Re: [libreoffice-design] The future of design suggestions

2011-06-20 Thread Scott Pledger

+1 on the gallery concept.

I am more than willing to set it up and maintain it with the different 
UI reworks posted here and I think we can even come up with some 
templates to add it to the wiki's whiteboards.  What do you think?

I fully agree with the gallery idea, this is the best solution, because with
that actually can see what is best, but as it is debated whether Microsoft
is losing customers, and he knows how they will be returned because there
designers decide how the program looks, rather than developers, who are paid
to do as they are told, they do not care if toolbar does not fit the
windows, MS is extra just because, and here the main problem is just that,
so much debate about whether this bar that stands out from the system.
And to ask customers taht say what it is better,  They do not care if ribbon
deviate from the system, it is important that the program is good and
special for us because nobody will be offended if on the new version ubuntu
found a single program that sow their face with opportunities. After all,
all is a habit.

I fully agree with the gallery idea.

2011/6/20 Björn

Hi all,

I am a little unsatisfied with the amount of individual threads going into
the direction of: We need a new interface for LibreOffice - and it needs
look linke this

This is a Free Software Project. As a design team, we will not need to
convince ourselves about this need to change the GUI (we all agree on
we will need to convince the people actually doing (and financing) it - the
developers and the companies paying them.

We will obviously not be able to do this by starting the same discussion
over and over again (e.g. Ribbon discussion). To convince the sponsors of
software code, we should never argue about personal opinions. A conflict in
personal opinion is not solvable. And developers and managers of sponsoring
companies willl have personal opinions as well. These kind of conflicts
predicitably end with those parts of the suggestions beeing realised that
sponsors like. This again will not satisfy anyone in the end (not us, not
users and not the sponsors).

So, how can we make this more productive?

Ideas are good, visualisations are even better. So let us find a way to not
comment on these, but to collect them with the goal of easy comparision
eachother. A gallary of ideas and visualisations of the future LibO.

We should then try to extract the dimensions these ideas differ on. Knowing
these we can then again use user-centric methodologies to have the users
decide about what they like.

With this data we will have much less trouble to convince the code-sponsors
to go into a certain direction.

So - the main point I am argueing for is a gallery of interface ideas. Easy
to compare and on one spot. What do you think about this?


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Design Tenets Proposal

2011-06-19 Thread Scott Pledger

Bernhard, all,

These are all wonderful points!!

2011/6/19 Bernhard

*The Goals:*

- *Make LibreOffice easy to use while retaining its power.*

I don't know if it is reasonable to have these two topics linked together so

Ease of use is of course one of the most important goals.

But it relates reciprocally to the complexity of the task.

If we come to a point where these two goals (ease of use and powerful
feature-richness) are so oppositional that we had to reduce the importance of
one in favour of the other, which one would be supported?

Features! We cannot lost already existing features just because a
redesigned UI.

This is exactly why I chose to phrase it as I did.  I don't want to see any of 
the hard work of others to vanish just because the UI is morphing - LibreOffice 
is one of the most powerful office suites available today and I would hate to 
see that paradigm change.

This is by
far one of the biggest complaints I have when I suggest that my clients use
LibreOffice - they don't understand where things are in the
menu/toolbar hierarchy.  [...]

I would not introduce details in this phase of the discussion, because they 
lead to a narrowed view on the topic.

Ease of use is far more than toolbars/menus: numbers of mouse clicks, mouse
distances, tastature access/accessibility come to my mind - and there are even
more like colors and contrast, positioning of objects and so on:

Nearly every modification to the UI has an impact in this field.


- *Lead current trends in technology, don't just follow.*  [...]
Instead of copying another office suite, let's
pave the way for others to build on.

While I fully support the second part of the statement, I don't want to have the
first one as part of our main goals.

I want to see LibreOffice having the *best* UI, not the newest or trendiest one.


There are parts in other UIs being very interesting and clever.  We can include
them (if legally possible) in our general concept, if they fit well.

If LibreOffice will be a trendsetter or not depends on the fact if we find 
solutions than all the other designer out there (or if we manage to include them
more consistently in our product).

So just following others is as wrong as setting trends in technology while other
existing ideas manage to fulfill the necessary task much better...

Fully agree with that
I also agree - my choice of wording here was poor and I put a bit too 
much thought into this statement when I wrote it, assuming that the best 
would by default become the trend leader. I get a bit idealistic on 
occasion ;)

- *Help people to be more efficient.*  This is really important if we
want to get LibreOffice used in more businesses and schools, and is
ultimately the best way to get any piece of software adopted.

This is tightly related to ease of use, so I'd combine these two goals.

What I'd like to add as goals:

- * Interoperability on different platforms.*
LibreOffice wants to be present in a similar way on all the major platforms.
Even if user switch from one platform to another, they should be able to work
the way they are used to. A major task will be definition of fixed (platform
independent) and OS-adapted (platform specific) parts in the UI in order to
find a common way that provides LibreOffice's branding and behavior at the
same time as smooth integration in the platform (with UI elements, behavior


  *Don't forget actual users for possible future ones.*
Microsoft lost milions of users (to OOo/LibreOffice and others) because they
didn't take into account, that people tend to keep the Ui they are used to.
Even with a totally new approach we should be able to find the tasks in a
similar way to the old one.

- *Let people have fun.*
Working with LibreOffice should provide positive feelings - have a look at the
slogan we positioned on the website:

Make it just work, and look great, too!

Great points!
I'll definitely add these to the wiki page, which I just set up here:
Thanks so much for all the feedback!  Also, when it comes to having 
goals, I would like to see what everyone's thoughts are on what needs to 
change about the current UI for LO.  I'll post another message in a few 
regarding this!


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[libreoffice-design] Survey - Current Issues

2011-06-19 Thread Scott Pledger

Hey all,

While we're trying to come up with goals for LibreOffice, I'd like to 
see what people think of LO as it stands today.  Please please please 
take the time to respond to this as it can really help us to determine 
where exactly we ought to go!

1.) What do you think about LibreOffice as it stands today?

   a) What aspects of the User Interface do you like? Why?

   b) What aspects of the User Interface do you dislike? Why?

2.) How could LibreOffice better suit your needs in terms of UI?

3.) What would you like to see LibreOffice become?

More specific surveys will follow, once I have a better idea of what to 
ask! :)


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Design Tenets Proposal

2011-06-18 Thread Scott Pledger
Thanks, Ricardo - you bring up an excellent point regarding the user.
 However, that is beyond the scope of these Tenets.  My only goal for these
is to provide a general direction for us when going through the researching,
prototyping, and final development of any kind of UI overhaul for LO.
 Research without aim rarely makes an impact.  Once we have a specific set
of improvement goals for LO, we can start performing more in-depth research
of our users.  However, for the interim, I think we need to come up with a
single, generally-agreed (80% of long-term end-users), good layout proposal
then refine exactly where/how actions go/behave through continued research.
 This is one major advantage we have over MS Office - we can release minor
updates which would include UI enhancements both frequently and quickly
based on user feedback, which makes our refining process significantly
easier.  Of course for the duration of the UX redesign, we would also permit
users to continue using the old UI as we complete work on the new one.
 Possibly, the best way would be to call the new redesign 4.0 or 5.0 (or
another major revision) while keeping the old UI as the lower version number
(3.* or 4.* or whatever it winds up being).  In the long run, this kind of
short-term refining would make LO a far better product than it is today.

