Re: Repost: make foreach(i, a; range) "just work"

2014-02-21 Thread w0rp

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 02:34:30 UTC, Jesse Phillips wrote:

I don't see enough benefit for making this a language feature.

foreach(i, v1, v2; tuple(0,1).repeat(10).enumerate)
writeln(i, "\t", v1, "\t", v2);

This works today! And once enumerate is part of Phobos it will 
just need an import std.range to use it.


Re: [Fwd: Re: [go-nuts] Re: Generics false dichotomy]

2014-02-21 Thread ponce
On Thursday, 20 February 2014 at 20:26:40 UTC, Russel Winder 

On Mon, 2014-02-17 at 22:19 +, ponce wrote:
Granted code bloat is a real thing and you _might_ have 
instruction cache problems, but the problem only ever show 


Code bloat in what sense? Go is founded on static compilation 
so as to
avoid the dynamic library binding "problem". So executable are 
5 to
100MB which is code blat in my book. On the other hand they 
don't have

library versioning problems which is the bane of Posix.

I meant it in the sense of actual slowdown related to binary 
size, or impossibility to fit a program on some embedded hardware.

Re: Implement the "unum" representation in D ?

2014-02-21 Thread Ivan Kazmenko

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 05:21:53 UTC, Frustrated wrote:

I think though adding a "repeating" bit would make it even more
accurate so that repeating decimals within the bounds of maximum
bits used could be represented perfectly. e.g., 1/3 = 0....
could be represented perfectly with such a bit and sliding fp
type. With proper cpu support one could have 0.... * 3 = 1

I believe that the repeating decimals, or better, repeating 
binary fractions, will hardly be more useful than a rational 
representation like p/q.  The reason is, if we take a reciprocal 
1/q and represent it as a binary, decimal, or other fixed-base 
fraction, the representation is surely periodic, but the upper 
bound on the length of its period is as high as q-1, and it is 
not unlikely to be the exact bound.

For example, at , note that 
the binary fraction for 1/11 has period 10, and for 1/13 the 
period is 12.

Thus repeating decimal for a fraction p/q will take up to q-1 
bits when we store it as a repeating decimal, but log(p)+log(q) 
bits when stored as a rational number (numerator and denominator).

Ivan Kazmenko.

Re: Implement the "unum" representation in D ?

2014-02-21 Thread ponce

On Thursday, 20 February 2014 at 23:43:18 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
The unum variable length encoding is very similar to how 
msgpack packs integers. See msgpack-d on github for a superb 
implementation in D.

msgpack-d is indeed a great library that makes serialization 
almost instant to implement.

I implemented CBOR another binary encoding scheme and it was 
obvious CBOR brings nothing over msgpack, it even did worse with 
integer encoding.

Re: Preflight of DUB 0.9.21 (RC 5)

2014-02-21 Thread Sönke Ludwig

Am 20.02.2014 21:38, schrieb Jordi Sayol:

El 20/02/14 17:04, Sönke Ludwig ha escrit:

Hopefully the final release candidate has been uploaded. The new RPM package 
could need some testing:

dub rc5 binaries properly tested on Debian 6.

New rpm package properly tested on Fedora 14, Fedora 18 and OpenSUSE 12.4

Thanks a lot for testing! I'll tag this as a release if nothing else 
happens until then.

Will be a rpm 32-bit version?

Yes, should be no problem, but I'd like to load that off to the next 
version together with an outstanding automation issue (the RPM still 
needs to be uploaded manually in contrast to all the other files) and an 
improved download page layout.

Re: Ada conference, Ada and Spark

2014-02-21 Thread renoX

On Thursday, 20 February 2014 at 08:03:47 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
I have been following Ada at FOSDEM for the last years, and its 
use seems to be increasing in Europe for safety critical 
systems, mainly thanks to C and C++ issues.

Maybe this is an area where D could be pushed as well.

I don't think so: given that D is "C++ done right", it would 
require many (unlikely to happen) changes to become an 
interesting alternative for Ada: for example changing the 
semantic of integers!

That said, one question I should ask to Rust devs is why they 
didn't base Rust on Ada given their goals..


Re: Repost: make foreach(i, a; range) "just work"

2014-02-21 Thread Regan Heath
On Thu, 20 Feb 2014 16:30:42 -, Justin Whear  

On Thu, 20 Feb 2014 13:04:55 +, w0rp wrote:

More importantly, this gets in the way of behaviour which may be
desirable later, foreach being able to unpack tuples from ranges.
I would like if it was possible to return Tuple!(A, B) from front() and
write foreach(a, b; range) to interate through those thing, unpacking
the values with an alias, so this...

foreach(a, b; range) {

... could rewrite to roughly this. (There may be a better way.)

foreach(_someInternalName; range) {
 alias a = _someInternalName[0];
 alias b = _someInternalName[1];

Tuple unpacking already works in foreach.  This code has compiled since
at least 2.063.2:

import std.stdio;
import std.range;
void main(string[] args)
auto tuples = ["a", "b", "c"].zip(iota(0, 3));

// unpack the string into `s`, the integer into `i`
foreach (s, i; tuples)
writeln(s, ", ", i);

Does this work for more than 2 values?  Can the first value be something  
other than an integer?


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: Correct comparison of signed type with unsigned type (and vice versa)

2014-02-21 Thread ponce

On Thursday, 20 February 2014 at 20:52:23 UTC, Xinok wrote:

The following statement prints false:

writeln(-1 < uint.max);

I don't see this as a bug, this is exactly what I expect from a 
language with intact C integer semantics.

This came up in another topic recently. I think this is silly 

an unnecessary source of bugs (it's bitten me before and
presumably many others as well). I'm making a proposal to add an
extra check so that comparisons of signed with unsigned types is
always correct. Simply, if the signed type is negative, it is by
default less than the unsigned value.

That subtly breaks C compatiblity.

Others have suggested disallowing comparing a signed type with 

unsigned type. I think this is a better solution.

Currently in C the unsigned vs signed operations all follow the 
same rules. If you do this, would you also disallow unsigned vs 
signed addition, subtraction, divide?
I feel this would make porting C code much longer, and it's 
already quite a bit of work.

Re: Correct comparison of signed type with unsigned type (and vice versa)

2014-02-21 Thread ponce

On Thursday, 20 February 2014 at 22:52:55 UTC, Meta wrote:
I can't think of any C code that would rely on such behaviour, 
but I think it'd just be safer all-around to make it an error.

Eg this optimization:

if ((unsigned int)(a - min) < (max - min)) // only one 
comparison instead of two



And there is many C codes relying on unsigned promotion, since 
signed overflow in C99 is undefined behaviour. The easiest way to 
force an operation is then to use one cast.

Re: Repost: make foreach(i, a; range) "just work"

2014-02-21 Thread Regan Heath

My current thinking:

 - I still think adding index to range foreach is a good idea.
 - I realise that scheme #2 isn't workable.
 - I still like scheme #1 over tuple expansion as it avoids all the issues  
which make scheme #2 unworkable.

 - enumerate is not as flexible as many people seem to think.

On Fri, 21 Feb 2014 02:34:28 -, Jesse Phillips  

On Thursday, 20 February 2014 at 11:15:14 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
I am posting this again because I didn't get any feedback on my idea,  
which may be TL;DR or because people think it's a dumb idea and they  
were politely ignoring it :p

I certainly have wanted counts of the range iteration, but I do believe  
it becomes too complex to support and that even if we state 'i' is to  
represent a count and not an index, people will still want an index and  
expect it to be an index of their original range even though it makes no  
possible sense from the perspective of iterating over a different range  
from the original.

I don't understand how this is "complex to support"?  It's simple.  It's a  
count, not an index unless the range is indexable.  If people are going to  
expect an index here, they will expect one with enumerate as well - and  
are going to be equally disappointed.  So, they need to be aware of this  

I also don't find myself needing to count iterations very often, and I  
believe when I do, it is because I want to use that count as an index  
(possibly needing to add to some global count, but I don't need it  
enough to remember).

The justification for this change is the same as for enumerate.

It is common enough to make it important, and when it happens it's  
frustrating enough that it needs fixing.

My specific example didn't want an index, or rather it wanted an index  
into the result set which I believe is just as common if not more common  
than wanting an index into the source - especially given that they are  
often the same thing.

For example, I find myself using an index to control loop behaviour, most  
often for detecting the first and last iterations than anything else.  A  
counter will let you do that just as well as an index.

Scheme 1)

As Marc said, "ails backwards-compatibility." A change like this will  
never exist if it isn't backwards compatible. There are very few changes  
which will be accepted if backwards compatibility isn't preserved.

Sure.  I personally find this idea compelling enough to warrant some  
breakage, it is simple, powerful and extensible and avoids all the issues  
of optional indexes with tuple expansion.  But, I can see how someone  
might disagree.

