Re: Can I start X while other stuff going on?

1998-11-23 Thread Jiri Baum

> }-> > or can I bring up the process in an Xterm or something similar?
> }-> No. Except, hmm, I don't know how you would do that. You might be
> }-> able to take the /dev/ttyXX from the vt and put it in an xterm.
> - this procedure can be done with "screen" i think, with it it_s possible if
> i remember the description of a friend correctly ??
> - i_ve just tried it for five minutes ;-)

I think someone already replied with ttysnoop - judging by its description
it'd be just the thing. (I've no use for it now, as I'm not enamoured of WIMP
interfaces.) You could probably even make a script that'd run up a ttysnoop in
xterm for every VT that isn't running getty...

Then when you type `startx' you'd immediately have all your VTs in front of
you. Hmm, maybe that should be standard?


Re: Can I start X while other stuff going on?

1998-11-22 Thread Peter Bartosch

}-> Hello Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
}-> > Can I switch to another virtual terminal and start X Windows while I've
}-> > dselect session, etc? 
}-> Yes.
}-> > And if I can, once I'm in X, how do I then get back to where I can see how
}-> > original vterm, 
}-> Yes and yes.
}-> One nice thing you might like to do is set the environment variable
}-> > or can I bring up the process in an Xterm or something similar?
}-> No. Except, hmm, I don't know how you would do that. You might be
}-> able to take the /dev/ttyXX from the vt and put it in an xterm.
}-> But in general, no. The program runs where it's started. If it's an
}-> X program, it looks at the DISPLAY variable and shows up there.

he wants to start a programm in a vt and move to the background - start x -
and then raise it from the back into the front (of an xterm)

- this procedure can be done with "screen" i think, with it it´s possible if
i remember the description of a friend correctly ??
- i´ve just tried it for five minutes ;-)

until next mail ;) . ___ ---___  .--.  
./  -   /\ 
  ___  ( DEBIAN   `-|O O | 
 |   |;  --.||
 |___|:  GNU/Linux  _-  |<_) \.
 | __  eter|  -/  |
 ||  | `.  / '  .\.  
 ||__|   ` --- . ___  ..   '  |  ..|  
  |   | artosch  |   ...\. 
  |___|  /   . ..| 
/,\   .__\ 
 ~  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |   | o|   |
  |   |O(|   /
   student of technical computer science   \.. \\   / 
  university of applied sciences krefeld (germany)  \__/ \_/

Re: Can I start X while other stuff going on?

1998-11-11 Thread Michael Stenner
On Tue, 10 Nov 1998, Kent West wrote:

>This will probably be one of those questions that EVERYBODY knows the
>answer to, so "why are you asking such dumb questions, Kent?" However,
>being entrenched in the Windows world where you didn't do such things, I
>wanted to ask before I hosed something.

One of the magically cool things about linux is that AS A NORMAL USER
there is a very limited amount of damage you can do.  In this case, you
did, in fact, know most of the things you needed to do - you were just
hesitant to do them.  Worst case scenario: you can fry your own account.
On my machine, I keep a dummy account for just such a purpose;
if I want to try some new thing and want to be sure not to fry any of my
stuff, I try it with that account.  This is also good for general
experimentation - screw around all you want in a dummy account, you
really can't hurt anything.
Note: all of this assumes you have your machine set up in a
reasonably secure (normal) way.  That is, don't give any write
permissions to anyone else, beware of setuid things, etc..


  Michael Stenner   Office Phone: 919-660-2513
  Duke University, Dept. of Physics   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Box 90305, Durham N.C. 27708-0305

Re: Can I start X while other stuff going on?

1998-11-11 Thread Helge Hafting

> :Can I switch to another virtual terminal and start X Windows while I've
> :got something else going on in the first vterm, such as a download or a
> :dselect session, etc? 
> I'm sure you've already gotten a million positive responses :) However, in
> my experience, it's not a good idea to switch to console too often - once
> in a while, X crashes (at least, it does for me, on 3 entirely different
> machines), which will kill your download and everything else...

X is stable on my machines, too bad it isn't on yours.  Maybe
an upgrade will help?