Thanks for all the input - keep it coming!

On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 02:46, RGB ES wrote:

 2011/6/17 Scott Pledger
  Hey all,
  One thing that I've noticed is that we have a lot of great redesign
  proposals floating around, but we have yet to establish a true direction
  the Libre Office platform.  Someone recently posted this video ( ) which really made me
  the importance of having specific long-term goals for software design.
   Therefore, I wanted to propose a few simple goals that I think
  ought to have for its design as we move forward (maybe even for the 4.0
  release)  as well as the basic tenets that I think we can use to help
  achieve these goals.  So, here we go:
  *The Goals:*
- *Make LibreOffice easy to use while retaining its power.*  This is by
far one of the biggest complaints I have when I suggest that my clients
LibreOffice - they don't understand where things are in the
menu/toolbar hierarchy.  The best example of this is page margins.  The
easiest way for a lot of my customers to find this is through the
right-click menu.
- *Lead current trends in technology, don't just follow.*  LibreOffice
retains a layout that was first commercially phased out about four
ago.  While the Menu/Toolbar paradigm is an excellent way of displaying
program features for less fully-featured software and smaller screens,
let's face it - most desktop screens are no longer small and
 LibreOffice is
extremely full-featured.  Instead of copying another office suite,
pave the way for others to build on.
- *Help people to be more efficient.*  This is really important if we
want to get LibreOffice used in more businesses and schools, and is
ultimately the best way to get any piece of software adopted.
  *The Tenets:*
- *Allow users to focus on the content, not the UI.*  The document
viewport should never change size or lose/gain visibility due to pop-up
dialogs or toolbars.  The only exception to this is menus, as users
these to overlap their document.  One major subset of this should be
previews.  For instance, you have to click through Headings 1-10
individually to see what the differences are.
- *Everything should be accessible within 3 clicks, not just the 'most
common' features.*  This will help reduce the clutter while increasing
users' mastery of the software.
- *Consistent UI areas (not features) across all individual 'apps'.*
Keep the UI as consistent as possible without sacrificing the
features/functionality of any individual app (Calc, Writer, etc.).
- *Value context over comprehensiveness.*  Users don't need to have
tools up and at the ready when they only have text in the body of a
  Let me know what you think of these and, in particular, how you would
  change/expand on these.  This is just a very very rough draft (and very
  could be repeating itself or incomplete) of things that I see , but
  ultimately LibreOffice isn't any one man's software, but rather
  so I invite everyone to put some thought into this and please reply to
  so we can come up with a general UX direction for this incredible

 I only have one comment to your e-mail: you use the word user
 several times, but THE user is something impossible to define.
 It is a fact of life that you cannot please everyone, and a great
 design for some people

[libreoffice-design] Design Tenets Proposal

2011-06-17 Thread Scott Pledger
Hey all,

One thing that I've noticed is that we have a lot of great redesign
proposals floating around, but we have yet to establish a true direction for
the Libre Office platform.  Someone recently posted this video ( ) which really made me realize
the importance of having specific long-term goals for software design.
 Therefore, I wanted to propose a few simple goals that I think LibreOffice
ought to have for its design as we move forward (maybe even for the 4.0
release)  as well as the basic tenets that I think we can use to help
achieve these goals.  So, here we go:

*The Goals:*

   - *Make LibreOffice easy to use while retaining its power.*  This is by
   far one of the biggest complaints I have when I suggest that my clients use
   LibreOffice - they don't understand where things are in the
   menu/toolbar hierarchy.  The best example of this is page margins.  The
   easiest way for a lot of my customers to find this is through the
   right-click menu.
   - *Lead current trends in technology, don't just follow.*  LibreOffice
   retains a layout that was first commercially phased out about four years
   ago.  While the Menu/Toolbar paradigm is an excellent way of displaying
   program features for less fully-featured software and smaller screens, but
   let's face it - most desktop screens are no longer small and LibreOffice is
   extremely full-featured.  Instead of copying another office suite, let's
   pave the way for others to build on.
   - *Help people to be more efficient.*  This is really important if we
   want to get LibreOffice used in more businesses and schools, and is
   ultimately the best way to get any piece of software adopted.

*The Tenets:*

   - *Allow users to focus on the content, not the UI.*  The document
   viewport should never change size or lose/gain visibility due to pop-up
   dialogs or toolbars.  The only exception to this is menus, as users expect
   these to overlap their document.  One major subset of this should be live
   previews.  For instance, you have to click through Headings 1-10
   individually to see what the differences are.
   - *Everything should be accessible within 3 clicks, not just the 'most
   common' features.*  This will help reduce the clutter while increasing
   users' mastery of the software.
   - *Consistent UI areas (not features) across all individual 'apps'.*
   Keep the UI as consistent as possible without sacrificing the
   features/functionality of any individual app (Calc, Writer, etc.).
   - *Value context over comprehensiveness.*  Users don't need to have table
   tools up and at the ready when they only have text in the body of a document

Let me know what you think of these and, in particular, how you would
change/expand on these.  This is just a very very rough draft (and very well
could be repeating itself or incomplete) of things that I see , but
ultimately LibreOffice isn't any one man's software, but rather everyone's,
so I invite everyone to put some thought into this and please reply to this
so we can come up with a general UX direction for this incredible project!


P.S. Sorry for the re-post - I sent this just before the list changed
addresses, so I'm re-posting it with the new one!

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[libreoffice-design] Design Tenets Proposal

2011-06-08 Thread Scott Pledger
Hey all,

One thing that I've noticed is that we have a lot of great redesign
proposals floating around, but we have yet to establish a true direction for
the Libre Office platform.  Someone recently posted this video ( ) which really made me realize
the importance of having specific long-term goals for software design.
 Therefore, I wanted to propose a few simple goals that I think LibreOffice
ought to have for its design as we move forward (maybe even for the 4.0
release)  as well as the basic tenets that I think we can use to help
achieve these goals.  So, here we go:

*The Goals:*

   - *Make LibreOffice easy to use while retaining its power.*  This is by
   far one of the biggest complaints I have when I suggest that my clients use
   LibreOffice - they don't understand where things are in the
   menu/toolbar hierarchy.  The best example of this is page margins.  The
   easiest way for a lot of my customers to find this is through the
   right-click menu.
   - *Lead current trends in technology, don't just follow.*  LibreOffice
   retains a layout that was first commercially phased out about four years
   ago.  While the Menu/Toolbar paradigm is an excellent way of displaying
   program features for less fully-featured software and smaller screens, but
   let's face it - most desktop screens are no longer small and LibreOffice is
   extremely full-featured.  Instead of copying another office suite, let's
   pave the way for others to build on.
   - *Help people to be more efficient.*  This is really important if we
   want to get LibreOffice used in more businesses and schools, and is
   ultimately the best way to get any piece of software adopted.