Scheme 2)
However, if a type is given and the type can be unambiguously matched  
to a single tuple component then do so.

double[string] AA;
foreach (string k; AA) {} // k is "key"

While probably not common, what if one needed to switch key/value

string[double] AA;

or something similar, the type system no longer helps. But again, this  
seems pretty much uneventful.

Perhaps I wasn't clear, this would work fine:

string[double] AA;
foreach (string v; AA) {} // v is "value"
foreach (double k; AA) {} // k is "key"

or am I missing the point you're making?

foreach (i, k, v; AA.byPairs.enumerate) {}
foreach (i, k, v; AA) {} // better

Bringing this back to range iteration:

 foreach(i, v1, v2; tuple(0,1).repeat(10))
 writeln(i, "\t",v1, "\t",v2);

Later the range gets a new value, the foreach would still compile but be  

 foreach(i, v1, v2; tuple(0,1,2).repeat(10))
 writeln(i, "\t",v1, "\t",v2);

With enumerate, there is an error.

 foreach(i, v1, v2; tuple(0,1,2).repeat(10).enumerate)
 writeln(i, "\t", v1, "\t", v2);
Error: cannot infer argument types

Sure, this is an issue with having the optional index/count variable,  
which is not something foreach with enumerate allows.  This is another  
reason I prefer scheme #1, you never have this issue no matter what.

 foreach(i, v1, v2; tuple(0,1).repeat(10).enumerate)
 writeln(i, "\t", v1, "\t", v2);

This works today! And once enumerate is part of Phobos it will just need  
an import std.range to use it.

I don't believe this works today.  My understanding of what is currently  
supported is..

foreach(index, value; array) { }
foreach(value; range) { }// no support for index/count
foreach(key, value; tuple) { }   // no support for index/count

And, my understanding of enumerate is that it simply creates a tuple from  
an index and a range value, taking it from the range foreach case above,  
to the tuple foreach case.

This is not extensible to more than 2 values.  In fact, it's pretty  
limited until we get full built-in tuple expansion support.

To test this understanding I pulled down the source for enumerate and  
coded this up:

import std.stdio;
import std.range;
import std.typecons;

..paste enumerate here.. // line 5

void main()

Re: Repost: make foreach(i, a; range) "just work"

2014-02-21 Thread Regan Heath
On Fri, 21 Feb 2014 10:02:43 -, Regan Heath   

On Thu, 20 Feb 2014 16:30:42 -, Justin Whear  

On Thu, 20 Feb 2014 13:04:55 +, w0rp wrote:

More importantly, this gets in the way of behaviour which may be
desirable later, foreach being able to unpack tuples from ranges.
I would like if it was possible to return Tuple!(A, B) from front() and
write foreach(a, b; range) to interate through those thing, unpacking
the values with an alias, so this...

foreach(a, b; range) {

... could rewrite to roughly this. (There may be a better way.)

foreach(_someInternalName; range) {
 alias a = _someInternalName[0];
 alias b = _someInternalName[1];

Tuple unpacking already works in foreach.  This code has compiled since
at least 2.063.2:

import std.stdio;
import std.range;
void main(string[] args)
auto tuples = ["a", "b", "c"].zip(iota(0, 3));

// unpack the string into `s`, the integer into `i`
foreach (s, i; tuples)
writeln(s, ", ", i);

Does this work for more than 2 values?  Can the first value be something  
other than an integer?

Answered this myself.  What is supported is:

foreach(key, value; tuple) { }

But, what is not supported is more than 2 values.


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: Repost: make foreach(i, a; range) "just work"

2014-02-21 Thread Regan Heath
On Thu, 20 Feb 2014 17:09:31 -, Steven Schveighoffer  

On Thu, 20 Feb 2014 11:07:32 -0500, Regan Heath   

Only if the compiler prefers opApply to range methods, does it?

It should. If it doesn't, that is a bug.

The sole purpose of opApply is to interact with foreach. If it is masked  
out, then there is no point for having opApply.


So, if we had this support which I am asking for:

foreach(index, value; range) { }

And, if someone adds opApply to that range, with a different type for the  
first variable then an existing foreach (using index, value) is likely to  
stop compiling due to type problems.

This seems acceptable to me.

There is an outside chance it might keep on compiling, like if 'i' is not  
used in a strongly typed way, i.e. passed to a writefln or similar.  In  
this case we have silently changed behaviour.

Is this acceptable?


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Formal review of std.lexer

2014-02-21 Thread Dicebot

This is follow-up by Brian to his earlier proposal 
( This time proposed 
module focuses instead on generic lexer generation as discussed 
in matching voting thread.


Example topics to evaluate during review:
 - Feasibility of overall design and concept
 - Quality of documentation
 - Consistency with existing Phobos modules
 - Overall quality of implementation

Initial review will end on March the 8th.

Re: Correct comparison of signed type with unsigned type (and vice versa)

2014-02-21 Thread Francesco Cattoglio

On Thursday, 20 February 2014 at 20:52:23 UTC, Xinok wrote:
Others have suggested disallowing comparing a signed type with 

unsigned type. I think this is a better solution. Yes, it will
add a small bit of overhead, but I believe it's more important
for code to be correct than to be fast.
I totally agree. However, since we need correct code, we need way 
more features than this. I was surprised to find out that we 
don't have any "SafeInt" type in D... I was sure someone had made 
it but I wasn't able to find it anywhere.

My ideal int type:
-Has an equivalent of NaN, meaning it doesn't have "0 
initialization" which is somewhat bug-prone.
-Is able to signal errors like overflow/division by zero, would 
be nice if throwing could be avoided.
-Signed, but can be flagged as ">0 only", and signals an error if 
it gets assigned a negative value.
-Some extra features that are surely awesome but I'm forgetting 
right now.

Any takers?

Man, I wish I had time :S

Re: Why is int implicitly convertible to ulong?

2014-02-21 Thread Hannes Steffenhagen

The specific problem here was when working with std.json.

std.json distinguishes between UINTEGER and INTEGER, so I had 
code like

static if(is(T : ulong)) {
// must be UINTEGER
} else static if(is(T : long)) {
// can be either INTEGER or UINTEGER

I've since found out about isSigned and isUnsigned, still it was 
mighty confusing for me that the first case was selected for 
signed types.

Re: Formal review of std.lexer

2014-02-21 Thread Vladimir Panteleev

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 12:12:17 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

First of all, thank you for the great work. This is a very 
important project.

I'll begin with reviewing the documentation.


Some simple explanation of the terminology and concepts would be 
nice. At least a link to Wikipedia.

Create the string array costants for your language.

Typo ("costants")


An inline complete example of a very simple language would be 

A lexer for D is available here.

Although good to have, this is too much to take in all at once, 
for documentation purposes.

A lexer for Lua is available here.

Nary a comment in sight. This might serve as the example lexer if 
only it was better commented. The comments can be copy-pasted 
from the module documentation, even that would make the code much 
easier to grok.

Template Parameter Definitions

What does this mean? Parameters to what template?

Can this section be moved to inside the documentation of Lexer, 
and Lexer be moved to the first documented symbol in the file?

A function that serves as the default token lexing function. 
For most languages this will be the identifier lexing function.

Should the function signature and contracts be explained here?

This function must return bool and take a single size_t 
argument representing the number of bytes to skip over before 
looking for a separating character.

I think it's better to describe the signature in D syntax rather 
than English.

A listing of tokens whose value is variable, such as 
whitespace, identifiers, number literals, and string literals.

No mention of how the list is represented (is it an array? what 
type of elements should the array have? how are the array values 
used?), the reader is left to figure that out from the example 

Template for determining the type used for a token type. 
Selects the smallest unsigned integral type that is able to 
hold the value staticTokens.length + dynamicTokens.length + 
possibleDefaultTokens.length. For example if there are 20 
static tokens, 30 dynamic tokens, and 10 possible default 
tokens, this template will alias itself to ubyte, as 20 + 30 + 
10 < ubyte.max.

Should this be documented? I understand that this will be 
instantiated only once, by std.lexer.

Utility declarations should preferably be at the end of the 
module, so that they appear last in the documentation.

Generates the token type identifier for the given symbol. There 
are two special cases:

Are these magic constants necessary? Why not declare them as 

 In all cases this template will alias itself to a constant of 
type IdType. This template will fail at compile time if symbol 
is not one of the staticTokens, dynamicTokens, or 

Style nit: D symbols should be wrapped in the $D(...) macro.

== overload for the the token type.

Is it really necessary to document opEquals?

But since it's here: how does it interact with extraFields?

The Column number at which this token occurs.

There was a lot of bikeshedding regarding the correct terminology 
to use when adding -vcolumns to DMD ( ). I 
think the documentation should at least mention what exactly it 
is counting.