Crashing X will take down any download going on in a xterm
or some x-based download app.  But it won't kill a download
running on a virtual console.  X may screw up the keyboard
and make life difficult that way, but downloads outside x
will complete unless you also hang the kernel.

Helge Hafting

Re: Can I start X while other stuff going on?

1998-11-11 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 10 Nov 1998q, D'jinnie wrote:
> :Can I switch to another virtual terminal and start X Windows while I've
> :got something else going on in the first vterm, such as a download or a
> :dselect session, etc? 
> I'm sure you've already gotten a million positive responses :) However, in
> my experience, it's not a good idea to switch to console too often - once
> in a while, X crashes (at least, it does for me, on 3 entirely different
> machines), which will kill your download and everything else...

I've never had this problem. Indeed, one of the things that's most astonished
and impressed me about linux, coming from Dos, is that I can start lynx and/or
ncftp in at least 3 different consoles and download different files
simultaneously. There probably is a bit of slowdown but it's not obvious. It
NEVER crashes. And this is on a humble DX486/100 with 20 meg memory.


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0

"The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on..."   - Edward Fitzgerald

Re: Can I start X while other stuff going on?

1998-11-11 Thread Helge Hafting

> I tried putting a running program (lynx) in the background by pressing ^Z,
> and then started X Windows and thought maybe I could foreground the app in
> an Xterm, but I guess either I don't know what I'm doing or it just
You can't foreground it in some *other* VT/xterm as far as
I know.  You could have backgrounded it in the *same* VT though,
before starting X.
> doesn't work. I ran ps to find the PID of the job (say 14096), then typed
> "fg 14096", but I get a reply that there is no such job.  Did I do
fg work with job numbers, not process id's.
> something wrong along the way, or is this just not going to work?

The next time you want this functionality, try this:

1. start lynx or whatever.  Don't use ctrl+z
2. Switch to another console (alt F2-6)
3. log in and start x there.
4. When you want to check how your download is doing, use
   ctrl+alt+F1 for switching to that console.  Then use
   alt+F7 for switvhing back to X.  

Or consider this:
1. start x first.
2. open several xterms (or rxvt's or whatever you prefer)
3. start your download in one of those xterms.
Use virtual desktops if your screen get cluttered with too many xterms.

Helge Hafting

Re: Can I start X while other stuff going on?

1998-11-11 Thread Jiri Baum
Hello Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

> Can I switch to another virtual terminal and start X Windows while I've
> got something else going on in the first vterm, such as a download or a
> dselect session, etc? 


> And if I can, once I'm in X, how do I then get back to where I can see how
> the download is progressing? Do I just Ctrl-Alt-F[key] back to the
> original vterm, 

Yes and yes.

One nice thing you might like to do is set the environment variable
DISPLAY to the value :0 in your original vterm - then you can start
X programs from there. (I set it in my .login file.)

> or can I bring up the process in an Xterm or something similar?

No. Except, hmm, I don't know how you would do that. You might be
able to take the /dev/ttyXX from the vt and put it in an xterm.

But in general, no. The program runs where it's started. If it's an
X program, it looks at the DISPLAY variable and shows up there.



Re: Can I start X while other stuff going on?

1998-11-11 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 10 Nov 1998, Kent West wrote:

> On 10 Nov 1998, Gary L. Hennigan wrote:
> > Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > | Can I switch to another virtual terminal and start X Windows while I've
> > | got something else going on in the first vterm, such as a download or a
> > | dselect session, etc? 
> > 
> > Absolutely. You can switch to VT2 and whip that startx right onto the
> > command line (well, you might have to log in first, but you get the
> > drift). Actually, you can even start it in the background and still
> > have that VT available, I think. X, by default, always starts on VT7
> > (i.e., Ctrl+Alt+F7).
> > 
> > | And if I can, once I'm in X, how do I then get back to where I can see how
> > | the download is progressing? Do I just Ctrl-Alt-F[key] back to the
> > | original vterm, or can I bring up the process in an Xterm or something
> > | similar?
> > 
> > Bringing the output up in an xterm would be a trick, but yes, you can
> > simply switch back to the VT of your choice using Ctrl+Alt+F[1-6].
> > 
> I tried putting a running program (lynx) in the background by pressing ^Z,
> and then started X Windows and thought maybe I could foreground the app in
> an Xterm, but I guess either I don't know what I'm doing or it just
> doesn't work. I ran ps to find the PID of the job (say 14096), then typed
> "fg 14096", but I get a reply that there is no such job.  Did I do
> something wrong along the way, or is this just not going to work?