*The Tenets:*

   - *Allow users to focus on the content, not the UI.*  The document
   viewport should never change size or lose/gain visibility due to pop-up
   dialogs or toolbars.  The only exception to this is menus, as users expect
   these to overlap their document.  One major subset of this should be live
   previews.  For instance, you have to click through Headings 1-10
   individually to see what the differences are.
   - *Everything should be accessible within 3 clicks, not just the 'most
   common' features.*  This will help reduce the clutter while increasing
   users' mastery of the software.
   - *Consistent UI areas (not features) across all individual 'apps'.*
   Keep the UI as consistent as possible without sacrificing the
   features/functionality of any individual app (Calc, Writer, etc.).
   - *Value context over comprehensiveness.*  Users don't need to have table
   tools up and at the ready when they only have text in the body of a document

Let me know what you think of these and, in particular, how you would
change/expand on these.  This is just a very very rough draft (and very well
could be repeating itself or incomplete) of things that I see , but
ultimately LibreOffice isn't any one man's software, but rather everyone's,
so I invite everyone to put some thought into this and please reply to this
so we can come up with a general UX direction for this incredible project!


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Re: [libreoffice-design] Ribbons and Background Color UX

2011-05-26 Thread Scott Pledger
Hey all!

Sorry its been so long!! This is a topic that I've put a lot of thought into
and one which I would love to work both the design and implementation sides
of.  Personally, I have an extreme dislike of the way that MS Office handles
its ribbon layout.  When you combine the Office 2011 ribbon and massive
taskbar found in Windows 7, the default set-up uses around 3 inches of
vertical space on my widescreen laptop, which means I have all of 5 (ish)
inches of viewing space to actually see the document I am working on,
whereas I still have all 10 or so inches horizontally that is mostly wasted
space.  I think that the shift in the way that monitor manufacturers design
new products is something that almost every other office software has
essentially ignored.  I think that this above almost anything else should
take precedent with any kind of UI redesign because this shift in paradigm
doesn't seem to be going away, no matter how much I wish it would.

With this in mind, I think that using a context-based toolbar system is
essential.  For instance, when I have an image selected, I see little to no
reason for a font/text-formatting toolbar to be visible nor do I think that
having floating toolbars just pop up is the best solution as the eye is
attracted to movement and this is a major distraction.  Having a static area
on the screen where these context-based toolbars might appear would make a
lot of sense because we can just fade the toolbars in (or something along
those lines) based on what the user has selected without drastic screen
changes.  Also, I think that another great feature of a redesign might be
previews of what effect clicking on a button would have on the document.
 For instance, hovering the cursor over the 'Bold' button would show in the
preview area how clicking this would affect the text in question.

Additionally, I definitely agree with Bernhard that we really need to have a
single place to throw ideas around.

These are just a few of the details that I've been thinking about with the
posts I sent about a month ago of a design concept (source can be downloaded
at or as a pdf
at ).  Its
really early on right now and just details the basic idea, but I think it
could serve as a good starting point for a UX overhaul.  Thoughts anyone?


On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 07:13, Bernhard Dippold

 Hi all,

 sorry for stepping in here so late, especially as this topic has been
 discussed over and over again in OOo UX (Renaissance) and here
 in LibreOffice too.

 Irrelevant of the fact that some people understand the word ribbon
 as a red flag they start to rant against, we neither copy any competitor's
 design decisions without really good reasons nor we drop support to
 our present users  just because we want to establish something new
 and cool.

 I'm quite sure that we'll be able to combine a static menu structure with
 a context sensitive one and provide this to the user in an easy-to-use
 and eye-pleasing way. And this structure will be at least as configurable
 as the present UI.

 You all are right that this needs thorough development and research -
 it's one of our most important tasks for the next months and years.

 But please stop discussing the word ribbon and what MS created
 by using this word - this keeps us away from real work on LibreOffice

 Create a wiki page containing our UI goals - for all of our target groups.

 Start defining the context sensitive areas and find out how they can be
 accessed via static menus without double effort.

 Have a look what Renaissance already did on OOo - and use these
 results as basis for your own work.

 We have many areas where our presence is really important - this topic
 is one of them.

 But we should avoid to discuss details like graphical approach, menu
 positioning and so on: The first thing to do is defining the functionality
 - form
 will follow function when we really know how it should work...

 Best regards


 PS: And please keep in mind, that we need to convince our developers to
 in this area - otherwise none of our ideas will come true...

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Flying the ship... [please everybody, post a short reply]

2011-05-26 Thread Scott Pledger
+1 from me!


On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 08:12, Christoph Noack christ...@dogmatux.comwrote:

 Hi all!

 Am Donnerstag, den 26.05.2011, 09:05 +0200 schrieb Charles-H. Schulz:
  2011/5/26 klaus-jürgen weghorn ol
   oh, I wouldn't call this job as a lead or senior team member but
   second assistant facility manager (2. Hilfshausmeister) who has to
   the dirty jobs. ;-)

 Hehe, good thought ... when I wrote an introduction to the OOo UX
 Co-Lead role, I wrote something similar:
 Besides that, I would like to finalize my personal understanding of the
 co-lead role: I'm now enjoying to be the human spam filter for our
 mailing lists. Sounds challenging, hey? ;-)

   I think you already do the job in absence of Christoph and you will do
   job in the right way.
   So go on with The Flying Dutchman, we will follow and will mutiny if
   want to get the plunder for your one.
   Maybe we should tell our decision to the steering commitee.
  Although I'm not part of the team and I'm just a lousy customer ringing
  guys about logos to be designed asap and according to my own fantasies, I
  second this decision, congrats Bernhard!


 Thanks for caring! In a few weeks, I'm hopefully back to help with the
 UX / usability stuff.


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Re: [libreoffice-design] LibreOffice Toolbar Usability Interface - Big Picture

2011-05-08 Thread Scott Pledger
This sounds an awful lot like an idea I had when first creating my
mock-up layout (default layout is viewable at where the
user could move options around to wherever they wanted them (for
instance, the top tabs could be moved to the left, right, or bottom
and the same would be true of any of the other components - menus,
toolbars on the right, etc.).  Users could also move or add buttons to
groups (and create new ones) to fit their own personal needs.


On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 15:59, Jared Meidal wrote:
 Because I like the “big picture” I would like to make some comments to
 help me, and perhaps others, formulate the trajectory and philosophy for
 the UX future of LibreOffice.  Moreover, I value the clarification of
 the project and community’s “direction regarding usability” higher than
 “a bug fix” to adjust the design at a single point in time.  So these
 are some of my opinionated thoughts, as well as a suggestion of where
 some of it could be practically applied.

 Understandably the toolbar is gaining its critics and self-proposed
 redesigners.  I agree that this part of LibreOffice’s design is critical
 and inevitably it will evolve in future development and versions.  I’m
 even really excited seeing some of the mock-ups.  Currently I’m just
 concerned about getting caught up in a shiny object syndrome, rather
 than an intentioned philosophy driving the project’s direction.

 As an open source application, The Document Foundation has the great
 opportunity before them to show the wise maturity borne in the FLOSS
 community of how to present accessibility to the user--customized
 control.  Regarding the current mock-ups I’ve seen, these designs show a
 promising future and a sleek user interface if the developers on The
 Document Foundation indeed pay attention and latch on to one of these
 ideas. However another possibility would be a downstream submission
 which would provide an alternative interface for users of a particular
 OS or distribution–I’m thinking of Ubuntu’s Canonical here.

