it now asks me for the
root passwd as su is ment to be :)

But anyway, I cannot find anything weired going on 

I did a su -c 'strace sudo -s' 2sudo.trace

grep etc sudo.trace show this:

open(/etc/, O_RDONLY)= 3
open(/etc/, O_RDONLY)  = 3
open(/etc/nsswitch.conf, O_RDONLY)= 3
read(3, # /etc/nsswitch.conf\n#\n# Examp..., 4096) = 406
open(/etc/, O_RDONLY)  = 3
open(/etc/passwd, O_RDONLY)   = 3
open(/etc/shadow, O_RDONLY)   = 3
open(/etc/localtime, O_RDONLY)= 3
open(/etc/resolv.conf, O_RDONLY)  = 3
open(/etc/hosts, O_RDONLY)= 3
lstat(/etc/sudoers, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0440, st_size=302, ...}) = 0
lstat(/etc/sudoers, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0440, st_size=302, ...}) = 0
open(/etc/sudoers, O_RDONLY)  = 4
open(/etc/group, O_RDONLY)= 5
open(/etc/group, O_RDONLY)= 5
open(/etc/group, O_RDONLY)= 4
open(/etc/passwd, O_RDONLY)   = 4
open(/etc/, O_RDONLY)= 4
open(/etc/, O_RDONLY)  = 4
open(/etc/nsswitch.conf, O_RDONLY)= 4
read(4, # /etc/nsswitch.conf\n#\n# Examp..., 4096) = 406
open(/etc/, O_RDONLY)  = 4
open(/etc/passwd, O_RDONLY)   = 4
open(/etc/terminfo/s/screen, O_RDONLY) = 4
stat(/etc/inputrc, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=315, ...}) = 0
open(/etc/inputrc, O_RDONLY)  = 4
read(4, # /etc/inputrc - global inputrc ..., 315) = 315

nothing bad as far as I can tell.

grep var sudo.trace shows (among other) this:

lstat(../../var, {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=1024, ...}) = 0
stat(/var, {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=1024, ...}) = 0
stat(/var/run, {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=1024, ...}) = 0
stat(/var/run/sudo, {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0700, st_size=1024, ...}) = 0
stat(/var/run/sudo/root, 0xb3c0)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
utime(/var/run/sudo/root, NULL)   = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
open(/var/run/sudo/root, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0600) = 4

timestamp does not exist and is therefor created ...
/me joins the cluless party and aplies to be president ...


Alexander N. Benner * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Re: punctuation marks ?

1998-12-05 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Sibuyas Bombay, Stardate 051298.1340:
 hi !
 anyway, how does a  `  differ from a  '  anyway ? ... and what are they called

apostroph `
(single) quotation mark '

the ' is used to enclose a string much like  except that interpretation by
the shell is forbitten ( $SHELL is /usr/bin/zsh while '$SHELL' is

the ` is used to mark the next argument as taken from an other command:

shutdown -h now `fortune`


shutdown -h now 'All husbands are alike, but they have different faces so you 
can tell them apart.'

Alexander N. Benner  -  1st year grad. physicsstudent and creationist - 
|   The great unification theory reduces matter to two particles T  V   |
|   That stands for the Hebrew words Tohu and Vohu - formless and void.  |
GEN 1:2  And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the
face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.  

Re: Understanding /root Re: My solution

1998-12-04 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Now I also want to write :)

Ship's Log, Lt. Jiri Baum, Stardate 041298.1122:
  Usually, when you see a system with a bunch of mount points, it's because
  there's more than one disk.  Using 4 2GB drives is better than one 8GB
  drive because:
 And a couple of others:
   3. cheaper
   4. you can do RAID if you like

one more :
I have a 2 GB partition and it neets hours to be checked. I would not want to
wait for a 8GB partition.
Sure now I have to wait for the others to ...
But geuess how fast my 60MB / is ready in case of an emergency ...

Filesystem 1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/hdb1  63885   2864231944 47%   /
/dev/hdb9 761184  142804   579045 20%   /var
/dev/hdb52270179 210241050415 98%   /usr
/dev/hdb61014784  481124   481221 50%   /usr/local
/dev/hdb71014784  423447   538898 44%   /home
/dev/hdb81014784   71737   890608  7%   /tmp
/dev/hda3 653192  56610353347 91%   
/dev/hda1 307240  21889688344 71%   /misc/d00F

*sigh* I guess I need a new HD ...
(oh yes, the last one is my win partition 300MB should be enough for everyone

Alexander N. Benner - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Christian - PHI-Student
IRC: Efnet Nikodemus #Hosanna, #Baptist, #Ixthys
## 82.64% of all statistics are made up !! ##

Re: sudo doesn't ask for passwd

1998-12-04 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Joey Hess, Stardate 031298.0612:
 This is quite normal, if you have used sudo a few minutes before and it
 asked for a password.