This is because you're trying to tell bash to forground job 14096, which
doesn't exist. AFAIK, you can only fg and bg jobs started from that


disclaimer: this is a non-definitive answer ;)

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Can I start X while other stuff going on?

1998-11-11 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 10 Nov 1998, Kent West wrote:

> Can I switch to another virtual terminal and start X Windows while I've
> got something else going on in the first vterm, such as a download or a
> dselect session, etc? 

> And if I can, once I'm in X, how do I then get back to where I can see how
> the download is progressing? Do I just Ctrl-Alt-F[key] back to the
> original vterm, or can I bring up the process in an Xterm or something
> similar?

cntrl-alt-Fn works. I guess if you're root, you could ttysnoop in an
xterm, but that's probably more trouble than it's worth ;)
Note though that if you work your vc hard (playing squake for example),
then when you hit alt-f7 to get back to X, then your xsession may reset


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Can I start X while other stuff going on?

1998-11-11 Thread D'jinnie
:Can I switch to another virtual terminal and start X Windows while I've
:got something else going on in the first vterm, such as a download or a
:dselect session, etc? 

I'm sure you've already gotten a million positive responses :) However, in
my experience, it's not a good idea to switch to console too often - once
in a while, X crashes (at least, it does for me, on 3 entirely different
machines), which will kill your download and everything else...

If you can't convince them, confuse them.
--Harry S. Truman

D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key

Re: Can I start X while other stuff going on?

1998-11-11 Thread Jim Foltz
On Tue, Nov 10, 1998 at 08:39:07PM -0600, Kent West wrote:
> I tried putting a running program (lynx) in the background by pressing ^Z,
> and then started X Windows and thought maybe I could foreground the app in
> an Xterm, but I guess either I don't know what I'm doing or it just
> doesn't work. I ran ps to find the PID of the job (say 14096), then typed
> "fg 14096", but I get a reply that there is no such job.  Did I do
> something wrong along the way, or is this just not going to work?
> Thanks! 

Lynx doesn't won't let me 'background' it either, but that's just Lynx. Most
other things (jobs) can be suspended by ^z and either bg'd or fg'd later.
This whole thing is called job control and can be read about in the bash man
pages under -- you guessed it -- JOB CONTROL.

> -- 
> Kent West
> KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
> Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null


Re: Can I start X while other stuff going on?

1998-11-11 Thread wtopa

Subject: Can I start X while other stuff going on?
Date: Tue, Nov 10, 1998 at 07:44:16PM -0600

In reply to:Kent West

Quoting Kent West([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> This will probably be one of those questions that EVERYBODY knows the
> answer to, so "why are you asking such dumb questions, Kent?" However,
> being entrenched in the Windows world where you didn't do such things, I
> wanted to ask before I hosed something.
> Can I switch to another virtual terminal and start X Windows while I've
> got something else going on in the first vterm, such as a download or a
> dselect session, etc? 
> And if I can, once I'm in X, how do I then get back to where I can see how
> the download is progressing? Do I just Ctrl-Alt-F[key] back to the
> original vterm, or can I bring up the process in an Xterm or something
> similar?

>From a console running 'anything' you can go to another console, via
Alt-F[1-6].  In that console start X (isn't a REAL OS Great!).  The X
screen will be on F7 ( if you haven't modified anything in
/etc/inittab yet). Now you are in X, go to the other consoles now with
Ctrl-Alt [F1-6] and back to X with Alt-F7.

> Again, sorry if this sounds like I'm a complete idiot (I usually try to
> hide the evidence).

Sorry to disagree, an idiot would not have had the sense to ask.  Keep
asking and enjoy the GNU generation!

> -- 
> Kent West
> KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
> Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

"Has anyone had problems with the computer accounts?"
"Yes, I don't have one."
"Okay, you can send mail to one of the tutors ..."
-- E. D'Azevedo, Computer Science 372

Re: Can I start X while other stuff going on?