A function that serves as the default token lexing function. 
For most languages this will be the identifier lexing function.

What should the function's name be? How will it interact with 
Lexer? (It's not clear that this refers to the 
defaultTokenFunction parameter, especially after the previous 
list item, popFront, is a different piece of the puzzle.)

The documentation for Lexer's arguments seem to be thrown all 
around the module. I suggest to document them only once, all in 
Lexer's DDoc, add example signatures, and move Lexer to the top 
of the module.

struct CalculatorLexer

I think this should be expanded into a full, well-documented 
example featured in the module DDoc.


Where did that come from? Perhaps you meant Lexer's DDoc to say 
"which should call this mixin's _popFront()", and the DDoc 
escaped the _ character? If so, why not use a named mixin to 
disambiguate instead of _?

struct LexerRange;
struct StringCache;

These are thoroughly documented, but will they be used by 
anything other than std.lexer?

Re: Ada conference, Ada and Spark

2014-02-21 Thread Paulo Pinto

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 10:01:41 UTC, renoX wrote:
On Thursday, 20 February 2014 at 08:03:47 UTC, Paulo Pinto 

I have been following Ada at FOSDEM for the last years, and 
its use seems to be increasing in Europe for safety critical 
systems, mainly thanks to C and C++ issues.

Maybe this is an area where D could be pushed as well.

I don't think so: given that D is "C++ done right", it would 
require many (unlikely to happen) changes to become an 
interesting alternative for Ada: for example changing the 
semantic of integers!

That said, one question I should ask to Rust devs is why they 
didn't base Rust on Ada given their goals..


That is easy to answer, I doubt they could with their rule of not 
having more than 5 characters per keyword. :)


Re: Ada conference, Ada and Spark

2014-02-21 Thread Francesco Cattoglio

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 12:56:32 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
That is easy to answer, I doubt they could with their rule of 
not having more than 5 characters per keyword. :)

Wait, what? REALLY? What kind of rule is that.
ahahahha... are they stuck to the 70's? :D

Re: Why is int implicitly convertible to ulong?

2014-02-21 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Friday, February 21, 2014 12:41:07 Hannes Steffenhagen wrote:
> The specific problem here was when working with std.json.
> std.json distinguishes between UINTEGER and INTEGER, so I had
> code like
> static if(is(T : ulong)) {
>  // must be UINTEGER
> } else static if(is(T : long)) {
>  // can be either INTEGER or UINTEGER
> }
> I've since found out about isSigned and isUnsigned, still it was
> mighty confusing for me that the first case was selected for
> signed types.

Well, it is using : - which means implicit conversion, which is always 
something that you should be careful with in generic code. Technically, 
something like

struct S
ulong ul;
alias ul this;

would match it as well, and depending on what the code inside the static if is 
like, it might work, but there's also a good chance that it wouldn't. Using 
is(T == ulong) if you want to require that it be exactly ulong, or 
isUnsigned!T if you want any unsigned integral type. Using implicit conversion 
in generic code _can_ be useful, but you need to be _very_ careful with it.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Correct comparison of signed type with unsigned type (and vice versa)

2014-02-21 Thread Nick Treleaven

On 20/02/2014 20:52, Xinok wrote:

Others have suggested disallowing comparing a signed type with an
unsigned type.

Yes, that solution is pre-approved:

I think that's a very important bug to solve.

Re: Ada conference, Ada and Spark

2014-02-21 Thread Paulo Pinto
On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 13:08:37 UTC, Francesco Cattoglio 

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 12:56:32 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
That is easy to answer, I doubt they could with their rule of 
not having more than 5 characters per keyword. :)

Wait, what? REALLY? What kind of rule is that.
ahahahha... are they stuck to the 70's? :D

Yes really,

I just cannot find the Reddit thread any longer.

Re: Repost: make foreach(i, a; range) "just work"

2014-02-21 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Fri, 21 Feb 2014 06:21:39 -0500, Regan Heath   

On Thu, 20 Feb 2014 17:09:31 -, Steven Schveighoffer  

On Thu, 20 Feb 2014 11:07:32 -0500, Regan Heath   

Only if the compiler prefers opApply to range methods, does it?

It should. If it doesn't, that is a bug.

The sole purpose of opApply is to interact with foreach. If it is  
masked out, then there is no point for having opApply.


So, if we had this support which I am asking for:

foreach(index, value; range) { }

And, if someone adds opApply to that range, with a different type for  
the first variable then an existing foreach (using index, value) is  
likely to stop compiling due to type problems.

This seems acceptable to me.

I think any type that does both opApply and range iteration is asking for  
problems :) D has a nasty way of choosing "all or nothing" for overloads,  
meaning it may decide "this is a range" or "this is opApply", but if you  
have both, it picks one or the other.

I'd rather see it do:

1. can I satisfy this foreach using opApply? If yes, do it.
2. If not, can I satisfy this foreach using range iteration?

This may be how it works, I honestly don't know.

There is an outside chance it might keep on compiling, like if 'i' is  
not used in a strongly typed way, i.e. passed to a writefln or similar.   
In this case we have silently changed behaviour.

Is this acceptable?

Adding opApply is changing the API of the range. If the range does  
something different based on whether you use the range interface or  
opApply, then this is a logic error IMO.

The easiest thing is to just not use opApply and range primitives together  
:) One separation I like to use in my code is that you use opApply on a  
container, but range primitives on a range for that container. And a  
container is not a range.


Re: Preflight of DUB 0.9.21 (RC 5)

2014-02-21 Thread Russel Winder
On Thu, 2014-02-20 at 17:04 +0100, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
> Hopefully the final release candidate has been uploaded. The new RPM 
> package could need some testing:

The 64-bit Tarball for Linux works for me on Debian Unstable. Haven't
had chance to test other things yet.

Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip:
41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp:
London SW11 1EN, UK   w:  skype: russel_winder

Re: switch()

2014-02-21 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 2/16/14, Manu  wrote:
> requiring an empty 'default: break;' line at the end is annoying and noisy.

Guys, I keep seeing this line being mentioned but you don't actually
have to type "break":

void main()
int x;
switch (x)
case 1:

// this works fine

Re: Repost: make foreach(i, a; range) "just work"

2014-02-21 Thread Regan Heath
On Fri, 21 Feb 2014 14:29:37 -, Steven Schveighoffer  

On Fri, 21 Feb 2014 06:21:39 -0500, Regan Heath   

On Thu, 20 Feb 2014 17:09:31 -, Steven Schveighoffer  

On Thu, 20 Feb 2014 11:07:32 -0500, Regan Heath   

Only if the compiler prefers opApply to range methods, does it?

It should. If it doesn't, that is a bug.

The sole purpose of opApply is to interact with foreach. If it is  
masked out, then there is no point for having opApply.


So, if we had this support which I am asking for:

foreach(index, value; range) { }

And, if someone adds opApply to that range, with a different type for  
the first variable then an existing foreach (using index, value) is  
likely to stop compiling due to type problems.

This seems acceptable to me.

I think any type that does both opApply and range iteration is asking  
for problems :) D has a nasty way of choosing "all or nothing" for  
overloads, meaning it may decide "this is a range" or "this is opApply",  
but if you have both, it picks one or the other.

I'd rather see it do:

1. can I satisfy this foreach using opApply? If yes, do it.
2. If not, can I satisfy this foreach using range iteration?

This may be how it works, I honestly don't know.

There is an outside chance it might keep on compiling, like if 'i' is  
not used in a strongly typed way, i.e. passed to a writefln or  
similar.  In this case we have silently changed behaviour.

Is this acceptable?

Adding opApply is changing the API of the range. If the range does  
something different based on whether you use the range interface or  
opApply, then this is a logic error IMO.

The easiest thing is to just not use opApply and range primitives  
together :) One separation I like to use in my code is that you use  
opApply on a container, but range primitives on a range for that  
container. And a container is not a range.

Makes sense to me. :)


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: Repost: make foreach(i, a; range) "just work"

2014-02-21 Thread Daniel Murphy
"Steven Schveighoffer"  wrote in message 

I'd rather see it do:

1. can I satisfy this foreach using opApply? If yes, do it.
2. If not, can I satisfy this foreach using range iteration?

This may be how it works, I honestly don't know.

It is. 

Re: More Illuminating Introductory Code Example on

2014-02-21 Thread NVolcz

On Wednesday, 12 February 2014 at 20:49:54 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
On Wednesday 19:th of Februari I'm giving my first talk on D 
for my fellow collegues at my consultant firm office HiQ, 
Linköping, Sweden.

If any of you are in the neighbourhood please let me know and I 
will invite you. The lecture will most likely be held in 

I couldn't make it. How did it go?