 In my opinion these designs each demonstrate that an eye-pleasing layer
 could be placed over the existing suite of applications and offer a user
 a sense that they are working in a 21st century program and
 aesthetically compare to current commercial/enterprise software a little
 more directly. But there is another, more compelling reason for this to
 be considered. To offer innovation within the GUI (emphasis on USER)
 would be a benefit not simply because everyone else is doing it, but
 because it fits exactly in-line with the philosophy of free software, if
 done right.

 Commercial software companies spend an enormous amount of money on
 interfaces focused on end-user studies, ergonomics, usability and
 intuitive design.  In fact it would seem sometimes that new versions of
 these commercial programs update the graphical design more than the
 actual features or capabilities of the software. The Document Foundation
 now has a budget which is still a small amount in comparison if it was
 all tossed to specialists and third-party advisers in these critical
 development areas. We can do better, not simply because we are FLOSS,
 but because we have a different understanding of freedom/liberty.

 In each presentation of the best, latest, shiniest software release
 there is a subtle, sneaky lock-in, learning curve and dictation from the
 supplier  delivered by fiat to the user as to “what is the best way to
 interact with this program” and what functions will be the best tools to
 accomplish what you want to get done.  LibreOffice will be successful
 not because of innovation (dictation) but because of freedom
 (customization) and user-focused design (as a reminder, users are very

 My practical suggestion, is to take the best of tabs, ribbons and docks.
 Take the finest customization techniques built into LibreOffice and
 already available in the FLOSS-sphere and pack them into an upgrade of
 this suite that will offer users what they want, what they need, and
 what works for them--all at the same time.

 What this would look like is ever-present, full customization of tool
 properties: grouping, position, appearance and visibility.  My term for
 this is “toolgroups.”  This reaches beyond the function of static tools
 grouped within a ribbon tab.  Rather, this is a user-customized group of
 tools tagged to appear always, or workspace dependent.  The group can be
 placed in a sidebar, floating dock or in an inactive tabset (invisible
 or simply unusable).  We already, seriouthis, in toolbars that are active 
 based on active content (Writer
 tables, etc.).

 I hate to even upload a mock-up of what this would look like.  Partly
 because I’m not wanting to compete with the great DeviantArt works that
 are out there.  They are done well and speak for themselves that
 creativity and time has been invested in 

Re: [libreoffice-design] Re: Status of the Design Team Kick-Off, and a Personal Note

2011-05-05 Thread Scott Pledger
Congratulations, Christoph!!! Giving life is one of the greatest blessings
there is!

Yours Truly,
Scott R. Pledger

On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 13:37, Marc Paré wrote:

 Le 2011-05-05 12:24, Christoph Noack a écrit :

  Hi all,

 sorry (in advance) for sending personal stuff to this list. But I think
 it might be helpful to know that you can enjoy some weeks without my
 bothering mails :-)))

 Here are the details:


 Congrats to both of you Christoph! It is always a blessing to have a
 growing family. Enjoy while they are in your care, they grow so quickly.
 Hope you are getting enough sleep! :-)



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Re: [libreoffice-design] New Layout Concept - Update

2011-04-29 Thread Scott Pledger
I'm working on that, too.  From what I can see of the old graphical layout
utility that we use, there is no way for us to create this in an easy
fashion.  What I think we can do, however, is to replace the old vcl library
with something new.  I'm looking at using XUL instead, but the problem so
far that I'm running into is that XUL really prefers the backend code to be
mostly javascript.  So what I'm thinking we may wish to do is to replace vcl
with something that has the same API but that uses custom xml, svg, and css
to describe the forms that we need it to make however this is going to be a
lot of work as I don't really see any other F/OSS libraries to pull from...
 Any other suggestions would be really helpful!

Yours Truly,
Scott R. Pledger

On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 08:35, Cyril Arnaud wrote:

 That's a really nice mock up.
 But how do we make it a reality now ?

 On Thu, 2011-04-28 at 15:44 -0600, Scott Pledger wrote:

  I have done a bit more work on the layout concept I described in some
  earlier emails.  Let me know what you think!!  The File and View menus
  interactive when you view the presentation.
  Yours Truly,
  Scott Pledger

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Re: Platform Independent vs. Platform Specific Behavior (was: Re: [libreoffice-design] Take inspiration from Lotus Symphony ?)

2011-04-29 Thread Scott Pledger
I've got a few new ideas in mind that we may be able to pull some of the
code from vcl into... See the below excerpt from the 'New Layout Concept -
Update' that I just posted:

* I'm working on that, too.  From what I can see of the old graphical
layout *
* utility that we use, there is no way for us to create this in an easy
fashion.  *
* What I think we can do, however, is to replace the old vcl library with *
* something new.  I'm looking at using XUL instead, but the problem so far*
* that I'm running into is that XUL really prefers the backend code to be*
* mostly javascript.  So what I'm thinking we may wish to do is to replace*
* vcl with something that has the same API but that uses custom xml, svg,*
* and css to describe the forms that we need it to make however this is*
* going to be a lot of work as I don't really see any other F/OSS libraries
* pull from...  Any other suggestions would be really helpful!*

Yours Truly,
Scott R. Pledger

On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 08:25, Kohei Yoshida wrote:

 On Thu, 2011-04-28 at 23:15 -0600, Scott Pledger wrote:
  Is there any chance of implementing any kind of an XML-based UI template?
   Something similar to XUL may be a good place to start...

 We don't have any concrete vision of what the VCL replacement should
 look like, but making UI definition files XML-based is surely a sane
 approach.  In fact, when we attempted to replace it at one point, we did
 use an XML-based UI definition format.  Some of these files are still
 around in the code base though we are on their way out.

 So, yeah, XML-based UI definition format is very likely.


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Re: XML based UI? (was: Re: Platform Independent vs. Platform Specific Behavior (was: Re: [libreoffice-design] Take inspiration from Lotus Symphony ?))

2011-04-29 Thread Scott Pledger
The more I look at the source code for vcl, the more I am beginning to
dislike it And I'm looking at some of the other XML-based UI languages
available and none of them really seem adequate to describe any kind of a
major UI overhaul that would keep LibreOffice up to date with other office

So here's just a general idea I've had on XML layouts for quite a while -
let me know what you think!

Essentially, there would be three basic types of UI elements: layouts,
widgets, and references.  Layouts determine how whatever is inside them
'flows'.  Widgets are the actual parts that are interactive or informative
and may be defined by other xml files.  Finally, references just include
other defined pieces of the XML code.  Any programmatic interaction is done
by accepting clicks, etc. from the widgets.
So a sample of an OK dialog might be:

layout:vertical id=promptdialog title=Prompt For OK flow=fill

layout:vertical id=textcontainer flow=top left

widget:text id=promptvalueClick OK here!/widget:text


layout:horizontal flow=right

widget:button value=OK id=okbutton /
widget:button value=Cancel id=cancelbutton /



and in the compiled code, one might see:
Dialog promptdialog = new Dialog(promptdialog.xml);
((ButtonWidget) promptdialog.getById(okbutton)).onClick() = new
/** Handle clicks here **/

and that would basically be it.  Any thoughts?