1998-11-11 Thread Kent West
On 10 Nov 1998, Gary L. Hennigan wrote:

> Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | Can I switch to another virtual terminal and start X Windows while I've
> | got something else going on in the first vterm, such as a download or a
> | dselect session, etc? 
> Absolutely. You can switch to VT2 and whip that startx right onto the
> command line (well, you might have to log in first, but you get the
> drift). Actually, you can even start it in the background and still
> have that VT available, I think. X, by default, always starts on VT7
> (i.e., Ctrl+Alt+F7).
> | And if I can, once I'm in X, how do I then get back to where I can see how
> | the download is progressing? Do I just Ctrl-Alt-F[key] back to the
> | original vterm, or can I bring up the process in an Xterm or something
> | similar?
> Bringing the output up in an xterm would be a trick, but yes, you can
> simply switch back to the VT of your choice using Ctrl+Alt+F[1-6].

I tried putting a running program (lynx) in the background by pressing ^Z,
and then started X Windows and thought maybe I could foreground the app in
an Xterm, but I guess either I don't know what I'm doing or it just
doesn't work. I ran ps to find the PID of the job (say 14096), then typed
"fg 14096", but I get a reply that there is no such job.  Did I do
something wrong along the way, or is this just not going to work?


Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!

RE: Can I start X while other stuff going on?

1998-11-11 Thread Ted Harding
On 11-Nov-98 Kent West wrote:
> This will probably be one of those questions that EVERYBODY knows the
> answer to, so "why are you asking such dumb questions, Kent?" However,
> being entrenched in the Windows world where you didn't do such things,
> I wanted to ask before I hosed something.

That's OK, Kent! You're in the position of some kid who's never had a
good meal, led up to a table covered in goodies, who asks "Can I really
eat all that at once?". Just get stuck in.

Otherwise put: assume you can do everything at once unless you find
different in particular cases.

> Can I switch to another virtual terminal and start X Windows while I've
> got something else going on in the first vterm, such as a download or a
> dselect session, etc? 


> And if I can, once I'm in X, how do I then get back to where I can see
> how the download is progressing? Do I just Ctrl-Alt-F[key] back to the
> original vterm, or can I bring up the process in an Xterm or something
> similar?

Pretty well. Normally X (whichever VT you start it from) is running in
VT6 (or maybe VT7). To get from X back to ANY VT (Vt1, Vt2, ... ) just
press Ctrl+Alt+F1, Ctrl+Alt+F2, etc. However, you can't "transfer" a
process from a VT to X, nor from X to a VT, nor between VTs, nor between
different xterms in X.

To get from any VT back to X, just press Alt+F6 (or maybe Alt+F7).
To switch between VTs (even though X is running) press Alt+VT1,
Alt+Vt2, etc.

You'll find that everything that's running on any/all of the VTs, and
also in X, just keeps running even though you're not looking at it.

Welcome to the world where things happen.

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 11-Nov-98   Time: 02:34:37

Re: Can I start X while other stuff going on?

1998-11-11 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| This will probably be one of those questions that EVERYBODY knows the
| answer to, so "why are you asking such dumb questions, Kent?" However,
| being entrenched in the Windows world where you didn't do such things, I
| wanted to ask before I hosed something.

The only dumb questions are the ones that aren't asked! 

| Can I switch to another virtual terminal and start X Windows while I've
| got something else going on in the first vterm, such as a download or a
| dselect session, etc? 

Absolutely. You can switch to VT2 and whip that startx right onto the
command line (well, you might have to log in first, but you get the
drift). Actually, you can even start it in the background and still
have that VT available, I think. X, by default, always starts on VT7
(i.e., Ctrl+Alt+F7).

| And if I can, once I'm in X, how do I then get back to where I can see how
| the download is progressing? Do I just Ctrl-Alt-F[key] back to the
| original vterm, or can I bring up the process in an Xterm or something
| similar?

Bringing the output up in an xterm would be a trick, but yes, you can
simply switch back to the VT of your choice using Ctrl+Alt+F[1-6].

| Again, sorry if this sounds like I'm a complete idiot (I usually try to
| hide the evidence).

I don't even bother TRYING to hide it anymore! :)