Re: Repost: make foreach(i, a; range) "just work"

2014-02-21 Thread Jesse Phillips

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 11:12:54 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:

 - enumerate is not as flexible as many people seem to think.

Only seeing the enumerate missing the ability to optionally add 
an index, but if you aren't adding an index you don't need 

On Fri, 21 Feb 2014 02:34:28 -, Jesse Phillips 
I don't understand how this is "complex to support"?  It's 
simple.  It's a count, not an index unless the range is 
indexable.  If people are going to expect an index here, they 
will expect one with enumerate as well - and are going to be 
equally disappointed.  So, they need to be aware of this 

You've provided 3 schemes to support this feature. This suggest 
there are several "right" ways to bring this into the language, 
while you prefer 1 someone may prefer 3.

At least with enumerate one will need to go to the documentation 
which explains enumerate doesn't provide an index... I haven't 
actually reviewed the docs.

I also don't find myself needing to count iterations very 
often, and I believe when I do, it is because I want to use 
that count as an index (possibly needing to add to some global 
count, but I don't need it enough to remember).

The justification for this change is the same as for enumerate.

It is common enough to make it important, and when it happens 
it's frustrating enough that it needs fixing.

I disagree. Enumerate is satisfactory (since it isn't in Phobos I 
can see it as frustrating).

For example, I find myself using an index to control loop 
behaviour, most often for detecting the first and last 
iterations than anything else.  A counter will let you do that 
just as well as an index.

I wonder if there is a change to the algorithm which would allow 
you to not need the first/last iteration. I think this is the 
main reason I don't need a count, I've learned different ways to 
solve a problem. Which is beneficial since it leads to chaining 
functions instead of relying on foreach.

Sure.  I personally find this idea compelling enough to warrant 
some breakage, it is simple, powerful and extensible and avoids 
all the issues of optional indexes with tuple expansion.  But, 
I can see how someone might disagree.

Yes, I understand. But D is at a stage in its life when not every 
little detail can be polished. Believe me, D has other areas 
which need polishing but can't be.

string[double] AA;

or something similar, the type system no longer helps. But 
again, this seems pretty much uneventful.

Perhaps I wasn't clear, this would work fine:

string[double] AA;
foreach (string v; AA) {} // v is "value"
foreach (double k; AA) {} // k is "key"

or am I missing the point you're making?

if AA is changed to a double[string], then your value loop 
iterates on keys and your key loop iterates on values.

foreach(i, v1, v2; tuple(0,1).repeat(10).enumerate)
writeln(i, "\t", v1, "\t", v2);

This works today! And once enumerate is part of Phobos it will 
just need an import std.range to use it.

I tested all my claims about enumerate. You need it to import 
std.traits or else is(Largest(...)) will always be false.

Re: Ada conference, Ada and Spark

2014-02-21 Thread Thiez

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 14:27:48 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 13:08:37 UTC, Francesco 
Cattoglio wrote:

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 12:56:32 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
That is easy to answer, I doubt they could with their rule of 
not having more than 5 characters per keyword. :)

Wait, what? REALLY? What kind of rule is that.
ahahahha... are they stuck to the 70's? :D

Yes really,

I just cannot find the Reddit thread any longer.

That is not true, Rust has several keywords that are more than 5 
characters, such as 'continue'. The full list is here: . It is 
true that they prefer short keywords over long ones. It used to 
be the case that 'loop' could mean 'continue' but people found it 
confusing so it was fixed.

Re: Repost: make foreach(i, a; range) "just work"

2014-02-21 Thread Regan Heath
On Fri, 21 Feb 2014 15:35:44 -, Jesse Phillips  
You've provided 3 schemes to support this feature. This suggest there  
are several "right" ways to bring this into the language, while you  
prefer 1 someone may prefer 3.

Ignore the 3 schemes they were just me thinking about how what I actually  
want will affect built in tuple expansion etc.

I want just 1 thing to change (at this time), an index added to foreach  
over ranges so that it matches arrays, e.g.

foreach(index, value; range) { }

The code change is likely quite literally just adding an int to the  
foreach handler for ranges, passing it to the foreach body, and  
incrementing it afterwards.  That's it, well, plus the front end code to  
bind the variable.

All I am suggesting is that we take what we currently have:

foreach([index, ]value; array) { }
foreach(value; range) { }
foreach(key, value; tuple) { }

and make this possible too:

foreach([index, ]value; range) { }

string[double] AA;

or something similar, the type system no longer helps. But again, this  
seems pretty much uneventful.

Perhaps I wasn't clear, this would work fine:

string[double] AA;
foreach (string v; AA) {} // v is "value"
foreach (double k; AA) {} // k is "key"

or am I missing the point you're making?

if AA is changed to a double[string], then your value loop iterates on  
keys and your key loop iterates on values.

No, I was actually suggesting a change here, the compiler would use type  
matching not ordering to assign the variables.  So because 'v' is a  
string, it is bound to the value not the key.

foreach(i, v1, v2; tuple(0,1).repeat(10).enumerate)
writeln(i, "\t", v1, "\t", v2);

This works today! And once enumerate is part of Phobos it will just  
need an import std.range to use it.

I tested all my claims about enumerate. You need it to import std.traits  
or else is(Largest(...)) will always be false.

Thanks!  Ok, so how is this working?  ahh, ok I think I get it.  enumerate  
returns a range, whose values are Tuples of index/value where value is  
also a tuple so is flattened, and then the whole lot is flattened into the  

So, while the range foreach only supports:

foreach(value; range) { }

value in this case is a flattened tuple of (index, v1, v2, ...)


I had completely forgotten about tuple flattening.

I don't think this affects what I actually want to change, we can have:

foreach(index, value; range) { }

and still flatten tuples into value, you would simply have to provide one  
extra variable to get an index.

Make sense?


Using Opera's revolutionary email client:

Re: Repost: make foreach(i, a; range) "just work"

2014-02-21 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Fri, 21 Feb 2014 09:58:58 -0500, Daniel Murphy  

"Steven Schveighoffer"  wrote in message  

I'd rather see it do:

1. can I satisfy this foreach using opApply? If yes, do it.
2. If not, can I satisfy this foreach using range iteration?

This may be how it works, I honestly don't know.

It is.

Good, thank you for checking!


Re: Why is int implicitly convertible to ulong?

2014-02-21 Thread Ali Çehreli

On 02/21/2014 04:41 AM, Hannes Steffenhagen wrote:

The specific problem here was when working with std.json.

std.json distinguishes between UINTEGER and INTEGER, so I had code like

static if(is(T : ulong)) {
 // must be UINTEGER
} else static if(is(T : long)) {
 // can be either INTEGER or UINTEGER

I've since found out about isSigned and isUnsigned, still it was mighty
confusing for me that the first case was selected for signed types.

I have something like the following in an experimental std.json code 
that converts to JSONValue.

Since std.json uses long for the value, I attempt to detect data loss 
when the value is a large ulong:

JSONValue to(Target : JSONValue, T)(T value)
/* ... */

} else static if (is (T : long)) {
static if (is (T == ulong)) {
enforce(value <= long.max,
format("Data loss: %s %s cannot fit a long.",
   T.stringof, value));

json.type = JSON_TYPE.INTEGER;
json.integer = value;

} else static if (is (T : real)) {


Re: Formal review of std.lexer

2014-02-21 Thread Joseph Cassman

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 12:12:17 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

This is follow-up by Brian to his earlier proposal 
( This time proposed 
module focuses instead on generic lexer generation as discussed 
in matching voting thread.


Thanks for all the work Brian. Read through the previous threads 
about the development of this code (links at the bottom) and I 
can see a lot of effort has gone into it. So the following 
comments may come across as uninformed, but hopefully they will 
be helpful.

1. StringCache is a custom hash table. It looks like it's primary 
role is to reduce some sort of duplication. Hash tables, though, 
are difficult to get right. So perhaps could a benchmark 
comparison be made against the built-in HT to show what savings 
it brings? Since it is in the public interface should its payload 
also be public? Although it is built using GC.malloc how about 
the in-the-works std.allocator module? Perhaps a version 1 could 
use GC.malloc but if a later PR could make it possible to use a 
custom allocator that would be nice.

2. I like the fact that a range interface is provided. I realize 
that the previous discussions stipulated the use of ubyte to 
avoid encoding work during scanning. The reasoning about 
performance makes sense to me. That being the case, could a code 
example be provided showing how to use this module to scan a 
UTF-8 encoded string? Even if this is going to focus only on 
scanning code files, the D language spec allows for arbitrary 
Unicode in a code file. How is this possible? (I have a general 
idea, just looking for some explicit code sample help).