Yours Truly,
Scott R. Pledger

On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 10:11, Christoph Noack christ...@dogmatux.comwrote:

 Hi Kohei, hi Scott!

 Kohei, thanks for the helpful information here ... great that you're
 listening here (especially since I know your workload...)!

 Am Freitag, den 29.04.2011, 10:25 -0400 schrieb Kohei Yoshida:
  On Thu, 2011-04-28 at 23:15 -0600, Scott Pledger wrote:
   Is there any chance of implementing any kind of an XML-based UI
Something similar to XUL may be a good place to start...
  We don't have any concrete vision of what the VCL replacement should
  look like, but making UI definition files XML-based is surely a sane
  approach.  In fact, when we attempted to replace it at one point, we did
  use an XML-based UI definition format.  Some of these files are still
  around in the code base though we are on their way out.
  So, yeah, XML-based UI definition format is very likely.

 As far as I know, there have been several attempts to solve this issue.
 For example, at the OOoCon 2010 I attended a presentation related to XML
 based UI declaration ...
 (see also the presentation download)

 Sun/Oracle also thought about that ... during my visit in Hamburg early
 2010, we discussed how e.g. toolpanes might ideally behave - some
 improvements about what we have today. Here, ideally mainly refers to
 its technical behavior to detach/attach them anywhere. In this
 discussion, XML based UI stuff was mentioned as well. Here is the blog
 post - no technical relevance, but maybe interesting:


 PS: You may have noticed that my availability is a bit bad at the
 moment ... so sorry for not commenting the other threads at the moment
 in time.

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Re: Platform Independent vs. Platform Specific Behavior (was: Re: [libreoffice-design] Take inspiration from Lotus Symphony ?)

2011-04-28 Thread Scott Pledger
One thing that we may wish to look into is using the same concept as the
Chromium project does - pulling colors in from the user's native desktop
environment, but not necessarily using those widgets.  This will give
LibreOffice the ability to render its own layout and even graphics options,
but it will render them in a manner that allows for much better desktop
integration without completely rejecting using our own layout/widget

Yours Truly,
Scott Pledger

On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 16:01, RGB ES wrote:

 2011/4/27 Christoph Noack
  Hi Scott!
  You asked a tough question ... something we struggled quite some time
  within So the question is not _if_ we apply platform
  specific elements ... the question is rather what we can share accross
  all platforms, because there is no reference implementation.
  Some examples:
   * Toolbar color-picker
   * New Slide layout drop-downs
   * Slide sorter in Impress
   * Print dialog (on some platforms, there is no reference
  To me, this should be something that should be agreed on ... with the
  development and marketing to define a degree of freedom.
  It's already part of the WhatWeNeed list, I've mentioned earlier ...
  Collect, clarify and document fundamental questions [...]:
 Platform specific (respect the platform interaction
 guidelines ... e.g. like Mozilla Firefox) vs. Platform
 independence (work the same way on any platform ... e.g. like
 web sites)
  Is this what you had in mind? Would you be interested in driving this
  effort (the item Clarify Marketing Questions)?
  Am Mittwoch, den 27.04.2011, 10:49 -0600 schrieb Scott Pledger:
  My only concern when asking this question is the implementation of any
  of a graphical look and feel - layouts would be the same across
  but should the look and feel (things such as the coloring/graphics of
  application) apply the user's system theme or whether the coloring and
  graphical feel of LibreOffice should be the same across all platforms in
  addition to the layout or if the layout should merely implement the
  native look and allow the system to apply whatever its theme is.
  Just one addition - I usually refer to look as the visual style, and
  feel as the behavior which also includes the workflows of the
  Yours Truly,
  Scott R. Pledger
  By the way, although we don't get any statistical evidence for users, I
  really like these small surveys ... thanks!
  On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 06:53, Daniel Merker
   2011/4/26 Scott Pledger
Purely out of curiosity, how many people here prefer that the user's
default environment theme (GTK, Qt, etc.) be applied to LibreOffice
versus how many would rather see LibreOffice get its own look
independent of the desktop environment?
   From a Core UI stance, LibO should have a consistent look across all
   platforms; for example, where the toolbar is, what is under each menu,
   use cases are performed. The outer shell should conform to the
 standard of
   the platform; for example, where the max/min/close buttons are, what
   those buttons should appear. IMHO, when you try to please everyone
   different versions, in this case based on platforms, of a UI, you tend
   please no one
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 I think there are two points to consider, with a bit of grey scale in
 On one hand, functionality. On the other hand, aspect.

 Functionality is about how the software works, and here we have some
 freedom: we cannot compare a word processor with a web browser, so if
 a KDE user navigate the web with konqueror but write their documents
 with Writer, the fact that both programs behave different will not be
 a problem. Printer dialogue is different? OK, as far as it works, no

 Then, the aspect: if you will be eight hours in front of the screen,
 at least you want to look at something that it is nice. From this
 point of view, LibO picking the widget colours and icons from your DE
 is something good.
 (At this point something to consider is LibO using the freedesktop
 standars on icon naming so it can use as much as possible the icons
 from the DE... no idea if this is feasible, I'm just thinking aloud)

 Then, you have the grey scale: for example, the LibO's native file
 picker is just terrible, not only because ugly but mainly because it
 do not gives you

Re: Platform Independent vs. Platform Specific Behavior (was: Re: [libreoffice-design] Take inspiration from Lotus Symphony ?)

2011-04-28 Thread Scott Pledger
Is there any chance of implementing any kind of an XML-based UI template?
 Something similar to XUL may be a good place to start...

Yours Truly,
Scott Pledger

On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 22:39, Kohei Yoshida wrote:

 On Thu, 2011-04-28 at 14:29 -0600, Scott Pledger wrote:
  Good to know! I haven't yet taken too close of a look at the code for LO,
  I don't know any of the particulars of the back-end as of yet, but that's
  next on my to-do list!
  Quick question: Where can I find documentation on VCL??

 Well, that's a bit hard to come by. ;-)  We do have some code
 documentation but it may not be what you'd expect.

 It's generated by crawling the source code directly and picking up the
 doxygen style comments.  These are very low level details of the VCL
 code, and if you are looking for a high-level overview, we don't have
 any (that I'm aware of).

I think that having
  a better understanding of what our rendering library is currently capable
  can really help with UI improvements...

 I can tell you it's very very limited.  With VCL, you have to specify
 the size and position of each and every control at pixel level, and
 there is no automatic layout support that most modern GUI toolkits
 support.  For instance, to create a simple dialog with OK and Cancel
 button, you need to define

 Dialog: size = (200, 150)

 OK Button: pos = (10, 180); size = (80, 15)
 Cancel Button: pos = (100, 180); size = (80, 15)

 and so on.  It's painful enough to design a very simple dialog, imagine
 how much pain it would incur when designing a complex one...