The prob. is that it always does so and not only after using it. :(
I cannot figure out how this can be ...
I'll tried to check /etc/pamd. but it looks fine ...
Donnow what else I could check.

Alexander N. Benner - irc: #Hosanna - secret service sig : Do u really scan?
MAT 10:26 for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid,
Uran Libia (I love Israel) North Korea RAF Sprengstoff Islam Plutonium Bomb 

sudo doesn't ask for passwd

1998-12-03 Thread Alexander N. Benner

I filed a bugreport on this a while ago, but I seem to be the only one with
this problem :(

well ... I updated now to potato hoping it'll go away, but I had no luck.

ok what does actually happen in detail:

sudo -s throws me right into rootshell without prompting for a passwd.

I am in the sudo groop and /etc/sudoers is the standart deb-file.


Alexander N. Benner  -  The Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper:  -4-

A Promise Keeper is committed to building strong marriages and families
through love, protection, and biblical values.

Re: Ifconfig

1998-11-24 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Amanda Shuler, Stardate 231198.1331:
 I have a question about ifconfig.
 I have a machine that I am trying to configure to put onto a local
 I'm an assigning it IP address
 I type:
   ifconfig eth0
 then I check it with ifconfig and everything is correct.  I reboot the
 machine, and recheck ifconfig -- it's wrong.  It resets the IP address to everytime!  
 Currently, I do not have this machine physically hooked up to the network,
 because I was just doing the configuration and I didn't want to knock
 another (very important) machine off the network.  If the ethernet card is
 not actually hooked up to the network, will that cause this reset to
 happen upon every boot?
 How do I get it to stay at

have you just typed this command?
To have it permanent you should edit /etc/inet.d/network

Alexander N. Benner  -  The Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper:  -3-

A Promise Keeper is committed to practicing spiritual, moral, ethical,
and sexual purity.

slink: German Vendor

1998-11-19 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Is there a way to optain the current version of Debian somehow on CD ?
It would take me about 6 to 8 evenings to download it over ISDN ... :)

/me knows that it's not stable right now, but that's why I actually joined


Alexander N. Benner[EMAIL PROTECTED]#Ixthys,#Baptist

What is the chance of us living   Some of our simplest dreams
Are all the structures we build here Really as frail as they seem
Anne Clark   NOTHING AT ALL   Joined Up Writeings

DE220 Ethernet Card

1998-11-19 Thread Alexander N. Benner
it's me again

Has anyone experience with a D-Link 220 E-Card ?
I tried the de200 de201 and so on kernel mods. and also the de600 and de620,
but none of them seem to work.

oh .. it's a pnp , maybe this part of isapnp will help:

# Card 1: (serial identifier 42 41 48 7d c8 01 22 8b 11)
# Vendor Id DLK2201, Serial Number 1095269832, checksum 0x42.
# Version 1.0, Vendor version 0.0
# ANSI string --D-Link DE-220P PnP ISA Card--
# Logical device id DLK2201
# Device support I/O range check register
# Edit the entries below to uncomment out the configuration required.
# Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be changed if 
# Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy

(CONFIGURE DLK2201/1095269832 (LD 0
# Compatible device id PNP80d6
# Logical device decodes 10 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0240
# Maximum IO base address 0x0380
# IO base alignment 32 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 32
(IO 0 (BASE 0x0240))
# IRQ 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12 or 15.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt
(INT 0 (IRQ 9 (MODE +E)))
# End tag... Checksum 0x00 (OK)

- if you have problems that seem to be due to kernel bugs, [...] then the
  second best thing is to mail them to me ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
- Bill Gates: Windos contains no bugs that the majority of users want fixed.

Re: Sound recording over-run

1998-11-11 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Ltd. Robert King, Stardate 98.1208:
 Debian v2.0
 kernel 2.1.125 (compiled by me)
 What does the message
 kernel: Sound: Recording overrun

I get the same error msg. when playing a cd with synaesthesia
other than that I have never seen it ...
(well I have not tried to recorde anything by now :)


Alexander N. Benner -*- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -*- Ephesians 6:12 , John 1:5 

She relaxed just a little, [..] I'm hardly presentable... [..] Hardly
presentable! Wasn't it strange, the way humans looked at themselves with eyes
of flesh [..] But to the angels, she appeared as God Himself saw her, just as
any other redeemed saint of the living God: pure, shining, clean, dressed in
garments as white as snow.  PIERCING THE DARKNESS by Frank E. Peretti

Re: Microphone always on!