3. I tried to understand the reason for and usage of the 
"extraFields" parameter in "TokenStructure" but couldn't figure 
it out. Could some more explanation of its intent and usage be 

4. Do you want the commented-out pragma statement left over on 
line 601?

5. Should the template "TokenId" perhaps be something like 
"generateTokenId" instead? I am not sure what an "Id" for a token 
means. Is it an integral hash value? Had difficulty seeing how it 
ties in with the concept of "value" in the header documentation. 
If this is a numerical hash of a string token, why is the string 
still stored and used in "tokenStringRepresentation"? I probably 
am missing something big but couldn't the number be used to 
represent the string everywhere, saving on time and space?

6. I tried but had difficulty understanding the difference 
between the four token types -- "staticTokens", "dynamicTokens", 
"possibleDefaultTokens", "tokenHandlers" -- provided as arguments 
to "Lexer". What is a token that has a value that changes versus 
a token that does not change? I am not sure where to put my token 

7. Just thinking about using the module and I would like to use 
it to make a scanner for xml, json, csv, c/c++, etc. I wasn't 
able to figure out how to do so, however. The initial code 
example is nice. But could some additional guidance be provided? 
Also, I wasn't sure how to make use of a lexer once created. The 
documentation focuses well on how to initialize a "Lexer" but 
could some guidance also be provided on how to use one past 

8. Andrei's trie search 
seemed like a really interesting idea. And I saw in that thread 
you continued with his ideas. Does this module incorporate that 
work? Or was it less performant in the end?

9. I ran "dmd -cov" against the module and got zero percent unit 
test coverage. Perhaps adding some test code will help clarify 
usage patterns?

You have put a lot of work into this code so I apologize if the 
above comes across as picking it apart. Just some questions I had 
in trying to make use of the code. Hopefully some of it is 


Other related posts

Re: Correct comparison of signed type with unsigned type (and vice versa)

2014-02-21 Thread Xinok

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 10:45:50 UTC, ponce wrote:
I don't see this as a bug, this is exactly what I expect from a 
language with intact C integer semantics.

I didn't call it a bug. I said that it's prone to causing bugs.

That subtly breaks C compatibility.

Personally, I wish we would drop some of the C semantics and 
allow the language evolve. In it's place, add a function 
attribute which would enable C semantics for the sake of 
migrating code.

Currently in C the unsigned vs signed operations all follow the 
same rules. If you do this, would you also disallow unsigned vs 
signed addition, subtraction, divide?

Unfortunately, those operations don't have such simple solutions. 
D is a statically typed language and the compiler simply can't 
predict what the resultant type should be. However, comparisons 
do have a simple fix with minimal overhead.

Re: Implement the "unum" representation in D ?

2014-02-21 Thread Chris Williams

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 09:04:40 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:
I believe that the repeating decimals, or better, repeating 
binary fractions, will hardly be more useful than a rational 
representation like p/q.

Yeah, in retrospect I would say that a binary layout like:

numberator length | +- | numerator | divisor

Might be a stronger solution, or at least one which offers 
different advantages over what we have today. It still wouldn't 
be able to represent pi accurately, since it isn't a rational 
number, but I wouldn't be surprised if a rational number exists 
that could be represented than can be represented in IEEE format.

Re: Ada conference, Ada and Spark

2014-02-21 Thread Tobias Pankrath
On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 17:25:48 UTC, Francesco Cattoglio 

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 15:57:32 UTC, Thiez wrote:
That is not true, Rust has several keywords that are more than 
5 characters, such as 'continue'. The full list is here: . It 
is true that they prefer short keywords over long ones.
I knew there was no hard-coded limit, but this "try to keep 
keywords short" sounds really stupid to me. No offence to 
designers, but I really don't think we should save some spar 
characters in 2014... I do all my coding on a remote SSH, but 
still I have plenty of screen space to spare ;)

My first glance:
"priv" instead of "private"... bleah! At least it's clear enough
"mut"... what is this? "mutable", "mutex", perhaps "mute"?
"impl" could be several different things, too, but I guess it's 

And "continue" being a different keyword some time ago. In the 
end they changed it. Tons of discussions and stuff; was it 
worth saving 3 characters, after all?

I hope their standard library is at least WAY more verbose... 
Otherwise I pity casual Rust programmers :D

Depends on how often and where you write those keywords. mut 
seems to be quite common and even in D I would not like 
'reference' more than 'ref', especially since it is used in 
parameter lists.

Re: Ada conference, Ada and Spark

2014-02-21 Thread Brian Rogoff

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 14:27:48 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 13:08:37 UTC, Francesco 
Cattoglio wrote:

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 12:56:32 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
That is easy to answer, I doubt they could with their rule of 
not having more than 5 characters per keyword. :)

Wait, what? REALLY? What kind of rule is that.
ahahahha... are they stuck to the 70's? :D

Yes really,

I just cannot find the Reddit thread any longer.

Obviously, there is no rule in Rust that keywords have no more 
than 5 letters (return, extern, ...) but the designers favor 
short keywords, maybe a bit much for my taste. OTOH, I prefer 
their preference for favoring immutability and expression 
oriented style to D's statement oriented preference. The latest 
version of Ada tries to fix Ada a bit in this regard

but it's a bit late. I'm glad to hear that Ada use is increasing 
somewhere, but I don't see it in any market I look at.

The Rust designers are targetting C and C++ users, with a 
different vision than Walter and Andrei's as to what constitutes 
"C++ done right", and some specific applications, like Servo.

-- Brian

Re: Formal review of std.lexer

2014-02-21 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2014-02-21 18:06, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Can we please defer this by one week?

Just make the review period one week longer.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Ada conference, Ada and Spark

2014-02-21 Thread Francesco Cattoglio

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 15:57:32 UTC, Thiez wrote:
That is not true, Rust has several keywords that are more than 
5 characters, such as 'continue'. The full list is here: . It 
is true that they prefer short keywords over long ones.
I knew there was no hard-coded limit, but this "try to keep 
keywords short" sounds really stupid to me. No offence to 
designers, but I really don't think we should save some spar 
characters in 2014... I do all my coding on a remote SSH, but 
still I have plenty of screen space to spare ;)

My first glance:
"priv" instead of "private"... bleah! At least it's clear enough
"mut"... what is this? "mutable", "mutex", perhaps "mute"?
"impl" could be several different things, too, but I guess it's 

And "continue" being a different keyword some time ago. In the 
end they changed it. Tons of discussions and stuff; was it worth 
saving 3 characters, after all?

I hope their standard library is at least WAY more verbose... 
Otherwise I pity casual Rust programmers :D

Re: Formal review of std.lexer

2014-02-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 2/21/14, 2:12 PM, Dicebot wrote:

This is follow-up by Brian to his earlier proposal
( This time proposed module
focuses instead on generic lexer generation as discussed in matching
voting thread.


Example topics to evaluate during review:
  - Feasibility of overall design and concept
  - Quality of documentation
  - Consistency with existing Phobos modules
  - Overall quality of implementation

Initial review will end on March the 8th.

Can we please defer this by one week?



Re: Repost: make foreach(i, a; range) "just work"

2014-02-21 Thread Justin Whear
On Fri, 21 Feb 2014 10:02:43 +, Regan Heath wrote:

> On Thu, 20 Feb 2014 16:30:42 -, Justin Whear
>  wrote:
>> On Thu, 20 Feb 2014 13:04:55 +, w0rp wrote:
>>> More importantly, this gets in the way of behaviour which may be
>>> desirable later, foreach being able to unpack tuples from ranges.
>>> I would like if it was possible to return Tuple!(A, B) from front()
>>> and write foreach(a, b; range) to interate through those thing,
>>> unpacking the values with an alias, so this...
>>> foreach(a, b; range) {
>>> }
>>> ... could rewrite to roughly this. (There may be a better way.)
>>> foreach(_someInternalName; range) {
>>>  alias a = _someInternalName[0];
>>>  alias b = _someInternalName[1];
>>> }
>> Tuple unpacking already works in foreach.  This code has compiled since
>> at least 2.063.2:
>> import std.stdio;
>> import std.range;
>> void main(string[] args)
>> {
>> auto tuples = ["a", "b", "c"].zip(iota(0, 3));
>> // unpack the string into `s`, the integer into `i`
>> foreach (s, i; tuples)
>> writeln(s, ", ", i);
>> }
> Does this work for more than 2 values?  Can the first value be something
> other than an integer?
> R

Yes to both questions.  In the following example I use a four element 
tuple, the first element of which is a string:

import std.stdio;
import std.range;
void main(string[] args)
auto tuples = ["a", "b", "c"].zip(iota(0, 3), [1.2, 2.3, 3.4], ['x', 
'y', 'z']);
foreach (s, i, f, c; tuples)
writeln(s, ", ", i, ", ", f, ", ", c);

Compiles with dmd 2.063.2

Re: Ada conference, Ada and Spark

2014-02-21 Thread Paulo Pinto

Am 21.02.2014 16:57, schrieb Thiez:

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 14:27:48 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 13:08:37 UTC, Francesco Cattoglio wrote:

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 12:56:32 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

That is easy to answer, I doubt they could with their rule of not
having more than 5 characters per keyword. :)

Wait, what? REALLY? What kind of rule is that.
ahahahha... are they stuck to the 70's? :D

Yes really,

I just cannot find the Reddit thread any longer.