 But don't let this implementation limitation distract your design work.
 Sometimes it's better you don't know the implementations. ;-)


 Kohei Yoshida, LibreOffice hacker, Calc

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Re: Platform Independent vs. Platform Specific Behavior (was: Re: [libreoffice-design] Take inspiration from Lotus Symphony ?)

2011-04-27 Thread Scott Pledger

Yes that is exactly what I had been thinking!!  And sure, I'd be glad to
help however I can!

Yours Truly,
Scott R. Pledger

On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 15:24, Christoph Noack christ...@dogmatux.comwrote:

 Hi Scott!

 You asked a tough question ... something we struggled quite some time
 within So the question is not _if_ we apply platform
 specific elements ... the question is rather what we can share accross
 all platforms, because there is no reference implementation.

 Some examples:
  * Toolbar color-picker
  * New Slide layout drop-downs
  * Slide sorter in Impress
  * Print dialog (on some platforms, there is no reference

 To me, this should be something that should be agreed on ... with the
 development and marketing to define a degree of freedom.

 It's already part of the WhatWeNeed list, I've mentioned earlier ...
 Collect, clarify and document fundamental questions [...]:
Platform specific (respect the platform interaction
guidelines ... e.g. like Mozilla Firefox) vs. Platform
independence (work the same way on any platform ... e.g. like
web sites)

 Is this what you had in mind? Would you be interested in driving this
 effort (the item Clarify Marketing Questions)?

 Am Mittwoch, den 27.04.2011, 10:49 -0600 schrieb Scott Pledger:
  My only concern when asking this question is the implementation of any
  of a graphical look and feel - layouts would be the same across
  but should the look and feel (things such as the coloring/graphics of the
  application) apply the user's system theme or whether the coloring and
  graphical feel of LibreOffice should be the same across all platforms in
  addition to the layout or if the layout should merely implement the
  native look and allow the system to apply whatever its theme is.

 Just one addition - I usually refer to look as the visual style, and
 feel as the behavior which also includes the workflows of the

  Yours Truly,
  Scott R. Pledger

 By the way, although we don't get any statistical evidence for users, I
 really like these small surveys ... thanks!


  On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 06:53, Daniel Merker
   2011/4/26 Scott Pledger
Purely out of curiosity, how many people here prefer that the user's
default environment theme (GTK, Qt, etc.) be applied to LibreOffice
versus how many would rather see LibreOffice get its own look
independent of the desktop environment?
   From a Core UI stance, LibO should have a consistent look across all
   platforms; for example, where the toolbar is, what is under each menu,
   use cases are performed. The outer shell should conform to the standard
   the platform; for example, where the max/min/close buttons are, what
   those buttons should appear. IMHO, when you try to please everyone with
   different versions, in this case based on platforms, of a UI, you tend
   please no one

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Re: Platform Independent vs. Platform Specific Behavior (was: Re: [libreoffice-design] Take inspiration from Lotus Symphony ?)

2011-04-27 Thread Scott Pledger
I see two things.  Firstly, I think the Ideate and Refine Ideas, Ease
Reviews and Discussions, and Improve Communications can all be combined into
Improve Communications.  Secondly, the section titled Care about Branding
Requirements doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.  And I think that's
about all I see there that doesn't make sense, etc.

As far as the input gathering is concerned, I think we need to get input
from everywhere we can.  Polls are great - I know there is an OpenOffice
following on Facebook, and I think we should probably see if we can't get
that same crowd into a LibreOffice following there.  However, I think that
having a good recommendations system in place is really important
- preferably one embedded in the application.  One thing that I found to be
particularly difficult on the website as a new comer was figuring out how to
subscribe to the Mailing lists and how to post to it.  I'm also not exactly
a fan of the mailing list format... Responding to individual threads and
keeping everything organized and separate can be a bit of a challenge...
 I'm not sure if any of you have used Google Groups or Google Wave, but
either of those might be a significant upgrade to the traditional mailing
list way of doing things

Yours Truly,

On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 16:00, Christoph Noack christ...@dogmatux.comwrote:

 Hi Scott!

 Wow, there is quite some activity on this list at the moment. Cool! :-)

 Am Mittwoch, den 27.04.2011, 15:45 -0600 schrieb Scott Pledger:
  Yes that is exactly what I had been thinking!!  And sure, I'd be glad to
  help however I can!

 That'll be great ... so may I kindly ask you for something? To me, the
 most important thing is to have a look at the WWN list in the wiki. I've
 spend so much time with this list, that I'm unsure if every idea can be
 understood ... especially since I'm usually not the author of these
 thoughts :-) So, is there something missing - is there something you
 won't agree on at all?

 The next step would be to think about how we can collect (e.g. thinking
 of the marketing questions) the information - may it be polls,
 surveys ... within the Design team ... with other teams ... with
 end-users (who don't even know that we exist).

 Well, one can spend hours by replying to mails ... and its already time
 to go to bed. So a good night to everybody :-)


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Take inspiration from Lotus Symphony ?

2011-04-26 Thread Scott Pledger
This is actually very close to the design I'm currently working on for
LibreOffice and, indeed, partly its inspiration.  Much of the difference
between the implementation of Lotus Symphony and my design is that Lotus
Symphony's side bar does not constitute of panels which change based on what
the user has selected.

The overall design concept is copied below from my original posting to the
design mailing list:

I've had this idea for a while now and I wanted to see what everyone here
thought of it, so here it goes!

Its based on two simple premises.  First, I noticed that monitors are
getting wider but the documents we type up are still vertically oriented.
Secondly, I find floating toolbars to be extremely cumbersome.  So I decided
I'd try to tackle both of these issues in a simple, easy-to-use manner.
 Attached to this email is the concept that I currently have (or at least
the beginnings of it).  So, here's my plan:

   1. Have a single toolbar at the top that contains actions that can be
   used no matter what application you're using.
   2. Move any additional toolbars to the right hand side and organize them
   into groups based on what the user currently has selected.  So let's say
   you're editing a Writer document and you have some text selected that is in
   a Table.  You would have 3 primary categories (at the top of the right-hand
   part of the screen): Document, Table, and Text.  'Document' is always
   present and handles document-wide settings.  Table might contain
   subcategories of Row, Column, Cell, and Display.  All of these would contain
   toolbar items to modify aspects of these subcategories.  Text then, might
   contain Font, Paragraph, and Section as subcategories.  And so on and so
   forth.  I also had the idea that hovering over a primary category or a
   subcategory might emphasize what would be affected in the main document area
   by shading everything else, but I also know that that would not be a
   necessity.  For the purposes of the design, this right-hand area can be
   called the context tool panel.
   3. Move the menus to the left-hand side, placing them above whatever is
   typically the left side of any given LibreOffice application. (Impress/Draw
   - Slides, etc.).  Clicking one of these would then cause a panel to be
   displayed categorizing items in the same manner as the context tool panel
   which would contain the different actions the user can take.
   4. Possibly: Allow for LibreOffice to run everything from a single window
   by having a tab row at the top of the screen.  (I'm still not sold on this
   idea, so let me know what you think.)

When it came to actually designing this new layout, I tried to pull from the
current LibreOffice icons as much as possible, mainly because I think they
are absolutely awesome!