1998-11-07 Thread Alexander N . Benner

On Fri, Nov 06, 1998 at 04:47:22PM -0600, Alexander Kushnirenko wrote:
  My microphone seems to have grown a direct connection to the
  speakers, even though I'm not running (AFAIK) any mic-using
  apps!  It's great for impromptu kareoke but really ...
 Same here.  I think it's a feature

I always have a constant sound in the background a kind of clicking or so.
I donnow if this is related.
I don't have a mic. pluged in. This sound also ocures on things like visbell
or disk activity which seems kinda odd.

(no, this is not a joke ...) :-}

Alexander N. Benner  -  1st year grad. physicsstudent and creationist - 
|   The great unification theory reduces matter to two particles T  V   |
|   That stands for the Hebrew words Tohu and Vohu - formless and void.  |
GEN 1:2  And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the
face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.  

X11 for SiS5598

1998-11-07 Thread Alexander N. Benner

The German distribution SuSE released some time ago X11 for SiS5598 
Is this server in slink ?


Alexander N. Benner * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


1996-12-11 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Once, in the dark ages of 1996. Daniel Stringfield wrote about PGP :
 From what I understand, PGP 'international' is not supposed to be used in
 the US, and the US version is not supposed to be use outside of the US.
 Is this right?  Which one should I be using?

Hmmm, as far as I know is the Us version only for US-Citizes in the US and
the -i for all outside.
What to do for a non-US-citizen in the states like me ?

So the stupid law forbids pgp at all ??

donnow, correct me if I am wrong
Alexander N. Benner; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( #IXThYS  #Jesus! )

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Messiah: for it is the power of God
unto salvation to every one that beliveth; _to the Jew first_ and also to the
Gentiles. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to
faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.   ROMANS 1:16-17

Description: PGP signature


1996-12-03 Thread Alexander N. Benner
I got a prg. from a friend wich can hack-root. I don't know if it is a known
prob. it works fine with 2.0.0
I don't know how to describe it, without posting the whole source.
Here some parts of it:

/* Mount Exploit for Linux, Jul 30 1996

Discovered and Coded by Bloodmask  Vio
Covin Security 1996

[some includes]
#define PATH_MOUNT /bin/umount
#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024
  [... main part...]

   printf(Discovered and Coded by Bloodmask and Vio, Covin 1996\n);
   execl(PATH_MOUNT, mount, buff, NULL);

God bless
Alexander N. Benner ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( #IXThYS  #Jesus! )

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Messiah: for it is the power of God
unto salvation to every one that beliveth; _to the Jew first_ and also to the
Gentiles. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to
faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.   ROMANS 1:16-17

Description: PGP signature

Re: security

1996-12-03 Thread Alexander N. Benner

It may be wrong, but I think it was Bernd Eckenfels who wrote 1996 AD:
  /* Mount Exploit for Linux, Jul 30 1996
 whats your version of the mount package? Should be fixed long ago... (if it
 isnt another bug in mount):

It was mount-package-2.5

 Wed Aug 21 13:10:46 1996  Guy Maor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (Debian 1.1.6)
 o Added mount 2.5l-1
   Fixes major security hole.
 This is in buzz-fixed!

I now installed mount 2.5j from buzz

The hack _still works_ so it seemed to be an other problem. I didn't have the
chance to trie it on an other computer than mine :)
I just installed the mount packege with --force-depend , so I don't know if
the prob is maybe outside of mount

God bless
 /\  Alexander N. Benner ; IRC: Nikodemus @ #ixthys  #Jesus!
x--/\--xFor unto us a child is born, a son is given,
  X  X  and the government will be on his shoulders.
x--\/--xAnd he will be called Wonderful Counsellor,
 \/ Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. - Isaiah 9:6

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debian via ftp

1996-11-23 Thread Alexander N. Benner
Hi  -  let's use this tool as well :)
After reading some of the readmefiles I still have some Q.

I have Linux 2.0.0 from the German distributor S.u.S.E., after installing
some packages directly from sunsite, other from debian I must have confused
my system a bit :} this and other problems made me want to reinstall the
I also increase my hdspace from 1 to 2.2 GB which gives me more space to
spead my files :) [and the possibility to make a backup partition :]

I wan't to install debian now via etherlink.
Which programs do I need for that ? [ dselect , dk??-ftp , ... ]
And were are they ?

can you give me suggestions in partitoning 1.5 GB ?
can I just overwrite my running system or should I first get rid of some
parts ?
( i don't wan't the system to crash while I install :)

thanx and God bless you
Alexander N. Benner ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( #IXThYS )
2941 University Meadows Drive #815,St.Louis MO 63121, USA ; (314)516-7886 

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Messiah: for it is the power of God
unto salvation to every one that beliveth; _to the Jew first_ and also to the
Gentiles. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to
faith: as it is written, The just shal live by faith.   ROMANS 1:16-17


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