That is not true, Rust has several keywords that are more than 5
characters, such as 'continue'. The full list is here: . It is true
that they prefer short keywords over long ones. It used to be the case
that 'loop' could mean 'continue' but people found it confusing so it
was fixed.

What I was arguing in that old thread was things like pub vs public, mut 
vs mutable and so on.

I have a strong ML background as my university teachers were quite found 
of ML and we had a few courses using Caml Light.

So I do like Rust and my issue back then was why to short those keywords 
and similar.

Then again as I come from Pascal family of languages and always liked a 
bit verbosity, instead of the write only way of C.


Re: Implement the "unum" representation in D ?

2014-02-21 Thread Frustrated

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 07:42:36 UTC, francesco cattoglio

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 05:21:53 UTC, Frustrated wrote:

I think though adding a "repeating" bit would make it even more
accurate so that repeating decimals within the bounds of 

bits used could be represented perfectly. e.g., 1/3 = 0....
could be represented perfectly with such a bit and sliding fp
type. With proper cpu support one could have 0.... * 3 = 1

By having two extra bits one could represent constants to any
degree of accuracy. e.g., the last bit says the value 

the ith constant in some list. This would allow very common
irrational constants to be used: e, pi, sqrt(2), etc...
Unfortunately maths (real world maths) isn't made by "common" 
constants. More, such a "repeating bit" should become a 
"repeating counter", since you usually get a certain number of 
repeating digits, not just a single one.

I disagree. Many computations done by computers involve constants
in the calculation... pi, e, sqrt(2), sqrt(-1), many physical
constants, etc. The cpu could store these constants at a higher
bit resolution than standard, say 128 bits or whatever.

For floating points, the 3rd last bit could represent a 

decimal or they could be used in the constants for common
repeating decimals. (since chances are, repeated calculations
would not produce repeating decimals)
Things like those are cool and might have their application 
(I'm thinking mostly at message passing via TCP/IP), but have 
no real use in scientific computation. If you want good 
precision, you might as well be better off with bignum numbers.

Simply not true. Maple, for example, uses constants and can
compute using constants. It might speed up the calculations
significantly if one could compute at the cpu level using
constants. e.g. pi*sqrt(2) is just another constant. 2*pi is
another constant. Obviously there is a limit to the number of
constants one can store but one can encode many constants easily
without storage. (where the "index" itself is used as the value)

Also, the cpu could reduce values to constants... so if you have
a fp value that is 3.14159265. or whatever, the cpu could
convert this to the constant pi since for all purposes it is
pi(even if it is just an approximation or pi - 1/10^10).

Basically the benefit of this(and potential) outweigh the cost of
1 bit out of 64-bits. I doubt anyone would miss it. In fact,
probably no real loss NaN could be a constant, in which case
you would have only one rather than the 2 billion or whatever you
have now).

Re: Repost: make foreach(i, a; range) "just work"

2014-02-21 Thread Jesse Phillips

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 16:41:00 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:

and make this possible too:

foreach([index, ]value; range) { }

I understand the user interface is simple, but you created 3 
statements about how it could be achieved and work/not work with 
the existing setup. Each have their positives and negatives, it 
would not make sense to "just choose one" and hope it all works 

if AA is changed to a double[string], then your value loop 
iterates on keys and your key loop iterates on values.

No, I was actually suggesting a change here, the compiler would 
use type matching not ordering to assign the variables.  So 
because 'v' is a string, it is bound to the value not the key.

And string is the key, double[string] is not the same as 

Also string[string], ambiguous yet common.

There are many things to consider when adding a feature, it is 
not good to ignore what can go wrong.

Thanks!  Ok, so how is this working?  ahh, ok I think I get it.
 enumerate returns a range, whose values are Tuples of 
index/value where value is also a tuple so is flattened, and 
then the whole lot is flattened into the foreach.

Sounds like you understand it, seams foreach will flatten all 

I don't think this affects what I actually want to change, we 
can have:

foreach(index, value; range) { }

and still flatten tuples into value, you would simply have to 
provide one extra variable to get an index.

Make sense?

Yes, but I'm saying we don't need it because

foreach(index, value; range.enumerate) { }

is good enough. Not perfect, but good enough.

Re: More Illuminating Introductory Code Example on

2014-02-21 Thread Francesco Cattoglio

On Wednesday, 12 February 2014 at 20:49:54 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:

What do you think, fellow D programmers?

What are the odds of getting a color-enabled "terminal output"?
We could try to produce some simple ascii art :D

Re: Formal review of std.lexer

2014-02-21 Thread Dicebot

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 17:15:41 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2014-02-21 18:06, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Can we please defer this by one week?

Just make the review period one week longer.

This. There is no real rationale behind existing default review 
period so extending it until March the 15th won't cause any 

Re: Formal review of std.lexer

2014-02-21 Thread Brian Schott
Does this mean that you're finally getting approval to release 
your lexer generator?

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 17:06:23 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Can we please defer this by one week?



Re: Implement the "unum" representation in D ?

2014-02-21 Thread Francesco Cattoglio

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 19:12:39 UTC, Frustrated wrote:

Simply not true. Maple, for example, uses constants and can
compute using constants.
You are mixing symbolic calculus and numerical computations. The 
two are completely unrelated.
Basically the benefit of this(and potential) outweigh the cost 

1 bit out of 64-bits.
Unless I'm completely mistaken, what you are proposing is 
basically creating a tagged union type. It's pretty much 
unrelated from the "unum" proposed by the PDF.

Re: Ada conference, Ada and Spark

2014-02-21 Thread Matej Nanut
On 21 February 2014 20:00, Tobias Pankrath  wrote:

> Depends on how often and where you write those keywords. mut seems to be
> quite common and even in D I would not like 'reference' more than 'ref',
> especially since it is used in parameter lists.

I think Rust's "pub", "priv" and "fn" are just silly. But I don't mind
"mut". However it might've been nicer if you didn't have to write "let mut"
but just "mut".

What made Rust a no-go for me was when I tried to write a generic sort. I
still can't figure out how to swap two elements in an array ("vector"). The
implementation in their std lib for "swap" has an unsafe block... (And I
don't want a GC or RC requirement for the array.)

Re: Implement the "unum" representation in D ?

2014-02-21 Thread Frustrated

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 19:59:36 UTC, Francesco Cattoglio

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 19:12:39 UTC, Frustrated wrote:

Simply not true. Maple, for example, uses constants and can
compute using constants.
You are mixing symbolic calculus and numerical computations. 
The two are completely unrelated.
Basically the benefit of this(and potential) outweigh the cost 

1 bit out of 64-bits.
Unless I'm completely mistaken, what you are proposing is 
basically creating a tagged union type. It's pretty much 
unrelated from the "unum" proposed by the PDF.

Yes, I mentioned that would could extend floating points to
include other representations that are more efficient and reduce
errors and such.

Re: Implement the "unum" representation in D ?

2014-02-21 Thread Frustrated

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 09:04:40 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 05:21:53 UTC, Frustrated wrote:

I think though adding a "repeating" bit would make it even more
accurate so that repeating decimals within the bounds of 

bits used could be represented perfectly. e.g., 1/3 = 0....
could be represented perfectly with such a bit and sliding fp
type. With proper cpu support one could have 0.... * 3 = 1

I believe that the repeating decimals, or better, repeating 
binary fractions, will hardly be more useful than a rational 
representation like p/q.  The reason is, if we take a 
reciprocal 1/q and represent it as a binary, decimal, or other 
fixed-base fraction, the representation is surely periodic, but 
the upper bound on the length of its period is as high as q-1, 
and it is not unlikely to be the exact bound.

For example, at , note 
that the binary fraction for 1/11 has period 10, and for 1/13 
the period is 12.

Thus repeating decimal for a fraction p/q will take up to q-1 
bits when we store it as a repeating decimal, but log(p)+log(q) 
bits when stored as a rational number (numerator and 

No, you are comparing apples to oranges. The q is not the same in
both equations.

The number of bits for p/q when p and q are stored separately is
log[2](p) + log[2](q). But when p/q is stored as a repeating
decimal(assuming it repeats), then it is a fixed constant
dependent on the number of bits.