Also, I do want to be forthcoming - I'm no UX or Design professional.  I'm a
Computer Science major in the US, but I think that this kind of layout can
not only give LibreOffice one of the most unique and (in my mind) usable
User Interfaces on the planet, but I also think that it can help LibreOffice
to be the very best office suite on the planet.

The aforementioned attachments can be found here:

Yours Truly,

On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 16:48, RGB ES wrote:

 2011/4/26 Cyril Arnaud
  Most user I encountered (not that much, so there is no statistics behind
  this observation) are doing fine because they look around, search,
  experiment. But some users are afraid of searching, testing.
  That's why I find the Symphony's UI interesting. It's  shiny, you are
  more eager to play with it.

 Writer, for instance, is not an app that you can learn by trial and
 error: you need to sit down for a while and RTFM ;)
 But even if the interface could be improved and the learning curve
 lowered, it is also true that trial and error apps are useful only
 for simple tasks, and for simple tasks you can use abiword.
 You cannot please everybody. And you cannot drive a jet the same way
 you drive a bicycle. So the options are mainly two: to give normal
 and power users two different apps, or to build only one app but
 with two different UI.
 I think that ooo4kids is starting to work on the second possibility.

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Take inspiration from Lotus Symphony ?

2011-04-26 Thread Scott Pledger
Thanks!  One additional notion that I've had for it is to have any
extraneous popup windows be displayed as part of the menu hierarchy.  For
instance, the current Insert  Frame dialog box would be shown such that it
is a part of the menu itself.  I haven't sketched this out yet as I haven't
had time, but essentially the premise is that it would be embedded inside
it.  That way, the application does not feel as fragmented, but it has a
much more fluid feel to it.  Let me know what you think!

Yours Truly,
Scott R. Pledger

On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 10:43, Cyril Arnaud wrote:

 I depends if you want to save vertical space or horizontal space.
 Since most of the screen nowadays are wide screens, we have extra
 horizontal space, so we should save as much vertical space as possible.
 Therefore I think the menu on the right is indeed a good idea.


 On Tue, 2011-04-26 at 18:02 +0200, Christopher Stark wrote:

  I think a Tabs-Function for all
  open documents would be especially nice!The right
  column for special functions seems to be a good Idea
 too.Personally I don't like the Menu panel on the right side in that
  example. I think menus should stay horizontally on top of the
  gui.Best RegardsChristopherOn 4/26/2011 5:19 PM, Scott Pledger
 wrote:This is actually very close to the design I'm currently working on for
  LibreOffice and, indeed, partly its inspiration.  Much of the difference
  between the implementation of Lotus Symphony and my design is that Lotus
  Symphony's side bar does not constitute of panels which change based on
  the user has selected.
  The overall design concept is copied below from my original posting to
  design mailing list:
  I've had this idea for a while now and I wanted to see what everyone here
  thought of it, so here it goes!
  Its based on two simple premises.  First, I noticed that monitors are
  getting wider but the documents we type up are still vertically oriented.
  Secondly, I find floating toolbars to be extremely cumbersome.  So I
  I'd try to tackle both of these issues in a simple, easy-to-use manner.
   Attached to this email is the concept that I currently have (or at least
  the beginnings of it).  So, here's my plan:
 1. Have a single toolbar at the top that contains actions that can be
 used no matter what application you're using.
 2. Move any additional toolbars to the right hand side and organize
 into groups based on what the user currently has selected.  So let's
 you're editing a Writer document and you have some text selected that
 is in
 a Table.  You would have 3 primary categories (at the top of the
 part of the screen): Document, Table, and Text.  'Document' is always
 present and handles document-wide settings.  Table might contain
 subcategories of Row, Column, Cell, and Display.  All of these would
 toolbar items to modify aspects of these subcategories.  Text then,
 contain Font, Paragraph, and Section as subcategories.  And so on and
 forth.  I also had the idea that hovering over a primary category or a
 subcategory might emphasize what would be affected in the main
 document area
 by shading everything else, but I also know that that would not be a
 necessity.  For the purposes of the design, this right-hand area can
 called the context tool panel.
 3. Move the menus to the left-hand side, placing them above whatever
 typically the left side of any given LibreOffice application.
 -Slides, etc.).  Clicking one of these would then cause a panel to be
 displayed categorizing items in the same manner as the context tool
 which would contain the different actions the user can take.
 4. Possibly: Allow for LibreOffice to run everything from a single
 by having a tab row at the top of the screen.  (I'm still not sold on
 idea, so let me know what you think.)
  When it came to actually designing this new layout, I tried to pull from
  current LibreOffice icons as much as possible, mainly because I think
  are absolutely awesome!
  Also, I do want to be forthcoming - I'm no UX or Design professional.
  I'm a
  Computer Science major in the US, but I think that this kind of layout
  not only give LibreOffice one of the most unique and (in my mind) usable
  User Interfaces on the planet, but I also think that it can help
  to be the very best office suite on the planet.
  The aforementioned attachments can be found here:,
  On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 16:48, RGB ESrgb.mldc@gmail.comwrote:2011/4/26
 Cyril user I encountered (not that much,

Re: [libreoffice-design] Take inspiration from Lotus Symphony ?

2011-04-26 Thread Scott Pledger
Purely out of curiosity, how many people here prefer that the user's default
environment theme (GTK, Qt, etc.) be applied to LibreOffice versus how many
would rather see LibreOffice get its own look independent of the desktop

Yours Truly,
Scott R. Pledger

On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 11:06, Scott Pledger scottpledger2...@gmail.comwrote:

 Thanks!  One additional notion that I've had for it is to have any
 extraneous popup windows be displayed as part of the menu hierarchy.  For
 instance, the current Insert  Frame dialog box would be shown such that it
 is a part of the menu itself.  I haven't sketched this out yet as I haven't
 had time, but essentially the premise is that it would be embedded inside
 it.  That way, the application does not feel as fragmented, but it has a
 much more fluid feel to it.  Let me know what you think!

 Yours Truly,
 Scott R. Pledger

 On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 10:43, Cyril Arnaud cyril.arn...@gmail.comwrote:

 I depends if you want to save vertical space or horizontal space.
 Since most of the screen nowadays are wide screens, we have extra
 horizontal space, so we should save as much vertical space as possible.
 Therefore I think the menu on the right is indeed a good idea.