So in some cases the rational expression is cheaper and in other
cases the repeating decimal is cheaper.

e.g., .1 in theory could take 1 bit to represent wile 1/9
takes 1 + 4 = 5.

(the point being is that the rational representation sometimes
takes way more bits than the repeating decimal representation,
other times it doesn't. Basically if we use n bits to represent
the repeating decimal we can't represent repetitions that require
more than n bits, in this case a rational expression may be
cheaper. If we use some type of compression then rational
expressions would, in general, be cheaper the larger n is.


1/9 takes 5 bits to represent as as a rational faction(4 if we
require the numerator to be 1).

0.1 takes 1 bit to represent in theory but for n bits, it
takes n bits.

1/9 = /10^8 = 0.000111... in decimal. Which takes 6 bits
to store(000111).

If n was large and fixed then I think statistically it would be
best to use rational expressions rather than repeating decimals.
But rational expressions are not unique and that may cause some
problems with representation... unless the cpu implemented some
algorithms for reduction. 1/9 = 10/90 but 10/90 takes way more
bits to represent than 1/9 even though they represent the same
repeating decimal and the repeating decimals bits are fixed.

In any case, if the fpu had a history of calculations it could
potentially store the calculations in an expression tree and
attempt to reduce them. e.g., p/q*(q/p) = 1. A history could also
be useful for constants in that multiplying several constants
together could produce a new constant which would not introduce
any new accumulation errors.

Future of D on alternate platforms

2014-02-21 Thread Frustrated

How difficult is it to port D code to future projects on
alternate platforms(mainly coming from win) and, if needed be, a
compiler for those platforms?

At this point, I'm wondering how difficult code I'm writing for
windows will be to port to, say, the iOS, mac, arm, and more
likely, embedded systems such as the tigerSharc, etc.

I've heard many times the LLVM compiler mentioned in the forums
and it seems to be able to compile D code to any platform the
compiler supports(but somehow independent of D... maybe it
compiles it to an intermediate language?).

My goal at this point is to use D on windows to create some
algorithmic software and then potentially port it to some
embedded system with minimal rewrite of the core code. e.g., I
don't want to have to rewrite the algorithms in C and use the
compiler tools for that system. If that was the case there is
little reason to use D in the first place.

Obviously there is no magic compiler that will do it all. I'm
curious though as to the possibility. In 2 years could one expect
D to be more widely used on other systems? I see people already
getting D started on ARM and iOS so it seems feasible that in the
near future it would be relatively easy to port the
code(obviously there are functional differences due to the OS but
I'm talking about the cpu issues at this point).

Re: More Illuminating Introductory Code Example on

2014-02-21 Thread Nordlöw

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 16:06:04 UTC, NVolcz wrote:

On Wednesday, 12 February 2014 at 20:49:54 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
On Wednesday 19:th of Februari I'm giving my first talk on D 
for my fellow collegues at my consultant firm office HiQ, 
Linköping, Sweden.

If any of you are in the neighbourhood please let me know and 
I will invite you. The lecture will most likely be held in 

I couldn't make it. How did it go?

It went great!

At least four of them said they will start hacking D as soon as 
they get the time.

I will be holding more lectures in Linköping if I get the chance.

Here's a reference to my lecture notes:

Please correct anything if you get the chance.

There's also the Facebook group "Software Craftsmanship Group 
Linköping" you could follow at


Re: More Illuminating Introductory Code Example on

2014-02-21 Thread Nordlöw

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 16:06:04 UTC, NVolcz wrote:

On Wednesday, 12 February 2014 at 20:49:54 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
On Wednesday 19:th of Februari I'm giving my first talk on D 
for my fellow collegues at my consultant firm office HiQ, 
Linköping, Sweden.

If any of you are in the neighbourhood please let me know and 
I will invite you. The lecture will most likely be held in 

I couldn't make it. How did it go?

How are you by the way?

Do you live in Sweden?


Open Source Report Card

2014-02-21 Thread w0rp
Someone shared a fun little website with me. It does some kind of 
analysis on information it can find about you on the web and give 
you a summary of who you are as a programmer.

"w0rp is a trend setting D coder who loves pushing code." :D

It's pretty cool how it refers you to other people in the D 

Re: Open Source Report Card

2014-02-21 Thread 1100110

On 2/21/14, 16:38, w0rp wrote:

Someone shared a fun little website with me. It does some kind of
analysis on information it can find about you on the web and give you a
summary of who you are as a programmer.

"w0rp is a trend setting D coder who loves pushing code." :D

It's pretty cool how it refers you to other people in the D community.

Ah, you flatter me.
But I assure you I am amateur at best, Script kiddie at worst.

But that's a pretty neat website.

Re: Formal review of std.lexer

2014-02-21 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 2/21/14, Joseph Cassman  wrote:
> 1. StringCache is a custom hash table. It looks like it's primary
> role is to reduce some sort of duplication.

It's used for string interning.

> 3. I tried to understand the reason for and usage of the
> "extraFields" parameter in "TokenStructure" but couldn't figure
> it out. Could some more explanation of its intent and usage be
> provided?

You could used it to inject a toString method. Here's what I did when I used it:

alias Token = TokenStructure!(TokID,
/// Better string representation
void toString(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink) const
import std.conv;
import %s;

sink(": ");
sink(this.text ? this.text : tokToString(this.type));

Side-note: Note how I've had to inject an import statement to my own
module because the string is mixed-in at the declaration site of a
module which I can't modify, where IIRC tokToString didn't exist
because it's located in *my* module. It's interesting how you can use
this feature in D, IOW:

module mymodule;
import other_module;
void foo() { }
mixin_elsewhere!("import mymodule; foo();");

module other_module;
void mixin_elsewhere(string str)()

P.S. the DLexer links here:

I've used it to learn how to use DLexer, here's my more-documented
version of the above if it helps anyone, which also takes the D
parser's whitespace function and uses that in order to track column
numbers, it injects a toString like I've mentioned, and adds some
static asserts for sanity checks:

Re: Formal review of std.lexer

2014-02-21 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 2/21/14, Andrej Mitrovic  wrote:
> I've used it to learn how to use DLexer, here's my more-documented
> version of the above if it helps anyone, which also takes the D
> parser's whitespace function and uses that in order to track column
> numbers, it injects a toString like I've mentioned, and adds some
> static asserts for sanity checks:

Hmm, maybe I should make a pull request upstream?

Re: Formal review of std.lexer

2014-02-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 2/21/14, 9:51 PM, Brian Schott wrote:

Does this mean that you're finally getting approval to release your
lexer generator?

Affirmative. It'll happen Real Soon Now(tm).


Re: Open Source Report Card

2014-02-21 Thread Paulo Pinto

Am 21.02.2014 22:38, schrieb w0rp:

Someone shared a fun little website with me. It does some kind of
analysis on information it can find about you on the web and give you a
summary of who you are as a programmer.

"w0rp is a trend setting D coder who loves pushing code." :D

It's pretty cool how it refers you to other people in the D community.

Quite funny, I had a laugh when applied to my projects.

Re: Formal review of std.lexer

2014-02-21 Thread Brian Schott
On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 22:14:36 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic 

Hmm, maybe I should make a pull request upstream?

You should.

Re: Open Source Report Card

2014-02-21 Thread Namespace

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 21:38:30 UTC, w0rp wrote:
Someone shared a fun little website with me. It does some kind 
of analysis on information it can find about you on the web and 
give you a summary of who you are as a programmer.

"w0rp is a trend setting D coder who loves pushing code." :D

It's pretty cool how it refers you to other people in the D 

I found it an hour ago as I'd searched for an old project of 
mine. I was shocked at first. But nice thing.

Modules and debugging in DWARF

2014-02-21 Thread Iain Buclaw

Hi all,

I've been making some changes in GDC that will eventually be made 
updated to be specially handled in GDB when it comes to non-local 
symbol lookup, completion, etc.

Here's the current implementation in a brief nutshell.  It's a 
bit rough, but hopefully someone with knowledge of DMD's 
internals may understand it well enough to update the DMD backend 
to produce the correct debug code.

The the debug generation of 'module foo' emits a DW_TAG_module at 
the file name and location of the module foo.  If there is no 
module declaration in the file, then the location defaults to 
line 1 in the source file.

/* module foo; */
 <1><2d>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_module)
<2e>   DW_AT_name: foo
<32>   DW_AT_decl_file   : 1
<33>   DW_AT_decl_line   : 2

Packages are handled by emitting the parent tags first, then the 
sub-modules in order.  Children of parent modules are referenced 
using DW_AT_sibling.

/* module; */
 <1><2d>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_module)
<2e>   DW_AT_name: std
<32>   DW_AT_decl_file   : 1
<33>   DW_AT_decl_line   : 2
 <2><38>: Abbrev Number: 3 (DW_TAG_module)
<39>   DW_AT_name: (indirect string, offset: 0xe0): 

<3d>   DW_AT_decl_file   : 1
<3e>   DW_AT_decl_line   : 2
/* module; */
 <1><4d>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_module)
<4e>   DW_AT_name: std
<52>   DW_AT_decl_file   : 2
<53>   DW_AT_decl_line   : 3
 <2><58>: Abbrev Number: 3 (DW_TAG_module)
<59>   DW_AT_name: (indirect string, offset: 0x4b): 

<5d>   DW_AT_decl_file   : 2
<5e>   DW_AT_decl_line   : 3

The DW_TAG_module being emitted twice isn't intentional here.  
And more a side effect of the front-end sending two different 
instantiations of the same 'std' package to the backend.  If it 
is genuinely needed, then expect this to change when I come round 
to it.

Imported modules are tagged with DW_TAG_imported_module, and the 
DW_AT_import points to the external module declaration.

/* import object.d.  */
 <3><3f>: Abbrev Number: 4 (DW_TAG_imported_module)
<40>   DW_AT_decl_file   : 1
<41>   DW_AT_decl_line   : 1
<42>   DW_AT_import  : <0x53>   [Abbrev Number: 6 

 <1><53>: Abbrev Number: 6 (DW_TAG_module)
<54>   DW_AT_name: (indirect string, offset: 0x0): 

<58>   DW_AT_declaration : 1

Renamed imports are identical, but with the addition of 
DW_AT_name to reference the alias.

/* import simd = core.simd;  */
 <3><46>: Abbrev Number: 5 (DW_TAG_imported_module)
<47>   DW_AT_decl_file   : 1
<48>   DW_AT_decl_line   : 4
<49>   DW_AT_name: (indirect string, offset: 0x81): 
<4d>   DW_AT_import  : <0x63>   [Abbrev Number: 6 

 <1><58>: Abbrev Number: 7 (DW_TAG_module)
<59>   DW_AT_name: (indirect string, offset: 0x8d): 

<5d>   DW_AT_decl_file   : 2
<5e>   DW_AT_decl_line   : 13
<5f>   DW_AT_sibling : <0x69>
 <2><63>: Abbrev Number: 6 (DW_TAG_module)
<64>   DW_AT_name: (indirect string, offset: 0x81): 

<68>   DW_AT_declaration : 1

And currently I'm testing selective imports to be represented as 
DW_TAG_imported_declaration.  Don't have any examples for yet, 
but it looks like it would be the imported declaration tag 
pointing to the real declaration.


Re: [Fwd: Re: [go-nuts] Re: Generics false dichotomy]

2014-02-21 Thread deadalnix

On Thursday, 20 February 2014 at 22:33:34 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

Am 20.02.2014 23:09, schrieb Walter Bright:

On 2/20/2014 12:17 PM, Paulo Pinto wrote:
I used common base object in Turbo Pascal, C++, Oberon(-2), 
Java and C#,

before the said languages got any form of generics.
I don't miss those days.

Isn't it interesting how the "OOP everywhere" mantra of the 
late 80's /

early 90's has largely disappeared?

Yes, like every new paradigm I think people tend to go 

Last example is the discussion about OOP vs FP, when most 
languages used in such discussions are actually multi-paradigm, 
even if they are

functional first vs object first.

Regarding OO, it is interesting to see how after all those 
years we are
finally getting to the interfaces/traits usage coupled with 
generics, with little inheritance. Ideally of course, many 
people still haven't got to it.


That makes me sad that D has Java's object model rather than 
let's say, scala's (which work with traits/interfaces).

Re: [Fwd: Re: [go-nuts] Re: Generics false dichotomy]

2014-02-21 Thread Walter Bright

On 2/21/2014 5:27 PM, deadalnix wrote:

That makes me sad that D has Java's object model rather than let's say, scala's
(which work with traits/interfaces).

D's object model works with interfaces.

Re: [Fwd: Re: [go-nuts] Re: Generics false dichotomy]

2014-02-21 Thread deadalnix
On Saturday, 22 February 2014 at 01:36:48 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 2/21/2014 5:27 PM, deadalnix wrote:
That makes me sad that D has Java's object model rather than 
let's say, scala's

(which work with traits/interfaces).

D's object model works with interfaces.

I'm talking about this:

Re: Open Source Report Card

2014-02-21 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 21:38:30 UTC, w0rp wrote:
Someone shared a fun little website with me. It does some kind 
of analysis on information it can find about you on the web and 
give you a summary of who you are as a programmer.

"w0rp is a trend setting D coder who loves pushing code." :D

It's pretty cool how it refers you to other people in the D 

Ha, it said the same thing about me, and all I've ever done is 
submit a few typo corrections to some D related projects.

I wish it were true.

Re: [Fwd: Re: [go-nuts] Re: Generics false dichotomy]

2014-02-21 Thread Jesse Phillips

On Saturday, 22 February 2014 at 01:39:28 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
On Saturday, 22 February 2014 at 01:36:48 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 2/21/2014 5:27 PM, deadalnix wrote:
That makes me sad that D has Java's object model rather than 
let's say, scala's

(which work with traits/interfaces).

D's object model works with interfaces.

I'm talking about this:

Two notes,

Creating an array required casting the first item to the common 

D doesn't let you creating a new object and implement an 
interface. It seems that std.typecons is getting tripped up on 
the final method fly() so it can't be used either.

Re: Open Source Report Card

2014-02-21 Thread Orvid King

On Fri, 21 Feb 2014 15:38:29 -0600, w0rp  wrote:

Someone shared a fun little website with me. It does some kind of  
analysis on information it can find about you on the web and give you a  
summary of who you are as a programmer.

"w0rp is a trend setting D coder who loves pushing code." :D

It's pretty cool how it refers you to other people in the D community.

Apparently I am a C# coder (have been for the last 3 years, only came into  
real D dev within the last year or so), and yet "It seems like Orvid is—or  
should be—friends with jacob-carlborg."

Re: [Fwd: Re: [go-nuts] Re: Generics false dichotomy]

2014-02-21 Thread Meta
On Saturday, 22 February 2014 at 02:52:37 UTC, Jesse Phillips 

On Saturday, 22 February 2014 at 01:39:28 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
On Saturday, 22 February 2014 at 01:36:48 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 2/21/2014 5:27 PM, deadalnix wrote:
That makes me sad that D has Java's object model rather than 
let's say, scala's

(which work with traits/interfaces).

D's object model works with interfaces.

I'm talking about this:

Two notes,

Creating an array required casting the first item to the common 

D doesn't let you creating a new object and implement an 
interface. It seems that std.typecons is getting tripped up on 
the final method fly() so it can't be used either.

This code works fine:

Re: [Fwd: Re: [go-nuts] Re: Generics false dichotomy]

2014-02-21 Thread Jesse Phillips

On Saturday, 22 February 2014 at 03:03:18 UTC, Meta wrote:

This code works fine:

That is an anonymous class, that is defining and instantiating 
the class, which isn't what the scala code was doing. (BTW this 
feature was added because Java could do it).

Re: [Fwd: Re: [go-nuts] Re: Generics false dichotomy]

2014-02-21 Thread Meta
On Saturday, 22 February 2014 at 03:41:29 UTC, Jesse Phillips 

On Saturday, 22 February 2014 at 03:03:18 UTC, Meta wrote:

This code works fine:

That is an anonymous class, that is defining and instantiating 
the class, which isn't what the scala code was doing. (BTW this 
feature was added because Java could do it).

Sorry, I thought you meant it doesn't allow you to create a new 
object that implements a certain interface, instead of creating a 
new object and then implement an interface. Looking at the Scala 
example again, I see it is indeed different.

Re: Repost: make foreach(i, a; range) "just work"

2014-02-21 Thread Jesse Phillips

On Thursday, 20 February 2014 at 19:34:17 UTC, w0rp wrote:

 I suppose the next step after that would be to
support nested unpacking, but that would require a change in
syntax so it would be much more complicated.

You mean this?

void main() {
import std.typecons : tuple;
import std.range : repeat;
foreach(k,v1, v2; tuple(1, tuple(2, 3)).repeat(4))

Yeah, that works.

Re: Open Source Report Card

2014-02-21 Thread Rikki Cattermole

On Friday, 21 February 2014 at 21:38:30 UTC, w0rp wrote:
Someone shared a fun little website with me. It does some kind 
of analysis on information it can find about you on the web and 
give you a summary of who you are as a programmer.

"w0rp is a trend setting D coder who loves pushing code." :D

It's pretty cool how it refers you to other people in the D 

"Richard Andrew Cattermole is an epic D coder (one of the 28% 
most active D users) who loves pushing code. Richard is a 
fulltime hacker who works best around midnight."

Tis interesting this site.