 On Tue, 2011-04-26 at 18:02 +0200, Christopher Stark wrote:

  I think a Tabs-Function for all
  open documents would be especially nice!The right
  column for special functions seems to be a good Idea
 too.Personally I don't like the Menu panel on the right side in that
  example. I think menus should stay horizontally on top of the
  gui.Best RegardsChristopherOn 4/26/2011 5:19 PM, Scott Pledger
 wrote:This is actually very close to the design I'm currently working on for
  LibreOffice and, indeed, partly its inspiration.  Much of the difference
  between the implementation of Lotus Symphony and my design is that Lotus
  Symphony's side bar does not constitute of panels which change based on
  the user has selected.
  The overall design concept is copied below from my original posting to
  design mailing list:
  I've had this idea for a while now and I wanted to see what everyone
  thought of it, so here it goes!
  Its based on two simple premises.  First, I noticed that monitors are
  getting wider but the documents we type up are still vertically
  Secondly, I find floating toolbars to be extremely cumbersome.  So I
  I'd try to tackle both of these issues in a simple, easy-to-use manner.
   Attached to this email is the concept that I currently have (or at
  the beginnings of it).  So, here's my plan:
 1. Have a single toolbar at the top that contains actions that can be
 used no matter what application you're using.
 2. Move any additional toolbars to the right hand side and organize
 into groups based on what the user currently has selected.  So let's
 you're editing a Writer document and you have some text selected that
 is in
 a Table.  You would have 3 primary categories (at the top of the
 part of the screen): Document, Table, and Text.  'Document' is always
 present and handles document-wide settings.  Table might contain
 subcategories of Row, Column, Cell, and Display.  All of these would
 toolbar items to modify aspects of these subcategories.  Text then,
 contain Font, Paragraph, and Section as subcategories.  And so on and
 forth.  I also had the idea that hovering over a primary category or
 subcategory might emphasize what would be affected in the main
 document area
 by shading everything else, but I also know that that would not be a
 necessity.  For the purposes of the design, this right-hand area can
 called the context tool panel.
 3. Move the menus to the left-hand side, placing them above whatever
 typically the left side of any given LibreOffice application.
 -Slides, etc.).  Clicking one of these would then cause a panel to be
 displayed categorizing items in the same manner as the context tool
 which would contain the different actions the user can take.
 4. Possibly: Allow for LibreOffice to run everything from a single
 by having a tab row at the top of the screen.  (I'm still not sold on
 idea, so let me know what you think.)
  When it came to actually designing this new layout, I tried to pull from
  current LibreOffice icons as much as possible, mainly because I think
  are absolutely awesome!
  Also, I do want to be forthcoming - I'm no UX or Design professional.
  I'm a
  Computer Science major in the US, but I think that this kind of layout
  not only give LibreOffice one of the most unique and (in my mind) usable
  User Interfaces on the planet, but I also think that it can help
  to be the very best office suite on the planet

[libreoffice-design] New Layout Concept

2011-04-20 Thread Scott Pledger
Hi all, this is my first time proposing something to such an important Open
Source project, so I hope I'm doing this correctly.
I've had this idea for a while now and I wanted to see what everyone here
thought of it, so here it goes!

Its based on two simple premises.  First, I noticed that monitors are
getting wider but the documents we type up are still vertically oriented.
Secondly, I find floating toolbars to be extremely cumbersome.  So I decided
I'd try to tackle both of these issues in a simple, easy-to-use manner.
 Attached to this email is the concept that I currently have (or at least
the beginnings of it).  So, here's my plan:

   1. Have a single toolbar at the top that contains actions that can be
   used no matter what application you're using.
   2. Move any additional toolbars to the right hand side and organize them
   into groups based on what the user currently has selected.  So let's say
   you're editing a Writer document and you have some text selected that is in
   a Table.  You would have 3 primary categories (at the top of the right-hand
   part of the screen): Document, Table, and Text.  'Document' is always
   present and handles document-wide settings.  Table might contain
   subcategories of Row, Column, Cell, and Display.  All of these would contain
   toolbar items to modify aspects of these subcategories.  Text then, might
   contain Font, Paragraph, and Section as subcategories.  And so on and so
   forth.  I also had the idea that hovering over a primary category or a
   subcategory might emphasize what would be affected in the main document area
   by shading everything else, but I also know that that would not be a
   necessity.  For the purposes of the design, this right-hand area can be
   called the context tool panel.
   3. Move the menus to the left-hand side, placing them above whatever is
   typically the left side of any given LibreOffice application. (Impress/Draw
   - Slides, etc.).  Clicking one of these would then cause a panel to be
   displayed categorizing items in the same manner as the context tool panel
   which would contain the different actions the user can take.
   4. Possibly: Allow for LibreOffice to run everything from a single window
   by having a tab row at the top of the screen.  (I'm still not sold on this
   idea, so let me know what you think.)

When it came to actually designing this new layout, I tried to pull from the
current LibreOffice icons as much as possible, mainly because I think they
are absolutely awesome!

Also, I do want to be forthcoming - I'm no UX or Design professional.  I'm a
Computer Science major in the US, but I think that this kind of layout can
not only give LibreOffice one of the most unique and (in my mind) usable
User Interfaces on the planet, but I also think that it can help LibreOffice
to be the very best office suite on the planet.  Also, let me know if this
was the wrong place to post - like I said, I'm new to this particular

Scott Pledger

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Re: [libreoffice-design] New Layout Concept

2011-04-20 Thread Scott Pledger
Oh, I see!  Well here are links to it:

Scott R. Pledger

On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 11:11, RGB ES wrote:

 2011/4/20 Scott Pledger
  Hi all, this is my first time proposing something to such an important
  Source project, so I hope I'm doing this correctly.
  I've had this idea for a while now and I wanted to see what everyone here
  thought of it, so here it goes!
  Its based on two simple premises.  First, I noticed that monitors are
  getting wider but the documents we type up are still vertically oriented.
  Secondly, I find floating toolbars to be extremely cumbersome.  So I
  I'd try to tackle both of these issues in a simple, easy-to-use manner.
   Attached to this email is the concept that I currently have (or at least
  the beginnings of it).  So, here's my plan:
1. Have a single toolbar at the top that contains actions that can be
used no matter what application you're using.
2. Move any additional toolbars to the right hand side and organize
into groups based on what the user currently has selected.  So let's
you're editing a Writer document and you have some text selected that
 is in
a Table.  You would have 3 primary categories (at the top of the
part of the screen): Document, Table, and Text.  'Document' is always
present and handles document-wide settings.  Table might contain
subcategories of Row, Column, Cell, and Display.  All of these would
toolbar items to modify aspects of these subcategories.  Text then,
contain Font, Paragraph, and Section as subcategories.  And so on and
forth.  I also had the idea that hovering over a primary category or a
subcategory might emphasize what would be affected in the main document
by shading everything else, but I also know that that would not be a
necessity.  For the purposes of the design, this right-hand area can be
called the context tool panel.
3. Move the menus to the left-hand side, placing them above whatever is
typically the left side of any given LibreOffice application.
- Slides, etc.).  Clicking one of these would then cause a panel to be
displayed categorizing items in the same manner as the context tool
which would contain the different actions the user can take.
4. Possibly: Allow for LibreOffice to run everything from a single
by having a tab row at the top of the screen.  (I'm still not sold on
idea, so let me know what you think.)
  When it came to actually designing this new layout, I tried to pull from
  current LibreOffice icons as much as possible, mainly because I think
  are absolutely awesome!
  Also, I do want to be forthcoming - I'm no UX or Design professional.
  I'm a
  Computer Science major in the US, but I think that this kind of layout
  not only give LibreOffice one of the most unique and (in my mind) usable
  User Interfaces on the planet, but I also think that it can help
  to be the very best office suite on the planet.  Also, let me know if
  was the wrong place to post - like I said, I'm new to this particular
  Scott Pledger

 This mailing list do not allow attachments, so if you sent one we
 cannot see it ;)
 The concept you present is quite similar to calligra suite interface:
 which, I agree, has very good concepts and a great potential.

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